Virtual Application for Preventing Repetitive Strain Injuries on
Hands: First Insights
Helder Freitas
, Vitor Carvalho
, Filomena Soares
and Demetrio Matos
Department of Industrial Electronics, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal
R&D Centre Algoritmi, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal
Polytechnic Institute of Cavado and Ave, School of Technology, Barcelos, Portugal
MEtRICs Research Centre, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal
Keywords 3D Sensor, Image Processing, Unity, Classifiers, Hand Injuries Prevention, Repetitive Strain, Muscle
Articular Exercises.
Abstract: This paper is focused on the problem of repetitive strain injuries in hands. These injuries are mostly related
to professional activities, especially in people that work at high levels of industrialization, patchwork or in
use of advanced technology in productive process, as they are subject to a high rate of work where the
performed tasks often lead to repetitive actions. The objective of this paper is the development of an
application for hands detection and their movements to develop a game for preventing strain injuries. The
activity will be developed in the software Unity, where it will be associated a 3D sensor, Intel RealSense 3D
Camera F200. During the activity, the user will execute several prevention/relaxation exercises. With the
activity implementation in companies and establishments, the employees will be able to exercise their hands,
thus reducing the risk of being affected by strain injuries, contributing to the decrease or even elimination of
the subsequent related costs with these injuries.
This paper presents the problem associated to
repetitive strain injuries in hands. These injuries
happen due to the repetition of a certain movement,
which leads to the excessive use of certain joints and
muscles of the body (Moreira, 2015).
The main injuries in hands due to repetitive efforts
are carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis and
Tenosynovitis (DeQuervain disease). These injuries
are responsible for pain and functional incapacity on
upper limbs, which involve tendons, muscles, joints,
nerves and blood vessels (Aptel et al., 2002).
Nowadays, strain injuries affect more and more
people and are mostly related to professional
activities, especially in people that work at high levels
of industrialization or in use of advanced technology
in productive process (Oliveira and Barreto, 1997), as
they are subjected to a high rate of work where the
tasks they perform often lead to repetitive actions.
Strain injuries negatively influence the employee
performance since it leads to a reduced productivity
as they have to perform their tasks with pain and
discomfort on extreme cases. Moreover, they can
even lead to the interruption of the professional career
(Moreira, 2015).
The lack of awareness for prevention often leads
the employers to believe that costs associated to
prevention are unnecessary expenditure. However, in
long term and with onset of these injuries on their
employees the associated expenses become higher
than expenses in prevention. Sometimes the treatment
implies leads to periods of temporary incapacity for
work and, occasionally, to early retirement. This
situation is difficult to manage for businesses,
because prolonged absence of an employee requires a
distribution of his/her duties by other employee or the
temporary hiring of a new employee, being necessary
to invest in his/her instruction (Serranheira et al.,
2003). This leads to production breaks and brings
some setbacks that may condition the company goals.
The objective of this paper is the development of
a game application for hands detection and their
movements for preventing strain injuries in hands.
This is a current and pertinent case that addresses the
needs of prevention to people who are typically
subject to strain injuries. After literature reviewing, it
is verified that several authors argue that performing
Freitas H., Carvalho V., Soares F. and Matos D.
Virtual Application for Preventing Repetitive Strain Injuries on Hands: First Insights.
DOI: 10.5220/0006295102370244
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2017), pages 237-244
ISBN: 978-989-758-216-5
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
a set of muscle stretching and warming exercises
daily prevents hand injuries. Thus, a future developed
game will provide several mandatory
prevention/relaxation exercises to make possible to
progress in the game.
The users will perform the exercises at least twice
a day, this is, at the beginning and at the end of their
daily work (Moreira, 2015).
The activity will be developed in the software
Unity, the software recognized as the engine for
developing cross-platform games (Unity n.d.). It will
be employed a 3D sensor, Intel RealSense 3D Camera
F200, which is responsible for the image capture,
allowing hands recognition and movements caption.
Implementing this game in companies and
establishments, the employees will be able to exercise
their hands and preventing future strain injuries on
hands. It is the authors´ believe that, with the goal of
improving their scores in the game, the employees
will voluntarily perform the exercises that will be
beneficial to their well-being.
