Towards Collaborative Optimisation in a Shared-logistics Environment
for Pickup and Delivery Operations
Timothy Curtois
, Wasakorn Laesanklang
, Dario Landa-Silva
, Mohammad Mesgarpour
and Yi Qu
ASAP Research Group, School of Computer Science, The University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG8 1BB, U.K.
Microlise Ltd, Eastwood, Nottingham, NG16 3AG, U.K.
VRP, PDP, LNS, Horizontal Collaboration, Split-loads.
This paper gives an overview of research work in progress within the COSLE (Collaborative Optimisation in
a Shared Logistics Environment) project between the University of Nottingham and Microlise Ltd. This is an
R&D project that seeks to develop optimisation technology to enable more efficient collaboration in transpor-
tation, particularly real-world operational environments involving pickup and delivery problems. The overall
aim of the project is to integrate various optimisation techniques into a framework that facilitates collaboration
in a shared freight transport logistics environment with the overall goal of reducing empty mileage.
This paper provides an overview of the research work
being undertaken as part of the COSLE (Collabora-
tive Optimisation in a Shared Logistics Environment)
project. This is an R&D project between the Uni-
versity of Nottingham and Microlise Ltd in the UK.
The overall objective of the project is to develop op-
timisation technology to enable more efficient colla-
boration in transportation. According to a recent re-
port from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in
2016 (Oldham, 2016), up to 30% of all commercial
vehicles on UK roads travel empty, which leads to
around 150m wasted road miles, 200,000 additional
truck journeys, increased road congestion and about
200,000 tonnes of unnecessary CO
emissions. One
way to improve this situation is by facilitating col-
laboration between carriers. The improved coopera-
tion will reduce the total distances that vehicles travel
without loads (so called empty miles), increase vehi-
cle utilisation metrics and decrease distribution costs.
Already there have been several successful applicati-
ons of increased cooperation in transportation. (Crui-
jssen et al., 2007a) modelled a joint route planning
problem, used a benchmark case and reported that
30.7% of total distribution costs are saved. (Ergun
et al., 2007) proposed a lane covering problem and
solved it using heuristics. Results showed that the
saving range from about 5.5% to a little over 13%,
again using real data. (Frisk et al., 2010) presen-
ted a case study of horizontal collaboration in tactical
transportation planning between eight forest compa-
nies and the results showed up to 14.2% of the trans-
portation cost saved. (P
erez-Bernabeu et al., 2015)
discussed horizontal collaboration in road transporta-
tion and presented numerical analysis based on a set
of well-known benchmarks for the Multidepot Vehi-
cle Routing Problem. The average cost reduction ran-
ges from 5% to 90% depending on the geographical
distribution of customers with respect to their trans-
port service providers. It has been proved by rese-
archers that saving of costs and increase of resource
utilization can be attained throughout horizontal col-
laboration (Cruijssen et al., 2007b; Wang and Kopfer,
The goal of the COSLE project is to develop
an innovative service to enable collaboration in a
shared freight transport logistics environment to re-
duce empty freight runs. As part of this, three sub-
projects related to scheduling and optimisation have
been identified and are currently being undertaken by
project team. This position paper provides an over-
view of these sub-projects and the progress achieved
so far. The first sub-project is to develop a metho-
dology to tackle pickup and delivery problems with
time windows and other real-world constraints. A
metaheuristic approach has been developed and tes-
ted on a benchmark data set. This work and a sum-
mary of the results is described further in Section 2.
The second sub-project is a method to enable opti-
Curtois T., Laesanklang W., Landa-Silva D., Mesgarpour M. and Qu Y.
Towards Collaborative Optimisation in a Shared-logistics Environment for Pickup and Delivery Operations.
DOI: 10.5220/0006291004770482
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2017), pages 477-482
ISBN: 978-989-758-218-9
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
mal load-splitting within routes and schedules. This
is presented in Section 3 as well as a review of related
research. The third sub-project, discussed in Section
4, is to develop a methodology for assigning new cu-
stomers within existing routes. The outcomes from
these three sub-projects will be integrated into a fra-
mework that will aim to enable more efficient colla-
boration in transportation under real-world operatio-
nal conditions. The overall approach is to develop
an optimisation engine for tackling pickup and deli-
very routing scenarios in which various transportation
operators are willing to collaborate in order to incre-
ase the overall utilisation of vehicles by reducing the
number of empty runs.
The pickup and delivery problem (PDP) is a widely
occurring vehicle routing problem. Similar to other
vehicle routing problems it often contains window
and capacity constraints. Unlike the general vehicle
routing problem however PDP also includes pairing
and precedence constraints. The pairing constraint
is to ensure that a pickup customer and its associa-
ted delivery customer are both serviced by the same
vehicle. The precedence constraint does not allow
a delivery customer to be visited before its associa-
ted pickup customer. The techniques being investi-
gated in this project are for tackling pickup and deli-
very problems which also contain window and capa-
city constraints as well as other real world constraints
such as driver working time regulations and break re-
quirements. The objective function, similar to other
problems, requires the minimisation of the number
of vehicles used and the total distance travelled. Ot-
her optional objectives allow the minimisation of total
driver hours, and a profit maximisation objective for
problems in which some customers may be optionally
serviced and have an associated completion cost.
Various heuristic and exact methods have been
proposed for PDP. Each method has advantages and
disadvantages. The exact methods, although extre-
mely effective on smaller instances, appear to still be
difficult to apply to the largest instances. Metaheu-
ristics however have been shown to scale much more
easily to larger instances although are easily beaten on
smaller instances. They can also provide no informa-
tion on solution optimality or even bounds. However
a recent survey (Hall and Partyka, 2016) suggests that
most industrial vehicle routing packages are still hea-
vily biased towards using metaheuristics.
Of the exact methods published, many are versi-
ons of the column generation and branch and price
framework (Dumas et al., 1991; Ropke and Cor-
deau, 2009; Savelsbergh and Sol, 1998; Venkates-
han and Mathur, 2011; Xu et al., 2003) or less com-
monly, branch and cut (Lu and Dessouky, 2004; Ru-
land and Rodin, 1997). Examples of metaheuristics
include (Bent and Van Hentenryck, 2006; Li and Lim,
2003; Nagata and Kobayashi, 2010; Nanry and Bar-
nes, 2000; Ropke and Pisinger, 2006). Metaheuris-
tics have also been applied to less common variants of
PDP (Cherkesly et al., 2015; Kammarti et al., 2004;
Masson et al., 2013). Several survey papers are also
available (Berbeglia et al., 2007; Parragh et al., 2008;
Savelsbergh and Sol, 1995).
The hybrid method that has been developed here
combines Local Search, Large Neighbourhood Se-
arch (LNS) and Guided Ejection Search (GES). It
works in several phases. In the first phase, local se-
arch using four different neighbourhood operators is
used to create an initial solution. The operators used
1. Inserting unassigned customers into routes.
2. Moving a customer from one route to another.
3. Swapping customers between routes.
4. Moving a customer from one route to a second
route and simultaneously moving a customer from
a second route to a third route.
Even on the largest instances the local search
phase is very fast but the solutions produced are ne-
arly always quite sub-optimal. The next phase uses
Guided Ejection Search in an attempt to minimise
the total number of routes in the solution. The GES
implementation is based on (Nagata and Kobayashi,
2010). It works by iteratively, randomly selecting
a route, un-assigning all customers in the route and
then attempting to re-insert these customers in exis-
ting routes. If it is unable to insert a customer it ejects
one or more customers from a route to enable it to in-
sert the customer. The ejected customer(s) are then
added to the list of customers still to be inserted. Af-
ter the ejection the solution is perturbed by randomly
moving or swapping already assigned customers bet-
ween routes. This helps to insert un-assigned custo-
mers and also prevents infinite loops. This is repeated
for a number of iterations or until all customers have
been inserted. If all customers are inserted then the
process is repeated to try and remove another route.
Otherwise the original solution is restored.
After the GES phase, a Large Neighbourhood Se-
arch is applied to try and improve the other objecti-
ves (total distance for the benchmark instances). The
LNS is a simplified version of the adaptive LNS of
(Ropke and Pisinger, 2006). One of the simplificati-
ICORES 2017 - 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Table 1: Summary of Results.
Customers Instances New best
Equal best
50 56 0 56
100 60 7 35
200 60 22 19
300 60 33 6
400 60 45 5
500 58 35 4
ons was to remove the adaption procedure which was
shown by the authors to have only a small percen-
tage benefit. Our results also confirmed that excellent
solutions could still be obtained without the adaption
procedure. Another modification was to replace a si-
mulated annealing heuristic with a late acceptance hill
climbing heuristic (Burke and Bykov, 2012). The mo-
tivation for this was to remove the number of parame-
ters that required setting. The algorithm operates by
iteratively un-assigning a small number of customers
and then heuristically attempting to re-insert them but
in a lower cost configuration. If it is unable to re-
insert them in a better way then it restores the original
solution and selects a new set of customers for remo-
val and re-insertion. This process is iteratively repea-
ted. The customers for removal are selected randomly
or via the Shaw heuristic (Shaw, 1998) which selects
customers that are similar in terms of location, time
windows and order size. The insertion heuristics are
based on the regret assignment heuristic (Ropke and
Pisinger, 2006).
