homeSound: A High Performance Platform for Massive Data Acquisition
and Processing in Ambient Assisted Living Environments
Marcos Herv
, Rosa Ma Alsina-Pag
and Joan Navarro
GTM - Grup de Recerca en Tecnologies M
edia, La Salle - Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain
GRITS - Grup de Recerca en Internet Technologies & Storage, La Salle - Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain
Ambient Assisted Living, Sensor Network, Machine Hearing, Audio Feature Extraction, Machine Learning,
Graphics Processor Unit.
Human life expectancy has steadily grown over the last century, which has driven governments and institutions
to increase the efforts on caring about the eldest segment of the population. The first answer to that increasing
need was the building of hospitals and retirement homes, but these facilities have been rapidly overfilled
and their associated maintenance costs are becoming far prohibitive. Therefore, modern trends attempt to
take advantage of latest advances in technology and communications to remotely monitor those people with
special needs at their own home, increasing their life quality and with much less impact on their social lives.
Nonetheless, this approach still requires a considerable amount of qualified medical personnel to track every
patient at any time. The purpose of this paper is to present an acoustic event detection platform for assisted
living that tracks patients status by automatically identifying and analyzing the acoustic events happening in
a house. Specifically, we have taken benefit of the amazing capabilities of a Jetson TK1, with its NVIDIA
Graphical Processing Unit, to collect the data in the house and process it to identify a closed number of
events, which could led doctors or care assistants in real-time by tracking the patient at home. This is a proof
of concept conducted with data of only one acoustic sensor, but in the future we have planned to extract
information of the sensor network placed in several places in the house.
Human life expectancy is increasing in the modern
society (Suzman and Beard, 2015). This drives our
society to face new challenges in terms of health care
because the number of patients to attend is increas-
ing according to (National Institute on Aging, 2007;
Chatterji et al., 2008) the people ageing who need
support (Lafortune and Balestat, 2007). Nowadays,
public and private health services try to avoid long
term hospitalizations and, instead, foster the elderly
to remain at home for two reasons: on the one hand,
it is better for their health to keep them—while not
suffering from severe deterioration—in their own en-
vironment and, on the other hand, it is much cheaper
for health services. However, there is still a quality
gap between the service provided at medical facilities
and the service provided at patients’ home.
Technology is a powerful tool that can contribute
to address this problem by enabling medical staff to
monitor and attend patients while they are at home.
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) (Vacher et al., 2010)
reduces the personnel costs in health assistance. AAL
consists of monitoring the preferred living environ-
ment of the patients with intelligent devices that can
track their status and improve their life quality. To
address this hot research topic, several engineering
projects have been proposed to discuss the feasibility
of deploying smart robots at the home of elderly not
only to cover routine tasks, but also to remind them to
have their medication or interact with them through
serious games (Morsi and Shukla, 2015). One of the
main challenges that this proposals open is the huge
amount of data that these robots have to collect in
order to provide a meaningful response for patients.
Typically, these robots have limited computing capa-
bilities and, thus, are able to process data from a re-
duced number of sensors.
This paper explains the proof of concept of a soft-
ware and hardware platform designed to recognize a
set of the predefined events from the environmental
sound in a house. This information can be later used
to infer the in-home context and detect some situa-
tions of risk. To process data from several sources
Hervà ˛as M., Alsina-PagÃ
ls R. and Navarro J.
homeSound: A High Performance Platform for Massive Data Acquisition and Processing in Ambient Assisted Living Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0006209701820187
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS 2017), pages 182-187
ISBN: 421065/17
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(e.g., microphones) and conduct the computations
associated to audio event identification in parallel,
the system implements a recognition scheme using a
NVIDIA Jetson TK1 (NVIDIA Corp., 2016) Graph-
ical Processing Unit (GPU). This platform can reach
to several decisions depending on the situation and
home, and the final conclusion can be activating some
kind of alarm or just track the patients behaviour for
health purposes. Overall, the purpose of this work
is to present the first approach to the implementation
of an acoustic event recognition platform and the ob-
tained results when classifying a limited corpus of
The reminder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 reviews the related work on environmen-
tal sound recognition; it is specially focused on ambi-
ent assisted living environments. Section 4 elaborates
on the technical details of the proposed algorithm to
solve the problem, which corresponds to a basic im-
plementation. Section 3 gives details about the se-
lected platform and its convenient features to process
audio data. Section 5 describes the algorithm used
to classify the events and shows the obtained results
when running on the chosen platform. Finally, Sec-
tion 6 detail the conclusions and future work of this
There are several approaches in the literature that aim
to extract features from the sound. From these fea-
tures, it is possible to create a corpus of a close uni-
verse of different sounds and train a machine learning
system to classify the source of the sound. Therefore,
environmental sound recognition has emerged as a hot
research topic today, which has led to some interest-
ing applications (Chachada and Kuo, 2014); from ani-
mal recognition to surveillance, including ambient as-
sisted living use cases.
Interest in detecting in-home sounds started from
the beginning of this technology in 2005. Chen et al.
(Chen et al., 2005) was monitoring the bathroom ac-
tivity using only the sound information. Afterwards,
with research not detailed in this work, robust en-
vironment sound recognition motors were designed
in 2008 (Wang et al., 2008). One of the most chal-
lenging problems to be solved in this field, is to take
into account the varying acoustic background, the
noise sources. In this regard, the project SonicSen-
tinel (Hollosi et al., 2011) uses noise-robust model-
based algorithms to evaluate the noise sources. Evolv-
ing this technology, Valero et al. (Valero and Al
2012) succeeded on classifying audio scenes. Addi-
tionally, several works can be found about audio anal-
ysis in a smart home to help doctors on the early diag-
nose of dementia diseases for the elder (Guyot et al.,
2013). Also, it is worth mentioning that conditional
random fields have been used to build an event detec-
tion framework in a real-world environment of eight
households (Matern et al., 2013), which led the sys-
tem to be sometimes unreliable.
From the applications point of view, one of the
most popular use-cases nowadays of audio event
recognition is its use in the smart home (Chan et al.,
2008), especially when conceiving systems to meet
the needs of the elderly people. The constraints
around the design of a smart home for health care
(Vacher et al., 2010) based on audio event classifi-
cation are as follows: i) the degree of dependency of
the disabled person, ii) the quality of life to be im-
proved by means of automatizing the processes, and
iii) the distress situations recognition and the activa-
tion of the preassigned protocols, including reducing
the false alarm situations (Goetze et al., 2012).
Despite the fact that there are several solutions
in the literature (Vacher et al., 2013) that consider
these three constraints, the primary goal of the plat-
form presented in this paper is to accurately address
the third one. Additionally, our proposal aims to meet
the needs of ambient assisted living, which are the
following (van Hengel and Anem
uller, 2009): i) in-
creasing the comfort of living at home, ii) increasing
the safety, through detecting dangerous events and iii)
supporting health care by professionals, through de-
tecting emergencies and monitoring vital signs.
The proposed system diagram to monitor audio events
in ambient assisted living environments is shown in
Figure 1.
As far as the proof of concept herein presented is
concerned, the system relies on a network of micro-
phones consistently deployed around the house (see
Figure 2). The microphones are installed in such
a way that they provide the maximum entropy of a
given event (i.e., it is not necessary to analyze together
different audio sources).
The microphones used in this application to sense
the environmental sound should present a good trade-
off between the frequency response and cost, for this
reason tests are being conducted with the electret
condenser microphone CMA-4544PF-W (CUI inc.,
2003) of the manufacturer CUI inc. with a very low
In this way, each microphone transmits sounds to
homeSound: A High Performance Platform for Massive Data Acquisition and Processing in Ambient Assisted Living Environments
Ambient Assisted
Living ServerHouse
Audio Sensor with
wireless connectivity
RAW data concentrator, GPU and remote access
Remote Server
Figure 1: Block diagram of the network elements of this
this device that acts as a concentrator—the core ele-
ment of our proposal. As a matter of fact, this concen-
trator i) collects all the audio sounds of the house, ii)
processes them in order to extract their features, iii)
infers the source of the audio event, and iv) sends this
information to a remote server that monitors the needs
of the people living in the house.
Ambient Assisted
Living ServerHouse
Audio Sensor with
wireless connectivity
RAW data concentrator,
GPU and remote access
Remote Server
Figure 2: Example of the proposed audio sensors network
deployed in a house.
The concentrator platform used in this work is
the NVIDIA Jetson TK1 developer kit. This plat-
form is based on the Tegra K1 SOC, which is com-
posed of i) an NVIDIA Kepler GPU with 192 CUDA
cores and ii) a quad core ARM cortex-A15 CPU. The
Tegra family is the proposal of the NVIDIA manufac-
turer for mobile processors in which you need GPU-
accelerated performance with low power consump-
This GPU is able to process up to 192 threads in
parallel. Kepler architecture offers an improvement
of performance up to 3 times more than the previous
version, Fermi, (NVIDIA Corp., 2014). This level
of concurrency allows us to process audio events of
several sources in real-time.
Therefore, to exploit the parallel capabilities of the
concentrator, it opens a thread to process each audio
source and infer the event that generated every sound.
Endowing machines with the ability of hearing the
acoustic environment to detect and recognize an event
as humans do, is known as machine hearing. The
algorithm used in this work is based on i) feature
extraction using mel-frequency cepstral coefficients
(MFCC) (Melmstein, 1976) and ii) pattern recogni-
tion using the k-Nearest Neighbors classifier (KNN)
(Cover and Hart, 1967), see Figure 3.
Figure 3: Block diagram of a Hearing Machine algorithm.
4.1 Feature Extraction
Feature extraction aims to obtain a representation
of audio events in which the dimensionality of this
parametrization is much lower than the original sam-
ples (Al
ıas et al., 2016). This parametrization will be
the input data of the classifier. The parametrization
used in this work, MFCC (Melmstein, 1976), uses an
approach based on perceptual-based frequency using
the Mel scale (Liang and Fan, 2014).
Windowing Features Extraction
Figure 4: Block diagram of the feature extraction based on
the Mel coefficients used in this work.
The incoming audio stream is divided into blocks
of 30 ms with an sliding window. These frames are
transformed into frequency domain using the DFT to
measure the power of different bands of the spectrum.
The power measures are conducted with a bank of 48
filters using the Mel scale (see Figure 5). The MFCC
SENSORNETS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Sensor Networks
coefficients are obtained from the Discrete Cosine
Transform (DCT) of the logarithm of these 48 val-
ues. The higher order coefficients of the DCT are dis-
carded to obtain a reduced dimensionality character-
ization of the sound event, this compression can be
done because the main information is in the low fre-
quency components of the signal’s spectral envelop.
The final number of MFCC coefficients is 13.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 5: Example of a Mel scale with a filter-bank of 20.
Window lengths between 10 and 50 ms are usu-
ally used to detect transient audio events (Fu et al.,
2011). A Hamming windowing is also applied to this
frame of samples to improve the frequency resolu-
tion in the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)—as we
can see comparing the differences between square and
Hamming windows in Figure 6. This sliding block
has an overlap of 50% of samples to compensate the
power reduction of the data blocks due to the laterals
of the Hamming window, see Figure 6.
The Mel scale is a perceptual scale which aims
to emulate the behaviour of the human hearing. As
we can observe in Figure 5, Mel scale is a bank of
triangular filters.
4.2 Automatic Audio Classification
Machine learning algorithms are widely used in the
literature of speech technologies to automatically
classify audio samples. In fact, most of the audio
recognition systems settle the use of the MFCC coeffi-
cients as baseline in terms of feature extraction (Al
et al., 2016). Then, when the signal is processed and
the features are already extracted, a k-Nearest Neigh-
bors (kNN) (Cover and Hart, 1967) system can be run
(Zhang and Zhou, 2005).
