Automatic Skin Tone Extraction for Visagism Applications
Diana Borza
, Adrian Darabant
and Radu Danescu
Computer Science Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,
28 Memorandumului Street , 400114, Cluj Napoca, Romania
Computer Science Department, Babes Bolyai University,
58-60 Teodor Mihali Street, C333,
Cluj Napoca 400591, Romania
Keywords: Skin Tone, Color Classification, Support Vector Machine, Convolutional Neural Networks.
Abstract: In this paper we propose a skin tone classification system on three skin colors: dark, medium and light. We
work on two methods which don’t require any camera or color calibration. The first computes color
histograms in various color spaces on representative facial sliding patches that are further combined in a large
feature vector. The dimensionality of this vector is reduced using Principal Component Analysis a Support
Vector Machine determines the skin color of each region. The skin tone is extrapolated using a voting schema.
The second method uses Convolutional Neural Networks to automatically extract chromatic features from
augmented sets of facial images. Both algorithms were trained and tested on publicly available datasets. The
SVM method achieves an accuracy of 86.67%, while the CNN approach obtains an accuracy of 91.29%. The
proposed system is developed as an automatic analysis module in an optical visagism system where the skin
tone is used in an eyewear virtual try-on software that allows users to virtually try glasses on their face using
a mobile device with a camera. The system proposes only esthetically and functionally fit frames to the user,
based on some facial features skin tone included.
In modern society, physical look is an essential aspect
and people often resort to several fashion tips to
enhance their appearance. Recently, a new concept
based on the search of beauty has emerged visagism
(Juillard, 2016). Its main goal is to ensure the perfect
harmony between one`s personality and appearance,
by using some tricks (shape and color of the
eyeglasses, hairstyle, makeup etc.) to attenuate or, on
the contrary, to highlight some features of the face.
Spectacles sales represent more than 50% of the
overall market share. In 2015 the global eyewear
market was valued 102.66 billion USD and is
continuously expanding (Grand View Research,
2016). An important step in the proposal and selling
of eyeglasses is the choice of the frame; this decision
must take into account several factors (such as the
shape of the face, skin tone, and the eye color etc.),
and opticians do not have knowledge in handling
these aspects. An automatic framework that
accurately classifies these features can assist
customers in making the appropriate choice at a much
smaller cost than training multiple employees in the
field of visagism or using fully qualified estheticians.
Soft biometrics complement the identity
information provided by traditional biometric
systems using physical and behavioral traits of the
individuals (iris and skin color, gender, gait etc.); they
are non-obtrusive, don’t require human cooperation
and can still provide valuable information. Skin tone
represents a valuable soft biometric trait.
In this paper, we propose an automatic skin tone
classification system mainly intended for the specific
use case of eyeglasses selection. Recently, several
virtual eyeglasses try-on applications have been
developed and their databases typically contain
thousands of digitized 3D frames. Physically trying a
large number of frames in reality is time challenging
and the prospective eyewear buyer often loses interest
early in the process. A virtual try-on system assisted
by an intelligent module that is able to select the
frames esthetically and physically adapted to the user
transforms this choice in a playful recreation. Each
pair of virtual eyeglasses is given a score for each
facial feature trait (gender, skin tone, hair color, shape
of the face) and its total score is computed by a
Borza, D., Darabant, A. and Danescu, R.
Automatic Skin Tone Extraction for Visagism Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0006711104660473
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2018) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-290-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
weighted average of these features and the glasses are
displayed to the used in decreasing order of their
The proposed system automatically detects the
skin tone and it is integrated in this frame selection
method. For this particular use-case, the
differentiation of skin tones into three classes (dark,
medium and light) is sufficient.
Color classification is highly sensitive to
capturing devices and illumination conditions; in the
case of skin tone classification, the problem is even
harder, due to the fact the skin tones are very close
and similar, and these perturbing factors have an even
higher impact. Moreover, skin color labelling is often
found subjective even by trained practitioners
(Fitzpatrick, 1998).
We propose and compare two methods for
classifying the skin tone. The first method uses the
conventional stages of machine learning: region of
interest selection, feature extraction and
classification. Its main contributions consist in
combining and organizing multiple color-spaces into
histograms of skin patches and reducing the resulting
feature space so that only the features with high
discriminative power are kept for voting. A Support
Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is trained and used
to assign the skin color label to each skin patch.
The second method uses deep learning: the
classical stages of machine learning replaced by the
convolutional neural network (CNN) which also
learns the features which are relevant in the
classification problem.
For the training and testing steps, we have
gathered and annotated facial images from the
Internet and from different publicly available
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: in Section 2 we describe the state of the art
methods used for skin detection and skin color
classification and in Section 3 we detail the proposed
solution. The experimental results are discussed in
Section 4. Section 5 provides the conclusions and
directions for future work.
Most of the research conducted on skin color analysis
is focused on skin detection (Kakumanu et al., 2007)
because of its usefulness in many computer vision
tasks such as face detection and tracking (Pujol et al.,
The first attempt to create a taxonomy for skin
color was made in 1897 by Felix von Luschan who
defined a chromatic scale with 36 categories (von
Luschan, 1879). The classification was performed by
comparing the subject`s skin with painted glass tiles.
This color scale is rather problematic as it is often
inconsistent: trained practitioners give different
results to the same skin tone. Although it was largely
used in early anthropometric studies, nowadays the
von Luschan chromatic scale is replaced by novel
spectro-photometric methods (Thibodeau et al.,
1997). The Fitzpatrick scale (Fitzpatrick, 1988) is a
recognized dermatological tool for skin type
classification. This classification schema was
developed in 1975 and it uses six skin color classes to
describe sun-tanning behavior. However, this scale
needs training and is subjective.
Color is a prominent feature for image
representation and has the important advantage of
being invariant to geometrical transformations.
However, color classification proves to be a difficult
task mainly due to the influence of the illumination
conditions: a simple change in the light source, its
nature or illumination level can strongly affect the
color appearance of the object. Moreover, the
classification performance is also limited by the
quality of the image capturing devices.
Recently, with the new developments in computer
vision several works attempted to classify skin color
from images. In (Jmal et al., 2014) the skin tone is
roughly classified into two classes: light and dark. The
face region is first extracted with a general face
detector (Viola and Jones, 2001) and the skin pixels are
determined by applying some thresholds on the R, G,
B channels. To classify the skin tone, several distances
between the test frame and two reference frames are
analyzed. This method achieves 87% accuracy on a
subset of the Color FERET image database.
In (Boaventura et al., 2006) the skin color is
differentiated into three classes: dark, brown and
light, using 27 inference rules and fuzzy sets
generated from the R, G, B values of each pixel. The
method was trained and evaluated on images from the
AR dataset and images from the Internet and it
achieves a hit rate above 70%. Finer classifications
(16 skin tones) are proposed in (Harville et al., 2005)
and (Yoon et al., 2006), but these methods involve the
use of a color calibration target that contains several
predefined colors arranged in a distinctive pattern.
The calibration pattern is used for color normalization
and skin tone classification.
In the context of racial or ethnical classification
from facial images (Fu et al., 2014), some methods
use the skin tone as a cue for the race (Xie et al.,
2012), especially in the case of degraded facial
images, where other features cannot be exploited.
Automatic Skin Tone Extraction for Visagism Applications
Skin color tones are close to each other and
illumination changes make color even harder to
distinguish. Although, in the field of dermatology
(Fitzpatrick, 1988) and anthropometry (von Luschan,
1897) the skin color is classified at a higher
granularity level (using 6 and 36 skin tones,
respectively), for the particular applications of
visagism and soft biometrics and a simple taxonomy
with three classes (light, medium and dark) is
sufficient. More complex classification schemes are
highly subjective and pose problems even for trained
human practitioners. A model with six colors would
probably be ideal as the six tones would closely match
what we can distinguish visually amongst different
regions and human races as predominant skin colors.
However, practical studies (Boaventura et al., 2006)
show that natural, non-influenced classification of
skin colors as performed by humans would contain
only three classes: white/light, brown and black.
However, even with three classes, the classification is
Figure 1: Example of skin patches belonging to the three
skin tone classes.
Given these aspects, in the remaining of this paper
we only consider the three above classes, based on the
idea that when a finer classification is needed it can
be derived from these three. Figure 1 shows some
skin tone examples belonging to each skin tone class.
This paper presents a fully automatic skin tone
classification framework that does not require any
prior camera calibration or additional calibration
patterns. We propose and compare two methods for
classifying the skin tone into three classes: light,
medium and dark.
The first method uses support vector machine and
histograms of local image patches, while the later one
is based on convolutional neural networks.
3.1 Skin Tone Classification using
A moving window is used to compute color
histograms of local image patches in several color
spaces on a skin region from the face. The histograms
are concatenated into a single feature vector and
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used to
reduce its dimensionality of the feature vector.
The reduced histogram from each facial skin
patch is fed to a Support Vector Machine (SVM) to
determine the skin tone of that region, and, finally the
skin color is determined using voting. The outline of
the proposed solution is depicted in Figure 2.
The choice of the color space is critical in color
classification. Each color-space represents color
features in different ways, so that colors are more
intuitively distinguished or certain computations are
more suitable. However, none of the color-spaces can
be considered as a universal solution. In this work, we
classify the skin tone by combining the histograms of
the most commonly used color-spaces: RGB, HSV,
Lab and YCrCb.
As illustrated on Figure 3, using the three simple
skin tone classes we proposed, the problem is not
trivial as the samples cannot be clearly separated in
different color spaces. Figure 3 (a), (b) and (c)
illustrates the color distribution of the three selected
skin tones in RGB, HSV and YCrCb color spaces.
Figure 3 (d) plots the grayscale values of the three
classes in order to determine if the intensity feature
could bring any additional information to the
classification problem. Finally, in Figure 3 (e) the 3D
color points from the RGB color-space are projected
onto the 2D space using PCA by preserving only the
two axes with the most data variation.
The first step of the algorithm is face detection:
we use the popular Viola-Jones (Viola and Jones,
2001) algorithm for face localization. However, the
face region contains several non-skin pixels, such as
eyes, lips, hair etc. that could influence the
classification performance. In order to avoid these
non-relevant features, we crop the face to a region of
interest (ROI) right beneath the eyes and above the
center of the face and only the pixels in this area will
be analyzed to classify the skin tone.
The crop proportions were heuristically determi-
ned as [0.2
w, 0.3
h, 0.6
w, 0.5
h], where w
and h are the width and the height of the face region.
& cropping
Figure 2: Flowchart of the SVM based-classification method.
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Color distribution for each skin tone. Red points represent skin pixels of dark skin tone, blue points represent skin
pixels of medium skin tone and orange points represent pixels of light skin tone.
Figure 4: Feature extraction.
Next, a moving window of size s x s (s = 21
pixels in our experiments) iterates over the ROI and
the histograms for each color component of the 4
selected color spaces are computed and concatenated.
The feature vector (if all the 4 color spaces are used)
is composed of 13 histograms (3 color-spaces and
grayscale) and has a high dimensionality (i.e. 12
256 = 3328 bins). In such cases the training problem
can be difficult and the high dimensional input space
can “confuse” the learning algorithm and lead to
over-fitting. Therefore, we apply a dimensionality
reduction pre-processing step (Principal Component
Analysis) in order to increase the robustness towards
illumination conditions and to reduce the time
complexity of the classifier. Using PCA, the original
high dimensional input space is reduced (with some
data loss, but retaining as much variance as possible)
to a lower dimensional space determined by the
highest eigenvectors. We retain the first principal
components such that p = 98% of the variance of the
data is preserved; the number of retained principal
components is computed on the training set and once
computed it is fixed. This value was determined
heuristically through trial and error experiments and
is fixed once determined.
Figure 4 illustrates the feature extraction process.
The reduced feature vector resulted from each
position of the sliding window is fed to a Support
Vector Machine classifier in order to obtain the skin
tone of the region. A pre-processing step is applied,
by scaling the input such that each feature from the
training set has zero mean and unit variance.
SVM classifiers are supervised learning
algorithms originally developed for binary linear
classification problems. To adapt the classifier to our
3 class classification problem, we used “one versus
one” approach: n
(n - 1)/2 classifiers are constructed
(each SVM must learn to distinguish between two
classes) and at prediction time a voting scheme is
We use the Radial basis function (RBF) kernel or
Gaussian kernel:
Finally, the skin tone classification is the
dominant skin tone within the selected ROI computed
Automatic Skin Tone Extraction for Visagism Applications
by majority voting. For each sliding window position,
the classifier gives a skin label and the final skin tone
is selected as the class that occurs most often.
3.2 Skin Tone Classification using CNN
Recently, in the field of computer vision CNN have
achieved impressive results in a variety of
classification tasks. The CNN structure is based on
mechanisms found in the visual cortex of the
biological brain. The neurons in a CNN are arranged
into 3 dimensions: (width, height and depth) and the
neurons within a layer are only connected to a small
region of the previous layer, the receptive field of the
neuron. Typically, CNNs have three types of basic
layers: the convolutional layer (CONV) followed by
a non-linearity, e.g. Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) ,
the pooling layer and the fully connected (FC) layer.
The VGG (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014)
network modified the traditional CNN architecture by
adding more convolutional layers (19 layers for the
VGG-19 network) and reducing the size of the
convolutional layers (to 3x3 convolutional filters with
1 stride in all layers). The structure of the VGG-19
network is the following: 2
conv3_64, maxpool,
conv3_128, maxpool, 4
conv3_256, maxpool,
conv3_512, maxpool, 4
conv3_512, maxpool, 2
FC_4096, FC_1000 and softmax; where convs_d is a
convolutional layer of size s and depth d, maxpool is
a max-pooling layer and FC_n is a fully connected
layer with n neurons.
We finely tuned a VGG-19 network which was
previously trained for gender recognition from facial
images (Rothe et al., 2016). The network was trained
from scratch using more than 200.000 images and
uses RGB, 224
224 images as input.
The only constraint we apply on a new image is
that it contains a face which can be detected by a
general face detector (Viola and Jones, 2001). The
face region is further enlarged with 40% horizontally
and vertically and this region is fed to the
convolutional neural network. The training is
performed using the rmsprop optimizer; the batch
size was set to 128 and the rmsprop momentum to
0.9; the learning rate is initially set to 10
and then
exponentially decreased after each to epochs.
To tune the network for the skin tone
classification problem, we removed the last two fully-
connected layers of the trained CNN and the
remaining part of the convolutional neural network is
treated as a fixed feature extractor. Finally, a linear
classifier (softmax) is trained for the skin tone
classification problem using the features previously
learned by the CNN.
4.1 Training and Tests Datasets
To create the training dataset, we have fused together
images from multiple face databases ((Caltech,
1999), (Ma et al., 2015), (Minear and Park, 2004),
(Thomaz and Giraldi, 2010)) and labelled the images
according to the skin color of the subject. The Caltech
(Caltech, 1999) face database contains 450 outdoor
and indoor images captured in uncontrolled lighting
conditions. The Chicago Face Database (Ma et al.,
2015) comprises more than 2000 images acquired in
controlled environments. The Minear-Park database
(Minear and Park, 2004) contains 576 facial images
captured in natural lightning conditions and the
Brazilian face database (Thomaz and Giraldi, 2010)
is composed of 2800 frontal facial images captured
against a homogenous background.
In addition, the training dataset was enlarged with
images of celebrities captured in unconstrained
conditions. For this, we extracted the names of
celebrities with different skin tones (
and we crawled Internet face images of the selected
To determine the actual skin tone, each image
sample was independently annotated by three
different persons and the ground truth was determined
by merging the results from the independent
annotations (majority voting). First, the annotators
had a training with a visagist expert who instructed
them with the rules two follow in the annotation
process. During the training, they also annotated
together with the visagist a subset of the images and
discussed how to handle boundary cases and
uncertainties. After merging the human labeling
results, we observed that most of the annotation
inconsistencies appeared between the medium and
the dark skin tones.
We have used several augmentation techniques:
contrast stretching and brightness enhancement. As
some of the datasets are captured in controlled
scenarios ((Ma et al., 2015), (Minear and Park,
2004)), these augmentation techniques will make
learning algorithm more robust to illumination
We have extracted subsets of each of the four
databases such that the distribution of the skin tone
classes is approximately even. The final training
dataset consists of 8952 images. The classifier was
evaluated on 999 images that were not used in the
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
training process; the test dataset is balanced: we use
333 images for each class.
4.2 SVM Classification Results
We trained the SVM classifier using different color
features: first we have used the histograms of the four
selected color spaces (RGB, HSV, Lab and YCrCb)
independently, next we have also added the grayscale
histogram (when not redundant) to each color space,
and finally we have combined multiple color-spaces.
Table 1 shows the classification accuracies for the
different color features used.
Table 1: Classification performance using different color
Color channels
R, G, B
H, S, V
L, a, b
Y, Cr, Cb
L, a, b, H, S, V
L, a, b, Grayscale
L, a, b, H, S, R, G, B, Y, Cr, Cb
Table 2: Confusion matrix for the VGG-19 convolutional
neural network.
Predicted Value
The best results are obtained by combining
multiple color-spaces (L, a, b, H, S, R, G, B, Y, Cr,
Cb): 86.67% accuracy. The confusion matrix for this
experimental setup is reported in Table 2.
4.3 CNN classification results
The classification report using the convolutional
neural network is reported in Table 3.
Table 3: Classification report for the VGG-19
convolutional neural network.
The overall accuracy obtained using the VGG-19
network is 91.29%. By using a convolutional neural
network to classify the skin tone we obtained a
performance boost by 4.62%.
