Lifelong Machine Learning with Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems
Nicolas Verstaevel, J
emy Boes, Julien Nigon,
Dorian d’Amico and Marie-Pierre Gleizes
IRIT, Universit
e de Toulouse, Toulouse, France
Ambient Systems, Multi-Agent Systems, Lifelong Learning, Self-adaptive Systems, Self-organization.
Sensors and actuators are progressively invading our everyday life as well as industrial processes. They form
complex and pervasive systems usually called ”ambient systems” or ”cyber-physical systems”. These systems
are supposed to efficiently perform various and dynamic tasks in an ever-changing environment. They need
to be able to learn and to self-adapt throughout their life, because designers cannot specify a priori all the
interactions and situations they will face. These are strong requirements that push the need for lifelong machine
learning, where devices can learn models and behaviours during their whole lifetime and are able to transfer
them to perform other tasks. This paper presents a multi-agent approach for lifelong machine learning.
The rapid increasing of the computational capabili-
ties of electronic components and the drastic reduc-
tion of their costs have allowed to populate our en-
vironment with thousands of smart devices, inducing
a revolution in the way we interact with a more and
more numerical world. The emergence of a socio-
technical world where technology is a key component
of our environment impacts many aspects of our ex-
istence, changing the way we live, work and interact.
Applications of these Ambient Systems are wide and
various, covering a spectrum from industrial appli-
cations to end-user satisfaction in a domotic context
(Nigon et al., 2016a). The will to improve our man-
ufacturing processes through the Industry 4.0 topic
(Jazdi, 2014), or the emergence of a Green Economy
(Rifkin, 2016) are good illustrations of the usage of
these cyber-physical systems.
A key feature of these systems is their pervasive-
ness: they are composed of a huge variety of elec-
tronic components, with sensing and actuating capac-
ities, that interact with each other, generating more
and more complex data, all to control dynamic and
inter-disciplinary processes. They achieve their task
throughout their life without any interruption. The
complexity of these systems, increased by the hetero-
geneity of their components and the difficulty to spec-
ify a priori all the interactions that may occur, induces
the need for lifelong learning features.
In this paper, we address the lifelong learning
problem in ambient systems as a problem of self-
organization of the different components. Giving
each component the ability to self-adapt to both the
task and the environment is the key toward a lifelong
learning process. First, we argue that work on lifelong
machine learning and self-organization shares similar
objectives. Then, we propose a generic framework,
based on our previous and current works on Adap-
tive Multi-Agent Systems, that enable lifelong learn-
ing through interactions in a set of distributed agents.
We then study the relevance of our approach in a sim-
ulation of a robotic toy. Finally, we conclude with the
challenges and perspectives opened by this work.
In this section, we introduce the basics of lifelong ma-
chine learning and self-organization in order to high-
light the similar problematic addressed by these two
2.1 Machine Learning and Ambient
Machine Learning is an increasingly trending topic in
the industry, becoming an indispensable tool to design
artificial systems. Designers use Machine Learning
Verstaevel N., Boes J., Nigon J., d’Amico D. and Gleizes M.
Lifelong Machine Learning with Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006247302750286
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2017), pages 275-286
ISBN: 978-989-758-220-2
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to face the inability to specify a priori all the interac-
tions that could occur or to handle the complexity of
a task. The idea of designing learning machines lies
at the very heart of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and is
studied since the very beginning of computer science.
(Mitchell, 2006) defines the field of machine learn-
ing as the science seeking to answer the questions
”how can we build computer systems that automat-
ically improve with experience?” and ”what are the
fundamental laws that govern all learning process?”.
Per (Mitchell, 2006), a machine is said to learn with
respect to a task T , performance metric P, and type
of experience E, if the system reliability improves its
performance P at task T , following experience E. The
field of Machine Learning is traditionally classified in
three categories (Russell et al., 2003), depending on
how the experience E is performed:
Supervised Learning which infers a function
from labelled data provided by an oracle.
Unsupervised Learning which looks for hidden
structures in unlabelled data provided by an exter-
nal entity.
Reinforcement Learning which learns through
the interaction between a learner and its environ-
ment to maximize a utility function.
While the difference is on the way the experience
is gathered, all these learning algorithms intend to
learn a task. The learning system is then specialised
through its experience to increase its performance.
