TEATIME: A Formal Model of Action Tendencies
in Conversational Agents
Alya Yacoubi
and Nicolas Sabouret
LIMSI, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, Universit
e Paris-Saclay, B
at 508,
rue John von Neumann, Campus Universitaire, 91400 Orsay, France
DAVI les humaniseurs, 19 Rue Godefroy, 92800 Puteaux, France
Conversational Agents, Computational Model of Affects, Formal Model, Dialogue System.
This paper presents a formal model of socio-affective behaviour in a conversational agent based on the Ac-
tion Tendency theory. This theory defines emotions as tendencies to perform an action. This theory allows
us to implement a strong connection between emotions and speech acts during an agent-human interaction.
Our model presents an agent architecture with beliefs, desires, ideals and capacities. It relies on 6 appraisal
variables for the selection of different emotional strategies depending on the context of the dialogue. It also
supports social regulation of emotions depending on social rules. We implemented this model in an agent
architecture and we give an example of dialogue with a virtual insurance expert in the context of customer
relationship management.
Computer scientists are increasingly interested in
adding an affective component to the human-agent in-
teraction systems. Indeed, it has been validated that
machines which express affective states enhance the
user’s satisfaction and commitment in the interaction
(Prendinger and Ishizuka, 2005). Moreover, affects
play a fundamental role in the decision-making pro-
cess and rational behaviour (Coppin, 2009). They
act as heuristics for decision making to ease the ac-
tion selection process in context (Frijda, 1986). This
role of affects is crucial for conversational agents that
have to combine a rational answers with social be-
haviours. For instance, when the user expresses dis-
appointment about a task done by the agent, a credible
agent should be inclined to apologize rather than pur-
suing the task-oriented interaction. However, com-
bining task-oriented answers with socio-affective be-
haviour in a dialogue is still challenging.
In order to achieve such a combination, one must
better understand what are emotions and how they in-
tervene in the decision process. The notion of ”emo-
tions” has been used initially to refer to the ten-
dency to fight or to yell when you are angry against
other, the tendency to run away when fear is trig-
gered (McDougall, 1908) or the tendency to approach
others (positive emotions). In contemporary theories
(Lazarus, 1991), emotions are often defined as com-
bination of numerous components such as 1) the ap-
praisal component which evaluates the world changes
in terms of goals, 2) the experience component which
consists in labelling the feeling’s change toward the
stimulus with a common-sense word (fear, sadness,
etc) and 3) the behavioural component which conveys
physical actions, facial expression, and/or vocal out-
put. Frijda in (Frijda, 2010) also stressed out 4) the
motivational component which aims at changing the
relation between the self and the stimulus and 5) the
somatic component which prepares the organism for
The role of the motivational component, often re-
ferred as action tendency in some theories, is to give
a direction to one’s future actions. According to Fri-
jda, this general direction overrides all other possible
goals. Moreover, this component play an important
role in behaviour regulation. Thus, the coping strat-
egy, i.e. the agent’s adaptation to the stimulus at the
source of the emotion, cannot be chosen without this
frame for possible actions. For this reason, we claim
that implementing a proper decision mechanism in a
conversational agent requires to incorporate the moti-
vational component.
In this paper, we present a formal model of af-
fect based on the action tendency theory which makes
a connection between the appraisal process and the
Yacoubi, A. and Sabouret, N.
TEATIME: A Formal Model of Action Tendencies in Conversational Agents.
DOI: 10.5220/0006595701430153
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2018) - Volume 2, pages 143-153
ISBN: 978-989-758-275-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
agent’s verbal behaviour by modelling the motiva-
tional component. The agent interprets the user’s ut-
terances. It generates action tendencies and decides
whether to perform an emotional reaction or to con-
tinue with the task-oriented dialogue.
In the following section, we discuss existing com-
putational models of emotions and their relation of
the motivational component of emotions. The third
section explains the syntax and the semantics of our
logical framework. The fourth section defines the ap-
praisal and action selection process using those log-
ics. In the fifth section, we illustrate the implementa-
tion of our model with a short interaction sample.
2.1 Action Tendency Theory
The Action Tendency theory is a part of the appraisal
theories of emotions. The term appraisal refers to
the continuous process of evaluating the stimuli en-
countered according to their relevance to well-being
(Lazarus, 1991; Frijda, 1986). In other words, it de-
scribes the mechanism that makes an individual eval-
uate a situation, and later adapt to it. This adaptation
is often referred-to as coping.
Several appraisal theorists argue that the eval-
uation process often occurs automatically, uncon-
sciously and/or rapidly (Arnold, 1960; Frijda and
Zeelenberg, 2001; Lazarus, 1991; Jenkins and Oat-
ley, 1996). This is the reason why computer scientists
are interested in the simulation of this process in vir-
tual agents, so as to improve the spontaneity and the
credibility of their reaction.
In all appraisal theories, the appraisal process re-
sults from the assignment of a value to a set of ap-
praisal variables following the perception of a stim-
ulus. For example: ”is the stimulus good for me”.
Depending on the model, the output of this appraisal
process can be either an emotional label (fear, joy, etc)
for so-called categorical models such as OCC (Ortony
et al., 1990), or a vector for so-called dimensional
models such as PAD (Mehrabian, 1996).
However, it is important to understand that emo-
tions cannot be reduced to a label or a vector: these
are only a description of the state of the individual,
in reaction to an affective stimulus, in order to adapt
itself to the new situation. Frijda (Frijda, 1986) ex-
plains this aspect by saying that one of the goals of
the appraisal process is to prepare the individual for
a reaction. In this view, emotions can be seen as an
heuristic mechanism to select the behaviours, which
is the reason why Frijda refers to them as action ten-
dency. In this model, the output of appraisal process
is not a label or a vector but an action tendency (AT).
It is defined as the will to establish, modify, or main-
tain a particular relationship between the person and
a stimulus (Frijda, 2010; Frijda and Mesquita, 1998).
This AT can then be turned into an emotion label as
in categorical models (Roseman, 2011). It is impor-
tant to note that action tendencies are not necessar-
ily a preparation for physical action (Coombes et al.,
2009). They may also be a mental action such as dis-
engagement, disinterest, nostalgia, and so on.
Frijda also introduced another notion in his model:
the activation. It has been defined in works prior to
Frijda (Duffy, 1962) as a state of energy mobilization.
Frijda used this term to refer to the state of readi-
ness for action of a given organism (somatic or mo-
tor). The action tendency is said to be activated when
it benefits from an energy concentration to reach the
desired final state. In other words, the action tendency
can be turned into a concrete behaviour or plan. On
the contrary, the action tendency is said to be inhib-
ited when it lacks energy concentration. The acti-
vation of physical behaviour resulting from a action
tendency depends on several factors most of them are
social rules (Frijda, 1986). The action of insulting,
for instance, is a behaviour resulting from a state of
anger. In some social groups, insulting is not accept-
able. The tendency to insult is then inhibited. The
way the individual adapts to the situation, taking into
account social norms and self-capacity to deal with
affects, is the coping strategy.
The theory of action tendency highlights the
strong connection between emotions and actions and
proposes hint on how to integrate this connection in
affective component for human-agent interaction sys-
tems such as conversational agents. In our work, we
propose to enhance a simple task-oriented conversa-
tional agent with a computational model of action ten-
dency so as to produce more spontaneous and rele-
vant reactions. The action tendencies are expressed
through speech acts since we are in the context of di-
alogue, but our model can be used for a more general
2.2 Affective Models in Literature
A great number of affective models for conversa-
tional agents have been proposed during the last
two decades. Most of them are founded on one
or more psychological theories so as to produce re-
alistic behaviours for the virtual agents. For ex-
ample, the ALMA model for controlling the non-
verbal behaviour of a virtual agent (Gebhard, 2005) is
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
based on the PAD theory by Mehrabian (Mehrabian,
1996). It computes the emotion of a virtual agent at
each time of the simulation based on external stim-
uli. In a different context, (Adam et al., 2009) pro-
pose a modal logic implementation of the OCC the-
ory (Ortony et al., 1990) to compute the emotions,
reason about them and build believable agents. How-
ever, these models of emotions do not cover the be-
havioural component: they do not explain how the
agent should behave in reaction to the computed af-
A few cognitive architectures have been proposed
that implement both the appraisal component and the
behavioural component. The most famous ones are
EMA (Gratch and Marsella, 2004), based on Lazarus’
theory (Lazarus, 1991) and FAtiMA (Dias and Paiva,
2005), based on the OCC theory. Both models rely on
a specific list of variables to implement the appraisal
and the experience components. Both models also
support the description of coping behaviours. How-
ever, in these models, the emotion labelling (which
corresponds to the experience component of emo-
tions) makes a separation between the appraisal pro-
cess and the behaviour selection. On the contrary, ac-
cording to (Frijda, 1986), these processes cannot be
separated: the behaviour is part of the experience it-
Similarly, (Dastani and Lorini, 2012) proposed a
formal model for both appraisal and coping. The ac-
tion selection is defined through inference rules in the
model itself: emotions directly affect the beliefs, de-
sires and intentions of the agent. For instance, when
an agent faces a fearful event, it will reduce its in-
tention toward the action that produces this situation.
However, this work has three limitations. First, it re-
lies on emotion intensities, which are difficult to com-
pute and justify from a psychological point of view,
as explained by (Campano et al., 2013). Second, it
only considers a limited subset of the OCC emotion
categories for appraisal and the coping process only
considers two negative emotions. Last, they do not
consider the cause of the emotion, which is very im-
portant in social interaction since it impacts the action
tendency as shown by (Roseman, 2011).
Other approaches consider the social dimension
of the interaction. For example, the Psychsim cogni-
tive architecture (Pynadath and Marsella, 2005) pro-
poses an action selection mechanism based on a for-
mal decision-theoretic approach: the agent selects ac-
tions based on beliefs and goals and can adopt so-
cial attitudes using reverse appraisal and theory of
mind. However, the architecture does not consider
affects in the action selection process. Our goal in the
TEATIME model is to define how the affects inter-
vene in the action section.
The model proposed by (Courgeon et al., 2009) in
the MARC architecture proposes a direct connection
between appraisal and action tendencies. This mod-
els is based on Scherer’s theory (Scherer, 2005) and it
connects the appraisal variables to action units for the
facial animation of the virtual character. This model
focuses only on non-verbal behaviour and does not
consider the decision-making process (action selec-
tion or dialogue). For this reason, it is complementary
with our approach: we focus on building a connection
between appraisal and action tendencies for dialogue
act selection in a conversational agent.
The formal model proposed by Steunebrink and
Dastani (Steunebrink et al., 2009) also aims at taking
into consideration action tendencies in the decision
making process. The appraisal process is based on
the OCC theory of emotions and the proposed cop-
ing mechanism is inspired by Frijda’s theory of ac-
tion tendencies. However, this model is not compli-
ant with the theories of emotions in social science,
because it makes a clear separation between the ap-
praisal process and the coping processes. Action ten-
dencies are simply coping strategies for social emo-
tions (such as pity, resentment and gratitude) or re-
evaluation of the situation to revise the agent’s de-
The problem with such an approach is that, when
it comes to dialogue, actions cannot be separated from
emotion expression. For instance, insulting the inter-
locutor is a dialogue act that conveys the anger emo-
tion. For this reason, one cannot separate the emotion
appraisal from the action performance. Actions ten-
dencies are the theoretical bricks that connects the two
and, to our knowledge, no complete computational
model of action tendencies has been proposed in the
Our goal in this paper is to propose a model of
emotions in which action tendencies (i.e. the motiva-
tional component in Frijda’s theory) directly connect
the evaluation process with the action selection mech-
The TEATIME model aims at offering a formal repre-
sentation, using modal logics, of the affective process
from appraisal to action selection in the context of
dialogical interaction. TEATIME stands for Talking
Experts with an Action TendencIes MEchanism. It is
part of a more general virtual agent architecture that
combines knowledge representation, dialogue man-
agement and agent’s animation. This architecture is
TEATIME: A Formal Model of Action Tendencies in Conversational Agents
used to build assistant agents in different industrial
applications such as customer relationship manage-
ment and online help.
The interaction relies on a strict turn-taking ap-
proach (as opposed to continuous interaction). The
user utterances are interpreted as atomic stimuli for
the decision process. The agent evaluates the stimuli
with respect to a set of appraisal variables, depend-
ing on its beliefs, desires, ideals and capabilities. This
may generate an action tendency, following the the-
ory proposed by (Roseman, 2011). This model is il-
lustrated on Figure 1. The appraisal process evaluates
the stimulus’s impact on the agent’s goals. If it has a
direct or indirect impact, the action tendency mecha-
nism is used to select the answer. Otherwise, the agent
follows classical task-based interaction rules (that will
not be presented in this paper).
This section presents the syntax and semantics of
the TEATIME logical model.
3.1 Syntax
3.1.1 Agents, Facts and Actions
Let AGT = {i, j, ...} be a finite set of agents, F =
, ϕ
, ...} a finite set of atomic facts and AC T =
{a, b, ...} a finite set of physical actions.
For example, in the context of interaction with a
tourist assistant, A GT = {agt, user}, we can consider
the facts chvr (City Has Vegan Restaurant) and vrb
(Vegan Restaurant Booked) and the action bvr (Book
Vegan Restaurant): F = {chvr, vrb, . . .} and ACT =
{bvr, . . .}.
For a given agent i AGT , we denote AC T
AC T the set of actions that i can perform.
We also define two predicates Ask and In f orm as
i, j AGT , a ACT , ϕ F :
i, j
a , In f orm
i, j
ϕ F
i, j
a describes the fact that the agent i asks the
agent j to do the action a. In f orm
i, j
ϕ denotes the fact
that the agent i informs the agent j that ϕ is true.
3.1.2 Beliefs, Desires and Ideals
Following a BDI-based approach, we define a set
of modalities for expressing propositions about facts.
For a given agent i AGT and a given fact ϕ F ,
ϕ describes a belief of agent i and should be read
”the agent i believes that ϕ is true” ; Des
ϕ describes
an appetitive desire that the agent aims at reaching. It
should be read ”the agent i desires ϕ”. Des
¬ϕ de-
scribes an aversive desire (i.e. a desire that the agent
aims at avoiding). Ideal
¬ϕ should be read as ”The
agent i has for ideal ¬ϕ or simply ϕ does not con-
form with the ideals of agent i”.
3.1.3 Action Execution and Conditions
We also define classical predicates for action execu-
tion. For any agent i AGT and for any action
, Done(a, i) represents the fact that agent
i has achieved action a and Exec(a, i) represents the
fact that agent i can perform action a.
To compute the impact of a stimulus ϕ, it is neces-
sary to know the list of actions that made the fact true.
We denote P L
ACT × AGT the set of actions
that explain the fact ϕ (the computation of this set is
not part of this paper). For all couple (a, i) P L
the following formula holds:
|= ϕ Done(a, i)
In the above example, the couple (bvr, agt) ex-
plains the fact vrb: vrb Done(bvr, agt).
Also note that facts can depend on each other. For
instance, vrb depends on the fact chvr in the above
example. This is represented in the logics by the for-
mula: vrb chvr. Conversely, if the vegan restaurant
is closed (vrc), it cannot be booked. This is repre-
sented by: vrc ¬vrb. Such inferences will be used
in the appraisal process.
3.1.4 Action Tendencies and Emotional
Action tendency is defined by (Frijda, 1986) as a state
of readiness to perform one or more action which
aims at establishing or modifying or maintaining a
particular relationship between the appraising person
and the stimulus. As explained by (Roseman, 2011),
action tendencies are a part of emotional strategies
which correspond to high-level goals that a person
wants to achieve regarding a stimulus: these emo-
tional strategies are the primary result of the appraisal
while action tendencies participate in the resolution
of the strategy in a specific context.
For example, imagine that Bob insults Anna. This
stimulus will be appraised into a general emotional
strategy to Move Against the responsible of the situa-
tion (here Bob). This concept of ”Move Against Bob”
is an emotional strategy which Anna is attempted to
reach by following an action tendency. Several speech
actions can correspond to this strategy (e.g. Anna
might insult Bob back or yell at him or criticize him).
Each emotional strategy coupled with the event
cause corresponds to a set of actions : ”Move Against
Someone” could be expressed by yelling, fighting,
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Overview of the TEATIME architecture.
hurting, etc. ”Move Against Self” could be ex-
pressed by withdrawing, punishing self, submitting,
etc. ”Move Away from Circumstances” could be
showed by leaving the conversation. Some examples
were presented in (Roseman, 2011) and a more com-
plete state-of-the-art of action tendencies in literature
can be found in (Bossuyt, 2012).
The TEATIME model implements these two as-
pects of the motivational component of emotions. We
consider the 8 emotional strategies proposed by Rose-
Prepare To Move Toward It (PMT)
Move Toward It (MT)
Stop Moving Away From It (SMA)
Prepare To Move Away From It (PMA)
Move Against It (MA)
Move It Away (MIA)
Stop Moving Toward It (SMT)
Move Away From It (MAF)
Each strategy answers to a different kind of appraisal.
However, at a given time of the interaction, these
strategies are not mutually exclusive: several emo-
tional responses can be generated for a single situa-
tion. This requires the agent to combine the strategies.
Also note that these strategies are independent
from the application domain. The target of the emo-
tional strategy, referred to as ”It” in the definitions,
is important: it directly impacts the list of possible
action tendencies. For example, Move Toward the in-
terlocutor can be done in approaching her, connect-
ing to her, whereas Move Toward oneself consists in
exhibiting pride. Following Roseman’s proposal, we
consider three possible directions in our model: sel f
represents the appraising agent, other the interlocutor
in the dialogue and circ any external cause. Action
tendencies refers to sets of possible actions in answer
to a given emotional strategy and target.
More formally, let ES be the set of 8 emotional
strategies and I T = {sel f , other, circ} be the set of
possible target. For any agent i AGT , possible ac-
tion a AC T
, emotional strategy e ES and target
t I T , the proposition Tend(i, a, e, t) represents the
action tendency to perform the action a to achieve the
strategy e toward the target t.
In the example above, the tendency to yell could
be activated in Anna toward Bob:
|= Tend(anna, yell, MA, other)
The first role of the TEATIME component in the
conversational agent is to select the relevant emo-
tional strategy based on appraisal variables. The list
of appraisal variables is presented in the following
section. The second role is to select actions based on
the action tendencies and the agent’s ideals. This will
be presented in section 4.
3.1.5 Appraisal Variables
There is no consensus about the number and the
meaning of appraisal variables needed to generate
an emotional response in appraisal theories. In our
model, we chose to use Roseman’s list of appraisal
variables. We define 6 appraisal variables: causal-
ity, desirability, controllability, motive, nature of the
problem and certainty.
Formally, we define 6 predicates. Let i
AGT , ϕ F , t I T , v {−, 0, +} and nat
{intri, instru}:
Cause(i, ϕ, t) represents the fact that agent i consid-
ers that t (self, other or circ) is the cause of stimu-
lus ϕ.
Desir(i, ϕ, v) states that agent i considers ϕ as desir-
able (+), undesirable (-) or is indifferent to ϕ (0).
TEATIME: A Formal Model of Action Tendencies in Conversational Agents
Control(i, ϕ) represents the fact that agent i has con-
trol over an undesirable stimulus ϕ, i.e. it is capa-
ble of executing an action toward the cause of the
Motive(i, ϕ, v) represents the nature of the desire im-
pacted by the stimulus (appetitive or aversive).
Cert(i, ϕ) expresses the fact that the stimulus ϕ is
Prob(i, ϕ, nat) expresses the nature of problem for
an undesirable stimulus (intrinsic or instrumen-
Section 4 explains how these predicates are computed
at runtime, depending on beliefs and desires.
3.1.6 TEATIME Valid Formulaes
A proposition p in the TEATIME logics is defined us-
ing the following Backus-Naur form, in which ϕ F ,
i AGT , a ACT , e ES , t IT , v {−, 0, +}
and nat {intri, instru}:
prop ::= ϕ | Exec(a, i) | Done(a, i) | Tend(i, a, e, t) |
Cause(i, ϕ, t) | Desir(i, ϕ, v) | Control(i, ϕ) |
Motive(i, ϕ, v) | Prob(i, ϕ, nat) | Cert(i, ϕ)
and a formula f is defined as:
f ::= prop | ¬ f | f f
ϕ | Des
¬ϕ | Des
ϕ | Ideal
3.2 Semantics
The TEATIME semantics is based on possible
worlds (Kripke semantics). Let us consider the
universe = {AGT , F , ACT , ES } and M
{, W , V , B, D, I } with:
W : the non-empty set of possible worlds,
V : W 2
the valuation function for all
propositions (facts and predicates Exec, Done,
Tend, Cause, Desir, Control, Motive, Prob and
B, D, I transition functions from AGT × W to
which associate for each w W the set of
possible worlds accessible by the agent’s beliefs
(w), desires Des
(w) and ideals Ideal
(w) (re-
For a formula f , a model M M and a world w W ,
M, w |= f read as ϕ is true at (M, w)
The rules defining the truth conditions of formulas
M, w |= p iff p V (w)
M, w |= ¬ f iff M , w 2 f
M, w |= f f
iff M , w |= f and M, w |= f
M, w |= Bel
ϕ iff v B(i, w), M, v |= ϕ
M, w |= Des
ϕ iff v D(i, w), M, v |= ϕ
M, w |= Ideal
¬ϕ iff v I (i, w), M, v |= ¬ϕ
with p a proposition, i and agent and f a formula.
In addition, a set of inference rules has to be de-
fined in the TEATIME engine. For instance, a fact
cannot be simultaneously an appetitive and an aver-
sive desire:
|= Des
ϕ ¬Des
The next section only presents the rules that define the
emotional process.
The execution of the TEATIME model is composed
of a phase of appraisal followed by a phase of emo-
tional response, as explained in the previous section.
The first phase selects the emotional strategy based
on appraisal variables. The second phase selects the
agent’s response to the stimulus.
4.1 Computation of Appraisal Variables
This subsection presents the computation of the ap-
praisal variables. It explains how we have imple-
mented the principles from (Roseman, 2011) using
modal logics.
There is no consensus about the number and the
definition of appraisal variable through literature. In
our model, we had to simplify some definitions of
appraisal variables in order to build a computational
model easy to understand and implement.
We consider only two participants in the interac-
tion: i AGT is an agent and i
AGT its interlocu-
tor. In the following, M M is the current model and
ϕ F is the fact to be appraised.
4.1.1 Causality
Causality is a complex topic and understanding the
causes and consequences of actions and facts requires
complex models (Pearl, 2009). We chose to simplify
the causality definition in the TEATIME model in or-
der to facilitate the implementation. In our model, in-
direct contribution to a fact is not taken into account
and all direct contributions to an action achievement
have the same value. We thus make the supposition
that all actions are equally important and voluntarily
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
The causality of ϕ is evaluated according to
the set of actions P L
that explains this fact and
the agents that performed these actions. We want
Cause(i, ϕ, sel f ) to be true when the agent i has at
least done one action in P L
. Similarly, we want
Cause(i, ϕ, other) to be true when at least one ac-
tion is done by the agent’s interlocutor. If none are
responsible for all actions in P L
, or if there is no
such action (ϕ is true a priori), the agent must con-
sider that the fact is caused by ”the circumstances”
and Cause(i, ϕ, circ) shall be true.
Concretely, we have the following rules in the
TEATIME inference engine:
M |= Cause(i, ϕ, circ) iff (a, j) P L
such that
M |= Done(a, j), j 6= i and j 6= i
M |= Cause(i, ϕ, sel f ) iff (a, i) P L
such that
M |= Done(a, i)
M |= Cause(i, ϕ, other) iff (a, i
) P L
that M |= Done(a, i
Note that a single stimulus can have multiple
causes. In this case, we can have up to three actions
tendencies that can be generated.
4.1.2 Desirability
In the TEATIME model, the stimulus ϕ is desirable
in three situations: if it is an appetitive desire of the
agent; if it contributes to an appetitive desire of the
agent; or if it prevents an aversive desire of the agent.
Formally, M |= Desir(i, ϕ, +) iff
M |= Des
ϕ or
ψ, M |= Des
ψ ψ ϕ or
ψ, M |= Des
¬ψ ϕ ¬ψ.
Similarly, M |= Desir(i, ϕ, ) iff M |= Des
¬ϕ or
ψ, M |= Des
¬ψ ψ ϕ or ψ, M |= Des
ψ ϕ
¬ψ: ϕ is undesirable if it is related to an aversive de-
sire or if it prevents an appetitive desire.
In all other situations, we cannot determine the de-
sirability of ϕ: M |= Desir(i, ϕ, 0).
4.1.3 Motive
The motivational variable (represented by the predi-
cate Motive in our model) is strongly related to the de-
sirability, as explained by (Roseman, 2011). Indeed,
it specifies the nature of the desire that the stimulus ϕ
has impacted. It is positive if the stimulus impacted an
appetitive desire and negative if it impacted an aver-
sive desire. Formally, M |= Motive(i, ϕ, +) iff
M |= ¬Desir(i, ϕ, 0) and
M |= Des
ϕ or ψ, M |= Des
ψ ψ ϕ or
ψ, M |= Des
ψ ϕ ¬ψ.
For example, if the agent has the appetitive de-
sire to book a vegan restaurant but it receives the
stimulus ”the restaurant is closed”, it will appraise
Desire(i, vrc, ) but Motive(i, vrc, +).
Similarly, Motive(i, ϕ, ) is true when the fact
(desirable or un-desirable) is related to aversive goals.
Note that Motive will have no value if the stimulus’
desirability is evaluated to 0.
4.1.4 Controllability
This cognitive evaluation variable defines whether the
agent is capable of acting or adapting to a fact ϕ.
It is relevant only when the stimulus is undesirable.
The controllability is positive if agent is capable of
performing an action towards the cause of the stimu-
lus. This reaction is necessarily the result of an action
tendency and, according to (Roseman, 2011), it oc-
curs only in two particular emotional strategies: move
against (MA) that modifies the stimulus and move it
away from you (MIA) that alters the perception of the
stimuly. If there exists an action doable by the agent
that satisfies one of these strategies toward the cause,
the controllability is positive. Otherwise it is negative.
Formally, M |= Control(i, ϕ) iff
M |= Desir(i, ϕ, ) and t, a such that:
M |= Cause(i, ϕ, t) Exec(a, i) and
M |= Tend(i, a, MA, t) Tend(i, a, MIA, t).
M |= ¬Control(i, ϕ, ) in all other situations (includ-
ing when controllability is not a relevant question).
4.1.5 Certainty
In our model, the certainty of the stimulus is simply
the coherence of this stimulus with the agent’s beliefs.
Formally, Cert(i, ϕ)
de f
4.1.6 Problem Nature
The nature of the problem is only relevant when the
stimulus is undesirable. The problem is instrumental
if the stimulus participates in the failure or success of
a desire. On the contrary, it is intrinsic if the stimulus
itself is a desire.
M |= Prob(i, ϕ, intri) iff M |= Desir(i, ϕ, ) Des
M |= Prob(i, ϕ, instru) iff M |= Desir(i, ϕ, )
ϕ ¬Des
4.2 Computation of the Emotional
Table 1 describes the computation of the emotional
strategy depending on the different appraisal vari-
TEATIME: A Formal Model of Action Tendencies in Conversational Agents
ables. A star means that any value is acceptable
for the predicate. The last column gives the result-
ing emotional strategy. This table is extracted from
(Roseman, 2011). The only difference is that we did
not consider the surprise and its associated appraisal
variable ”expectedness” in our model.
Table 1: Computation of the Emotional Strategy.
Desir Caus Control Prob Cert Motive ES
- * * * MAF
Intri * * MIA
Instru * * MA
- *
- * PMA
Intri * * MIA
Instru * * MA
Self/Other * * * * MT
Circ * *
- * PMT
+ MT
4.3 Action Selection
Based on the emotional strategy, the TEATIME en-
gine selects an action according to the possible action
tendencies, as defined by the Tend predicate (see sec-
tion 3.1.4). Several verbal and non-verbal actions can
participate in the same emotional strategy. The fact
of smiling, looking at avidly, saying sweet words are
different actions for showing love to someone. The
selection of one action among others depends on the
In TEATIME, the context that defines the choice
of action corresponds to the rules of social interac-
tion, which are implemented in the ”ideals”. Thus,
when an action tendency is generated from the ap-
praisal process, the coherence of actions belonging
to that tendency with social norms is computed. If
no action satisfies the ideals, the agent simply drops
the tendency and the system falls back to the task-
oriented interaction rules. If one or several actions
conform with the ideals and can be directed toward
the cause of the emotional strategy, the agent selects
one that is addressed to the cause of the event (self,
other, circ) and performs it.
Formally, let M be the current model of the world
and e and t be the emotional strategy and the target
appraised by agent i. We compute the set A
of actions
compatible with the ideals:
= { a AC T
| M |= Tend(i, a, e, t)
(φ F , M |= (Done(a, i) φ)
¬φ) }
The agent selects one action in A
and performs it.
In the next dialogue turn, the appraisal process should
produce a different emotional strategy and target. If
this is not the case, the agent will not select the same
action again. This corresponds to the re-appraisal pro-
cess as described by Frijda (Frijda, 1986).
The TEATIME formal model has been implemented
in Java and integrated within a virtual agents and chat-
bot architecture for Customer Relationship Service.
To overcome complexity issues that arise with modal
logics inference engine (SAT modal logics is NEXP-
time complete), we implemented the TEATIME rules
as Java methods that manipulate the stimuli. Facts
and actions are represented by Java objects and the
appraisal variables are computed by methods. The se-
lection of the emotional strategy is computed in linear
In this section, we illustrate how the TEATIME
model works during a small interaction. We took
an insurance application example where the user can
ask questions about her contract and evaluate the help
given by the agent. It is important to note that our
work does not concern Natural Language Processing
(NLP). We use a professional engine developed by the
French company DAVI to identify which fact has been
invoked by the user.
The (domain specific) knowledge base of the
agent is represented into an ontology which regroups
the insurance expertise and dependencies between
facts and actions. The NLP engine identifies the gen-
eral intention of the user’s utterance and turns it into a
stimulus (i.e, a fact ϕ) as shown on figure 3. It uses a
set of pattern-matching rules coupled with the domain
ontology. This determines which fact has been said
by the user and which task-oriented answer should be
Each fact in the ontology is also associated with
beliefs, desires and ideals of the agent, so that the
TEATIME formal model can be applied to generate
affective responses.
When the NLP engine fails to detect a domain-
related intention in the ontology, the agent express an
action tendency to ”Stop moving toward” which cor-
responds to the emotional label ”Sadness”. Indeed,
misunderstanding the user utterance is considered to
be an in undesirable, uncontrollable, certain fact with
an appetitive motive.
Interactions need to be dynamically managed by
rules and related to a domain-specific knowledge
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Implementation of Teatime in Insurance expert example.
Interaction Rules
For the example on figure 2, we applied three rules to
manage the interaction dynamics :
1. When the agent i asks the agent j to perform an action
a, and the action a is executable by the agent j, the
agent j performs the action a. This rule is applied to the
first and second utterance in the dialogue 2 where the
user asks the agent to give information. In our model, it
written this way :
i, j
a Exec(a, j)
de f
Do(a, j)
2. When the agent i informs the agent j that ϕ is true,
ϕ turns true. This rule is applied to the third utter-
ance on figure 2 where the user informs the agent that
he is disappointed. We write it this way :
In f orm
i, j
de f
3. When the agent i beliefs that ϕ is true, that is undesir-
able, certain, uncontrollable related to an intrinsic prob-
lem and caused by self, it leads to an emotional strategy
MAF. This rule is one of the appraisal rules defined in
TEATIME model. It is applied to the third user utter-
ϕ Desir(i, ¬ϕ, +) Cert(i, ϕ)
Control(i, ϕ) Prob(i, ϕ) Caus(ϕ, sel f )
de f
Tend(i, a, MAF, sel f )
Facts, Actions and Agents
For the insurance example, we defined a knowledge
base containing three actions (a
= give-information,
= give-details, a
= correct-mistake), three facts(
= information-given , ϕ
= details-given, ϕ
customer-disappointment ), two agents (user = hu-
man user, agent = virtual insurance expert)and rela-
tions between them((a
, agent) P L
, (a
, agent)
Interaction Dynamics
Here we describe formally the conversation flow il-
lustrated on figure2:
1. Ask
2. Ask
, agent)
de f
, agent)
3. Ask
4. Ask
, agent)
de f
, agent)
5. In f orm
de f
6. Bel
Desir(agent, ¬ϕ
, +)
Cert(agent, ϕ
) ¬Control(agent, ϕ
Prob(agent, ϕ
, intri) Caus(ϕ
, sel f )
de f
Tend(agent, a
, MAF, sel f )
In the example illustrated on figure 2, in the two
first user utterance, the appraisal output is null as the
facts have no link with agent’s desires or ideals. The
third one is undesirable for the agent. The whole ap-
praisal process is then done. It is appraised by the
agent as an undesirable, certain and uncontrollable,
related to an intrinsic problem and caused by Self
(the agent). Following the rules presented in sec-
tion 4, it leads to an emotional strategy ”Move Away
From self” and the action tendency to correct the mis-
take and express regret. In this example, only the
TEATIME: A Formal Model of Action Tendencies in Conversational Agents
Figure 3: Dialog Process where TEATIME is implemented.
verbal output is impacted by TEATIME (the gesture
visible on the screen capture is not controlled by our
model, for now).
The strength of the TEATIME model is to offer a
general mechanism that can be used to select domain-
specific actions sorted by emotional strategy. In the
example, the designer needs to specify that:
|= Tend(agent, a
, MAF, sel f )
where a
is the action that produces the last textbox
|= Des
where ϕ
corresponds to user disappointment (de-
tected by the NLP engine).
We have presented a formal model of affects which
integrates an appraisal process and an action selec-
tion mechanism based on the Action Tendency theory.
Six appraisal variables are computed according to the
agent beliefs, desires, ideals and capacities. The result
of this appraisal is an emotional strategy that leads to
actions tendency for the conversational agent.
One originality of the TEATIME model is to pro-
vide a formal description of the motivational compo-
nent of emotions, which plays an important role in
action selection. The model also conveys social rules
of interaction using ”ideals”.
This model has been implemented but our evalu-
ation is still work-in-progress. We are interested in
evaluating the perception of emotions through speech
acts produced by the agent. It is also interesting to
evaluate the importance of social inhibition during
an interaction. An agent without any regulation pro-
cess would be perceived as non-credible. We are cur-
rently defining experimental protocol to support an
empirical study on this impact. In order to assess
the whole emotional response during the experimen-
tal interaction, we also want to extend the TEATIME
model to the non-verbal expression of action tenden-
cies through facial expressions, gesture and speech.
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TEATIME: A Formal Model of Action Tendencies in Conversational Agents