An Action Unit based Hierarchical Random Forest Model to Facial
Expression Recognition
Jingying Chen
, Mulan Zhang
, Xianglong Xue
, Ruyi Xu
and Kun Zhang
National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China
Collaborative and Innovative Center for Educational Technology (CICET), Luoyu Street, Wuhan, China
{chenjy, zhk}
Keywords: Hierarchical Random Forests, Facial Expression Recognition, Facial Action Unit.
Abstract: Facial expression recognition is important in natural human-computer interaction, research in this direction
has made great progress. However, recognition in noisy environments still remains challenging. To improve
the efficiency and accuracy of the expression recognition in noisy environments, this paper presents a
hierarchical random forest model based on facial action units (AUs). First, an AUs based feature extraction
method is proposed to extract facial feature effectively; second, a hierarchical random forest model based on
different AU regions is developed to recognize the expressions in a coarse-to-fine way. The experiment results
show that the proposed approach has a good performance in different environments.
Facial expressions convey a wealth of the emotion
and behaviour information in interpersonal communi-
cation, hence, facial expression recognition (FER) is
important in natural human-computer interaction
(Jameel et al., 2015). Many works have been done in
the field of FER and a lot of progress has been made
(Kahraman, 2016; Li et al., 2013; Cao et al., 2014;
Liu et al., 2006; Satiyan et al., 2010), good results
have been reported, especially for high quality
images. However, the performance could be
decreased due to noisy and low resolution images.
Hence, continuous efforts should be made to further
improve the recognition accuracy for practical use.
FER usually includes two steps, i.e., feature
extraction and expression classification. Based on
different features, FER can be categorized into
geometric-feature based approaches and appearance-
feature based approaches. Geometric-feature based
approaches use the location of facial feature points,
e.g., eye corners, nostrils, mouth corners, or the shape
of facial components, e.g., eyes, eyebrows and mouth.
Approaches based on geometric features are available
in (Kahraman, 2016; Li et al., 2013). These
approaches can provide good results relying on
accurate feature points and high quality images.
Appearance-feature based approaches use facial
texture, e.g., Local binary pattern (LBP) (Cao et al.,
2014), Gabor features (Liu et al., 2006) and Haar
features (Satiyan et al., 2010), which captures the
intensity changes associated with different expres-
sions, such as wrinkles, bulges and furrows, these
approaches do not rely on accurate feature points and
are robust to noisy and low resolution images.
Different classification approaches are proposed
according to various applications, e.g. Neural
Networks (NN) (Liu et al., 2006), (Satiyan et al.,
2010), Convolution neural networks (CNN) (Levi et
al., 2015), Support Vector Machine (SVM) (Valstar
et al., 2012), (Cao et al., 2014), Adaboost (Bartlett et
al., 2006) and Random Forest (RF) (El Meguid et al.,
2014). Liu and Wang (Liu et al., 2006) used multiple
Gabor features combined with Neural Network to
recognize facial expressions, they combined different
channels of Gabor filters and provided better
performance than the original Gabor feature method.
Levi and Hassner (Levi et al., 2015) applied an
ensemble of multiple structure CNNs to mapped
binary patterns in the wild challenges. Valstar and
Pantic classified expressions based on Action Unit
using SVM, they acquired good results (Valstar et al.,
2012). Cao used SVM with the feature of LBP
to classify six basic expressions from Cohn-Kanade
(CK) database and provided good performance (Cao
et al., 2014). Bartlett et al. (Bartlett et al., 2006) used
a subset of Gabor filters selected by AdaBoost and
trained SVM classifiers on the outputs of the selected
filters. Their system can detect the facial action units
Chen, J., Zhang, M., Xue, X., Xu, R. and Zhang, K.
An Action Unit based Hierarchical Random Forest Model to Facial Expression Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0006274707530760
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2017), pages 753-760
ISBN: 978-989-758-222-6
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(AU) defined in Facial Action Coding System
(FACS) (Ekman et al., 1978) automatically in
spontaneous expressions during discourse. EI Meguid
and Levine (El Meguid et al., 2014) combined a set
of Random Forests paired with SVM labelers to
classify multi-view facial expressions. Most of the
approaches work well for clean database, however,
practical use needs to recognize the facial expressions
accurately and efficiently in various environment.
Random forest (RF) is an ensemble classier that
consists of many decision trees. It has been proven to
be accurate and robust to solve computer vision
problems (El Meguid et al., 2014; Dantone et al.,
2012; Minka et al., 1999). Action Units (AUs) repre-
sent small visually discernible facial movements, they
are independent of any interpretation and can be used
as basis for any higher order decision making process
including the recognition of basic emotions (Hager et
al., 2002). AUs can describe the expression effective-
ly. Hence, in this paper an AUs based hierarchical
random forest model is presented to improve the
efficiency and accuracy of the expression recognition
in various (i.e., clean or noisy) environments. First, an
AUs based feature extraction method is proposed to
extract facial feature effectively; second, a cascaded
hierarchical random forest model based on different
AU regions is developed to recognize the expressions
in a coarse-to-fine way. The experiment results show
that the proposed approach has a good performance
in different environments.
The outline of the paper is as follows. The
proposed method is presented in Section 2. Section 3
gives the experimental results while Section 4
presents the conclusions.
To obtain distinct facial features for expression
recognition, firstly, appearance features are extracted
within AU region, then, a hierarchical random forest
model based on different AU regions is proposed to
the recognize expressions in a coarse-to-fine way.
2.1 Feature Extraction based on AU
Facial actions code system (FACS) (Ekman et al.,
1978) is first presented by Ekman and Friesen in 1978
to classify human facial movements. The FACS
defines Action Units (AUs) to describe a contraction
or relaxation of one or more muscles associated with
facial expressions, which can be extracted from static
images or dynamic sequences. AUs are extremely
suitable to be used as midlevel parameters in an
automatic facial behaviour analysis (Valstar et al.,
2006), different facial expressions can be described
with different combination of AUs, identifying the
AUs is helpful to FER.
Table 1: Examples of AUs used in the proposed method.
AU Number FACS Name AU Region
1 Inner Brow Raiser
4 Brow Lower
5 Upper Lid Raiser
9 Nose Wrinkler
12 Lip Corner Puller
20 Lip Stretcher
25 Lips Part
Based on the statistical analysis of a large number
of facial expression datasets, certain AUs salient to
describe the difference among facial expressions are
chosen in this paper. However, the main challenge of
AUs based expression recognition is to locate AUs
accurately. To solve the problem, appearance features
are extracted within AU regions (See Table 1)
without precise AU location in this study. For
example, among six basic facial expressions (i.e.,
anger, happiness, sadness, surprise, disgust and fear),
first, AU9 (Nose Wrinkler) describes “disgust”
effectively, appearance features (i.e., LBP, Gabor and
intensity, see Figure 1) are extracted within AU9
region and used to distinguish the “disgust” from the
other expressions; then, AU12+25 (Lip Corner Puller
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
and Lips Part) are suitable to classify the other
expressions into two groups, one contains “fear”,
“happiness” and “surprise”, the other contains
“anger” and “sadness”; next, AU12+20+25 (Lip
Corner Puller, Lip Stretcher and Lips Part) are
appropriate to separate “happiness” from “fear” and
“surprise”; finally, AU1 (Inner Brow Raiser) is
suitable to distinguish “sadness” from “anger”,
AU4+5 (Brow Lower, Upper Lid Raiser) can tell the
difference between “surprise” and “fear” well.
According to the characteristic of AUs, each group of
AUs focus on a binary classification and six
expressions are classified in a coarse-to-fine way.
(a) Intensity feature
(b) LBP feature
(c) Gabor feature 1
(d) Gabor feature 2
Figure 1: The different features from the AU9 region.
2.2 Random Forest
Random forests are an ensemble learning method
which combines a family of weak classifiers to a
strong classifier (Breiman, 2001). At training stage,
each tree T in the forest ={
} is built from a
random subset of all the samples. The decision tree
grows up by splitting the node, regarded as a weak
classifier. The node stops splitting when a maximum
depth is reached or the information gain is below a
predefined threshold, named as leaf.
At the test stage, each sample traverses all the
trees and ends in a set of leafs
. The RF outputs the
probability that the sample belongs to the class
(n{1,…,N}) by averaging over all the decision
trees, as described in (1).
The traditional RF method provides good
performance for binary classification, but does not
work well for multi-label classification of facial
expression under noisy condition. Therefore, we
propose a cascaded hierarchical RF to improve the
efficiency and accuracy of the expression recognition
in noisy environments.
2.3 Hierarchical RF Model based on
A cascaded tree structure has been proposed and
proven to be high accurate and efficient in (Minka et
al., 1999). To improve the accuracy and efficiency of
expression recognition, a cascaded tree structure is
introduced to RF model based on different AU
regions to classify the facial expression in a coarse-
to-fine way.
As shown in Figure 2, the proposed model includes
4 layers:
The first layer constructs a RF trained using the
appearance features from the AU9 region and
distinguishes the “disgust” expression from the
other facial expressions;
The second layer constructs a RF trained using
the appearance features from the AU12+25
region and classifies the rest five facial
expressions into two groups: {“happiness”,
“fear”, “surprise”} and {“anger”, “sadness”};
The third layer constructs two RFs
corresponding to the two groups at the previous
layer. One RF is trained using the appearance
features from the AU12+20+25 region to
distinguish “happiness” from “fear” and
“surprise”, the other RF is trained using the
appearance features from the AU1 region to
distinguish “sadness” from “anger”;
The last layer constructs a RF trained using the
appearance features from the AU4+5 region
and distinguishes “surprise” and “fear”.
Through all the layers, all the facial images are
finally classified into the six basic categories. Each
layer generates binary classification and AUs are
selected with low correlation among the sub-classes.
According to the proposed cascaded hierarchical
structure, the class distribution of the proposed model
is determined by the product of the probability
distributions leading to the class
, as described in
An Action Unit based Hierarchical Random Forest Model to Facial Expression Recognition
Figure 2: Hierarchical random forest model.
where p
is the probability that the patch
belongs to the class
in the -th layer of the
proposed model, and the patch needs to go through
layers of RFs. Substitute the Eq. (1) into Eq. (2):
is the number of trees in the -th layer RF.
The training of a RF in the different layers of
cascaded structure is given below:
Label the patch with
that represents the
patch of images from the -th class used in the
-th layer of RFs. Labelling varies according to
different layers as shown in Figure2. There are
two kinds of labels for each layer because of
the binary classification.
A simple patch comparison feature is defined
similar to (Dantone et al., 2012):
where the parameter θ ={
} describes
two rectangles
within the patch
boundaries, and {1,2,3} denotes the
different appearance feature channels.
Generate a pool of splitting candidates =
{,}. Divide the extracted random patches
into two subsets
for each .
where τ is a predefined threshold.
Select the splitting candidate which
maximizes the evaluation function Information
Gain (IG):
is the defined class uncertainty
measure, which will be described for our case
in (9). Selecting a certain split amounts to
adding a binary decision node to the tree.
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Create a leaf when a maximum depth is
reached or the information gain is below a
predefined threshold. Otherwise continue
recursively for the two subsets
the first step. A leaf of the RF stores the
distribution that the patch belongs to the
. Simply, the distribution is specified
by a multivariate Gaussian:
and Σ
are the mean and covariance
matrix of the estimations of the -th class.
In this section, extensive experiments have been
conducted on two widely used facial expression
databases to evaluate the performance of the proposed
AU based hierarchical RF model. The first database
is the CK database (Kanade et al., 2000). It contains
486 sequences across 97 subjects. Each of the
sequences contains images from neutral face to peak
expression face. Six expressions (i.e. anger, disgust,
fear, happy, sadness and surprise) have been labelled
to peak expression by visual inspection from emotion
researchers (see Figure 3). Because of its popularity,
most researchers in the field have evaluated their
improvements on the CK database (Mollahosseini et
al., 2016). The second database is the JAFFE database
(Lyons et al., 1998) which consists of 213 images
from 10 Japanese female subjects with six
expressions (see Figure 4).
Figure 3: Examples of images from the CK database.
Figure 4: Examples of images from the JAFFE database.
3.1 Training
As mentioned in the previous section, the proposed
hierarchical random forest model consists of four
layers. For training the RF, we fixed some parameters
based on empirical observations, e.g., the forests at
the first two layers have 15 trees, while the forests at
the last two layers have 10 trees; the trees have a
maximum depth of 20 and at each node we randomly
generate 2000 splitting candidates.
Each tree grows based on a selected subset of 180
images with 30 images from each expression. The
extracted patch size is 30×30 within approximate
region of the specified AUs. There are three kinds of
features to construct the candidate feature set,
including the LBP feature with 58D, intensity feature
with the size of 30×30 and the Gabor feature tuned
with 7 orientations and 5 scales (with the size of
3.2 Testing
To test the accuracy of the proposed model, a five-
fold cross-validation is used, leaving 20% of the
sample data as test data. Five sets are generated, each
set contains 20% of sample data chosen randomly for
each class as test data, the remaining data as training
data. The training and test (i.e. classification)
procedure is repeatedly five times, the classification
accuracy is defined as the mean value of five
Experiments have been carried out on the clean
databases and noisy databases with the salt-pepper
noise and Gaussian noise respectively. The details of
the testing are given as follow:
Pre-processing: Detect the face and AU regions
from the test images using a cascade of boosted
classifiers working with haar-like features
(Viola et al., 2004).
Sampling: Randomly sample the patches with
the same parameters as the training ones from
the specified AU regions.
Classification: All the patches go through the
trees and end in different leafs. Each RF
outputs the class probability by voting of leafs
as described in Equation (10), we simplify the
distribution by a multivariate Gaussian. The
class of the test sample is finally determine
using Equation (3).
3.3 Comparison with State of the Art
We compared our proposed algorithm with other state
of the art algorithms, i.e., SVM (Chang et al., 2011)
and RF (Dantone et al., 2012), using both CK and
JAFFE databases.
An Action Unit based Hierarchical Random Forest Model to Facial Expression Recognition
Table 2: Comparison of our algorithm with SVM and RF.
SVM Our method RF
noise-free noise noise-free noise noise-free
Anger 0.400 0.240 0.935 0.872 0.567
Disgust 0.960 0.640 0.833 0.833 0.767
Fear 0.560 0.600 0.788 0.777 0.667
Happiness 0.960 0.800 0.914 0.883 0.433
Sadness 0.840 0.720 0.951 0.903 0.700
Surprise 0.840 0.760 0.851 0.822 0.767
AVG 0.760 0.627 0.889 0.848 0.650
To test the robustness and generalization
performance of the proposed method, a mixed dataset
with the salt-pepper noise or Gaussian noise is built
from CK and JAFFE databases (see Figure 5). The
comparison results of our method, SVM and RF are
shown in Table 2. The average recognition rate of our
method is 88.9% and 84.8% under clean and noise
condition which are superior to the SVM and RF
generally. The performance of RF under noise
condition is much worse than the clean condition. For
the expression of Disgust and Happiness, SVM
provides a better performance than our method for the
clean data.
Figure 5: The samples with the salt-pepper and Gaussian
Table 3: The comparison results of the proposed method
and RF (El Meguid et al., 2014) on CK database.
(El Meguid
et al.,
Anger 0.967 0.118
Disgust 0.967 0.704
Fear 0.983 0.536
Happiness 0.946 0.868
Sadness 0.880 0.667
Surprise 0.912 0.919
Average rate 0.943 ——
Comparison has been made with the proposed
method and the SVM labellers-paired RF (El Meguid
et al., 2014) on CK database. From the comparison
results in Table 3, one can see that the recognition rate
of our method outperforms that of the method
proposed in (El Meguid et al., 2014), which means
that the proposed AU based hierarchical RF model
helps to improve the accuracy of RF.
3.4 Degradation Analysis
To assess the behaviour of the proposed method
under varying degrees of noise. Images corrupted
with different degrees of Gaussian or Salt-pepper
noise are shown in Figure 6. The average recognition
rates for different noise are given in Figure 7. The
experiment results show that the proposed method
degrades elegantly with good tolerance to varying
degree of noise.
(a): Gaussian noise with 0 mean and variance of 0.06, 0.1,
0.16, and 0.2 respectively.
(b): Salt-pepper noise with density of 0.05, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2
Figure 6: Images corrupted with different degrees of noise.
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
(a): The recognition rate of Gaussian noise. (b): The recognition rate of salt-pepper noise.
Figure 7: The recognition rate of different degrees of noise.
A hierarchical random forest model based on AUs has
been proposed to improve the accuracy and efficiency
for facial expression recognition. Firstly, appearance
features (i.e., LBP, intensity and Gabor) are extracted
within AU region, then, a cascaded tree structure is
introduced to random forest model based on different
AU regions to the recognize expressions in a coarse-
to-fine way. The proposed approach has been
evaluated with both CK and JAFFE databases and
provides better performance than the SVM and RF
method under both clean and noisy conditions. The
experiment results show that the proposed method is
robust to the noisy and degrades elegantly with good
tolerance to varying degree of noise.
This work was supported by the National Social
Science Foundation of China (Grant no. 16BSH107).
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ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods