Virtual Exploration: Seated versus Standing
Noah Coomer, Joshua Ladd and Betsy Williams
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Rhodes College, 2000 N Parkway, Memphis, TN, U.S.A.
Virtual Environments, Spatial Updating, Locomotion.
Virtual environments are often explored standing up. The purpose of this work is to understand if standing
exploration has an advantage over seated exploration. Thus, we present an experiment that directly compares
subjects’ spatial awareness when locomoting with a joystick when they are physically standing up versus
sitting down. In both conditions, virtual rotations matched the physical rotations of the subject and the joystick
was only used for translations through the virtual environment. In the seated condition, users sat in an armless
swivel office chair. Our results indicated that there was no difference between the two conditions, sitting
and standing. However, this result is interesting and might compel more virtual environment developers to
encourage their users to sit in a comfortable swivel chair. As an additional finding to our study, we find a
significant difference between the performance of males versus females and gamers versus non–gamers.
With the introduction of low cost commodity level
immersive virtual systems (like the Oculus Rift, HTC
Vive, and GearVR), the use of virtual reality (VR)
has become more widespread. With these systems,
users wear a head-mounted displays (HMDs) to view
a 3D computer generated world. Exciting, new re-
search involving this equipment has been published
such as analyzing the effectiveness of directional sig-
nage (Huang et al., 2016), visiting a historical Se-
limiye mosque in Turkey (Kersten et al., 2017), al-
lowing doctors to visualize 3D MRI slices (Duncan
et al., 2017), and treating spider phobia (Miloff et al.,
2016). When playing video games, HMDs have been
shown to produce stronger, more immersive experi-
ences than desktops and televisions (Pallavicini et al.,
2017). Given the relatively low–cost of these im-
mersive virtual systems and their potential to produce
more meaningful experiences, VR might have a huge
impact on learning, social interaction, medical care,
training workers, entertainment, and so on. However,
much is still unknown about how humans learn in a
virtual environment (VE) and how this learning is dif-
ferent than the real world.
Humans reason about space in a VE in a way
that is functionally similar to the real world (Williams
et al., 2007). That is, they update their spatial knowl-
edge or spatial orientation with respect to their envi-
ronment as their relationship to objects in the envi-
ronment change much like the real world. However,
humans are more disoriented in VEs (Darken and Pe-
terson, 2014; Kelly et al., 2013). Thus, navigation, the
most common way people interact with a VE (Bow-
man et al., 2004), causes people to feel disorientated.
Exploring a VE by physically walking seems to re-
sult in the best spatial awareness (Darken and Peter-
son, 2014), but the size of the space that can be ex-
plored using a tracking system is limited without al-
ternate interventions such as teleporting. Much work
has looked at how best to explore a VE larger than
the tracked space while maintaining spatial aware-
ness (Kitson et al., 2017; Riecke et al., 2010; Suma
et al., 2012; Wilson et al., 2016; Zielasko et al., 2016).
Much of the more recent navigation work has fo-
cused on engaging the user in physical movement as
it seems to result in better spatial awareness of the VE
as compared to using a joystick (Wilson et al., 2016;
Waller and Hodgson, 2013). Alternatively, (Riecke
et al., 2010) found that when the joystick was com-
bined with physical rotations that performance com-
pared to actual walking was similar in terms of search
efficiency and time.
Many of the proposed methods of locomotion
used by researchers (Kitson et al., 2017; Suma et al.,
2012; Wilson et al., 2016; Zielasko et al., 2016) and
in industry (such as a tracked system with teleporting
(Bozgeyikli et al., 2016)) involve the user standing
up to explore the VE. Standing can be tiring to VR
users, especially while wearing a helmet that can get
warm. Sedentary behaviors such as sitting in front
of a television or computer, and riding in an auto-
Coomer, N., Ladd, J. and Williams, B.
Virtual Exploration: Seated versus Standing.
DOI: 10.5220/0006624502640272
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2018) - Volume 1: GRAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-287-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: This picture shows the two conditions, standing
and seated exploration in a VE.
mobile typically are in the energy-expenditure range
of 1.0 to 1.5 METs (multiples of the basal metabolic
rate)(Ainsworth et al., 2000). Thus, behaviors that
involve sitting involve low energy expenditure and
might be more natural to encourage the widespread
adoption of VR for a variety of applications, espe-
cially entertainment.