After the completion of the LNS phase, if there is
time remaining then the best known solution is pertur-
bed by randomly moving or swapping customers bet-
ween routes. The three phases are then applied again
to the perturbed solution. This whole process is repe-
ated until a fixed time limit is reached. At which point
the best known solution is returned.
In order to evaluate the efficacy of the algorithm
it was applied to the well-known benchmark problem
instances of (Li and Lim, 2003)
. These instances are
divided by size into six groups, ranging from 50 cu-
stomers up to 500 customers. The results are sum-
marized in Table 1. In Table 1. the column “New
best solution” indicates the number of instances that
our algorithm was able to find a new best known so-
lution. The column “equal best knowns” indicates the
number of instances on which the algorithm was able
to equal the current best known solution for that in-
Available at
Often job loads can be partially collected and deli-
vered multiple times provided they are completed in
entirety within the given time windows. This option
allows the possibility of split loads to be used opera-
The obvious case is when a requested demand ex-
ceeds vehicle capacity. Demands in this case must
be split before the optimisation process. The research
question in this case is how to split the requested de-
mands so that the split loads aid the optimisation pro-
cess. Some of the papers in the literature saw this case
as a part of pre-processing in optimisation problem.
The other case is to gain additional savings in the
operational plan. The literature shows split loads can
reduce operational costs (Andersson et al., 2011; No-
wak et al., 2009). The benefits of split loads were
subject to problem characteristics such as load size,
stopping cost, and frequency of loads having common
pickup and delivery locations.
The transportation problem with split loads arose
in the generic vehicle routing problem (VRP) in (Dror
and Trudeau, 1989). The idea was to relax the VRP
so that a customer can be visited more than once. A
k-split interchange is also proposed as a heuristic pro-
cedure to split a demand into multiple loads. The so-
lution after the split procedure was expected to have
cost reduction from the generic problem.
(Dror and Trudeau, 1989) used a heuristic process
to tackle a split load problem in two stages: construct
a solution to the generic VRP; and apply k-split in-
terchange and improvement routine to get a solution
to the split load problem. The k-split interchange was
also used as a move in a tabu search algorithm for
the split delivery vehicle routing problem by (Archetti
et al., 2006). They describe k-split interchange in two
main procedures:
1. Remove a demand i from all routes where it is
visited; and
2. Find a route subset R where the summation of re-
maining capacity is larger than the demand i so
that the demand i is split into every route in the
route subset R.
The route subset R should have the least insertion
A randomised granular tabu search heuristic was
used to solve the split delivery vehicle routing pro-
blem by (Berbotto et al., 2014). The method builds a
granular neighbourhood to reduce the computational
time required to explore solution neighbourhood.
Pickup and delivery with split loads was tackled
by a heuristic where two route segments of different
routes can visit the same pickup and delivery demand
Towards Collaborative Optimisation in a Shared-logistics Environment for Pickup and Delivery Operations
by (Nowak et al., 2008). The demand can be carried
by two vehicles.
A requirement of split delivery in simultaneous
pickup and delivery arose in automobile industries in
(Tang et al., 2009). At the supplier location, a truck
must deliver empty bins to the pickup locations in or-
der to pick up the full bins. In the same way, at the
manufacturer, the truck must deliver full bins and pick
up empty bins. Bins are cycled between the manufac-
turer and the suppliers.
Coordination split delivery can also benefit re-
tailers in maintaining stock levels (Li et al., 2011).
This approach can reduce retailer inventory costs
while the transportation cost remains the same. A
similar application can apply to the natural disaster
relief distribution problem (Wang et al., 2014). The
goal of this case was to distribute sufficient aid to the
disaster areas. A disaster area can be visited multiple
times. A full review on split delivery transportation
problems can also be found in (Archetti and Speranza,
The closest application to the split pickup and de-
livery in the collaborative logistics environment con-
sidered here is the pickup and delivery problem with
split load proposed by (Nowak et al., 2008). There-
fore, we adopt their split load creation procedure and
apply it to the large neighbourhood search method.