Following this trend, this paper is divided into
seven sections. In the second section, Hand Injuries
from Repetitive Strain, there are mentioned the
repetitive strain injuries in the hands due repetitive
efforts. The third section, Related Work, presents the
work referred in the literature in this topic. The fourth
section, Movements Description, details the
stretching and warm-up exercises to prevent
repetitive strain injuries on hands. Then, the fifth
section, Implementation, presents the development of
the application. The sixth section, Results, presents
the obtained results. And finally, in section seven,
Final Comments, some conclusions and future
perspectives of work are described.
The occurrence of hand injuries due to repetitive
strain has proved to be a problem in industrialized
countries, because many work activities are
characterized by repetitive movements and required
great effort to perform them (Silva, 2015).
There are several musculoskeletal injuries that
affect hands due repetitive strain, where the most
common are the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tendinitis
and Tenosynovitis.
2.1 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a peripheral neuropathy
caused by incarceration in medial nerve by
compression, stretching, friction or angulation in a
confined space (carpal tunnel) (Serranheira et al.,
Figure 1 shows a hand with the median nerve,
indicating the fingers this nerve affects. Also, it
shows a cross section to differentiate a healthy wrist
from a wrist with carpal tunnel syndrome.
The carpal tunnel syndrome injury mainly occurs
due repetitive wrist movements and his major
symptoms are pain, numbness, tingling, burning
sensation and muscle weakness in the lower part of
the thumb (Nunes & Bush, 2011).
The carpal tunnel syndrome affects about 0.6 to
2% of working age population (Palmer, 2011).
Figure 1: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, adapted from (Move
Forward n.d.).
2.2 Tendinitis
Tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendon sheaths
around a joint (Nunes and Bush, 2011). Tendons are
structures that attach muscles to the skeleton.
The excessive use of the wrist allows an underload
in tendons, which generates microscopic lesions.
Thus, the body will try to recover from these micro
lesions. However, if overuse persists, it can occur
inflammation through swelling, making the injured
tendon more vulnerable to overload, causing
tendinitis (Simoneau et al. n.d.). The major symptoms
of tendonitis are pain, weakness, swelling, burning
sensation in the affected areas (Nunes and Bush,
2.3 Tenosynovitis
Tenosynovitis is the simultaneous inflammation of a
tendon and surrounding synovial sheath, that is, when
a tendonitis occurs the tendon swells and compresses
the sheath, causing the inflammation (Simoneau et
BIODEVICES 2017 - 10th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
al., n.d.).
Figure 2 shows a hand affected by DeQuervain's
disease, which is one of the most known tenosynovitis
(Nunes and Bush, 2011).
The tenosynovitis injury affects the tendons and
sheaths of the wrist at the base of the thumb and has
symptoms like tingling, numbness, swelling and pain
in the lower part of the thumb (Nunes & Bush 2011).
The occurrence of this injury can lead to the
development of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Figure 2: DeQuervain Tenosynovitis, adapted from
(Chiropractic, 2015).
There is research on repetitive strain injuries in
several fields. However, in addition to the
recommendation of physical exercise there is no
method for the prevention of these injuries
(Serranheira et al., 2003; Silva, 2015; Aptel et al.,
2002; Nunes and Bush, 2011; Simoneau et al., n.d.).
In order to develop an application to the
prevention of these injuries, it is necessary a sensor
capable of detecting hands in 3D. The literature refers
to sensors as Kinect, Leap Motion and Intel
RealSense 3D Camera F200.
The Leap Motion is a new gesture and position
tracking system with the accuracy level of sub-
millimeter (Weichert et al., 2013).
There are already some applications developed
with Leap Motion: the activity developed for
enhancing motor skills of children with autism (Zhu
et al., 2015), the development of an interactive
application for learning Portuguese Sign Language
(Torres, 2016), and also the activity developed to
physiotherapy for people suffering Parkinson's
disease (Colgan, 2015), among others.
