Deep Spatial Pyramid Match Kernel for Scene Classification
Shikha Gupta
, Deepak Kumar Pradhan
, Dileep Aroor Dinesh
and Veena Thenkanidiyoor
School of Computing and EE, Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi, H.P., India
Department of CSE, National Institute of Technology Goa, Ponda, Goa, India
Scene Classification, Dynamic Kernel, Set of Varying Length Feature Map, Support Vector Machine,
Convolutional Neural Network, Deep Spatial Pyramid Match Kernel.
Several works have shown that Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) can be easily adapted to different
datasets and tasks. However, for extracting the deep features from these pre-trained deep CNNs a fixed-
size (e.g., 227 × 227) input image is mandatory. Now the state-of-the-art datasets like MIT-67 and SUN-397
come with images of different sizes. Usage of CNNs for these datasets enforces the user to bring different
sized images to a fixed size either by reducing or enlarging the images. The curiosity is obvious that “Isn’t
the conversion to fixed size image is lossy ?”. In this work, we provide a mechanism to keep these lossy fixed
size images aloof and process the images in its original form to get set of varying size deep feature maps,
hence being lossless. We also propose deep spatial pyramid match kernel (DSPMK) which amalgamates set
of varying size deep feature maps and computes a matching score between the samples. Proposed DSPMK
act as a dynamic kernel in the classification framework of scene dataset using support vector machine. We
demonstrated the effectiveness of combining the power of varying size CNN-based set of deep feature maps
with dynamic kernel by achieving state-of-the-art results for high-level visual recognition tasks such as scene
classification on standard datasets like MIT67 and SUN397.
CNNs have been popular these days for their ap-
plicability to wide range of tasks, such as object
recognition (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014), (Gir-
shick et al., 2014), (Chatfield et al., 2014), image
segmentation (Kang and Wang, 2014), image re-
trieval (Zhao et al., 2015), scene classification (He
et al., 2015), (Yoo et al., 2014) and so on. Spectacu-
lar results for the state-of-the-art tasks are mainly be-
cause of powerful feature representation learnt from
CNNs. Scene image classification, being the most
basic and important aspect of computer vision, has
received a high degree of attention among the re-
searchers. An important issue in scene image clas-
sification is intra-class variability i.e, the images of
a particular class differ so much in their visual ap-
pearance and inter-class similarity i.e, images of dif-
ferent class are very much confusable and composed
by the similar concepts. For addressing these is-
sues many deep CNNs such as AlexNet (Krizhevsky
et al., 2012), GoogLeNet (Szegedy et al., 2015)
and VGGNet-16 (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014)
have already been trained on datasets like Places-205,
Places-365 (Zhou et al., 2017) and ImageNet (Deng
et al., 2009) for image classification tasks. These
deep CNNs can be adapted and retrained for other
datasets and tasks with a little fine-tuning. In all
such cases, features obtained from pre-trained or fine-
tuned CNNs are used to build fully connected neural
network or SVM-based classifier. These CNNs also
became popular to greater extent as they are useful
in providing base architecture and features for many
other similar tasks than the one for which they are
trained. For example, AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al.,
2012) is trained for object recognition. However,
(Mandar et al., 2015) used the features for scene clas-
sification by further enhancing through Fisher encod-
ing. These CNNs require images to be input in a
fixed size. For example the AlexNet accepts images
of size “227 × 227”. However the state-of-the-art
datasets like SUN397 (Xiao et al., 2010) or MIT-67
indoor (Quattoni and Torralba, 2009) scene datasets
comprise of varying sized images which are much
larger than “227 × 227”. The conventional approach
to use these CNNs is to resize the arbitrary-sized im-
ages to a fixed size. This results in loss of informa-
tion of the image before feeding it to the CNN for
feature extraction. The performance of classification
Gupta, S., Pradhan, D., Dinesh, D. and Thenkanidiyoor, V.
