Comparison among Voice Activity Detection Methods for Korean
Elderly Voice
JiYeoun Lee
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Jungwon University, Seoul, South Korea
Keywords: Elderly Voice, Auto-correlation Function, Average Magnitude Difference Function, Symmetric Higher
Order Differential Energy Operator, Voice Activity Detection.
Abstract: In the elderly voice, a large amount of noise is generated by physiological changes such as respiration,
vocalization, and resonance according to age. So it provides a cause for performance degradation when
operating a fusion healthcare device such as voice recognition, synthesis, and analysis software with elderly
voice. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and research the voice of elderly people so that they can operate
various healthcare devices with their voices. This study investigated the voice activity detection algorithm
for the elderly voice using the existing symmetric higher order differential energy function. And it is
confirmed that it has better performance in detection of voice interval in the elderly voice compared with the
autocorrelation function and average magnitude difference function method. The voice activity detection
proposed in this paper can be applied to the voice interface for the elderly, thereby improving the
accessibility of the elderly to the smart device. Furthermore, it is expected that the performance
improvement and development of various fusion wearable devices for the elderly will be possible.
It is estimated that the elderly population over 65
years old exceeded 7.2% in 2000 and entered an
aging society. The elderly population in 2018, which
exceeds 10% in 2010, is estimated at over 14%
(Song, 2012).
Despite the aging society, as shown in Table 1,
elderly people currently have poor utilization of
smart devices. So most Korean elderly people rarely
receive the benefits of smart devices including
wearable devices (Kim, 2016).
Table 1: Elderly using smart devices (%).
Age Utilization
55- 64 3.9 96.1 100
Over 65
years old
0.7 99.3 100
One of the main reasons for the high entry
barriers to smart devices among the elderly is the
uncomfortable interface. That is, the voice interface
provided by the smart device was developed based
on the average voice of the young person and the
elderly person. Therefore the voice interface does
not work properly with the voice of the elderly (Kim,
In the old age, the speech speed is slowed down
and the number and length of the silence are
increased because of the vocal cords change due to
the reduced function of the vocal cords, thinning and
keratinized epithelial mucosa of the vocal cords, and
etc (Kim, 2016). Therefore, the elderly voice can be
regarded as one kind of impaired voice distinguished
from normal voice. These changes reduce the
performance of voice-interface-based convergence
devices by causing inaccuracies and noise in speech
(Kahane, 1981) and (Lee, 2011). It is necessary to
improve the algorithm through the construction of
the elderly voice database.
Pitch detection algorithm, which is one of the
methods for voice activity detection (VAD), can be
variously obtained in time domain, frequency
domain, and cepstrum domain (Hong, 2013).
Generally, auto-correlation function (ACF), average
magnitude difference function (AMDF) and zero
crossing rate (ZCR) are used (Iem, 2010). These
algorithms are based on the assumption that speech
is time-invariant. Among the algorithms that reflect
Lee J.
Comparison among Voice Activity Detection Methods for Korean Elderly Voice.
DOI: 10.5220/0006237502310235
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2017), pages 231-235
ISBN: 978-989-758-212-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the time-varying characteristics of speech developed
up to now, the symmetric higher order differential
energy function (SHODEO) with a symmetric
structure is known to show superior frequency
estimation performance compared to other methods
(Iem, 2010). It will be used as the basis for
developing fusion software and devices with elderly
voice (Seo, 2015).
2.1 Auto-Correlation Function (ACF)
ACF is an algorithm that extracts the pitch of a
speech signal through a correlation of a specific
signal at one time and at another time, and is defined
as Eq. (1) (Seo, 2015).
 (1)
In the Eq. (1), N is a data length, x(n) is a data
value at a specific point n, and x(n + m) is a value
from n to m. For example, when the autocorrelation
function of the speech interval is analyzed for every
256 frames, a waveform with a maximum peak at
256 frames appears, and the point at which this peak
appears is determined as the pitch cycle (Lawfence,
2.2 Average Magnitude Difference
Function (AMDF)
AMDF is an algorithm that detects the pitch of a
speech signal in the time domain as in the
autocorrelation function, and is defined as follows
(Abdullah-Al-Mamun, 2019) and (Seo, 2006).
 D
|  (2)
In Eq. (2), the signal is used as the input signal
of the AMDF as a result of operation between the
original speech signal and a windowing function of
arbitrary length N (Seo, 2006). In case of AMDF,
for example, the minimum peak point of the
waveform within the 256 frame range of the speech
interval is determined as the pitch cycle (Abdullah-
Al-Mamun, 2019) and (Seo, 2006).
2.3 Symmetric Higher Order
Differential Energy Function
The instantaneous frequency is defined as the
derivative of the phase of the signal, which is a
function of time (Iem, 2010). In the Eq. (3), The k
differential energy function of the continuous signal
is expressed by the following equation (Iem, 2010).
k denotes an arbitrary order, n denotes a sampled
range of the signal, and x(n) denotes a data value
according to the discrete variable n. The higher-
order derivative energy function is expressed by two
mathematical expressions according to arbitrary
order k as follows (Iem, 2010).
 k=odd
x n-
+1 k=even
The instantaneous frequency is calculated by the
above Eq. (4) and (5) (Iem, 2010).
  (5)
k is an arbitrary order, x (n) is a speech data
value at the current time n,
is defined as the ratio of the higher order
differential energy function to the degree k.
In this paper, author used the voices of ten men and
women in their seventies who were extracted from
the voice database of the elderly distributed by The
Speech Information Technology & Industry
Promotion Center (SiTEC). As shown in Table 2,
five words and two sentences were used as
experimental data. Five words and two sentences
were spoken once for each sex. That is, 20 sentences
and 20 words were used as experimental data. The
data was also sampled at 16 Hz.
BIOSIGNALS 2017 - 10th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Table 2: Database information.
Male Female
Then somebody came forward the
her desk.
Then a stranger approached and
4.1 VAD Classification using Higher
Order Differential Energy
Figure 1(a) shows voice signal which passed 250Hz
low pass filter (LPF) and (b) shows the values using
SHODEO function. The differential energy function
is characterized by large amplitudes in the speech
region as shown Fig. 1(b). Therefore, the voice
interval is determined by designating an arbitrary
threshold value 800.
The low-pass filter is set to 250 Hz, the
instantaneous frequency to estimate the fundamental
frequency is set to k = 2, and the third-order energy
function obtained from order k = 2 is used as a
function for distinguishing between voiced and
unvoiced sounds. Finally, an instantaneous
frequency value is processed by a moving average
filter with a data length of 200 to calculate the
estimated value of the VAD (Iem, 2011).
Figure 1: (a) Waveform of voice signal (Male) (b)
Waveform of SHODEO function.
The fundamental frequency estimation using the
conventional symmetric differential energy function
uses only the instantaneous frequency determined as
the voiced sound as the input value of the filter.
However, in this paper, author calculates the
sections of VAD by processing all 0s except for the
voiced part to remove the noise section and
including the processed value of the moving average
filter range to 0.
4.2 Comparison among VAD Methods
Figure 2(a) shows the waveform of the phrase "then
someone came near her desk" when a 72-year-old
male spoke. Fig. 2(b), Fig. 2(c) and Fig. 2(d) show
the results of voice segment detection performance
comparison using the autocorrelation function, the
basic frequency estimation method using the AMDF
and the higher order differential energy function
(SHODEO), respectively. Compared with existing
methods, it can be seen that the voice interval
detection algorithm of Fig. 2(d) detects the voice
interval more accurately and shows excellent
performance in the noise section.
Figure 2: Comparison among VAD methods in sentence (a)
waveform of voice signal (b) ACF (c) AMDF (d)
Figure 3, 4, 5 and 6 show the results of voice
segment detection in various database using
SHODEO function. Fig. 3(a) and Fig. 4(a) show the
Comparison among Voice Activity Detection Methods for Korean Elderly Voice
waveform of a sentence in which a 73-year-old male
pronounces "then someone came near her desk" and
Cheongwadae”. When the speech segment is
detected using the proposed speech segment
detection algorithm, the noise segment is excluded
and only the speech segment is detected as shown in
fig. 3(b) and fig. 4(b).
Figure 3: Comparison among VAD methods in word
(male) (a) waveform of voice signal (b) VAD using
SHODEO function.
Figure 4: Comparison among VAD methods in sentence
(female) (a) voice signal (b) fundamental frequency (c)
VAD using SHODE function.
Fig. 5(a) and Fig. 6(a) show the waveform of a
sentence in which a 70-year-old female pronounces
"Then a stranger approached and asked." and
Uducceni”. When the speech segment is detected
using the proposed speech segment detection
algorithm, the noise segment is excluded and only
the speech segment is detected as shown in fig. 5(b)
and fig. 6(b).
Figure 5: Comparison among VAD methods in sentence
(female) (a) voice signal (b) fundamental frequency (c)
VAD using SHODEO function.
Figure 6: Comparison among VAD methods in sentence
(female) (a) voice signal (b) fundamental frequency (c)
VAD using SHODEO function.
This study develops a speech segment detection
algorithm for the elderly voice using the existing
symmetric high order differential energy function
(SHODEO) in consideration of noise in the elderly
voice. In addition, it is confirmed that it has better
performance in the elderly voice detection than the
autocorrelation function and AMDF method.
The higher order differential energy function
enables more accurate VAD by eliminating noise
appearing in the elder voice based on the
characteristic that the amplitude difference is
prominent in the voiced and unvoiced interval and
the instantaneous frequency appears irregularly in
the unvoiced interval. It also has an advantage that it
can detect a voice interval by reflecting a time-
varying characteristic of a voice signal and requiring
a small calculation amount. Therefore, it is expected
BIOSIGNALS 2017 - 10th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
that the voice segment detection algorithm proposed
in this paper can be applied to the voice interface for
the elderly to improve the accessibility of the elderly
to the smart devices and further develop various
wearable devices for the elderly.
This research was supported by the Basic Science
Research Program through the National Research
Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry
of Science, ICT & Future Planning (No. 2014-
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Comparison among Voice Activity Detection Methods for Korean Elderly Voice