Understanding the Energy Saving Potential of Smart Scale Selection in
the Viola and Jones Facial Detection Algorithm
Noel P´erez, Sergio Faria and Miguel Coimbra
Instituto de Telecomunicac¸˜oes de Portugal, FCUP, Rua do Campo Alegre 1021/1055, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal
Face Detection, Battery Consumption, Viola and Jones Detector.
In this paper we study the energy saving potential of smart scale selection methods when using the Viola and
Jones face detector running on smartphone devices. Our motivation is that cloud and edge-cloud multi-user
environments may provide enough contextual information to create this type of scale selection algorithms.
Given their non-trivial design, we must first inspect its actual benefits, before committing important research
resources to actually produce relevant smart scale selection methods. Our experimental methodology in this
paper assumes the optimum scenario of a perfect selection of scales for each image (drawn from ground
truth annotation, using well-known public datasets), comparing it with the typical multi-scale geometrical
progression approach of the Viola Jones algorithm, measuring both classification precision and recall, as well
as algorithmic execution time and battery consumption on Android smartphone devices. Results show that if
we manage to approximate this perfect scale selection, we obtain very significant energy savings, motivating
a strong research investment on this topic.
The problem of face detection has been considered as
one of the most important topics in computer vision
during the past 20 years. It has been widely studied by
the scientifics due to its application on face recogni-
tion (Taigman et al., 2014), face tracking (Kalal et al.,
2010), facial shape analysis (Chen et al., 2014) as well
as for facial behavioral analysis (Fu et al., 2010).
At present, facial image processing constitutes
a powerful resource for researchers involved in
the detection of potential psychiatric disorders (e.g.
melancholic depression) (Hyett et al., 2016), the
recognition of surgically altered faces (Bhatt et al.,
2013) and emotion detection in educational environ-
ments (Saneiro et al., 2014). These potential scenar-
ios could be benefited with the use of facial detection
algorithms located on mobile device clouds (Li et al.,
2015). Two benefits of using this type of cloud are re-
lated to (1) more storage and processing capacity and
(2) minimization of the mobile’s energy consumption
(e.g. since the prior knowledge of the image details
are shared among all nodes, the detector performance
could be optimized). However, those benefits imply
the use of satisfactory cloud offloading strategies to
mitigate the issue of limited resources of mobile de-
vices (Barbera et al., 2013).
Although the majority of mobile energy optimiza-
tion research in the software layer have been focused
in cloud offloading (Khan, 2015) (Kwon and Tilevich,
2013), the algorithm complexity of implemented apps
deserve a special attention as well. The complexity of
a face detection app depends on the strategy to fol-
low (the goal) and the available resources in the host-
ing platform. Usually, these apps sacrifice accuracy
computations in order to avoid high-level battery con-
sumption or overheating (Oneto et al., 2015). Thus,
the implementation of face detection apps with low
battery consumption constitutes a challenging task.
After the seminal work of Viola and Jones
(VJ) (Viola and Jones, 2001), many face detectors
have been proposed using different sets of features.
In (Viola et al., 2003) and (Li et al., 2002), they used
a variation of Haar-like features for multi-view face
detection by capturing non-symmetrical details and
diagonal structures in the image. In (Zhang et al.,
2007), the detector used a set of multi-block local bi-
nary patterns features for capturing large scale struc-
tures. The evaluated set of features was 1/20 smaller
than Haar-like features for a basic resolution of 20x20
pixels. Moreover, in (Meynet et al., 2007), the use
of anisotropic Gaussian filters and its first derivative
enabled the weak classifier to capture contour singu-
larities with a smooth low resolution and, to approx-
Perez N., Faria S. and Coimbra M.
Understanding the Energy Saving Potential of Smart Scale Selection in the Viola and Jones Facial Detection Algorithm.
DOI: 10.5220/0006247501220127
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2017), pages 122-127
ISBN: 978-989-758-215-8
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
imate the edge transition in the orthogonal direction
respectively. The introduction of speeded up robust
features, logistic regression based weak classifier and
the area under receiver operating curve based crite-
rion (instead of detection rate and false positive rate)
produced a faster convergencein the detector by using
fewer cascade stages (cascade optimization) (Li et al.,
Despite the rapid growth of face detection ap-
proaches, the VJ detector (Viola and Jones, 2001)
arises as the most intuitive implementation for mobile
devices because of its fast performance and low al-
gorithm complexity. However, this detector explores
several pre-computed scales depending on the im-
age’s resolution, given its absence of prior knowledge
and context about the image to be processed. This ex-
cellent ability to adapt to any image comes with the
cost of processing many more scales than the ones
relevant for each specific image, leading to exces-
sive battery consumption that could be mitigated via
a smarter, context informed scale-selection. Rich in-
formation environments such as cloud or edge-cloud
ones associated with specific events, motivate us to
think that when a photo is actually taken, couldn’t we
exploit context information from nearby smartphones
taking photos, that give us insights about what to ex-
pect from this new photo? If so, we need to research
smart scale selection algorithms, based on informa-
tion obtained from this cloud environment, which is a
non-trivial task. Is it worth pursuing this goal? Will
the battery savings be relevant enough to justify all
this research investment?
In this paper we will address this research ques-
The reminder of the work is ordered as follows:
Section II describes the materials and methods of our
experiments, followed by its results and their asso-
ciated discussion on Section III. Finally, conclusions
are drawn in Section IV.
2.1 Datasets
The public WIDER FACE dataset is a large face de-
tection benchmark dataset with 32,203 images and
393,703 face annotations. It presents a high degree
of variability in scale, pose, occlusion, expression, ap-
pearance and illumination. In this dataset, all the faces
are well-documented according to its bounding box
(the detection ground truth). The dataset distribution
is based on 61 event classes (Yang et al., 2016).
For our detection purposes, we selected two dif-
ferent datasets from the WIDER FACE set of datasets.
Both of these are mostly formed with images contain-
ing frontal faces from different event classes. The first
dataset named DS1 is formed by 55 images and con-
tains a total of 3415 small faces representing the large
group, group team, group, meeting, press conference,
cheering, award ceremony, demonstration protesters
and family group event classes (see Figure 1 a).
Meanwhile the second dataset called DS2 is formed
by 55 images and has a total of 173 medium-large
faces belonging to the waiter, couple, family group,
large group and group event classes (see Figure 1 b).
Figure 1: Image examples from DS1 and DS2 datasets, a)
Group 12 108
and b)
Family Group 20 239
2.2 Viola and Jones Detector
Since 2001, the VJ face detector (Viola and Jones,
2001) has been consideredthe most popular algorithm
in the area of face detection. It implements three main
modules that enable it to perform as a real-time face
detector: the integral image consisting of a fast and
efficient computation of the sum of values in a rect-
angle subset of a grid; the classifier learning with ad-
aboost (adaptive boosting), which finds highly accu-
rate hypothesis by combining many “weak” hypothe-
sis (each with moderate accuracy) and, the attentional
cascade structure (viewed as a degenerate decision
tree in which each node contains a set of weak clas-
sifiers), which rejects most of the negative examples
(in early stages) while keeping almost all the posi-
tive examples (in late stages). This detector has pal-
pable limitations such as: the cascade is constructed
manually, thus the threshold (for early rejections) and
the number of weak classifiers per node is also de-
fined manually and, the training phase for a good face
detector can take weeks or even more time (depend-
ing on hardware conditions) for fine-tuning. Never-
theless, the major concern of implementing this de-
tector on mobile devices is the exhaustive scales ex-
ploration, which dramatically increases the execution
time and battery consumption.
Understanding the Energy Saving Potential of Smart Scale Selection in the Viola and Jones Facial Detection Algorithm
2.3 Smart Scale Selection Method
The smart scale selection (SSS) method could be con-
sidered as an important module in the framework of
the VJ face detector due to the necessity of saving
energy on mobile devices. The concept behind this
method is a smart strategy able to determine the rel-
evant scale for each specific image independently of
the hosting platform.
The standard architecture of the VJ detector uses a
typical multi-scale geometrical progression approach
for performingthe face detection task. Thus, the taken
picture is processed by the detector until the last scale
is reached, leading to an excessive battery consump-
tion and execution time (see Figure 2 a). With the in-
troduction of the SSS method is possible to use the VJ
detector in a single device with only one scale (the rel-
evant one) for accomplishing the face detection task
and both the battery consumption and execution time
could be reduced.
In a more complex scenario such as a cloud
or edge-cloud where nearby smartphones are tak-
ing photos and sharing insights about them, the SSS
method performs the best scale selection by tak-
ing advantages of the current metadata (images, in-
dexes, GPS location, devices in the neighborhood,
etc.) that are being shared on these environments. As
it is shown in Figure 2 b) the SSS method receives
the shared metadata in the edge-cloud and process
them to determine the best performance scale (out-
put), which will be returned and shared throughout
the edge-cloud to all connected devices as well. Then,
each device will perform the face detection task by us-
ing the VJ detector with only one scale (the one shared
in the edge-cloud) instead of the whole pre-computed
set of scales (as in the Figure 2 a).
Some advantages of using the SSS method are re-
lated to: (1) reducing the number of the detector it-
erations; (2) minimizing the execution time per im-
age and, (3) maximizing the battery life of mobile
devices. Although these advantages provide an effi-
cient way for saving energy on mobile devices, there
is a trend to lose detection precision and recall due to
the own nature of the method (avoids the exhaustive
scales exploration).
2.4 Experimental Methodology
This section outlines the experimental evaluation of
the VJ detector with the SSS method through the
consideration of an optimum scenario where the SSS
method makes a perfect selection of scales for each
image (the scales were selected from the ground truth
annotation of the datasets). Then, we compared it
Figure 2: The VJ face detection framework a) in a single
device, b) in the edge-cloud with the SSS method.
against the standard VJ detector following the over-
all procedure:
Applying the standard VJ detector and the VJ de-
tector with the SSS method to the DS1 and DS2
previously formed datasets.
Validating the detection results and energy con-
sumption of both detectors according to the se-
lected ground truth and energy measurement pro-
tocol respectively.
Establishing the comparative analysis of obtained
results according the mean of precision (mP), re-
call (mR), execution time (mET) and battery con-
sumption (mBC) metrics. All comparisons were
based on the Wilcoxon statistical test (Hollander
et al., 2013) with a confidence level of alpha=0.05
to assess the meaningfulness of differences be-
tween both detectors.
2.4.1 Ground Truth Selection
The experimental datasets present a high degree of
variability in terms of detection scales, which could
lead to unfair detection results because of the min-
imum scale used by the detectors (24x24 pixels).
BIOIMAGING 2017 - 4th International Conference on Bioimaging
Thus, we implemented a procedure to find the bor-
der line between the detector minimum scale and the
ground truth set by considering two variables: the di-
mension and area of the bounding box.
The procedure started by (1) removing the bound-
ing boxes with any dimension lesser than 10 pixels;
(2) removing the boundingboxes with area lesser than
100 square pixels; (3) validating the detection results
against the two new ground truth sets (outputs of the
steps 1 and 2) and, (4) selecting the ground truth
set that maximizes the detector’s precision and recall.
This procedure was repeated two more times by set-
ting the dimension and area to 15, 20 pixels and 225,
400 square pixels respectively. The optimal ground
truth set for our experiment was the one formed by
bounding boxes with an area equal and greater than
225 square pixels.
2.4.2 Detector Configuration and
We used the tree-based 20x20 gentle adaboost frontal
face detector kernel from the OpenCV project with
two changes made in the implementation as follows:
(1) the base scale and increment parameters were set
to 1 for producing linear integer scales instead of
floating point scales and (2) the displacement of the
detector was changed from a multiplicative increment
to additive one, for reducing the window’s step dur-
ing the displacement. The face detector app was de-
veloped in JAVA programming language and installed
in a Samsung SM-T530 tablet with Android 5.0.2 and
battery capacity of 2100 mAh (estimated by the de-
2.4.3 Energy Measurement Protocol
The Android Debug Bridge service (adb command
line tool) (Developers, 2014) facilitated us a satisfac-
tory way to recover two logs from the mobile device.
The BatteryStats log, containing important stats re-
garding the battery consumption of every single pro-
cess (for our purpose, we took only the information
from the process that executed the detector) and the
ProcessActivity log, containing stats about the execu-
tion time (in nanoseconds) of the detector, as well as
the number of detections per image. Both logs were
employed for further computationof the the execution
time and battery consumption scores.
According to the experimental methodology section,
a total of 110 images containing 3588 faces were ana-
lyzed using the the VJ detector with the SSS method,
which used the scale 1 and 8 for processing the small
(DS1) and medium-large (DS2) datasets respectively.
The straightforward statistical comparison based on
four metrics over 100 runs exhibited interesting re-
sults for both datasets.
3.1 Performance on Small Faces Dataset
In this dataset, the VJ detector with the SSS method
was statistically better in precision than the standard
VJ detector (p<0.01), obtaining a value of mP=0.92
against mP=0.87 respectively. However, it was statis-
tically lower in recall (p<0.01), reaching a value of
mR=0.75 against mR=0.8 in the standard VJ detector.
Regarding the execution time, the VJ detector
with the SSS method reached a mean value of
mET=14.03 minutes versus the mET=21.71 minutes
needed by the standard VJ detector for processing the
whole dataset (see Figure 3). The difference value
of 7.68 minutes between both results was statistically
significant (p<0.01).
Figure 3: Detectors performance according to the mean of
execution time on DS1 dataset.
Concerning the battery consumption, the VJ de-
tector with the SSS method consumed a mean value
of mBC=18.14 mAh respect to the mBC=22.20 mAh
spent by the standard VJ detector (see Figure 4).
These results did not provide statistical evidence of
any difference between both detectors (p=0.01).
3.2 Performance on Medium-large
Faces Dataset
The best precision in this dataset was reached by the
VJ detector with the SSS method (with scale 8), ob-
taining a mP=1 score versus mP=0.24 reached by the
standard VJ detector. The score difference between
Understanding the Energy Saving Potential of Smart Scale Selection in the Viola and Jones Facial Detection Algorithm
Figure 4: Detectors performance according to the mean of
battery consumption on DS1 dataset.
both detectors was statistically significant (p<0.01).
In term of recall there was also significant difference
between both detectors performance. The VJ detec-
tor with the SSS method touched a mR=0.71 versus
mR=0.86 stretched by the standard VJ detector.
Regarding the execution time, the faster detector
was the VJ with the SSS method, reaching a mean
value of mET=0.94 minutes against mET=32.43 ob-
tained by the standard VJ detector (see Figure 5). The
difference between both detectors performance was
statistically significant (p<0.01).
Figure 5: Detectors performance according to the mean of
execution time on DS2 dataset.
Concerning the battery consumption, the VJ de-
tector with the SSS method turned out in a mean
value of mBC=7.22 mAh versus mBC=46.36 mAh
consumed by the standard VJ detector (see Figure 6).
The high difference between both results was consid-
ered statistically significant (p<0.01).
These results were partially expected since the VJ
detector with the SSS method explored only one scale
Figure 6: Detectors performance according to the mean of
battery consumption on DS2 dataset.
per dataset (scale 1 and 8 for DS1 and DS2 datasets
respectively). Thus, it is possible to reach higher
precision scores because of the lower introduction of
false positive detections. It is possible to decrease the
execution time and battery consumption because of
the fewer number of the detector iterations. However,
it is not possible to reach higher recall scores due to
the fewer number of true positive detections (based
on one scale). It should be noted that the similar val-
ues of battery consumption obtained on DS1 dataset
could be related to the particularity of this dataset and
the detectors iterations. Since this dataset is formed
by small faces, both detectors will interact more times
because of the smaller scales and the amount of bat-
tery consumed will increase too.
Likewise in DS1 dataset, the obtained results in
DS2 dataset were fully expected. With the excep-
tion of the recall metric, the VJ detector with the SSS
method statistically surpassed the standard VJ detec-
tor. This situation could be related to the fact of this
dataset being formed by medium-large faces, thus it
is reasonable to expect better performance when us-
ing large scales. In this case, the VJ detector with
the SSS method considered the scale 8 while the stan-
dard VJ detector had to explore several pre-computed
scales before and after the optimal one. This exhaus-
tive exploration process of the standard VJ detector
led to an increment in the precision, execution time
and battery consumption metrics as well.
The main contribution of this work is the study of
the energy saving potential of a smart scale selection
method when using the VJ face detector running on
mobile devices. According to the four evaluated met-
BIOIMAGING 2017 - 4th International Conference on Bioimaging
rics, the VJ detector with the SSS method was statisti-
cally better than the standard VJ detector in precision,
execution time and battery consumption and slighly
lower in recall on both datasets. These results show
that if we manage to approximatethis perfect scale se-
lection, we obtain very significant energy savings on
limited resources devices. Thus it is worth to invest
research time on this topic.
Future work will be aimed to design and develop
smart scale selection methods.
The authors want to thank the “Instituto de
Telecomunicac¸˜oes” for the financial support
through the HYRAX project (REF: CMUP-
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Understanding the Energy Saving Potential of Smart Scale Selection in the Viola and Jones Facial Detection Algorithm