The Integration of Agile Development and Model Driven Development
A Systematic Literature Review
Hessa Alfraihi and Kevin Lano
Dept. of Informatics, King’s College London, London, U.K.
Model-Driven Development, Agile, Agile Model-Driven Development, Systematic Literature Review.
In this paper, we present a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on combining Agile development and Model-
Driven Development (MDD). The objectives of this paper are to identify what are the main characteristics of
current Agile Model-Driven Development (Agile MDD) approaches, as well as the benefits and the problems
of adopting these approaches. Fifteen publications have been identified and selected as primary studies on
which we conducted the analysis. The results show that Agile development and MDD can coexist and benefit
from their integration. However, combining Agile and MDD is still in its early stages and more effort is
required in research to advance this area. The main contributions of this paper are: detailed and condensed
results in the context of current Agile MDD approaches, detailed results on the benefits of Agile MDD in
practice, and the observed problems and challenges of the current Agile MDD approaches.
Agile methods are lightweight software development
processes that emerged as a reaction to plan-driven
limitations by compromising between no process and
excessive process (Fowler, 2005). They impose an
iterative approach to develop systems incrementally.
Agile methods include Extreme Programming (XP)
(Beck and Fowler, 2001), Scrum (Schwaber and Bee-
dle, 2002), Crystal (Cockburn, 2002), etc. Each of
these share common principles and values defined by
the Agile Manifesto (Beck, 2001).
Model-Driven Development (MDD) methods
(Selic, 2003) have emerged as a new software devel-
opment paradigm where models play a fundamental
role. They are used to specify the required system and
then to automatically generate the source code. MDD
is established with the aim of raising the level of ab-
straction and increasing automation in code genera-
tion (Selic, 2003; Frankel, 2003). In this way, MDD
claims to improve productivity, portability, interop-
erability and maintainability of the systems (Kleppe
et al., 2003).
The integration of Agile and MDD (Agile MDD)
is of growing interest for many reasons. Firstly, the
benefits that Agile and MDD provide can lead to
improved software development (Vijayasarathy and
Turk, 2008; ?). Secondly, MDD can be considered
as a heavyweight process which can be a barrier to
industry adoption, and we believe that adding agility
to it will ease its adoption. Moreover, there exist fun-
damental differences and conflicts between Agile and
MDD that might make the integration quite challeng-
This paper provides a detailed SLR on the inte-
gration of Agile methods and MDD. This SLR iden-
tifies the main characteristic of current Agile MDD
approaches and explores the benefits as well as the
problems encountered by these approaches. The re-
mainder of this paper is structured as follows: in Sec-
tion 2, we describe our research methodology that we
followed to conduct the SLR. In Section 3, we present
the main results of our SLR while in Section 4 we an-
swer the research questions and present the data anal-
yses from our findings. Section 5 presents the related
work followed by a conclusion of this paper in Sec-
tion 6.
This review has been undertaken based on the guide-
lines provided by Kitchenham (Kitchenham, 2004).
The steps in SLR are elaborated in the following sub-
Alfraihi H. and Lano K.
The Integration of Agile Development and Model Driven Development - A Systematic Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0006207004510458
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2017), pages 451-458
ISBN: 978-989-758-210-3
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
2.1 Research Questions
In order to investigate the empirical evidence of
current Agile MDD approaches, we identified the
following questions:
RQ1: What are the main characteristics of current
Agile MDD approaches?
RQ2: What are the benefits of adopting Agile MDD
for the software development process?
RQ3: What are the problems and challenges of
adopting Agile MDD?
2.2 Source and Primary Studies
In this study, we carried out an automatic search
within the following digital libraries and databases:
ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, SpringerLink
(MetaPress), ScienceDirect (Elsevier), and Google
Scholar. To make sure that we retrieve the most
relevant papers, search strings and keywords should
be well-chosen. Therefore, based on our research
questions we used the following search strings (with
adaptations for some digital libraries): (“ agile OR
lightweight”) AND (“model-driven OR model-
based). To complement the automatic search, a man-
ual search was conducted on relevant journals which
are: International Journal on Software and Sys-
tems Modeling (SoSyM) and Journal of Software
and Systems (JSS).
2.3 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
The studies that were taken into consideration were
papers that present approaches for combining Agile
methods and MDD for software development. More-
over, only peer-reviewed papers published after 2001
and written in English are included. When a publi-
cation has multiple versions, only the recent one was
included. The following type of publications were ex-
cluded: short papers with less than 4 pages, papers
proposing Agile methods without a focus on MDD,
papers proposing approaches for MDD without con-
sidering Agile methods, papers concerned with MDD
perspectives where models are only used for speci-
fying and designing the system without a link to au-
tomatic code generation, papers proposing theoreti-
cal studies without practical implementation, papers
proposing partial Agile MDD approach, i.e. Agile
MDD should be applied for the full development life
cycle (starting from requirements all the way down to
testing), and papers combining Agile and MDD with
other approaches (e.g. Agile, MDD, and user-centred
2.4 Data Extraction
The data extraction form was designed to ensure that
sufficient data is extracted and collected to address the
research questions. It has been checked by the first
and second authors to ensure its validity. Here, we
describe the key aspects of Agile MDD that we are
concerned with:
The Characteristics of Agile MDD Ap-
proaches: in this context, we are concerned with
the main features of the approaches such as: (i)
the aim of Agile MDD approach: in this aspect,
we want to understand the different aims and
reasons behind combining Agile and MDD. (ii)
the application domain: the approaches are clas-
sified according to the target application domain
for Agile MDD. (iii) methodology type: there
are different ways to combine Agile methods
and MDD techniques. Matinnejad (Matinnejad,
2011) has classified these as: Agile-based ap-
proach where MDD process is introduced into
a current Agile software project, MDD-based
approach where Agile methods are applied to
an existing MDD process, and Assembly-based
approach which has some elements from Agile
methods and others from MDD process. (iv)
modelling approach: the models can be defined
using different modelling languages ranging
from general purpose languages such as UML
to Specific Domain Language (SDL) such as
Matlab. (v) Agile practices: in this aspect, we
are interested in finding which Agile practices
have been employed in Agile MDD approach.
(vi) MDD practices: here, we are interested in
finding out which MDD practices have been
used in Agile MDD approach. (vii) Agile MDD
process: in this dimension, we are interested
with understanding how Agile and MDD have
been integrated. (viii) verification and validation:
verification is meant to check if a system meets
a set of pre-determinant specifications. This
can involve running a simulation for a part of
the system or performing special testing, while
validation is used to check if the system being
developed meets the customer’s requirements.
(ix) evaluation methods: here, we want to now
how the approach has been evaluated? This
includes: a case study, experiments, running an
example, ..etc.
The Benefits of Agile MDD Approaches: the
benefits of combining Agile and MDD reported
MODELSWARD 2017 - 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Table 1: The general context of Agile MDD approaches.
Study ID Reference Aim Application domain Methodology type Based-upon
S1 (Zhang and Patel, 2011) Shorten delivery cycle time, improve quality Telecommunication MDD-based Scrum, XP, MDD
S2 (Guta et al., 2009) Apply MDD approach to small-sized projects Web applications Assembly-based Parallel Agile, MDD
S3 (Grigera et al., 2012) Involve customers, create high level designs Web applications MDD-based Scrum, mockup models
S4 (Eliasson et al., 2014) Shorten development cycle, get early feedback Mechatronic systems MDD-based General Agile process, MDE
S5 (Zhang, 2004) Enhance MDD for agility and quality Telecommunication MDD-based XP, MDD
S6 (Kirby Jr, 2006) Get early feedback Reactive systems MDD-based General Agile process, MDD
S7 (Naki
c, 2012) Shorten development cycle Financial systems MDD-based Scrum, MDA
S8 (Kulkarni et al., 2011) Shorten development time Business systems MDD-based General Agile process, MDD
S9 (Basso et al., 2015) Involve customers, quick designs Web applications Agile-based Scrum, MDE
S10 (Lano et al., 2015) Improve agility in MDD Transformation MDD-based Scrum, MDD
S11 (Luna et al., 2009) Improve user involvement Web applications Agile-based TDD, MDD
S12 (Rivero et al., 2014) Improve user involvement Web applications Agile-based Scrum, MDD
S13 (Rivero et al., 2013) Improve requirements gathering and customer involvement Web applications Agile-based Scrum, MDD
S14 (C
aceres et al., 2004) Combine the advantages of Agile methods and MDD Web applications MDD-based XP, MDA
S15 (Krasteva et al., 2013) Improve the modernisation development process Web applications MDD-based Scrum, MDE
in the studies are highlighted and discussed.