The same procedure can also be used to split demand
that exceeds vehicle capacity. The split load creation
procedure works similarly to the k-split interchange
procedure. The procedure is as follows:
1. Find a segment i to split;
2. Find a segment j the load should move to;
3. Split the load in the segment i where the first split
load is equal to the excess capacity of segment j,
and the second split load is the remainder;
4. Move the split load to segment j and the remain-
der load is kept in the segment i;
5. Perform the search heuristic.
The proposed approach in this sub-project is to
implement move operators within LNS in order to
handle split loads. This includes the delete split ope-
rator, exchange split operator, etc. These operators
were applied to VRP (Berbotto et al., 2014). The de-
lete split operator removes a set of split loads to be-
come a full demand load.
The exchange split operator swaps the load split-
ting position in a selected route. In VRP, the idea was
to swap the position to split a load while maintaining
vehicle capacity. Suppose we have a load i and a load
j where load i is split into two smaller loads and load j
and one of the split loads of i are assigned to a vehicle.
This operator relocates the split position from load i
to load j which results in the vehicle taking the full
load i and a partial load j. For our PDP, the operator
starts from selecting an interval where a vehicle has
split loads in their fill. The exchange split operator
1. Delete the split of a demand; and
2. Apply a split to one of the other demands.
The demands that the exchange split operator can se-
lect must be the fill in the selected interval only. The
operator keeps the visit order of the selected route but
may change the order of the routes that operate on the
split demands.
This splitting heuristic and move operators will be
integrated into the hybrid metaheuristic for PDP out-
lined in Section 2 and applied to large real-world in-
stances. The benefits of providing splitting options
will then be analysed. Optionally, the splitting heu-
ristic can be adapted to increase vehicle empty space
available for taking advantage of new collaborative
opportunities. In the same way, the heuristic can split
the collaborative jobs so that they can be inserted into
the existing routes.
Another requirement in collaborative transport opera-
tions is to be able to insert new customers into exis-
ting routing plans. It might be that the ordering of the
customers in the routes of the existing solution can-
not be changed but their arrival times could be adjus-
ted provided that their window constraints are still re-
spected. Existing customers must also remain within
their current routes. Hence, the hybrid LNS+GES al-
gorithm outlined in Section 2 cannot simply be app-
lied to a new instance which includes the new custo-
mers. Instead, a separate mechanism is being develo-
ped to insert the new customers.
To the best of our knowledge this problem has
little or no previously published research articles.
Modified but similar versions of the problem do so-
metimes appear as sub-problems in methodologies for
vehicle routing problems though. For example, re-
lated problems are solved using branch and bound
and constraint programming algorithms in (Bent and
Van Hentenryck, 2006; Shaw, 1998). In (Ropke and
Pisinger, 2006) also use a heuristic method to solve
a version of the sub-problem for pickup and delivery
with time window problems.
For the insertion problem considered here two se-
parate objectives for two different scenarios are pro-
ICORES 2017 - 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
1. Maximise the number of customers inserted.
2. Maximise profit. In this scenario customers are
assigned values (revenue) and a cost is calculated
based on total solution distance and/or total driver
The insertion problem can be formulated as an in-
teger programming problem and solved using a mat-
hematical programming solver. We will also be in-
vestigating and comparing heuristic methods and al-
ternative exact methods to establish the computation
time/efficiency trade-off for the different approaches.
For example, the hybrid LNS+GES algorithm already
contains an existing insertion algorithm in the form
of the regret heuristic. Greedy insertion heuristics
are also feasible options. Other insertion algorithms
that we will be developing and testing are the branch
and bound approaches in (Shaw, 1998) and (Bent and
Van Hentenryck, 2006).
To analyse the algorithms a testing framework has
been created to allow us to efficiently repeat and re-
produce the results. The test instances were created
by taking existing instances, removing sets of cus-
tomers and solving the reduced instances using the
LNS+GES algorithm. The original instance is then
used with this initial solution to form a new insertion
instance. This procedure is repeated with different pa-
rameter settings to generate a large set of test instan-
ces to apply the algorithms to.
Another motivation for developing and analysing
several insertion methods is to investigate whether a
more efficient and effective method can be developed
for the LNS algorithm. If so then it is possible that
the LNS algorithm can be further improved by incor-
porating the new insertion algorithm.
We thank Innovate UK for funding the COSLE pro-
ject (grant 102037).
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ICORES 2017 - 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems