Identity Deception Detection on Social Media Platforms
Estée van der Walt and J. H. P. Eloff
Department of Computer Science, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa,
Keywords: Deception, Big Data, Cyber Security, Social Media, Cyber Crime.
Abstract: The bulk of currently available research in identity deception focuses on understanding the psychological
motive behind persons lying about their identity. However, apart from understanding the psychological
aspects of such a mindset, it is also important to consider identity deception in the context of the
technologically integrated society in which we live today. With the proliferation of social media, it has become
the norm for many people to present a false identity for various purposes, whether for anonymity or for
something more harmful like committing paedophilia. Social media platforms (SMPs) are known to deal with
massive volumes of big data. Big data characteristics such as volume, velocity and variety make it not only
easier for people to deceive others about their identity, but also harder to prevent or detect identity deception.
This paper describes the challenges of identity deception detection on SMPs. It also presents attributes that
can play a role in identity deception detection, as well as the results of an experiment to develop a so-called
Identity Deception Indicator (IDI). It is believed that such an IDI can assist law enforcement with the early
detection of potentially harmful behaviour on SMPs.
Many cyber-security threats can be found in big data
platforms such as social media, for instance grooming
(Dedkova, 2015), paedophilia (Schulz et al., 2015),
cyber bullying (Al-garadi et al., 2016) and cyber
terrorism (Von Solms and Van Niekerk, 2013), to
name but a few. These threats generally affect people
and some of them apply identity deception as a means
to an end. Consider for example the case study of
identity deception where a paedophile in Cape Town
(South Africa) was found guilty of 148 sex crimes.
These crimes involved children between the age of 12
and 16 who had been befriended on Facebook via a
fake profile depicting that of a minor (Peterson,
Current research in this field focuses mainly on
understanding the psychological motive behind
identity deception. Research shows why people lie
about their identity (Kashy and DePaulo, 1996) and
gives some cues about deception (DePaulo et al.,
However, very little has been done so far to
describe the influence that big data platforms like
SMPs have. (Back et al., 2010), as well as (Guillory
and Hancock, 2012) found that people were less
likely to lie when other people could verify and hold
them accountable for the facts stated on social media.
Peer pressure also had an effect on the tendency to tell
lies (Squicciarini and Griffin, 2014). However, none
of the above addressed the detection of identity
deception in SMPs. SMPs have changed not only our
perception and use of Identity Deception, but also
challenge its detection. A plethora of identity
attributes exist, of which some pertain only to SMPs.
An example of such an attribute would be the Twitter
‘handle’ or username, which is a personal identifier
of a specific person on the SMP.
Identity attributes on SMPs are potentially
vulnerable to online deception. In this context, the
work done by Alowibdi et al. describes a set of
methods to detect online gender or location deception
(Alowibdi et al., 2015). The problem with this
approach is that the methods and attributes used are
considered in isolation and independent from others,
which creates a challenge for determining a deceptive
person across multiple attributes. Deception in one
attribute could be deemed harmless, but in
combination it may well tell another story. A person
could for example have no profile image. This does
not necessarily indicate potential deception and may
only mean that the person wants to remain
anonymous. However, if this knowledge is combined
with the fact that the person’s online activity differs
Walt, E. and Eloff, J.
Identity Deception Detection on Social Media Platforms.
DOI: 10.5220/0006271105730578
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2017), pages 573-578
ISBN: 978-989-758-209-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
from the norm with regard to daily activity,
suspicions should be raised.
The first part of this paper investigates identity
deception and the challenges specifically introduced
by SMPs. The subsequent part presents experimental
research to evaluate identified identity attributes that
can potentially be used to detect identity deception on
SMPs. The paper concludes with discussing the first
steps towards the detection of identity deception on
In previous research (Van der Walt and Eloff, 2015),
the authors did not focus on identity deception, but
extracted attributes available in social media that can
now be used to identify those attributes that are
vulnerable to identity deception.
The attributes in SMPs differ from those in normal
record-keeping systems (e.g. a police database for
offenders). SMP attributes, for example, username,
birth date and address, can often not be trusted. There
is no accountability for the accuracy of these
attributes (Duranti and Rogers, 2016) and only human
intervention (Sloan et al., 2015) can help to ascertain
their accuracy. Since SMPs constitute a big data
platform, human intervention is not plausible at the
expected scale.
To understand how SMPs support identity
deception, it is imperative to understand what it is by
investigating the underlying concepts. The next
paragraphs introduce and describe the concepts of
identity, deception, and identity deception.
2.1 Identity
Identity attributes define who you are or any qualities
that you display that can be used to distinguish you
from another person. The following attributes in
SMPs are known to be indicative of deception:
The friend, follower ratio (Quercia et al., 2011).
The type of images used as profile and
background (Sharma, 2013).
The distance between the geo-location recorded
on the SMP and the location as stated by the
person (Alowibdi et al., 2015).
The sentiment, i.e. whether the overbearing
language usage conveys a positive or negative
feeling (Drasch et al., 2015).
The number of devices used (Robinson, 2016).
The timespan of activities on SMPs for a given
person, compared to the corpus (Radziwill and
Benton, 2016).
(Wang et al., 2006) split identity attributes into
three groups, namely personal information provided,
biometrical attributes that belong to an identity, and
biographical attributes that build up over a period of
time, for example the credit history of a person.
(Clarke, 1994) defines identity attributes as one’s
appearance, name, the code you are identified by,
your social behaviour, knowledge, what you have,
what you do, what you are and your physical
Taking cognisance of the above definitions, the
authors of this paper identified the following groups
of identity attributes related to SMPs for
consideration in this study:
Attributes that can change, for example location.
Attributes that cannot change, for example birth
date, ID, name.
Attributes that change over time, for example
Attributes that indirectly define who you are, for
example friends, number of devices used.
These attribute groups help us to understand what
strategies can be applied towards deception and are
discussed in the next section.
2.2 Deception
The Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘deception’ as
“the action of deceiving someone”, and ‘deceit’ as
“the action or practice of deceiving someone by
concealing or misrepresenting the truth” (Oxford,
2012). In the authors’ opinion, deception is when a
fact is presented that is contrary to the truth.
Deception can present itself in many forms. For
example, lies can be spread about the outcome of an
election (Cook et al., 2014) or fake news can be
published to spread angst (Conroy et al., 2015).
A variety of research has been presented to define
deception based on its purpose. (Wang et al., 2006)
classified deception based on three main purpose
groups, namely concealment, theft and forgery.
According to (Kashy and DePaulo, 1996), people
deceive for the purpose of manipulation, impression
management, insecurity, socialisation, sociability or
relationship management.
Interpersonal Deception Theory (IDT) defines the
following different strategies towards deception
(Buller and Burgoon, 1996):
Falsification or changing of the facts.
Exaggeration of facts.
Omission of important information.
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Equivocation or presentation of vague
information to leave a false impression.
Truth Deception Theory (TDT), on the other
hand, defines the following motives towards
deception and closely resembles IDT: Lies, omission,
evasion, equivocation and generating false
conclusions from true information (Levine et al.,
The current paper focuses on the IDT strategies
used for deception as defined by (Buller and Burgoon,
1996). These strategies, such as the omission of
information, easily relate to the identity attribute
groups defined for SMPs. An example would be the
omission of a birth date on a SMP.
Deception in SMPs is common and sometimes
even expected (Liu et al., 2014). This paper focuses
only on identity deception. The latter is but one
example where deceit can be used to harm others on
2.3 Identity Deception
Identity deception occurs where the truth is
misrepresented to assume another identity. Identity
deception has been recorded as early as in the Old
Testament of the Bible where Jacob donned his
brother’s clothes to deceive their father into giving
him the inheritance that rightfully belonged to his
brother Esau (Bond and DePaulo, 2006).
Identity deception can be seen from different
viewpoints, i.e. finding similar identities for people
where none should exist or finding deceptive
identities where similar ones can exist. Many studies
are done towards detecting similar identities. The
most common strategy is to detect similar identities
based on specific common identity attributes, such as
birth date or ID number (Li and Wang, 2015).
Finding similar identities for people in SMPs
based on common identity attributes are however
challenging, as it is difficult to confirm the accuracy
of identity attributes if there is no accountability
(Duranti and Rogers, 2016). People are furthermore
known to frequently change their social profiles (Liu
et al., 2014). Therefore, even though matched
identities can be identified, the results cannot always
be trusted.
This paper therefore focuses on finding deceptive
identities in a corpus where their profiles could be
very similar and make distinction between them
difficult. A so-called Identity Deception Indicator
(IDI) is proposed and discussed in the next section.
Previous research and experiments by the authors of
this paper defined a process for building an IDI for
SMPs (Van der Walt and Eloff, 2015). The goal of the
previous experiments was to gather social media data,
clean the data and understand what attributes in
general are available for further exploration on SMPs.
To help determine what social media data to
gather, a specific case study for potential identity
deception was proposed. The experiments focused on
gathering data for minors as they are particularly
vulnerable to identity deception from various online
threats, such as from paedophiles (Schulz et al.,
2015). The experiments used data collected from
Twitter for tweets that mention the words ‘school’
and ‘homework’. (Schwartz et al., 2013) believe that
these are the top two words used by minors in social
media. The data also included tweets from their
friends and followers. Overall the corpus collected
consisted of 4,764,733 tweets from 6,846 accounts.
This paper continues with the process of building
an IDI for SMPs by scoring each Twitter user’s
identity attributes and by understanding how these
contribute towards establishing the user’s perceived
deceptiveness on SMPs. The aim is not to categorise
the Twitter user as being deceptive, but rather to
understand whether the attribute could be used
towards detecting deception.
In the remainder of the paper, the score given to
each Twitter user’s identity attributes are also referred
to as the Deception Score (DS). A DS is the result of
calculations used to ascertain a user’s perceived
deceptiveness, given the identity attribute. The DS is
defined as being in a range between 0 and 1, with 1
being more deceptive.
The algorithms used to calculate the DS per
identity attribute are discussed next.
3.1 Distance as an Identity Attribute
Twitter allows a person to state their time zone as part
of their profile. The latitude and longitude of each
time zone are retrieved using the online Geonames
dataset (Wick, 2016). Twitter also automatically
stores the sender’s latitude and longitude when a
tweet is sent from a device. Since people can disable
the feature to protect their privacy, the experiment
excludes all Twitter users with the geo-location
Identity Deception Detection on Social Media Platforms
feature disabled. This feature allows for the
calculation of the distance between the geo-location
and the time zone as stated by the user. The Haversine
method is used to calculate the distance in kilometres
between two points on a sphere, given their latitude
and longitude (Van Liere, 2010).
The assumption is that outliers indicate a better
likelihood of deception as most people are believed to
be good and not to tell lies on SMPs (Back et al.,
2010) (Dedkova, 2015). Outliers would thus denote
those Twitter users who deviate from the norm. Since
the experiment recognised that distances can differ
between continents where land coverage could vary
within a given time zone, outliers were determined
per continent.
Figure 1: Outliers based on distance per continent.
The results in Figure 1 show that outliers existed
in the corpus for Europe and Asia as depicted by the
red markers. Outliers are those data points that fall
outside one of the following:
Quartile 1 – (IQR x 1.5)
Quartile 3 + (IQR x 1.5)
where IQR refers to the Inter Quartile Range. (The
above is also known as Tukey’s method or Tukey’s
honest significance test (Navidi, 2006).)
If the distance calculated for a user was one of the
outlier data points, the attribute was given a DS of 1
or greater (being deceptive). If the data point was
outside the IQR but not defined as an outlier, a DS of
0.5 was awarded. Otherwise the user was regarded as
3.2 Sentiment as an Identity Attribute
Another identity attribute investigates the sentiment
of a Twitter user. Each tweet on the Twitter platform
can contain up to 140 characters. Various studies have
also shown that certain words can be associated with
the sentiment of the person (Ghiassi et al., 2013)
(Haque and Rahman, 2014). For the experiment at
hand, the words in the tweets were matched with the
NRC Emotion Lexicon dataset (Mohammad, 2016) to
extract and count those words signifying positive or
negative sentiment per user.
Figure 2 shows that most Twitter users’ overall
sentiment is positive. The assumption was made that
if a user’s sentiment was negative, this signified an
outlier to the norm and could be a potential indicator
of Identity Deception. A DS of 1 (being deceptive)
was awarded to all users displaying an overall
negative sentiment.
Figure 2: Overall sentiment
per continent
3.3 Other Identity Attributes
A DS was also calculated for each of the listed
identity attributes as part of the experiment. The
calculations are depicted in Table 1.
Each of the DS scores produced results, which are
discussed next.
Table 1: DS calculations for other identity attributes.
Attribute DS calculation
Number of
When number of devices = 1, then
DS= 0; when 2, then 0.5; else 0.5 +
(number of devices * 0.05)
Friends vs
Normalised friend-to-follower ratio
Type of
When image is unique, DS is 0; else 1
tweet time
Within IQR it is 0; between min and
max, DS is 0.5; when outlier, then 1
3.4 Results
Potentially deceptive Twitter users were identified for
each of the identity attributes based on their DS. This
result shows that all identity attributes evaluated were
successful contributors towards the detection of
deception and good candidates towards building an
IDI for SMPs.
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
The simplest suggestion for creating an IDI is to
aggregate the DSs of all attributes and divide the
result by the number of identity attributes. This is
depicted by the following formula where n is the
number of identity attributes being used:
 = (
)/ (1)
Twitter user x, for example, achieves a DS per
identity attribute as depicted in Table 2.
Table 2: DS per identity attribute for user x.
Identity Attribute DS
Number of devices 1
Friends vs followers 0.5
Type of images 0.2
Average tweet time 1
Distance deception 0
Sentiment of the user 0.8
In terms of the suggested formula, the IDI for user x
is calculated as: (1+0.5+0.2+1+0+0.8)/6 = 0.58
Calculating the IDI per user could however lead
to an incorrect assumption that users with a higher IDI
are more deceptive. The following flaws were
identified in this first proposed approach towards
calculating an IDI:
In SMPs there are many examples of users who
are harmless, but nevertheless deceptive. An
example in point would be celebrities who want
to remain anonymous.
All DSs do not carry the same weight. One
attribute could provide a higher indication of
deception than another. The formula above
suggests otherwise.
Additional identity attributes from other SMPs
than Twitter could enhance the IDI.
Future research will aim to address these issues as
they fall outside of scope of the current paper.
Numerous identity attributes exist to describe the
identity of persons on SMPs. These identity attributes
are either provided by the persons themselves, i.e.
their user name, or captured by the SMP, i.e. their
Nonetheless, different strategies can be applied to
deceive and hide a person’s identity to allow him/her
to do harm. This paper identified various identity
attributes that are all perceived to be potentially
vulnerable to deception.
The experiment discussed in this paper evaluated
each of the identity attributes to understand their
contribution towards deception detection. The
evaluation was made by means of a DS. A first step
towards establishing a so-called IDI on SMPs was
also defined. It was a simple approach to start with
and has potential for improvement.
Future research will focus on applying DSs more
cleverly to improve the identity deception indicator.
The IDI should take note of the fact that deceptive
Twitter users can be totally harmless and that certain
attributes are more important than others. The aim is
to identify – with good accuracy – clusters of harmful
deceptive users. It is envisaged that these clusters of
users can be passed on to law enforcement agencies
for further analysis and for the early detection of
potentially harmful behaviour on SMPs.
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