The Problems and Challenges of Agile MDD
Approaches: the problems and the limitations
observed in the current Agile MDD approaches
are identified.
2.5 Conducting the Review
To select the eligible studies, the search process has
been conducted in three phases. Firstly, 299 papers
were found after applying the search strings for the
digital sources as follows: 81 papers from IEEE, 95
papers from ACM, 44 papers from Science Direct,
and 79 papers from SpringerLink. Then, 58 papers
were selected based on the titles and abstract scan-
ning. Finally, the full text of the papers were reviewed
for further refinement. After applying our inclusion
and exclusion criteria, fifteen studies were included
as shown in Table 1. To make sure that we have not
missed any relevant study, the list of references of
the included studies were searched manually. More-
over, we performed a manual search on some journals
to complement the automated search without finding
any further relevant study.
In this section, we report the results of the SLR re-
search questions in regards to Agile MDD.
3.1 The Characteristics of the
The Aim of Combining Agile and MDD: keeping
the customer involved and actively collaborated in the
development process was the most frequently stated
aim for adopting Agile MDD (5 of 15 cases). More-
over, accelerating development process was another
common aim for combining Agile and MDD. Other
aims for incorporating Agile and MDD included: ob-
taining early feedback, improving the quality of the
final product, and creating quick design. Some char-
acteristics of Agile MDD are presented in Table 1.
Figure 1: Statistics of some Agile MDD aspects.
The Application Domain: the most common domain
for Agile MDD approaches was web applications (8
of 15 cases). Some other domains include: financial
services, reactive systems, mechatronic systems and
telecommunication. The majority of approaches were
targeting a specific single domain, however, few stud-
ies explicitly mentioned that they can be applicable
more generally for small-medium size projects such
as S2 and S10 (Fig. 1a).
Methodology Type: we found that the majority of
the reviewed Agile MDD approaches were MDD-
based. That may be due to the fact that MDD can
be considered as a heavyweight process and devel-
opers tend to relax its recommendations and to make
it more lightweight by introducing agility to the pro-
cess. Consequently, we think that the motivation for
The Integration of Agile Development and Model Driven Development - A Systematic Literature Review
adopting Agile MDD is more relevant for MDD as
opposed to Agile-based. A few approaches follow the
Agile-based methodology whilst we found only one
approach that is Assembly-based (Fig. 1b).
Modelling Approaches: Most of the approaches (6
of 15) used UML to define models while two more
studies (S2 and S7) used XML format. On the other
hand, S3, S9, S11, S12 and S13 defined their own
DSL models (Fig. 1c).
Agile Practices: in terms of Agile methods, the most
common method was Scrum (8 out of 15 cases). This
is not surprising, since the latest Agile survey (One,
2016) identified Scrum as the most widespread Ag-
ile process (58%). XP was also adopted in some ap-
proaches like in S1 , S5 and S14. On another hand,
S7 used Scrum throughout the whole project but when
approaching the end of the project, tasks became diffi-
cult and could not be planned in sprints, and develop-
ers switched to Kanban. However, some Agile MDD
approaches did not specify which Agile methods they
used. In terms of Agile practices, most, if not all, Ag-
ile MDD approaches have followed an iterative and
incremental development. Moreover, Test-Driven De-
velopment, refactoring, prioritised backlogs and di-
rect customer involvement were the most frequently
used. Frequencies of these practices and occurrences
in reviewed studies are summarised in Table 2.