In this work, we examine what happens to spa-
tial orientation when subjects explore a VE with a
joystick seated as compared to standing. Subjects
used the joystick for translating in the VE while ro-
tations matched that of the real world. Thus, similar
to (Riecke et al., 2010), subjects in our experiment
translate in the direction that their head is facing by
pushing the joystick forward. It is important to note
that the major difference between the two conditions
was that in one condition the subjects were standing
and the other condition the subjects were seated on a
swivel chair. Eye height for two conditions matched
the physical eye height of the participant. In this
work we could have studied distance perception or
looked at different locomotion interfaces to compare
seated versus standing. However, for our own pur-
poses we were interested in what happens when peo-
ple move and navigate through environments while
seated. Thus, we decided to run an experiment that
examines spatial awareness as subjects move through
a VE. Most video games involve some sort of hap-
tic devices that allows the user to move around in the
environment. Joystick translations plus physical rota-
tions can easily be achieved while sitting or standing.
In the real world there has been some evidence
of difference between sitting and standing observa-
tions. (Carello et al., 1989) conducted four real world
experiments and found different effects for reaching
when people stood versus sat down. While sitting,
subjects had a tendency to overestimate the reaching
range of their arm while imagining picking up a target
object placed at different distances in front of them.
While standing, there was an underestimation of per-
ceived reachability when participants were standing
upright. In the virtual world, not much is known about
seated versus standing observations. Much work has
studied the issue of the similarities and differences
in distance estimation between real and virtual envi-
ronments (Loomis and Knapp, 2003; Willemsen and
Gooch, 2002; Li et al., 2016). These works all find
that subjects underestimate distances in VEs.
Haptic devices, such as joystick or keyboard, have
been used to explore environments for many years
(Ruddle et al., 1999; Bowman et al., 1999; Waller
et al., 1998). However, studies have consistently
shown that physically walking rather than using a
haptic device produces significantly better spatial ori-
entation (Ruddle and Lessels, 2006; Lathrop and
Kaiser, 2002). Suma et al. (Suma et al., 2007) show
that using position and orientation tracking with an
HMD is significantly better than using a system that
combines the orientation tracking and a haptic de-
vice for translations. However, (Riecke et al., 2010)
found that joystick translations and physical rotations
led to better performance than joystick navigation,
and yielded almost comparable performance to actual
walking in terms of search efficiency and time. Thus,
in our experiment, the users’ orientation in the VE
matched their physical head orientation.
(Nybakke et al., 2012) preform a within subjects
experiment similar to (Riecke et al., 2010) where sub-
jects search the contents of 16 randomly positioned
and oriented boxes to find 8 hidden target using four
locomotion modes: real walking, joystick translation
with real rotation while standing, joystick translation
while sitting, and motorized wheel chair. They find
a marginal effect of condition for number of revisits
to the same hidden target, but pairwise comparisons
did not reveal differences. They found that that the
distance traveled was smaller in the walking condi-
tion and it took less time to complete the trial when
users physically walked. The spatial orientation task
in our experiment is similar to (Williams et al., 2006)
where they find a significant advantage of walking
over joystick plus physical rotation exploration. We
suggest that it could be that the task outlined in (Ny-
bakke et al., 2012) and (Riecke et al., 2010) is not hard
enough to yield differences and could explain why
Riecke et al. found results that are somewhat incon-
sistent with the literature. (Waller et al., 2003) found
that people who received the motion cues from riding
in a car were no better at learning the spatial layout
Virtual Exploration: Seated versus Standing
of the environment over people who were provided
with only the visual optical flow of the same experi-
ence. However, in both of these conditions, the par-
ticipant passively experienced both the motion and vi-
sual stimuli, and did not actively control the process.
(Waller and Greenauer, 2007) presented a study in-
tended to contrast the effects of visual, proprioceptive,
and inertial information to acquire spatial knowledge
in a large-scale environment. Using a variety of mea-
sures, such as pointing, distance estimation, and map
drawing, they observed very few differences among
groups of participants who had access to various com-
binations of visual, priopriocetive and interracial in-
formation. Proprioceptive information did produce a
small effect. They found that pointing accuracy was
better in people who had proprioceptive cues.
