Frequency Stabilization of an Adaptive Self-phase-conjugated
Passively Q-switched Laser using Volume Bragg Grating on the
Photo-thermo-refractive Glass
S. A. Ivanov
, A. P. Pogoda
, N. V. Nikonorov
, A. V. Fedin
and A. A. Sergeev
ITMO University, Birzhevaya line, 4, St. Petersburg, Russia
Baltic State Technical University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: Frequency Stabilization, Volume Bragg Grating, PTR Glass, Passive Q-switch, Self-phase-conjugated.
Abstract: In conclusion, we successfully demonstrated laser frequency stabilization of an adaptive self-phase-
conjugated passively Q-switched laser by mean of the transmitting volume Bragg grating on the photo-
thermo-refractive glass. Application of such grating inside the cavity provides desired pulse to pulse
frequency stability and reduce bandwidth of the radiation from 18 to 4 pm with outstanding output parameters
such as pulse energy of 100mJ, peak power of 10MWt and beam quality of M
=1.15. We assume that the key
factor of wavelength stabilization in our case is angular selectivity of the grating. But this kind of selection
operates only with feedback mirror. These results have shown that transmitting volume Bragg gratings on
photo-thermo-refractive glass are great candidate for stabilization of pulsed laser systems.
A recent interest in powerful pulsed solid-state lasers
with high spatial brightness and narrow bandwidth is
caused by many possibilities of its applications, for
example, in the remote monitoring (Boreysho et al.
2005), the laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
(Lebedev et al. 2011), and the ultra-hard material
processing (Basiev et al. 2007).
A high-brightness, high-beam-quality laser
radiation can be achieved by mean of self-adaptive
laser cavity based on self-pumped four-wave mixing
directly inside laser medium. It provides phase
conjugate self-compensation of laser beam oscillation
distortions (Bel’dugin et al. 1989; Damzen et al.
1992). Increasing of phase conjugation efficiency via
the number of feedback loops leads to a simultaneous
increase in energy of the free-running trains and beam
quality. Improvement of spatial characteristics is
provided by the increasing contrast of gain gratings in
the active medium. Increasing feedback efficiency
leads to self-Q-switching. Furthermore, mode
competition leads to the spectral selection and a
single-frequency pulse with a bandwidth of about 300
MHz. However, the frequency of the radiation varies
from pulse to pulse within the gain bandwidth. This
instability substantially limits the applications of such
Figure 1: Absorption spectra of photo-thermo-refractive
A promising way to solve this problem is an
implementation of additional selective element such
as volume Bragg grating on photo-thermo-
refractive(PTR) glass. PTR glass is very promising
optical material for recording of highly efficient
volume phase holograms operating in red visible and
near IR spectral range (700-2500nm) (Dubrovin, et
al., 2016; Dotsenko, et al., 1998; Efimov, et al., 1999;
Ivanov S., Pogoda A., Nikonorov N., Fedin A. and Sergeev A.
Frequency Stabilization of an Adaptive Self-phase-conjugated Passively Q-switched Laser using Volume Bragg Grating on the Photo-thermo-refractive Glass.
DOI: 10.5220/0006262403230327
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2017), pages 323-327
ISBN: 978-989-758-223-3
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Ivanov, et al., 2014). This glass is a multicomponent
photosensitive sodium-zinc-aluminosilicate glass
doped with fluorine, antimony, cerium, and silver.
UV exposure followed by thermal treatment leads to
precipitation of nano-crystalline phase of NaF
(NikonorovN V, et al., 2010) in glass host which is
responsible for refractive index change. Such
mechanism opens a way of manufacturing different
kinds of holographic optical elements with high
uniformity and diffraction efficiency, spectral and
angular selectivity. Moreover, since the sizes of
nanocrystals are relatively small (10-20 nm), that is
why PTR glasses exhibit rather a low level of
scattering. Also this glass has no absorption band in
visible and NIR spectral regions (Fig.1) which makes
it great candidate for high energy laser optical
elements fabrication. Laser-induced damage
threshold of PTR glass is of 10 J/cm2 (1 ns pulse at
1.06 μm) (Efimov et al. 1999).
In this paper, we discuss laser frequency
stabilization of an adaptive self-phase-conjugated
passively Q-switched laser by mean of the volume
Bragg grating on the photo-thermo-refractive glass.
In this study we have used volume Bragg grating
recorded in PTR glass. Grating was recorded with He-
Cd laser (325nm) with period of 1167nm. Grating had
15mm aperture, 1.2mm thickness and diffraction
efficiency of 90%. Angle of diffraction at operating
wavelength of 1064 was calculated to be θ
= 27.1
Angular selectivity of this grating was measured to be
δ = 0.07
Figure 2: Angular dependence of the first order of
Figure 3: Experimental setup. 1 – active element, 2 –
grating feedback mirror 3-5,7,810-12 – cavity mirrors, 6 –
volume Bragg grating, 9 -
13,14 –
rotational mirrors, 15 – KTP crystal, 16 – filters, 17-18 –
projection lenses, 18 – Fabry-Perot etalon, 20 – CCD
To study the lasing properties laser head with a
cylindrical active element of Nd: YAG (1.1 at.% Nd
) with rod size of Ø 6.3 × 100 mm was used.
Transverse four-side pumping was carried out with
twelve arrays of laser diodes such as SLM 3-2 with
the size of the emitting area of 5 × 25 mm and a peak
power of up to 2 kW per stack. The maximum pump
energy was Ep = 10.3 J. For the passive Q-switch LiF:
crystal with initial transmission T
= 14% was
used. Results are obtained at the optimal length of the
cavity L = 55cm. Spectral composition of the
radiation was measured in the second harmonic
generation mode obtained with nonlinear KTP
crystal. The second harmonic radiation passing
through the infrared and the neutral filters was
directed at the Fabry-Perot interferometer with a free
spectral range of 28 pm. The resulting interference
PHOTOPTICS 2017 - 5th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology
pattern was projected by a lens on the CCD camera
Ophir-Spiricon. Next the interference pattern was
analyzed with Fiji software. Experimental setup is
shown on fig. 3.
Due to the high angular selectivity grating
placed in 3 beams was operating only for one
fulfilling Bragg condition. Unfortunately for rest
beams it was acting as losses which naturally
decreased output power of the system. Grating was
placed on a holder which allowed to switch it on and
off replacing it with equal thickness PTR glass slab.
We had to replace grating with equal PTR glass
sample to maintain generation conditions. Mirror 2
was providing feedback for the radiation diffracted on
the grating.
Fig. 4 present interference pattern of the laser
radiation while no grating is present in the setup.
Figure 4: Interference patter of the laser radiation without
volume Bragg grating.
As one can see interferogram consists of up to six
rings in the one order of diffraction which mean that
corresponding number of longitudal modes is present.
Figure 5: Cross section of interference fringe.
Analysis of the fringe cross section (Fig. 5)
obtained with CCD camera was made using folowing
relation between free spectral range (FSR) interaval
of Fabry-Perrot etalon and line bandwidth:
 /  (1)
Where x – bandwidth in pixels, y – free spectral range
in pixels, FSR – free spectral range of etalon (28pm).
Calculations shows that total bandwidth of laser
radiation in this case is about 18pm. Fig. 6 presents
interference patter of the laser radiation with volume
Bragg grating inside the cavity. One can see that in
this case there is only one ring is present in each
difraction order which means that with our grating
laser operates on single logitudal mode.
Figure 6: Interference pattern of the laser radiation with
volume Bragg grating.
Cross section (Fig.7) analysis shows that in this case
laser radiation has a bandwidth of a 4pm which is
almost 5 times lower that without grating. Moreover,
in our experiment we observed that slight rotation of
the grating can adjust output wavelength. Due to the
high angular selectivity of the grating adjustment can
be done very precise.
Figure 7: Cross section of interference fringes.
Worth noting that in case of transmitting volume
Bragg grating its spectral selectivity is not so high as
Frequency Stabilization of an Adaptive Self-phase-conjugated Passively Q-switched Laser using Volume Bragg Grating on the
Photo-thermo-refractive Glass
expected. For instance, in this work grating spectral
selectivity was just 0.7nm which is exceeding
neodymium gain bandwidth. Therefore, we assume
that parameter which plays key role in frequency
stabilization is angular selectivity of the grating.
Placing the grating inside the cavity provide strict
conditions on the radiation direction of propagation.
This conditions so strong that only one wavelength in
the cavity can fulfill it during spontaneous
luminescence. And thus this wavelength has a better
feedback and lower threshold in comparison with
other frequencies. Thus this results in narrowing the
emission spectra of the laser. But in terms of stability
it still unclear why application of transmitting volume
Bragg grating locks pulse to pulse frequency. We
presume that combination of high angular selectivity
and mirror 2 position in our setup defines the
wavelength. Their relative orientation determines the
optical path inside the cavity and the only frequency
which can travel through this path considering Bragg
condition is start to rise. In confirmation of this
speculation we build up a single loop cavity in which
loop was made by 3 cavity mirrors and transmitting
Bragg grating (Fig. 8).
Figure 8: Single loop cavity with transmitting VBG. 1 –
active element, 2-4 – cavity mirrors, 5 – volume Bragg
grating, 6,7 – output coupler.
This setup differs from what we used before but in
this case we also achieved frequency stabilization and
narrowing with transmitting volume Bragg grating in
presence of any of output couplers (OC). But if we
remove both mirrors 6 and 7 we obtain a narrow line
pulses with no stability in pulse to pulse frequency.
Interesting fact that there is no difference if mirror 6
or 7 is in cavity, any of them in combination with
volume Bragg grating provides frequency
stabilization. Thus we assume that in this kind of
setup optical path of a beam inside the cavity depends
from wavelength and in the absence of OC operating
frequency is undetermined. But as soon as we apply
any of OC we induce additional selection to the
cavity. As before there is plenty of optical paths with
different wavelength exist in the cavity but now only
one of them fulfill Bragg condition and receive
feedback from OC which decrease its threshold. In
addition, we could adjust operating frequency by
slight rotation of either grating or OC itself. This can
serve as a proof of our ideas about wavelength
In present work we successfully demonstrated laser
frequency stabilization of an adaptive self-phase-
conjugated passively Q-switched laser by mean of the
transmitting volume Bragg grating on the photo-
thermo-refractive glass. As expected this grating
provides desired pulse to pulse frequency stability.
Moreover, our investigation shows that
implementation of the volume Bragg grating in the
multiloop cavity reduce the bandwidth of the
radiation from 18 to 4 pm with outstanding output
parameters such as pulse energy of 100mJ, peak
power of 10MWt and beam quality of M
=1.15. We
assume that the key factor of wavelength stabilization
in our case is angular selectivity of the grating. But it
operates only with feedback mirror.
This work was financially supported by Russian
Scientific Foundation (Agreement # 14-23-00136)
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Frequency Stabilization of an Adaptive Self-phase-conjugated Passively Q-switched Laser using Volume Bragg Grating on the
Photo-thermo-refractive Glass