The notion of task in the AI community is highly dis-
cussed, and in the absence of a common definition or
test framework, it is difficult to truly compare those
different approaches (Thorisson et al., 2016).
Learning in an ambient system differs in the way that
the task to learn is a priori unknown and dynamic.
These systems must handle unanticipated tasks whose
specifics cannot be known beforehand. Indeed, these
systems are characterized by: their non-linearity (the
behaviour of such systems is not defined by simple
mathematical rules), the high number of entities that
compose it, the high number of interactions between
these entities, and their unpredictability. In addition,
ambient systems are generally used in conjunction
with the presence of human users. Those human users
have varied and multiple needs, which imply to deal
at runtime with various tasks. Moreover, the devices
of ambient systems are made to last several years,
during which their usage may change. We have no
way to know to what end they will be used five or
ten years from now. Thus, ambient systems require
that machine learning algorithms handle the dynamics
of their environments and never stop learning. In the
next sections, we introduce lifelong machine learning
and draw a parallel with self-organization.
2.2 Lifelong Learning Machine:
Definitions and Objectives
Definition: Lifelong Machine Learning, or LML,
considers systems that can learn many tasks over a
lifetime from one or more domains. They efficiently
and effectively retain the knowledge they have learned
and use that knowledge to more efficiently and effec-
tively learn new tasks. (Silver et al., 2013)
The idea of design artificial systems with Lifelong
Learning capacities is not new (Thrun and Mitchell,
1995), but there is a upsurge work probably helped
by the recent advances in neural networks (Pentina
and Lampert, 2015).
Artificial systems must face more and more dynamic
and various environments. The impact of those quick
evolutions imposes severe limitations on designers ca-
pacities to a priori determine all the events that can
occur in the environment. While traditional machine
learning focuses on optimising a system performance
to achieve a task, LML proposes to deal with various
tasks in a variety of environments.
The researches on LML are then multidisciplinary, as-
sociating a wide range of researchers from computer
sciences to cognitive sciences. Learning is considered
as an ontogenesis process from which more and more
complex structures are built through experience and
LML addresses the problematic of reusing previously
learned knowledge (Zhang, 2014).
(Thrun and Mitchell, 1995) categorise LML ap-
proaches in two categories, depending on the hypoth-
esis put on the environment. The first one considers
learners that must learn various tasks in similar en-
vironments. Those algorithms build an action model
which learns the impact of the learner’s action on the
environment. As the environment is the same, this
model is independent of the task to perform and can
be used in various tasks. The second one considers
that the same learner as to face multiple environments.
This approach intends to model invariant features that
are observed about the learner on its environment. In
both categories, the objective is to build through ex-
perience a model from the different experiences and
to transfer or reuse previously learned knowledge to
speed up the learning process when the learner has to
learn a new task.
2.3 Machine Learning and
The behaviour and the interactions of the components
of a system define the function of the system. When
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
the components change their behaviour or their in-
teractions, the function of the system is necessarily
modified. If these changes are only controlled by the
components themselves, the system is said to be self-
organizing. The concept of self-organization is stud-
ied in various domains, from biology to computer sci-
ence. The following definition is given by (Serugendo
et al., 2011).
Definition: Self-organization is the process with
which a system changes its structure without any ex-
ternal control to respond to changes in its operating
conditions and its environment.
In other words, self-organization enables a system to
change its internal behaviour to reach and maintain ef-
ficient interactions with its environment. This is very
close to Machine Learning, where a software system
tries to improve its function by adjusting itself regard-
ing past experiences. Self-organization is a fine way
to achieve machine learning. It is particularly effi-
cient when a system has many heterogeneous compo-
nents with various degrees of autonomy, such as an
ambient system and its many connected devices. In
this case, self-organization implies the distribution of
control and helps to tackle complexity by focusing on
the local problems of the components rather than the
global task of the system. Therefore, designing self-
organizing systems is a key challenge to tackle com-
plexity in ambient systems.
Multi-agent systems are particularly suitable
paradigm to design and implement self-organizing
systems. The next section presents our self-
organizing multi-agent pattern for Machine Learning.
3.1 Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems
The Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems (AMAS) ap-
proach aims at solving problems in dynamic non-
linear environments by a bottom-up design of co-
operative and autonomous agents, where coopera-
tion is the engine of the self-organisation process
e et al., 2011). Over the years, the approach
has been applied to designed and developed various
self-adaptive multi-agent systems to tackle real-world
complex problems, such as robot control (Verstaevel
et al., 2016) or heat engine optimization (Boes et al.,
2014). A recurrent key feature of these systems is
their ability to continuously learn how to handle the
context they are plunged in, in other words to map
the current state of their perceptions to actions and ef-
fects. In these applications, a set of distributed agents
locally learns and exploits a model of an agent be-
haviour from the interactions between the agent and
its environment. In the next section, we present the
Self-Adaptive Context Pattern (Boes et al., 2015), our
proposal to design agents with lifelong learning ca-
3.2 The Self-Adaptive Context Learning
The Self-Adaptive Context Learning Pattern is a re-
current pattern, designed with the AMAS approach,
that we have been using to solve complex problems
based on the autonomous observation by an agent of
the impacts of its own activity on the environment
(Nigon et al., 2016b). The pattern is composed of two
coupled entities:
An Exploitation Mechanism, which function is to
perform actions over the environment. It is the
acting entity which must decide and apply the ac-
tion to be performed by a controlled system in the
current context. Its decision is based on its own
knowledge, including constraints from the appli-
cation domain, and additional information pro-
vided by the Adaptation Mechanism.
An Adaptation Mechanism, which builds and
maintains a model describing the current context
of the environment and its possible evolutions.
This model is dynamically built by correlating the
activity of the Exploitation Mechanism to the ob-
servation of the environment.
The Adaptation Mechanism and the Exploitation
Mechanism are coupled entities and form a con-
trol system (Figure 1). The Adaptation Mechanism
perceives information from the environment (Arrow
3) and uses this information to provide information
about the current system context to the Exploitation
Mechanism. Thanks to those information and its own
internal knowledge, the Exploitation Mechanism de-
cides of the action to perform and applies it (Arrow
2). The Exploitation Mechanism provides a feed-
back to the Adaptation Mechanism about the ade-
quacy of the information performed (Arrow 4). The
adequacy is evaluated by the observation of the envi-
ronment by the Exploitation Mechanism. This pattern
is highly generic and task-independent. The Adap-
tation Mechanism models information that are useful
for the Exploitation Mechanism, which exploits this
information to decide of the action to performed. By
its actions, the Exploitation Mechanism modifies the
environment, enabling the Adaptation Mechanism to
Lifelong Machine Learning with Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems
Figure 1: The Self-Adaptive Context Learning Pattern: view of one agent and its interaction with the environment (Boes et al.,
update its knowledge about the environment and to
provide new information about the current context.
This loop enables the system to continuously acquire
knowledge about its environment through its own ex-
perience. Through this loop, the Adaptation Mech-
anism models information about the interaction be-
tween the Exploitation Mechanism and its environ-
ment. This information is autonomously provided to
the Exploitation Mechanism which uses it to improve
its behaviour.
The pattern results of an abstraction of various appli-
cation of the AMAS approach to different problems.
Then, it is independent of the implementation of the
Adaptation Mechanism and the Exploitation Mecha-
nism. It only focuses on how those two entities must
interact to learn over time, throughout their activity.
In this pattern, the learning is made by the Adapta-
tion Mechanism, whereas the acting is made by the
Exploitation Mechanism. However, to be truly func-
tional, the SACL pattern imposes that the Adaptation
Mechanism continuously learns from the interactions
in a Lifelong way.
3.3 Solving Problems with SACL
The pattern has been applied to various problems
where learning is a way toward self-organisation
(Boes et al., 2015). In each of those problems, the
recurrent key feature is to learn a model of the in-
teractions between the agent and its environment by
extracting the context in which those actions are per-
formed and associating information about this context
to lately use this information to behave well. To il-
lustrate this recurrent key feature, we show how the
Figure 2: The Self-Adaptive Context Learning Pattern ap-
plied to Supervised Learning problems.
pattern is used to design Supervised Learning agents
and Reinforcement Learning agents, and we point out
similarities of design and differences.
3.3.1 Supervised Learning Agent
A supervised learning algorithm infers a function
from labelled data provided by an oracle. Supervised
learning algorithms perform either a classification or
a regression, depending on either the output is dis-
crete or continuous. Traditionally, Supervised Learn-
ing algorithms differentiate the learning phase, where
labelled situation are provided by the oracle, with the
exploitation phase, where new situations have to be
labelled by the agent itself.
With the SACL pattern, those two phases are not sep-
arated. The supervised learning process is performed
on-line. To do so, the oracle is considered as an au-
tonomous entity which takes part of the environment
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: The Self-Adaptive Context Learning Pattern ap-
plied to Reinforcement Learning problems.
which may provide information to the Exploitation
Mechanism. The function of the SACL pattern is then
to mimic the behaviour of this external entity. Thus,
the Exploitation Mechanism observes the behaviour
of the oracle, and when the oracle provides a label
describing a situation, it compares this label given
by the oracle to the label proposed by the Adapta-
tion Mechanism. Then, it generates a feedback to-
ward the Adaptation Mechanism to inform if either
or not the current situation is correctly mapped by
the Adaptation Mechanism. The Adaptation Mech-
anism uses this feedback and the observation of the
data that describes the current states of the environ-
ment to adjust its model. Whenever an oracle pro-
vides information about the current situation, the out-
put of the SACL agent is the label of the oracle. On
the other hand, when the oracle does not give infor-
mation about the current situation, the Exploitation
Mechanism exploits the information provided by the
Adaptation Mechanism to label the current situation.
The figure 2 summarizes the usage of the SACL pat-
tern for the design of Supervised Learning agents.
Thus, when performing supervised learning with
SACL, the Adaptation Mechanism must associate the
adequate label to the current state of the environment,
in other words, to extract the context of each label
to be able to correctly propose the adequate label to
its Exploitation Mechanism when the oracle does not
provide this label.
This form of learning with the SACL pattern has
been applied to the problematic of learning user pref-
erences in ambient systems (Guivarch et al., 2012)
and learning from a set of demonstrations performed
by a human operator in ambient robotic applications
(Verstaevel, 2016). In those applications, examples
are provided by the oracle throughout the activity of
the system, without restarting or clearing the learning
3.3.2 Reinforcement Learning Agent
Reinforcement Learning algorithms learn through
their own experience to maximize a utility function.
Basically, each action is associated with a numerical
reward provided by the environment which evaluates
the utility of the performance of this action in the cur-
rent context. Learning a model of the consequences
of the performance of an action to the utility value
allows the agent to select actions to maximize its re-
The figure 3 illustrates how we used the SACL pat-
tern to design a Reinforcement Learning agent. Here,
the Exploitation Mechanism performs actions on the
environment and receives a feedback about the utility
of this action. The action and utility value are pro-
vided to the Adaptation Mechanism which associates
the current state of the environment and the perfor-
mance of the action the utility value. The Adapta-
tion Mechanism is used to build a model of the con-
sequences of performing an action under a certain
context. This model is then used to provide to the
Exploitation Mechanism information about the con-
sequences of performing a set of actions on the cur-
rent context. Using this knowledge, the Exploitation
Mechanism can select the action which maximizes its
Similarly, to the Supervised Learning agent, the
Adaptation Mechanism observes both the current
state of the environment and the activity of the Ex-
ploitation Mechanism. It dynamically builds a model
of the interaction between the Exploitation Mecha-
nism and its environment. This information is then
used to improve the Exploitation Mechanism be-
Reinforcement Learning agents with SACL have been
used for the optimization of heat-engines control
(Boes et al., 2014).
3.4 AMOEBA: Agnostic MOdEl
Builder by self-Adaptation
Building a model of the interactions that occurs be-
tween the Exploitation Mechanism and the environ-
ment is the core of the SACL pattern and its learning
process. The Adaptation Mechanism must dynami-
cally model these interactions. To do so, we designed
a generic Multi-Agent System based on the AMAS
approach, AMOEBA (for Agnostic MOdEl Builder
by self-Adaptation), for building model of complex
Systems. In AMOEBA, a set of Context Agents is
dynamically created to discretize the environmental
state into events. To design this system, we made
some hypotheses about the environment:
The observed world is deterministic: the same
causes produce the same effects.
