Towards Risk-aware Access Control Framework for Healthcare
Information Sharing
Mohamed Abomhara, Geir M. Køien, Vladimir A. Oleshchuk and Mohamed Hamid
Department of Information and Communication Technology, University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway
Access Control, Healthcare Information Sharing, Electronic Health Records, Security, Privacy, Risk Assess-
ment, Risk Management.
Access control models play an important role in the response to insider threats such as misuse and unautho-
rized disclosure of the electronic health records (EHRs). In our previous work in the area of access control,
we proposed a work-based access control (WBAC) model that strikes a balance between collaboration and
safeguarding sensitive patient information. In this study, we propose a framework for risk assessment that
extend the WBAC model by incorporating a risk assessment process, and the trust the system has on its users.
Our framework determines the risk associated with access requests (user’s trust level and requested object’s
security level) and weighting such risk against the risk appetite and risk threshold of situational conditions.
Specifically, an access request will be permitted if the risk threshold outweighs the risk of granting access to
information, otherwise it will be denied.
Electronic health records (EHRs) are an essential in-
formation source and a communication channel to
create a shared view of the patient among healthcare
providers (healthcare professionals and healthcare or-
ganizations) (Chao, 2016; Reitz et al., 2012). How-
ever, since EHRs systems gather and enable health
information access, secure control over information
flow is a key aspect of EHRs where sensitive infor-
mation is shared among a group of people within or
across organizations (Shoniregun et al., 2010). In-
sider abuse or misused of health information may lead
to a significant damage to patient’s privacy and health-
care provider alike (Probst et al., 2010). It is, on
the one hand, healthcare providers are authorized to
access their patient health information during patient
treatment and on the other hand, there is always a se-
curity risk associated with each access to health in-
formation which might lead to potential information
leakage (Salim et al., 2011; Rostad et al., 2007).
Access control is the most popular approach for
developing an active form of mitigating insider threats
(Baracaldo and Joshi, 2013; Probst et al., 2010).
Role-based access control (RBAC) (Ferraiolo et al.,
2001) and attribute-based access control (ABAC) (Hu
et al., 2014) are a popular models for access con-
trol and they widely employed in medical industry
(Ferraiolo et al., 2001; Salim et al., 2011). These
access control models are characterized by a con-
siderable imbalance between security and efficiency,
especially when applied in distributed environments
(Salim et al., 2010). One of the main problem in
these models often is having a difficulties to enforce
the “need-to-know” principle (Ferraiolo et al., 2001)
and “minimum necessary” standard to use and dis-
close patient’s records for treatment (Agris, 2014).
This is due to problems like, for one, medical records
containing a wide range of information and it is in-
feasible for the policy author (e.g., the administra-
tor) to foreseen what health information a healthcare
provider may need in various situation (Salim et al.,
2011). Second, healthcare providers cannot decide
on what appropriate information is really necessary in
a patient’s treatment case. Thus, healthcare provider
get unlimited access to patient health records which
lead to unaccountable risk on patient health records.
In our previous works (Abomhara and Køien,
2016; Abomhara et al., 2017), an enhanced access
control model was proposed to strike a balance be-
tween collaboration and safeguarding sensitive pa-
tient information. The enhanced model introduced the
team role concept and modifying the user-role assign-
ment model from a RBAC and ABAC. In our access
control model, the level of fine-grained control of ac-
cess to objects that can be authorized to healthcare
Abomhara, M., Køien, G., Oleshchuk, V. and Hamid, M.
Towards Risk-aware Access Control Framework for Healthcare Information Sharing.
DOI: 10.5220/0006608103120321
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2018), pages 312-321
ISBN: 978-989-758-282-0
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
providers is managed and controlled based on the job
required to meet the “minimum necessary” standard.
In this study, we propose a framework for risk assess-
ment to estimate the risk that users may present to ob-
jects by computing the risk of each user access request
and the object accessed by the user. Access decisions
are made by determining the risk associated with ac-
cess requests (user’s trust level and requested object’s
security level) and weighting such risk against the risk
appetite and risk threshold of situational conditions.
Specifically, an access request will be permitted if the
risk threshold outweighs the risk of granting access to
information, otherwise it will be denied.
The remaining part of this study is organized as
follows. Section 2 presents a related work. In section
3, we briefly describe the WBAC model. Section 4
introduces the risk aware framework. In section 5, we
present a usage scenario and proof of concept of the
proposed framework. A discussion, conclusions and
future works are provided in section 6.
