Towards a Privacy Scorecard – Initial Design Exemplified on an
Intelligent Transport Systems Service
Aida Omerovic, Marit Kjøsnes Natvig and Isabelle C. R. Tardy
SINTEF, Norway
{aida.omerovic, marit.k.natvig, isabelle.tardy}
Keywords: Privacy Compliance, Privacy Scorecard, Intelligent Transport Systems.
Abstract: Increasingly many services depend on access to data that are traceable to individuals, the so-called
"personally identifiable information" (PII). The ecosystem of PII-dependent services is growing, becoming
highly complex and dynamic. As a result, a wide variety of PII is constantly collected, stored, exchanged,
and applied by all kinds of services. Practice of PII handling among service providers varies, as does the
insight and influence of the end-users on how their own PII is treated. For a user, privacy represents a
condition for his/her trust and service adoption. It is moreover essential for a service provider to be able to
claim privacy awareness over time. This is particularly important as the new EU privacy regulation is about
to become operative, thus enforcing strict privacy requirements on the service providers and giving new
rights to the users. In order to preserve user trust and manage the technical and legal privacy requirements, a
practically usable support to continuously and transparently plan and follow-up privacy compliance, is
needed. To this end, we propose an initial version of a so-called "Privacy Scorecard", that is, a decision
support for a service provider aimed to facilitate identification, specification, measurement and follow-up of
fulfilment of privacy goals in a relatively transparent and comprehensible manner. In this position paper, we
present initial design and intended usage of the Privacy Scorecard. We also exemplify how it can be applied
to a concrete service. The initial findings indicate feasibility of the approach and suggest directions for
further work, including refinement of the scorecard design and usage guidelines, tool support for
visualization, as well as further empirical evaluation.
Digital services increasingly rely on Personally
Identifiable Information (PII). It places PII at the
cornerstone of the realization of these services. The
emerging service innovations from domains such as
smart cities, telecom, social media and
entertainment, all depend on PII. For users privacy
represents a condition for his/her trust, and for
service providers it is essential to be able to claim
privacy awareness as a prerequisite for their
offerings. We therefore claim that efficiently and
properly handled PII is a facilitator for innovation of
services involving, for example, personalization and
analytics, while lack of privacy compliance often is
an obstacle for innovation. This is particularly
important as the new EU General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) poses strict restrictions on
lawful processing of personal data, thus enforcing
privacy requirements on the service providers and
giving new rights to the users. Non-compliance with
this regulation, which applies from May 2018, will
according to the regulation result in fines up to 20
million EUR, or in the case of an undertaking, up to
4% of the total worldwide annual turnover of the
preceding financial year (EU, 2016).
We have in our earlier research (Erdogan et al.,
2016) conducted a "problem analysis" including a
mapping literature study of privacy assessment
methods, a case study addressing services for
multimodal transport, as well as in-depth interviews
of central Norwegian public and private actors
involved in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
services. The goal was to identify state of the
practice and needs for privacy assessment support in
general and within ITS in particular. Our findings
suggest that:
- ITS services are distinguished by location-based
PII and very dynamic (due to frequently
changing service interactions, usage, and
technical design).
- The ecosystems of services are very complex
Omerovic, A., Natvig, M. and Tardy, I.
Towards a Privacy Scorecard – Initial Design Exemplified on an Intelligent Transport Systems Service.
DOI: 10.5220/0006284405850593
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2017), pages 585-593
ISBN: 978-989-758-209-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(due to many dependencies between services
and actors, PII needs to be exchanged in order
for services to work as intended). E.g. in
multimodal transport planning, actors/services
providing different kinds of transport modalities
(car, bike, bus, train, boat, plane, etc.) need to
collaborate and exchange PII. Moreover, one
single service may be provided, developed and
operated by different actors, all handling PII.
- The (legal and technical) privacy requirements
are, for most actors, complicated, demanding to
understand, operationalize and follow up.
- There is a lack of transparency between the
technical measures and the requirements being
addressed by the measures. There is also a lack
of transparency between system vulnerabilities
and privacy risks.
- The user consents are not sufficiently
comprehensible. They are also non-trivial to
keep up to date upon changes in the services.
- There is a lack of comprehensible and
transparent decision support for privacy
management which would make the dynamic
aspects of privacy compliance a first class
Other studies also argue that there are many
privacy concerns within ITS solutions due to the
wide-spread data registration, exchange of data
between systems, and monitoring/tracking of
persons and vehicles (Vandezande et al., 2012).
Much of this data originates from connected persons
and connected things associated with persons
(Psaraki et al., 2012). Aggregated data may also
show patterns in behaviour, who a person interacts
with, preferences, and similar.
The complex and dynamic nature of ITS
introduces challenges that need to be properly
addressed when assessing privacy compliance of
ITS. The literature however lacks methods to
specifically assess privacy compliance of digital
services in general and ITS services in particular.
State of the art suggests several general Privacy
Impact Assessment (PIA) methods typically based
on standards such as ISO 27005 (ISO 27005, 2011),
NIST SP 800-30 (NIST, 2012), ISO 29100 (ISO
29100, 2011), and ISO 22307 (ISO 22307, 2008).
These methods are often too generic and carried out
at a high-level of abstraction. Domain specific PIA
approaches have been proposed for location-based
systems (Ren et al. 2011), Vehicular Ad Hoc
Networks (Friginal et al. 2014), cloud computing
(Tancock et al., 2013; Theoharidou et al., 2013),
Android apps (
Mylonas et al., 2014) and smart grid
applications (
Knirsch et al., 2015). Common for both
general and domain-specific PIA approaches is that
they focus on identification and handling of privacy
risks, rather than compliance to privacy
To address the above mentioned challenges, we
need comprehensible decision support for privacy
compliance management that will help bridge the
gap between overall privacy-specific goals and the
specific system design measures. It should facilitate
transparency between fulfilment of privacy
requirements and service design decisions. It should
also reflect the impact of the dynamic properties of
the services to the privacy goals. Inspired by the
Balanced Scorecard (Kaplan & Norton, 1995), in
this position paper we propose an initial design of
"Privacy Scorecard" as an aid for privacy
compliance management, aimed for service
providers. The scorecard is system lifecycle
agnostic, but the contents included may refer to
details only available at certain stages.
Firstly (Section 2), we present a generic initial
version of the Privacy Scorecard. We present how it
was developed and how it is intended to be used.
Secondly (Section 3), we apply the Privacy
Scorecard on an example service from Intelligent
Transport Systems (ITS) and report on results and
experiences. Thirdly (Section 4), we discuss the
findings and lessons learned from development and
application of the Scorecard. We also discuss threats
to validity and reliability. Finally (Section 5), we
summarize conclusions and plans for further work.
The starting point were the results of our problem
analysis, the identified needs for privacy compliance
decision support, and an idea of designing a dynamic
yet easily understandable "scorecard" for privacy.
Three researchers (who had also been fully involved
in the problem analysis) were gathered for a
workshop. Each of them has at least a decade of
relevant professional experience and academic
degree from the respective fields, namely risk and
compliance management in software engineering,
system architecture of ITS (including ITS domain
expertise), and communication systems in internet of
things (including ITS domain expertise).
We had prior elementary knowledge about the
Balanced Scorecard. The goal of the workshop was
to develop a generic Privacy Scorecard that could
later be instantiated on specific cases. The first step
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 1: The initial generic Privacy Scorecard. The contents provided are incomplete and intended for illustration purpose.
The last three columns are entirely case specific.
was design of a canvas for the Privacy Scorecard,
i.e. the overall structure including columns and
titles. Each column would be related to the one on its
left hand side. Our leftmost (top abstraction) level
was an overview of main privacy-specific concerns.
Five concerns were identified:
- Quality of the privacy related information that is
provided to the user.
- Retrieval and storing of PII by service provider.
- Usage of PII by the service provider.
- Exchange of PII to a third party.
- User's control over own PII.
The meaning of each main concern was
elaborated through success criteria in the newt
column. Once the concerns were fully understood
and characterized through the success criteria, we
identified a set of indicators for each concern
(column three). The indicators are intended to
provide quantifiable fulfilment degrees of the
relevant properties of the concerns. Next, a column
dedicated current score (i.e., estimated value) of
each indicator is created. The target (desired) score
of each indicator is expressed in the next column.
Colours are used on current score values to express
whether and to what degree the current indicator
scores meet the target score values. Note that the
scorecard assumes that each indicator is specified in
more detail outside the scorecard. It is also assumed
that the measurement scale of each indicator is
specified in more detail outside the scorecard. A
rationale for the target score should also be provided
outside the scorecard. The last column lists the
measures that are expected to improve the indicator
scores towards the desired scores, and as such
contribute to fulfilment of the privacy concerns.
Figure 1 shows the resulting generic scorecard. Note
that none of the columns of the generic Privacy
Scorecard is intended to be complete, but rather to
represent a starting point for instantiation on specific
cases. Especially the last three columns will be case-
specific. They are therefore only provided for
exemplification purpose of first concern in Figure 1.
Here, we provide main principles and a template of
the approach, while instantiation is subject to
domain knowledge and the special privacy goals and
requirements of the service under analysis.
The intended target group for the Privacy
Scorecard are service providers. The scorecard is not
intended to be a substitute for privacy compliance
management, but rather a complement to it. Thus, a
full-scale legal and technical privacy requirements
management is beyond the scope of the scorecard.
The following procedure summarizes our
guidance for use of the Privacy Scorecard:
1. Specify the Target of the Analysis. Specify
scope of the analysis, objective of the target
system/service, usage, assumptions, and
interactions with other systems/services. State
Towards a Privacy Scorecard – Initial Design Exemplified on an Intelligent Transport Systems Service
Transport Service Providers
Public transport
Transport services
Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
(service with no user
Travel Companion App
(used by travellers
before and during travel)
Discount agreement
Figure 2: Mobility as a Service (MaaS) example.
who the stakeholder(s) are. State what PII is
involved and how it is handled. Identify user
consent practice and needs. Specify who we
assess the privacy on behalf of
2. Identify the Privacy Regulations,
Requirements, Strategies and Goals of the
Commissioner with Respect to the
System/Service of the Analysis. Sources:
expert opinions, requirements specification,
strategies/goals of the service provider, laws
and regulations, and agreements with the users.
3. Identify Main Privacy Concerns. Limit the
number of concerns between four and ten.
4. Explain Meaning of Each Concern Through
Success Criteria in Column Two.
5. Identify and Specify Indicators Relevant to
Each Concern. Use a separate form to specify
meaning and properties of each indicator, a
measurement scale for the indicator, and its
target score. State the approach to expressing
uncertainty, how to obtain an estimate, what
measurement sources are, and how often to
update the indicator value.
6. Specify the Target Score of Each Indicator.
7. Identify and Specify the Initiatives. Identify
and describe on-going and planned measures
expected to contribute to the improvement of
indicator scores and fulfilment of the expressed
concerns. A separate template should include
detailed specification of the initiatives,
including the plans for realization, dependencies
with other initiatives, expected results,
assumptions, cost, and roles involved.
8. Specify Revision Plans. Specify guidelines,
responsibilities and triggers for revision and
updates of contents of the scorecard.
Particularly, changed privacy requirements,
laws, regulations, system architecture, usage,
kinds and numbers of users, requirements
strategies, goals and prior assumptions, may
trigged needs for revision of the scorecard in
terms of new or updated contents.
In this section, we present the results obtained from
applying the Privacy Scorecard approach on a
concrete example from the ITS domain. First, we
explain the service under analysis and setup of the
trial. Second, we present the steps undergone and the
results obtained. Finally, we summarize the lessons
learned from applying the approach.
3.1 The Service under Analysis
A journey may be composed of many legs offered
by different transport service providers. In the
emerging Mobility as a Service (MaaS) concept,
major transportation needs of a traveller are met
over one interface offered by a MaaS service
provider (Hietanen, 2014). MaaS may support the
use of public transport alone or door-to-door
transport facilitated by combinations of transport
services (public transport, city bikes, taxis, car
sharing, etc). Figure 2 illustrates a possible
realisation of MaaS.
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 3: Privacy Scorecard applied on the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) example.
This example is constructed based on knowledge
and experience of the two domain experts on ITS,
who conducted this trial of Privacy Scorecard on
Maas. MaaS may be accessed via several Apps. The
Travel Companion App is one of them. Transport
needs and preferences of the user are received via
the App, and MaaS composes transport alternatives,
processes bookings, issues tickets, etc. During the
transport phase, MaaS provides situational support
adapted to the location information received from
the App.
MaaS communicates with various transport
service providers and PII may also be exchanged to
facilitate the required functionality. The traveller
interacts directly with the App and PII is
communicated from the App to MaaS and further on
to the respective transport service providers. Should
there be a new transport service offered, the Maas
would know about it, and if this new service
provider needs PII, Maas must interact with the App
to ask for consents. The new choice for transport
service can be booked, provided the user has agreed
on exchange of PII. The process requires that the
App and the MaaS as well as the transport service
providers have common service platforms
supporting the required consent interactions.
The PII of relevance in the MaaS case may be
information about the traveller (user profile with
contact information, preferences, etc.), location
information (current location, tracking information
and foreseen locations), payment information,
information regarding use of transport services, etc.
PII may be used for purposes that the traveller is
not aware of. The App, MaaS and other services
may for example store, analyse and combine PII to
be able to learn about the traveller and provide
customized user support. PII may also come from
different sources. An App on a smart phone using
Bluetooth may for example detect signals from
beacons in the vicinity using open interfaces, and the
App may track the traveller regardless of whether
the App has access to location information or not.
Towards a Privacy Scorecard – Initial Design Exemplified on an Intelligent Transport Systems Service
The AltBeacon (AltBeacon, 2016) specification does
for example define such an open message format for
beacons. An example of beacon application is Place
Tips (Place Tips, 2016), an app shown to people in a
given vicinity and who have given Facebook
permission to access their location from their smart
phone. Content is shown to people coming in the
same vicinity.
3.2 Privacy Scorecard Applied on
Figure 3 summarizes results of applying the generic
Privacy Scorecard (Figure 1) on our MaaS example
service. Two domain experts discussed the MaaS
system architecture and the functionalities of the
system components, and filled in the scorecard in
about one working day. The indicators from Figure 1
were used as inspiration for discussions targeting
each main concern. The resulting scorecard is yet
preliminary and must be refined as the solution is
further elaborated.
Consents are crucial for the information to the
user concern. MaaS has however, no user interface,
and there must be a secure service interface between
MaaS and its clients (i.e. the Apps) for interactions
with the user on consents. MaaS may also have to
request consents on behalf of the transport service
providers via this interface. The Car Sharing
services provider may for example need a consent
before PII is shared with the Parking provider to
arrange for a discount on parking provided
exclusively to those who share their car.
The retrieval and storing of PII and the usage of
PII concerns must address and consider the purpose
of each individual PII. Location or tracking
information collected by the App is, for example,
meant to facilitate situational user support and
should not be stored for a long time or used for other
purposes. Signals from beacons should not be
decoded to find locations unless a consent is agreed
Consents are also required for exchange of PII to
a third party, as exemplified for both the MaaS and
the Car Sharing service above.
The user's control over own PII must be
effectuated via the App. On request, MaaS must
provide information on all PII associated with a user,
and the user must be allowed to request deletions of
such information. If a user decides to switch to
another MaaS provider, PII must be transferred to
the new provider.
3.3 Lessons Learned
Here we summarize the lessons learned from
applying the Privacy Scorecard on the MaaS service.
While the main concerns, success criteria and
indicators provided in Figure 3 were useful for the
structuring of discussions, it was more challenging
to complete the rest of the table. The scores and
initiatives columns are difficult to assess while
analysing the system at a relatively high level.
We learned that an understanding of the system
architecture is crucial. The roles of system
components, the flows of PII and the use of PII in
the respective functions must be understood.
Therefore, indicators must be reviewed and
updated as the work on the system architecture
progresses, probably as an iterative process. In
addition to the importance of the system
architecture, we also had to understand the threats
represented by external factors, e.g. beacons.
Following an iterative process, we should be able
to detail the system analysis to a sufficient level in
order to be able to assess relevant scores for the
indicators and suggest initiatives. Scores must also
be adapted to the individual indicators. Preferably,
MaaS and the App should be analysed separately in
two separate scorecards. The rationale for this is that
they may have different providers and challenges.
At last, the indicators from the generic template,
which we originally (in Figure 1) considered as
relevant candidates, have to a large extent been
confirmed while applying the Privacy Scorecard on
MaaS. However, the indicators have also been
adapted to the case, and they may be complemented
when further system analysis is conducted.
Accordingly, the solutions on how to improve the
parameters "initiatives" will also need to be
All in all, we have through the analysis gained an
improved insight of the service under analysis, as
well as a thorough understanding of the privacy
During development of the generic Privacy
Scorecard canvas (Figure 1), we observed that some
of the indicators semantically overlapped with each
other. This may be misleading when providing an
overall assessment and visualizing the scores in one
common view. It should be dealt with through more
detailed guidance for indicator specification and
better visualization of the scorecard in a manner that
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
takes into account dependencies.
Another need observed during development of
the generic scorecard, is support for expressing
uncertainty of the indicator estimates. Either the
indicators are based on domain expert knowledge or
measurements, some degree of uncertainty (due to
lack of knowledge or variability) will be inherent.
The explicit uncertainty information should be
included in the scorecard, in order to provide more
reliable decision support and possibly prioritize
further verification of some indicator estimates.
The guidance for application of the scorecard
provided in Section 2 is intended to be agnostic of
the development approach (e.g. waterfall, agile,
etc.). Particularly, the last step (revision) should
facilitate updates upon changes. Part of future work
should, however, be customization of the guideline
to the specific development approaches.
Application of the approach on an example
during the time limit of one working day, of course
has clear limitations in terms of realism and actual
exposure of the approach. Although the Privacy
Scorecard canvas was not fully instantiated on
MaaS, the initial results of the trial indicate
feasibility of applying the approach within limited
time. The fact that new knowledge was gained about
the system under analysis and its privacy
characteristics, suggests usefulness of the approach.
We assume that a more detailed guidance and a
domain-customized Privacy Scorecard canvas,
would facilitate application of the approach. In that
case, the trial would likely be more efficient and
require less resources.
We need to further empirically evaluate not only
feasibility but also performance of the Privacy
Scorecard approach in more realistic settings. There
is also a need for a baseline for comparing this
approach with the alternative PIA methods, in order
to assess characteristics such as usability, usefulness
and cost-effectiveness of our approach compared to
the alternative ones. It should be a part of the future
Privacy Scorecard is developed by domain
experts, although it is, once developed, meant to be
used as decision support for privacy evaluation and
handling by non-privacy-experts as well. Further
refinement of the design of the Privacy Scorecard
canvas needs to provide a detailed account of the
design rationale and ensure that it fully meets the
needs of both the experts developing it, and the non-
privacy-experts using it.
Correctness and relevance of the results (i.e.,
contents of the scorecard) would have been desirable
to assess through more empirical evaluation. This
was unfortunately impossible within the frame of
this study. Instead, we have relied on the analysis
group with relevant domain knowledge and
We cannot exclude possibility of inconsistent
understanding of the Privacy Scorecard approach or
the MaaS example, although the active participation
of the analysis group in all steps undertaken should
have reduced the likelihood of that risk. At the same
time, it is, in terms of evaluation of
comprehensibility, a weakness that the domain
experts who tried out the approach also participated
in design of the generic canvas. As such, it is also a
threat to reliability of the evaluation results, as we
cannot know to what degree another analysis group
would have obtained the same results.
Privacy Scorecard should be scalable with
respect to the range of concerns (reflecting different
privacy requirements) that need to be covered by the
scorecard. The approach should also scale with
respect to the complexity and size of the service
under analysis. Further empirical evaluation is
needed for assessing these two aspects of scalability.
Overall, we have drawn important findings and
learned lessons from developing and instantiating
the approach in the MaaS example. Although the
mentioned threats to validity and reliability are
present in the study, we argue that the initial results
partially indicate feasibility and suggest preliminary
strengths and weaknesses of the approach. Hence,
further development of the approach would make
sense, focusing on refinement of the scorecard
canvas, more detailed guidance for use, as well as
further empirical evaluation.
Digital services are increasingly becoming
dependent on personally identifiable information.
Such services are a part of a complex and dynamic
ecosystem characterized by frequent changes and
many dependencies. Privacy is a condition for trust
of users and adoption of the services. At the same
time, a service provider has to deal with many legal
and technical privacy requirements. Assessment of
privacy and compliance with requirements is
demanding, and state of the art lacks decision
support which is comprehensible and transparent.
This position paper proposes initial version of a
so-called "Privacy Scorecard", that is, a decision
support for a service provider aimed to facilitate
Towards a Privacy Scorecard – Initial Design Exemplified on an Intelligent Transport Systems Service
management of privacy goals. We have presented
the initial design and intended usage of the
approach. We have also partially tried out the
approach and shown how it can be applied to a
constructed example. The example was motivated by
a real-life scenario of so-called Mobility-as-a
Service, and designed by two domain experts. The
initial findings indicate feasibility of instantiating
the approach, therein identifying and specifying
privacy-relevant concerns of the service. The
approach has also facilitated gaining new knowledge
about (privacy enhancing) design of the service
under analysis.
We have also gained useful insight into the
strengths and weaknesses of the approach as well as
suggested directions for future research. The
directions include refinement of the scorecard design
and usage guidelines, tool support for visualization,
as well as further empirical evaluation. Particularly,
the following needs have been highlighted:
- more detailed support for design and estimation
of privacy indicators,
- more detailed support for follow-up of the
initiatives (progress, cost, responsibilities),
- support for expressing dependencies between
the initiatives,
- support for cost-benefit analysis (cost being the
expenditure implementing the initiatives, and
benefit being improvement of privacy concerns)
for selection of the initiatives,
- tool support for real-time follow up of the
scores and visualization of the trends,
- empirical evaluation of usefulness and
performance of the approach,
- more detailed usage guideline including
customization of the guideline to the specific
development approaches, and
- specializations of the Privacy Scorecard canvas
with respect to different industry sectors and
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Towards a Privacy Scorecard – Initial Design Exemplified on an Intelligent Transport Systems Service