Experimental Synthesis of Routing Protocols and Synthetic Mobility
Modeling for MANET
Nisrine Ibadah
, Khalid Minaoui
, Mohammed Rziza
and Mohammed Oumsis
LRIT, Associated Unit to CNRST (URAC 29), Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco
Superior School of Technology, Mohammed V University, Sal
e, Morocco
MANET, Routing Protocols, Mobility Models, NS2, Boonmotion, Performance Analysis.
Many performance analyses are already done with a lot of flaws. But, they do not look to all influenced con-
straints. In this study, we aim to summarize several parameters into 90 different scenarios with an average
of 1350 simulated files. That shows results of three performance metrics combined with five mobile ad hoc
routing protocols under three synthetic mobility models. All these parameters are applied to two dissimilar
simulation areas. Basing on one exhaustive analysis with all these details like this paper; leads to well under-
stand the accurate behaviors of routing protocols and mobility models used. By displaying the ability of every
routing protocol to deal with some topology changes, as well as to ensure network performances.
For almost two decades, mobile communication has
become a major field of research and scientific dis-
coveries. Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) has
achieved a huge improvement due to its flexibility,
easier maintenance, the non-existence of centralized
control or fixed and static infrastructure as well as
self-administration and self-configuration abilities.
Several mobility models have been proposed to
overcome these situations with the aim of imitating
human beings’ real-life. Wireless communications
display many problems related to nodes density, traf-
fic load, autonomous energy, and mobility. Routing
within this network suffers from frequent topology’s
updates and unconnected actives routes between mo-
bile nodes. The main challenge of MANETs rout-
ing is to develop a dynamic routing protocol expe-
ditiously able to find a route between mobile nodes.
The choice of a mobility model (MM) can favorite
some designs over others. It must be efficiently
readapted to every change occurring in the network
topology(Srivastava et al., 2014). The performance
of mobile ad hoc networks can vary significantly un-
der different mobility models. Sometimes, they eval-
uate routing protocols without taken into considera-
tion mobility models. They often analyze them using
one routing protocol. Whereas, Simulation time em-
ployed is too short. It mainly impacts performance
metrics of many mobility models. Or usually, sim-
ulation area used is small. It influences the number
of packets received. Their optimal implementation
requires a deep study of the routing protocols. Re-
searchers find meaningful to explore mobility model
decisions and metrics in modeling their wireless com-
munication where mobile nodes move from a place to
another with no fixed infrastructure.
Synthetic Mobility models(Umamaheswaran
et al., 2014) imitate the movement of real mobile
nodes that change speed, position and direction with
time. They can be done by making prevision, mobiles
move from one place to another at a given moment
under varied network restrictions. They represent
precisely motion characteristics of mobile nodes.
They are amongst key parameters that influence
performance features of the mobile network in
order to judge which protocol is useful in a special
scenario. Nodes’ mobility need to be analyzed to
explore dependency and topology requirements.
This paper will propose an intensive performance
analysis of some synthetic mobility model under a
mobile ad hoc network. In order to describe mobil-
ity issue of various wireless communication scenarios
that heavily impacts mobile routing protocols. The
entire document is divided into three principal sec-
tions. Firstly, we present brief related works where
are used in the simulation. Secondly, we present the
parameters of simulation; and also, we interpret the
simulation results. And finally, we discuss the con-
Ibadah N., Minaoui K., Rziza M. and Oumsis M.
Experimental Synthesis of Routing Protocols and Synthetic Mobility Modeling for MANET.
DOI: 10.5220/0006203601680173
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS 2017), pages 168-173
ISBN: 421065/17
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Many ways are proposed to classify synthetic mobil-
ity models(Batabyal and Bhaumik, 2015). Firstly the
’Entity mobility model’ where every node is indepen-
dent of each other. This class has been classified into
the following areas: random mobility models, mod-
els with temporal dependency, models with spatial
dependency and models with geographic restrictions.
For random mobility models, nodes travel freely and
without obstructions. Direction, speed, and destina-
tion are selected randomly and independently of prior
selection. That assesses these models to be generally
without a memory, e.g: Random Waypoint Mobility
Model (RWMM)(Han et al., 2016). However, mod-
els with geographic restriction, node’s movements are
not often random or have a temporal/spatial depen-
dency. But, it can be obstructed in a bounded area,
guided by paths or restricted into a building, e.g.,
Manhattan Grid Mobility Model (MGMM)(Martinez
et al., 2013). Secondly the ’correlated or group based
mobility model’, where the device node’s movement
is dependent on others. In this subclass, nodes move
by following a leader node in the group. That is to
say, each group is governed by one leader which can
be a pre-defined or a logical node, e.g., Reference
Point Group Mobility Model (RPGMMM)(Dong and
Dargie, 2013). Thirdly the ’human or social based
mobility model’ where nodes are driven by social-
izing human behaviors, e.g., Self-Similar Least Ac-
tion Walk(Hiranandani et al., 2013). And fourthly,
vehicular mobility models emulate vehicle movement
with changing speed, moving in queues along high-
way/street and stopping at traffic signals(Al-Sultan
et al., 2014). That follow the shortest trajectory from
a given source to a destination. However, vehicular
communication becomes an important portion of the
intelligent transport system.
3.1 Configuration Parameters
This paper shows results of three performance met-
rics which are Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), average
end-to-end delay and throughput under different sce-
narios. we combine five mobile ad hoc routing proto-
cols which two of them are proactive, two are reactive
and hybrid one. With three synthetic mobility models
which are: RWMM is a random entity synthetic MM,
MGMM is an entity synthetic MM with restriction ge-
ographic MM and RPGMM is group based MM. All
Table 1: Simulation parameters.
Parameters Values
Propagation model TwoRayGround model
Bandwidth 10 Mb/s
Number of nodes 50
Packet size CBR
Packet rate 512 bytes/s
Speed 10 m/s
Pause time (s) 0, 20, 40, 60, 80
Routing Protocols
DSR, and ZRP
Mobility models
Performance metrics
PDR, Average e-e delay,
and Throughput
220 * 220 , and 1020 *
Simulation time 1000 s
Recursion 15 times
these parameters are applied under two simulation ar-
eas; small one with (220m*220m) and large one with
(1020m*1020m). So, our results will represent 90 dif-
ferent scenarios with an average of 1350 simulated
files. We combine all these details in order to well un-
derstand the accurate behaviors of routing protocols
and mobility models used. Simulation settings used
for the experiments are depicted in Table 1.
3.2 Results and Discussion
To evaluate routing protocols, a wide range of perfor-
mance metrics have been considered to catch charac-
teristics of different mobility models. Our results aim
to analyze their performance impacts on routing pro-
tocols over MANET. So, different metrics have been
used to compare and evaluate them against nodes’
mobility, as follows:
Firstly, we start with Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) or
Fraction (PDF). It represents the ratio of data pack-
ets delivered to destinations, those generated by CBR
application sources. According to this metric, simu-
lation results are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.
Figure 1 is applied in the small area. From Fig-
ure 1 (a) and (c), the PDR of AODV and DSR present
best results in both RWMM and RPGMM in which
they reach approximately 100%. Due to their reac-
tive strategy, routes are sure which are searched on
demand. But, AODV represents the best routing pro-
tocol in MGMM of Figure 1 (b). However, in RWMM
Experimental Synthesis of Routing Protocols and Synthetic Mobility Modeling for MANET
and MGMM, ZRP gives the worst results in this
metric, by dint of zone network used by this proto-
col. DSDV and OLSR in RWMM and MGMM offer
acceptable outcomes, thanks to continuously update
their routing table. OLSR is the worst in RPGMM.
As a result of, OLSR is based on routing by cluster
heads. And, RPGMM has their own groups’ leader.
So, the same strategy applied for routing and mobility
respectively. The coordination between clusters and
leader nodes is tough in this case. In general, we no-
tice that AODV offers best results at the PDR for all
mobility used in the small area.
(a) RWMM
(b) MGMM
Figure 1: PDR of routing protocols under various mobil-
ity models - Small area. (a) Random Waypoint Mobility
Model, (b) Manhattan Grid Mobility Model, (c) Reference
Point Group Mobility Model.
Figure 2 is applied in the large area. From Figure
2 (a), (b) and (c), the DSR and ZRP offer the best PDR
percentage. Due to the hidden routing table of DSR
which often has an available route to the destination
even in a wide field. And zone based protocol applied
by ZRP which it allows to be suitable to the large area.
Although, the proactive protocols OLSR and DSDV
are the worst in all mobility models. Proactive pro-
tocols generally offer bad results in large simulation
field. We observe that ZRP is the best in the PDR
in this area. As a result of dividing spacious simula-
tion area in a small zone which will be easier to verify
transmitted packets.
(a) RWMM
(b) MGMM
Figure 2: PDR of routing protocols under various mobil-
ity models - Large area. (a) Random Waypoint Mobility
Model, (b) Manhattan Grid Mobility Model, (c) Reference
Point Group Mobility Model.
Secondly, we analyze the ’Average End-to-End
Delay’. It represents total time spends between ap-
plication source to destination one. The simulation
results are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4.
Figure 3 is applied in a small area. From Fig-
ure 3 (a),(b) and (c), the Average end-to-end delay
of DSR and ZRP are the worst in this three mobility
models simulated. Due to their zone approach of ZRP
and useless routes saved by DSR. However, we notice
that in the small area, this metric is best with AODV,
OLSR, and DSDV. Thanks to their on demand or con-
tinuous proactive strategy adopted by these routing
SENSORNETS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Sensor Networks
(a) RWMM
(b) MGMM
Figure 3: End-to-End Delay of routing protocols under var-
ious mobility models - Small area. (a) Random Waypoint
Mobility Model, (b) Manhattan Grid Mobility Model, (c)
Reference Point Group Mobility Model.
Figure 4 is applied in a wide area. From Figure
4 (a), (b) and (c) like the small one, the average end-
to-end delay of DSR and ZRP are the worst in these
three mobility models simulated of Figure 4 (a),(b)
and (c). Due to their zone approach of ZRP and use-
less routes saved by DSR. So, sometimes, they borrow
prolonged routes to reach the destination. However,
AODV has acceptable results. Thanks to the reactive
methodology which send to one neighbor without to-
tal knowledge of a correct path to the destination. We
notice that average end-to-end delay of proactive pro-
tocols OLSR and DSDV is not influenced by simula-
tion field adopted. It offers best outcomes, thanks to
their continuous proactive strategy.
Thirdly, we assess the Throughput which is the
sum of data rates which are delivered to all mobile
nodes, indicating bits or packets received per second.
The simulation results are shown in Figure 5 and Fig-
ure 6.
(a) RWMM
(b) MGMM
Figure 4: End-to-End Delay of routing protocols under var-
ious mobility models - Large area. (a) Random Waypoint
Mobility Model, (b) Manhattan Grid Mobility Model, (c)
Reference Point Group Mobility Model.
Figure 5 is applied in a small area. From Figure 5 (a)
and (c), reactive protocols AODV and DSR show best
results in RWMM and RPGMM. These protocols are
suitable for small areas. But from Figure 5 (b), AODV
outperforms than others at MGMM due to the reliable
path used. However, ZRP is the worst in RWMM
and MGMM. And, it is admissible in RPGMM. Al-
though, DSDV and OLSR offer permissible outcomes
in RWMM and MGMM. But, OLSR is the worst in
RPGMM due to its cluster routing process. We con-
clude that AODV is the most suitable for all these mo-
bility models simulated in a small field.
Figure 6 is applied in a large area. From Figure
(a), (b) and (c), we remark that ZRP, AODV, and DSR
gives best results on the throughput. Furthermore,
ZRP is the best according to this metric. But, OLSR
and DSDV are the worst at all models experimented.
We conclude that proactive protocols are bad. And,
ZRP is the best one in large areas.
Experimental Synthesis of Routing Protocols and Synthetic Mobility Modeling for MANET
(a) RWMM
(b) MGMM
Figure 5: Throughput of routing protocols under various
mobility models - Small area. (a) Random Waypoint Mo-
bility Model, (b) Manhattan Grid Mobility Model, (c) Ref-
erence Point Group Mobility Model.
After simulating 1350 files of 90 different sce-
narios. Our results will be summarized in Table 2.
When we are combined some routing protocols with
synthetic mobility models. We obtain best outcomes
which are displayed with green cells 1-2. And worst
results with red color 4-5.
We result from that the Packet delivery ratio and
Throughput in a small area. AODV achieve best out-
comes as a result of on-demand concept based on
route request RREQ and route reply RREP leads to
possesses exactly the correct path. But, the worst one
is represented by ZRP because it explore information
of Intra-zone Routing Protocol (IARP) and Inter-zone
Routing Protocol (IERP) which will be tedious to co-
ordinate between them in a small one.
For the large area, we acquire best results with DSR
due to the available path to a destination node, even if
in a wide area. And ZRP as a result of dividing spa-
cious simulation area in a small zone which will be
(a) RWMM
(b) MGMM
Figure 6: Throughput of routing protocols under various
mobility models - Large area. (a) Random Waypoint Mo-
bility Model, (b) Manhattan Grid Mobility Model, (c) Ref-
erence Point Group Mobility Model.
easier to verify transmitted packets.
However, for the average end-to-end delay. In the two
areas, we have best results with proactive protocols
DSDV and OLSR, due to their researches in advance
and continuous updates or routing tables. So, all the
time, they possess correct paths to a destination. But,
the worst are obtained with DSR as a result of hidden
table without any strategy to erase it, and ZRP due to
speed occupied to locate the destination in a specific
zone in simulation field.
This paper aimed to summarize several performance
evaluation scenarios of MANET routing protocols
under different mobility models. Three mobility
models have been applied in order to study the im-
SENSORNETS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Sensor Networks
Table 2: Experimental synthesis results.
Performance Routing Mobility models
Metrics Protocols Small area LARGE area
PDR AODV 2 1 1 3 3 3
DSR 1 4 2 1 2 2
DSDV 4 2 3 5 5 4
OLSR 3 3 5 4 4 5
ZRP 5 5 4 2 1 1
Avg AODV 3 3 3 3 3 3
e-to-e delay DSR 4 5 4 5 5 5
DSDV 2 1 2 1 2 1
OLSR 1 2 1 2 1 2
ZRP 5 4 5 4 4 4
Throughput AODV 2 1 1 3 3 3
DSR 1 4 2 2 2 2
DSDV 4 2 3 5 5 5
OLSR 3 3 5 4 4 4
ZRP 5 5 4 1 1 1
pact of changed metrics as average end-to-end de-
lay, throughput and the packet delivery ratio. We
conclude that AODV offers best results in the small
area. It is usually moderate or better for all ninety
divers’ scenarios. It represents an adaptable routing
protocol under varied mobility models for the small
and large area. Due to, its reactive routing approach
which leads it to own correct path according to pack-
ets transmitted. However, ZRP is the worst. But, it
is the best in the large one. And proactive protocols
are the worst in this field. Three tracks in mobility
modeling are allowed which we achieve the first one
in this paper. Basing on one itemized analysis with
all these details; leads to well understand the accu-
rate behaviors of routing protocols and mobility mod-
els used. Our future work will focus on modeling a
human trace mobility model applied in a real world
scenario. That will be interesting for mobile P2P ap-
plication and suitable to a crowded area.
This paper was supported by the project PPR
13/2016 of Mohammed V University and LRIT
Laboratory, Rabat.
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Experimental Synthesis of Routing Protocols and Synthetic Mobility Modeling for MANET