To determine whether user access risk levels are on
par with user trust levels and object security levels,
Sandhu, 1993 proposed lattice-based access control
models, where a user is only allowed to access an ob-
ject if the security level of the subject is higher than
or equal to the security level of the object.
Cheng, et al., 2007 proposed a quantified risk-
adaptive access control based on fuzzy multi-level se-
curity. They illustrated the concept of their approach
by showing how the rationale of the Bell-LaPadula
model (Bell and LaPadula, 1975) and Multi-Level Se-
curity (MLS) access control model could be used to
develop a risk-adaptive access control model. Chari,
et al., 2012 used a fuzzy logic risk inferencing system
to determine permission sensitivity levels and user ac-
cess risk levels, and infer the risk of a particular role
by looking at the aggregate role sensitivity and aggre-
gate user access risk level.
Ma, 2012 presented a formal approach to risk as-
sessment for RBAC systems. The basic idea of this
approach is assigning a security level to each user,
calculating the security level for role and then cal-
culate the risk value of role-user assignment relation.
Bijon, et al., 2013 discussed the difference between
traditional constraint-based risk mitigation and recent
quantified risk-aware approaches in RBAC, and also
proposed a framework for a quantified approach to
risk-aware role-based access control.
Baracaldo and Joshi, 2013 proposed a framework
that extends the RBAC model. Their framework
adapts to suspicious changes in users’ behavior by
removing privileges when users’ trust falls below a
certain threshold. Moreover, Shaikh et al., 2011
proposed a dynamically user trust calculation model
based on the past behavior of the users with particu-
lar objects. The past behavior is evaluated based on
the history of reward and penalty points assigned to
user after the completion of every transaction. In their
model, the old and recent history (rewards and penalty
points history) has an equal weight values (Shaikh
et al., 2012) and the consequences of this is that the
model may be enable to detect small changes in re-
cent behavior of user in timely manner. In this case, if
the rewords points increase then the user trust level
increase and vice versa. This model was extended
in (Shaikh et al., 2012) by exponentially weighted
moving average approach. However, in the extended
model, exponentially weighted average of past behav-
ior was obtained recursively. Also, the authors did not
enforce giving the recent events higher weight than
the old events. In this case, we could assume that, the
insider would behavior according to the rules to in-
crease his/her rewards points and reaches to the trust
level that will allow him/her to violate system rules.
Motivated by the shortcomings in the related
work, in our risk-aware framework, we calculate the
risk associated with an access request using the trust
level based on object security level (section 4.2) and
the past user behavior. The past behavior of users is
dynamically calculated based on rewards and penalty
points assigned to users. In our model, rewards and
penalty points history are given a different weight val-
ues based on the oldness of their occurrence based on
the forgetting factor which allows weight the recent
events higher than old one (section 4.3).
WBAC enforces a three-layer access control that ap-
plies RBAC, a secondary RBAC and ABAC. The sec-
ondary RBAC layer, with extra team roles extracted
from the team work requirements, is added to man-
age the complexity of cooperative engagements in
the healthcare domain (Abomhara and Køien, 2016).
Role and team role are used in conjunction to deal
with access control in dynamic collaborative envi-
ronments. Policies related to collaboration and team
work are encapsulated within this coordinating layer
to ensure that the attribute layer is not overly burdened
(Abomhara et al., 2017).
Towards Risk-aware Access Control Framework for Healthcare Information Sharing
3.1 WBAC Core Components
The Core WBAC model includes the following com-
U SR is a set of users.
OBJ is a set of objects. OBJ = OBJ
where, OBJ
is a set of private objects, OBJ
a set of protected objects and OBJ
OPR is set of operations.
PER is set of permissions; PER OBJ × OPR.
R is a set of roles.
T R is a set team roles. T R = {tr
} where
is thought role, tr
is action role, tr
is man-
agement role (early described in (Abomhara and
Køien, 2016)).
T is a set of teams, where T 2
W is a set of collaborative works. W =
(t, ob j, state), where, t T , ob j OBJ, and
state {Active, Inactive}.
U SR-R-A USR × R: User to role assignment re-
U SR-T -A USR × T : User to team assignment
T M-T R-A USR × T × T R: Team member to a
team role assignment relation.
PER-R-A PER × R: Permission to role assign-
ment relation.
PER-T R-A PER × T R: Permission to team role
assignment relation.
T -W -A T ×W : Team to work assignment rela-
PS: Represents a policy set which is based on one
or more policy.
P: Represents a policy which composed of one or
more rules.
rule: Represents a rule in policy.
Definition 1. Access state (Γ) is a set of all WBAC
model assignments which contains all the information
necessary to make access control decisions.
In order to specify the access control, we define
the following functions:
(r) = {usr USR|(usr, r)
USR-R-A}: A set of all users assigned to role r.
(t) = {usr USR|(usr,t)
USR-T -A}: A set of team members in team
(usr,t) = {tr T R|(usr, t, tr)
T M-T R-A}: A set of team roles hold by user usr
in team t.
(tr) = {usr U SR|∃t T : tr
(usr,t)}: A set of all users as-
signed to team roles in team t.
(r) = {per PER|(per, r)
PER-R-A}: A set of permissions hold by role r.
(tr) = {per
PER|(tr, per) PER-T R-A}: A set of per-
missions hold by team role tr.
assigned-team-work(w) = {t T |(w,t)
T -W -A}: A set of teams assigned to work w.
can-access(usr, per): User usr has a permission
Definition 2. An access policy is a security state-
ment of what is, and what is not allowed in the
organization. Formally: can-access(usr, per)
. . . rule
, where usr USR, per PER and
per = (ob j, opr).
It can be interpreted as user (usr) can perform an
operation (opr) on object (ob j) if and only if all con-
ditions (rule
) hold.
Definition 3. A rule is a fundamental component
of an policy. A rule consists of a condition (rule-
Con) and an effect (ruleEff) that can be either
a permission or denial associated with the suc-
cessful evaluation of the rule. Formally: rule =
(ruleId, ruleCon, target, ruleE f f ,CombiningAlg).
A rule condition is a Boolean function over sub-
ject, object and operation that refines the applicabil-
ity of the rule beyond the predicates implied by its
target. The correct evaluation of a condition returns
the effect of the rule (permit or deny), while incor-
rect evaluation results in an error (Indeterminate) or
the discovery that the condition does not apply to the
request (Not Applicable). target = (usr, ob j, opr) is
a set of attributes and their values for matching the
user, object, and operation, to check if the given rule
and CombiningAlg is the policy combining algorithm
(e.g., deny-overrides, permit-overrides and/or first-
applicable algorithms (Li et al., 2009)).
Example 1. Consider a policy with one rule
) to ensuring that the primary doctor has a
clearance to read medical file. Formally: rule =
, {isPrimaryDoctor}, {{usr}, {Records}, {opr}
}, {permit}, {CombiningAlg}).
Where isPrimaryDoctor is the rule conditions. In
this case, only healthcare provider who hold a role
as “isPrimaryDoctor are permit to access the object
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Definition 4. A policy set (PS) is a container of one
or more policies. PS may contain other policy sets,
policies or both.
An example of defined access control policies as
Policy 1 (Role separation of duty (SoD) constraints).
User to role assignments should respect SoD where
number of roles from SoD assigned to the same user
can not exceed N. RSoD (2
× N) is collection of
pairs (rs, n) in RSoD, where, rs is a role set, m rs
and n is a integer number 2, with the property that
no user is assigned to n or more roles from the set rs
in each (rs, n) RSoD. Formally:
(rs, n) RSoD, m rs : |m|≥ n
(r) =
Policy 2 (Team role separation of duty (SoD) con-
straints). A user in one team must be assigned to ex-
actly one team role. Formally: t T, usr USR :
usr team
(t) |(authorized-usr
Policy 3 (Role cardinality constraints). User to
role assignments must respect the cardinality con-
straints where the number of authorized users for
any role does not exceed the authorization cardinal-
ity (card
(r)) of that role. Formally: r R :
(r)|≤ card
Policy 4 (Team cardinality constraints). The number
of authorized users for any team (t) does not exceed
the cardinality (card
(t)) of that team. Formally:
t T : |team
(t)|≤ card
Policy 5 (Team role cardinality constraints). The
number of authorized users for any team role does
not exceed the cardinality (card
(tr)) of that
role. Formally: tr T R : |team-role
Policy 6 (Access). Object “Records” can
be accessed only by users with associated
roles. Formally: usr USR, r R, per
PER : usr authorized-usr
(r) per
(r) can-access(usr, Records),
where per = (Records, opr).
Definition 5. An access query (Q) is a request by a
user to perform an operation on an object. Formally:
Q = (usr
, ob j
, opr
) where, usr
U SR, ob j
OBJ and opr
A response to access query Q is an access re-
sponse RS = {D} which is a decision D to the access
query against the defined policy and rules (definitions
2 and 3) in policy set PS.
Definition 6. Access control decision function (d f )
is defined as if condition defined by rules in access
policy is evaluated as true or false (Algorithm 1), then
there is decision D = {permit, deny, indeterminate},
according to the rules in the policy. Formally: d f :
Q × PS D.
Algorithm 1 evaluate the access request against
the rules defined in policy. It takes rule and Q as an
input and the result of evaluation would be the rule
decision. The algorithm begins by checking the rule
applicability against the request (Line 4). This is done
by comparing the request Q against the rule target.
The target contains a set of attributes and their values
for matching the usr, object and operation, to check if
the given rule is applicable to the request. If the target
match, the rule condition is evaluated (line 6), other-
wise, a discovery that the rule does not apply to the re-
quest “Indeterminate” (line 16) is returned to the pol-
icy d f . Incorrect evaluation results in an error “Inde-
terminate” (Line 7), while correct evaluation of a con-
dition returns the effect of the rule (line 9-13) which
can be can be either a permission or denial of request
Q. In the case there exists a ruleEff=permit and a
ruleEff=deny, the decision will be taken according to
the policy combining algorithm (CombiningAlg). For
example, if CombiningAlg = Deny-Overrides, deci-
sions will be combines in such a way that if any rule-
Eff is a deny, then that decision is deny.
Algorithm 1: Rule evaluation algorithm
(RuleEva(rule, Q)).
Input rule, target and Q
Output Rule decision
1: rule = {{ruleId}, {ruleCon}, {target},
{ruleE f f }, {CombiningAlg}}
2: target = {{usr}, {ob j}, {opr}}
3: Q = {usr
, ob j
, opr
4: if ((usr
usr) 6=
0) (ob j
ob j) 6=
opr) 6=
0) then Target is applicable
5: for (i rule) do
6: if (i.ruleEff= false) then
7: RuleDecision = Indeterminate
8: else
9: if (i.ruleEff= Deny) then
10: RuleDecision = Deny
11: end if
12: RuleDecision = permit
13: end if
14: end for
15: else
16: Indeterminate Target is indeterminate
17: end if
Towards Risk-aware Access Control Framework for Healthcare Information Sharing
Risk threshold
Permit with risk
Object Security Level
0 10050
Risk appetite
Figure 1: WBAC risk scale.
In this section, we present our risk framework. First,
we present the risk appetite and risk threshold and
then object security labels and user trust level. Fol-
lowed by, user trust calculation and risk value calcu-
4.1 Risk Appetite and Thresholds
In the decision function (definition 6), the static deci-
sion (permit, deny, indeterminate) would be replaced
by a dynamic access decision based on the risk value.
Figure 1 presents the risk scale of our model, where
the risk curve is divided into three bands.
The first band (risk appetite boundary) is associ-
ated with a decision permission because there is no
risk or the risk is very low and an entity (e.g., organi-
zation) is willing to take the risk in anticipation of a
The second band (risk threshold boundary) is as-
signed a decision permission with risk mitigation
plans (e.g., risk acceptance (Rittenberg and Martens,
2012), risk transfer and risk avoidance (Stoneburner
et al., 2002)). Below that risk threshold (between the
risk appetite boundary and risk threshold boundary)
is the risk tolerance, which is the amount of risk that
an entity will accept or is willing to withstand. Risk
threshold is measured along the level of uncertainty
or level of impact at which an entity may have a spe-
cific interest. Below that risk threshold, the entity will
accept or withstand the risk. Above that risk thresh-
old, the entity will not tolerate the risk. Risk thresh-
old varies from one entity to another depending on the
risk level an entity is willing to take.
The third band is associated with the deny deci-
sion because the risk is too high. In this case, it is
not desirable to prevent a healthcare provider from ac-
cessing an object as this could cause greater damage
to the patient than the risk of accessing the patient’s
records. This is due to requirement of “nothing must
interfere with the delivery of care” (Salim et al., 2011;
Rostad et al., 2007). But the object owner or sys-
tem administrator (e.g. security administrator) must
be notified of the risk and the access request will re-
quire evaluating the patient’s (object owner) consent.
Therefore, the problem of low risk detectability can
be examined and the object owner or system adminis-
trator may carry out an investigation and discover the
facts of access.
In a case of the risk value is greater than the risk
appetite and risk threshold, the healthcare provider’s
access request to the object will not be denied com-
pletely, but mitigation plans can be put in place to
reduce the risk. An example of a mitigation plan
is an additional evaluation layer such as a purpose-
based access control policy to solve conflicting anal-
ysis (Wang et al., 2010). The purpose of information
access could be associated with the access request to
specify the intention of the access request.
4.2 Object Security Labels
Every object in our model is associated with a secu-
rity label which represents the level of object protec-
tion. Based on the level of sensitivity, the object can
be classified in numerous ways. For example, one of
the following labels is assigned to the object are top
secret, secret, confidential and unclassified (Stewart
et al., 2015).
Definition 7. The object security labels denoted by
security-level(ob j) and is defined in the interval
[0, 1], where 0 means the required level of protection
is very low and 1 means the level of protection re-
quired is very high.
Object security level is assigned to an object by
the object owner. It is understood that healthcare
providers need varying degrees of patient information
to perform their job duties (Salim et al., 2011). Thus,
object classification require a great deal to set a secu-
rity levels to patient data as well as define what access
privileges could lead to potential insider threats and
compromise patient data. However, we believe that
assigning a security level to a medical record based on
the sensitivity of information is doable. Here, we as-
sume that the object owner decides on the object’s se-
curity level based on its sensitivity. For example, psy-
chotherapy notes (i.e., notes recorded by a health care
provider who is a mental health professional (US De-
partment of Health and Human Services et al., 2014))
could have a higher security level comparing to pa-
tient personal information such as phone number and
address. In our access control model (section 3), and
according to our object classification, such an object
(psychotherapy notes) will be accessible to treatment
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
team only if treatment team decide such information
is necessary for patient treatment.
4.3 User Trust Level
User trust level has been defined by Mayer et al.,
1995, as a function of trustee’s behavior that includes
its ability, benevolence and integrity of the trustor’s
propensity to trust. In this study, we assume that, each
user (healthcare provider) is associated with a trust
level that represents the level of user clearance by the
organization (e.g., hospital and clinic) that owns the
Definition 8. The trust for a user (usr) towards an
object (ob j) is denoted by trust-level(usr) and is de-
fined in the interval [0, 1], where 1 means the user is
fully trusted and 0 means the user is totally untrusted.
User trust level may be computed either statically
or dynamically. Static computation refers to user at-
tributes. For example, the trustworthiness level of car-
diologists in the cardiology department may be higher
than that of the nurses who work in the same depart-
ment. Dynamic computation refers to users’ access
history (Cheng et al., 2007), behavior (Shaikh et al.,
2012; Shaikh et al., 2011; Baracaldo and Joshi, 2013)
and value of user reputation (Bijon et al., 2013).
As we mentioned early (section 2), Shaikh and
others in (Shaikh et al., 2011; Shaikh et al., 2012)
proposed a dynamically user trust calculation model
based on rewards and penalty points. The authors as-
sumed that, on the one hand, if the access request to an
object is successfully redeemed, an obligation server
will assign rewards points to the user with a respect
to the object. On the other hand, if the access request
is not successfully redeemed due to any problem, the
obligation server will assign penalty points.
In this study, we modify the proposed method of
calculating rewards and penalty histories by assigning
different weight values based on the oldness of their
occurrence. That is, the older the action that lead to a
specific reward/penalty, the smaller the weight given
to that reward/penalty. This is done by incorporating
a forgetting factor (Hayes, 2009) which decays ex-
ponentially with the time lag between the instance of
calculating the trust level and the reward/penalty ac-
tion occurrence.
4.4 User Trust Calculation
For each user, we calculate a trust level value
trust-level(usr) with a respect to an object. The cal-
culation is done based on user previous trust level
value T L
, rewards RE and penalty PE points with
a regards to the time τ as in equation 1. In case of
new user (user has no T L
) or if neither penalties
nor rewards are available, then the user trust will be
assigned to the lower trust level TL
trust-level(usr) = T L
RE(i) · λ
Where, i is an event index, λ
1 is rewards for-
getting factor, λ
1 is penalty forgetting factor, τ
is a time of the event occurrence i, τ
is the current
time of calculating the user trust level, and n is the
number of events.
4.5 Risk Value Calculation
Risk is defined as the probability that a hazardous sit-
uation (threat) will occur and the impact of success-
ful violation. When designing a system, it is nec-
essary to understand the risk exposure level and en-
sure it is within risk appetite. The National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) (Stoneburner
et al., 2002) calculate the risk based on threat prob-
ability and the impact. In this paper, we determine
the threat probability based on the number of rewards
and penalty points and the impact is defined based on
the object security label (section 4.2). For example, if
the object security label is high (e.g., secret) than the
risk threshold is high and the impact will be high (this
depends on the user trust level).
Before we start explain how we calculate the risk
value, we first, give an auxiliary predicates we need
for our risk assessment. The following functions are
risk-appetite(opr, ob j): The risk appetite value
used to determine the amount or volume of risk
that an organization or individual will accept and
is defined in the interval [0, 1].
risk-threshold(opr, ob j): The risk threshold value
is used to determine whether the risk is acceptable
to an organization and is defined in the interval
[0, 1] which
Given rewards and penalty points, we calculate the
risk associated with an access request Q based on the
user trust level (trust-level(usr)) and the object secu-
rity level (security-level(ob j)) as shown in equation
rv(usr, ob j) = (sigm(security-level(ob j)
Where, sigm(x) =
1 + e
We believe there are many ways to calculate the
risk value. Here, we chose the sigmoid function
Towards Risk-aware Access Control Framework for Healthcare Information Sharing
(equation 2) as an activation function to weigh the risk
sum of the object security level and user trust level
and present the output as a sigmoid curve. The sig-
moid function is real-valued and differentiable maps
binary events to real-valued (probabilistic) curves. It
has a non-negative or non-positive first derivative,
which makes calculating and learning the weights of
a risk easier. It is also a very popular function used in
machine learning, artificial neural networks (Basheer
and Hajmeer, 2000) and modeling risk management
(Cheng et al., 2007), because it satisfies a property
between the derivative and itself, such that it is com-
putationally easy to perform.
4.6 Risk-aware Access Decision
After calculating the trust level of user and the risk
value, The risk parameter is added to the decision
function (definition 6). It is said a threat exists if
a usr USR can access an ob j OBJ such that
rv(usr, ob j) risk-appetite(opr, ob j).
Definition 9. Risk-Aware Access Decision Mecha-
nism is defined as if condition defined in rules is eval-
uated as true and the risk value rv(usr, ob j) is less
than risk-appetite(opr, ob j) , the usr is permitted,
otherwise, denied. Formally:
rd f : Q × PS × rv(usr, ob j) D
rd f =
Permit if Case1.
Mitigated if Case2.
Deny if Case3.
Indeterminate Otherwise.
Where, PS and rv(usr, ob j) are the policy set (defini-
tion 2) and risk value date sets, respectively, related to
object ob j and
Case1= rule [rule.ruleE f f == permit]
rv(usr, ob j) risk-appetite(opr, ob j).
Case2= rule [rule.ruleE f f == permit]
risk-threshold(opr, ob j) rv(usr, ob j)
risk-appetite(opr, ob j).
Case3= rule [rule.ruleE f f == deny]
rv(usr, ob j) risk-threshold(opr, ob j).
We say, if the risk value given by rv(usr, ob j) fails
between the first and second bands (Figure 1) and
there exists rules (Algorithm 1) permit the request,
then user (usr) is permitted to perform operation (opr)
on object (ob j) with risk value (rv(usr, ob j)) and risk
mitigation plans, otherwise, the access request is de-
nied. Unless the request is approved by the object
owner or system administrator. In deny case, we also
assume it might be rules in access policy deny the ac-
cess. Indeterminate means there is no rules applicable
to the request.
In this section, first, we consider a usage scenario and
then we give examples of how the access decision is
made according to user trust level and risk value.
5.1 Usage Scenario
Considering the following case study (adapted from
(Zhang and Liu, 2010)). Four healthcare providers
(Dean, Bob, Cara and Alex) are working on a case
(treatment of a patient Alice). In our model, we as-
sume Dean is assigned the primary doctor role and
he serves as the group manager. He is responsible
for initiating the work (Alices treatment case) and
choosing the practitioners (team of doctors) who may
be required to attend Alices consultation and treat-
ment. Dean assigns users (Bob, Cara and Alex) to the
team. The members join the team and are assigned
team roles based on the required job function.
We assume that Dean decides who should access
what based on the required job. Table 1 presents the
policy data used as input for our proof of concept.
As shown in Table 1, we assume that objects
(Alices health recors) are classified to ob j
, ......, File
}, where f ile
is private informa-
tion such as Alices personal data and other infor-
mation not related to the current case (e.g sexu-
ally transmitted diseases (STD)), and ob j
, ......, File
}, where f ile
is information re-
lated to Alices current case, such as her old medical
records. The security level of each object are assigned
as shown in Table 2.
Bob, Cara and Alex are healthcare professionals
who join Alice’s treatment team and are assigned to
team role. We assume, if all conditions (e.g. separa-
tion of duty (SOD) are true, then role R and T R are
assigned to users and the access state Γ (definition 1)
will be updated as shown in example 2.
Example 2. Access State (γ
): Consider Alice’s case,
the initial state denoted by γ
is the formal model as-
signment presented in Table 1 as follows:
USR = {Dean, Bob,Cara, Alex}.
R = {Primary-doctor, General-practitioner,
Gastroenterologist, Medical-coordinator}.
T R = {tr
T = {t
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Tabular structure of policy data.
Subject Job Function Team Role Object Type Action Permission
Dean Primary Doctor Role OBJ
and OBJ
Read/write Permit
Bob General practitioner Action OBJ
and OBJ
Read Permit
Cara Gastroenterologist Thought OBJ
Read Permit
Alex Medical coordinator Management OBJ
Read Permit
Table 2: Assumptions of object security levels.
Object SL Description
ob j
0.8 Alices personal information (e.g.
name, phone number, STD) and
other EHRs that are not related to
Alice’s current case
ob j
0.5 Alice’s medical records that are re-
lated to Alices current case
W = {w
OBJ = {ob j
, ob j
OPR = {Read,W rite}.
PER = {(read, ob j
), (write, ob j
), (read, ob j
(write, ob j
USR-R-A = {(Dean, Primary-doctor)}.
PER-R-A = {(Primary-doctor, (read, ob j
(Primary-doctor, (write,ob j
)), (Primary-doctor,
(read, ob j
)), (Primary-doctor, (write, ob j
USR-T -A = {(Alex, t
), (Cara, t
), (Bob,t
T M-T R-A = {(Bob, t
), (Cara, t
), (Alex,t
PER-T R-A = {(tr
, (read, ob j
)), (tr
, (write, ob j
, (read, ob j
)), (tr
, (read, ob j
)), (tr
, (read, ob j
T -W -A(t
, w
) = {(w
risk-appetite(usr, ob j) = 0.18 (assumption).
risk-threshold(usr, ob j) = 0.45 (assumption).
5.2 Proof of Concept
In this proof of concept, we consider the access state
which is a particular model assignment to a given
WBAC system. An access state γ Γcontains all the
information necessary to make access control deci-
sions for a given time.
Example 3 (User permission with risk assess-
ment:). Let assume an example where Cara re-
quests read access to file in ob j
and let q =
(Cara, ob j
, read) where q is the access request (def-
inition 5).
Table 2 shows that security-level(ob j
) = 0.5 and
access state γ
(Example 2) shows that Cara is a mem-
ber of team t
and she is assigned to team role tr
. Ac-
cording to γ
, we could say that the system dose not
violate the any constraints (e.g., SoD and cardinality
constraints) and based on the access decision function
d f (Definition 6), Cara could access and preform read
operation on a file in ob j
as she is a member of
a team and she hold a team role (policy 6).
Considering the user trust level (Figures 2) as the
basic criterion for conducting risk assessment, we
could see how trust level of user and risk values in-
crease and/or decreases with the change in user be-
havior. For Cara request, it can be concluded that
permitting Cara to read ob j
has low risk (Figure
2(a)) comparing with her trust level which was calcu-
lated according to her history of rewards and penalty
On the one hand, in figure 2(a), we assumed
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time index
Trust level/ Risk value
User TL
Risk value when SL = 0.2
Risk value when SL = 0.5
Risk value when SL = 0.8
Risk Appetite
Risk Threshold
(a) Trust level and risk value in case of 20% misbehaving
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time index
Trust level/ Risk value
User TL
Risk value when SL = 0.2
Risk value when SL = 0.5
Risk value when SL = 0.8
Risk Appetite
Risk Threshold
(b) Trust level and risk value in case of 90% misbehaving
Figure 2: Risk exposure using our model.
Towards Risk-aware Access Control Framework for Healthcare Information Sharing
that Cara is 80% behaving according to rules and
she only violates the system rules and policy about
20% (i.e., 20% misbehaving user). Figure 2(a) in-
dicates that the risk value rv(Cara, ob j
) is
greater than risk-appetite(usr, ob j) and less than
risk-threshold(usr, ob j). Therefore, user Cara is per-
mitted to perform operation read on object ob j
with a risk value of ' 0.4 (function 2). This happens
when trust-level(Cara) 0.3.
On the other hand, figure 2(b) shows the case
when Cara is 90% misbehaving user. As shown in
the Figure 2(b), Cara is posing a high risk towards
ob j
since the trust-level(Cara) 0.2 is less
than security-level(ob j) = 0.5 then the rv(usr, ob j) '
0.45 risk-threshold(usr, ob j). According to the
principle presented in (Cheng et al., 2007) and Fig-
ure 2(b), the threat always increases as the difference
between the object security level and user trust level
increases and and vice versa.
As we mentioned early (section 4.1) that we can
not prevent a healthcare provider from accessing an
object during patient treatment. However, in our ac-
cess control model (section 3), the risk that Cara
poses to the object has been mitigated. Upon con-
ducting risk assessment of Alices object, it is noted
that Cara poses a threat to this file. Therefore, the
problem of low risk detectability is examined and Al-
ice or the system administrator has discovered the fact
of an access (Alices treatment).
6.1 Discussion
In our access control model, a realistic way of han-
dling collaboration risk is to minimize the discrep-
ancy between the granted and required access. This
is done by utilizing resource classification in orga-
nizing shared resources and team roles. Dean could
retrieve all resources that he thinks team members
does not need to for Alices treatment. Dean must
also receive Alices consent (explicitly or implic-
itly) regarding treatment team formation and which
objects according to “need-to-know” principle (Fer-
raiolo et al., 2001) and “minimum necessary” stan-
dard (Agris, 2014) can be shared with the team. This
would be done to satisfy the requirement of “selective
relevancy” where Alice would be able to withhold in-
formation that remains confidential.
In reality, patients cannot decide what informa-
tion is needed to complete their treatment, therefore
doctors must choose the required information them-
selves and the patient has to agree (Salim et al.,
2011; Rostad et al., 2007). In any case, the pa-
tient is aware of the threat posed by the healthcare
provider to the objects and the patient can refuse to
share objects with the healthcare provider. Although
the patient may refuse to share, the risk of refus-
ing to share objects with healthcare providers poses a
greater risk than the risk of sharing the objects. Thus,
in our access control model, the extent of collabo-
rative access has been elevated and then audited the
increased responsibilities of an insider pre-justifying
the extent request, and an authorizing entity (patient
or primary doctor) granting the access possibly for
a specified ahead access time which would be done
by the work component. This would make an in-
sider threat more detectable. In addition, the activ-
ity of a healthcare provider who joined the team and
was granted such access extent can be logged and
audited for intrusion detection if there is contradic-
tion of the pre-justified request for the extent. In a
case where the risk is substantial and non-acceptable
(rv(Cara, ob j
) risk-threshold(usr, ob j
)), the pol-
icy must be amended to allow such additional con-
6.2 Conclusions
The motivation behind creating a risk assessment
framework for our enhances access control model is
to help improve system security in terms of protect-
ing healthcare information from insider threats, such
as patient data disclosure and/or unauthorized access
or modification by insiders. We, first, briefly talked
about our access control model (WBAC). Second, we
presented the concept of user trust level and object se-
curity level. Also, we introduced the idea of assigning
rewards and penalty points for a users and how this
rewards and penalty points are used to calculate the
user trust level. The main goal of our risk assessment
framework is to evaluate the risks associated with ac-
cess requests and based on the risk value, an access
decision is made.
In the future, we plan to extent the model by con-
sidering other factors such as cost and impact of per-
mission, risk associated with role/ team role assign-
ments as well as directly compared our model with
exciting models. Also, we plan to evaluate the validity
of the scheme to provide solutions to improve health-
care quality, provide access to a high-quality health-
care system and support close cooperation between
healthcare professionals and care providers from dif-
ferent organization.
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