The environment perceived by AMOEBA is not
Lifelong Machine Learning with Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems
the world as a whole. AMOEBA therefore has
only an incomplete view of the world.
Perceived information may be inaccurate.
The collected data are orderable values (real, inte-
ger ...).
The dynamics of evolution of the observed world
variables are potentially very different from one
to another.
In this section, we present the structure and behaviour
of Context Agents and the different mechanisms that
enable Context Agents to collectively build a model
of the interactions. In a didactic way, we consider
that the environmental state is observed through a set
of sensors described by a vector E R
. However,
the model is functional with any orderable value. Ba-
sically, each component e
E describes the value of
a data.
3.4.1 Context Agents: Definitions
Context Agents are the core of learning in AMOEBA
Context Agent may be assimilated to a unit of knowl-
edge which locally describes the evolution of a partic-
ular variable of the environment. At start, the system
is empty of Context Agents as it does not possess an
a priori knowledge about the environment. Context
Agents are created at runtime to model new interac-
tions. They are composed by a set of validity ranges
and a local model.
Definition: A Context Agent c C is composed
of a set of validity range V and a local model L.
Each validity range v is an interval associated to a par-
ticular value e
E of the environmental state E. Each
is modelled by a validity range within each Context
Agent. The intervals are defined by a minimal and a
maximal float value.
Definition: A validity range v
V is associated
to any value e
E. A particular v is an interval
, v
] [e
, e
A validity range enables to discretize the environmen-
tal state into two types of events: valid or invalid.
Those events are determined by comparing the cur-
rent value of the variable e
and the range of v.
Definition: A validity range v
V is said valid if
and only if ei v
and invalid otherwise.
In the same way, a Context Agent is a discretization
of the environmental state E into the two same type
of events.
Definition: A Context Agent c C is said valid if
and only if v
V ,e
, v
] and invalid other-
The local model L is a linear regression of the envi-
ronmental state L : E R. Each Context Agent dis-
poses of its own local model and thus, of its own lin-
ear regression.
The function of a Context Agent is dual:
To send the value computed by its local model to
the Exploitation Mechanism whenever the Con-
text Agent is valid and,
Thanks to the feedbacks from the Exploitation
Mechanism, to adjust both its local model and its
validity ranges so that the information sent to the
Exploitation Mechanism is useful for its activity.
3.4.2 Context Agents: Creation and
At start, AMOEBA does not contain any Context
Agent. Indeed, all the Context Agents are going
to be created and will build themselves using self-
organization mechanisms. These changes / creations
of agents take place when the agents are trouble to
perform their function efficiently. The main adapta-
tions performed by a Context Agent are:
Changing its validity range. Indeed, when the re-
sults obtained by the local model are not satisfac-
tory for the Exploitation Mechanism, it may be
preferable for the agent to no longer be active in
the current situation. To do this, it reduces its va-
lidity ranges. Conversely, if it finds that its pro-
posal would have been relevant in a close situa-
tion, the agent may broaden its ranges of validity
to include the situation in question (figure 4).
Changing its local model. When the results ob-
tained by the local model are not satisfactory for
the Exploitation Mechanism, another way to im-
prove the results of the Context Agent is to change
the local model. This consists in adding to the
linear regression of the local model the point rep-
resented by the current situation. This change is
smoother than the previous one, and will therefore
be preferred by the Context Agent when the error
is small.
Destroy itself. When the validity ranges of the
Context Agent are too small, the agent could con-
sider that it has no chances to be useful again. So,
it destroys itself to save resources.
Another mechanism is implemented to complement
those mentioned earlier. When no proposal is made
by the Context Agents, or when all their propositions
are false, a new Context Agent is created to carry
the information when a similar situation occurs again.
This is how new agents are added to the system.
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 4: Representation of the different adaptation mech-
anisms of the Context Agents in two dimensions. Each di-
mension represents the values that can be taken by a toy
sensor, and the size of the validity range determines the size
of the rectangle along this dimension.
3.4.3 Synthesis
AMOEBA is a generic model builder to model the
evolution of a variable. It based on the Adaptive
Multi-Agent approach. Its key feature is to be dy-
namically populated by a set of Context Agents which
evolves dynamically to maintain an up-to-date model
of the variables it observes.
The reader may see that Context Agents are simi-
lar to neurons in Artificial Neural Networks. Artifi-
cial Neural Networks are composed of interconnected
neurons, where each neuron is a small computational
unit with inputs, outputs, an internal state and param-
eters. One could see Context Agents as ”advanced”
neurons, and the architecture of AMOEBA, where
messages navigate from the environment to the differ-
ent Context Agents, as a form of multilayer percep-
tron. However, the information within AMOEBA is
not feed-forward (contrary to neural networks). Thus,
the main difference between AMOEBA and Artificial
Networks is the organization of the interaction be-
tween the entities. With artificial Neural Network,
the topology of the network must be fixed a pri-
ori in regards with the task to learn whereas within
AMOEBA, agents self-organize and the topology (the
number of agents and the way they interact) evolves
dynamically through experience.
We propose to study the usage of SACL in a Lifelong
reinforcement learning problem. We put ourselves in
the context of child entertainment with a robotic toy.
Firstly, we discuss of the motivations for this experi-
ment. Then, we present the experimental process and
the result we obtained. At last, we conclude on some
perspectives highlighted by this experiment.
4.1 Motivations
Robotic toys tend to be more democratized and the
scientific community is working on their usage as
an educational and therapeutic tool (Billard, 2003).
Robins and Dautenhahn (Robins and Dautenhahn,
2007) have especially shown that their use encourages
the interactions among autistic children. But as each
human is different, the social skills needed to main-
tain the attention in the human/toy interaction requires
the toys to be able to self-adapt to anybody (Huang,
To this extent, an interesting approach is the Imita-
tion Learning (Billard, 2003) (Robins and Dauten-
hahn, 2007). Imitation Learning is a form of Learn-
ing from Demonstration, a paradigm mainly studied
in robotics allowing a system to acquire new behav-
iors from the observation of human activity (Argall
et al., 2009). It is inspired by the natural tendency
in some animal species and human to learn from the
observation of their congeners. Imitation has a ma-
jor advantage: it is a natural step for the child devel-
opment and a medium for social interactions (Piaget,
1962). To imitate the child then seems to be a good
way to initiate and maintain the interactions. How-
ever, the imitation poses a correspondence problem
between what is observed (the object to imitate) and
what can be done by the imitating entity (Nehaniv and
Dautenhahn, 2002). Imitation also imposes the exis-
tence of a function allowing to associate the observed
state of the world to the corresponding state of the toy.
Such a function is complex and limits the interaction
Another form of Learning from Demonstration pro-
poses to use Reinforcement Learning algorithms com-
bined with Learning from Demonstration (Knox and
Stone, 2009). Reinforcement Learning algorithms
bring an interesting solution to the correspondence
Lifelong Machine Learning with Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems
Figure 5: A bird’s eye view of the simulation. A robotic ball is immersed in an arena composed of 3 colored blocks. The
contact between the toy and a block induces a laugh which is interpreted as a reward function. The long-term objective is to
maximize laugh production.
problem by letting the learning system discovering
through its own experience what are the interesting in-
teractions. Then, the toy can explore its environment
and learn from its interactions with the child. How-
ever, in its original form, Reinforcement Learning al-
gorithms require the existence of a feedback function
which associates at each state of the world a reward
value. This function is often complex to specify be-
cause it requires to evaluate a priori the distance to
an objective. However, in our context, such objective
is a priori unknown and has to be discovered. On
the other hand, the Inverse Reinforcement Learning
approach (Argall et al., 2009) proposes to infer this
reward function from a set of reward examples. The
system is fed with a set of situations. The associated
rewards and the system infer a function that models
this reward. This function can then be used to opti-
mize a policy. But this solution implies that an exter-
nal entity can provide the required demonstrations to
learn the reward function which is, in the case being
considered, non-trivial. To face this challenge, some
approaches proposes to use child’s laugh as a rein-
forcement metric (Niewiadomski et al., 2013).
Robotic toys that learn to interact with child are good
illustrations of the need for Lifelong Learning agents
as maintaining children attention requires a constant
adaptation to the child’s needs.