Table 4 shows the confusion matrix for the CNN
classification. From the confusion matrix, it can be
noticed that the majority of “confusions” occurred
between medium-light skin tones and dark-medium
skin tones. This behavior is very similar to what we
observed in the annotations of the ground truth by the
three human labelers. As opposed to the SVM skin
classification approach, it can be noticed that there no
confusions between the Dark-Light and Light-Dark
Table 4: Confusion matrix for the VGG-19 convolutional
neural network.
Predicted Value
4.4 Comparison to State of the Art
Next, in this section we compare the proposed
solution with other state of the art works that tackle
the problem of skin tone classification.
We obtain the best using the VGG-19
convolutional neural network (accuracy 91.29%).
Not all the proposed methods classify the skin tones
at the same granularity level. In (Jmal et al., 2014) the
obtained classification accuracy is 87% but the skin
tone is distinguished into only dark and light. In
(Boaventura et al., 2006) the skin color is divided into
the same 3 classes used in the proposed solution:
light, medium and black, but the obtained accuracy is
only 70%. However, the method (Boaventura et al.,
2006) was tested on images captured in the authors
laboratory and on a subset of the AR dataset, so the
testing benchmark is not publically available. Finally,
in (Harville et al., 2005) the authors make use of a
color calibration pattern that must be held by the
subjects in each test image. The color calibration
pattern arranges the primary and secondary colors,
and 16 patches representative of the range of human
skin color into a known pattern. The main
disadvantage of that method is that is assumes a
controlled image capturing scenario (the user must
hold the color chart).
Our method does not impose any restrictions of
the image capturing scenario and attains an accuracy
rate of 91.29%.
Some examples of correctly classified samples are
depicted in Figure 5.
Automatic Skin Tone Extraction for Visagism Applications
Figure 5: Examples of correctly classified images: (a) dark
as dark, (b) medium as medium, (c) dark as dark.
Figure 6 shows some examples of incorrectly
classified images.
Figure 6: Examples of incorrectly classified images:
(a) dark as medium, (b) medium as dark, (c) light as
4.5 Applications
The proposed approach is intended for a facial
attribute analysis system used in virtual eyeglasses
try-on (Figure 7).
Figure 7: Outline of the eyewear-proposal system.
First, a facial image of the subject is captured and
the system (Facial attributes extraction module)
automatically determines the skin tone (and other
demographical attributes: gender, age, eye color etc.).
Based on these attributes, the Frame Selection
module queries the 3D eyeglasses database and
selects the accessories that are esthetically and
functionally in harmony with the user`s face. Each 3D
eyeglasses pair was previously annotated by a
specialized visagist/esthetician with a score for each
facial attribute and only the eyeglasses with the
highest scores are displayed to the user. Typically, the
3D eyeglasses dataset contains more than several
thousand eyeglasses models.
More specifically, the system is implemented in
Objective-C for an iPad application: first, a picture of
the user is analyzed in order to determine the skin tone
(and other demographical attributes) and the most
appropriate pairs of glasses are selected from the
database. Next, the system starts to track the user`s
face and uses augmented reality to place the selected
eyeglasses on the subject`s face. The system was also
tested on images captured in this scenario.
Of course, other applications can be envisioned:
the data extracted by the Facial attributes extraction
module can be used, for instance, to suggest the
appropriate make-up or hair color, to estimate skin
tone distribution over populations over geographical
areas etc.
This paper presented an automatic skin tone
classification system that doesn’t require any
additional color patterns or prior camera color
calibration. We proposed and compared two methods
for classifying the skin tone in facial input images.
The first method uses conventional machine
learning techniques: histogram of various skin
patches from the face and a SVM to determine the
skin tone. First, the face is localized in the input image
and it is cropped to a region that is most likely to
contain only skin pixels. Next, a window slides over
this region and color histograms in different color
spaces are computed and concatenated for each
window position. The feature vector is reduced using
PCA and a SVM classifier determines the skin tone
of the window. The skin tone is determined using a
simple voting procedure on the result of each
histogram patch from the region of interest.
The later method uses convolutional neural
networks, which also learn the relevant chromatic
features for the skin tone classification problem. We
finely tuned a neural network which was previously
trained on the problem of gender detection from facial
images. The system was trained and tested on images
from four publicly available datasets and from images
crawled from the Internet.
As a future work, a more complex method to
determine the skin pixels within the face area is
envisioned. In addition, we plan to integrate the
current method with a full visagism analysis system
that also determines the eyes color, the hair color and
the face shape.
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
This work was supported by the MULTIFACE grant
(Multifocal System for Real Time Tracking of
Dynamic Facial and Body Features) of the Romanian
National Authority for Scientific Research, CNDI
UEFISCDI, Project code: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-
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Automatic Skin Tone Extraction for Visagism Applications