A Dwell Time-based Container Positioning Decision Support System
at a Port Terminal
Myriam Gaete G.
, Marcela C. González-Araya
, Rosa G. González-Ramírez
and César Astudillo H.
Programa de Magíster en Gestión de Operaciones, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Talca,
Camino a Los Niches km 1, Curicó, Chile.
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad de Talca,
Camino a Los Niches km 1, Curicó, Chile.
Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas, Universidad de Los Andes,
Mons. Álvaro del Portillo 12.455, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile.
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Talca,
Camino a Los Niches km 1, Curicó, Chile
Keywords: Container Terminal, Container Storage Policies, Dwell times, Stacking Strategies.
Abstract: In this article, a methodology as well as a decision support system for the container storage assignment at a
yard of a container terminal is proposed. The motivation of the proposed methodology are the cases of
container terminals where inland flows present high levels of uncertainty and variability. This situation is
typical of ports in developing countries such as is the case in Latin America where due to lack of automation,
there are many paper-based procedures and little coordination with the hinterland. The proposed methodology
is based on a dwell time segregated storage policy, considering only import containers (due to the difficulty
to determine segregation criteria for this type of containers). Dwell times are discretized in order to determine
dwell time classes or segregations, so that containers of the same segregation are assigned to close locations
at the yard. As a case study, the port of Arica in Chile is considered. A discrete-event simulation model is also
proposed to estimate potential benefits of the proposed methodology. Numerical results for the case study
show a good performance, with potential reduction of the rehandles incurred.
World container port throughput increased by an
estimated 5.1% to 651.1 million TEUs (twenty-foot
equivalent units) in 2013 and global containerized
trade was projected to grow by 5.6% in 2014
(UNCTAD, 2014). Maritime ports are strategic nodes
on the international logistic chain whose current role
goes beyond the traditional functions of transferring
cargo to a more active participation and promotion of
value-added services to the port stakeholders. Ports
can be conceptualized from a logistics and supply
chain management approach and under this vision the
traditional port system is extended to an “integrated
channel management system” where the port is a key
location linking different flows and channels with the
port community (Bichou and Gray 2004). In this
context, efficient cargo handling operations are
essential, as new value-added services, as well as
better service levels, agility and predictability are
demanded by the users of the port. The productivity
of a container terminal is related to an efficient use of
labor, equipment and land, and is commonly
measured as a function of the ship turnaround time,
the transfer rate of containers and the dwell times of
the cargo at the port (Dowd and Leschine 1990; Doerr
and Sánchez, 2006; Chung, 1993).
At the port, the yard can serve as a buffer between
the arrival and departure of temporarily stored cargo
which is later loaded on a ship or dispatched to
external carriers. The efficiency of the operations at
the yard significantly impact ship turnaround times so
adequate container storage space assignment policies
and yard equipment planning are needed. In addition,
minimizing port dwell times is one of the main
objectives from the perspective of the shippers in the
port supply chain (Lee et al. 2003).
Gaete G. M., C. Gonzà ˛alez-Araya M., G. Gonzà ˛alez-Ramà rez R. and Astudillo H. C.
A Dwell Time-based Container Positioning Decision Support System at a Port Terminal.
DOI: 10.5220/0006193001280139
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2017), pages 128-139
ISBN: 978-989-758-218-9
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Coordination of landside operations at a container
terminal is not straightforward in ports in developing
countries where there are important challenges in
terms of infrastructure development, technology
implementation and paper-based documental
procedures. Latin American and Caribbean (LAC)
ports have seen an important increase in their
participation in world foreign trade. This growth has
put pressure on the freight distribution systems that
need to develop better logistics capabilities
(Rodrigue, 2012).
In this article, the problem of defining a container
storage space allocation policy for import containers
is addressed by considering the case of a container
terminal that faces a high level of uncertainty in the
dispatching process of import containers. This
uncertainty is mainly explained by the lack of
coordination mechanisms with the hinterland, a
situation that can be very common at ports in
emerging countries.
The assignment of space at the yard for export
containers is not considered in this article. The reason
is that yard planners of container terminals have
general criteria to group export containers into
segregations (e.g., vessel, port of destination, weight,
etc.), while for import containers is more difficult to
determine. This is explained as the time in which the
containers are retrieved depends on the different
consignees of the cargo (importers) and the fulfilment
of all the procedures, resulting in more uncertainty. In
contrast, export containers are loaded to a single
vessel at the container terminal.
During the dispatching of an import container, it
is possible that other containers may be blocking the
container and should be removed to be able to reach
the required container. These non-value added
movements are refereed as “rehandles” or
“reshuffles” of containers. Rehandles represent a high
cost with no value for the container terminal, and
increase the truck turnaround times of the external
trucks at the container terminal, generating
congestion and affecting service levels of to the users
of the container terminal.
In order to assign a storage space for the import
containers in the yard, a dwell time segregated storage
policy is proposed. In this case, segregations of
import containers are defined based on dwell time
intervals, and containers of the same segregation are
assigned to close locations. The aim is to reduce
potential container rehandles at the moment that they
are retrieved from their locations at the yard. Hence,
containers with the same interval of dwell time
located at close positions in the yard, may incur in less
rehandles. In order to estimate dwell times of import
containers, classification algorithms are employed.
This is justified as the results of the estimations are
used to define import container groups based on dwell
time ranges so the precise values of the predicted
dwell times are not needed. In addition, the design of
a decision support system for the assignment of
storage space to import containers is proposed. The
aim is to assist the yard planner with a tool that may
be inter-connected with the Terminal Operator
System (TOS) of the container terminal.
As a case study, the container terminal at the port
of Arica in Chile is considered. High levels of
uncertainty for import container dispatching as well
as long dwell times are observed in the container
terminal due to the type of cargo handled; around
70% of the cargo is in-transit from Bolivia. The
political agreement between Chile and Bolivia
establishes special conditions for the in-transit cargo
where no storage fee is charged. The current practice
of the yard managers is to assign space to containers
in a semi-random fashion where containers are
located at the yard considering only the space
utilization rules that have been set to avoid unutilized
In order to validate the methodology proposed in
a stochastic environment, a discrete-event simulation
model was implemented, to determine the potential
impacts in terms of rehandles of containers when are
retrieved to be dispatched to external transport
The article is structured as follows: Section 2
presents a literature review, Section 3 describes the
methodology employed and the proposed dwell time
segregated storage policy. Section 4 presents the
architecture and components of the decision support
system for the storage space assignment of import
containers. Section 5 presents the case study as well
as the simulation model to estimate the benefits of
using the proposed support system to assign storage
space to import containers. Conclusions and
recommendations for further research are provided in
Section 6.
2.1 Main Contributions Related to
Dwell Time Estimations in the
Carlo et al., (2014) presents a review on storage yard
operations at container terminals, providing an
A Dwell Time-based Container Positioning Decision Support System at a Port Terminal
overview, trends and research directions. Several
contributions have been proposed, both from the
perspective of the design of the layout of the yard,
storage space policies and stacking algorithms. In
this section, we focus the attention on reviewing the
main contributions to dwell time estimations in the
literature, which is more related to port terminal
capacity and the storage space policies of the port
Port terminal capacity is defined as the amount of
cargo that can be handled by a port per time period
(Bassan 2007). The first contributions related to
capacity analysis at the yard of a Container Terminal
are presented by (Dally 1983; Hoffman 1985;
Dharmalingam 1987), where storage capacity at the
yard is estimated as a function of container dwell
times, the number of stacking containers, and the
container storage space available expressed in TEUs,
among other factors.
Determining the factors that influence port choice
and port competitiveness is another research avenue
where cargo dwell times are identified as an
explanatory variable (De Langen 2007; Nir et al.
2003; Tongzon and Sawant 2007; Veldman and
Bückmann 2003). Arvis et al. (2010) identify dwell
time as a factor that directly affects operational costs
in the ports as it increases inventory levels and
uncertainty in the dispatching process. On the other
hand, dwell times have also been identified as an
element of port competiveness and a factor in port
choice related decisions (Magala and Sammons
From a macro-economic perspective, the impact
of port delays at Puerto Limón in Costa Rica, over the
regional economy in Central America is estimated in
(USAID, 2015). They conclude that reducing port
inefficiencies, such as long dwell times of cargo at the
ports, may improve the GDP (Gross Domestic
Product) of Costa Rica by about 0.5%. Djankov et al.
(2006) employed a gravity model to estimate the
impact that each additional day required for
dispatching cargo may have on the GDP. The
unproductive movements undertaken during quay
transfer operations are quantified by Chen et al. 2000.
They identify storage density as a factor of
unproductive movements during ship loading and
unloading operations. This refers to the number of
containers stacked in the yard and the ground slots
used for storage. Furthermore, their results show that
housekeeping moves represent the majority of
unproductive moves undertaken.
Merckx (2005) estimates dwell time impact on the
capacity of a terminal based on a sensitivity analysis,
considering five scenarios with different dwell times
and container types. The interaction among the
terminal operators and the users of the port (e.g.
importers/exporters, freight forwarders) is analyzed
by Rodrigue and Notteboom (2009) and they
conclude that the relationship and collaboration levels
could impact container dwell times at the port.
An analysis of dwell times at ports in Sub-Saharan
Africa is presented by Raballand et al. (2012). Main
findings highlight that dwell times are abnormally
long, more than 2 weeks, and also show an abnormal
dispersion which increases the inefficiencies of port
operations and, in consequence, total logistic costs.
Beuran et al. (2012) provide an analysis of the causes
of these long dwell times from the shipper
perspective, discovering the crucial importance of
private sector practices and incentives.
Moini et al. (2012) analyze the factors that
determine container dwell times in a port, employing
three data mining algorithms: (i) Naive Bayes
Algorithm (Kononenko 1990), (ii) Decision Tree
C4.5 (Quinlam 1986) and (iii) The Hybrid Bayesian
decision tree (Kohavi 1996). Estimation results are
compared in terms of four indicators: accuracy, the
Kappa coefficient, RSME and execution times. In
order to evaluate the results they provide a simulation
under different scenarios with the results obtained.
An important difference with respect to the work
presented herein, is that the authors do not use the
results to estimate container storage assignment
policies. In addition, the data mining algorithms also
differ from those proposed in this article.
Another contribution of the work presented here,
is the discretization of a continuous variable (dwell
time) for its prediction, justified by the fact that the
results are employed as criteria to segregate import
containers and assign storage space according to this
policy. In contrast, Moini et al. (2012) do not employ
classification algorithms in their approach, which is
reasonable as their aim is not to determine storage
space policies which is an important difference with
respect to the work presented here. Finally, another
contribution of this work is the simulation proposed
model that aims to measure the impact of different
storage policies in terms of the number of rehandles
incurred when containers are dispatched to external
carriers. It is important to point out that in the
literature there is no approach proposed in which the
input data of a simulation model consists of the results
obtained by the classification algorithms for dwell
time estimation.
ICORES 2017 - 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
2.2 Determinant Factors of Dwell
Table 1: Main Determinant Factors of Dwell Time.
Frequency of the
sailing schedules
of the vessels
Merckkx (2005),
Moini et al. (2012)
Unique Value
Type of container
(e.g., empty/full,
dry/reefer, etc.),
size (20/40 TEUs)
and its contents
Merckkx (2005),
Moini et al. (2012)
Modal split of
Merckkx (2005),
Moini et al. (2012)
Unique Value
Port Governance
and structure
Merckkx (2005),
Moini et al. (2012)
Unique Value
Location of the
Port Terminal and
the main products
(or logistic chains)
that are transferred.
Merckkx (2005),
Moini et al. (2012)
Unique Value
Terminal working
hours and business
Merckkx (2005),
Rodrigue and
Notteboom (2009),
Moini et al. (2012)
Unique Value
Shippers and
Rodrigue and
Notteboom (2009),
Moini et al. (2012)
Inspections and
Moini et al. (2012)
Unique Value
Transport corridors
Moini et al. (2012)
Ocean carriers or
Maritime Shipping
Company and the
demurrage time for
the empty
Moini et al. (2012)
Container flow
balance (export
and import)
Moini et al. (2012)
and Third Party
Logistics Company
Moini et al. (2012)
The main factors considered in the literature as dwell
time determinants are presented in Table 1. The
factors are divided into two groups: unique value and
nominal value. Factors with a unique value are those
that may have a unique value at each port and this
value does not vary as a function of the cargo
transferred at the port (i.e., the frequency on the
itineraries, the location of the port terminal, etc.). This
type of factor is not considered as the results for
predicting dwell time are employed for container
space allocation policies and this is influenced by the
amount of cargo handled. On the other hand, nominal
and numerical factors correspond to factors that vary
as a function of the cargo handled, where nominal
factors are represented by strings and numerical
factors by a number. For instance, a nominal factor is
related to the name of the importer or exporter, while
the weight of a container is a numerical factor.
The dwell time segregated storage space policy is
based on generating segregations of import containers
based on dwell time intervals. In this way, containers
of the same segregation are those whose dwell time is
predicted to be at the same interval. In order to
determine the dwell time classes and estimate the
potential impact of the proposed storage space policy,
the proposed methodology is described as follows in
Table 2.
Table 2: General Methodology.
INPUT: Data Base with Historical Data on the arrival and
departure time of import containers
1. STAGE 1: Dwell time prediction by classification
1.1. Class definition as a function of time intervals in order to
discretize the dwell time numerical variable.
1.2. Application and validation of the classification
algorithms based on a predictive model.
1.3. Identification of the interrelation among the dwell time
measure units based on a multi-classifier generation.
1.4. Performance evaluation of the classification algorithms.
2. STAGE 2: Dwell time segregated storage policy
implementation and evaluation
2.1. Segregate containers based on the dwell time classes
obtained in Stage 1.
2.2. Run the simulation model for a set of instances, testing
the performance in terms of the number of rehandles
when containers are retrieved. Compare results with
alternative storage policies that may resemble the current
practice of the container terminal under study.
Output: Policy and impact estimation if dwell-time
segregated policy is implemented.
3.1 STAGE 1: Dwell Time Prediction
by Classification Algorithms
As observed in Table 2, the first stage consists of
applying classification algorithms to predict dwell
times. For this, it is necessary to have a data base with
historical data about the containers’ arrival and
departure times at the yard. Step 1.1 is related to the
class interval definition. We consider that the classes
A Dwell Time-based Container Positioning Decision Support System at a Port Terminal
may be measured in three time units: hour, day and
week. Table 3 presents a more detailed description of
Step 1.2.
For the sample size definition, the formula to be
used is provided by Cochran (1986), in which the size
of the population is assumed to be an input data. For
the classification model, different classification
algorithms can be evaluated according to the specific
characteristics of the container terminal under study.
In addition, Step 1.3 consists of the definition of the
multi-classifier to determine the inter-relations
among different dwell time measure units. Step 1.4
consists of an evaluation of the results obtained by the
different classification algorithms. Four performance
metrics are considered: (i) the number of instances
classified correctly, (ii) the Kappa coefficient, (iii) the
computational time and (iv) the mean squared error in
time units (Witten et al. 2011).
Table 3: Classification algorithms based on a predictive
Step 1.2 Classification algorithm application and
INPUT: Data base with historical data on the arrival and
departure times of import containers
1. Sample size definition
2. Random sample of instances
3. Definition of the classification model
4. Evaluation of the classification model
5. Estimation of the prediction error
Output: Dwell time predictions.
3.2 STAGE 2: Dwell Time Segregated
Storage Policy Implementation and
A common practice of terminal operators is to assign
space to containers at the yard based on segregations.
In order to determine segregations of import
containers based on dwell time intervals, the
predicted dwell times and intervals found in stage 1
(see Table 2) are employed for an instance of the
container terminal under study. Then, a real time
stacking heuristic for locating the import containers
in each dwell time segregation is defined, so that
containers of the same segregation may be assigned
to close locations with the aim of reducing rehandles
when containers are retrieved.
In order to evaluate the benefits of implementing
the policy at the yard, a discrete event simulation
model is also proposed, in which the dwell-time
storage space policy is implemented to define the
location of the import containers at the yard. The
dispatching process of the import containers to
external carriers is also simulated in order to count the
number of rehandles incurred. More details will be
provided at section 5 with the case study.
This section details the architecture of a decision
support system for the container position assignment
at the yard of a container terminal. The aim of the
system is two-fold: First, we enhance the capabilities
of the TOS with a module that predicts the dwell time
based on historical data. Second, we take advantage
of that prediction in order to suggest an explicit
storage location for the container under scrutiny.
When an import container is unloaded from the
vessel and is transported to the yard, the yard planner
examines the container and faces the decision of
where to store it. The yard planner uses the proposed
system to estimate the dwell time based on
characteristics associated to the container and
historical information of other containers stored in the
yard. As opposed to expert intuition, this estimation
can be used to make an informed decision. If the yard
planner desires, the system can suggest a specific
storage location for the container.
When a container is assigned to a particular
storage slot at the yard, it is stored until requested by
the consignee. There are some cases in which the
container may be relocated because it is blocking the
access to the yard crane to retrieve another container.
These movements are also referred as rehandles. One
of the objectives of the yard planner, is to reduce the
number of rehandles or relocations of containers, as
these are non-value movements that generate
additional costs and waiting times.
The storage space at the yard is organized as a
three dimensional matrix ordered in bays, columns
and rows (see Figure 1 for a pictorial reference). This
abstract representation is convenient for maintaining
an internal representation of the current state of the
storage space. It is possible to define algorithmic
operations for assigning a slot to a container,
requesting the coordinates of a particular container,
and analyzing if there is more containers on top of the
requested item (i.e., a container), and so on.
In order to explain the details of our proposed
architecture, we will describe a sequence of temporal
events and the relationship with each particular
ICORES 2017 - 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
module of the system. Figure 2 depicts the software
architecture for the above-mentioned decision
support system. This system is constituted by one
main module that is connected to the TOS. The TOS
corresponds to a software suite designed to manage
the resources of the container terminal and it can be
an in-house developed software or a generic
commercial product (e.g.,Navis N4 TOS).
Figure 1: BAROTI System.
The whole process begins when the import
container arrives to the port. At that moment, the yard
planner accesses the graphical user interface (GUI) to
identify the container that must be stored (labelled
with the number 1 in the Figure 2). Then, the system
connects to the TOS, retrieving statistical information
regarding the container such as the name of the
consignee, the service or vessel, type of container,
weight, etc. This information is fed to the predictor
and an estimation for the dwell time is obtained (see
number 2 in the Figure 2). This estimation is made
based on a mathematical model that use the historical
data of containers and dwell time kept in the
Container database. The planner use the dwell time
estimation to decide where to place the container.
Alternatively, the planner may request to the
system a recommendation for the location of the
incoming container to the yard. For this matters, the
system includes a special module that may suggest to
the yard planner, a storage position at the yard (see
label 3 in the Figure 2). The module internally ask for
a dwell time prediction, which is used as the input for
an internal algorithm that outputs a location. This
output location is assumed to be the best option for
storing the current container. The general assumption
is that two containers with a similar dwell time must
be located in neighbouring regions. In contrast, two
containers with a big difference in their dwell times,
are assign to different locations avoiding to interfere
to each other.
Figure 2: Container Position Assignment System architecture.
A Dwell Time-based Container Positioning Decision Support System at a Port Terminal
Once the dwell time prediction and/ or the storage
position of each incoming container at the yard have
been determined, the system generated a report with
this information. This report may include a graphical
representation of the yard. In this report, the location
in which the current container must be assigned is
specified (label 4 in the Figure 2). Based on this
information the yard planner may decide whether to
accept to locate the import container in the suggested
position. This action (label 5) is recorded in the
Action Database. Here, our idea is that the learning
system is generating solutions for the problem and the
human expert can validate them as being correct or
wrong, knowledge that can be further exploited to
refine the learning method of the system.
Finally (label 6), the decision made by the yard
planner is communicated to the TOS, which records
the transaction. As a final comment in this matter, we
observe that the architecture is not limited for a single
user. Rather, more than one yard planner may access
the service concurrently, which can be an
advantageous feature, as this information for
instance, could be provided to the yard crane
operators in a mobile device.
The port of Arica, Chile is used in this case study
because it presents a high level of uncertainty in the
import processes and huge container dwell times. The
port of Arica occupies the 43rd position in the Latin
American containerized movements ranking
provided by UN-ECLAC; and the 6th position in the
Chilean port system, with a total of 204,174 TEUs
transferred in 2013 (Doerr 2013). The port consists
of a single multi-purpose terminal whose main
characteristic is that about 70% of the cargo
corresponds to cargo in transit from Bolivia. The port
presents special conditions for cargo handling, due to
the political agreements between Chile and Bolivia, a
reason for which the cargo has no storage fee (exports
for 60 days and imports up to 365 days). Furthermore,
the main hinterland (located in Bolivia) is more than
1000 kilometers away, in contrast with the main
Chilean ports, Valparaiso and San Antonio, whose
main hinterland (Metropolitan Region of Santiago) is
located at 120 kilometers from the ports.
The port of Arica lacks coordination of systems
with the hinterland such as appointment or booking
systems, or electronic data interchange. This fosters
the uncertainty and variability in port operations,
especially for the import processes. Long service
times (truck turnaround times) and container
rehandles are commonly observed. Under this
situation, the current practice of the yard managers is
to assign space to containers in a semi-random
fashion, where containers are located at the yard
considering only very simple rules that maximize
space utilization. A segregation-based policy for
storage space assignment of export containers has
been an efficient strategy for reducing rehandles
incurred when containers are loaded on the vessel.