In our everyday lives, we humans constantly
change our viewing perspective by sitting, standing,
etc., yet the perceived size of objects remains the
same. As (Wraga, 1999) points out, this may be be-
cause of familiar size or previous knowledge about
size and shape (Gogel, 1977; Rock, 1975). (Gib-
son, 1950) showed that the ground plane provides
crucial information about an object’s location in an
environment. Gibson explained that there were two
reasons why the ground plane played such a crucial
role in our understanding of space. First, humans
rely on ground surfaces for locomotion and second,
that ground planes are universal whereas ceilings are
mostly human created. Thus, the ground or horizon is
important for perceiving the distance and size of ob-
jects. More specifically, the angle of declination from
the horizon line to an object is an important source of
information. The angle of declination is defined as the
vertical viewing angle from a target object to the hori-
zon. In nature, the horizon is always at the observer’s
eyelevel. Therefore, the higher the object appears on
the horizon, the further its distance appears to the
observer. In the experiment presented in this work,
users experience a 50m by 50m outdoors environ-
ment. Other studies have shown the importance of eye
height. (Wraga, 1999) compare seated, standing and
ground–level prone observations and find that seated
and standing observations are similar, but prone ob-
servations are significantly less accurate. (Warren,
1984) found that people judged whether they could sit
on a surface according to whether the surface height
exceeded 88% of their leg length. Moreover, people
choose to climb or sit on a surface according to the re-
lationship between the surface’s height and their eye
height (Mark, 1987). Prior work has shown manipu-
lating eye height can produce a predictable effect on
judged distances measured with verbal estimates, and,
thus, could be a promising candidate to reduce or even
eliminate distance underestimation in a similar way
across different measures (Leyrer et al., 2015). Ad-
ditionally, prior work found that eye height manipu-
lation not only affects perceived distances, but also
judgments of single room dimensions, suggesting a
change in perceived scale rather than a cognitive cor-
rection in distance judgments (Leyrer et al., 2011).
We compare seated joystick and standing joystick ex-
ploration in this experiment. We tested 24 subjects
(12 female, 12 male) on their spatial orientation in the
environment using a within-subjects design. After a
user finished both navigation methods, we asked them
a series of questions. In both conditions, pushing all
the way forward on the joystick resulted in translat-
ing through the VE a rate of 1 m/s, which is approx-
imately normal walking speed. Participants moved
with the joystick in the yaw-direction of gaze for both
conditions. Eye height in the VE matched the phys-
ical eye height of the participant. Thus, seated ex-
ploration was at a lower eye height than standing. In
both conditions, the subjects memorized a set of ob-
jects, locomoted to various positions and then turned
to face these remembered target objects.
3.1 Materials
The experiment was conducted in a 3m by 3m room
that only contained the head-mounted display. The
immersive VE was viewed through a HTC Vive head-
mounted display (HMD) which had a resolution of
1080x1200 per eye, a field-of-view of 110
nally, a weight of 0.47 kg and an optical frame rate
of 90Hz. Orientation was updated using the orienta-
tion from the sensor found on the Vive. The joystick
used in this experiment was a Logitech Extreme 3D
Pro. Graphics were rendered using the Unity. The
swivel desk chair used in the experiment was a HON
Volt Series 5701 Task Chair.
The immersive VE used in the experiment was a
circular shaped grassy plane (50m diameter) with a
generic dome backdrop depicting the sky as seen in
Figure 2. For each condition, the user would memo-
rize the positions of 6 objects placed around the en-
vironment on columns (Figure 2). The heights of the
columns varied so that the top of the objects were al-
ways at the same level. After the user had memorized
the locations of the objects, the tests would begin.
These six target objects were arranged in a particu-
lar configuration, such that the configuration in both
conditions varied only by a rotation about the cen-
ter axis. In this manner, the angles of correct yaw-
GRAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Figure 2: A view of the virtual environment.
angle responses were preserved across all conditions.
The random order of trials and the different objects
concealed the fact that the arrangement was the same
throughout the experiment. Objects were similar in
size and height and were placed on pillars. We used
a red cylinder and a red floating sphere to indicate the
position and orientation, respectively, of the testing
location for a particular trial. The red cylinder was
used to indicate the position of the subject that was
needed for that particular turn-to-face trial. The cor-
rect orientation was facing the red sphere at the red
cylinder. In this manner, the cylinder and sphere were
used to control the exact testing location and orienta-
tions of the subjects.
In both conditions, the target objects and testing
locations where located with a radius of 8m from the
center of the plane. Subjects were instructed to re-
main relatively close to the center and the experi-
menter told the participants to move more towards the
center of the environment if they were venturing too
far from the space. In this manner, the explored space
was roughly the same in both conditions.
3.2 Procedure
Each of the 24 participants explored each of the en-
vironments under the two different translational loco-
motion conditions, seated joystick and standing joy-
stick. Half of the subjects performed the seated ex-
periment first and half of the subjects performed the
standing experiment first. Order was also counter-
balanced for gender. The experimental procedure
was verbally explained to the subjects using physi-
cal props prior to seeing the VEs. Before the subject
saw the target objects in each condition, the partic-
ipant was shown two objects on pillars that did not
appear in our test set. Participants performed several
practice trials in this environment so that they were
familiar with the setup and the experimental design.
After the subject understood the task and the condi-
tion, the practice target objects disappeared. The par-
ticipant then practiced the locomotion condition by
moving to various targets in the environment for 2
minutes. Once the participants were comfortable with
this, they were asked to memorize the set of target ob-
jects. During the learning phase, subjects were asked
to learn the positions of the six target objects while
freely moving around the VE according to the con-
dition that they were in. After about five minutes of
study, the experimenter tested the subject by having
them close their eyes, and point to randomly selected
targets. This testing and learning procedure was re-
peated until the subject felt confident that the config-
uration had been learned and the experimenter agreed.
Participants’ spatial knowledge was tested from
six different locations. A given testing position and
orientation was indicated to the subject by the appear-
ance of a red cylinder and a red sphere in the envi-
ronment. Participants were instructed to locomote to
the cylinder until it turned green and then turn to face
the floating sphere until it turned green. When both
the cylinder and sphere were green, the participants
were in an appropriate position. When the subject
reached this position, the objects were hidden so that
the participant only saw the cylinder and the sphere
on a black background. After the participant was told
which object to turn to face, the cylinder and sphere
disappeared and the participant briefly saw the name
of the target object. Specifically the subjects were told
“turn to face the <target name>”. Once the partici-
pant indicated that they had turned to face the object,
the angle turned, the angle of correct response and the
latency associated with turning to face the object were
recorded. The cylinder and sphere reappeared and the
participant then turned back to face the sphere until it
turned green again. Then, the subject was instructed
to face another target object. At each location, the
subject completed three trials by turning to face three
different target objects in the environment, making 18
trials per condition. After completing three trials at
a particular testing location, the participant was asked
to face the sphere until it turned green before the envi-
ronment and objects were displayed again so that the
participant would not receive any feedback. After the
environment and objects were shown again, the cylin-
der and sphere were moved to the next target location.
Subjects were encouraged to re–orient themselves af-
ter completing a testing location.
To compare the angles of correct responses across
conditions, the same trials were used for each condi-
tion. The testing location and target locations were
analogous in both conditions, and targets varied ran-
domly across the environments. The trials were de-
signed so that the disparity was evenly distributed in
the range of 20–180
. That is, the correct angle of
response for each trial was evenly distributed in the
range of 20–180
. Also the testing locations were po-
sitioned in such a way that they would never turn to
face a target object closer than 0.8m.
Virtual Exploration: Seated versus Standing
Seated Standing
Turning Error - Degrees
Figure 3: Mean turning error for the seated and standing
conditions. Error bars show the standard error of the mean.
Seated Standing
Latency - Seconds
Figure 4: Mean latency for the seated and standing condi-
tions. Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean.
To assess the degree of difficulty of updating ori-
entation relative to objects in the VE, latencies and
errors were recorded. Latencies were measured from
the time when the target was identified until subjects
said they had completed their turning movement and
were facing the target. Unsigned turning errors were
measured as the absolute value of the difference in
initial facing direction (toward the sphere) minus the
correct facing direction. The subjects indicated to the
experimenter that they were facing the target by ver-
bal instruction, and the experimenter recorded their
time and orientation. The time was recorded by com-
puter, and the rotational position was recorded using
the orientation sensor on the HTC Vive HMD. Sub-
jects were encouraged to respond as rapidly as possi-
ble, while maintaining accuracy.
After the experiment, subjects were asked a few
questions. They rated both conditions on a scale of 1
to 5 on how well they thought they did. They were
also asked to choose which method they liked better,
seated or standing exploration. They also indicated if
they regularly play 1st person video games and if they
had ever experienced an immersive VE.
Male Female
Turning Error - Degrees
Figure 5: Mean turning error collapsed by gender. Error
bars indicate the standard error of the mean.
Male Female
Latency - Seconds
Figure 6: Mean latency collapsed by gender. Error bars
indicate the standard error of the mean.
3.3 Results
Figures 3 and 4 show the subjects’ mean turning er-
rors and latencies by locomotion condition in the VE.
9 out of 24 of our subjects regularly play video games.
Also, 9 out of 24 of our subjects had experienced a
VE. Only a few subjects were both a gamer and had
prior experience in an immersive VE. Subjects were
asked to report how well they did on a 5 point Lik-
ert scale from 1 to 5. 1 indicating that they felt their
performance was bad and 5 indicating that they felt
their performance was good. For the seated condition
this average was 2.875 across the participants. For the
standing task this value was a little lower at 2.79. 11
subjects prefered the seated condition while 13 sub-
jects preferred the standing condition.
We compared mean turning error between the con-
ditions using a repeated measures ANOVA and did
not find any significant differences between the two
conditions. Thus, subjects were similarly accurate
when turning to face the location of target objects in
both conditions. We ran a similar analysis for latency
and found a marginal difference for the seated and
standing conditions, F(1, 23) = 3.621, p = 0.07. We
also ran repeated measures ANOVA using the turning
errors with order between groups and we did not find
GRAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Non-Gamer Gamer
Turning Error - Degrees
Figure 7: Mean turning error collapsed by video game ex-
perience. Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean.
Non-Gamer Gamer
Latency - Seconds
Figure 8: Mean latency collapsed by video game experi-
ence. Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean.
an effect of condition, order, or an interaction of con-
dition and order. An analysis on latency with order
between groups also did not reveal any effects. Thus,
subjects did not seem to get more accurate or faster
over the course of the experiment.
We analyzed mean turning error between the con-
ditions using a repeated measures ANOVA with gen-
der between groups. The analysis not reveal an ef-
fect of condition or a two way interaction between
condition and gender for turning errors. However, we
found a significant effect of gender for turning errors,
F(1, 22) = 11.72, p = .002. Running a similar anal-
ysis with latency yielded similar results with only a
significant effect of gender, F(1, 22) = 7.26, p = .013.
Figures 5 and 6 show the mean turning errors and la-
tencies collapsed across gender. The differences be-
tween these two groups is considerable. Males re-
spond faster and more accurately than females.
Within our pool of 24 subjects, we had 9 gamers
and 15 non–gamers. Gamers identified themselves as
those who self reported that they regularly play video
games. We ran a repeated measures ANOVA on turn-
ing error and latency with gamers and non-gamers as
a between group factor. There were no significant ef-
fects of condition or the interaction of condition and
gamer for turning error and latency. However, there
was an effect of gamer for turning errors (F(1, 22) =
Seated Standing
Turning Error - Degrees
Figure 9: Median turning error for the seated and standing
conditions. Error bars show the standard error of the mean.
4.67, p = 0.04) and for latency (F(1, 22) = 28.77, p =
0.009). Turning errors and latency collapsed across
gamers versus non-games can be seen in Figures 7
and 8, respectively.Video gamers made fewer errors
than non–gamers and responded more quickly. We
did not find any effects as to whether or not someone
has had prior experience exploring an immersive VE.
Figure 9 shows the subjects’ median turning errors
by locomotion condition. The related median latency
figure was omitted because it is similar to Figure 4.
Although the trends are similar to Figure 3, the turn-
ing errors are lower. The reason for the difference
between the median and mean data was mainly due
to the existence of large outliers. We completely re-
ran all of the statistical analyses outlined above and
found similar results using the median turning errors
and median latency. The only difference was that
the repeated measures ANOVA for latency did not re-
veal any significant differences between the two con-
ditions (seated and standing).
We presented a within–subjects experiment with 24
participants to examine whether seated exploration
or standing exploration has any effect on navigation
through a VE. Before running this experiment, we hy-
pothesized that subjects would be better at standing to
explore the VE. Standing seemed more natural to us
and eye height changes have been shown to have an
effect on distance judgements in VR (Leyrer et al.,
2011; Leyrer et al., 2015). In our studies eye height
always matched the physical eye height of the partic-
ipant. The carefully designed experiment presented
here revealed that subjects update their spatial aware-
ness while navigating through a VE with a joystick
similarly when they are seated versus standing up. It
is important to note that in both conditions users were
able to freely rotate around the VE using their own
Virtual Exploration: Seated versus Standing
physical rotations. In the seated condition users sat in
a swivel office chair. We think that these results are
interesting and that more techniques should be imple-
mented that allow the user to fully explore a VE while
sitting down.
From the results, our turning errors are sizable,
but are consistent with similar experiments (Wilson
et al., 2016). Other works have presented virtual ex-
ploration techniques that are not limited in size by the
bounds of the tracking system and outperform the joy-
stick (Kitson et al., 2017; Suma et al., 2012; Wilson
et al., 2016; Zielasko et al., 2016). It will be interest-
ing to see other techniques adapted for seated explo-
ration and possibly be better than the joystick. This
work lays the groundwork for this future direction.
One idea that we had to move this work forward is to
look at manipulating rotations while seated to explore
a VE. Turning around in a swivel chair does require
some effort and it could be possible to scale the rota-
tional gain of the turning so that less physical turning
is required to turn. (Kuhl et al., 2008) showed that
people can recalibrate their rotational gain. That is,
people can adapt to amplified visual rotation and cal-
ibrate their physical turning to adjust accordingly.
After the experiment we asked subjects to com-
ment on their experiences. Some subjects felt strongly
about sitting down to explore the VE while other sub-
jects felt strongly about standing up. The prefer-
ence for one method over the other was almost evenly
split, with 11 subjects preferring seated exploration
and 13 preferring standing. One subject commented
that “standing made me feel like I got lost. I liked the
swivel aspect of sitting, it also felt more like a video
game. Another subject cited that they preferred sit-
ting because “sitting felt like [they were] in a vehi-
cle. Two subjects specifically commented about the
swivel aspect of sitting being positive. Another sub-
ject explained that “standing felt much more realistic
than sitting, felt like I had better knowledge of the ob-
jects around me.” The results indicate no clear winner
of the two conditions in terms of latencies, turning er-
rors, and user preference. Thus, we feel like seated
virtual exploration is a good option that needs further
We found huge gender differences in this experi-
ment. Mean turning error for females in this exper-
iment was almost double that of males. Moreover,
males were around a second and a half faster than fe-
males. There was only one female game player in
our dataset which could explain some of the large dif-
ferences. There have been many studies that report
males outperforming females in spatial orientation
tasks over the last few decades (Masters and Sanders,
1993; Coluccia and Louse, 2004; Kitson et al., 2016;
Nori et al., 2015). Studies suggest that the females are
more likely to adopt an egocentric strategy as opposed
to males who are more likely to adopt an allocen-
tric strategy when exploring a VE(Kitson et al., 2016;
Chen et al., 2009). These gender differences suggest
the possible need for interface designs of navigational
support systems taking into consideration gender dif-
Finally, we find a between subjects effect of
gamers versus non-gamers. Previous studies have
shown that gamers perform spatial task better in VR
(Murias et al., 2016). These works suggest that peo-
ple who play video games regularly have better nav-
igation and topographical orientation skills because
they consistently practice these skills while playing
for the purpose of entertainment. As VR games be-
come more and more prevalent, it will be important
for researcher to understand the effects of video game
exposure on performance of navigation tasks in VEs.
This material is based upon work supported by the
National Science Foundation under grant 1351212.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recom-
mendations expressed in this material are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
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