Data-driven Relevancy Estimation for Event Logs Exploration
and Preprocessing
Pierre Dagnely, Elena Tsiporkova and Tom Tourw
Sirris - Elucidata Lab, Belgium
Event Relevancy Estimation, Data Reduction, Industrial Event Logs, Data Preprocessing.
With the realization of the industrial IoT, more and more industrial assets are continuously monitored by log-
gers that report events (states, warnings and failures) occurring in or around these devices. Unfortunately, the
amount of events in these event logs prevent an efficient exploration, visualization and advanced exploitation
of this data. Therefore, a method that could estimate the relevancy of an event is crucial. In this paper, we
propose 10 methods, inspired from various research fields, to estimate event relevancy. These methods have
been benchmarked on two industrial datasets composed of event logs from two photovoltaic plants. We have
demonstrated that a combination of methods can detect irrelevant events (which can correspond to up to 90%
of the data). Hence, this is a promising preprocessing step that can help domain experts to explore the logs in
a more efficient way and can optimize the performance of analytical methods by reducing the training dataset
size without losing information.
With the realisation of the industrial IoT, more and
more industrial assets are continuously monitored.
These assets are not only instrumented with sensors,
but are also monitored by loggers that report events
occurring within or around the device. This includes
events related to the state of the asset (e.g. whether
it is started, or stopped), warnings and failures. The
event logs represent a valuable source of information
for a company, as they can be explored to learn about
the (normal and abnormal) behaviour of assets in the
field, e.g. to discover the root cause for a failure.
Event logs are currently underexploited by most
companies, as they come with several challenges.
(Bose et al., 2013) identified ve categories of chal-
lenges. For instance, 1) The voluminous amount of
data, 2) The heterogeneity of the data, i.e. the pres-
ence of events from distinct process in the logs or gen-
erated by different and incompatible firmwares from
different manufacturers, 3) The fine granularity of the
data, i.e. events that are too precise and lack gen-
eralization, 4) Evolutionary changes, i.e. definitive or
momentary changes in the process that affect the data,
and 5) Quality issues with data that can be missing,
incorrect, imprecise or irrelevant, i.e. related to other
process than the one analyzed. In this paper we focus
on the ”voluminous”, fine granularity and irrelevance
The voluminous, and subsequently fine grained
character of event log data prevents its efficient explo-
ration, visualisation and advanced exploitation. For
example, our industrial partner, 3E, monitors, through
its Software-as-a-Service platform SynaptiQ, around
4.000 photovoltaic (PV) plants throughout the world
and receives 1.000.000 events per day on average.
Manually analysing this huge amount of data is no
longer possible and methods that can pinpoint events
or periods of interest are required to support domain
experts. For instance, domain expert would like to
(visually) explore a device’s historical data when a
relevant failure occurs, in order to understand its be-
haviour and identify the failure’s root cause. In this
case, he is interested in a (very limited) subset of the
events only and the vast majority of the events can be
considered as noise that should/could be removed.
Similarly, advanced analytical methods could pre-
dict failures and support a maintenance engineer in
pro-actively planning maintenance. However, train-
ing and validation for such methods can have very
high computation time, as they are directly correlated
to the size of the dataset. In addition, their perfor-
mance suffers significantly because of the fact that the
vast majority of the events can actually be considered
as noise. As an example, we have applied sequential
pattern mining (SPM) to event logs in order to iden-
Dagnely, P., Tsiporkova, E. and Tourwé, T.
Data-driven Relevancy Estimation for Event Logs Exploration and Preprocessing.
DOI: 10.5220/0006579503950404
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2018) - Volume 2, pages 395-404
ISBN: 978-989-758-275-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tify anomalous behaviour in PV plants and found that
the algorithmic performance was rather poor, both in
terms of running time and in terms of results. A de-
tailed analysis revealed that this was due exactly to the
huge amount of events and hence presence of noise in
the log data.
In this paper, we propose 10 methods that auto-
matically estimate event relevancy and evaluate their
ability to discriminate relevant from irrelevant events.
The definition of ”relevant” depends of the objective
to achieve and may vary. For example, when ex-
ploring normal behaviour, only the events describ-
ing or representing the regular/normal behavior of a
PV plant (called regular events) are of interest and
the events describing or representing the failures or
underperformances of a PV plant (called irregular
events) should be discarded. On the other hand, when
investigating failures, irregular events are the most in-
teresting to explore and regular events can be consid-
ered noise. For the rest of the paper, we will address
the challenge of labelling the regular events as irrel-
evant (as this is the most common case) since both
cases can be addressed with the same methods and
only differ in how the results are interpreted.
By applying such methods, we can significantly
reduce the dataset size without losing information.
For example, we have reduced the computation time
of a SPM algorithm by 83%. The computation time
on the initial dataset was 16 hours and 14 minutes
while it was 2 hours and 40 minutes on the dataset
with only the relevant events. However, the same use-
ful patterns were found.
The 10 methods, inspired by similar techniques
proposed in other domains, are applied to event logs
from 2 PV plants for which one year of historical
data is available (provided by our industrial partner).
They are evaluated using a thorough benchmarking
framework, including an evaluation by domain ex-
perts. Some of our methods are data-driven, i.e. they
are domain-independent and can be applied to any
event log, while others rely on domain knowledge re-
lated to PV event behaviour, and hence would require
tailoring to be applicable in other domains.
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows. We first cover the state of the art of the fields
from which we draw inspiration for the methods. Sec-
ond, we describe the 10 methods that have been devel-
oped. Then, in Section 4, we explain and motivate the
experimental setup used for the benchmarking. Sec-
tion 5 discusses the results of this benchmarking. Fi-
nally, Section 6 concludes the paper.
The challenges related to the voluminous charac-
ter of event log data have received minimal atten-
tion in literature. The current strategies usually let
the process mining methods deal with it, such as
(Bonchi et al., 2003) who defined Ex-ante, a con-
strained pattern mining method adapted to large data
by adding a pruning of the search space during the tra-
ditional pruning of the frequent itemsets of the APri-
ori method. Nonetheless, we can draw inspiration
from five domains that have encountered similar chal-
lenges and defined techniques for dealing with them:
1) The process mining domain, 2) The outlier detec-
tion domain, 3) The web log cleaning domain, 4) The
state index pruning domain from the information re-
trieval field and 5) The diversity measures in the bio-
logical domain.
For the process mining field, we can mention the
research of (Fu et al., 2012), where they applied two
filtering steps on their events logs: 1) Removed the
frequent events, i.e. if the period between two simi-
lar events is below a user defined threshold, they re-
moved the second event, 2) Removed periodic events,
e.g. events produced by a daemon regularly. For each
type of event, they assessed different time intervals
and computed, for each, the number of occurrences of
that event with this time interval between each con-
secutive occurrence. If that number (expressed as a
percentage on the total number of occurrences of that
event) is above a user-defined threshold, they consid-
ered that they had a cycle and only kept the first oc-
currence. One drawback of this method is its inability
to find cycle with various interval gaps. (Hassan et al.,
2008) used a compression algorithm to detect relevant
periods. They divided the logs in small sequences and
compressed each of them and subsequently, computed
their compression rate CR.
CR = 1
size after compression
size before compression
Sequences with low CR should contains sequences
with distinct events making it hard to compress.
Therefore, they only kept these sequences that should
be the most relevant ones.
Outlier detection focusses on the detection of non-
frequent events or patterns. Therefore, some outliers
detection methods can be adapted to this purpose, i.e.
to build datasets of outliers. (Gupta et al., 2014) used
decision tree and clustering methods to learn a model
of the data and removed the events which differ from
it. Similarly, (Conforti et al., 2016) used an automa-
ton to model the system. Every event not filling the
usual automaton process was considered as outliers
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
and discarded. However, these methods require train-
ing a model on a voluminous dataset which is com-
putationally expensive and may not lead to optimal
results due to the amount of noises in the data.
Data pruning is a long-standing topic of the web
log cleaning/pre-processing since the seminal paper
of (Cooley et al., 1999), where they removed jpeg
and other multimedia files from the event logs. Nev-
ertheless, there has been little progress in this area,
as stated in the review of (Jayaprakash and Balamu-
rugan, 2015). The main cleaning procedures con-
cern the removal of queries other than GET, multi-
media resources, logs created by robots, errors and
some HTTP status codes known as irrelevant. In addi-
tion, methods focusing on user/session identification,
path completion, i.e. correction of incomplete URL
or transaction interaction identification, i.e. cluster of
meaningful transaction of a user extracted from the
event logs, are now part of the everyday web log pre-
processing. (Srivastava et al., 2015) decreased the
size of the log data by 80% by applying such tech-
niques. However, most of these methods are web cen-
tric and can not be applied to other domains.
Static index pruning is a field of the information
retrieval domain. The goal is to reduce the size of
the index of one or several texts by removing the en-
tries that will probably not be needed by the users,
e.g. the index entries of the word ”the” or ”me”, to
reduce the memory size of the index. This field ex-
ists since the seminal papers of (Carmel et al., 2001).
Even though some methods are domain specific, oth-
ers can be adapted to industrial event logs. (Biller-
beck and Zobel, 2004) used TF-IDF to compute the
frequency score of the words by combining the over-
all frequency of the word in all texts and the num-
ber of text in which this word occurs. Given a cor-
pus of texts, e.g. a set of technical documents, this
method will provide a ranking of the word for each
document, e.g. for document A, the word ”inverter”
will have a high score as this word is frequent in
this document but not in the others, which means that
this word is probably discriminative of the document
topic. TF-IDF combines two metrics: 1) The term fre-
quency (TF) that measures the frequency of the term,
i.e. word, in the document. 2) The inverse document
frequency (IDF) that measure the (inverse of the) fre-
quency of the term in the corpus (see formulas below).
# occ. of word w
in document d
# of word in document d
= log
# of documents in the corpus
# of documents containing the word w
= T F
The intuition behind that is to attribute a low score
to terms that occur in most or all of the documents as
they are probably less relevant (words such as ”the”
or ”of”). Billerbeck et al. used TF-IDF to remove
from the index the words with low scores, i.e. fre-
quent words.
(De Moura et al., 2005) adapted this method by
considering the context. They analyzed the non-
frequent sentences, i.e. the sentences containing
non-frequent words and kept the occurrences of the
frequents words occurring in these sentences. All
the other occurrences were removed from the in-
dex. (Jangid et al., 2014) reviewed these methods
and compared TF-IDF to BM25 (Jangid et al., 2014),
BB2 (Jangid et al., 2014) and other methods. TF-IDF
still had (one of) the best accuracy although its com-
putation time was usually superior.
A new promising approach defined by (Chen
et al., 2015) uses the Rnyi divergence (a divergence
measure from the information theory domain). They
redefined the problem as a model induction problem
and looked for the pruned index that minimize its
(Rnyi) divergence with the full index (in terms of re-
trieval performance). However, this method lacks a
proper comparison with other methods.
Diversity measure is a long-standing problem in
the biological and genomic domain. This domain tries
to assess the diversity in, e.g. a DNA sequence or
an environment like a lake. For example, (Fuhrman
et al., 2000) used it to detect DNA subsequences with
high diversity that are worth exploring (the other sub-
sequences are discarded). Popular methods are shan-
non index (also called Shannon-Wiener or Shannon-
Weaver indexs), Simpson index or Berger-Parker in-
dex. Although Shannon index has been criticized for
the difficulty to understand and interpret its meaning
(Hill et al., 2003), it’s one of the most used method.
The index is based on the Shannon entropy used
in the information theory and simply computes the
entropy of a sequence. Sequences with the highest
entropy are sequences with the highest diversity (as
the entropy measure the difficulty to predict the iden-
tity of the next individual in the sample, a high en-
tropy means that there is a high diversity of potential
individuals that could occur next, i.e. that there is a
high diversity of individuals in the sequence). The
Shannon index is computed using the formula below
where p
is the proportion of individuals belonging to
the ith species, gene, ... in the sequence.
Shannon score (H) =
Data-driven Relevancy Estimation for Event Logs Exploration and Preprocessing
In this section, we present the definition of 10 meth-
ods for estimating event relevancy based on our liter-
ature study and the characteristics of our data. These
methods have been selected for their effectiveness in
their respective fields. However, their applicability to
the industrial event log field still needs to be assessed.
In addition, these methods, often, can not be directly
applied to industrial event logs and need to be adapted
and tailored.
These methods are either based purely on data
characteristics, hence they are generally applicable,
or they are based on specific domain knowledge, and
thus require adaptation before they can be applied to
other domains.
In addition, the methods differ in the way events
are ranked. Score-based methods assign a relevancy
score to each event type while boolean-based meth-
ods only classify the events as relevant or not. This
distinction is crucial as boolean-based methods are
simpler to interpret and apply. Score-based methods
offer a finer-grained ranking of the events and pro-
vide more information to the domain experts at the
cost of a higher complexity, as they imply to define a
threshold that will discriminate between relevant and
irrelevant events, based on domain knowledge.
Finally, some methods encounter the cold start
problem, as they require the suitability of historical
data that could span years in order to train a model
that can discriminate between the events. Such data
is not always available on fresh installations with new
devices and/or conditions which prevents the use of
such methods in these situations. A summary of the
methods characteristics can be found in table 1.
As some methods are based on PV plants char-
acteristics, we first explain the PV plant infrastruc-
ture. PV plants are composed of several PV modules
(that convert the irradiation into direct current) con-
nected to one or several inverter(s) (that convert the
direct current to alternative current) which send the
current to the grid. These systems are now continu-
ously monitored (in addition with various on and off-
site sensors). Therefore, a PV plant reports statuses,
i.e. its current state like start, stop or running, but also
events, i.e. specific events that can represent an out-
age (such as grid fail or string disconnected) or other
phenomena (such as over-temperature or DC current
under threshold). In this context, an outage, i.e. a fail-
ure, is considered as the period where there is enough
irradiation reaching the modules to have electricity
production but there is no yield. Unfortunately, events
can not be trusted to detect all the outages due to some
noises in the logs. Therefore, outages are detected by
combining the data of the irradiation and yield sen-
sors. Periods with irradiation values above 30kwh/m
but yield value null are labelled as outages.
The event logs consist of textual messages con-
taining the ID of the events detected, e.g. 1013 for the
event grid fail, associated with a timestamp. Usually,
an inverter reports 14 events per days (mainly dur-
ing the mornings and evenings when the inverter start
or stop) and a plant contains in average 18 inverters,
but it can go up to 600. The number of events (as
well as the type of events monitored and their ID) re-
ported by an inverter depends of the manufacturers of
the logger-inverter pair, e.g. the inverters of Fronius
combined with the logger system of Solarlog report
in average 19 events per days. The number of events
also increase when outages and events occurs in the
plant. In some case, an inverter can report thousands
of events per days with a granularity of a few seconds.
3.1 Status Method
Some events are status events, i.e. an indication of
the current state of the system such as ”start” or ”run-
ning”. As we focus on labelling regular events as ir-
relevant, and these status events describe regular be-
haviour, they can be discarded. However, the status
of the system can also be a valuable information to
understand some failures.
3.2 Simultaneous Status Method
In some circumstances, e.g. during start and stop se-
quences, the inverter status can change rapidly, i.e.
in a few seconds. This method labels the status that
lasted less than 60 seconds as irrelevant, as the phe-
nomenon that generated it did not have time to impact
the system.
3.3 Consecutive Event Method
Some events are continuously reported every few
minutes by the logger until the problem is fixed. This
artificially increases the amount of events while only
the first and the last occurrences of the events are ac-
tually relevant. All the other occurrences can be con-
sidered as irrelevant. Note that the id of the last oc-
currence should be changed to indicate that it corre-
sponds to the end of the event. In addition, if the dura-
tion or the length of repetition is random or irrelevant
in some industrial cases, it may represent a valuable
information in some other cases, preventing the use of
this method that would remove this information.
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Summary of methods’ characteristics.
Method Data-driven based Domain based Score based Boolean based Cold start issue
Status method X X
Simultaneous status method X X
Consecutive event method X X
Morning and evening method X X
TF-IDF method X X
Contextual TF-IDF method X X
Pattern method X X X
Compression method X X
Statistical method X X X
Shannon index method X X
3.4 Morning and Evening Method
In the PV domain, most of the events occur during the
start and stop sequences that occur in the morning and
evening. Those sequences contain therefore events
that can be considered as irrelevant as they indicate
the usual behavior of the system. We have defined the
morning and evening as the operational periods with
an irradiation below 30 kwh/m2. Note that this means
that true failure events occurring during those periods
would be lost, except if they are reported again later.
3.5 TF-IDF Method
TF-IDF can be adapted to industrial event logs, by
considering the event log of one inverter for one day
as one document, called inverter-day document. A
corpus of documents is the inverter-day documents of
a day. In practice, for each day, the event logs of each
inverter are considered as a text and TF is computed
for each (see formula below). IDF is then computed
for the inverter-day documents of that day and TF-
IDF scores are computed by multiplying TF and IDF
scores of each inverter-day documents (the scores are
computed days by days). Hence, a relevancy (TF-
IDF) score is computed for each event type of each
inverter-day document, i.e. each type of event has a
specific score for each day of each inverter log.
# occ. of event e
in inverter i
for day d
# of events in inverter i
for day d
= log
# of inverter-days for day d
# of inverter days containing e
for day d
= T F
A threshold can then be puts to discriminates ir-
relevant events, i.e. events with low scores as they are
the frequent and probably meaningless events (in the
same way as the words ”the” is irrelevant for text pro-
cessing) . Note that, as the scores are inverter-day spe-
cific, the list of events types labelled as irrelevant may
vary for one day to another as their score may also
vary. In this way, we have extended the traditional
TF-IDF to time dependent one or, in other words, we
have defined a dynamic TF-IDF score.
3.6 Contextual TF-IDF Method
De Moura et al. (De Moura et al., 2005) extended
the TF-IDF method to take into account the context
of each word. They only removed irrelevant words if
there were no relevant word in their surroundings, i.e.
in the same sentence. We have adapted this method by
retaining irrelevant events that have a relevant event
in the period of 30 minutes before or after their oc-
currence. This time window of one hour have been
selected based on domain knowledge and is therefore
domain specific.
3.7 Pattern Method
Based on (Gupta et al., 2014) or (Conforti et al.,
2016), another method is to find the usual behavior
of the system by e.g. defining an automaton and re-
moving all events that correspond to it. Unfortunately,
methods such as automaton would have been com-
plex to use due to the high heterogeneity of the PV
events logs (as events are often reported at various
conceptual level by different manufacturers, for more
information, we refer to our papers (Dagnely et al.,
2015)). Therefore, we have decided to use Multi-level
sequential pattern mining (MLSPM) methods to find
the patterns representing the usual behavior, i.e. the
patterns with high support thresholds in our dataset,
as MLSPM is well suited to address the granularity
issue of the PV events. The events that occur in these
patterns can be classified as irrelevant.
Data-driven Relevancy Estimation for Event Logs Exploration and Preprocessing
3.8 Compression Method
Based on Hassan et al. (Hassan et al., 2008), we have
defined a method that uses a compression algorithm
to detect periods with relevant events. The event logs
of each day of each inverter are compressed. The
compression rate (CR) is then computed and used as
a metric. The intuition is that periods with failures
will have many redundant events and will therefore
be easier to compress. Therefore, the events occur-
ring in periods with low compression rate are labelled
as irrelevant. We have used the same compression
algorithm than Hassan et al. (zlib) and the same com-
pression rate formula.
3.9 Statistical Method
The probability that an event is linked to a failure can
be computed by analyzing which events occurs in nor-
mal and abnormal periods. From the event logs, we
have extracted the days preceding the outages and the
(same amount of) days that are ”the further away” of
any outages, i.e. with the more days between them
and the next or the previous outage. The first ones
have been labeled as regular while the later ones have
been labelled as irregular. For each event present in
these datasets, its frequency in both datasets has been
computed and normalized (per dataset) using the min-
max normalization. The probability of an event to be
linked to an outage has then be computed using the
P(event e
) =
# occ. of event e
in the abnormal dataset
# occ. of event e
in both datasets
Domain experts have selected a threshold of 0.3 as
the more adapted to discriminate the events as relevant
or irrelevant, i.e. event with a probability lower than 0.3
are considered irrelevant. Another threshold could have
been 1, to only classify as relevant the events that never
occurred during the normal behavior. However, this may
be too strict and can remove harmless events that have an
impact on abnormal behavior in combination with ”fail-
ure” events. One drawback of this method is the need of
sufficient historical data to compute a statistically signif-
icant probability. We have used 1 year of historical data
to compute the probabilities.
3.10 Shannon Index Method
The Shannon index has been adapted by using the for-
mula below applied to the log file of each day of each
inverter. If the Shannon index score of a day is below
a certain threshold, the day is considered as having a
low diversity and therefore is discarded as irrelevant. A
threshold of 2.5 has been selected by domain experts as
an appropriate threshold.
Shannon score (H) =
With p
# occurences of event e
during day d
# events during day d
3.11 Combination of Methods
Methods can also be combined. Two good candidates
are the status and TF-IDF methods. One of the draw-
back of TF-IDF is its computation time which is directly
correlated to the size of the dataset. Therefore, applying
first the status method to quickly label some of the events
as irrelevant and therefore decreasing the size of the (rel-
evant) dataset on which applying TF-IDF may dramati-
cally decrease the computation time. The status events
will therefore be removed from the TF-IDF ranking but,
as the status method don’t interferes with the distribution
of the warning and failure events, their TF-IDF ranking
will not be impacted.
The three others domain-based methods only remove
some occurrences of the events and therefore may de-
crease the accuracy of the data-driven methods by creat-
ing biased datasets. For data-driven methods, the pattern
method needs the state events as they play an important
role in the regular patterns. The Shannon index method
has already a low computation time and do not need
preprocessing. Finally, the compression method could
benefit from the status method to reduce its computation
time. Therefore, the two only valid combinations are the
TF-IDF and compression methods combined with the
status method.
The event relevancy estimation methods have been eval-
uated in the PV domain. One of the challenges of events
logs in that domain is the lack of consistency (in addi-
tion to the voluminous challenge). Most of the events
represent the usual start and stop sequences of an in-
verter. However, the composition of these sequences
is not fixed. Each manufacturer has defined its specific
start and stop sequences but even within one manufac-
turer device, the sequences may vary with distinct events
and different time gaps, depending on the external con-
ditions (such as the weather). In addition, outages can
be preceded by none, a few or even more than thou-
sands of events, with continuous repetition of the related
event(s) and start and stop sequences, as the inverter tries
to restart. Nevertheless, the number of events is not an
indication of an outage, as many events can be reported
continuously for simple warnings.
To evaluate these methods, we have benchmarked
them on one year (2016) of data from two PV plants,
one with regular and one with irregular behaviour. The
regular plant is composed of 16 inverters and contains
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
84.961 events. This plant is known to have a regular be-
havior with only a few outages due to external factors
such as the weather. The irregular plant is composed
of 26 inverters and contains 133089 events. Over the
year, this plant has suffered of several outages due to var-
ious causes such as Riso low or Ramp fail. Both plants
use the same inverter type and are located in Belgium
(hence they share the same climate conditions). Those
two plants will allow to compare the methods accuracy
in two distinct situations: one with only a few outages
and almost only irrelevant (regular) events and one with
more outages and more relevant (irregular) events (up to
30% of the events). The methods need to be accurate
in both situations which may be especially complex for
methods with cold start issues, i.e. for methods that need
to learn from the data. As the regular plant only contains
a few outages and relevant events, it may be not enough
to properly train these methods. The distribution of the
amount of events occurring in one day can be found in
Figure 1. The usual daily amount of event for both plants
is around 14 but the irregular plant encounters more days
with around 80 events reported.
Figure 1: Distribution of the amount of events occurring in
one day for regular and irregular plants.
Unfortunately, the data is not labelled and as such
we don’t know which events are actually relevant or not.
This problem arises frequently in industrial domains,
where the only way to label event logs is to let domain
experts do it manually, which is obviously not a viable
solution on such large datasets. Actually, it is this lack
of labelled data that motivated this study. Hence, there is
no proper metric that could be used to assess the meth-
ods’ accuracy (other than having domain experts manu-
ally evaluate all methods). Any metric that could allow
to directly assess this labelling would actually be a per-
fect method to label the data and solve the issue. There-
fore, we have developped metrics to indirectly approxi-
mate the methods accuracy based on data characteristics
specific to our dataset. As a consequence, the compari-
son with other dataset is hampered by the fact that these
metrics are dataset-centered and can only be applied to
datasets with similar behaviour.
First, domain experts have indicated that a regular
plant typically reports around 90% of irrelevant (regular)
events while an irregular plant typically reports between
70% to 80% of irrelevant events. These numbers are an
estimation but can be considered as a correct indication
with a margin of error of around 10% depending of the
plants considered. Second, the failures occurring in a
plant that give rise to the events can be detected by com-
bining two additional datasets: 1) The irradiation sen-
sor values that measure the solar irradiation reaching the
plant, and 2) The yield value that measures the electric-
ity production of the plant. An outage is detected when
there is enough irradiation to have electricity production
but there is no yield.
Based on the above, we can define two metrics:
1) The percentage of events labelled as irrelevant. As
we have a rough estimation of the expected percent-
age based on domain knowledge, we can evaluate if the
method seems to over- or under-label the events as irrel-
evant. 2) The percentage of outages without explanation,
i.e. without any relevant events during or (up to 45 min-
utes) before its occurrence. A wrong labelling would
increase the number of outages without explanation, be-
cause the over-labelling of relevant events as irrelevant
will lead to outage only preceded by irrelevant events.
Note that these two metrics only provide an approxi-
mate and should be interpreted carefully as they can not
directly assess the labelling accuracy but rather try to
approach it by analyzing over- and under-labelling. To
compensate this, we have also relied on domain experts
who have analyzed the accuracy of the methods on small
data subsets or have analyzed the event ranking of score-
based methods.
The third metric is the computation time. These
methods may need to be applied on datasets on demand
when domain experts and technical staff want to explore
and exploit them. Therefore, the computation time is
crucial to ensure scalability and an industrial applicabil-
Table 2 contains, for each dataset and each method, the
three metrics: the % of events labelled as irrelevant (%
events irr. ), the computation time (comp. time), and the
% of outages whithout explanation (expl. lost).
The observed methods can be split in four character-
istics groups based on their performances: 1) The first
group contains the methods which fail for time windows
issues, i.e. the sequences of events have to be split in
windows that are not adapted to the PV event logs. 2)
The second group consists of the methods which fails
due to the lack of sufficient historical data to train the
model. 3) The third group contains the domain-based
methods that, in overall, perform well but only label a
small part of the events. 4) The last group consists of the
methods that perform well.
The first group contains the Shannon index and com-
pression methods. The Shannon index method is clearly
not adapted to event logs. For regular event logs, the
method has failed to label the events as irrelevant (only
19% of the events have been labelled as such while most
of them are probably irrelevant). This result can be ex-
plained by the fact that regular days only contain a few
Data-driven Relevancy Estimation for Event Logs Exploration and Preprocessing
Table 2: Summary of methods’ efficiencies.
Methods Regular plant Irregular plant
% events irr. comp. time expl. lost % events irr. comp. time expl. lost
Status method 90% 3 sec 0% 79% 23 sec 0%
Simultaneous status method 48% 10 min 0% 57% 7 min 0%
Consecutive event method 0.5% 60 sec 0% 14% 4 min 0%
Morning and evening method 98% 14 sec 4.9% 81% 25 sec 4%
TF-IDF method 88% 28 min 0.8% 73% 84 min 0%
Contextual TF-IDF method 88% 30 min 0% 73% 98 min 0%
Pattern method 57% 30 min 1% 39% 66 min 17%
Compression method 83% 7 min 6% 41% 4 h 19%
Statistical method 39% 16 sec 1% 82% 58 sec 0%
Shannon index method 19% 28 sec 2.7% 62% 12 sec 19%
status + TF-IDF methods 90% 17 min 0% 82% 19 min 0%
status + compression methods 99% 64 sec 6% 83% 4 min 18%
distinct types of events. Therefore, the entropy of such
sequence will be high. This method failed as well for
irregular periods as it wrongly labelled events as irrele-
vant and lost information of some outages (19% of the
outages for which there is no explanation).
Similarly, the compression method has failed with
the irregular dataset as the number of outages without
explanation also rose to 19%. This may be because these
two methods analyze periods of 1 day and then label the
whole period as irrelevant. These twenty-four hours time
windows have been selected as they represent physical
periods, i.e. the inverter ”reboots” after the night where
it has stoped. However, by selecting smaller periods it
may be possible to decrease this over-labelling. The dif-
ficulty would reside in the choice of the time windows
as a too small time windows may artificially split out-
age periods into many smaller sub-periods that may de-
crease the method accuracy. The combination of status
and compression methods only reduces the computation
time but keeps the time-windows problems. Hence, this
combination of methods has the same low accuracy than
the compression method alone.
The second group consists of the pattern and statisti-
cal methods that fails due to the lack of sufficient histor-
ical data to train the model on the dataset. The pattern
method suffered a lack of accuracy for irregular periods
(with an increase of 17% of the outages without explana-
tions). Although this method has performed well for the
regular dataset (in all metrics). The patterns were found
with high support thresholds, hence they represent the
(very) frequent patterns common to regular days. How-
ever, some of the less frequent harmless patterns occur-
ring during the less frequent irregular days are missed. It
explains the difference of performance on regular and ir-
regular datasets. A drawback of this method is the com-
putation time (1 hour for the irregular dataset). In ad-
dition, this computation time does not include the time
needed to identify the patterns, which in our experience
could take days, as it is manufacturer specific. However,
these patterns only need to be found once for a type of
inverters and can then be applied to any plants with that
The statistical method has performed well for irregu-
lar periods but poorly for regular periods. As this method
is based on a probabilistic analysis of the outages, it re-
quires a dataset that contains enough outages to have
statistically significant results, which is not the case for
regular datasets. However, this method is still a per-
fect method to quickly analyze irregular periods and rank
the events. In addition, a larger dataset combining sev-
eral plants with devices from the same manufacturer and
close location (hence same behavior) could be used to
compute a ranking of the events specific to that type of
device (and location). It could then be applied to any
plant with that type of device, without the cold start is-
The third group contains the domain-based methods,
namely the morning and evening, status, simultaneous
and consecutive event methods. Status and simultane-
ous methods have been both really effective in terms of
events correctly labelled for both datasets and with low
computation time (below 10 minutes). However, they
do not provide any help to analyze the remaining events.
For example, although the status methods labelled as ir-
relevant 79% of the events of the irregular dataset, there
were still 25.140 relevant events in the dataset which can
still be cumbersome to analyze.
The consecutive event method also seems an inter-
esting method for the irregular dataset as 14% of this
dataset is composed of the repetition of one event until
its fix. Therefore, these 14% could easily be removed
without impacting the dataset. Note that this method has
obviously no use for regular dataset where such events
do not occur.
The morning and evening method seems too strict in
its labelling as the amount of events without explanation
increased by 4% (which may, however, be acceptable in
some situations). It indicates that for some periods the
start and stop periods are important and can not be la-
belled as irrelevant as a whole. It is worth noting that for
the regular dataset, 98% of the events occurred within
an hour period of the start and stop sequence (and only
81% of the events are in the same situation for the irreg-
ular dataset).
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Finally, the last group consists of both TF-IDF meth-
ods and the combination of the status method followed
by TF-IDF that performed well. Both of TF-IDF meth-
ods have performed very well for both datasets with re-
spectively 88% and 73% of the events labelled as irrele-
vant with (almost) no losses of information. Therefore,
the contextual TF-IDF method barely improve the accu-
racy of the traditional TF-IDF on event logs. The only
drawback of these methods are their computation times
that went up to one hour and a half for the irregular
A combination of the status method followed by TF-
IDF can reduce significantly the computation time of
TF-IDF without impacting the accuracy of the method.
The TF-IDF scores were also still similar to the one
found without the application of the status method as
preprocessing step. The computation time on the reg-
ular dataset dropped from 28 minutes to 17 minutes and
was reduced by 65 minutes (77%) on the regular dataset
(from 84 minutes to 19 minutes).
As a conclusion, the methods Shannon index, com-
pression, pattern, contextual TF-IDF and Morning and
evening have not been found addapted for industrial
events logs. A good way to label the events as relevant
or irrelevant is to combine first a domain-based method
such as status method to already perform a first quick
labelling. Then TF-IDF method can be used to help to
label the remaining events. A statistical method can also
be used for irregular datasets. Both methods are actually
complementary as statistical methods only focus on the
correlation between events and outages while TF-IDF
method sort the event by their relevancy and uniqueness,
without any regard for the outages.
In this paper, we have considered and evaluated 10 meth-
ods (from various research fields) to estimate the event
relevancy in industrial event logs, to detect irrelevant
events that could be discarded during the preprocessing
of voluminous data. These methods have been bench-
marked on two datasets containing real industrial events
logs from two PV plants. We have found that a combina-
tion of two methods (one removing the state events and
one applying TF-IDF) allows to label up to 90% of the
events as irrelevant with a reasonable computation time
For further research, we intend to evaluate other
score-based methods from the static pruning index field,
especially the methods BM25, BB2 or the Rnyi diver-
gence used by (Chen et al., 2015), to benchmark them on
industrial events logs. In addition, the statistical method
can also be applied on device specific datasets, i.e. on
datasets containing the event logs of devices of same
type from multiple plants. This may allow to create de-
vice specific ranking that could then be applied on all
devices of that type without pre-processing of the data.
However, a thorough study of these scores would need to
be performed to assess e.g. if the location of the device
has an impact on these events scores.
This work was subsidised by the Region of Bruxelles-
Capitale - Innoviris.
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