Segregating export containers is commonly done
based on the vessel´s characteristics and the
corresponding route. These characteristics are
considered when the stowage plan is generated and
hence, rehandles are potentially minimized. In
contrast, the criteria for segregating import containers
are not so straightforwardly determined, especially if
high levels of uncertainty on the dispatching times are
In this paper a methodology to implement a dwell
time segregated policy for assigning space to import
containers is proposed. The policy considers
segregating containers based on predicted dwell time
intervals. In order to evaluate the different
classification and multi-classification algorithms
employed, the following metrics have been
considered: (i) number of instances correctly
classified, (ii) accuracy, (iii) Kappa´s coefficient; (iv)
the mean squared error; (v) the mean error in time
units” and (vi) the mean error for categorized factors.
A data base with container movements for the
years 2011, 2012 and August 2013 is included, with
a total of 151,640 import containers. Seven factors
were considered: (1) size of the container (20/40), (2)
type of container (Dry, Reefer, High Cube, etc.), (3)
the status of the container (full or empty), (4) weight,
(5) ship where the container is unloaded, (6)
consignee or customer, and (7) the cargo’s port of
The first four factors correspond to characteristics
of the container. The factors are numerical (size of
container and weight) and nominal (type, status, ship,
port of origin, consignee). The only dual attribute is
dwell time, and the nominal variable consignee has
the largest number of classes (about 5000 to 7000). It
is important to mention that the weight and port of
origin are factors not previously employed in the
literature (see Table 1).
ICORES 2017 - 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
5.1 Results Obtained with the
Classification Algorithms
For the classification model, non-supervised
classification algorithms were employed as they
allow working with known classes. These algorithms
follow an opposed strategy than supervised
algorithms (Astudillo et al. 2014; Astudillo and
Oommen 2014). This is justified by the fact that
classes are known, since they are determined in the
step 1.1 of the proposed methodology (see Table 1).
The applied offline algorithms are Naive Bayes, Lazy
Learning, and Rules Induction Learning. Table 4
summarizes the classification algorithms evaluated:
Table 4: Classification Algorithms evaluated.
K nearest neighbors (KNN)
Cover and Hart
Naive Bayes (NB)
Kononenko (1990)
One Rule (OneR)
R.C. Holte (1993)
Incremental Reduced Error
Pruning (IREP) or Repeated
Incremental Pruning to
Produce Error Reduction
(RIPPER or JRip)
Fürn Kranz (1994)
Cleary and Trigg
Decision Table (DT)
Kohavi (1995)
Zero Rule (ZeroR)
Witten and Frank
Dwell times were measured in days, as this is the
commonly used time unit in port Terminals. The year
2011 data was used to generate the model and the
2012 data was used to evaluate it. Data for 2013 was
used only for the simulation model described in
section 4.2. The algorithms were implemented in
JAVA version 1.6.0_25, using the software WEKA
(Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) in a
personal computer with a processor Intel Core 7, and
8 GB of RAM.
Table 5 summarizes the results found with each
algorithm. The classification algorithm that obtained
a larger number of correctly classified instances, best
accuracy, Kappa´s coefficient values and root mean
squared error is the K*. The JRip algorithm obtained
the best error values. On the other hand, the K*
algorithm had longer computational times (twice as
much as JRip).
A multi-classifier algorithm for dwell time
predictions was also proposed, and it was trained
using the information from the historical data base.
Results are presented in Table 6, where it can be
observed that the KNN algorithm obtained the larger
number of correctly classified instances, accuracy and
error values, with a computational time of 40 seconds.
As observed in previous tables, the algorithms
without the multi-classifier obtained better results in
general. On the other hand, the accuracy values are
always lower than 10%, which is explained due to the
variability of the ship and consignee factors in the
data base. For dwell time predictions, the average
error is about 7 days, which is high, but under current
operations, managers of the port of Arica are not able
to estimate container dwell times, hence in the long
run, it is expected that this number can be reduced.
5.2 Impact Assessment of the Proposed
Policy via a Discrete Events
Simulation Model
A simulation model of the import processes at the port
of Arica is proposed in order to evaluate the impact
of the storage policies in terms of the number of
rehandles incurred. For comparison purposes, a
storage policy was implemented considering two
variants of the stacking strategy of containers without
the dwell time segregation policy. This allows to
emulate the current practice of the port managers.
Table 7 outlines the general procedure for the
general stacking strategy implemented based on the
dwell time segregations policy. Table 8 outlines the
procedure for the non-segregation storage policy that
employs two stacking strategies: Semi-random and
Sequential, which are illustrated respectively in
Figure 3 and Figure 4.
The instance implemented considered the
movements of containers in the years 2012 and 2013.
The yard of the port terminal consists of 19 blocks for
import containers with a total of 4820 TEU slots. In
order to predict the dwell times, the JRip and multi-
classifier algorithms were implemented. The real
arrival of containers at the port during each year is
taken from the data base. For the random stacking
strategies, five replicates were run. For the sequential
stacking strategies, no replicates were tested given
that the solution obtained is the same since the arrival
of containers does not change. For the random
stacking strategies standard deviation values were in
the range of 140 to 444 rehandles. The simulation
model was implemented in the software ExtendSim
OR version 9.0 and run in a personal computer with
Intel Core 7 and 8Gb RAM. Table 9 presents the
results obtained.
A Dwell Time-based Container Positioning Decision Support System at a Port Terminal
Table 5: Results obtained with the classification algorithms.
Number of
squared error
squared error
Error (days)
3,875.8 ± 188.4
0.058 ± 0.000
0.069 ± 0.000
34.1 ± 2.9
7.88 ± 0.67
2,365.9 ± 103.3
0.058 ± 0.000
0.098 ± 0.000
34.1 ± 3.9
8.51 ± 0.20
2,942.3 ± 167.6
0.058 ± 0.000
0.068 ± 0.000
62.4 ± 4.9
8.21 ± 0.93
3,254.6 ± 256.3
0.058 ± 0.000
0.068 ± 0.000
27.4 ± 1.6
7.12 ± 0.44
4,116.7 ± 88.1
0.058 ± 0.000
0.067 ± 0.000
109.0 ± 3.4
7.42 ± 0.10
KNN, K=1
3,966.6 ± 135.2
0.058 ± 0.000
0.070 ± 0.000
31.1 ± 10.5
8.07 ± 0.17
2,760.6 ± 164.1
0.058 ± 0.000
0.068 ± 0.000
36.6 ± 4.1
6.94 ± 0,88
As observed in Table 9, the average number of
rehandles incurred for both 2012 and 2013 are always
lower for the segregated dwell time policies
employing any type of stacking strategy.
Furthermore, the gap between the average number of
rehandles for the non-segregated and segregated
policies is around 13%. Comparing the best stacking
strategy in each period for the segregated and non-
segregated policies, a 6% and a 37% gap were
obtained for the 2012 and 2013 periods respectively.
In order to estimate the economic impact of the
dwell time segregated storage policy, the period
between January and April 2012 is considered. A total
of 16,867 rehandles were incurred at present
conditions. If the dwell time segregated and
sequential stacking strategy is employed, the total
number of rehandles incurred is 14,051, with an
approximate 17% reduction. If the cost of each
rehandle is estimated as 10 dollars, it represents
potential savings of about USD $28,000 for the
container terminal.
For further implementing the proposed decision
support system, the port terminal requires to develop
a module that may be interconnected with its TOS. It
will be necessary that the port terminal develop a
historical data base (Container DB in Figure 2 in
section 4) with the characteristics of import
containers that have been stored in the yard for at least
2 years and update periodically this database or in real
time. The information required considers the
characteristics of containers, its cargo, and
destination in the hinterland, as well as the dwell
times. This information will be the input data for the
prediction system. It will be also required to maintain
a data base registering the decisions taken by the yard
planner in order to analyse the performance of the
proposed system.
We estimate that implementing the proposed
support system will not alter the current operations of
the port terminal, and is not intended to replace the
yard planner tasks. The aim of the proposed system is
to support yard planner decisions and derive
recommendations that will make easier this job and
may lead to more efficient operations in the long run.
Table 6: Multi-classifier results.
N° of
3,226.9 ±
79.9 ± 1.5
7.47 ±
1,309.6 ±
19.4 ± 0.9
8.75 ±
3,216.4 ±
31.1 ± 9.3
7.29 ±
2,992.7 ±
55.2 ± 4.6
7.18 ±
3,183.5 ±
114.7 ± 1.6
7.63 ±
3,608.0 ±
38.7 ± 4.9
6.92 ±
3,153.1 ±
61.4 ± 8.8
7.27 ±
Table 7: Segregated stacking strategy.
Dwell time Segregated Stacking Strategy
INPUT: Dwell time predictions for each container and dwell
time classes; Yard layout and inventory
1. Define the segregation of containers based on the dwell
time class predictions
2. Assign to each block a segregation of containers. One block
can contain either a single or several segregations.
3. Once a container arrives, assign it to the corresponding
segregation block.
4. Define the location of the container in the block based on
the Semi-random or Sequential stacking strategies.
5. If a container arrives and there is no available space in the
block corresponding to the segregation, then randomly select a
block and repeat step 4.
OUTPUT: container location.