MDD Practices: most the approaches support the
development of systems by automatically generating
code (model-to-text transformation). However, only
few studies explicitly mentioned they support model-
to-model transformations without specifying how the
transformations have been implemented such as S3,
S4, S9 and S14. In terms of reverse engineering, the
majority of approaches provide only one-way forward
engineering. Only S7 supports round-trip engineer-
ing to synchronise the divergence between code and
models. Executable models - which are models that
can be run- have been used by some approaches such
as S1,S4,S5, and S6. Frequencies of these practices
and occurrences in reviewed studies are summarised
in Table 3.
The Process of Agile MDD: most of the approaches
failed to define a systematic process for combining
Agile and MDD except mentioning that some Agile
and MDD practices were used. The most comprehen-
sive approach is presented in S1. S1 used the System
Level Agile process (SLAP) which is a Scrum-based
process adopted by Motorola. Its development life
cycle is divided into three successive iterations, each
of which consists of application requirements and ar-
chitecture, development, and system integration fea-
ture testing. To achieve their Agile MDD approaches,
MDD activities (requirements, requirements analysis
and high-level design, detailed design, code genera-
tion, and system testing) are mapped into these three
iterations to build a new increment of the system.
From another perspective, Kulkarni et al. in S8 ar-
gue that Agile methodology is not suitable as is with
MDD as they found some activities, which require
in-depth analysis and detailed documentation, cannot
be conducted within short time-boxed iterations. For
this reason, they proposed to introduce meta-sprints to
be executed in parallel with the normal sprints where
sprints are used for understood functionalities while
meta-sprints are dedicated to features that require de-
tailed investigation such as evaluation.
Another interesting approach is proposed in S7. In
order to reduce the effort of model management,
platform-independent models (PIM) and platform-
specific models (PSM) are combined into a single
model which contains all information for all program-
ming languages.
Verification and Validation Techniques: through
surveying the studies, verification procedures in-
volved performing tests or running a simulation. For
instance, S2, S7, and S8 used integration testing while
S3, S9, S12, S13, and S15 used acceptance testing.
Both S3 and S11 used interaction testing to check in-
teractions between dynamic pages whilst S10 and S14
used unit testing. Moreover, simulation is used in S1,
S4, and S5 to verify the system earlier. However, ex-
plicit verification was omitted in S6.
Evaluation Methods: in terms of methods used to
evaluate the Agile MDD approaches, most of the stud-
ies described an industrial case study (8 out of 15) or
academic case study such as S10 and S14 to evalu-
ate their approaches. Few studies presented a run-
ning example to illustrate their approaches such as
S11 and S13 while another two studies (S3 and S12)
conducted an experiment to provide the proof of con-
cept of their approaches (Fig. 1d).
3.2 The Benefits
The approaches of Agile MDD reported the benefits
of combining the two approaches in different aspects.
With respect to productivity, S1 noticed threefold in-
crease and 93% of code was generated automatically,
whereas S5 reported five times productivity improve-
ment in terms of number of lines of code per staff.
Similarity, S8 observed an improvement in productiv-
ity due to continuous focus on the deliverables and
shorter turnaround time (four weeks as compared to
six months in traditional approach). In regard of qual-
ity, S1 observed significant improved quality of code
compared to hand-craft one. Likewise, S5 reported a
20% improvement in quality by simulation in terms
MODELSWARD 2017 - 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Table 2: Agile practices used in reviewed Agile MDD approaches.
Agile practice freq. Studies that reported the practice
Test-driven development 5 S1, S3, S5, S7, S11
Pair development 5 S1, S3, S7, S14, S15
Continuous integration 5 S1, S2, S7, S14, S15
Refactoring 5 S3, S10, S11, S13, S15
Prioritised backlog 5 S4, S8, S9, S13, S15
Direct customer involvement 5 S10, S11, S13, S12, S14
Stand-up meeting 4 S1, S4, S5, S8
Collective ownership 2 S7, S15
Self-selected team 1 S7
Burn-down chart 1 S8
Release planning 1 S14
Table 3: MDD practices used in reviewed Agile MDD approaches.
