Modeling Personality in the Affective Agent Architecture GenIA
Joaquin Taverner, Bexy Alfonso, Emilio Vivancos and Vicente Botti
Departamento de Sistemas Inform
aticos y Computaci
on, Universitat Polit
ecnica de Val
encia, Spain
Jason, Agent, Emotion, Personality.
In the last few years there has been a growing interest in affective computing. This type of computation tries
to include and use emotions in different software processes. One of the most relevant areas is the simulation
of human behavior where various affective models are used to represent different affective characteristics such
as emotions, mood, or personality. Personality is defined as a set of individual characteristics that influence
motivations and behaviors when a human being faces a particular circumstance. Personality plays a very
important role in modeling affective processes. Through the simulation of emotions we can improve, among
others, the experience of users dealing with machines, and human simulations in decision-making processes
using multi-agent systems. In this work we propose a model for the use of personality in the general purpose
architecture for affective agents GenIA
, as well as the development of the model in the current GenIA
When we analyze human behavior from a rational
point of view, we observe inconsistencies when hu-
man beings face a particular situations like a decision-
making problem. These inconsistencies are due to
the influence of emotions and affective characteris-
tics. These characteristics influence the decision mak-
ing and reasoning processes to a greater or lesser ex-
tent (Broome, 2002). Researchers in this area ana-
lyze the influence of emotions, mood and personal-
ity (Zelenski, 2007; Frijda, 1986). It is generally ac-
cepted that emotions are reactions to a certain stim-
uli (Ortony et al., 1990). Emotions are divided into
two types: primary emotions, that have a direct re-
lationship with expressive abilities such as facial ex-
pressions, body postures or voice inflections; and sec-
ondary emotions, that arise as the result of reasoning
about current events taking into account expectations
and past experiences. On the other hand mood is dif-
ferent from emotions or feelings: it is less specific,
less intense, and less likely to be triggered by a par-
ticular stimulus or event. In addition, mood is less
volatile than emotions (i.e. mood vary less over time
and have a longer duration) (Becker, 2001). Finally
personality is defined as a set of individual character-
istics that influence motivations, behaviors, and emo-
tions when facing a particular circumstance (Damasio
and Sutherland, 1994).
Personality also refers to the characteristic way
in which a person thinks, feels, behaves, and relates
to others. Personality is the only affective trait that
is maintained in the long term and reflects individ-
ual differences in mental characteristics (Ortony et al.,
In recent years, the interest in analyzing and us-
ing these affective characteristics is increasing in the
computing area. Affective computing is the area that
deals with the treatment of emotions in computing
science (Picard and Picard, 1997). It draws on dif-
ferent theories of the psychological and cognitive sci-
ences. In the last years, different studies to incorpo-
rate emotions and affective characteristics in the soft-
ware processes have been conducted to improve the
simulation of human behavior (Becker-Asano, 2008;
Gebhard, 2005; Alfonso et al., 2014). These pro-
posals employ computational models to define emo-
tions, mood, and personality. Generally the emo-
tions are represented with the OCC (Ortony et al.,
1990) model which classifies emotions into twenty-
two categories based on reactions to different situa-
tions. The mood is usually represented using the PAD
model. PAD is a three dimensional model proposed
in (Mehrabian, 1996) that defines the mood as an av-
erage of individual emotional states across a repre-
sentative variety of life situations. The three dimen-
sions are: Pleasure, Arousal, and Dominance
. Plea-
In some references this model is named VAD replacing
the Pleasure by the Valance.
Taverner, J., Alfonso, B., Vivancos, E. and Botti, V.
Modeling Personality in the Affective Agent Architecture GenIA
DOI: 10.5220/0006597202360243
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2018) - Volume 1, pages 236-243
ISBN: 978-989-758-275-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sure denotes how pleasant or unpleasant a stimulus
is, excitement is the activation that stimulus produces,
and domination is the level of dominance or submis-
sion to that situation. Finally, one of the most popular
models to represent the personality in affective com-
puting is the Five Factor Model (FFM) (McCrae and
John, 1992). The FFM divides personality into five
dimensions: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscien-
tiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to Experience.
Each trait summarizes a large number of distinct and
more specific personality characteristics. The five fac-
tors together determine how a person will respond to
different stimuli during his or her life.
One of the technologies that is becoming more rel-
evant in simulation environments are the multi-agent
systems (Wooldridge and Jennings, 1994). These sys-
tems provide adaptability, scalability, versatility, au-
tonomy, and have high fault tolerance. Currently there
are representations and formalizations of agents that
take into account the affective processes to make de-
cisions simulating human behavior (Gebhard, 2005;
Becker-Asano, 2008). These formalizations model
the evaluation process, the dynamics of the emotions,
or the effect that emotions have on the cognitive and
behavioral processes of the agents. However, there
are not many architectures for affective agents that
make a general formalization of the interrelation be-
tween rational processes and affective processes. One
of the formalizations that takes into account this in-
terrelation is the GenIA
architecture (Alfonso et al.,
2017) that is the base of our a proposal to manage
the personality in a multi-agent system. Our proposal
allows the use of different personality theories and
groups agents according to their personality by incor-
porating personality profiles.
Personality is a construct that is used in psychol-
ogy to explain the individual differences that con-
stitute a person and allows him/her to differentiate
from others. Personality influences the way in which
emotional responses to specific stimuli occur (Ortony
et al., 1990), but there is no absolute consensus on
what should be understood by personality. One of the
most accepted definitions defines personality as the
dynamic individual organization of the psychophysi-
cal systems responsible for their characteristic think-
ing and behavior (Allport, 1937). In a general way,
it can be said that personality is a set of distinctive
features of human beings that remain relatively stable
over time and are invariant to different situations. Be-
ing a stable trait, personality allows to predict certain
behaviors in people when they are in a concrete sit-
uation. In addition, personality theories also include
other elements such as cognition, affection, or moti-
vations that define the way people behave and allow to
explain the inconsistencies that sometimes destabilize
the personality.
There are two approaches to the classification
of individuals based on their personality. The first
one is the type approach, in which personality can
be defined using a finite number of categories such
as: optimistic, depressed, irascible, or melancholic.
These types are used as categories of people with
similar characteristics and each individual may or
may not belong to a particular category (Clonninger,
1993). This model is criticized because it does not
provide any information on the degree to which an
individual belongs to a particular category. For this
reason, in psychology the use of the traits approach is
more popular. The traits approach allows to quantify
the degree that a person has of a certain trait. Traits
are characteristics that distinguish people from the
rest and that affect the way they behave (Matthews
et al., 2003). For example, a person can be very
active and somewhat depressed. The traits allow to
describe in a more precise way the personality and
the behavior that the types.
2.1 Personality Affects on Cognition,
Emotions, and Mood
Psychologists discuss of different cognitive processes
that influence on humans own being. These pro-
cesses include reasoning, memory, attention, decision
making, problem-solving, and perception. There is a
strong relationship between emotions and these cog-
nitive processes, so that emotions are able to deform
these processes and produce different results depend-
ing on the type of emotion. In fact, empirical evidence
suggests a critical impact of emotions on cognition
and a high variability of these effects among people
with different personality traits. For example, people
who have a high level of openness and a low level of
neuroticism have a greater ability to perform differ-
ent cognitive task. Extraverted people are better than
intraverted people in reaction-based task, while intro-
verted people are better than extraverted people in the
processing and reasoning task (Allen et al., 2017).
Personality plays a very important role in emo-
tions and mood. Personality can make the person
more or less susceptible to experience certain types of
emotions (Zelenski, 2007). For example, in the FFM,
the extraversion trait is related with positive emotions
Modeling Personality in the Affective Agent Architecture GenIA
and moods like to joy, enthusiasm, emotion, energy,
and also with daring and trust (Watson and Naragon-
Gainey, 2014). On the other hand, neuroticism trait
is related with negative emotions and moods like fear,
anxiety, sadness, guilt, depression, dissatisfaction, or
anger among others (John and Srivastava, 1999; Der-
ryberry and Reed, 1994). Mood and emotions also
influence cognitive processes. For example, negative
mood affect people’s judgments in a negative direc-
tion, increasing the perception of risk (Ditto et al.,
2006). Therefore, the personality will be related to the
appraisal process. The appraisal process comes from
the psychological theory of appraisal (Lazarus, 1991)
that argues that the emotions are the result of the
interpretation and explanation that each person per-
forms based on his/her circumstances and concerns
(Scherer, 2001). So, emotions are not mere responses
to stimuli but also the result of the individual’s as-
sessment of this stimuli (Roseman, 1996). Through
this appraisal process, a person interprets his/her re-
lationship with the environment (Smith et al., 1990;
Scherer, 2001).
There are some previous works using the personal-
ity in multi-agent systems. (Santos et al., 2011) pro-
pose a multi-agent system model which employs per-
sonality to simulate a group of people in a negotia-
tion task. Each agent was programmed according to
the personality of the user, obtained by performing
a personality test. The personality was modeled us-
ing the FFM grouping the agents in different person-
ality profiles: negotiator, aggressive, submissive, and
avoidant. Each profile was associated with a different
Another example is the OA3 architecture (Alfonso
et al., 2015). They define different basic personality
profiles: sociable, mediating, negotiating, and realis-
tic, and compare several agents following these pro-
files through the use of classic games, such as the pris-
oner’s dilemma and the trust game. One of the conclu-
sions obtained is that personality is one of the factors
that best explains the differences between the agents
and the variability that occurs during the simulations.
That conclusion is coherent and in accordance with
the theories of personality previously explained.
3.1 GenIA
(Alfonso et al., 2017) is a general-purpose
architecture for intelligent agents based on the BDI
(Believe, Desire, Intention) architecture using Jason
(Bordini et al., 2007). GenIA
facilitates the design
of affective agents in a general way. Psychological
and neurological theories have traditionally focused
on the description of the characteristics and processes
related to emotion and personality. Emotion-related
processes are usually studied from a cognitive per-
spective and can be grouped into the generation of
emotion, the experience of emotion, and the effects of
emotion. The GenIA
architecture includes the cen-
tral processes of these three groups, as well as the
processes of a traditional BDI agent architecture (see
Figure 1). Currently GenIA
offers a default design
that includes an appraisal process based on (Marsella
and Gratch, 2009) and uses Jason as a base platform
for multi-agent systems, the FFM for representing the
personality, and the PAD model for the mood. How-
ever, the GenIA
architecture can be easily expanded
and adapted to other psychological theories. For ex-
ample, in (Taverner et al., 2016) the management of
expectations is incorporated into GenIA
The affective processes in GenIA
include (see
Figure 1): an appraisal process in which the ap-
praisal variables (desirability, expectedness, likeli-
hood, causal attribution, and controllability) are de-
rived from the current situation and the emotions are
generated; an affect generator process which deter-
mines the possible emotional behaviors and coping
responses for a given situation; an affective modula-
tor of beliefs which determines if and how the affec-
tive state biases the beliefs of the agent, contributing
to the beliefs maintenance according to the affective
state; and the affect’s temporal dynamic, which deter-
mines the duration of the affective state’s components
as well as how their intensities decay over time.
The design of the GenIA
architecture proposed in
(Alfonso et al., 2017), allows the introduction of per-
sonality as a set of traits followed by the agent’s ra-
tionality level and a list of coping strategies
. But ini-
tially, in the GenIA
default design, personality is not
used in the cognitive process of the agent. Our goal is
to provide GenIA
with different personality profiles
so that users can implement different agent behaviors.
In addition, we have identified and defined the neces-
sary modifications for using the personality in both
the cognitive and affective processes of the agents in
the GenIA
default design.
Coping strategies are both physical and physiological
responses produced by the individual to face a situation
such as anxiety or stress. Coping strategies define how the
individual reacts to an event involving emotional changes,
and these reactions may be involuntary manifestations or
more planned actions.
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: The GenIA
architecture (Alfonso et al., 2017). The processes modified by our proposal are highlighted.
3.2 Defining the Personality Model
In this section we present an extension of GenIA
facilitate the use of agents with personality profiles
and to incorporate any personality theory based on
types. Personality profiles are very useful in modeling
different behaviors since they allow to create groups
of agents with similar personality traits. We propose a
model to define these profiles following the structures
of Figure 2.
personality profiles
personality profiles:
personality profile
(“,personality profile)*“;
personality profile <
[“(traits range)”]
traits range (<
range < (<
> | -<
>) :
> | -<
personality types personality types:
> (“,<
Figure 2: Extension of GenIA
multi-agent system syntax
to define personality profiles. The complete EBNF of the
architecture can be found in (Alfonso et al., 2017).
We also propose to modify the specification of
the multi-agent system to incorporate the definition
of the necessary personality profiles. In this model
each personality profile is defined by the ranges
of the different traits (in case of employing a trait
based theory). For example, if using the FFM the
traits are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion,
agreeableness, and neuroticism. Two profiles using
this model: Profile
A and Profile B can be defined
as follows:
personality profiles:
Profile A(< 0.6, 1.0 >, < 0.5, 0.7 >,
< 0.5, 0.7 >, < 0.7, 1.0 >, < 0.1, 0.6 >).
Profile B(< 0.3, 0.5 >, < 0.0, 0.6 >,
< 0.2, 0.6 >, < 0.5, 1.0 >, < 0.0, 0.2 >).
were each pair of numbers correspond to the interval
of values for the traits openness, conscientiousness,
extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism respec-
tively. An agent will be considered in Profile A if it
has a value between 0.6 and 1.0 of openness, from
0.5 to 0.7 of conscientiousness, from 0.5 to 0.7 of
extraversion, from 0.7 to 1.0 of agreeableness, and
between 0.1 and 0.6 of neuroticism. For example, an
agent whose personality is defined as [0.7, 0.5, 0.6,
0.8, 0.1] will be part of the Profile A. But, it will
not be part of the Profile B because it does not sat-
isfy the value of openness (< 0.3, 0.5 >) in Profile B.
But in the personality model incorporated to
is also possible to use a type-based model of
personality. For example, if we use the Myers-Briggs
Type Indicator (Myers, 1962) to define the person-
ality using the types ISTJ, ISFJ and INFJ we can
define each type as follows:
personality types:
This is only used to define the personality types
allowed to define the agent’s personality. For each
type we can define different behaviors as we do with
profiles. Therefore, we have also extended the agent
personality model to allow the use of personality
theories based on types. For example, an agent can
have a personality defined as:
personality : { types : [ISTJ] }
In this example the agent’s personality type is
ISTJ. To make this type of representation possible, the
Modeling Personality in the Affective Agent Architecture GenIA
agent specification includes the personality defined as
a list of types or traits (see Figure 3).
personality personality :”“{
(traits|types) [“, rat level]
[“,coping strats]“}
types types :
> (“,<
>)* ) “]
Figure 3: Extension of GenIA
agent syntax to allow the use
of type theories.
3.3 Improving the Personality
Management in the Default Design
of GenIA
As we said in section 2.1, personality has a rele-
vant effect on cognitive and affective processes. So
if we want to simulate human behavior using affec-
tive agents, it is necessary that personality influences
these processes. We have also modified the GenIA
architecture to make the personality affect the cogni-
tive and affective processes.
The modules that are affected by the incorporation
of our personality model are (see Figure 1): the Ap-
praisal process, where the personality affects the gen-
eration of emotions; and the Affect Generator process
where we propose a model where the personality af-
fects the displacement of the mood. In the proposed
model, intentions and affective events related to per-
sonality profiles are generated.
Finally, we have modified the personality on the
platform incorporating the use of theories based on
types and a model that allows the use of personality
profiles to define different behaviors. For this pur-
pose, we have modified the agent selection of plans
process generating new intentions related to person-
ality profiles. Therefore, users can define different in-
tentions for each profile allowing to create different
behaviors according to agent’s personality in a simple
In GenIA
, the selection of plans is done through
two processes: The Jason plan selection process
which returns the list of possible actions sorted
according to their priority, and the selecting affective
actions process which returns a list of possible
affective plans sorted by priority. A GenIA
plan is any plan including the annotation affect ()
in the plan’s label
. This annotation is used to
determine the affective state that the agent must have
In Jason, plans have a label that allows, in addition to
naming the plan, to add annotations that can be later used in
the system.
to select that plan. For example, in the following plan:
@plan1[affect (sadness)]
!event : true <- .print("I’m sad")
the plan’s annotation is affect (sadness), so this
plan will be only chosen if the agent is in a sadness
state. The lists obtained by these two processes are
used to decide the plan to be executed based on the
level of rationality of the agent. A plan is selected
using the Formula 1 proposed in (Alfonso, 2017).
Rl Rr
+ (1 Rl) Ar
were I is the set of intentions, Rl is the rationality level
of the agent, Rr
is the priority of the intention i in
the rational list of plans, and Ar
is the priority of the
intention i in the affective list of plans.
Our proposal for the selection of intentions in-
cludes a new annotation for the selection of affective
personalityProfiles (pro f ile
, pro f ile
, ...,
pro f ile
This new annotation allows to modify the process of
selection of plans based on the agent’s personality
profile. Therefore, this annotation allows the user to
define different behaviors for each personality profile
in a simple way. The introduction of this new anno-
tation improves the usability of GenIA
, allowing to
easily implement studies like (Gebhard, 2005; Santos
et al., 2011).
The default design of GenIA
has an evaluation
process in which the emotions are selected and the
mood is updated. The default design includes six dif-
ferent emotions: surprise, hope, joy, fear, sadness, and
anger, but can be easily extended by the user. In or-
der to facilitate the use of emotions, our proposal in-
corporate the intensity of emotions. The intensity of
the emotions allows to differentiate the way in which
the cognitive processes work and allows to determine
which emotions affect the individual in function of
his personality (Santos et al., 2011). The intensity of
positive and negative emotions also have an impact
on decision-making processes (Ristvedt and Trinkaus,
2005). In addition, our design allows to define how
the personality will affect the emotions according to
their intensity.
Our new default design allows the personality to
affect the mood. Initially GenIA
updated the mood
based on the model proposed in ALMA (Gebhard,
2005). According to that model the mood was moved
towards a theoretical point of the PAD space ob-
tained by the emotions selected in the appraisal pro-
cess. They called this point the virtual emotion center
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
(VEC). The mood was updated following a fixed dis-
placement without taking into account the agent per-
sonality. But, personality should affect mood (Wat-
son and Naragon-Gainey, 2014; John and Srivas-
tava, 1999; Derryberry and Reed, 1994): people with
high levels of extraversion tend to have more posi-
tive mood than people with high levels of neuroti-
cism, while people with high levels of neuroticism
and lows level of extraversion tend to more negative
mood. Therefore, to simulate this natural human be-
havior it is necessary to consider the personality to up-
date the mood, as for example is proposed in (Gomes
et al., 2014). We propose to modify the current dis-
placement of the mood according to personality traits
following the Formula 2 in function of the neuroti-
cism and extraversion traits. This is defined as
personalityDisplacement =
were pe is the number of active positive emotions (i.e.
the positive emotions that have been calculated in the
appraisal process), ne is the number of negative active
emotions, and npe and nne represent the total number
of positive and negative emotions respectively. Fi-
nally e and n are the levels of extraversion and neu-
roticism. This equation is bounded between zero and
one because the personality traits are also bounded
between zero and one. By this formula we simulate
the effect of the personality in the mood according to
different theories (Derryberry and Reed, 1994; John
and Srivastava, 1999; Ditto et al., 2006). This al-
lows to adjust the mood displacement according to
different personality traits getting closer to the way
it happens in humans (Zelenski, 2007; Watson and
Naragon-Gainey, 2014). For example, if the number
of positive emotions is zero, the number of negative
emotions is greater than zero, and the level of neu-
roticism is high, the mood displacement will be nega-
tive and greater than the mood displacement when the
level of neuroticism is low.
In order to test our proposal, we have developed an
experiment with sixty agents playing the Blackjack
game. These agents have different personalities, and
are induced with positive and negative emotions to an-
alyze the evolution of the mood. As we saw in Sec-
tion 3.1, the default design of GenIA
uses the FFM to
represent the personality and PAD to represent mood.
We have created two personality profiles: Profile One
consists of agents with low level of extraversion and
high level of neuroticism, while Profile Two repre-
sents agents with high level of extraversion and low
Figure 4: Average evolution of pleasure for Profile One and
Figure 5: Average evolution of arousal for Profile One and
Figure 6: Average evolution of dominance for Profile One
and Two.
level of neuroticism. We have established the equi-
librium mood at the point [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] so that all
agents start with the same mood. This decision al-
lows to easily compare the evolution of the mood in
both personality profiles.
To simplify the experiment we have chosen only
two emotions: joy and sadness. The main concern
Modeling Personality in the Affective Agent Architecture GenIA
of the agents is to win. Therefore, winning a game
causes the joy emotion in the agent while losing a
game causes sadness. Agents play eighteen rounds:
seven have a winning result and eleven have a losing
result. Therefore, we have alternated the two emo-
tions over time and checked the mood evolution for
the two different profiles. As Figures 4, 5, and 6 show,
the mood of agents classified in Profile One tends to
decrease, while mood of agents classified in Profile
Two tends to increase. We can also see that the final
mood is different for each profile in all dimensions
of the PAD. This is consistent with the psychologi-
cal theories that determine the individual differences
produced by the personality when dealing with a par-
ticular emotion (Zelenski, 2007; Tong, 2010).
We can also see that negative emotions have a
greater impact on Profile One, and positive emotions
have a greater impact on Profile Two. For example,
the first iteration produces a negative emotion and the
effect is greater in Profile One than in Profile Two.
Personality is a crucial factor in understanding the in-
dividual differences that affect the way human beings
perceive the environment and emotions, and that has
an impact on mood and on cognitive processes. We
have seen different ways of representing personality.
We have also seen how different personality traits can
directly influence certain emotions and behaviors. In
this paper we have used the FFM focusing on neuroti-
cism and extraversion as the most important factors
that influence the affective and cognitive processes.
Our proposal is based on different psychological the-
ories that argue that extraversion and neuroticism are
the factors with greatest relevance in affective and
cognitive processes.
We have presented an extension for the architec-
ture of affective agents GenIA
. Our extension en-
large and generalizes the use of the personality within
this architecture extending its adaptability employing
personality theories based on types and traits. We
have modified the cognitive processes of the agents to
allow the personality to influence the process of rea-
soning and decision making. We have also proposed
a formula for updating the mood according to the dif-
ferent parameters of the personality, based on differ-
ent theories that relate neuroticism to negative emo-
tions and mood and extraversion to positive emotions
and mood. Our proposal allows the use of personality
profiles that are very useful when modeling different
behaviors grouping individuals with a similar person-
ality. Therefore, personality profiles allow the user
to abstract from the different personality traits when
modeling different behaviors. We have tested our pro-
posal by an example where sixty agents classified into
two personality profiles have been induced to negative
and positive emotions. The obtained results are con-
sistent with the psychological theories mentioned in
this paper.
One of the future extensions of this work has its
origin on the effect of the temporal dynamics pro-
cess. Currently, this process calculates the decay of
the mood towards the equilibrium state using a fixed
and constant value for all the agents. One possible im-
provement would be to investigate how the personal-
ity traits affect this process and to propose a formula,
such as the one we have proposed for the updating of
the mood, that allows to calculate the way in which
mood must be updated in function of personality.
This work was supported by the Spanish Government
project Pesedia (TIN2014-55206-R) and the General-
itat Valenciana project Humbace: Human and Social
Behaviour Models for Agent-Based Computational
Economics (PROMETEOII/2013/019).
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Modeling Personality in the Affective Agent Architecture GenIA