ICORES 2017 - 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Table 8: Non-segregated stacking strategy.
Non-Segregated General Stacking Strategy
INPUT: Yard layout and inventory
1. Randomly select a block with available space.
2. Define the location of the container in the block based on
the Semi-Random or Sequential stacking strategies.
3. If a container arrives and there is no available space in the
predetermined block, then randomly select a block and repeat
step 4.
OUTPUT: container location.
Figure 3: Semi-random stacking strategy illustration.
Figure 4: Sequential stacking strategy illustration.
Ship turnaround times are an important productivity
indicator for a port terminal. Efficient container
handling is needed during the loading and unloading
operations. Among several factors that affect the
performance of the ship service, the yard operation
efficiency is a key element. In addition, for those
terminals in which land is very restricted, the
planning and scheduling of resources at the yard
(space and equipment) are even more critical.
A common practice among yard managers for
storage space assignment consists of defining
segregations or groups of containers with common
characteristics. Export container segregations depend
on the vessel´s loading sequence, which is based on
the vessel´s route, weight and characteristics of the
container, among other factors. On the other hand,
segregating import containers is more complex. This
is more difficult if the port terminal has no hinterland
coordination mechanisms and high levels of
uncertainty on the times when import container will
be requested.
In this article a dwell time segregated storage
space policy for import containers is proposed. In
addition, the design of a decision support system for
the yard planner based on the proposed storage policy
is proposed. The focus of this article was import
containers, due to the difficulty to determine the
criteria to segregate them. As pointed out before, this
relies on the high levels of uncertainty on the
dispatching times, and the fact that an important
number of rehandles are incurred during this process.
For the proposed policy, dwell times of import
containers are predicted by classification algorithms.
Then, containers are segregated based on dwell time
classes. Import containers of the same dwell time
class are assigned to close locations at the yard.
As a case study, we consider the particular case of
the port of Arica in Chile. This port presents special
conditions for cargo handling. More than 70% of the
cargo transferred by the port of Arica corresponds to
transit cargo of Bolivia. Due to the political
agreements maintained between Chile and Bolivia,
there exists a high uncertainty in the dispatching
processes of the import containers at the port. In order
to evaluate the potential benefits in the daily
operations of the yard, a discrete event simulation
model is also implemented. Numerical results of the
simulation model show that a dwell time segregated
storage policy with a sequential stacking strategy
provides a significant reduction in the number of
rehandles incurred. Considering the real number of
containers handled by the port for a specific instance
data set, around to 17% reduction in rehandles is
obtained by the proposed policy. Finally, it is worthy
to mention that the implementation of the decision
support system proposed may provide a valuable tool
for the yard planner.
A Dwell Time-based Container Positioning Decision Support System at a Port Terminal
Table 9: Numerical Results: Rehandles per time period and stacking strategy.
Storage Policy
Stacking Strategy
Average per
policy (DT vs
Rehandles per period
policy (NS)
Non-segregated random stacking strategy
Non-segregated sequential stacking strategy
Dwell time
policy (DT)
Dwell time segregated and random stacking strategy (JRip)
Dwell time segregated and sequential stacking strategy (JRip)
Dwell time segregated and radom stacking strategy (multi-
classifier and KNN, N=84)
Dwell time segregated and sequential stacking strategy (multi-
classifier and KNN, N=84)
Gap (Avg NS - Avg DT)/Avg DT
Gap (Best NS - Best DT) /Best DT [2012]
Gap (Best NS - Best DT) /Best DT [2013]
Current practices of the managers follow a semi-
random assignment of containers at the yard, given
the limitations of data and uncertainty in the
dispatching times of import containers. Hence, the
proposed support system will not change significantly
their current operations but in turns, will provide
recommendations to the yard planners for the
assignment of spaces to containers, without replacing
the personnel.
As further research additional factors that may
affect dwell time predictions should be analyzed,
such as the cargo transported in the container. For
instance, we could differentiate containers with cargo
of a single or several consignees.
The problem addressed in this article is at the
tactical decision level. Hence, another research
avenue would be to develop real time stacking
strategies based on the dwell time segregated policy.
Furthermore, impact assessment for different types of
yard equipment could be another research project to
be developed (reachstackers vs RTG vs straddle-
carriers, etc.). Finally, ship turnaround times can be
also considered as a performance metric for the
different stacking strategies and a sensitivity analysis
to determine the most significant factors determining
dwell times for the port of Arica is another research
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A Dwell Time-based Container Positioning Decision Support System at a Port Terminal