The Effect of SIFT Features Properties in Descriptors Matching for
Near-duplicate Retrieval Tasks
Afra’a Ahmad Alyosef and Andreas N
Department of Technical and Business Information Systems, Faculty of Computer Science,
Otto von Geruicke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
{afraa.ahmad-alyosef, andreas.nuernberger}
SIFT Descriptor, RC-SIFT 64D, Feature Truncating, Properties of the SIFT Features, Image Near Duplicate
The scale invariant feature transformation algorithm (SIFT) has been widely used for near-duplicate retrieval
tasks. Most studies and evaluations published so far focused on increasing retrieval accuracy by improving
descriptor properties and similarity measures. Contrast, scale and orientation properties of the SIFT features
were used in computing the SIFT descriptor, but their explicit influence in the feature matching step was not
studied. Moreover, it has not been studied yet how to specify an appropriate criterion to extract (almost) the
same number of SIFT features (respectively keypoints) of all images in a database. In this work, we study the
effects of contrast and scale properties of SIFT features when ranking and truncating the extracted descriptors.
In addition, we evaluate if scale, contrast and orientation features can be used to bias the descriptor matching
scores, i.e., if the keypoints are quite similar in these features, we enforce a higher similarity in descriptor
matching. We provide results of a benchmark data study using the proposed modifications in the original
SIFT128D and on the region compressed SIFT (RC-SIFT64D) descriptors. The results indicate that using
contrast and orientation features to bias feature matching can improve near-duplicate retrieval performance.
The scale invariant transformation algorithm (SIFT)
is one of the most used feature extraction algorithms
in various research to recognize similar objects, clas-
sify images, retrieve relevant images from an image
database and more specifically to solve near-duplicate
retrieval (NDR) tasks. The importance of the SIFT
algorithm comes from the invariance of its features
against various kind of image affine transformation
and their robustness to viewpoint change, blurring and
scale change.
The extraction of the SIFT features as described
in (Lowe, 2004) results in huge amount of descrip-
tors that are required to represent a set of images.
These descriptors are high dimensional vectors (each
vector contains 128 elements (Lowe, 2004)). Using
such high dimensional vectors and large scale sets
of images impose strong demands on memory and
computing power in order to support near-duplicate
retrieval tasks. Therefore, methods have been pro-
posed, see e.g. (Khan et al., 2011) and (Alyosef and
urnberger, 2016) to reduce the dimensionality of
SIFT descriptors. This reduction decreases the time
of processing and the usage of memory when SIFT
features are indexed and matched. The region com-
pressed SIFT (RC-SIFT) descriptors (Alyosef and
urnberger, 2016) are also invariant to affine trans-
formation change and perform as robust as the origi-
nal SIFT features to viewpoint change, scale change
and blurring change (Alyosef and N
urnberger, 2016).
However, we still have two major issues to discuss
with respect to the original SIFT and the RC-SIFT
features. The first issue is determining an appropri-
ate method to truncate the number of extracted SIFT
features from a set of images. This issue is impor-
tant because the number of extracted SIFT features
of an image database is not stable. Moreover, there
is no rule to determine the accepted SIFT features
when only a specific number of feature is required in
a study. Therefore, we suggest in this work to use
the scale and contrast properties of the SIFT features
to rank the extracted features and then truncate the ap-
propriated number of accepted features based on these
properties. The second issue is the matching process
of descriptors of two images. The standard method
of comparing the SIFT features is to compute the dis-
tance between their descriptors i.e. the smaller the
Alyosef, A. and Nürnberger, A.
The Effect of SIFT Features Properties in Descriptors Matching for Near-duplicate Retrieval Tasks.
DOI: 10.5220/0006250607030710
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2017), pages 703-710
ISBN: 978-989-758-222-6
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
distance between descriptors is the greater is the sim-
ilarity between them. The other information like loca-
tions, orientations, scales and contrasts of features are
not used in the matching step. Therefore, we suggest
a method to involve the scale, contrast and orientation
properties in the matching step to determine which of
them play an important role in solving near-duplicate
retrieval tasks. We perform a benchmark study using
the original SIFT128D features (Lowe, 2004) and
the region compressed SIFT64D features (Alyosef
and N
urnberger, 2016) to determine whether the in-
fluence of these properties is equivalent for both of
SIFT128D and RC-SIFT64D features.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 gives an overview of prior work re-
lated with the SIFT and the RC-SIFT algorithms and
image NDR algorithms. Section 3 details the pro-
posed method to truncate the SIFT features and in-
volve the scale, contrast and orientation properties in
matching process. Section 4 presents the evaluation
measures and the settings of our experiments. Sec-
tion 5 discusses the results of experiments. Finally,
Section 6 draws conclusions of this work and dis-
cusses possible future work.