MDD practice freq. Studies that reported the practice
Automated code generation
(Model-to-text transformation)
S1, S2, S3, S4, S5,S6,S7,S8,S9, S10,
S11, S12, S13
UML modelling 7 S1, S5, S6, S9, S10, S14, S15
DSL modelling 6 S3, S4, S9, S11,S12,S13
Executable models 4 S1,S4,S5,S6
Model-to-model transformation 4 S3,S4,S9, S14
XML modelling 2 S2, S7
Model-based testing 1 S3
round-trip engineering 1 S7
of number of defects that escaped from testing. In
another respect, S3 found an improvement in terms
of time and customers satisfaction while S9 found
an improvement in code modularisation and simpler
mockup design.
From Agile development perspectives, S7 stated
that Agile practices make the starting curve shorter.
They also help to relax some recommendations of
MDD and ease its adoption by allowing developers
to spend a little time on small increments of func-
tionality. Furthermore, it has been noticed that the
development of Agile MDD is accelerated by us-
ing Test-Driven Development technique. Early feed-
back through frequent increments resulted in reduc-
tion in rework effort and better team commitment
in S8. Likewise, S4 stated that it helps to gain an
early knowledge and reduce the assumptions devel-
opers have to make. Moreover, in S13, requirements
gathering was improved by facilitating user involve-
ment in the development process. S14 found that pair
development practice was helpful in terms of increas-
ing team responsibility and commitment.
Compared to a traditional model-driven approach,
S12 noticed reduction in the errors and effort during
modelling stage while an increase in reusing prede-
fined architecture. S14 found that the principle of as-
pects separation from MDD was helpful in facilitating
requirements gathering and analysis and planning the
user stories during iterations.
On the other hand, some studies such as S2, S6,
S10, S11 and S15 found the experiences of adopt-
ing Agile MDD successful without showing what and
how it was successful.
3.3 The Problems and Challenges
From all studies, we identified some problems that
occur when combining Agile and MDD approaches.
The first problem is a steep learning curve as reported
in S1, S5, and S9. This arise due to the lack of ex-
perience, process, or culture. Zhang and Patel in S1
discuss that Agile MDD is relatively new and due to
the sharp learning curve, it is less likely to produce
benefits in the short-term. However, there are long-
term benefits for large projects with multiple releases.
Since models are created and transformed at dif-
ferent levels of abstractions with multiple views, in-
sufficient management of models is another problem,
which is expected since it is a main issue in MDD
processes (France and Rumpe, 2007). Different stud-
ies report difficulties in keeping track of the rela-
tionship between requirements and models which im-
The Integration of Agile Development and Model Driven Development - A Systematic Literature Review
pedes responding to changes incrementally such in
S3, models merging such in S5, and models migra-
tion to new meta-models upon change request such as
in S8. Kulkarni et al. in S8 reported that the lack of
configuration management of different parallel teams
is a problem that needs to be addressed. Also, the lack
of automation in testing made sprint durations longer.
They argue that purely Agile methods are not compat-
ible with MDD as they suggest using Agile methods
in limited scope; i.e. mature development teams and
projects less critical requirements. In the same con-
text they conclude that “we argue that true agility in
model-driven development is possible only when code
generators can also be adapted as quickly as applica-
tion models”.
In this section, collected data is synthesised and the
research questions are answered.
RQ1: What are the main characteristics of current
Agile MDD approaches?
Due to the low number of the primary studies, it was
difficult to provide a comparative analysis. Instead
we provide a general insights into the main charac-
teristics of Agile MDD approaches. We found that
publications have different strategies of adopting Ag-
ile MDD, motivations, and application domains, al-
though introducing Agile methods into MDD was
common to achieving Agile MDD. Although general-
isation is difficult here, we found that approaches used
in the same domain have a similar context in terms of
their aims and practice, eg., as in S3, S12 and S13.
In order to make an efficient and effective assessment
of the area, more case studies, industrial reports, and
experiments are needed.
RQ2: What are the benefits of adopting Agile
MDD for the software development process?
When it comes to the benefits, many Agile MDD ap-
proaches reported different positive impacts of incor-
porating Agile and MDD such as improvement in pro-
ductivity and quality, faster development rate and bet-
ter customer satisfaction. Furthermore, Agile MDD
has not been used only to develop a system from
scratch but also it has been used successfully for the
evolution of legacy systems as discussed in S7 and
S15. Nakicenovic in S7 states that Through our in-
dustrial report we are able to provide strong support
in favour of the claim that MDD and Agile practices
can be used together, preserving the benefits of each
and “an Agile MDD could be a key success factor for
organizations, which are not ready for the introduc-
tion of the full-scale MDA”.
In spite of the fact that most of the approaches
had a successful experience in adopting Agile MDD,
they failed to show what has succeeded and how. This
makes understanding and comparing the results quite
difficult. Moreover, it is unclear what kind of im-
provements MDD bring to Agile and vice versa.
RQ3: What are the problems and challenges of
adopting Agile MDD?
From all studies, only few discuss the limitations and
problems they face in Agile and MDD integration.
Unfortunately, it has been observed in a lot of pub-
lications that success projects are reported more than
failure. This review revealed that the most often re-
ported problems are: lack of model management, lack
of verification, and steep learning curve and start-up
overheads. To address the model management prob-
lem, S7 proposed to minimise the number of mod-
els and hence the management effort by combining
combining PIM and PSM into a single model. Also,
it is important to define a systematic guidelines on
the integration of Agile development and MDD that
can help cutting steep learning curve. To evaluate the
approaches precisely, we urge researchers and practi-
tioners to report both failure and success projects.
To the best of our knowledge, there is only one re-
lated survey (Matinnejad, 2011) and one SLR (Bur-
den et al., 2014) in this area. In (Matinnejad, 2011),
the author proposes a criteria-based evaluation frame-
work to review and compare four Agile MDD ap-
proaches. Based on the results, he presented an empir-
ical analysis. Although this is the first work that rep-
resents a significant attempt to examine Agile MDD
approaches, it is limited to a narrow scope and it is
not a systematic review. In (Burden et al., 2014), the
authors conduct a SLR for the experiences of Agile
MDD approaches from an empirical point of view.
They propose two research questions to understand
the state-of-art of Agile MDD and to investigate what
is lacking in the literature. Seven publications are
reviewed in this study. They conclude that the area
in Agile MDD is still immature and there is a need
for more reports on industrial experience of Agile
MDD. The drawback of this work is that the quality
assessment criteria for selecting the publications are
too specific (e.g. details of development team must
be presented). As a consequence, many well-known
publications are missing such as (Naki
c, 2012)
and (Luna et al., 2009). Also, they are concerned
with investigating the state-of-art of Agile MDD in
general. In this study, we reviewed more studies and
MODELSWARD 2017 - 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
investigated different aspects of Agile MDD such as
the main characteristics of current Agile MDD ap-
proaches, the benefits, and challenges of Agile and
MDD integration.
In this paper, we have presented details of SLR on Ag-
ile and MDD integration. This study included a total
of 15 papers that were published from the year 2001
till 2016. The main characteristics of Agile MDD
were explored and the observed benefits and problems
were identified. The results show that there is still a
lot of confusion about what Agile MDD is and how
the two approaches can be effectively integrated and
what the real benefits and challenges are. This proves
that Agile MDD is still in its early stages. This SLR
should contribute in advancing the state of research of
Agile MDD and can be used by researchers to bridge
the gap in this area, while industrial practitioners can
utilise the description of Agile MDD approaches and
corresponding practices to identify both the success
factors and potential challenges of the integration of
Agile and MDD. One of the initial conclusions we
came up is that many studies failed to explain how
Agile and MDD have been combined. Moreover,
methodological aspects have been only discussed by
few studies. Most approaches present illustrative ex-
amples but lack comparative in-depth evaluation of
the effectiveness of the approaches. As suggested by
(Burden et al., 2014), more experience reports and
evaluations are required to advance the area of Agile
MDD. As future work, we will conduct an interview-
based study to examine current practices for Agile
methods and MDD in order to verify and complement
the findings of the SLR.
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MODELSWARD 2017 - 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development