Hence, we have followed this approach and
trained a kNN classifier as follows. We have built
a training data set composed by 2850 audio samples
belonging to 14 in-home events lasting a total number
of 20 hours. We have split every sample in several
0 500 1000 1500
Samples [n]
−0.2 −0.15 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Normalized Frequency (x π rad/sample)
Magnitude (dB)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Samples [n]
−0.2 −0.15 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Normalized Frequency (x π rad/sample)
Magnitude (dB)
Figure 6: Comparison between a squared and Hamming
windows in time and frequency domain: a) is a squared
window, b) is the spectrum of the squared window, c) is a
Hamming window and d) is the spectrum of the Hamming
sub samples as detailed above, and for every sub sam-
ple we have computed the MFCC coefficients. This
results in a vector of 13 components (each one cor-
responding to its associated MFCC) for every sound
sub sample. As a result, a sound sample is charac-
terized with a set of vectors. The number of vectors
that characterize a given sound depends on the length
of the training sound, which would limit the classi-
fier accuracy (i.e., shorter sounds of the same sound
type would probably be misclassified. Therefore, to
address this issue, we have built a bag of words with
all the vectors belonging to the same sample using the
aforementioned kNN. The resulting vector has a fixed
length of K components. This gives an idea of how
many portions of the training sound set belong to each
centroid of the kNN, which at the same time removes
the temporal dimension of the sound event. Next, we
normalize all these resulting vectors to made the suit-
able for a fair comparison. With this fixed size set of
normalized vectors, we finally train a Support Vector
Machine (running on the concentrator platform).
Finally, when our system is in exploitation mode,
the concentrator platform builds extracts the audio
sub samples and builds the fixed size vector accord-
ingly. Then, this vector is delivered to the Support
Vector Machine (SVM) to predict the event.
With the data set described in the previous section we
have conducted our experimentation. Specifically, we
homeSound: A High Performance Platform for Massive Data Acquisition and Processing in Ambient Assisted Living Environments
have used 60% of instances to train the SVM and the
other 40% to test it. To obtain statistically significant
results we have performed a 10-fold cross validation.
We have found that this system is able to recog-
nize the following events with an overall accuracy of
73%: someone falling down, slice, screaming, rain,
printer, people talking, frying food, filling water, door
knocking, dog bark, car horn, glass breaking, baby
crying, water boiling.
Figure 7 shows the confusion matrix.
Figure 7: Confusion Matrix. Events are ordered from
left to right as follows: falling down, slice, screaming,
rain, printer, people talking, frying food, filling water, door
knocking, dog bark, car horn, glass breaking, baby crying,
water boiling.
In this confusion matrix we can see how often the
SVM misclassifies a given class and, thus, assigns a
wrong event to an audio sample. It is shown that in
general, the best results for each sample are obtained
when testing the sound event against itself. Also, it
depicts the skill of the classifier on distinguishing one
audio event from the others. The optimal value of this
confusion matrix should be an Identity Matrix with
the value 100 on its diagonal.
Although the classifier performs reasonably well,
it gets confused on some sound events that have sev-
eral MFCC coefficients pretty similar. For instance,
on row 6 in Fgure 7, door knocking, people talking
and frying food have similar MFCC vector patterns
and, thus, the SVM features a low accuracy in these
specific situations. To address this concern, we plan
to (1) complement the training vector set with other
sources in addition to MFCCs, and (2) use a more so-
phisticated classifier such as a deep net.
Preliminary results of our paper encourages us to keep
on working on the analysis of the events happening in
the house. We will work with the feature extraction
improvement with other methods, as well as we will
test more machine learning algorithms to increase the
accuracy of the system with just one acoustic mea-
surement. Next steps after this proof of concept using
the Jetson TK1 are the expansion of the platform, by
means of using a wider sensor network, where sev-
eral autonomous acoustic sensors sending data to the
GPU to be processed. In this stage, an important part
of the work will be focused on the optimization of the
acoustic event detection algorithm to take advantage
of the parallelization of the GPU unit.
The authors would like to thank the Secre-
taria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament
d’Economia i Coneixement (Generalitat de
Catalunya) under grant ref. 2014-SGR-0590.
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homeSound: A High Performance Platform for Massive Data Acquisition and Processing in Ambient Assisted Living Environments