The SIFT descriptor has been widely used in various
fields of images retrieval, image near-duplicate re-
trieval (Auclair et al., 2006), (Chum et al., 2008), im-
age classification (Nist
er and Stew
enius, 2006b) and
object recognition (Jiang et al., 2015) due to its ro-
bustness against different kinds of image transforma-
tion, viewpoint change, blurring and scale change. To
overcome the problem of extracting high dimensional
SIFT descriptors (the length of the original SIFT de-
scriptor is 128) various methods have been suggested.
A method to reduce the dimensionality of SIFT de-
scriptor to 96D, 64D or 32D is described in (Khan
et al., 2011). This reduction is done by skipping the
outside edges of the region around the keypoints to
get 96D descriptor and then averaging the outside re-
gions to obtain 64D descriptor. The reduced SIFT
descriptors of forms SIFT96D, 64D have shown ro-
bust performance against image affine transformation,
viewpoint change and scale change. In (Ke and Suk-
thankar, 2004), Principle Component Analysis is em-
ployed to obtain 64D SIFT descriptors. This approach
is in need of an off-line training stage to compute
the eigenvalue vector for each image databases sep-
arately. In (Alyosef and N
urnberger, 2016), a method
is proposed to compress the SIFT descriptor to get
RC-SIFT64D, 32D or 16D descriptors.
An important issue when SIFT features are ex-
tracted of an image database is that the amount of
the extracted features of various images is not in-
variant. This issue is addressed in (Foo and Sinha,
2007) and it has been solved by ranking the extracted
SIFT features based on their decreased contrast val-
ues. After that, the list of features is pruned based
on a specific number which determines the required
number of features, so that, features which have low
contrast are skipped. To accelerate the matching pro-
cess many methods has been suggested to find the re-
lation between the extracted features such as build-
ing a dictionary of features based on direct clustering
as described in (Li et al., 2014), (Yang and Newsam,
2008), (Grauman and Darrell, 2005) and (Grauman
and Darrell, 2007) or based hierarchical kmeans
clustering as described in (Jiang et al., 2015), (Nist
and Stew
enius, 2006b). Hashing functions are used
in (Chum et al., 2008) and (Auclair et al., 2006) to re-
duce the amount of comparisons between the features
of various images. In (Y. Jianchao and Thomas, 2009)
and (Zhang et al., 2013) the sparse coding concept is
used in a further step after applying feature cluster-
ing to accelerate the matching process and to improve
the matching results. In the next section, we explain
our suggested steps to involve the properties of SIFT
features in the matching process.
To explain the effect of involving the scale, con-
trast and orientation properties in solving the near-
duplicate retrieval task, we give a short description
of the way of feature extraction in both, original SIFT
and RC-SIFT algorithms. After that, we describe our
idea to truncate the list of SIFT and RC-SIFT features.
Finally, we explain our suggested method to employ
the scale, contrast and rotation in matching process.
3.1 The Concept of the SIFT128D &
the RC-SIFT Detectors
The extraction of the original SIFT128D and the
RC-SIFT features has the same initial steps. These
steps begin by building the image space scale or a so
called ”image pyramid”. This image pyramid con-
tains octaves downsampled and scaled copies of an
input image. Based on this pyramid the difference
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
of Gaussian (DoF) pyramid is constructed. The min-
ima and maxima locations are determined in the DoF
images which they present the candidate keypoints.
After that, the invariance of the candidates is verified
by computing their contrast and the candidates that
their contrast is lower than specific threshold are re-
jected. The scales of the keypoints are computed to
determine their positions in the image pyramid. Af-
terwards, the dominant orientation of each keypoint is
computed and used in the step of descriptor computa-
tion. In the case of obtaining more than one dominant
orientation of the same keypoint new keypoints are
created in the same location but with different orien-
tations and different descriptors. In the original SIFT
algorithm a descriptor of 128 elements is constructed
by considering that a keypoint can take any place in
a grid of 4 × 4 dimensions, for each dimension 8 dif-
ferent orientation are assigned. Whereas, the descrip-
tor of the RC-SIFT64D is computed based on the
suggestion that for each two possible shifting of the
keypoint in the horizontal direction only one vertical
shifting is possible (for more details see (Alyosef and
urnberger, 2016)). In both of the SIFT128D and
the RC-SIFT64D each keypoint is presented with
a feature which contains the location of keypoint, its
scale and orientation properties and its descriptor vec-
Based on the way of computing the SIFT and the
RC-SIFT features, we find that the scale, contrast
and orientation factors play important roles in extract-
ing, localizing and describing the features but they
are not considered when the features of two images
are matched together. Moreover, these factors are not
considered to overcome the problem of extracting var-
ious numbers of features of different images.
In the following section we explain our idea to
truncate the accepted features based on either the
scale or the contrast properties to get almost the same
number of features for all images in a database. In
addition, we explain our method of involving scale,
orientation and contrast in matching step to solve the
near-duplicate retrieval tasks.
3.2 Truncate the List of Features based
on Their Properties
The number of extracted features is not well de-
fined by a formal rule, neither in the the original
SIFT128D nor the RC-SIFT64D. Therefore, we
suggest in this work to compute and store scale and
contrast properties for all extracted features for this
purpose. In order to study the effect of different trun-
cation, we order the features based on either decreas-
ing contrast or decreasing scale (depending on the
goal of the experiment (see Section 5)) and then we
truncate the list of features using a predefined initial
number of accepted features NF. We do not use the
orientation property in this step because this property
does not give any information about the robustness of
features (like the contrast property) or where the fea-
tures are found (like the scale property). In the final
stage the dominant orientation of each feature is com-
puted as described in Subsection 3.1 and new key-
points are created in the locations where more dom-
inant orientations are found. So that, after applying
these steps the number of the extracted features can
be defined to be lesser than NF + ε where ε denote
the number of the new created features because of the
dominant orientation.
3.3 Involve Feature Properties in
Feature Matching Step
As discussed in Section 2, the standard matching of
the original SIFT features and the RC-SIFT features
is achieved by comparing only the descriptors i.e.
the scale, contrast and orientation properties of fea-
tures are ignored. In this study we analyze the ef-
fect of using these properties in the matching pro-
cess i.e. we suggest that features that have very sim-
ilar scale, contrast and orientation properties should
be considered to be more similar than features that
have quite different properties. The reason of this
idea is that the properties of robustness, scale and
directions of each region present important informa-
tion which may improve the matching of two re-
gions. Therefore, we analyzed this idea to determine
whether these properties improve the performance of
near-duplicate retrieval tasks and whether their in-
fluence are equivalent. To achieve this we start by
extracting the SIFT128D and RC-SIFT64D fea-
tures. These features are structured using hierarchi-
cal kmeans clustering as described in (Alyosef and
urnberger, 2016). Based on the hierarchical clus-
tering a bag of words is constructed and employed to
represent images in terms of vectors (see also (Jiang
et al., 2015) and (Nist
er and Stew
enius, 2006b)). To
compare a query image with a database image the fol-
lowing steps are carried out:
Weights definition: In this step weights related
to contrast W
, scale W
and orientation W
properties are defined. These weights are neces-
sary to involve the influence of various properties
when descriptors are compared. In this work we
define all used weights in terms of unique value
W i.e. contrast, scale and orientation are given the
same degree of importance.
Properties criteria for matching: The weights
The Effect of SIFT Features Properties in Descriptors Matching for Near-duplicate Retrieval Tasks
, W
and W
are given values in the range
]0,1[if the following relations are satisfied:
Ori =
Ori( f
) Ori( f
Cont =
Cont( f
) Cont( f
Scl =
log(Scl( f
)) log(Scl( f
where Ori, Cont and Scl denote to orientation,
contrast and scale respectively. thr
, thr
symbols refer to thresholds related with ori-
entation, contrast and scale respectively. The val-
ues of these thresholds are determined heuristi-
Features matching: For each query image vec-
tor v(q) and database vector v(db), if the ele-
ments v
(q) and v
(db) satisfy that v
(q) > 0 and
(db) > 0 then the distance between of them is
computed as the average of the following three
(db)) = W
(q) v
(db)) = W
(q) v
(db)) = W
(q) v
where the value of one is assigned to W
, W
or W
if the relations 1, 2 or 3 are not satisfied.
Image matching: Depending on the previous steps
the distance between a query vector v(q) and a
database vector v(db) is computed as:
d(v(q),v(d b )) =
where N
and N
present the number of extracted
features of the query and database image respec-
The steps of feature truncation and involving prop-
erties in the matching step are clarified in flowchart
as given in Figure 1. Based on these steps the scale,
orientation and contrast properties are involved in the
matching process. In the following section we discuss
results of our study on the influence of using these
properties to solve the near-duplicate retrieval task.
The performance of the SIFT128D and the RC-
SIFT64D features is studied to solve the image
near-duplicate retrieval task when the scale, contrast
and orientation properties are involved in feature se-
lection and feature matching steps. To achieve this,
two different image databases are used of different
sizes and resolutions. In the following we describe
the evaluation measures and the image databases.
4.1 Evaluation Measures
To evaluate the effect of involving the properties
of features (i.e. scale, contrast and orientation) in
matching process to solve the near-duplicate retrieval
task, we extract the original SIFT128D and the RC-
SIFT64D features of images. After that, we rank
and truncate the list of features based on the contrast
or scale properties. Afterwards, the descriptors are
indexed and the vectors of images are constructed us-
ing the hierarchical k-mean clustering. The similar-
ity between a query vectors v(q) and database vectors
v(db) is computed by applying the relation 7. In case
of involving the properties separately the relation 7
d(v(q),v(db)) =
where d
is d
, d
or d
. The results are evaluated
by computing the mean recall value as follows:
MR =
Recall(q) (9)
where Q is the total number of query images and
Recall(q) is the recall related with a query image q
and is defined as:
Recall =
where N
is the number of relevant images to a spe-
cific query image in the database, N
the number of
relevant images obtained in matching results.
To measure how the results of individual query
images differ from the mean recall, we compute the
variance of the recall values V R as:
V R =
(Recall(q) MR)
However, the computation of the recall ignores the
ranking of the relevant images in the results. There-
fore, we compute the mean average precision MAP
which characterizes the relation between the relevant
images and their ranking in the results and it is defined
where Ap(q) is the average precision for image q and
is given as:
AP(q) =
p(i) × r(i) (13)
Where r(i) = 1 if the i
retrieved image is one of the
relevant images and r(i) = 0 otherwise, p(i) is the pre-
cision at the i
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 1: The flowchart of feature truncating and matching when the properties of features are employed.
4.2 Benchmark Sets
To study the influence of involving the scale, con-
trast and orientation properties of the SIFT features in
feature selection and matching steps we choose two
image databases that have been used in the state of
art studies. These image databases contain indoor/
outdoor images of various scenes in groups of four
or five images for each scene. The images of each
scene differ in view point, scale, lightness or combi-
nation of more than one of these conditions. The first
image database is the Caltech-Buildings (Aly et al.,
2011) which contains 250 images for 50 different
buildings around the Caltech campus. The images
of this database have high resolution (the resolution
of each image is 2048 × 1536 pixels). The second
image database is UKbench (Nist
er and Stew
2006b) (this database can be download from (Nist
and Stew
enius, 2006a). This image database contains
about 10,000 images of resolution 640 × 480 pixels.
We apply our study on two different image databases
to verify whether the content and properties of images
affect the results of study.
The results of the SIFT128D and the SIFT64D
algorithms are evaluated using the Caltech-Buildings
and UKbench databases in two cases. Firstly when
the extracted lists of features are ranked and truncated
depending on the scale property. Secondly, when they
are ranked and truncated based on the contrast prop-
erty. In the empirical study we notice that the sets
of extracted features in both cases are not equiva-
lent when we suggest to consider only the top NF
Table 1: The retrieval performance of SIFT128D when
the lists of features are ranked and truncate based on their
scale property. The mean recall is computed based on the
top four (MR4) and then top ten (MR10) retrieved images
of the Caltech-Buildings database. The mean recall is cal-
culated as given in relation 9.
Descriptors properties SIFT128D
Scale Contrast Orientation MR4 MR10
40.02 49.5
Scl<0.1 Cont<0.1 π/2<Ori
<5π/8 or
35.0 47.0
<5π/8 or
41.0 52.50
Ori<π/8 42.50 54.0
extracted features i.e. the position of features in the
ranked list differ when the used property for ranking
differs. Moreover, we notice that the new created fea-
tures after using the dominant orientation (see Sub-
section 3.2) is ε
so that, the total number of ex-
tracted feature is not more than NF + f racNF3. We
determine the value of NF depending on the resolu-
tion of images and using a region adaptive approach.
For the Caltech-Buildings database, due to the
high resolution of images of this benchmark (Aly
et al., 2011), huge amount of features may extracted
The Effect of SIFT Features Properties in Descriptors Matching for Near-duplicate Retrieval Tasks
Table 2: The performance of RC-SIFT64D using Caltech-
Buildings database when the features are ranked and trun-
cate based on their scale property. The used symbols are
explained in Table 1.
Descriptors properties RC-SIFT-64
Scale Contrast Orientation MR4 MR10
40.70 50.06
Scl<0.1 Cont<0.1 π/2<Ori
<5π/8 or
35.0 47.50
<5π/8 or
41.60 53.72
Ori<π/8 43.0 55.10
of images therefore, we determine NF = 1600 to be
the number of accepted features. In case of rank-
ing the features based on their decreasing scale, Ta-
bles 1 and 2 present the mean recall of the SIFT128
and the RC-SIFT64 algorithms receptively. These
tables show that the best performance of the both
SIFT128 and RC-SIFT64 is achieved when we
consider the orientation property and ignore the scale
and contrast properties. The worst results are obtained
when both scale and contrast are involved in match-
ing process. For the orientation, we determine the ori-
entation threshold to be thr
but we check this
threshold in different direction to consider the pos-
sible viewpoint changes. For the scale and contrast
properties we test different values for the thr
and the best performance for the SIFT128
and the RC-SIFT64 is found when thr
0.1 and
0.1. In case of satisfying one of the rela-
tions 1, 2 or 3 the value W = 0.9 is assigned to the
corresponding weight. We test another values for the
weights in the range ]0, 1[ but we got the best perfor-
mance when the value 0.9 is used. Tables 3 and 4
present the mean average of precision and the vari-
ance of recall of the SIFT128 and the RC-SIFT64
respectively. They show that the best mean average
of precision is obtained when the best mean recall is
obtained too. Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 describe how the
variance of recall decreases when the mean of recall
The resolution of images in the UKbench (Nist
and Stew
enius, 2006a) database is not high (it is
only 640 × 480) therefore, we determine the num-
Table 3: The mean average of precision (Eq. 12) and the
variance of recall (Eq. 11) of SIFT128D when the lists of
features are ranked and truncate based on their scale prop-
erty. The MAP and V R are computed based on the top four
retrieved images of the Caltech-Buildings database.
Descriptors properties SIFT128D
Scale Contrast Orientation MAP VR
37.50 9.47
Scl<0.1 Cont<0.1 π/2<Ori
<5π/8 or
32.12 8.50
<5π/8 or
37.75 9.19
Ori<π/8 38.62 8.81
Table 4: The mean average of precision and the vari-
ance of recall of RC-SIFT64D when the lists of features
are ranked and truncate based on their scale property us-
ing Caltech-Buildings database. The used symbols are ex-
plained in Table 3.
Descriptors properties RC-SIFT-64
Scale Contrast Orientation MAP VR
37.97 9.49
Scl<0.1 Cont<0.1 π/2<Ori
<5π/8 or
32.08 8.6
<5π/8 or
38.34 9.12
Ori<π/8 39.56 8.23
ber of extracted features per images as NF = 500.
The SIFT128 and the RC-SIFT64 features are ex-
tracted. After that, they are ranked and truncated
based on the decreasing value of the scale prop-
erty. Tables 5 and 6 present the performance of the
SIFT128 and the RC-SIFT64 descriptors when
the UKbench database is used. They explain that
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 5: The performance (Eq. 9) of SIFT128D when the
lists of features are ranked and truncate based on their scale
property. The mean recall is computed based on the top
three (MR3) and then top ten (MR10) retrieved images of
the UKbench database.