Intel has already hand recognition modules, and
also developed recognition algorithms for some
gestures (IntelRealSense 2014). There are also other
applications developed using Intel cameras, for
example, applications for emotion recognition (Silva
et. al., 2016), medicine rehabilitation, defending
penalty games or play drums games (Han et al.,
Moreover, there are also several applications
developed with Kinect, among them the recognition
of sign language (Miguel and Sotelo, 2014) or
applications for rehabilitation of upper limbs (Calin
et al., 2011) and both limbs (Martins et. al., 2016).
Although, from the literature review undertaken,
no solution was identified for the problem proposed
in this paper.
In this section, it will be discussed the various warm-
up and stretching exercises for the hand. The
execution of these exercises are important, since the
main reason for the existence of repetitive strain
injuries results from that the part of the body has not
been sufficiently exercised to perform a task
(Aparício and Silva, 2014).
To prevent the injuries indicated in the previous
section there are two sets of exercises that can be
implemented: warming up and stretching off
exercises, to the wrists and fingers for each hand.
4.1 Stretching Exercises
Stretching exercises should be performed at least
twice a day, at the beginning and end of daily
functions (Moreira, 2015).
4.1.1 Wrist
Being the wrist where all the nerves, tendons and
blood vessels pass to the hand it is very important to
perform an appropriate stretching.
Figure 3: Stretch exercise, wrist bend upward.
Virtual Application for Preventing Repetitive Strain Injuries on Hands: First Insights
Figures 3 and 4 demonstrate the execution of the
stretching exercises for the wrist. To stretch the wrist,
it is necessary to keep the arm extended and bend the
wrist upward, figure 3, with the help of the other
hand. Then, it is required to perform the same
exercise, but this time it is necessary to bend the wrist
down, figure 4.
Figure 4: Stretch exercise, wrist bend downward.
4.1.2 Fingers
The stretching of the thumb, figure 5, the index and
middle fingers, figure 6, are very important, since
they are the most used fingers on day to day work.
Also, these fingers are affected by the median nerve,
which passes through the carpal tunnel.
Figure 5: Thumb stretch exercise.
Figure 6: Index and middle finger stretch exercise.
Figure 5 shows the execution of the stretching
exercise of the thumb.
Performing regular stretching exercises increases
flexibility, and it can promote injury prevention
improving the recovery ability, in case the worker
eventually suffers from any injury (Branquinho &
Fragelli, 2012).
4.2 Warm-up Exercises
The heating of muscles and joints will prepare the
user for intense muscular activities (Moreira, 2015).
4.2.1 Wrist
There are several exercises to warm-up all the
muscles and joints of the hand.
Figure 7 represents a warm-up exercise. To
perform this exercise. It is necessary to keep the arm
extended and slowly rotate the hand in a circle.
Starting in figure 7a and rotating passing through
figure 7b, 7c and 7d, ending in position 7a, then repeat
the same exercising process a couple times.
Figure 7: Warm-up exercise, wrist rotation.
Figure 8 shows a pulse heating exercise. To
perform this exercise, the arm should be extended and
still, where only the hand should perform horizontal
movements, moving the hand from position in figure
8a to position in figure 8.b then go back to the position
in figure 8.a and repeat the same movement few
Figure 8: Wrist warm-up exercise, horizontal movements.
Figure 9 shows another warming-up exercise for
the wrist. This exercise is similar to the previous one,
but this time the hand should perform vertical
movements, going from position 9a to 9b and coming
back to position 9a, and repeat.
b a
d c
BIODEVICES 2017 - 10th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
Figure 9: Wrist warm-up exercise, vertical movement.
4.2.2 Fingers
The following exercises are performed to warm up
The exercise in figure 10 consists on gather to the
thumb each of the remaining fingers, one at a time. In
figure 10a the thumb is gathered to the index finger,
in 10b it is gathered to the middle finger, in 10c it is
gathered to the ring finger and in figure 10d it is
gathered to the pinkie finger.
Figure 10: Warm-up exercise, gather to the thumb each of
the remaining finger.
The represented exercise in figure 11 consists in a
random movement of the fingers. Figure 11a, 11b,
11c and 11d represent the different random positions
of the fingers.
Figure 11: Warm-up exercise, random movement of the
Finally, in figure 12, there is another heating
exercise consisting of stretching, figure 12a, and
flexing off, figure 12b, all the fingers at the same time
then repeat the process a couple of times.
Summarizing, the warm-up exercises activate
blood circulation and warm up muscles and joints
(Marques, 2011).
Figure 12: Warm-up exercise, Stretching and flexion
In this chapter, it will be discussed the system
developed for the activity, the Unity programming
and the main features of the Intel RealSense 3D
Camera F200.
The use of the Intel RealSense 3D Camera F200
is essential for the activity, once it is responsible for
the 3D detection of hands. The Intel RealSense 3D
Camera F200 has a colour camera, infrared laser
projector and a depth camera. The effective range for
gesture capture is between 20 and 60 centimetres
(IntelRealSense 2014). Table 1 presents the main
camera specs.
Figure 13 show all tracking points tracked from
the hand by camera. However, on the application only
the red tracking points are tracked.
Table 1: Camera Specs, adapted from (IntelRealSense
Color Camera Depth (IR) Camera
Up to 1080p@30FPS
Up to 640x480@ 60FPS
or 120FPS (IR).
Active Pixels
1920x1080 (2M) 640 x 480 (VGA)
Frame Rate
30/60/120 FPS*
30/60/120 FPS (Depth),
120FPS (IR)
Field of View (DxVxH)
77° x 43° x 70° (Cone)
90° x 59° x 73° (Cone)
IR Projector FOV- N/A x 56°
x 72° (Pyramid)
b a
b a
b a
Virtual Application for Preventing Repetitive Strain Injuries on Hands: First Insights
Figure 13: Hand Tracking Points, adapted from
(IntelRealSense 2014).
The implemented system contains the Intel
RealSense 3D Camera F200 and a computer. The user
is placed in front of the camera to perform the
movements to be tracked. The application is
developed in Unity software, an editor which allows
game development. It is also compatible with various
image, audio, video and text formats. In addition, it
allows to target many devices more easily (Unity
Editor n.d.; Unity n.d.).
Figure 14 represents the general flowchart of the
Figure 14: Implementation flowchart.
Starting the activity, the camera will be activated
and a frame will be captured. From this frame, it will
be verified the hands presence. If they are not
detected, the system captures a new frame, otherwise
the subroutine Tracking action will be performed.
Then, until the End game command is given the
application will continue to run.
The sub-routine Tracking action, figure 15, is
responsible to move the game objects to the position
where hands and fingers are placed on a 3D space.
Figure 15: Tracking action flowchart.
In this section, there are shown how hands are
detected, for several stretch and warm-up exercises
referred in the third section.
Figure 16 shows the warm-up exercise tracking.
This exercise consists in gathering to the thumb each
of the remaining fingers, as previously referred.
Figure 16: Tracking result, worm-up exercise gather to the
thumb each of the remaining finger.
Figure 17 shows the tracking result of some wrist
warm-up exercises, in figure 17a and 17c are
presented the wrist warm-up exercise, horizontal
movements, and in figure 17b and 17d are presented
the wrist warm-up exercise, vertical movements.
BIODEVICES 2017 - 10th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
Figures 18 and 19 show the tracking result when
stretching exercises are performed. Figure 18 presents
the tracking result for wrist stretch exercises. In figure
18a the wrist is bend downward and in figure 18b the
wrist is bend upward. Figure 19 presents the tracking
result for thumb, figure 19a, and index and middle
finger, figure 19b, stretch exercise.
Figure 17: Tracking result for wrist warm-up exercises with
horizontal and vertical movements.
Figure 18: Tracking result from wrist stretching.
Figure 19: Tracking result from stretching thumb, index and
middle finger.
The goal of this paper is the development of an
application for the detection of hands and their
movements, in order to develop a game application
for preventing strain injuries in hands. The present
activity was developed in Unity software using the
RealSense F200 camera from Intel. Considering the
results obtained, it is observed that it is possible to
detect hands and their movements.
As future work, it is necessary to improve the
efficiency in the detection of the exercises, namely
the recognition of the stretching exercises.
The strain injuries are mainly related to
professional activities, so the implementation of this
game in companies would be an added value, since
this game could decrease or even eliminate the arise
of these injuries in employees, reducing the
subsequent related costs.
The authors would like to express their
acknowledgments to COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-
FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência
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