Deep Spatial Pyramid Match Kernel for Scene Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0006596101410148
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2018), pages 141-148
ISBN: 978-989-758-276-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Block diagram of our proposed approach.
gets compromised due to such practice, which is ev-
ident from (He et al., 2015). To avoid any such in-
formation loss, many researchers explored different
approaches to feed varying sized images (i.e, original
size of the image) to CNN. (He et al., 2015) elimi-
nates the requirement of fixed size image by includ-
ing a spatial pyramid pooling (SPP) layer in CNN and
named the network as SPP-Net. (Gao et al., 2015)
follows the same approach by further processing the
outputs of convolutional layer to encode it into a sin-
gle vector using either vector of locally aggregated
descriptor (VLAD) (Gong et al., 2014) or Fisher vec-
tor (FV) (Yoo et al., 2014), by building a Gaussian
mixture model (GMM).
The research work presented in this paper focuses on
giving the images in their original size as input to the
CNN and then take sets of deep feature maps from the
last convolutional layer. As we learn convolutional
layers are the indispensable part of CNN and respon-
sible for generating discriminative features. These
deep feature maps are of varying size with respect
to the corresponding original image size. They con-
tain more spatial information compared to the activa-
tion of the fully connected layers, as fully connected
layer destroy the spatial content present in the convo-
lutional layer features. These sets of varying size deep
feature maps are used to build support vector ma-
chine (SVM) based classifiers for varying length pat-
tern classification. There are two approaches to vary-
ing length pattern classification using SVMs. In the
first approach, a set of varying size deep feature maps
is first mapped onto a fixed length pattern as in (Gao
et al., 2015), and then a kernel for fixed length pattern
is used to build the SVM-based classifier. In the sec-
ond approach a suitable kernel for set of varying size
deep feature maps is designed. Then it is used to build
SVM-based classifier. The kernel designed for set
of varying length feature vectors are called dynamic
kernels (Dileep and Chandra Sekhar, 2014). The dy-
namic kernels in (Lazebnik et al., 2006), (Dileep and
Chandra Sekhar, 2014), (Gupta et al., 2016a) and
(Gupta et al., 2016b) show promising results for clas-
sification of varying size image and speech signals.
In this paper, we focus on dynamic kernel based
SVMs for classification of set of varying size deep
feature maps obtained from convolutional neural net-
work. We propose deep spatial pyramid match ker-
nel (DSPMK) for SVM-based classification of im-
ages represented as set of varying size deep feature
maps inspired by the spatial pyramid match kernel
of (Lazebnik et al., 2006). The entire process is shown
in block diagram of Figure 1. In this block diagram,
two images I
and I
of arbitrary size are passed as
input to the convolutional layer of deep CNN to ob-
tain set of deep feature maps. Size of feature maps
obtain for image I
can be different from size of fea-
ture maps obtain for I
. These varying size deep fea-
ture maps for two images are further spatially divided
and sum-pooled at each level of pyramid. These spa-
tially pooled feature maps are normalized to obtain
the probability vectors. Then, we propose to com-
pute a matching score between probability vector rep-
resentation of I
and I
based SVM classifier is used to learn the association
of sets of deep feature maps with the class label. The
main contribution of this paper toward exploring set
of varying size deep feature maps obtained from deep
CNN is in computing DSPMK for building SVM-
based classifier. This is in contrast to (Gao et al.,
2015) where varying size deep feature maps are en-
coded to fixed length Fisher vector and then linear
kernel-based SVM is used for classification. Salient
feature of the proposed DSPMK is that it works for
different sized images by building spatial pyramid of
L+1 levels ranging from 0, 1 to L using set of varying
size deep feature maps.
This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, a
review of related approach for scene image classifi-
cation using CNN-based features is presented. The
proposed DSPMK for set of varying size deep fea-
ture map is described in Section 3. In Section 4 the
experimental studies using the proposed approach on
scene classification is presented. The conclusion is
presented in Section 5.
In this section, we review the state-of-the-art ap-
proaches for classification of varying length fea-
ture vector representation. In the last decade, tra-
ditional hand engineered low-level image descriptors
ICPRAM 2018 - 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
like the histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) (Dalal
and Triggs, 2005) and scale invariant feature trans-
form (SIFT) (Lowe, 2004) were popular. These
descriptors result in the set of local feature vector
representation for images. An SVM-based classi-
fier for such representation can be built using the
standard kernels such as Gaussian kernel by map-
ping local feature vectors onto a fixed dimensional
representation. One of the commonly used fixed-
dimensional vector representations of an image is
bag-of-visual words (BOVW) representation (Lazeb-
nik et al., 2006). The BOVW representation is a fixed-
dimensional vector with frequencies of occurrence of
visual words in an image as its elements. A lim-
itation of the BOVW representation is that there is
the loss of spatial information. Alternatively, SVM-
based classifiers can be built for scene classification
using the dynamic kernels that are designed for the
varying size sets of local feature vectors (Lazebnik
et al., 2006) (Thenkanidiyoor et al., 2017). One of
the approaches to the design of dynamic kernels is
the matching based approach that involves comput-
ing value of kernel function between two sets of local
feature vectors by matching the local feature vectors.
Spatial pyramid match kernel (Lazebnik et al., 2006),
GMM-based intermediate matching kernel (Dileep
and Chandra Sekhar, 2014) and segment-level pyra-
mid match kernel (Gupta et al., 2016a) are some of
the matching based dynamic kernels for classifica-
tion of varying size image and speech signals. With
the advancement of deep convolutional neural net-
works, traditional features and related techniques are
being replaced by CNN-based features with linear
kernel based SVM classifier. Due to the strong feature
capturing ability of CNN trained on large datasets,
one can directly use features from fully connected
layers of deep CNNs to build SVM-based classifier
and achieve better performance than traditional meth-
ods (Zhou et al., 2014). Some researchers also tried
to encode CNN-based features into a new representa-
tion. (Mandar et al., 2015) have encoded the features
from fully connected layer of deep CNN into a Bag-
of-Semantics (BoS). This BoS is then summarized in
“semantic Fisher vector” representation.
For extracting fully connected features from pre-
trained deep CNNs, the input images are resized to
a fixed size. The coercive nature of fully-connected
layer expects a fixed length representation of input,
whereas the convolution process is not constrained
with fixed length representation. In other words, the
necessity of fixed size image as input to deep CNNs is
an indirect requirement of the fully-connected layer.
The process of resizing the images to a fixed size lead
to a loss in information (He et al., 2015). On the other
hand, any arbitrary sized input image can be fed into
the convolutional layers of CNN which results in ar-
bitrary sized deep feature maps. These deep feature
maps correspond to the strongest responses from fil-
ters of convolution layer and at the same time they
preserves spatial information. The similar idea can
be observed from the work in (Yoo et al., 2015) and
(He et al., 2015). These works have considered im-
age scaled pyramid and spatial pyramid approaches
to incorporate the concept information of images into
the feature maps. (Yoo et al., 2015) have focused in
considering scale characteristics over activation maps.
Dense activation maps are obtained for a image in
pyramid of seven layers. Each layer in this case con-
sists of activation map from differently scaled image.
These multi scale dense activation maps are aggre-
gated in a Fisher kernel framework. (He et al., 2015)
have followed spatial pyramid approach to eliminate
the requirement of fixed size images input in CNNs.
Here, the CNN is fed with original image size. How-
ever, in (Yoo et al., 2015) the CNN is fed with differ-
ently scaled images. (Gao et al., 2015) also followed
the same approach and fed the arbitrary sized image
to CNN. However, the approach for spatial pyramid is
different. Here, a GMM using fixed size vector rep-
resentation obtained from spatial pyramid pooling is
built to generate Fisher vectors. Finally, all the Fish-
ers vectors are concatenated to form a fixed dimen-
sional representation. Our work focuses on combin-
ing the power of dynamic kernel with CNN-based set
of varying size deep feature maps to obtain a match-
ing score between a pair of images of different size.
We propose to compute DSPMK instead of building
GMM based dictionary. In the next Section, the pro-
posed DSPMK for the set of varying size deep feature
maps is presented.
In designing deep spatial pyramid match ker-
nel (DSPMK), an image represented by a set of deep
feature maps is decomposed into the pyramid of in-
creasingly finer spatial regions. Here the size of deep
feature maps obtains from last layer convolutional fil-
ters for the particular image is same but vary from
one image to other as the images are fed to CNN
in its original size. DSPMK between a pair of im-
ages is computed by matching the corresponding sum
pooled feature vectors from spatially partitioned deep
feature maps at each level of the pyramid. Let D =
, I
, . . . , I
, . . . , I
} be the set of all images in the
dataset and‘ f be the number of filters in last convo-
Deep Spatial Pyramid Match Kernel for Scene Classification
Figure 2: Illustration of computing deep spatial pyramid match kernel between two different sized images I
and I
. Here, set
of varying size deep feature maps X
and X
are computed from a pre-trained CNN. X
and X
are sum pooled deep feature
representation of I
and I
which are computed from spatially partitioned deep feature maps at level l, (l=0 to 2).
are the probability vector representation of X
and X
obtained using (1). The intermediate similarity score at each level l
(i.e, S
, S
and S
) is computed using equation (2).
lutional layer of pretrained deep CNN. Consider the
mapping F , which take input as original image and
transform it to set of deep feature maps using con-
volutional layers of CNN. Mapping F is given as,
= F (I
At first phase, we feed the images to CNN in its
original size. The size of images are different from
each other in database and so as their size of deep
feature maps. For image I
, we have a set X
, x
, x
, . . . , x
m f
} consisting of f deep fea-
ture maps from mapping F , where x
× q
is the size of each feature map obtained from
last convolutional layer which varies according to the
input image size. This leads to varying size deep fea-
ture map as shown in Figure 2 for images I
and I
In the second phase, a deep feature map is spa-
tially partitioned into sub-regions forming deep spa-
tial pyramid. At level-0 of pyramid, there will not be
any spatial partition. At level-1, a deep feature map
splits into 4 spatial regions corresponding to 4 quad-
rant, as shown in Figure 2. Let L + 1 be the num-
ber of levels in spatial pyramid ranging from 0, 1 to
L. At any level-l, a deep feature map x
is spatially
split into 2
regions. The activation values of all the
cells in a spatial region are sum pooled. At any level-
l, activation values of cells in every spatial region of
all the f deep feature maps are sum pooled and con-
catenated to form a vector X
of size f 2
× 1 i.e,
= [X
, X
, . . . , X
m j
. . . X
m( f 2
. This process is
illustrated in Figure 2 by considering three levels, l =
0, 1 and 2.
In our proposed approach we considered three such
levels. At level-0, (i.e, l = 0) the entire feature maps
are sum pooled and we get f × 1 dimensional vec-
tor representation. At level-1 (i.e, l = 1), the same
feature maps are divided into four equal spatial re-
gions. Each sum pooled spatial region of f feature
maps results into a vector of 4 f × 1 dimensional vec-
tor. Similarly, at level-2 (i.e. l = 2), again the same
feature maps are divided into sixteen equal spatial re-
gions resulting into a vector of 16 f × 1 dimensional
vector. The X
can now be seen as representation
of image I
at level-l of pyramid. At this stage, we
propose to compute deep spatial pyramid match ker-
nel (DSPMK) to match two images rather than deriv-
ing Fisher vector (FV) representation as in (Gao et al.,
2015). Our proposed approach avoids building GMM
to obtain FV and hence reduces the computation com-
plexity as compared to (Gao et al., 2015). The process
of computing DSPMK is motivated from spatial pyra-
mid match kernel (SPMK) (Lazebnik et al., 2006).
SPMK involves the histogram intersection function
that match the frequency based image representation
of two images at every levels of pyramid (Lazebnik
et al., 2006). However, X
is not the probability vec-
tor representation of image I
. We sum normalize X
to transform it into probability vector representation.
Let X
and X
be the deep representation at level-l
of two images I
and I
respectively. The probability
vector representation of X
and X
is obtained as:
ICPRAM 2018 - 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
f 2
m j
f 2
n j
A histogram intersection function is used to compute
intermediate matching score S
each level l as,
f 2
m j
n j
) (2)
Here, the matching score S
found at level l also in-
cludes all the matches found at the finer level l + 1.
Therefore, the number of new matches found at level
l is given by S
for l = 0, . . . , L-1. The DSPMK
is computed as a weighted sum of the number of new
matches at different levels of the spatial pyramid. The
weight associated with level l is set to
, which is
inversely proportional to width of spatial regions at
that level. The DSPMK kernel is computed as,
, X
) =
) + S
The main advantages of using DSPMK is it works
for different sized images. Secondly, it empowers
the deep CNN-based set of varying size deep feature
maps with dynamic kernel based SVM.
In this section, the effectiveness of the proposed dy-
namic kernel i.e, DSPMK is studied for scene classi-
fication task using SVM-based classifiers.