Descriptors properties SIFT128D
Scale Contrast Orientation MR3 MR10
49.30 58.70
Scl<0.1 Cont<0.1 π/2<Ori
<5π/8 or
44.03 53.0
<5π/8 or
50.35 59.82
Ori<π/8 52.20 63.0
the best mean recall for the SIFT128 and the RC-
SIFT64 descriptors is obtained when the scale and
contrast properties are skipped. We do not present the
mean average of precision and variance of recall for
this database because they are equivalent to the results
presented in Tables 3 and 4.
When the list of features are ranked and truncated
based the contrast properties, Tables 7, 8 present the
results for both SIFT128 and RC-SIFT64 when
the Caltech-Buildings database is used. The best per-
formance is obtained when the scale and orientation
properties are skipped and then when only the scale
property is skipped. Equivalent results are obtained
for the UKbench database when the list of features
are ranked based on the contrast property.
The previous results explain that, in case of rank-
ing the features based on the scale property the best
performance is achieved when both of scale and
contrast properties are ignored in matching process.
Whereas, in case of ranking the features based on
the contrast property the best performance is achieved
when the scale and orientation properties are skipped
and only the contrast property is involved in the
matching process.
In this work, we studied the role of the scale, contrast
and orientation properties of the original SIFT and
Table 6: The performance of RC-SIFT64D using UK-
bench image database when the lists of features are ranked
and truncate based on their scale property. The used sym-
bols are explained in Table 5.
Descriptors properties RC-SIFT-64
Scale Contrast Orientation MR3 MR10
50.70 60.70
Scl<0.1 Cont<0.1 π/2<Ori
<5π/8 or
46.0 55.05
<5π/8 or
52.40 63.0
Ori<π/8 54.8 66.38
Table 7: The retrieval performance of SIFT128D when
the Caltech-Buildings database is used. The lists of features
are ranked and based on their contrast property. The used
symbols are explained in Table 1.
Descriptors properties SIFT128D
Scale Contrast Orientation MR4 MR10
37.0 48.5
Scl<0.1 Cont<0.1 π/2<Ori
<5π/8 or
36.5 46.0
Cont<0.1 37.5 47.5
Ori<π/8 37.0 48.5
the RC-SIFT features in solving two issues. The first
one is how to determine the set of accepted extracted
features of each image in an image database when
(almost) fixed number of features is required. We
achieved this by ranking and truncating the obtained
lists of features based on their decreasing scale or con-
trast properties. The number of accepted features de-
pends on the resolution of images in a database and is
determined using a region adaptive approach. In addi-
tion, we found out that dissimilar sets of features are
extracted from the same set of images when the rank-
ing and truncation criteria differ. Based on these sets
of features we studied the second issue that is whether
involving of the scale, contrast and orientation prop-
The Effect of SIFT Features Properties in Descriptors Matching for Near-duplicate Retrieval Tasks
Table 8: The results of RC-SIFT64D when the Caltech-
Buildings database is used. The the lists features are ranked
based on the contrast property. The used symbols are ex-
plained in Table 1.
Descriptors properties SIFT128D
Scale Contrast Orientation MR4 MR10
37.8 49.0
Scl<0.1 Cont<0.1 π/2<Ori
36.70 46.62
Cont<0.1 39.0 50.80
Ori<π/8 37.9 49.0
erties in the matching process improves the perfor-
mance of solving image near-duplicate tasks. Our
benchmark studies indicated that using the contrast
and orientation features improves recall. Moreover,
we showed that using only the orientation property
obtains the best performance when the features are
ranked based on the scale property, whereas involv-
ing only the contrast property improves the perfor-
mance when the list of features are ranked and trun-
cated based on the contrast property.
In future study we aim to assign continuous values
to the weights in relations 4 , 5 and 6 instead of using
discrete values (as we did in this study in Sections 3.3
and 5) based on the difference between the scale, con-
trast and orientation properties of features. Moreover,
we aim to study the effect of using the properties of
features to improve the retrieval of specific kinds of
image near-duplicates.
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ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods