Survey of Reverse Logistics Practices
The Case of Portugal
Ricardo Simões
, Carlos Carvalho
, Ricardo Félix
and Amílcar Arantes
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, Lisboa, 1049-001, Portugal
Logistema, Alameda dos Oceanos, 31, Lisboa, 1990-207, Portugal
CERIS, CESUR, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, Lisboa, 1049-001, Portugal
Keywords: Reverse Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Survey.
Abstract: Reverse Logistics (RL) has gained substantial relevance in the field of supply chain management, mainly
because RL combines environmental, economic and social factors. Although there are studies on RL practices,
none of these studies are related to the Portuguese case. Therefore, a survey was conducted in Portugal to fill
this gap. This study was applied to a group of Portuguese companies of four industrial sectors. These four
sectors are highly diversified, regarding the way RL is managed. The results demonstrate that companies
consider the management of RL important. The most common practice used is the proper disposal of returned
products. The companies mainly adopt RL due to the benefits associated with the improvement of customer
satisfaction and the reduction in logistics costs. The biggest barrier to the implementation of RL is a lack of
strategic planning by the companies on handling returned products. The main reason affecting the
performance of RL activities is the lack of quality of the returned product. The study also allowed to estimate
the volume of returned products and the costs of RL.
Currently, the world faces growing uncertainty on the
demand of consumers. Adding to that, the national
economic situation represents an aggravating factor
for the Portuguese market. Furthermore, the
seasonality of the sales and the implementation of
various campaigns and promotions throughout the
year are also responsible for an increased difficulty in
making accurate forecasts for the consumer demand.
On other hand, the operations of Reverse Logistics
(RL) decisively contribute to the value and
competitiveness of enterprises, where margins and
profitability are increasingly lower, therefore the
challenge is to transform costs in added value to the
supply chain management. Hence, it is increasingly
important to consider RL essential and stop labelling
it as "the forgotten child of the supply chain" (Morrel,
The poor implementation of RL systems have
disastrous effects for businesses and cause high costs
in transportation and storage, increase processing
times and accumulation of products with no
destination, conflicts with customers/suppliers, legal
and environmental issues. This lack of planning and
implementation of RL systems is a reality in Portugal,
making the costs of RL relatively high (Logistica
Moderna, 2013). One of the major difficulties for
companies is how to effectively and economically
collect all the products from the place where they are
no longer desired and transfer them to a place where
they can be processed, reused or recovered. There are
several studies on RL practices, but none
contemplates the Portuguese context. This work,
“survey of RL practices in Portugal”, intends to
contribute and fill this gap.
In the past, RL was only seen as a cost for the
companies, however the perspective on RL is shifting
markedly whether by its economic value gained in
reusing used products, or by using used components
in the manufacture of new products (Savaskan and
Van Wassenhove, 2006). With concerns about
product returns and proper implementation of RL
systems, the academic community has been studying
this area and as a result, in recent years, increasingly
more scientific articles on this subject have been
published (Rubio et al., 2008).
Simøtes R., Carvalho C., FÃl’lix R. and Arantes A.
Survey of Reverse Logistics Practices - The Case of Portugal.
DOI: 10.5220/0006198403930400
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2017), pages 393-400
ISBN: 978-989-758-218-9
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In the early nineties, the first definition of RL
emerges. Stock (1992) emphasised the recovery
aspects of RL, defining as: "... the term often used to
refer to the role of logistics in recycling, waste
disposal, and management of hazardous materials; a
broader perspective that includes all logistics
activities such as recycling, substitution, reuse of
materials and disposal of products”. Furthermore,
Rogers and Tibben-Lembke (1998) summarize RL as
the process of moving goods from the final
destination to another point in the supply chain, in
order to capture unavailable value. More recently,
Pokharel and Muha (2009) stated that the focus of RL
refers to the waste management, recycling of
materials, recovery of components or product
recovery. According to the authors RL involves a
paradigm shift in terms of product life-cycle.
Traditionally the life cycle of a product was between
the period of its manufacture and its disposal ("cradle-
to-grave"). Currently RL allows a change of the
product life cycle, from the period of manufacture to
its recovery ("cradle-to-cradle").
Companies have been using more liberal return
policies in order to reduce the risk of the final
customers and thus increase sales volume (Smith,
2005). In the United States, the estimates are even
more significant with the annual costs about $ 100
billion for the manufacturers and retailers
corresponding to a reduction in the yield at about
3.8% (Blanchard, 2007), while Greve and Davis
(2012) state that the electronics industry is over 14
billion dollars, as well as the rates of returns of the
end customers ranging from 5% to 9% of sales for
most retailers.
Implementing an effective system generate
multiple benefits for businesses, including increased
customer satisfaction level, reducing the level of
investment in resources, and reduce storage and
distribution costs (Andel, 1997). Thus, the integration
of RL in supply chains is increasingly used as a
strategy to increase profits or to promote
sustainability and customer satisfaction (Du and
Evans, 2008). That said, Brito and Dekker (2003)
identify the main reasons that lead companies to
adopt RL operations:
Economics – RL programs can bring direct
gains through lesser use of raw materials,
reduction in disposal cost, etc. Companies also
have indirect gains due to competition,
environmental image, improve customer-
supplier relations, etc;
Legislation - refers to any jurisdiction that
indicates that a company should recover all the
products produced by them or own
responsibility for end-of-life products. With the
growing concern for the environment, laws
have been emerging in European, that forced
companies to develop their RL processes with
the introduction of quotas for the recovery,
recycling and packaging;
Corporate citizenship - concerns a set of values
and principles that motivate an organization to
become involved responsibly in RL activities.
This motivation arises from the need to hold a
responsible and conscientious stand towards
environmental issues.
The activities of a RL network in supply chains
may differ, such as, type of products returned, the
desired recovery and the logistics network
implemented. We can essentially identify 5 groups of
recurrent activities in various supply chains with RL
(Prahinski and Kocabasoglu 2006; Barker and
Zabinsky 2008; Silva et al. 2013). These groups are:
acquisition of products, collection of products,
inspection and disposal, recovery and distribution and
Ravi and Shankar (2005) studied the main barriers
to the implementation of RL operations in the
automotive industry. They concluded that there are
five main barriers, lack of knowledge of RL, lack of
commitment by managers, problems with product
quality, lack of strategic planning and financial
constraints. However, the lack of knowledge
regarding RL practices is the most significant barrier.
Therefore, managers should focus on the
development of their awareness on the use of RL.
Aberdeen Group (2006) conducted a study on RL
based on a survey of 175 companies from various
continents. The aim of this study was to analyze the
best management practices on RL. From the
companies surveyed, 61% mentioned that effective
management of RL is very important. The authors
also found that companies spend about 9% of sales in
costs related with RL.
According to a study by Chan and Chan (2008),
successful RL systems may result in greater customer
loyalty and reduced operating costs due to the reuse
or replacement of products. Their study consisted of
a total of 73 companies of the mobile industry in
Hong Kong and 34 interviews. This research showed
that companies in this sector consider RL important,
but compared to other issues RL importance is
smaller and this is the biggest barrier to the
implementation of RL.
Finally, Ravi and Shankar (2015) developed a
study, based on a survey of 105 companies in India,
where they investigated RL practices in four sectors
of the Indian industry: automotive, paper, food and
ICORES 2017 - 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
electronics. They concluded that the adoption of RL
practices is crucial and RL should be integrated at a
strategic level and also found that the volume of
returned products is a critical factor to RL
implementation. Nevertheless, the most important
factor to RL implementation is the economic benefit
The main objective of this work is to assess the
perception of RL practices in the Portuguese context.
In order to achieve this goal, the following research
questions (RQ) were addressed: RQ1 - What are the
most common RL practices in the Portuguese
industry?; RQ2 - What are the main reasons that lead
companies to the adoption of RL practices?; RQ3 -
What are the main barriers experienced by companies
in implementing RL practices?; RQ4 - What are the
main reasons affecting RL performance?
Accordingly, the work presented herein contributes to
expanding the knowledge on RL, in Portugal.
For this work, a questionnaire survey methodology
was used to determine the perception on RL practices
in the Portuguese context. The questionnaire was
designed to obtain answers to all research questions
previously presented. The questions were based on
other published works (Andel, 1997; Daugherty,
Richey, Genchev, & Chen, 2005; Ravi & Shankar,
2005; Ravi V & Shankar, 2015; Rogers & Tibben-
Lembke, 1998; Tibben-Lembke, 2002; Tibben-
Lembke & Rogers, 2002), and addresses issues such
as the RL practices, reasons to adopt, barriers and
performance difficulties. The five point Likert scale
was considered appropriate for the evaluation of this
type of issues.
The initial questionnaire that resulted from the
literature review was validated by a group composed
of one teacher, two researchers and two senior
consultants specialists in SCM. Later the corrected
and improved questionnaire was used in a pilot test
envolving five companies. After the pilot, some of the
questions were modified to convey their intended
meaning and a few other questions were deleted.
In this work, four sectors of Portugal industries
dealing with RL operations were selected for this
survey: Food Industry (FI), Automotive Industry
(AI), ConsumersElectronics (CE) and Manufacturing
(Mf) (metallurgical, energy, textile, paper and wood).
In the FI, RL has a unique role with regard to food
safety. With return policies for food products,
companies allow the return of defective or out of date
products, preventing infection or intoxication
problems. AI is one of the most dynamic and
important sectors in Portugal economy. RL is very
important, due to the type of returns (defective
product, etc.), as well as the reuse of the main
components and subsequent resale. In the CE, the
kind of product commercialized has short life cycle
due to software updates, among others, that originates
a high rate of replacement or removal. The very
nature of the products makes them obsolete because
of the introduction of new equipment and this is the
major challenge (Chan and Chan, 2008). Currently,
the Mf is losing importance and it is necessary to
achieve its revitalization by modernizing their
production processes. This is where RL enters since
it allows for the reduction of costs and less use of raw
materials.These four sectors are highly diversified in
nature with respect to how they operate their RL
Most of the companies selected to compose the
sample were identified by Logistema, a consultant
partner in this study. In total, 225 companies
operating in Portugal were identified for the survey.
The survey was conducted in May-September 2016.
Questionnaires were sent via email to logistics
directors and, in some case, to general email
addresses, with information about the study,
identifying the objectives and scope of the work, and
with a link to the questionnaire. Reminders were sent
to all the non-respondents. In addition, phone calls
were made in order to increase the number of
responses to the questionnaire.
The analysis was carried out using a statistical
software (SPSS) and consisted essentially of ranking
the variables based on mean values and frequency
distributions. The objective was to test if the mean
values of the dependent variables (assumed as
normally distributed) differ among the categories.
The following procedure was adopted:
Test the reliability and internal consistency of
responses, Cronbach’s coefficient (α), for
questions on a Likert scale. In this research a
Cronbach’s α>0.6 was considered as
acceptable, as it is an exploratory study (Hair et
al., 2010);
The T-test was used to test the "indifferent"
value of the overall means, which is the value
in the measuring scale that represents a shift in
the perception;
The Levene F homogeneity test was used to
verify that the variances of the dependent
Survey of Reverse Logistics Practices - The Case of Portugal
variables are similar; If the Levene F statistic
has a significance value greater than 0.05 then
ANOVA is performed; If the Levene F statistic
had a significance value lower than 0.05, which
means the variances of the dependent variables
are not similar, then the Welch test is used,
because is a more robust test for equality of
Finally, when the average values of the
dependent variable differ between the
categories considered, the post-hoc Tukey test
is applied to determine which categories differ.
4.1 Sample
Of a total of 225 questionnaires sent, 43
questionnaires were received (Table 1). This gives an
overall response rate of 19.2%. This situation is
common in surveys via email and can lead to non-
response bias (Kypri et al, 2004; Sax et al, 2003). To
test for non-response bias, we compared the sectors
distribution of potential respondents (those whom the
survey was sent electronically) with the distribution
of sectors that effectively answered the
questionnaires. Using the χ2 test, it was determined
that there is no statistically significant difference
between the sectors, which might indicate a low non-
response bias.
Out of 43 usable responses, the food industry
accounts for 51.2% of the answers, manufacturing
industry and automotive industry accounts for 18.6%,
electronic sector 11.6%. In terms of employees, 28
companies had more than 250 employees, 12 in the
range of 51-250 and 3 companies had fewer than 50
employees. In relation to the companies' sales volume
in the last year, 35% of companies had a turnover
between 50 and 250 million euros, 30% had sales of
over 500 million euros, 21% between 250-500
million euros, and 14% shows sales lower than 50
million euros. The distribution of firms by the
different sectors show that 73.9% of respondents are
positioned as producers, 10.9% are positioned as
retailers, and 8.7% are wholesalers.
Table 1: Survey respondent distribution.
Frequency % Frequenc
Food 94 41.8 22 51.2
Electronics 51 22.7 5 11.6
Automotive 49 21.7 8 18.6
31 13.8 8 18.6
Total 225 100 43 100
4.2 General Issues
The importance that companies give to RL
management is revealed by 33% of the responses, that
sees RL with the utmost importance, but for 26% of
respondents RL is "indifferent", and only 5% of the
companies surveyed claim to RL as "Not Important".
With the results we can say that RL in Portugal is
important and aligned with previously studies such as
the study by the Aberdeen Group (2006), which stated
that the majority of companies surveyed (60%)
considered that effective management of RL it is
extremely important to the overall performance. Also,
there is no significant difference between sectors.
RL offers many benefits (
Table 2), including:
improve logistics efficiency and reduction of logistics
cost. With 53.5% of the replies (23 responses each
option). The less observed benefits are "Improved
employee productivity" with only 2.3% of
respondents and "Increase on turnover " with 9.3% of
the answers. These results meet expectations of the
literature review.
Table 2: Observed benefits.
N. of
Improve logistics efficiency 23
Reduction of logistics costs 23
Improve relations/satisfaction with partners 22
Improved company image 21
Lower costs resulting from better planning 19
Minimising waste (eco-friendly) 16
Improvement on asset recovery 11
Lower costs in processing of returned products 8
Increase of net sales 4
Improve employee productivity 1
The volume of returned products that are
recovered was measured in this work (Table 3). With
26% of companies stated that they recover more than
50% of returned products, this reveals a growing
trend of RL practices and awareness of entities to
minimize the costs on raw materials. Unfortunately,
30% of the managers could not estimate a value, this
shows difficulties for companies to observe the value
recovered from returned products.
Table 3: Estimate of the value recovered.
Value (%of the returned product) Frequency (%)
Not aware 30
More than 50% 26
Less than 5% 21
Between 26% - 50% 14
Between 6% - 25% 9
ICORES 2017 - 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
The respondents were enquired to estimate the
costs of RL according to the volume of sales (
). Most companies (about 70%), stated costs lower
than 2% of total sales volume. While 19% of
respondents indicate that they have no knowledge on
this subject and can´t estimate a value, which reveals
a lack of visibility of total costs. However, 5% of the
companies surveyed say that RL costs are more than
10% of total sales volume. The values obtained in
general support the values presented in the literature
review. Logistica Moderna (2013) stated that 23% of
companies in Portugal had an RL cost of less than 3%
of the sales volume, while Greve and Davis (2012)
reported values close to 4%. These values are aligned
and even exceed the values of previous studies, this
allows us to assume that companies have greater
knowledge on this topic and have an optimized
system that manages the reverse flow, but on the other
hand, may show a lack of visibility by managers on
the real cost.
Table 4: Costs of reverse logistics.
Costs (% sales volume) Frequency (%)
Less than 2% 70
Not aware 19
More than 10% 5
Between 2% - 5% 5
Between 5% - 10% 2
The vast majority of respondents already have RL
software implemented and operational. On the
negative side, investment in new infrastructures
specialized in RL management and R&D on new
techniques, companies have no plans to invest in the
short term.
4.3 Adoption of RL Practices
RL encompasses all the activities in managing and
controlling the reverse flow of products from the
customer to the manufacturer, for product recovery or
proper disposal. Regarding to the frequency which
companies execute these practices, the option with
the highest score is "Proper disposal of returned
products" with 4.05, followed by "Training of
employees" with 3.81 points, on other hand the least
common practice is "Product collection" with 3.02
points, as can be seen in Table 5. The item "Resale of
returned products" was eliminated by the Cronbach's
alpha (α). The results show that there is no statistical
difference at a significance level of 5% between the
most common practices and sectors. However,
analyzing the table the most used practice in FI, CE
and AI is the "Proper disposal of returned products"
while for the Mf sector is the "Training of
employees". These results can be explained because
not all products can be easily recycled. At this stage,
the products are destroyed for lack of knowledge of
new value recovery methods and lack of training of
employees who send the product for destruction
without trying to recapture value from it.
4.4 Reason to Adopt RL
The most important reason for RL adoption perceived
by the respondents was to "Improve customer
satisfaction", with a score of 4.23, the second most
important reason was to "Reduce logistics costs" with
4 points (
Table 6). The reason perceived with least
importance to companies is the "Lifecycle of
products" with a score of 2.86. Most of the
implementation factors to RL differ from the score 3
("indifferent" in a scale of importance), except
"Reduce stocks" and "Lifecycles of Product". The
results show no significant difference (at the 5%
significance level) between the reasons to adopt RL
and sectors. By observing the values obtained, is clear
that the main reason for companies to implement RL
operations is the need to improve customer
4.5 Barriers to RL Adoption
The practice of RL is not free from barriers, so
efficient management of these barriers can result in
successful RL systems. Table 7 presents the barriers
to RL adoption by sector.
The biggest barrier identified by respondents is
the "lack of strategic planning related to reverse
logistics" with 3.58. The option with the lowest score,
Table 5: Adoption of reverse logistics practices by sector.
Type of sector (Cronbach’s α = 0.62)*
Proper disposal of returned products 4.00 4.00 4.38 3.88 4.05 0.815
Training of employees 3.73 3.40 3.88 4.25 3.81 0.313
Recapturing value from returned products 3.45 3.00 3.75 3.00 3.37 0.511
Product collection 3.00 3.20 3.50 2.50 3.02
* Values on a Likert scale of 5 points (1 - Never; 5 – Always).
Survey of Reverse Logistics Practices - The Case of Portugal
with 3.02 points, is the "lack of technological
systems" which reveals that for companies,
technological systems are not the reason for a non-
implementation of RL.
Most of the barriers identified differ from the
score 3 ("indifferent" in a scale of importance), except
“financial constraints” and “lack of technological
systems” with significance values less than 5%, as
can be observed by T-test. Also, the results show no
significant difference at a significance level of 5%
between the barriers and the sectors. Is possible to
see, that among the sectors studied, CE ranks with a
bigger degree of importance in the barriers "lack
strategic planning related to reverse logistics" and
"lack of training". FI identifies the lack of training of
its employees as the biggest barrier. On the other
hand, the Mf ranks budget constraints and lack of
strategic planning as most significant barriers. As for
AI the greatest barriers to RL is lack of training, lack
of interest by managers and importance of reverse
logistics in relation to other matters”
4.6 Causes Affecting Rl Performance
Measuring the performance of any system is essential
to enable improvements in management processes.
This is especially important in the management of
RL, since it is characterized by high uncertainty in the
quality, quantity and timing of the returned products,
making the performance measurement a tricky task.
The results are shown in Table 8, where we can see
that the "uneven returned product" and "difficulty in
predicting returns" have the higher scores with 3.88
and 3.83 points, respectively. On the other hand the
"marketing difficulty of products used" with 2.81, is
identified as a reason that least affects RL. "uneven
returned product", "difficulty in predicting returns",
"visibility/viability of costs" and "transportation from
many sites to one/few places" obtained a different
score of 3 ("indifferent"), as can be observed by the
The results also reveal that there is no statistically
significant difference between the reasons and
sectors. CE sector, ranks higher on the importance
scale for the factor "uneven returned product", but the
difference in scores between this sector and the
remaining are not significant in order to extrapolate
conclusions, but it is important to note this difference.
This research examines the perceptions of Reverse
Logistics (RL) in Portuguese companies through a
questionnaire-based survey. The results show that
Portuguese companies considered implementing RL
Table 6: Reasons to reverse logistics adoption.
Type of sector (Cronbach’s α = 0.83)*
A Sig.
Improve customer satisfaction 4.23 4.40 4.13 4.25 4.23 0.000 0.947
Reduce logistics costs 4.14 3.80 3.75 4.00 4.00 0.000 0.727
Legal requirements
4.14 4.40 3.75 3.25 3.93 0.000 0.250
Recapturing value of returned products
3.73 4.00 3.50 3.88 3.74 0.000 0.803
Increasing competitiveness 3.73 4.20 3.50 3.50 3.70 0.000 0.598
Reduce stocks
3.32 3.60 3.25 3.38 3.35 0.058 0.962
Lifecycles of Product
3.09 2.40 2.88 2.50 2.86 0.421 0.474
* Values on a Likert scale of 5 points (score of 1 indicates a low importance and 5 a higher one).
** T-Student test for overall means (test value = 3 “indifference”).
Table 7: Barriers to RL adoption by sector.
Type of sector(Cronbach’s α = 0.85)*
Lack of strategic planning related to RL 3.50 3.80 3.50 3.75 3.58 0.002 0.926
Lack of training 3.64 3.80 3.63 2.88 3.51 0.002 0.197
Lack of interest by decision makers 3.41 3.60 3.63 3.63 3.51 0.012 0.956
Relations with partners 3.45 3.60 3.50 3.38 3.47 0.012 0.990
Importance of RL in relation to other issues 3.41 3.20 3.63 3.50 3.44 0.007 0.909
Financial constraints 3.05 3.60 3.38 3.75 3.30 0.108 0.501
Lack of technological systems 3.05 2.60 3.50 2.75 3.02 0.898 0.514
* Values on a Likert scale of 5 points (score of 1 indicates a low importance and 5 a higher one), α=0.85
** T-Student test for overall means (test value = 3 “Indifferent”)
ICORES 2017 - 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Table 8: Causes that affect the realization of reverse logistics by sector.
Type of sector(Cronbach’s α = 0.82)*
Uneven returned product 3.86 4.60 3.63 3.75 3.88 0.000 0.323
Difficulty in predicting returns 4.00 4.00 3.25 3.88 3.83 0.000 0.389
Visibility/Viability of costs 3.86 3.80 3.38 3.63 3.72 0.000 0.606
Transportation from many places to one/few place
3.36 3.80 3.25 3.88 3.49 0.002 0.574
Poor inventory management 3.32 3.20 3.25 3.38 3.30 0.079 0.955
Product lifecycle issues 3.32 2.80 2.75 2.75 3.05 0.789 0.364
Lack of clarity in relation to the disposal options 3.36 3.20 2.63 2.38 3.02 0.901 0.161
Difficulties in marketing used products 2.82 3.40 2.38 2.88 2.81 0.263 0.416
* Values on a Likert scale of 5 points (score of 1 indicates a low importance and 5 a higher), α=0.82
** T-Student test for overall means (test value = 3 “Indifferent”)
programs in their organization as a strategic-level
decision, as RL programs involve significant
allocation of capital and resources.
The findings show that organizations with higher
volume of returned products tend to develop expertise
in operating their RL programs, which is well aligned
with the literature. Although, the literature indicates
that economic, ecological and legislative are the
drivers that initiate RL activities, in the case of the
Portuguese companies, the adoption of RL is mainly
perceived as associated to economic benefits .
Interestingly, the findings indicated that
Portuguese companies have already invested in terms
of EDI, RL softwares, new logistic resources, etc.,
which is a good step in the right direction to adopt RL.
These findings are aligned with the literature that
consider the technologies for tracking and tracing of
products essential for successful RL programs. On the
other hand, companies do not have plans to invest in
the short term.
The main implications of this work are as follows:
Managers need to consider integration of
collection, inspection and consolidation of used
products with forward logistics in RL
Managers should reinforce the training of their
staff on new recovery methods in order to
reduce the destruction of returned products
without trying to recapture the value
Enhancing customer satisfaction and reducing
logistics costs should be considered key in
improving the level of RL adoption;
The strategic planning of RL should not be
neglected by managers;
Companies should support RL on extended
information systems that allow the effective
exchange of information between forward flow
and reverse flow in the supply chain to ensure
good RL management.
For further work/research, it is recommended to
repeat this study, but considering a bigger sample
size. Also, it would be useful to hold interviews with
the entities and their partners in order to understand
the motivation factors and the vision that each party
provides for the implementation of RL strategies.
The present work has some limitations, mainly the
small sample size, which reduces the generalization
of the findings. However, it is believed that the work
presented expands the knowledge in the RL field by
addressing this topic in the Portuguese context thus
adding a relevant and empirical study to the literature.
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