4.1 Datasets
We tested our proposed approach on four widely used
scene classification datasets: MIT-8 Scene (Oliva
and Torralba, 2001), Vogel-Schiele (VS) (Vogel
and Schiele, 2004), MIT-67 (Quattoni and Torralba,
2009) and SUN-397 (Xiao et al., 2010).
MIT-8-scene dataset comprises of 2688 scene images
belonging to 8 semantic classes, namely, ‘coast’,
‘forest’, ‘mountain’, ‘open-country’, ‘highway’,
‘inside-city’, ‘tall building’ and ‘street’. We follow
the procedure of (Oliva and Torralba, 2001) and
randomly select 100 images per class for training in
each of the 5 trials and test on remaining images in
each trial. The results presented correspond to the
average classification accuracy for 5 trials.
Vogel-Schiele dataset comprises of 700 scene images
of 6 semantic classes, namely, ‘coasts’, ‘forests’,
‘mountains’, ‘open-country’, ‘river’ and ‘sky-clouds’.
The results presented for the studies using this dataset
correspond to the average classification accuracy for
stratified 5-fold cross validation.
MIT-67 indoor dataset comprises of 15,620 images
with 67 indoor scene categories. It is a challenging
dataset, because interclass variation between different
classes is very less. The standard split (Quattoni and
Torralba, 2009) for this dataset consist of approxi-
mately 80 training and 20 test example per class.
SUN397 is the large dataset for scene recognition. It
includes 397 categories of indoor, urban and nature
where each category has at least 100 images. The
train and test splits are fixed and publicly available
from (Xiao et al., 2010), where each split has 50
training and 50 testing images per category. We
select the first five splits and the result presented is
the average classification accuracy for 5 splits.
4.2 Experiment Details
In our studies, we have used three different CNN
architectures namely AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al.,
2012), GoogLeNet (Szegedy et al., 2015) and
VGGNet-16 (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014) for
deep feature extraction which are pre-trained net-
works on ImageNet (Deng et al., 2009), Places205
and Places365 (Zhou et al., 2017) datasets. Reason
for using the different network in our study is that
ImageNet dataset is having mainly object centric im-
ages so it gives activations for object-like structures in
the image, whereas Places205 and Places365 datasets
comprises mostly scene images and CNNs trained
on scene images are selective for landscapes, natu-
ral structure of scene with more spatial feature. In all
these pre-trained CNN models weights are kept fixed
without fine-tuning. These CNNs are employed with-
out its fully-connected layers in our experiments so
that input images of arbitrary size can be accepted.
As discussed in Section 3, we have passed the original
image of arbitrary size as input to deep CNNs and ex-
tracted set of varying size deep feature maps from last
convolutional layer. The size of feature map depends
on the number of filters f in last convolutional layer
of deep CNN architecture and image size. The num-
ber of filters f , in last convolution layer of AlexNet,
GoogLeNet and VGGNet-16 are 256, 1024 and 512
respectively. The architecture of these CNNs also dif-
fers from each other. So, feature map size will vary
from image to image and architecture to architecture.
DSPMK between varying size deep feature map for
pair of images is computed as in Figure 2 using
equation (1) to (3). We consider L + 1 = 3 as the
Deep Spatial Pyramid Match Kernel for Scene Classification
Table 1: Comparison of classification accuracy (CA) (in %) with 95% confidence interval for the SVM based classifier using
DSPMK on different datasets. Base features for the proposed approach are extracted from AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al., 2012),
GoogLeNet (Szegedy et al., 2015) and VGGNet-16 (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014) which are pre-trained deep network on
ImageNet, Places-205 and Places-365 dataset. The highest accuracy of each column is marked in bold.
Different pre-trained deep CNN architectures
used to build DSPMK-based SVM
MIT-8 scene Vogel-Schiele MIT-67 SUN-397
ImageNet-AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) 93.52±0.13 79.46±0.23 62.46 45.46±0.12
Places205-AlexNet (Zhou et al., 2014) 93.56±0.12 82.21±0.25 62.24 53.21±0.23
Places365-AlexNet (Zhou et al., 2017) 94.15±0.11 82.90±0.31 66.67 55.43±0.24
ImageNet-GoogLeNet (Szegedy et al., 2015) 92.02±0.06 82.30±0.25 71.78 50.32±0.31
Places205-GoogLeNet (Zhou et al., 2014) 92.15±0.18 85.84±0.36 75.97 57.43±0.26
Places365-GoogLeNet (Zhou et al., 2017) 93.70±0.16 85.54±0.21 75.60 59.89±0.21
ImageNet-VGG (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014) 93.90±0.07 84.62±0.31 75.78 53.67±0.25
Places205-VGG (Zhou et al., 2014) 94.54±0.03 86.92±0.26 81.87 61.86±0.24
Places365-VGG (Zhou et al., 2017) 95.09±0.14 84.68±0.28 77.76 62.31±0.25
Table 2: Comparison of classification accuracy (CA) (in %) with 95% confidence interval of proposed approach with state-
of-the-art approaches on MIT-8 scene, Vogel-Schiele, MIT-67 Indoor and SUN-397 dataset. (SIFT: Scale invariant feature
transform, IFK: Improved Fisher kernel, BoP: Bag of part, MOP: Multi-scale orderless pooling, FV: Fisher vector, DSP:
Deep spatial pyramid, MPP: Multi-scale pyramid pooling, DSFL: Discriminative and shareable feature learning). The highest
accuracy of each column is marked in bold.
Methods Description MIT-8-Scene Vogel-Schiele MIT-67 SUN-397
(Lowe, 2004) SIFT+BOVW 79.13±0.13 67.49±0.21 45.86 24.82±0.34
(Juneja et al., 2013) IFK+BoP 85.76±0.12 73.23±0.23 63.18 -
(Gong et al., 2014) MOP-CNN 89.45±0.11 76.81±0.27 68.88 51.98±0.24
(Zhou et al., 2014) Places-CNN-fc7 88.30±0.09 76.02±0.31 68.24 54.32±0.14
(Zhou et al., 2014) Hybrid-CNN-fc7 91.23±0.04 78.56 ±0.21 70.80 53.86±0.21
(Mandar et al., 2015) fc8-FV 88.43±0.08 79.56±0.23 72.86 54.40±0.30
(Gao et al., 2015) VGGNet-16 + DSP 92.34±0.12 81.34±0.27 76.34 57.27±0.34
(Yoo et al., 2015) MPP(Alex-fc7)+DSFL - - 80.78 -
Ours DSPMK + VGGNet 95.09±0.14 86.92±0.26 81.87 62.31±0.25
number of levels in spatial pyramid. We consider
LIBSVM (Chang and Lin, 2011) tool to build the
DSPMK-based SVM classifier. Specifically, we uses
one-against-the-rest approach for multi-class scene
image classification. In SVM for building the clas-
sifier, we uses default value of trade-off parameter
C = 1.
4.3 Results on Scene Classification
In this section, we present the experimental studies of
scene image classification using proposed DSPMK-
based SVM classifier and compare with state-of-the-
art approaches. The scene classification accuracies
for DSPMK-based SVMs are given in Table 1. Ta-
ble 1 compares the classification accuracies of SVM
using DSPMK which is constructed from varying size
deep feature maps obtained from different pre-trained
CNN models. It is seen that performance of SVM-
based classifier with DSPMK obtained using deep
features from VGGNet-16 is significantly better than
that of SVM with DSPMK obtained using deep fea-
tures from GoogLeNet and AlexNet. Reason being
VGGNet-16 has very deep network compare to other
architectures and it learns the hierarchical representa-
tion of visual data more efficiently.
Table 2 presents the comparison of scene image clas-
sification accuracy of proposed DSPMK-based SVM
classifier with that of state-of-the-art approaches.
From Table 2, it is seen that our proposed approach
is giving better performance in comparison with tra-
ditional feature based approaches in (Lowe, 2004),
(Juneja et al., 2013) and also with CNN-based ap-
proaches in (Zhou et al., 2014), (Gong et al., 2014),
(Mandar et al., 2015), (Gao et al., 2015), (Yoo et al.,
(Lowe, 2004) uses scale invariant feature trans-
form (SIFT) descriptors for scene images feature rep-
resentation. In (Lowe, 2004) paper, scene images are
represented as set of local feature vectors, which are
further converted into bag-of-visual word (BOVW)
representation for classification using linear kernel
based SVM classifier. (Juneja et al., 2013) uses the
learned bag-of-part (BoP) representation and combine
ICPRAM 2018 - 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
with improved Fisher vector for building SVM based
classifier using linear kernel. (Gong et al., 2014) ex-
tracted CNN-based features from multiple scale of
image at different levels and performs orderless vec-
tors of locally aggregated descriptors (VLAD) pool-
ing (J
egou et al., 2010) at every scale separately. The
representations from different level are then concate-
nated to form a new representation known as multi-
scale orderless pooling (MOP) which is used for
training linear kernel based SVM classifier. (Zhou
et al., 2014) uses more direct approach, where a
large scale image dataset (Places dataset) is used for
training the AlexNet architecture and extracted fully
connected (fc7) layer feature from the trained net-
work. The basic architecture of their Places-CNN is
same as that of the AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al., 2012)
trained on ImageNet. (Zhou et al., 2014) also trained
a Hybrid-CNN, by combining the training data of
Places dataset with ImageNet dataset. Here, features
from fully connected (fc7) layer are then used for
training linear SVM based classifier . (Mandar et al.,
2015) obtained the semantic Fisher vector (FV) using
standard Gaussian mixture encoding for CNN-based
feature. Further linear kernel based SVM classifier
is build using semantic FV for classification of scene
images. (Gao et al., 2015) used the generative model
based approach to build a dictionary on top of CNN
feature maps. A FV representation for different spa-
tial region of activation map is then obtained from
the dictionary. A power and l
normalization is ap-
plied on the combined FV from different spatial re-
gion. A linear kernel based SVM classifier is then
used for scene classification. (Yoo et al., 2015) com-
bined the features from fc7 layer of AlexNet (Alex-
fc7) and their complementary features named dis-
criminative and shareable feature learning (DSFL).
DSFL learns discriminative and shareable filters with
a target dataset. The final image representation is used
with the linear kernel based SVM classifier for the
scene classification task.
In contrast to all the above briefly explained ap-
proaches, our proposed approach uses the image of
arbitrary size and get the deep feature map of varying
size without any loss of information. Secondly, we
have proposed the deep spatial pyramid match ker-
nel which handles the set of varying size deep feature
maps and intend to incorporate the local spatial in-
formation at the time of computing level wise match-
ing score. Specifically, our proposed approach is very
simple and discriminative in nature which outper-
forms the other CNN-based approach without com-
bining any complementary features as in (Yoo et al.,
2015). Our proposed approach reveals that for scene
classification with complicated standard dataset good
classification accuracy is achievable by using last con-
volutional layer features and DSPMK based-SVM.
Proposed approach is independent of fully connected
layer feature, capture the original size image, simple,
memory efficient and take very less computation time
in compare to state-of-the-art-approaches.
In this paper, we proposed DSPMK for enhancing the
base features from last convolutional layer of CNN.
DSPMK-based SVM classifies varying size scene im-
ages which are represented as the set of varying size
deep feature maps. It is certain that better the fea-
ture the higher the performance. Our framework
is equipped with a dynamic kernel which computes
layer wise intermediate matching score and strength-
ens the matching procedure of convolutional layer
features. The training of DSPMK-based SVM classi-
fier consumes much lesser time than that of the train-
ing of GMM in (Gao et al., 2015). We have shown
how the concepts in an image can be matched at the
coarser level of the pyramid that is not matched in
finer level. In our study, we have considered last con-
volutional layer features instead of fully connected
layer features because fully connected layer restricts
these features to fixed size and requires heavy com-
putation time as it contains roughly 90% of the total
parameter of CNN. Hence, convolutional layer fea-
tures proved to be beneficial for us as images size of
SUN-397 and MIT-67 datasets are also varying and
large. The resized images will result in huge amount
of concept and spatial information loss. Thus, convo-
lutional filters will not be capable of capturing those
resized concepts present in image. In terms of perfor-
mance, our proposed approach achieves state-of-the-
art results for standard scene classification datasets.
In future, for capturing variations of the activations
caused by the different size of concepts in an image
and multi-scale deep spatial pyramid match kernel
can be explored.
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ICPRAM 2018 - 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods