Cluster Analysis of Twitter Data: A Review of Algorithms
Noufa Alnajran, Keeley Crockett, David McLean and Annabel Latham
School of Computing, Math and Digital Technology, Manchester Metropolitan University,
John Dalton Building, All Saints, Manchester, M1 5GD, U.K.
Keywords: Clustering, Social Network Analysis, Twitter, Data Mining, Machine Learning.
Abstract: Twitter, a microblogging online social network (OSN), has quickly gained prominence as it provides people
with the opportunity to communicate and share posts and topics. Tremendous value lies in automated
analysing and reasoning about such data in order to derive meaningful insights, which carries potential
opportunities for businesses, users, and consumers. However, the sheer volume, noise, and dynamism of
Twitter, imposes challenges that hinder the efficacy of observing clusters with high intra-cluster (i.e.
minimum variance) and low inter-cluster similarities. This review focuses on research that has used various
clustering algorithms to analyse Twitter data streams and identify hidden patterns in tweets where text is
highly unstructured. This paper performs a comparative analysis on approaches of unsupervised learning in
order to determine whether empirical findings support the enhancement of decision support and pattern
recognition applications. A review of the literature identified 13 studies that implemented different clustering
methods. A comparison including clustering methods, algorithms, number of clusters, dataset(s) size, distance
measure, clustering features, evaluation methods, and results was conducted. The conclusion reports that the
use of unsupervised learning in mining social media data has several weaknesses. Success criteria and future
directions for research and practice to the research community are discussed.
The rapid evolution of web 2.0 technologies such as
OSN applications, has led to the continuous
generation of an enormous volume of digital
heterogeneous data being published at an
unprecedented rate. These technologies have
significantly changed the way people communicate
and share information among each other in various
domains. Millions of people have shifted from the
traditional media channels such as newspapers, to
online social media. In this context, Twitter has
gained massive popularity as it provides an informal
platform where people can easily publish and
broadcast messages on different areas across the
world. It had a prominent role in spreading awareness
of natural disasters such as Hurricane Sandy and
socio-political events such as the Arab Spring (Kumar
et al., 2014). This has made Twitter an important
source of information for synthesizing evidence in
argumentation, and a goldmine of potential cross-
domain opportunities for both businesses and
decision makers. However, the exponential amount of
user generated content on this site is too vast for
manual analysis. More than 500 million short-text
messages, referred to as “tweets”, are published every
day (Krestel et al., 2015). This requires an automated
and scalable mining process to discover patterns in
the unstructured data.
Cluster analysis is the unsupervised process of
grouping data instances into relatively similar
categories, without prior understanding of the groups
structure or class labels (Han et al., 2011). It is a
prominent component of exploratory data analysis. A
subfield of clustering includes text mining, where
large volumes of text are analysed to find patterns
between documents (Godfrey et al., 2014). The
growth of these unstructured data collections,
advances in technology and computer power, and
enhanced software capabilities, has made text mining
an independent academic field. Moreover, the
emergence of OSNs has yielded new frontiers for
academic research, where researchers in the broad
area of Natural Language Processing consider text
analysis one of the most important research areas.
Recent studies in various disciplines have shown
increasing interest in micro-blogging services,
particularly Twitter (Sheela, 2016). The applications
of text mining tools for studying features of content
Alnajran N., Crockett K., McLean D. and Latham A.
Cluster Analysis of Twitter Data: A Review of Algorithms.
DOI: 10.5220/0006202802390249
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2017), pages 239-249
ISBN: 978-989-758-220-2
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and semantics in tweets propagating through the
network has been widely studied (Kumar et al., 2014).
Several studies have aimed at analysing social data
from Twitter through performing data mining
techniques such as classification (Castillo et al.,
2011). However, these techniques could be
considered to have limited capabilities due to the
unpredictable nature of the dataset. Cluster analysis
of tweets has been reported to be particularly suitable
for this kind of data for two reasons (Go et al., 2009):
(1) the amount of data for training is too vast for
manual labelling. (2) The nature of the data implies
the existence of unforeseen groups that may carry
important nuggets of information which can only be
revealed by unsupervised learning.
Among the research conducted around clustering
tweets’ short-text and other text mining applications
on Twitter, researchers aim to find relevant
information such as inferring users’ interests and
identifying emergent topics. However, several natural
challenges of the data prevent standard clustering
algorithms being applied with their full potentials:
Sparseness –unlike traditional clustering of
documents which are rich in context, tweets are
restricted to 140 characters.
Non-standardization –people invented many ways
to expand the semantics that are carried out by the
tweet. This implies the usage of slangs,
misspelled, and connected words. Users also use
self-defined hashtags to identify topics or events.
Volume –the rapid generation of tweets results in
high volumes of data.
Therefore, due to the textual length restriction of the
text, the content in tweets is limited, however it still
may contain rich meanings. Therefore, tweets require
intelligent techniques, such as incorporating semantic
technologies that can analyse datasets with such
complex characteristics and convey meanings and
The main purpose of this paper is to:
Review various clustering algorithms that are
implemented on different features of Twitter
Review various domains of applications and
success criteria that are used for measuring and
evaluating the accuracy of the algorithm.
Compare relevant approaches in terms of
clustering methods, algorithms, number of
clusters, dataset(s) size, distance measure,
clustering features, evaluation methods, and
Recommend future directions for research and
practice to the research community.
To the best of our knowledge, there does not exist
research that reviews the prominent clustering
algorithms available to use on challenging, large, and
unstructured data such as Twitter. Thus, this shall
provide a thorough literature review and a valuable
source of information on the state of the art for
relevant research in this field.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
section 2 describes the methods that are used in this
review. Section 3 includes the techniques of mining
Twitter datasets that use four clustering methods: (1)
partition-based, (2) hierarchical-based, (3) hybrid-
based, and (4) density-based. Section 4 contains the
discussion and section 5 has the conclusion and future
work. A table providing a summary of the studies
featured in this review is located at the end of the
2.1 Literature Search Procedures
In this review, multiple research databases were
investigated, such as Google Scholar and DeepDyve,
to conduct online searches. This process includes
searching for the following terms: ‘mining Twitter
short-text’, ‘clustering tweets’, ‘unsupervised
learning on Twitter’, and ‘categorization of tweets’.
2.2 Inclusion Criteria
The inclusion criteria for this paper includes research
that involve:
An implementation of one of the following
clustering methods: partition, hierarchical, hybrid,
and density, on Twitter short-text messages. The
reason for choosing these methods is that these
generally cover the major clustering algorithms
and have not been reviewed previously in the
context of Twitter data.
An approach to find hidden patterns and similar
groups of information in tweets using models of
unsupervised learning.
A total of 13 articles from 2011 to present have met
the inclusion criteria as Twitter text mining
applications using unsupervised learning.
Many clustering methods exist in the literature, and it
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
is difficult to provide a crisp categorization of these
methods as they may overlap and share features.
Nevertheless, the major clustering methods are
included in this review (Han et al., 2011).
Clustering has been widely studied in the context
of Twitter mining. It has been applied to analyse
social behaviours in a variety of domains to achieve
different tasks, such as tailoring advertisements for
groups with similar interests (Friedemann, 2015),
event detection (De Boom et al., 2015), and trending
issues extraction (Purwitasari et al., 2015). This
review focuses on the major clustering methods:
partition, hierarchical, hybrid, and density, which
have been used in the context of Twitter data.
3.1 Partition-based Clustering
Partitioning algorithms attempt to organize the data
objects into k partitions (k n), each representing a
cluster, where n is the number of objects in a dataset.
Based on a distance function, clusters are formed such
that objects within the cluster are similar (intra-
similarity), whereas dissimilar objects lie in different
clusters (inter-similarity). Partitioning algorithms can
be further divided into hard and fuzzy (soft)
clustering. In this section, six articles are summarized
in which partitioning-based clustering algorithms has
been applied in the exploratory analysis of Twitter.
3.1.1 Hard Clustering
Methods of hard partitioning of data assign discrete
value label 0, 1, in order to describe the belonging
relationship of objects to clusters. These conventional
clustering methods provide crisp membership
assignments of the data to clusters. K-means and k-
medoids are the most popular hard clustering
algorithms (Preeti Arora, 2016).
K-means is a centroid-based iterative technique
which takes the number of representative instances,
around which the clusters are built. Data instances are
assigned to these clusters based on a dissimilarity
function (i.e. distance measure). In each iteration, the
mean of the assigned points to the cluster is calculated
and used to replace the centroid of the last iteration
until some criteria of convergence is met.
K-means has been adapted in numerous ways to
suit different datasets including numerical, binary,
and categorical features. In the context of Twitter
mining applications, k-means approach for clustering
customers of a company using social media data from
Twitter was proposed (Friedemann, 2015). The
technique constructs features from a massive Twitter
dataset and clusters them using a similarity measure
to produce groupings of users. The study performed
k-means clustering and produced satisfactory
experimental results. It is considered to be relatively
computational efficient. In (Soni and Mathai, 2015),
a ‘cluster-then-predict’ model was proposed to
improve the accuracy of predicting Twitter sentiment
through a composition of both supervised and
unsupervised learning. After building the dataset, k-
Means was performed such that tweets with similar
words are clustered together. This unsupervised phase
was performed after a feature extraction process.
After the clustering phase, classification was done on
the same data. The data was divided into training and
testing sets, with 70% and 30% of the data
respectively. Finally, the Random Forest learning
algorithm was used for building the learning model,
which was applied to each of the training datasets
individually (Breiman, 2001).
This algorithm has
been chosen as it provides satisfactory trade-off
between accuracy, interpretability, and execution
time. Empirical evaluation shows that combining
both supervised and unsupervised learning (k-Means
then Random Forest) performed better than various
stand-alone learning algorithms.
K-medoids is an object-based representative
technique that deals with discrete data. It is an
improvement to k-means in relation to its sensitivity
to outliers. Instead of referring to the mean value of
cluster objects, k-medoids picks the nearest point to
the center of data points as the representative of the
corresponding cluster. Thus, minimizing the sum of
distances between each object, o, and its
corresponding center point. That is, the sum of the
error for all objects in each cluster is calculated as
(Han et al., 2011),
Where k is the number of clusters, p is an object in the
cluster C
, while o
is the representative objects of C
The lower the value of E, the higher clustering
A recent study focused on the usage of k-medoids
algorithm for tweets clustering due to its simplicity
and low computational time (Purwitasari et al., 2015).
In this study, the author applied this algorithm to
extract issues related to news that is posted on Twitter
such as “flight passengers asking for refund” in
Indonesia. Their proposed methodology for Twitter
trending issues extraction consists of clustering tweets
with k-medoids, in which they divided the tweets
dataset into groups and used a representative tweet as
the cluster center. Issue terms are then selected from
the clusters result and assigned higher weight values.
Cluster Analysis of Twitter Data: A Review of Algorithms
The terms that weigh over a certain threshold are
extracted as trending issues. Weight score is
calculated as the frequency of word occurrences in the
dataset. Average Silhouette Width (Rousseeuw,
1987), a method for validating clusters’ consistency,
was used to measure and evaluate the clustering
performance (Ramaswamy, [no date]). In the work,
the experiments demonstrated good results of using k-
medoids for this purpose, however, re-tweets (i.e.
duplicates) had influenced the clustering results.
Another study used k-means and k-medoids
respectively to cluster a single Twitter dataset and
compare the results of each algorithm (Zhao, 2011).
Initially, k-means was applied, which took the values
in the matrix as numeric, and set the number of
clusters, k, to eight. After that, the term-document
matrix was transformed to a document-term one and
the clustering was performed. Then, the frequent
words in each cluster and the cluster centers were
computed in order to find what they are about. The
first experiment showed that the clusters were of
different topics. The second experiment was
conducted using k-medoids, which used
representative objects instead of means to represent
the cluster center.
K-medoids has the advantage of robustness over
k-means as it is less influenced by noise and outliers.
However, this comes at the cost of efficiency. This is
due to the high processing time that is required by k-
medoids compared to k-means. Both methods require
the number of clusters, k, to be fixed. In terms of
clustering sparse data such as tweets, k-medoids may
not be the best choice as these do not have many
words in common and the similarities between them
are small and noisy (Aggarwal and Zhai, 2012). Thus,
a representative sentence does not often contain the
required concepts in order to effectively build a
cluster around it.
3.1.2 Fuzzy Clustering
This partition-based method is particularly suitable in
the case of no clear groupings in the data set. Unlike
hard clustering, fuzzy algorithms assign a continuous
value [0, 1] to provide reasonable clustering. Multiple
fuzzy clustering algorithms exist in the literature,
however fuzzy c-means (FCM) is the most prominent.
FCM provides a criteria on grouping data points
into different clusters to varying degrees that are
specified by a membership grade. It incorporates a
membership function that represents the fuzziness of
its behaviour. The data are bound to each cluster by
means of this function.
In the context of Twitter analysis, a recent study
presented a simple approach using fuzzy clustering
for pre-processing and analysis of hashtags (Zadeh et
al., 2015). The resulting fuzzy clusters are used to
gain insights related to patterns of hashtags popularity
and temporal trends. To analyse hashtags’ dynamics,
the authors identified groups of hashtags that have
similar temporal patterns and looked at their linguistic
characteristics. They recognised the most and least
representative hashtags of these groups. The adopted
methodology is fuzzy clustering based and multiple
conclusions were drawn on the resulting clusters with
regards to variations of hashtags throughout a period
of time. Their clustering was based on the fact that
categorization of hashtags is not crisp, rather, most
data points belong to several clusters according to
certain degrees of membership. Another study
compared the performance of supervised learning
against unsupervised learning in discriminating the
gender of a Twitter user (Vicente et al., 2015). Given
only the unstructured information available for each
tweet in the user’s profile, the aim is to predict the
gender of the user. The unsupervised learning
involved the usage of soft in conjunction with hard
clustering algorithms. K-means and FCM were
applied on a 242K Twitter users’ dataset. The
unsupervised approach based on FCM proved to be
highly suitable for detecting the user’s gender,
achieving a performance of about 96%. It also has the
privilege of not requiring a labelled training set and
the possibility of scaling up to large datasets with
improved accuracy.
Experiments have shown that fuzzy-based
clustering is more complex than clustering with crisp
boundaries. This is because the former requires more
computation time for the involved kernel (Bora et al.,
2014). Fuzzy methods provide relatively high
clustering accuracy and more realistic probability of
belonging. Therefore, they can be considered an
effective method that excludes the need of a labelled
dataset. This is particularly useful for sheer volumes
of tweets, where human annotations can be highly
expensive. However, these methods generally have
low scalability and results can be sensitive to the
initial parameter values. In terms of optimization,
fuzzy clustering methods can be easily drawn into
local optimal.
3.2 Hierarchical-based Clustering
In hierarchical clustering algorithms, data objects are
grouped into a tree like (i.e. hierarchy) of clusters.
These algorithms can be further classified depending
on whether their composition is formed in a top-down
(divisive) or bottom-up (agglomerative) manner. This
section reviews three studies that performed
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
hierarchical-based clustering algorithms in
applications of Twitter mining.
Hierarchical clustering was used for topic
detection in Twitter streams, based on aggressive
tweets/terms filtering (Ifrim et al., 2014). The
clustering process was performed in two phases, first
the tweets and second the resulting headlines from the
first clustering step. Their methodology is composed
of initially computing tweets pair-wise distances
using the cosine metric. Then computing a
hierarchical clustering so that tweets belonging to the
same topic shall cluster together, and thus each cluster
is considered as a detected topic. Afterwards, they
controlled the tightness of clusters by cutting the
resulting dendrogram at 0.5 distance threshold. In this
way they will not have to provide the number of
required clusters a-priori as in k-Means. The
threshold was set to 0.5 in order to avoid having loose
or tight clusters, rather, a value of 0.5 worked well for
their method. Each resulting cluster is then assigned
a score and ranked according to that score. The top-
20 clusters are then assigned headlines, which are the
first tweet in each of them (with respect to publication
time). The final step involved re-clustering the
headlines to avoid topic fragmentation, also using
hierarchical clustering, the resulting headlines are
then ranked by the one with the highest score inside a
cluster. The headlines with the earliest publication
time are selected and their tweet text is presented as a
final topic headline. Another research implemented a
hierarchical approach for the purpose of helping users
parse tweets results better by grouping them into
clusters (Ramaswamy, [no date]). The aim was for
fewer clusters that are tightly packed, rather than too
many large clusters. The work involved using a
dataset of tweets to see how the choice of the distance
function affects the behaviour of hierarchical
clustering algorithms. Ramaswamy conducted a
survey of two clustering algorithms that are both
hierarchical in nature but different in their core
implementation of the distance function has been
conducted. A total of 925 tweets comprising of
various topics with common keyword have been used
in the experiments. In the first algorithm, the author
considered each of the given objects to be in different
clusters. Then determining if the object o is close
enough to cluster c, and if so, add o to c. This process
continues until the maximum size of the desired
clusters is reached or no more new clusters can be
formed. In this first algorithm, the notion of the
distance between an object and a cluster has been
defined using concepts from association rule
problems –support and confidence. The second
algorithm maintained the average distance of an
object from each element in the cluster as the
similarity measure. If the average is small enough, the
object is added to the cluster. Both clustering
algorithms were implemented using C# and involve
reading the tweets, tokenizing them, clustering them
and returning the clustered output. Although the
overall behaviour was found to be similar for both
algorithms, the second one seemed to fare better for
each of the confidence and support level value. An
integrated hierarchical approach of agglomerative
and divisive clustering was proposed to dynamically
create broad categories of similar tweets based on the
appearance of nouns (Kuar, 2015).
The bottom-up
approach merges similar clusters together to reduce
their redundancy. The technique adopted a recursive
and incremental process of dividing and combining
clusters in order to produce more meaningful sorted
clusters. It has shown an increase in clustering
effectiveness and quality compared to standard
hierarchical algorithms.
In this context, empirical evaluations provided
that hierarchical methods performed slower than hard
partition-based clustering, particularly k-means
(Manpreet Kaur, 2013). Therefore, for massive social
media datasets, hard partitioning methods are
considered to be relatively computationally efficient
as well as producing acceptable experimental results.
3.3 Hybrid-based Clustering
Because hierarchical clustering algorithms tend to
compare all pairs of data, their robustness is relatively
high. However, this makes them not very efficient
due to their tendency to require at least O(n
computation time. On the other hand, partitioning
algorithms may not be the optimal choice despite
being more efficient than hierarchical algorithms.
This is because the former may not be very effective
as they tend to rely on small number of initial cluster
representatives. This trade-off has led researchers to
propose several clustering algorithms that combined
the features of hierarchical and partitioning methods
in order to improve their performance and efficiency.
These hybrid algorithms include any aggregations
between clustering algorithms. In general, they
initially partition the input dataset into sub clusters
and then construct a new hierarchical cluster based on
these sub clusters.
There is not much research conducted using a
hybrid clustering approach in the area of Twitter
mining. Nevertheless, one approach implemented
clustering of keywords that are presented in the tweets
using agglomerative hierarchical clustering and crisp
c-means (Miyamoto et al., 2012). The clustering
Cluster Analysis of Twitter Data: A Review of Algorithms
features was based on a series of tweets as one long
sequence of keywords. The approach involved
building two datasets, each composed of 50 tweets in
different timeframes. Several observations of
agglomerative clusters obtained by cutting the
dendrogram and c-means clusters, with and without
pair-wise constrains were analysed. Better clustering
results are provided using pair-wise constrains,
however, the size of datasets is relatively small for a
3.4 Density-based Clustering
This method groups data located in the region with
high density of the data space to belong to the same
cluster. Therefore, it is capable of discovering clusters
with arbitrary shape. DBSCAN (Density-Based
Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) is the
prominent density-based algorithm. It grows regions
with sufficiently high density into clusters (Ester et
al., 1996). In this section, three articles are
summarized in which density-based algorithms has
been applied in the exploratory analysis of Twitter.
A density-based clustering has been adopted in
the context of Twitter textual data analysis to discover
cohesively the information posted by users about an
event as well as the user’s perception about it (Baralis
et al., 2013). The provided framework adopts a
multiple-level clustering strategy, which focuses on
disjoint dataset portions iteratively and identifies
clusters locally. DBSCAN has been exploited for the
cluster analysis as it allows discovering arbitrarily
shaped clusters, and increases cluster homogeneity by
filtering out noise and outliers. Additionally, it does
not require prior specification of the number of
expected clusters in the data. In this approach,
DBSCAN has been applied iteratively on disjoint
dataset portions and all the original dataset is
clustered at the first level. Then, tweets labelled as
outliers in the previous level are re-clustered at each
subsequent level. To discover representative clusters
for their Twitter dataset, they attempt to avoid clusters
containing few tweets. They also attempt to limit the
number of tweets labelled as outliers and thus un-
clustered, in order to consider all different posted
information. Through addressing these issues,
DBSCAN parameters were properly set at each level.
A recent study employed DBSCAN as part of its
novel method for creating an event detection ground
truth through utilizing tweets hashtags (De Boom et
al., 2015). The authors clustered co-occurring
hashtags using DBSCAN. The method required
setting two thresholds: the minimum number of
hashtags per cluster and a minimum similarity
measure between two hashtags, above which the two
hashtags belong to the same neighbourhood. A
collection of clusters of sufficiently co-occurring
hashtags on the same day were obtained by running
DBSCAN for every day in the dataset. A recent study
has introduced the application of DBSCAN for
representing meaningful segments of tweets in batch
mode (Anumol Babu, 2016). The segmentation was
done based on calculations of the stickiness score.
This score considers the probability of a segment
being a phrase within the batch of tweets (i.e. local
context) and the probability of it being a phrase in
English (i.e. global context) (Weng et al., 2015).
Sentimental variations in tweets were then analysed
based on these segments. Each word in the text is
assigned a sentiment score according to a
predetermined sentiment lexicon. The sentiment of a
tweet is then denoted as the summation of the most
positive score and the most negative score among
individual words in the tweet. In this approach, the
core of the clustering consisted of integrating
DBSCAN with Jaccard Coefficient similarity
function. Empirical evaluations indicated an
enhancement of the existing system as a result of
using DBSCAN for clustering,
It can be observed from the literature surrounding
Density-based algorithms in Twitter mining, that they
are highly efficient and can be particularly suitable for
clustering unstructured data, such as tweets, as it
allows the identification of clusters with arbitrary
shape. Moreover, it is less prone to outliers and noise,
and does not require initial identification of the
required number of clusters. However, clustering high
data volumes requires big memory size.
Several approaches of unsupervised learning
applications for mining unstructured social media
data have been reviewed and presented in table 1. The
table provides a comparison on the features that are
used in the studies including: research approach,
clustering method, algorithm, number of clusters,
dataset size, distance measure, clustering features,
evaluation methods, and results. The review
comprises 13 studies spanning from 2011 to the
present. These studies have different approaches, in
which the clustering of Twitter data was performed in
various settings and domains to achieve different
business values or satisfy certain requirements. These
approaches range from pure clustering perspectives,
such as determining the impact of a distance function
choice on clustering behaviour, to a more general
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
pattern recognition application, such as targeting
advertisements and events detection. The majority of
the studies performed clustering in order to detect
news, topics, events, and facts and to predict
sentiments. Different clustering methods and
algorithms were implemented in these studies, each
of different dataset and number of clusters. From the
13 reviewed datasets, it can be observed that the
average dataset size is 162,550 for tweets textual data,
ranging from 50 to 1,084,200 and average of 126,329
for Twitter user accounts, ranging from 10,000 to
242,658 distinct user accounts. The majority of the
dataset sizes observed in the surveys are relatively
small, which means that the high volume challenge of
Twitter data has not been taken into consideration.
Therefore, in order for these algorithms to be
effective, they should be able to scale well to the
massive amounts of Twitter data. In this matter, the
scalability (in terms of clustering performance) of
most of the algorithms implemented in the surveys is
questionable as these algorithms have not been tested
on considerably large datasets.
As partitioning algorithms require the number of
clusters, c, to be pre-set, c has been included in the
review to provide an indication on the number of
clusters that might be appropriate for similar tasks.
From the provided comparisons, the average number
of clusters maintained can be derived, which is 7, with
2 as the minimum clusters and 10 as the maximum.
The table additionally compared the different
distance measures used. It can be observed that
Euclidean distance is the prominent for partitioning
algorithms, whereas hierarchical algorithms
commonly implemented the cosine similarity
measure. In terms of clustering features, different sets
were used depending on the implemented approach.
The features observed from the review include some
or all of the following:
Hashtags –31% of the reviewed surveys included
hashtags in the features set and considered their
impact, 23% treated hashtags as normal words in
the text, and 31% removed hashtags before
analysis (excluding the 15% studies that are
clustering upon user accounts).
Account metadata –username, date, status,
latitude, longitude, followers, and account
Tweet metadata –tweet id, published date, and
Maintaining a BOW of the unique words
contained in each textual data of a tweet and their
frequencies as the feature vector. Some included
hashtags in the BOW while others ignored them.
None of the surveys studied the impact of retweets
nor “@mentions”. Rather, some datasets did not
remove the retweeted tweets which affected the
resulting clustering credibility. Because tweets
commonly get large number of retweets, keeping
them in the dataset will produce large clusters
containing redundant tweets rather than tweets with
similar features. This will consequently reinforce
false patterns and increase run time.
Evaluation methods vary from robust measures,
such as ASW to manual observations, such as
manually comparing an algorithm’s detected topics
with Google news headlines. ASW has been utilised
by most of the studies to measure the clustering
performance. Some of the evaluation methods are
derived from other data mining techniques such as
association rules and classification. These methods
include clustering based on confidence and support
levels, and calculating precision, recall and the F
measure from a confusion matrix.
The review contributes to the literature in several
significant ways. First, it provides a comparative
analysis on applications that utilized and tuned text
mining methods, particularly clustering, to the
characteristics of Twitter unstructured data. Second,
the review concentrated on algorithms of the general
clustering methods: (1) partition-based, (2)
hierarchical-based, (3) hybrid-based, and (4) density-
based, in Twitter mining. Third, unlike existing
reviews which provides high level and abstract
specification of surveys, this review was
comprehensive in that it provided comparative
information and discussion across the dataset size,
approach, clustering methods, algorithm, number of
clusters, distance measure, clustering feature,
evaluation methods, and results.
Thirteen articles were reviewed in this paper, and
the results indicated that there is a sufficient
improvement in the exploratory analysis of social
media data. However, many of the existing
methodologies have limited capabilities in their
performance and thus limited potential abilities in
recognising patterns in the data:
Most of the dataset sizes are relatively small
which is not indicative of the patterns in social
behaviours and therefore generalised conclusions
cannot be drawn. Because of the sparsity of
Twitter textual data, it is difficult to discover
representative information in small datasets.
Cluster Analysis of Twitter Data: A Review of Algorithms
Therefore, future studies should aim to increase
the size of the dataset.
Some of the algorithms implemented may have
provided effective results in terms of efficiency
and accuracy. However, this may be attributed to
the small size of dataset as the scalability has not
been evaluated.
Some of the reviewed datasets included redundant
tweets (i.e. retweets) which yields inaccurate
clustering. Therefore future studies should
perform a comprehensive pre-processing phase in
which retweets and other noise, such as URLs, are
removed from the dataset prior to clustering.
Most of the studies implemented keyword-based
techniques, such as term frequencies and BOW
which ignores the respective order of appearance
of the words and does not account for correlations
between text segments. Therefore, future research
should incorporate and measure the underlying
semantic similarities in the dataset.
In conclusion, after conducting this review it can be
clearly noticed that clustering is an important element
of exploratory text analysis in which unstructured
data can be useful for pattern recognition as well as
identification of user potentials and interests.
However, future research must demonstrate the
effectiveness of such approaches through acquiring
larger datasets in order for the algorithms to be useful
in discovering knowledge and applicable in several
contexts and domains. A meta-analysis review is
recommended as a future work, which will provide a
quantitative estimate for the impact and usefulness of
clustering methods in providing insights from social
media data.
Table 1: Summary of the studies featured in this review.
& Year
Approach Method
Algorithm &
Number of
Clusters (C)
Partitioning-Based Clustering
Hard Partitioning
C: 5
posted status,
number of
followers and
account followings,
latitude, longitude,
whether a popular
Twitter account
(influencer) is
Computing a
metric of
clustering quality
q. The lower the
value of q, the
better clustering
clustering is
midway between
ideal and
randomized data.
emphasized the
credibility of
Twitter data for
market analysis
C: 2
” tweets
(BOW) from
twitter corpus
(frequency of
matrix and ROC
integration of
supervised and
unsupervised k-
Means learning
improved twitter
sari et
al., 2015)
C: 10
frequencies and
weight in tweet
The larger
ASW value,
the more
the cluster
Inclusion of
affected cluster
result quality
R Data
C: 8
frequencies in
tweet text
Checked the
top 3 terms in
every cluster
Clusters of
different topics
C: 9
Clusters overlap
and not well
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Summary of the studies featured in this review. (cont.)
& Year
Approach Method
Algorithm &
Number of
Clusters (C)
et al.,
C: 2
Screen name
and user name
experiments: 1
used labelled
data for building
clusters and
performance. 2
used unlabelled
data for
clustering and
labelled for
provided better
than k-Means.
More usage of
unlabelled data
enhanced c-
means but got k-
Means worse
Fuzzy Partitioning
C: 2
et al.,
Events and
C: 6
aspects of
Defined a misfit
measure to
elements’ degree
of “not fitting”
into a cluster.
measured using
Insights into
associated with
each cluster for
over time
(Ifrim et
al., 2014)
Hierarchical-Based Clustering
(dendrogram cut
at 0.5)
tweets. 2
Date, tweet
id, text, user
URLs, and
retweet or
(1) a subset of ground
truth topics, (2)
google for the
detected topic
headline, in the
manual assessment o
how many detected
topics are actually
published news in
traditional media
Application of
clustering can detect
topics with 80%
accuracy. However,
not efficient for real-
time data analysis.
Impact of
choice on
Two Ward
(Jr., 1963)
C: 5
925 tweets
Ratio of
appearing in
of tweets’
Several experiments
conducted to
appropriate values
of confidence and
support levels
which determine
further clustering
Generally similar
behaviour of the 2
algorithms. In terms
of fewer, tightly
packed clusters, 2
algorithm fared
better for confidence
and support values
tokens and
for nouns
in tweets.
comparisons of
clustering quality
against: k-means,
Ward, and DBSCAN
approach provided
higher accuracy
compared to existing
however, at the cost
of performance.
Clustering runtime:
to et al.,
Hard c-Means
C: 2
50 tweets
(35 terms
occur > 8
: 50
tweets (38
terms occur
> 5 times)
Sequence of
in a set of
Several observations
of: clusters with and
without pair-wise
clusters obtained by
cutting the
dendrogram with and
without pair-wise
Application of
clustering quality.
However, dataset
size is arguably
C: 2
Cluster Analysis of Twitter Data: A Review of Algorithms
Table 1: Summary of the studies featured in this review. (cont.)
& Year
Approach Method
Algorithm &
Number of
Clusters (C)
et al.,
Density-Based Clustering
DBSCAN “Paralymp
BOW of tweets
ASW Effective in
relatively low for
not very large
runtime: 2min
May not scale
well to massive
Boom et
al., 2015)
DBSCAN 63,067
Sum of avg.
of both
hashtags per
Hashtags co-
recall, and F
Improvement in
event detection and
clustering through
high-level semantic
Tweet text and
publication time.
and its
through an
Enhancement of
the present
system as
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Cluster Analysis of Twitter Data: A Review of Algorithms