Extracting Contextonyms from Twitter for Stance Detection
Guillaume Gadek
, Josefin Betsholtz
, Alexandre Pauchet
, St
ephan Brunessaux
Nicolas Malandain
and Laurent Vercouter
Airbus DS, 78990 Elancourt, France
Normandie Univ, INSA Rouen, LITIS, 76000 Rouen, France
Opinion Mining, Context, Contextonyms, Sentiment Analysis, Social Media Data, User Generated Text.
Opinion mining on tweets is a challenge: short texts, implicit topics, inventive spellings and new vocabulary
are the rule. We aim at efficiently determining the stance of tweets towards a given target. We propose a
method using the concept of contextonyms and contextosets in order to disambiguate implicit content and
improve a given stance classifier. Contextonymy is extracted from a word co-occurrence graph, and allows to
grasp the sense of a word according to its surrounding words. We evaluate our method on a freely available
annotated tweet corpus, used to benchmark stance detection on tweets during SemEval2016.
The large volume, easy access and rapid propaga-
tion of online information make the Internet a perfect
medium for opinion mining. In particular, Twitter has
emerged as a micro-blogging community with over
500 million public messages per day.
Similar to SMS, tweets are short, contain inventive
spelling and their meanings are often implicit. How-
ever, they also differ (Gotti et al., 2013): tweets can
be public whereas SMS are strictly private. Twitter
also contains a greater extent of invented words and
typing errors (Maynard et al., 2012). Furthermore,
tweets contain entities such as hashtags
or user men-
. Both hashtags and user mentions often appear
as labels, without any syntactic role.
Nevertheless, most algorithms adapted to tweets
consider words as atoms, i.e. without considering
any relation to the surrounding words, which gen-
erates ambiguity as most words can have more than
one meaning. The problem of discovering the “real”
sense of words in a text is commonly referred to as
text disambiguation. We propose to use contextonyms
to solve this issue, following the simple idea that the
surrounding words can be exploited to determine the
context of usage of a word, and therefore to deter-
mine its sense. Two words are contextonyms if they
Hashtags are single words or phrases preceded by a # and
whose meaning may be maintained in the sentence. For
instance, “#voteforyou” can replace “vote for you”.
User mentions use @name in place of a named entity.
are commonly used in a same context and a group of
words frequently co-occurring is called a contextoset.
Twitter is commonly used to express views on var-
ious topics, including product reviews and political
opinions. In this domain, an opinion is represented
by five elements: its author, time of utterance, target
(e.g. a phone), aspect of the target (e.g. the screen
of the phone), and polarity/sentiment (Pang and Lee,
Stance detection is a similar idea: it focuses on
determining the polarity (in favor, against or none) of
an opinion. Texts are gathered by topic and have to
be analyzed with regard to a given target. To clar-
ify the difference, if the target is Hillary Clinton, the
topic could be U.S. Election Candidates or U.S. Fe-
male Politicians.
This task
requires an excellent knowledge of the
topic as implicit statements have to be identified: the
corpus includes utterances towards different entities,
related to the topic but sometimes different from the
target. As an example, among the SemEval task was a
“Hillary Clinton” corpus, which included tweets tar-
geting Donald Trump, her rival in the 2016 US elec-
In this article, we propose to use contextonymy,
and more precisely contextosets, to disambiguate
tweets. We outline a new method to extract the con-
textosets and show that this process improves the
SemEval proposed a stance detection task on tweets for the
first time in 2015 (linked to the 2016 NAACL conference):
Gadek G., Betsholtz J., Pauchet A., Brunessaux S., Malandain N. and Vercouter L.
Extracting Contextonyms from Twitter for Stance Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0006190901320141
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2017), pages 132-141
ISBN: 978-989-758-220-2
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
stance detection on tweets. To benchmark our ap-
proach, we compare our results on the SemEval task
of stance detection on tweets.
Section 2 introduces others’ work on stance detec-
tion, word sense disambiguation, and contextonyms.
Then, Section 3 explains how we extract contextosets
and determine stance. Section 4 presents the imple-
mentation and experiments. Finally, Section 5 shows
the results obtained by our method and highlights
some elements to discuss.
Previous studies on opinion mining and sentiment
analysis have already proposed excellent methods, but
only a few of them are applicable in stance detection.
2.1 From Opinion Mining to Stance
Stance detection techniques can be divided into three
main approaches: first, the use of sentiment dictio-
naries and specific linguistic rules. Second, machine
learning for text categorization, using a training cor-
pus. Third, hybrid methods that combine the two first
approaches. The three techniques are described in the
following sections.
Resource-based Approaches for Sentiment Analy-
sis (SA). This family of methods associates polari-
ties with words, i.e. each word gets a score reflecting
its degree of “positivity” and a score reflecting its de-
gree of “negativity”. A weighted sum, usually called
valence, produces the overall sentiment of a text.
(Hutto and Gilbert, 2014) is a rule-based
sentiment analyzer. Inspired by LIWC
(Bradley and Lang, 1999) and SentiWordNet
cianella et al., 2010), the authors compiled a short list
of 7,500 word-valence pairs, and benchmarked it suc-
Some systems quite accurately predict sentiment,
but this indicator is not satisfactory for stance detec-
tion in politics. (Tsytsarau and Palpanas, 2012) pro-
poses to detect contradiction: they focus on the signs
Valence Aware Dictionary for sEntiment Reasoning.
Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count: in a text, it counts the
percentage of words that reflect different emotions, think-
ing styles, social concerns, and parts of speech.
Affective Norms for English Words: a set of normative
emotional ratings for a large number of words in the En-
glish language.
A lexical resource for opinion mining. It assigns sentiment
scores to synsets from WordNet.
of opposition or agreement between two successive
posts. A study on UK politics (Maynard and Funk,
2011) uses GATE (Cunningham et al., 2011), a rule-
based tool, and applies it to political opinion detec-
tion. A set of rules states whether a sentence is for or
against one of the three big parties in the UK. Similar
work focuses on online debates (Anand et al., 2011),
to distinguish messages in terms of opposition to en-
tities: many posts are exclusively negative, and there-
fore a “positive/negative” vocabulary approach would
not be useful.
Learning-based Approaches. A second way, Text
Classification, relies on a human annotated training
corpus. This approach stems from topic categoriza-
tion (Pang and Lee, 2008), which objective is to la-
bel a document with predefined categories. The im-
pact of the chosen features is important, as (Tan et al.,
2002) showed by comparing unigrams and/or bigrams
of words.
Social, user-generated contents are very specific to
a given platform. The increase of inventive spellings
on the Internet led (Pak and Paroubek, 2010) to gather
a corpus for sentiment analysis, classifying tweets as
objective (thus, neutral) or subjective (and then, rely-
ing on laughing and crying emoticons, between pos-
itive and negative). In 2013, on a contextual polarity
task, best results used SentiWordNet or MPQA
son et al., 2005) and achieved a F
-measure of 0.68
(Nakov et al., 2013): the task is difficult and no good
system has emerged yet.
Hybrid Approaches. (Andreevskaia and Bergler,
2008) combined the two precedent approaches:
lexicon-based and learning-based. In their experi-
ments, they proposed a corpus consisting of debate
forum posts, such as “Firefox VS Internet Explorer”.
A post in a forum thread is usually part of a discus-
sion, which helps to put the elements in relation.
(Hasan and Ng, 2013) reached a 0.75 accuracy
on political forum posts stance classification. They
used multiple approaches: the presence of word un-
igrams and bigrams, sentiment features using the
LIWC resource (Pennebaker et al., 2001), as well
as task dependent features: they assume that an au-
thor keeps the same stance throughout a debate (ideo-
logical constraint), and that two successive messages
have a great probability to oppose each other (user-
interaction constraint). These types of features are not
applicable in the SemEval corpus, as it only contains
the text of tweets.
Multi-Perspective Question Answering: this corpus con-
tains news articles from a wide variety of news sources,
manually annotated for opinions and other private states.
Extracting Contextonyms from Twitter for Stance Detection
To benefit from the strengths of sentiment re-
sources, (Khan et al., 2014) combined three methods:
an emoticon classifier, an enhanced emotion classifier
and a SentiWordNet classifier. Results show improve-
ments in comparison to the methods taken one by one.
2.2 From Words to Relations
The previous section briefly reviewed the tools to de-
tect the stance of a text. We believe that the scores
can be improved if we tackle one of the biggest chal-
lenges: the ambiguity of the texts. In the following
part, we review some techniques for word sense dis-
Word sense disambiguation consists in choosing
between senses when the meaning of a word is not
obvious. Most words can bear more than one mean-
ing and their senses can be detected from the context
in which the words appear. (Wiebe and Mihalcea,
2006) show an improvement of their sentence classi-
fier when considering the feature “subjectivity infor-
mation” (syntactic rules to determine if the sentence
is subjective or objective).
The exploration of various links between words is
an active field: (Rei and Briscoe, 2014) look for hy-
ponyms in a word embedding space. Hyponyms gen-
eration allows more relations per word, as opposed to
synonyms or antonyms. (Perez-Tellez et al., 2010) at-
tack the homonymy problem
. They claim to be able
to distinguish between “orange”, the color, and “or-
ange”, the fruit. To achieve this, they convert each
tweet to a tf.idf
vector and then apply clustering (K-
means) on the whole corpus: tweets in a same cluster
tend to use the words in the same sense.
(Fernando and Stevenson, 2012) aimed to asso-
ciate a Wikipedia article to each of the WordNet
synsets: first by matching the title to generate a can-
didate list, then refining this selection by considering
the whole article as well as the glossary and descrip-
tion fields of the synsets.
Previous work (Zesch et al., 2008) proposed a
semantic relatedness score using concept vectors to
map documents, comparing various resources such
as Wiktionary, Wikipedia articles, WordNet and Ger-
maNet (a german avatar of WordNet).
More recently, (Feng et al., 2015) claim that the
usual methods for semantic relatedness of words, us-
When two words that have different meanings are either
spelled in the same way (e.g. “match” (that you light a
fire with) and “match” (a sports game) or pronounced in a
similar way (e.g. “to” and “too”).
Term frequency . inverse document frequency: a numeri-
cal statistic reflecting how important a word is to a docu-
ment in a corpus.
ing WordNet (Miller, 1995) or Wikipedia, give poor
results on Twitter content, because of the different
sentence structure as well as the presence of new vo-
These techniques have been used on many differ-
ent types of corpus, but our work focuses on social
media data. User-generated texts are very different
from other corpora, however, contextonyms may help
in our stance detection task.
2.3 Contextonyms and Contextosets
The concept of Contextonyms was first introduced by
(Hyungsuk et al., 2003), noting that “contextually
related words are meaningful indicators of a target
word’s semantic value in a given context”. In this
study, contextonyms are defined as “relevant contex-
tually related words for a target word”. In turn, “con-
text” is defined as a certain number of surrounding
words. Contextonymy is a relation between words,
as is synonymy: two words are contextonyms if they
frequently occur together (and thus, describe the same
(Hyungsuk et al., 2003) also obtained cliques -
complete subgraphs - from the contextonyms, which,
according to them, represent the minimal senses of
words. We estimate that the target word used by
(Hyungsuk et al., 2003) is not enough to character-
ize a context. Still, a contextoset regroups a number
of words corresponding to a given context.
Works using Contextonyms. (Ploux and Ji, 2003)
and (Wang et al., 2016) propose a Statistical Ma-
chine Translation method, where the unit is not a
word but a “minimal semantic unit”, represented by
a clique (following (Hyungsuk et al., 2003) con-
textonyms extraction). (S¸erban, 2013) extracted the
contextonyms from movie subtitles, to correct Senti-
WordNet by continuing the propagation of sentiment
valences along these relations.
Comparison of Contextosets, Word Embeddings
and Synsets. To assess the semantic relatedness
proposed by contextosets, we compared the results
with the outcome of two other methods: Word2Vec
and WordNet. We used the same 70 million word cor-
pus, completely composed by tweets, in all methods.
We obtained word embeddings by training a
Word2Vec model (Mikolov et al., 2013) using “bag-
of-words” and a vector size of 100. We then ex-
tracted contextonyms, using the procedure outlined
in this paper. Finally, focusing on the word “sup-
port”, we acquired the synsets from WordNet. Table 1
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
shows an excerpt of neighboring words, contexosets
and synsets for the word “support”.
From the Word2Vec word embeddings, only some
words seem related to our target, and the results
largely depend on the training corpora. The grammat-
ical categories are not considered important, and we
have no insight into the relations between the other
words (“respect” is not included in the set of the clos-
est words to “organize”, whereas they both appear as
close words to “support”).
WordNet synsets are sometimes numerous, but do
not exist for Twitter-specific vocabulary. Even the
very popular “LOL” is excluded from this dictionary:
WordNet is legitimate, but it is not adapted for social
Contextonyms, like Word2Vec, make no distinc-
tion between grammatical categories and may include
any word that has been used in the corpus. Further-
more, they quite efficiently convey the meaning of a
word, and the contextosets evidently match the origi-
nal corpus topics.
2.4 Discussion
During the SemEval2013 opinion mining task, the
best system achieved a F
-measure of 0.68 (Nakov
et al., 2013). (Andreevskaia and Bergler, 2008) are
a reference in stance detection: on the topic “Firefox
VS Internet Explorer”, their hybrid classifier achieved
= 0.66. On another dataset, (Hasan and Ng, 2013)
reached a 0.75 accuracy. These results are good,
but not excellent: the stance detection task is in-
deed very difficult. Moreover, during annotation, the
inter-annotator agreement
is often quite low, which
means that even if the stance detection procedure per-
forms well on the testing data, it is still debatable
whether the results truly represent the actual stances.
We believe that stance detection on tweets process
could benefit from disambiguation techniques. How-
ever, due to the difficulties of social media contents,
we cannot rely only on well-established resources.
Disambiguation itself also presents great challenges:
(Perez-Tellez et al., 2010) reached a F
-measure of
0.74 on some ambiguous company names. Neverthe-
less, we believe that word sense disambiguation has
great potential and including such a step in stance de-
tection can have a positive impact. Contextonymy
appears to have many advantages that makes it suit-
able to use for disambiguation. Hence, the aim of
this study is to develop a method to extract a database
of contextosets from tweets, and then exploit this
On an annotation task, each sample is labeled by different
persons to check if they agree; measures such as Kohen’s
kappa enables evaluation of their agreement.
database to disambiguate the senses of tweets in or-
der to improve stance detection.
3.1 Contextoset Extraction
Required Resources. Contextosets are extracted
from a corpus of documents. The contents of these
documents should be representative of the topics of
interest. Here we consider a corpus constituted of
tweets only. In order to obtain as meaningful contex-
tosets as possible, a thematic corpus should be used.
Preprocessing. In this step, all tweets are lower-
cased, and user mentions, special symbols, and stop
words are removed. Common abbreviations are con-
verted to their full words (e.g. “I’m” becomes “I
am”). The tweets are then tokenized on their white
spaces. We considered using a lemmatizer and POS-
tagger, however, our tests with TweetNLP (Owoputi
et al., 2013) were not convincing, as the model lacks
information about the specific topics in our corpus.
For instance, the word ISIS was “lemmatized” to
IS, which completely eliminates the meaning of the
Constructing a Co-occurence Graph.
Definition 3.1. Tweet. A tweet t is a set of words
,...} obtained from preprocessing a real tweet.
Definition 3.2. Co-occurrence. Words n
are said
to occur together if they are in the same tweet t and
they are separated by less than WindowSize/2 1
words. Stated differently, a word co-occurs with the
WindowSize/2 words before it and the WindowSize/2
words after it, in the same tweet t. WindowSize is a
parameter that can be set to any even, positive integer.
Using a corpus of preprocessed tweets as in Def-
inition 3.1, we constructed a co-occurrence graph
G = (V,E) . The set of nodes {V } consists of the
complete vocabulary of the preprocessed corpus, and
the set of edges {E} represents the undirected, val-
ued links between all pairs of co-occurring words (see
Definition 3.2). The weight w
of any individual edge
e is the number of co-occurrences of the words linked
by e in the entire preprocessed corpus.
Extracting Contextonyms from Twitter for Stance Detection
Table 1: Word Embeddings, contextosets and WordNet synsets for the nearest words of support.
Method: Word Embeddings
supporting, supported, supports, respect, vote, encourage, voting, voted, organize, helping
Method: Contextosets
(support, continued, foolery),
(climate, support, advocacy, preventing, change),
(support, bae, naten, kanta),
(support, tennessee, thank, trump2016)
Method: Synsets
(documentation, support)
(support, keep, livelihood, living, bread and butter, sustenance)
(support, supporting)
(accompaniment, musical accompaniment, backup, support)
(support, financial support, funding, backing, financial backing)
(support, back up)
(back, endorse, indorse, plump for, plunk for, support)
(hold, support, sustain, hold up)
(confirm, corroborate, sustain,substantiate, support, affirm)
(subscribe, support)
(corroborate, underpin, bear out, support)
(defend, support, fend for)
(patronize, patronise, patronage, support, keep going)
(digest, endure, stick out, stomach, bear, stand, tolerate, support, brook, abide, suffer, put up)
Filtering Words. As previously mentioned, one of
the great challenges of interpreting tweets is that they
do not necessarily comply with established rules of
grammar and spelling. Moreover, many new words
have emerged specifically on social media, and they
often convey important clues about the content and/or
stance of the tweet. For instance, the hashtag “#de-
mexit” implies US democrats leaving the democratic
party, and has been frequently used in discussions
about the 2016 U.S. election on Twitter. However,
this word, like many others, is absent in the Oxford
Dictionary. Other words, such as “laaazzzyymoon-
nddayyy” do not belong to “established” Twitter-
vocabulary, but are purposely misspelled words used
by one person alone. It is important to be able to sepa-
rate the important social vocabulary and the nonsense
words when creating contextonyms. Furthermore, if a
tweet containing a nonsense word is retweeted many
times this word will appear important by conven-
tional filtering methods, which remove low-frequency
words, relatively to an actual word which perhaps
only occurs once or a few times in the corpus. There-
fore, we have developed an innovative method to filter
out the non-usable words.
Definition 3.3. Degree. The degree of a word n in a
co-occurrence graph G is the number of other words
directly connected to n. We denote this by d(n)
We determine a word to be legit if it is used in
many different kinds of contexts, i.e. surrounded by
different words. This simply indicates that the word
is present in more than one tweet and/or is used by
more than one person. One way to assess this is to
look at the degree of a node. However, since we rely
on WindowSize parameter to assign neighbors to a
word, its degree is also dependent on its position in
any given tweet. For instance, “dogs like to swim in
the summers” and “dogs usually run very fast” would
give “dogs”, “swim”, “to”, “in”, “run” degrees of 4,
even if “dogs” is the only word that appear in both
sentences. Therefore, we normalize the degree of a
node by its average degree due to its position in a
tweet to get a ratio, α, that represents the actual va-
riety of contexts that a word appears in.
Let g
= (V
) be the co-occurrence graph for a
single tweet t. For a given word n, let the tokenized
tweets containing n be denoted by 1,...,K. Then, the
average degree φ of a word n, due to its position, is
given by
φ(n) =
We can then find α(n), the ratio of degree in G to
average degree position for word n, to be
α(n) =
A large score implies that word n occurs in a great
variety of contexts. Hence, the words in a tweet such
as “dizz movi ezz hoorrble”, if only appearing in this
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
tweet, would all only get a score of 1, even if the tweet
is retweeted 50 times. A word n would then be re-
moved if α(n) < α
The second part of the filtering process concerns
the edges. Again, the conventional filtering method,
that filters by edge weight, would remove important
contexts that are less represented in the corpus, per-
haps because of topic bias, and favor co-occurrences
that appear frequently, even if it is by retweet. In an
attempt to address this issue, we introduce metric β,
that consists of two weight-node count ratios.
β(e) =
Where w
is the weight of edge e = (n
), c
are the word counts for the two words n
and n
connected by e. Since β
=]0,2], a value approaching
2 implies that this association is very important for
both words, whereas a value approaching 0 implies
that the association is relatively unimportant for both
words. By filtering away the edges that have small
values, i.e. whenever β
< β
, we get rid of
the unimportant associations and only retain what is
important for our contextosets.
Contextoset Extraction. We chose to extract the
contextosets using a method proposed by (Palla et al.,
2005). They outline a way to obtain k-cliques, that
is, communities derived from overlapping cliques.
This seems to suit our problem particularly well as
maximal cliques provide inadequate contextosets be-
cause of the tendency to form many, almost iden-
tical sets of words that specify the same context.
k-cliques improve the contextosets as they merge
cliques that share many of the same words. We used
the k
clique communities implementation of (Palla
et al., 2005) method in the NetworkX (Hagberg et al.,
2008) python package.
3.2 Determining Stance
As described in Section 2, there are two main ap-
proaches for stance detection. The first is based
on sentiment analysis, guided by the intuition that
positive-sentiment tweets have a supportive stance
towards their target. The second one is based on
text categorization, where conditional probabilities of
word co-occurrences help to statistically determine
the class to which a tweet belongs. For each of these
approaches, we propose a baseline and a method us-
ing contextosets. We do not claim to have the best
classifier, but we aim to show that contextosets can
substantially improve stance detection.
3.2.1 Sentiment: Resource-based Approaches
Baseline, SENT-BASE. We propose a baseline,
SENT-BASE, using the well-known resource Senti-
WordNet 3.0 (Baccianella et al., 2010) to predict the
stance. We assume that positively (negatively) valued
tweets have the stance FAVOR (AGAINST).
In SentiWordNet, each word n may be present in
different synsets. A synset is a set of one or more
synonyms that are interchangeable in a given context.
Let S(n) be the set of i synsets s
containing the word
n. Each synset has a positive and a negative valence
Let S
be the set of all the N synsets taken into
account for the whole tweet. We therefore define the
valence v(t):
v(t) =
+ s
If v(t) is positive (negative), we assume the tweet is
supportive (opposed), thus having a stance FAVOR
Enhancing Sentiment Analysis with Contextosets:
SENT-CTXT. Sentiment prediction can be im-
proved by considering contextonyms when selecting
synsets. We obtain a list of the best contextoset(s)
matching a tweet, by criterion of the greatest number
of words shared by the contextoset(s) and the tweet. It
is possible to have more than one contextoset sharing
the same number of words with the tweet.
Let C be the set of contextosets c generated from
the corpus. Then, for a tweet t, the set of best contex-
tosets B
is given by
= {c | max(|{n}
|), c C} (5)
Then, we propose a function that takes the tokenized
tweet and its contextoset(s) as inputs. Using Sen-
tiWordNet, it selects only one synset based on the
shared number of words between the contextonyms
and the synset. If two synsets are competing, the func-
tion relies on the “gloss” field (glossary, a short un-
structured description) to count the number of shared
words and, finally, select the best synset.
Finally, the valence is computed as in SWN-BASE
and allows us to predict a stance label.
3.2.2 Statistical Approaches
Baseline: SVM-UNIG. We propose a baseline,
SVM-UNIG, using a SVM on word unigrams. More
specifically, we compared different algorithms and
parameter settings and finally selected and trained a
Extracting Contextonyms from Twitter for Stance Detection
SVM with RBF kernel (C = 100.0, γ= 0.01 after a 3-
stratified folded cross validation). The feature vector
is composed of the boolean indicators of the unigrams
presence. Vocabulary size is fixed at 10,000, which
limits the feature vector length.
Using Contextosets as Features: SVM-CTXTS.
SVM-CTXTS is following a simple intuition: perhaps
the contextosets are good indicators of the stance of a
tweet. Thus, SVM-CTXTS is the same classifier as
SVM-UNIG, but the feature vector is here composed
of the boolean indicators of the presence of a contex-
toset. However, we believe this method is sensitive
to the size of the training set: due to the limited size
of our training and test sets (1250 tweets in the test
set), and because we obtained 6278 contextosets, it is
likely to see contextosets occur only once in a while.
Using Contextosets to Expand Tweets: SVM-EXP.
This method address to the shortness of the tweets by
completing them with the best contextoset(s). It first
transforms the tokenized tweet by adding all words of
the best matching contextoset(s). Then, it uses SVM-
UNIG to determine its stance. Of course, this process
has to be applied both on the training set and on the
testing set.
We use Equation 5 to find the best contextosets
associated to the tweet t, and then obtain the “ex-
panded tweet” E
as follows.
= {n}
3.3 Evaluation
For each possible label s, the classifier can send a
positive or a negative signal in response to a query
sample. The response signal can be either true if it
matches the ground truth, or false in case of error.
To compute metrics to evaluate our results, a set
of samples called the test set is needed.
Thus, we have four possible outcomes for each
label s: TP stands for the number of true positives,
meaning that the classifier correctly determined TP
samples to belong to s; FP stands for the number of
false positives, meaning that the classifier incorrectly
determined the label of FP samples to be s; TN repre-
sents the number of true negatives, meaning that the
classifier correctly determined TN samples not to be-
long to s; and FN stands for the number of false neg-
atives, meaning that the classifier incorrectly deter-
mined FN samples not to belong to s.
The first metric, Precision, is defined in Equa-
tion 7 and represents the fraction of true positives,
given samples (whose true labels are of mixed cate-
gories) that were all classified to belong to s. Another
metric, Recall (Equation 8), determines the fraction of
true positives, given samples (whose true labels are
all s) that were classified to belong to any category.
Together, we combine them to obtain the F
(Equation 9) which is commonly used to assess the
quality of the prediction for each label s.
+ FP
+ FN
(s) = 2
+ R
To benchmark our results, we use the metric Official
Score proposed in the SemEval task (Equation 10). It
consists of the average between the positive (F for fa-
vor) and negative (A for against) stances F
(and does not include the neutral-stance prediction).
It is not directly comparable to F
-measures given be-
Score =
(F) +F
(A)) (10)
4.1 SemEval Task Description
Our stance classifiers are evaluated on the
SemEval2016-task6 corpus
. We focus only on
the subtask-A, which includes a training set and a
test set on five topics (“Atheism”, “Climate Change
is a Real Concern”, “Feminist Movement”, “Hillary
Clinton”, “Legalization of Abortion”). Subtask-B
focused on “Donald Trump” in an unsupervised way,
with only a test set available. Overall, the subtask-A
corpus is divided in a training part (2,914 tweets)
which is used to find best parameters and train our
supervised model, and a test part (1,250 tweets)
which is used for evaluation. To compare the results,
they use the Official Score (see Equation 10).
4.2 Input Corpora for Contextosets
We collected a corpus of English-written tweets, Gen-
Tweets, using the Twitter Stream API. This API al-
lows anyone to gather public tweets that contain one
SemEval2016-task6 is a stance detection task ap-
plied on an annotated tweet corpus freely available at
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
or more keywords (words or hashtags), as soon as
they are published. However, due to constraints im-
posed by Twitter, we only receive a random sample
of the set of tweets containing these keywords. Gen-
Tweets consists of 7,773,089 tweets gathered between
November 20th and December 1st, 2015, on a broad
range of topics, including Clinton, the abortion de-
bate, religion, and miscellaneous.
4.3 Parameters
Using the GenTweets corpus, we obtained a vocabu-
lary size larger than 250,000 words: we restrained it at
50,000 setting α
= 10. This size is more rea-
sonable to handle and allows for easier processing of
the co-occurrence graph, yet includes enough variety
to grasp a wide range of expressions.
We chose β
= 0.06 as this this number im-
plies that the link between two words is of relatively
small importance; it also limits the number of edges
at 300,000, again allowing for reasonable processing
Table 2 contains the results of our various experi-
ments. P stands for the average precision over the
three stances, for each target with a specified algo-
rithm. R stands for recall, and F
is the average F
Table 2: Comparison between the proposed algorithms on
SemEval TaskA.
Algorithm P R F
SENT-BASE 0.41 0.30 0.31
SENT-CTXT 0.43 0.35 0.37
SVM-UNIG 0.63 0.62 0.62
SVM-CTXT 0.58 0.61 0.58
SVM-EXP 0.69 0.64 0.66
SENT-BASE turns out to be a rather unsatisfac-
tory baseline, as it achieves F
= 0.31. However,
SENT-CTXT improves the stance detection to F
0.37. The low scores are due to the weak assump-
tion that sentiment predicts stance. Moreover, the test
corpus includes tweets targeting other entities than the
target: the set whose target is Hillary Clinton includes
positive mentions to other candidates as well, though
it means an AGAINST stance towards Hillary Clin-
ton. A sentiment-based approach does not handle this
well. Hence, knowing only the topic and the senti-
ment is insufficient to determine the stance: the target
of the sentiment needs be considered as well. In other
words, the target of a sentiment in a tweet can differ
from the target given by the stance detection task.
SVM-UNIG is a better baseline because it draws
upon the training sets (as opposed to SENT-BASE),
and reaches F
= 0.62. One can note that the best
official score (0.68) on this task was also reached by
a SVM (which also included character ngrams in its
feature vector) proposed as a baseline by the SemEval
organizers (Mohammad et al., 2016).
SVM-CTXT performed rather unsatisfactory. It is
mainly due to the small size of the training corpora:
the training set has too few elements to cover enough
vocabulary of contextosets, thus it is likely that the
training set does not cover all of the contextosets pos-
sibilities, resulting in SVM-CTXT making prediction
on contextosets it has never seen before.
Finally, SVM-EXP shows an improvement, reach-
ing F
= 0.66 (Official Score = 0.65). While it is not
better than the results of top competitors, it is compa-
rable to them.
Table 3: Comparison with SemEval competitors, using Se-
mEval official score.
Algorithm: SVM-EXP A#1 A#2 A#3
Score: 0.650 0.678 0.673 0.668
In Table 3, we compare our best results to the
three best scores obtained by the competitors during
the evaluation. Our algorithm SVM-EXP would have
been ranked 6
among the 19 competitors: we ob-
tained good results in the Official Score benchmark.
However, like the other teams, scores are not very
high and the accuracy of a prediction is too low to be
useful. (Mohammad et al., 2016) proposes an anal-
ysis of the results. The top-ranked algorithm (A#1,
MITRE) used two recurrent neural networks (RNNs).
The first RNN chose the best hashtags on an unlabeled
tweet set, and the one second estimated the stance ac-
cordingly. The runner-up (A#2, pkudlab) used both a
deep convolutionnal neural network and a set of rules,
and only used the training data. We are unaware of the
technique used by (A#3, TakeLab).
Stance detection on tweets is a challenging task, be-
cause of their shortness, innovative spelling and usage
of words. Themes are often implicit and the targets of
opinions are not always explicitly mentioned.
In the field of semantic and lexical relatedness,
contextonyms and contextosets help to address some
of these issues by attempting to disambiguate the
words in the tweets. Furthermore, it is possible to
Extracting Contextonyms from Twitter for Stance Detection
produce contextosets from any kind of dialects or
languages, requiring only basic adaptations (e.g. an
adapted tokenizer) as well as large amounts of texts.
To show the usefulness of contextosets, we pro-
posed to measure their effect on SemEval stance de-
tection task. We introduced two baselines: a sen-
timent analyzer, based on SentiWordNet, and a text
classifier, based on a SVM whose feature vector is
constituted of boolean indicators of unigram pres-
ence. In both cases, contextosets increase the global
measure, even though “sentiment” does not seem
the best approach on this task.
We believe contextosets have a great potential, and
we will continue to explore the possibilities along
both sentimental and statistical approaches. Even
if our sentiment analyzer failed to predict positive
tweets of stance against, we believe it has the po-
tential to tackle this task. For instance, results may
be improved if we enable it to consider the subject
of the tweet to grasp not only the sentiment polar-
ity, but also its target. The learning approach may
be improved if we use contextosets to disambiguate
ambiguous tweets only, and not all of them.
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Extracting Contextonyms from Twitter for Stance Detection