Eye and Mouse Coordination During Task: From Behaviour to
Alexandre Milisavljevic
, Kevin Hamard
, Coralie Petermann
, Bernard Gosselin
Karine Dor
and Matei Mancas
Numediart institute, University of Mons, Mons, Belgium
Psychology institute, VAC EA7326 team, Paris Descartes University, Paris, France
Research and Development department, Sublime Skinz, Paris, France
Behaviour, Visual Attention, Webpages, Mouse-tracking.
The study of web users’ behaviour is of crucial importance for understanding people reaction when browsing
websites. Eye-tracking is a precise tool for this purpose, but it is hard to scale up when trying to apply it to a
wide range of situations and websites. On the other hand, mouse-tracking fulfills these requirements. Unfor-
tunately, mouse data provides a limited approximation of the eye position as it was shown in the literature. In
this paper, we investigated the relationship between mouse and eye behaviour on several kind of websites with
three different tasks to create models based on these behaviours. Our findings were that 1) saliency Pearson’s
correlation is not suitable to analyse eye and mouse coordination, 2) this coordination is altered according to
the task, 3) scroll speed directly influence where the eyes are during the scroll, 4) amplitude vary according to
eyes position before the scroll and 5) by using the X axis variations it is possible to find the moments where it
is easier to model eyes location from mouse location.
Understanding why a user visits a webpage has been a
central question since the beginning of the twenty first
century. To answer this question, Eye-tracking has
been used as a precise tool to estimate intention im-
pact on user’s gaze. However, these kinds of studies
are hard to scale up and apply it to a wide user panel
is difficult. That is why mouse-tracking emerged as
an efficient proxy to determine user’s attention. Since
then, correlation between mouse movements and eye
movements has been found (Mueller and Lockerd,
2001; Chen, 2001; Rodden and Fu, 2007; Rodden
et al., 2008; Cooke, 2006; Guo and Agichtein, 2010;
Huang and White, 2012; Navalpakkam et al., 2013)
and modelling attempts followed (Guo and Agichtein,
2010; Huang and White, 2012; Navalpakkam et al.,
2013; Boi et al., 2016).
Nevertheless, a majority of these studies focused
on SERP (SEarch Result Pages) from search engines
putting aside the rest of the web and tasks. In addi-
tion, eye-mouse and eye-task relationships have been
studied separately (Yarbus, 1967; Castelhano et al.,
2009; Mills et al., 2011) but rarely together. That is
why, the goal of this study was to explore the eye-
mouse-task relationship in a more diversified environ-
Chen (2001) was the first to show that areas visi-
ted by the mouse were also visited by the eye in free-
viewing condition. Rodden and Fu (2007) also sho-
wed that regions visited by the mouse were also visi-
ted by the eye but they were the first to highlight the
better correspondence on Y axis between mouse and
eye. Unlike previous work, they set-up an experiment
with pre-defined search queries on a search engine.
Guo and Agichtein (2010) confirmed Rodden and Fu
(2007) results about more accurate correlation on Y
axis. Their main contribution was the first attempt
to automatically infer the user’s eye position using
mouse movements. They also suggested the presence
of images did not have a significant effect on eye-
mouse coordination. Huang and White (2012) presen-
ted that amount of time spent on a search web page by
a participant can affect where they were pointing and
looking and then used this finding to enhance their
algorithm. They showed that gaze-cursor alignment
was distinct for each participant but did not highlight
significant difference among women and men. Naval-
pakkam et al. (2013) updated previous work by inves-
tigating more recent SERP which now includes ima-
ges and more complex content. They showed that this
content induced different behaviour. Then they pro-
posed a non-linear model outperforming state-of-the-
Milisavljevic, A., Hamard, K., Petermann, C., Gosselin, B., Doré-Mazars, K. and Mancas, M.
Eye and Mouse Coordination During Task: From Behaviour to Prediction.
DOI: 10.5220/0006618800860093
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2018) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-288-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Generic tasks used in the study.
Category Description
Free viewing Browse the website by visiting at
least two other pages
Browse two articles of your
Target finding Browse the following pages: ca-
lendar, team and news
Buy the specific given item
Text reading Read the two first paragraphs
art models because of its non-linearity.
Our exploratory study aimed to investigate ef-
fect(s) of user’s goal on eye and mouse coordination
in ecological conditions (different categories of web
sites, no scroll limitations). Our hypothesis was the
following: there is a direct link between the eye, the
mouse movements and the task which fluctuates ac-
cording to the task. Thus, we could enhance the pre-
cision of the current models.
This paper was structured as follows: experiment
set-up was described in section 2 followed by the re-
sults of the static and dynamic analyses in section
3. Finally we discussed and concluded the paper in
section 4.
We recruited five participants with normal or
corrected-to-normal vision (4 males and 1 female)
aged between 24 and 25 years from the local signal
processing department. All participants were right-
handed and fluent with computer operations. They
were tested on 10 various websites including blogs, e-
commerce platforms, etc. From the calibration phase
at the beginning of the study to the end, the whole
process took about 20 minutes per person.
2.1 Tasks
We used a set of five tasks distributed in three classes
as presented in Table 1: free viewing, target finding
and text reading. The number of pages that could
be visited during Free viewing tasks was limited to
two but was not limited in time and participants had
full scroll possibilities. The reading task was speci-
fic enough to prevent any free interpretation in order
to simulate participants’ willingness to read a specific
paragraph. Finally, we chose two types of target fin-
ding tasks: one in which participants were instructed
to find and buy an item, the second in which they had
to find a given page.
2.2 Set-up
To record eye movements, we used a FaceLAB 5 eye-
tracker at 60Hz without head constraint on a 17-inch
screen set to a resolution of 1920X1080. Instructions
and websites were displayed in Google Chrome max-
imized with a resolution of 1920X955.
To record Mouse movements we developed a
plug-in using WebExtensions
standard. It took the
form of an ON/OFF button on the browser top bar and
has only been used by the operator. The extension
monitored the following metrics: time-stamp, event
type (click, movement or scroll), mouse’s coordina-
tes, offset induced by the scroll, URL and screen size.
The plug-in developed in Javascript was uploading all
mentioned metrics on the fly or every 50-60ms to a
server via a socket connection. The same
server inserted in real time the data in a MySQL data-
base without further processing. The server also kept
track of the page to deliver to the participant.
2.3 Procedure
Participants started on a homepage describing the
context of the study. To visit the next planned page
by the study they had to click on a Javascript book-
mark situated in the browser’s bookmark top bar. The
first click on it led them to the first task instruction.
All tasks were stored in HTML format locally. After
reading the instruction, participants could once again
click on the bookmark and begin the task. When the
task was completed participants had to click again on
the bookmark to read the next instruction and so on.
At the end of the study, participants were asked to
answer to a survey about there knowledge of the web-
We ran three sets of analyses in order to highlight
coordination between eye and mouse movements.
First, we used 2D saliency metric PCC (Pearson’s
Correlation Coefficient) to check consistency bet-
ween overall eye and mouse movements. Then we
repeated the same analysis between participants’ eyes
movements. Second, we applied literature’s tempo-
ral and distance estimation to our task-related context
to bring out tasks’ influence on eye and mouse coor-
dination. Third, we analysed the participants’ beha-
viour while scrolling because - at our knowledge - it
Eye and Mouse Coordination During Task: From Behaviour to Prediction
Figure 1: (a) eye fixation density map, (b) original website and (c) mouse fixation density.
has not been treated by the literature whereas it could
be an essential information to the understanding of
eye and mouse coordination. Finally, we used the re-
sults of the two first sets of observations to create two
Gaussian-based models to approximate eye position
from mouse position.
While the first approach focused on a static and
spatial analysis, the second and third aimed for a dy-
namic analysis taking into account the temporal evo-
lution of both eye and mouse tracks.
3.1 Static Fixation Densities
Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient (PCC) also known
as the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation (1), is a
metric used in saliency maps comparison by authors
like Ouerhani et al. (2004) and Le Meur et al. (2007)
and used to compare fixations and mouse movements
by Tavakoli et al. (2017). PCC has a value between
-1 and 1. When the coefficient is almost equal to 1,
there is a strong relationship between the two varia-
bles. The goal was to apply this metric to highlight
eye and mouse coordination changes between tasks.
The originality of this metric lies in the fact that it uses
probability densities instead of raw variables values.
To do so, we computed PCC between eyes density
map and mouse density map. To obtain these maps,
fixations from eye-tracking and mouse-tracking were
convolved with a Gaussian filter. Thus PCC was com-
puted between images (a) and (c) as shown in Figure
Table 2: Pearson’s correlation coefficients for intra and inter
Task inter intra-eye intra-mouse
Free viewing 0.132 0.036 0.082
Target finding 0.171 0.028 0.107
Text reading 0.176 0.440 0.162
cov(X,Y )
We obtained for our three tasks classes (free vie-
wing, target finding and text reading) defined in
section 2.1 correlation scores as in Table 2, “inter”
column. Both classes correlation and their relative
difference remained small which showed that mouse-
tracking could not be directly used to model eye mo-
vements. For this reason, we decided to refine the
investigation based on motion dynamics in the next
Furthermore, when comparing eye-tracking re-
sults between different participants on the same sti-
mulus, we obtained results in Table 2, “intra-eye” co-
lumn which showed a higher correlation for “Text re-
ading” task than for the two others. This result confir-
med that if the task and its location were precise, then
most of the participants would produce similar eye-
gaze patterns. We observed the same behaviour for
mouse tracks in Table 2, “intra-mouse” column, but
with a lower overall correlation which showed that
mouse behaviour remained less consistent than eye
HUCAPP 2018 - International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Figure 2: First column (a) is a free viewing task, second column (b) is a target finding task and third column (c) is a text
reading task.
3.2 Dynamic Analyses
Considering the dominant use of scroll in our expe-
riment, modern vertically-based designs and the tend
of Human eye to be more efficient horizontally, we
separated X and Y coordinates to enhance granularity
in our dynamic analyses. For each X and Y coordinate
we got temporal vectors which were synchronized be-
tween mouse and eye. To do so, we matched eye
fixations with mouse events and then down-sampled
mouse data to fit eye data. We chose to not interpo-
late as in Deng et al. (2016) because it could have
generated non-existing fixations and wrong results.
3.2.1 Temporal and Distance Estimation
We observed for some participants a time shift on Y
axis between mouse and eye with the mouse being
delayed as in Figure 2 (a) and (c) right columns.
This finding joined Huang and White (2012) previous
work in which they detected a lag between the mouse
and the eye. This could be explained by the fact that,
in visual exploration context, the eye is the only mean
of perception and leads the hand movements.
We computed euclidean distance (3) and obtai-
ned an eye-mouse distance of 554 pixels. This re-
sult was not in accordance with the average 229 pixels
from state-of-the-art (Rodden and Fu, 2007; Guo and
Agichtein, 2010; Huang and White, 2012). We then
refined our analysis by separating the two axes. Using
formula (2) we got a mean distance of 409 pixels for
X axis and 291 pixels for Y axis. With this results
we began to have a better consistency on Y axis as
expected. However, Bejan (2009) demonstrated that
our eyes scan horizontally faster than in the vertical
dimension. Based on our results, we could assumed
that participants kept their mouse vertically stationary
to scroll down or up and used it as a vertical pointer,
allowing them to horizontally browse without diffi-
culties. Thus the participant could easily move his
eye on X axis more often. That is why the participant
tended to move it’s eye on X axis more often.
We then continued with separate axes to compute
correlation. Compared to distances, correlation coef-
ficients between mouse and eye were drastically diffe-
rent. Chen (2001) obtained a correlation of 0.58 with
more than 50% of the pages associated with correlati-
ons larger than 0.8. In our study, we measured a mean
correlation of 0.64 on Y axis and 0.18 on X axis.
Difference between axes got even more significant
when we examined these correlations coefficients ac-
cording to their corresponding task. As exposed in
Table 3, free viewing task had the best correlation on
Y with 0.9. This result reflected a greater trend to use
the mouse as a vertical pointer as in other tasks. Coef-
ficients for target finding were more balanced with an
increased correlation on X but a decrease on Y. Fi-
nally, text reading correlations expressed the fact that
participants did not used much the mouse during this
task. We could assume that more the cognitive load
of the task is important more the correlation drop on
both axes.
Eye and Mouse Coordination During Task: From Behaviour to Prediction
Table 3: Pearson’s correlation on X and Y axes.
Task type r
Free viewing 0.176 0.921
Target finding 0.383 0.699
Text reading 0.006 0.32
d(i) = |x
(i) x
(i)| (2)
d(X,Y ) =
+ (y
3.2.2 Scroll’s Speed and Direction Influence
As we previously exposed, mouse and eyes were more
correlated on Y axis. In addition, scroll events are a
barely studied subject while it is a common behaviour
in all webpages browsing. We based all our calculus
on scroll sessions which corresponds to a set of con-
tinuous scroll events ended with a mouse movement.
Scroll is an important feature providing good infor-
mation about the degree of participants’ interest on a
website. Another advantage is that the scroll is me-
asurable on desktop and mobile. Through the follo-
wing analyses, we highlighted influence of behaviour
on scroll’s speed and amplitude.
We collected for each scroll session the direction (up
or down) and the absolute speed. After empirical tries
and errors and after taking into account the amount
of data, we also separated the browser screen into 3
equals categories as in Figure 5 to detect patterns.
For the current analyses we removed text reading
tasks because it did not included enough scroll events.
For both amplitude and speed influence test, we per-
formed a one-way independent ANOVA (analysis of
variance) (4) test. The ANOVA examines if the mean
of numeric variables differs across levels of catego-
rical variables. After checking all assumptions (nor-
mality of errors, equal error variance across category,
independence of errors), we hypothesized:
: µ
= µ
= µ
: At least one mean is not equal to the others.
As shown in Table 4, we considered that all means
were equal to each other. The statistic test we ran
was the ratio of the between-category variance and
the within-category variance. If this ratio was gre-
ater than the critical probability distribution F, we
could reject the null hypothesis. After obtaining a p-
value below the 0.05 threshold, we could affirm the
rejection of the null hypothesis with a confidence rate
of 95 %. Thus, we can conclude that there is an effect
of scroll speed on eyes category position.
Table 4: Result test ANOVA with significance level (p-
value) and F-score.
Indicator Task Down Up
F-test Free viewing 4.26 7.07
Target finding 3.76 -
P-value Free viewing 0.017 0.001
Target finding 0.031 -
To go further, we had to determine and define this
influence. We focused on means for each tasks using
a Tuckey’s test. We observed that while scrolling
quickly, participants positioned their eyes at the
opposite side of the scroll’s direction to be able to
detect bottom-up characteristics through peripheral
vision as shown in Figure 3. Furthermore, when
participants were looking for a specific information
(target finding task), they tended to quickly look
towards the center of the screen when the scroll speed
Then we focused on scroll’s amplitude, which is
the distance between the start and the end of a scroll
session. We wanted to know if participants adapted
their eyes position before scrolling. Here again we
differentiated the target finding and the free viewing
tasks and calculated the means distance for each area
before the participant scroll.
Table 5: Result test ANOVA with significance level (p-
value) and F-score.
Indicator Task Down Up
F-test Free viewing 3.08 10.44
Target finding 0.09 -
P-value Free viewing < 0.001 < 0.001
Target finding 0.9 -
We could conclude using ANOVA test that for
the free viewing task, when the eyes were located
at the bottom of the screen and before scrolling up,
the scroll amplitude increased with p-value < 0.05 as
shown in Table 5. As expected, when the eyes were
located on the top of the screen before scrolling down
the scroll amplitude were much higher, see Figure 4
(a) and (b). About the target finding task, there was
no significant impact (c) of amplitude on the screen
area before scrolling (p-value > 0.05). However, we
noticed that when searching specific information, par-
ticipants did not have a long scroll amplitude in order
to not miss an element (text, blocs, titles, etc) and to
differentiate them.
The scroll event could improve the prediction of
the localization of the eyes on Y axis using the com-
bination of direction, amplitude and speed variables.
HUCAPP 2018 - International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Eyes position according to scroll speed, (a) and (b) corresponds to free viewing task, (c) corresponds to target
finding task.
Figure 4: Scroll amplitude according to screen area before scroll, (a) and (b) corresponds to free viewing task, (c) corresponds
to target finding task.
Figure 5: Screen’s three areas.
3.3 Model
Previous analyses provided several insights about
users behaviours on webpages given more or less spe-
cific tasks. We built our models from these, more par-
ticularly from the eyes movements standard deviati-
ons. As in section 3.2.1, we separated X and Y axes to
infer the parameters of a Gaussian model which pre-
dicted the eyes position based on the mouse position
and cognitive load of the task. From these standard
deviations we were able to define a confidence area
around the mouse in which the eyes had a 70% pro-
bability to be in it. We chose to base our calculus on
the 70
percentile because it was the minimum con-
fidence rate we observed in the state of the art. As
shown in Table 6, columns “x std. and “y std.”, the
percentile (5) gave a first coarse pixel area around
the mouse cursor.
percentile = µ ± Zσ (5)
Table 6: Standard deviation (percentile 70%) normal and
using only sudden X changes.
Task x std. y std. x std.
y std.
558.0 416.4 - -
486.4 403.8 361.3 251.0
Text re-
627.8 257.9 - -
But we were interested in a better model, so we focu-
sed on specific behaviours during tasks. As shown in
Figure 2 (a) target finding class, we identified sudden
changes on X axis. After analysing participants’ vi-
deos and comparing with several target finding tasks
among them, we found that these sudden changes ma-
tched participant’s interest. When the participant had
a target finding goal and found his target, he quickly
moved his mouse to the point of interest.
Thus, we manually defined a threshold at the be-
ginning of each sudden changes and we computed the
standard deviation before and after every final sud-
den change on X. We obtained better results as shown
in Table 6, column “x std. thrs. and “x std. thrs.”.
Area covered by the 70
was reduced by around 150
pixels for both axes. With this second model, we were
able to increase the accuracy but only by focusing on
a specific event.
Eye and Mouse Coordination During Task: From Behaviour to Prediction
We first compared eye and mouse data with the sa-
liency metric PCC. We did not find significant con-
sistency between participants’ eyes and mouse positi-
ons (inter) and between participants’ eyes (intra). Ho-
wever, results showed that participants behaved in a
more similar way when they had the same task with
the same location (reading task).
Then, we got deeper with dynamic analyses. We
showed that using distance and correlation, we were
able to highlight more interesting coordinations bet-
ween eyes and mouse. We had better results on Y axis
than X axis and succeed to demonstrate behaviour dif-
ferences between tasks. In addition, scroll analyses,
clearly showed a relation between eyes position and
scroll speed while browsing and amplitude before the
Finally, we made a model for each task able to
predict the area around the mouse’s cursor in which
the eyes had 70% chances to be located in. Howe-
ver, eyes location uncertainty compared to mouse po-
sition remained high, even if we succeed to enhance
the model during target finding task by observing bru-
tal changes on X axis.
In this paper, we presented results of a prelimi-
nary study, used as a validation to conduct a bigger
experiment, including more participants. This will al-
low us to analyse the impact of participants’ age on
their mouse movements. Moreover, we did not use
scroll events analyses to enhance our models. In fu-
ture work, we think that doing so, could boost the
precision of the model by reducing the area around
the mouse’s cursor. We could also investigate new re-
lations between the scroll and the eyes by analysing
scroll in 2D. Then, we could use machine learning
models to integrate new features and more user beha-
viours such as mouse patterns. Finally, our main ob-
jective is to propose the most accurate model in order
to use it in real time to predict web user behaviours.
We thank French Research and Technology Associa-
tion (ANRT) and Sublime Skinz for supporting this
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Eye and Mouse Coordination During Task: From Behaviour to Prediction