4.2 Description of the Experiment
We study a simulation with the game physic engine
Unity3D (figure 5) in which a spherical robotic toy is
immersed in an arena. A child, also in the arena, ob-
serves the behavior of the robotic toy. The arena is
composed of 3 blocks of different colors. The contact
between the toy and a block produces a sound, which
depends on the texture of the block (determined by its
color). We postulate that the sound produced by the
toy collision with an obstacle causes the child’s laugh.
The noise caused by the collision and the laugh inten-
sity depends on the nature of the collided obstacle.
Each object causes a different combination of high or
low noise and strong or weak laugh. The laugh, ob-
served through the volume intensity of the sound it
produces, is used as a utility function and the objec-
tive is to maximize laugh over time.
The aim of the experiment is more to study how the
AMOEBA model is built and maintained up to date
during the experiment, than proposing a new rein-
forcement learning method.
4.3 Description of the SACL
The SACL pattern is instantiated to perform this ex-
perimentation (figure 6). The Adaptation Mechanism
is implemented with an instance of AMOEBA (as de-
scribed in section 3.4). The Exploitation Mechanism
is a simple controller, whose objective is to maximize
the volume intensity of the environment. In order to
do so, it has to decide of the (x, y) coordinates it wants
to reach. A simple control loop determines, in func-
tion of the coordinate to reach, and the current state
of the toy, which is the action to apply. The toy is
controlled in velocity, which is then determined by
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
the position to reach. To behave well, the Exploita-
tion Mechanism must receive from the AMOEBA in-
stance a set of reachable positions and their associated
volume. The AMOEBA instance will use as input the
current x and y positions of the sphere and the current
volume of the simulation, to build a model of the ac-
tions to be taken to increase the volume intensity per
the context. At each time step, the Context Agents in-
side AMOEBA will propose a set of coordinates (x, y)
and their associated volume intensity to the Exploita-
tion Mechanism. In this experiment, all the Context
Agents inside AMOEBA are sent to the Exploitation
The selection of the coordinates to reach by the Ex-
ploitation Mechanism is based on a combination of
three factors:
The number of control loops elapsed since the last
selection of the Context Agent δ. Each time a
Context Agent is valid, the value δ is reset to 0.
The Exploitation Mechanism selects the Context
Agents which δ value is higher than 95% of the
maximum δ value.
The volume intensity computed by the Context
Agent ω. The second selection process then se-
lects among the previous Context Agent set, the
Context Agents with a value ω higher than 95%
of the maximum D value.
The reachability of the coordinates proposed by
the Context Agent D, which is here computed
with the Euclidean distance. At last, the Exploita-
tion Mechanism selects the Context Agent which
proposes to reach the closest position.
Once the coordinates are chosen, the control loop is
applied to reach those coordinates. The selection is
performed at each time step of the control loop, al-
lowing the Exploitation Mechanism to continuously
update its coordinate objectives. At the same time the
AMOEBA updates its model by observing the evolu-
tion of the environment.
4.4 Experimentation and Results
The experiment is carried out in two phases of three
minutes. At first, an exploration phase allows the
robotic toy to discover its environment. This phase
is equivalent to a supervised learning approach where
examples are provided to the learning algorithm by an
oracle (which is the environment itself).
Two different exploration strategies are studied: a ran-
dom exploration, in which there is no guaranty to visit
all the blocks, or a scripted path, in which all the
blocks are knocked at least one time. In both cases,
Figure 6: The Self-Adaptive Context Learning Pattern im-
plemented in order to control a robotic toy.
the Adaptation Mechanism uses the data observed
during this step to construct and update its model.
In a second step, an Exploitation phase allows the Ex-
ploitation mechanism to use the built model to maxi-
mize the intensity of the volume. This does not pre-
vent the Adaptation Mechanism from continuing to
enrich itself by observing the environment. This sec-
ond phase is then similar to a reinforcement learning
Thus, the experiment is a combination of supervised
and reinforcement learning.
On the rest of this section, we present and discuss
some results we obtained. More precisely, we put
the focus on the evolution of the model built by
AMOEBA, and the evolution of the global
4.4.1 Evolution of the Model Built by AMOEBA
The figures 7 and 8 show two-dimensional visual-
izations of the Context Agents paving on the dimen-
sions space at the end of the exploration and exploita-
tion phases for each experiment. This visualization
is a graphical representation of the different Context
Agents and their associated utility level. Each rect-
angle represents a Context Agent and the sub-space in
which this Context Agent is valid. Their color depends
on the utility level which is associated to them. The
white color means that the utility level is zero. The
green shows a utility level superior to zero. The more
the green is intense, the more the utility level is high.
The grey areas without contours are areas that the toy
has not yet explored, so the model has not any infor-
mation about those areas, which explains the absence
of Context Agent.
The upper figure 7 illustrates the model built by
AMOEBA after a random exploration of the environ-
ment. By comparing this projection with the location
of the obstacles in the arena, we observe that only the
top right corner is populated with green squares. This
Lifelong Machine Learning with Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems
Figure 7: 2D visualisation of the Context Agents paving
after a random exploration phase and after an exploitation
implies that only the yellow block has been discov-
ered during the exploration phase.
On contrary, the upper figure 8, which shows the
model built at the end of a scripted exploration phase,
shows three distinct areas populated by green squares,
which corresponds to the blue and yellow blocks, and
the upper wall of the arena. Those two figures il-
lustrate how AMOEBA has populated its model with
Context Agents. This shows that the model built by
AMOEBA is dependent of the situation that it has ex-
If we observe the evolution of the same model at the
end of the exploitation phases (lower parts of figure 8
and 7), we can see a significant evolution of the dis-
tribution of context agents in the areas of contact with
obstacles. In both cases, better details of the edges of
the obstacles are obtained. In the case of random ex-
ploration, it is found that only one obstacle was used,
but all its edges were observed. Conversely, only a
few edges of several obstacles were exploited follow-
ing the random exploration.
4.4.2 Evolution of Global Utility Value
To evaluate this SACL implementation, we propose to
compare the global utility level generated during the
phase of exploration with the utility level generated
during the phase of exploitation. Each exploration
phase and exploitation phase lasts three minutes for
the two experiments, and the experiment is computed
ten time each.
The figure 9 shows the mean utility value obtained
Figure 8: 2D visualisation of the Context Agents paving
after a scripted exploration phase and after an exploitation
Figure 9: Comparison of the utility value between explo-
ration and exploitation phases.
in each phase for the two different exploration strate-
gies. The mean utility value during the random explo-
ration is 1.74 and grows to 3.16 during the exploita-
tion phase. During the scripted exploration phase, the
mean utility value goes from 3.67 to 3.61 during the
exploitation phase.
In the case of random exploration, there is signifi-
cant progress in average utility during the exploitation
phase. Conversely, utility decreases (very slightly)
during the exploitation phase linked to scripted ex-
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ploration. This can be explained by the fact that the
scenario is already relatively efficient. Nevertheless,
this remains an interesting result because the system
has learned to produce behavior that is almost as ef-
fective as an ad hoc scenario.
The evolution of technologies now enables to con-
sider that artificial systems will face more and more
complex and dynamic environments where they must
perform more and more various tasks. As the variety
of environments and tasks is increasing, these systems
need to constantly adapt their behavior to maintain the
adequacy of their interactions with their environment.
This requirement to constantly learn from the inter-
action with the environment will be a key component
of Ambient Systems, notably because of their socio-
technological aspect. Indeed, the notion of task in
Ambient Systems is ambiguous and depends of its
users, which makes them interact with human users.
The incapacity to specify a priori all the interactions
that can occur in these systems, combined with the
high dynamics of those types of environment impedes
an ad hoc design. On the contrary, these artificial sys-
tems have to constantly learn, through their own ex-
periences, to interact with their environment.
In this paper, we present our use of the SACL pat-
tern to design artificial systems with Lifelong Learn-
ing capacities. It proposes to design artificial sys-
tems in which a model is dynamically built by ex-
perience. This model is both exploited and enriched
by the mechanism that uses the model to decide of its
This experiment illustrates how a model can be both
built and exploited in real-time. The simulation we
performed also shows that our approach is suitable
for both supervised and reinforcement learning ap-
The work introduced in this paper is currently being
deployed in the neOCampus initiative which intends
to transform the University of Toulouse into a smart
living lab. This deployment will allow real use-cases
applications and comparative analysis to evaluate the
benefits of our approach.
This work is partially funded by the Midi-
Pyrenees region, within the neOCampus initiative
( and supported by the Uni-
versity of Toulouse.
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ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence