Model Driven Architecture based Testing
Tool based on Architecture Views
Burak Uzun and Bedir Tekinerdogan
Information Technology Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Keywords: Model based Testing, Software Architecture, Architecture based Testing, Software Architecture Viewpoints.
Abstract: Model Driven Architecture Based Testing (MDABT) is a testing approach exploiting the knowledge in the
design phase to test the software system. MBT can use different representations of the system to generate
testing procedures for different aspects of the software systems. The overall objective of this paper is to
present a model-driven architecture based testing tool framework whereby the adopted models represent
models of the architecture. Based on the model-based testing approach we propose the MDABT process and
the corresponding tool. The tool has been implemented using the Eclipse Epsilon Framework. We illustrate
the MDABT tool framework for deriving test cases from different architecture views.
In general, exhaustive testing is not practical or
tractable for most real programs due to the large
number of possible inputs and sequences of
operations. As a result, selecting set of test cases
which can detect possible flaws of the system is the
key challenge in software testing. Model based
testing (MBT) addresses this challenge by automating
the generation and execution of test cases using
models based on system requirements and behaviour
(Utting, et al., 2012). MBT relies on models to
automate the generation of the test cases and their
execution. A model is usually an abstract, partial
presentation of the desired behaviour of a system
under test (SUT). MBT can use different
representations of the system to generate testing
procedures for different aspects of the software
systems. Example models include finite state
machines (FSMs), Petri Nets, I/O automata, and
Markov Chains. A recent trend in MBT is to adopt
software architecture models to provide automated
support for the test process leading to the notion of
model-driven architecture-based testing (MDABT).
Software architecture is different from the other
design representations since it provides a gross-level
representation of the system at the higher abstraction
level (Tekinerdogan, 2014). In this paper, we present
MD-ArchT, an MDABT tool framework for
supporting model based testing using architecture
models. The tool takes as input a set of architecture
views that can be used to automatically create test
cases. In this paper, we focus in particular on using
the test cases for checking the architecture-code
consistency (Eksi & Tekinerdogan, 2017). We
illustrate the MDABT tool framework for deriving
test cases from different architecture views.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. In section 2, we present the method for
architecture driven model based testing that will be
implemented using the MD-ArchT tool. Section 3
presents the tool framework. Section 5 the related
work and finally section 6 concludes the paper.
Models have been widely used in software
engineering and support the communication among
stakeholders, the analysis, and the guidance in of the
overall development process. Model-based testing
(MBT) uses detailed models to automatically derive
test artefacts (Utting, et al., 2012). There are obvious
reasons for adopting MBT including test
maintenance, test design and increasing test quality.
The MDABT approach that builds on and refines the
general MBT process is shown in Figure 1.
Uzun, B. and Tekinerdogan, B.
Model Driven Architecture based Testing Tool based on Architecture Views.
DOI: 10.5220/0006603604040410
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2018), pages 404-410
ISBN: 978-989-758-283-7
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
1. Test Model
Test Criteria
Test Model
2. Abstract Test
Case Generator
Abstract Test
Concrete Test
4. Test Execution
5. Analyze Test
3. Concrete Test
Case Generator
Figure 1: The MDABT Approach.
The foremost issue in MDABT is that the adopted
models are not just any design models but
architectural models. To derive test artefacts from
these architectural models these should be precisely
defined. Further it is necessary to properly define the
criteria that will be needed to test the system. Testing
criteria informs the process about what is to be tested
and what is the purpose of the generated tests. Using
architecture models along with testing criteria, a test
model is created as an intermediate form.
Subsequently, an abstract test suite is generated from
the testing model which is further used to generate a
concrete test suite. The concrete test suite is the actual
test set that runs on the system under test. After the
test executions, the results are analyzed by a test
oracle. Test model construction, abstract and concrete
test case generation, test execution and analysis can
be automatic or manual depending on the suggested
This section provides an implementation of the
generic process model presented in Figure 1. The
implementation of the tool is based on the Eclipse
Epsilon environment that contains languages and
tools for code generation, model to model
transformation, model validation, comparison,
migration and refactoring (Eclipse, 2014). We
implemented our tool using Epsilon Generation
Language (EGL), Epsilon Generation Runner (EGX),
and Human-Usable Textual Notation (HUTN) tool.
Figure 2: Snapshot of the MDABT Tool.
Package Explorer
EGL Template Editor
Model View
EGX Editor
HUTN Editor
Model Driven Architecture based Testing Tool based on Architecture Views
EGL is a template based model to text
transformation language designed in the Epsilon
environment. Depending on the provided model code,
documents or other textual notations can be derived.
EGX is a runner for EGL templates that can
parametrize the defined templates in which
transformation rule is defined. In the Eclipse Epsilon
environment, the creation of models which conforms
to predefined metamodels can be modelled using
HUTN tool. The execution of EGX file generates a
single JUnit test case which can be executed
automatically. In Figure 2 a snapshot of the IDE is
shown. In the following sub-sections, we describe the
process steps in detail.
3.1 Architecture View Modelling
Our approach uses architecture views for deriving test
cases to check the conformance among the
architecture views with the code. Every architecture
view conforms to an architecture viewpoint that
defines the language for representing the
corresponding views. To support model-based testing
using architecture views we thus need to define the
domain specific languages for the required
architecture viewpoints. We did this for each of the
architecture viewpoint of the Views and Beyond
approach (Demirli & Tekinerdogan, 2011)
(Clements, et al., 2010). HUTN is used to generate
the view models that are used in the test
transformation model construction. The implemented
view model in HUTN can be easily converted to view
model using the integrated HUTN tool in the Eclipse
Epsilon environment.
3.2 Defining Test Criteria for
Architecture Views
Since we use architecture views for architecture
models for testing, we need to define the testing
criteria for each of the adopted architecture views.
The predefined metamodels for each viewpoint
reveals what is to be tested for the respective
viewpoint. In our implementation, we have created
EGL templates for each architecture view under test.
The view criteria are used in the construction of the
EGL templates. In addition, the constructed templates
are used when generating JUnit test cases. Basically,
the transformation rule in the transformation model is
applied on the template using the architecture view
Architecture View
1. Transformation
Model Construction
EGX Based
Transformation Model
View Criteria Based
EGL Template
2. Concrete Test
Case Generator
JUnit Test Cases
3. Automatic
4. Automatic
Test Analysis
Figure 3: Process Model for Our Approach.
3.3 Defining the Transformation Model
Once we have defined the executable models for the
architecture views and the required test criteria we
developed the generators for automated generation of
test cases. For this we adopt the EGX language in
which the required transformation rules are defined.
The transformation rule details consisting of model to
be used, template and its parameters, generated file
location and name is defined in the transformation
rule. Transformation models are created for each
architecture for once for generating the test cases.
After the execution of the rule the test cases are
generated using given model and template to the
given path with its name.
3.4 Generating JUnit Test Cases
Test cases for each view are generated consisting of
multiple test methods. The generated test cases
depend on Java’s built-in reflections library. Each
generated test case can be imported to the project’s
path and executed automatically.
MODELSWARD 2018 - 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
In the following we will use the shared data and
decomposition architecture views to derive test test
cases for checking the conformance with the code.
The shared data viewpoint is used in data-intensive
systems in which components interact through a
repository. The architecture view specifies the
repository, the number and type of data accessors, and
data writers. The data or the repository has multiple
accessors with different access right as read, write, or
read and write.
To develop the domain specific language for this
viewpoint we first need to define the metamodel for
it. This is shown in Figure 4 (Tekinerdogan &
Demirli, 2013).
Figure 4: Metamodel for the Shared Data Viewpoint.
Each architecture viewpoint and the defined
architecture view enforces some constraints on the
system to be implemented. In the shared data
viewpoint, we identified the following testing criteria:
Does each data accessor exist in the code?
Does each attachment of data accessor exist in
the code?
In Figure 5 an example shared data model is shown.
In this model, we have two data accessors
PersistenceManager and QueryingEntityManager
having find, persist and getResultList operations
Figure 5 Shared Data Viewpoint Model.
In Figure 6, we have provided our EGL template
for the shared data viewpoint that implements the
above two constraints as assertions. Considering the
model shown above three test methods will be created
checking the existence of persistenceManager and its
operations and queryingEntityManager and its
Figure 6: Shared Data Viewpoint EGL Template Code
Snippet for Generation of Test Case Methods.
In Figure 7 the shared data transformation rule is
shown. The transformation rule is named
SharedData2JUnit. It consists of one transformation
which takes the model file as input and uses the EGL
template (sharedData2Junit.egl) to generate the target
output as java file (gen/
Figure 7: Transformation Rule for the Shared Data
The execution of the transformation rule creates a
JUnit test case. An example generated code snippet is
shown in Figure 8.
The created test case checks it data accessor
existence and existence of its data operations. First
two test methods check for a data accessor named
persistentManager and its operations existence.
Likewise, third test method checks the existence of
queryingEntityManager data accessor and its
The decomposition viewpoint deals with concerns
of partition of system responsibilities into modules
and modules into submodules. It is a containment
relation among modules and submodules. In Figure 9
decomposition viewpoint metamodel can be seen
(Tekinerdogan and Demirli, 2013).
Model Driven Architecture based Testing Tool based on Architecture Views
Figure 8: Shared Data Viewpoint Generated Test Case
Figure 9: Metamodel for the Decomposition Viewpoint.
In the decomposition viewpoint, we can identify
the following testing criteria:
Does every element in the view model appear in
the code?
Does every subelement in the view model appear
in the code?
Does every subelement exits under
corresponding element in the code?
In Figure 10 a sample decomposition model is
presented. In this case module x is decomposed into
criteria module which is further decomposed into
criteriamodifier and transformer.
Figure 10: Decomposition Model.
Figure 11 shows the EGL template for the
decomposition viewpoint. In this viewpoint test case
method will iteratively be created for each element’s
subelements. Three constraints are asserted in the test
methods which are: the existence of element,
existence of subelement and decomposition relation
between element and its subelement. Three test
methods will be generated considering the sample
model given above. The first test method will check
the existence of x, criteria and check the
decomposition relation between these elements.
Moreover, second and third test methods will both
check for criteria’s existence and subelements which
are criteriamodifier and transformer. Furthermore,
second and third test cases will also assert the
decomposition relation between these elements.
Figure 11: Decomposition Viewpoint EGL Template Code
Snippet for Generation of Test Case Methods.
Figure 12 shows the transformation rule for
generating test case from decomposition model using
the EGL template. The generated file will be named
MODELSWARD 2018 - 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
The execution of the transformation rule creates
again a JUnit test case.
The generated test case has three test methods
named testCriteriaDecomposedOfCriteriamodifier,
testCriteriaDecomposedOfTransformer and
testXDecomposedOfCriteria each method parent and
child module existence and parent child relation
between modules.
Figure 12: Transformation Rule for Decomposition
Figure 13 shows the generated test case code
snippet for three test methods which are:
testCriteriaDecomposedOfCriteriamodifier and
testCriteriaDecomposedOfTransformer. As shown in
the figure there are three assertions are listed in each
generated method the first two assertions are
Figure 13: Decomposition Viewpoint Generated Test Code
Snippet testXDecomposedOfCriteria,
checking the existence of element and subelement,
whereas the last assertions check the decomposition
relation between element and subelement. First
method checks the assertions for element x and
subelement criteria. Likewise, the second and third
test methods checks the assertions for criteria,
criteriamodifier and transformer.
Model-driven architecture based testing (MDABT)
has been proposed and discussed in various studies.
In Bertolino et al. (2000) an approach is provided for
the derivation of test plans from software architecture
(SA) specifications. The authors adopt the approach
for analyzing the conformance of the architecture
with the code. Further they use the SA specification
in particular to support integration testing. In
subsequent work they adopt sequence diagram as the
model for testing the conformance of the architecture
and code (Bertolino, et al., 2000), (Muccini, et al.,
In (Jin and Offutt, 2001) formal test criteria are
defined based on architectural relations. In
Scollo and Zecchini’s study (Scollo and Zecchini,
2005), SA based testing is performed on architectural
level to test requirements of the system against
functionalities of SA. In (Johnsen, et al., 2011), the
so-called Architecture Analysis and Design
Language (AADL) specifications are used for the
verification of software systems. Within the study,
both model checking of SA and SA based testing
approaches are observed to test code to architecture
conformity. In (Keum, et al., 2013), service-oriented
applications (SOA) are tested to solve observability
and controllability problems that are created by
message exchanges between the services that are
hidden behind the front service of the system.
In (Lochau, et al., 2014), use SA based testing
approaches to variant-rich software systems. Authors
addressed the challenge of ensuring correctness of
components implementations and interactions with
any system variant. The main motivation of the study
is to ensure the conformity between code and
In the study referenced in (Li, et al., 2016),
behavioral UML models are used to utilize
architecture based testing for generating behavior
driven tests for cucumber tool. The proposed
approach and tool addresses the concern of
conforming given architecture to implementation.
Model Driven Architecture based Testing Tool based on Architecture Views
In (Elallaoui, et al., 2016), an automated model
driven testing approach which uses UML sequence
diagrams is presented.
In this paper, we have presented our MDABT
approach and the corresponding tool MD-ArchT. We
have defined the overall process based on the generic
model-based testing process. Different from existing
MBT approaches the MDABT process adopts
architectural specification as the model to
automatically derive test artefacts. The tool has been
developed using the Eclipse Epsilon framework
based on ecore models. Architecture models represent
the architecture views that are represented as
specification of the corresponding domain specific
language. We have explained the MDABT approach
in detail and illustrated the approach and the tool for
the shared data viewpoint and the decomposition
viewpoint. We have presented the adopted
metamodels and the test criteria for these views.
Further we have also shown the EGL template and
EGX transformation rule. We have illustrated the
MDABT approach for testing the conformance
between the architecture and the code. Yet, both the
process and the tool are in fact generic and can be
applied also for different test scenarios. In our future
work we will elaborate on this and also integrate
behavioral modeling for generating the test artefacts.
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