Analysis and Assessment of Situational Awareness Models for National
Cyber Security Centers
Timea Pahi, Maria Leitner and Florian Skopik
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Situational Awareness, National Cyber Security Center, Information Sharing, Survey, Cyber Security.
National cyber security centers (NCSCs) are gaining more and more importance to ensure the security and
proper operations of critical infrastructures (CIs). As a prerequisite, NCSCs need to collect, analyze, process,
assess and share security-relevant information from infrastructure operators. A vital capability of mentioned
NCSCs is to establish Cyber Situational Awareness (CSA) as a precondition for understanding the security
situation of critical infrastructures. This is important for proper risk assessment and subsequent reduction
of potential attack surfaces at national level. In this paper, we therefore survey theoretical models relevant
for Situational Awareness (SA) and present a collaborative CSA model for NCSCs in order to enhance the
protection of CIs at national level. Additionally, we provide an application scenario to illustrate a hands-
on case of utilizing a CSA model in a NCSC, especially focusing on information sharing. We foresee this
illustrative scenario to aid decision makers and practitioners who are involved in establishing NCSCs and cyber
security processes on national level to better understand the specific implications regarding the application of
the CSA model for NCSCs.
More and more private organizations own critical in-
frastructures and run essential services in our modern
states, such as electricity and water supply, transporta-
tion, banking and health care just to name a few.
However it’s in the responsibility of the national gov-
ernments to maintain public order and safety of citi-
zens and therefore, to guarantee the security of these
Thus, a formal arrangement to foster the collab-
oration of the public and private sector has to be es-
tablished. The vision is that national cyber security
centers (NCSCs) collect and assess cyber security-
relevant information from single organizations (i.e.,
critical infrastructure operators). Due to the expected
large amount of information available, they must be
able to derive important knowledge about emerging
threats, ongoing incidents and their potential impact
on national security earlier than any single organi-
zation could ever do. At national level, the iso-
lated views of single organizations can be merged and
the dots connected. Only this way, large-scale at-
tacks, long-running campaigns, and especially threats
against vertical markets and distributed supply chains
can be identified and eventually mitigated.
Recently, this vision has made a huge leap for-
ward. With the political agreement on the European
directive on security of network and information sys-
tems (NIS Directive) (European Parliament, 2015) in
July 2016, the European Union has put legal and reg-
ulatory frameworks in place that require operators of
essential services and digital service providers to re-
port high-impact cyber security incidents to authori-
ties, e.g., to a NCSC. It is further foreseen that men-
tioned authorities take and process information about
security incidents to increase the network security
level of all organizations by issuing early warnings,
assisting with mitigation actions, or distributing rec-
ommendations and best practices.
However, while most of the essential technical
building blocks already exist today, there is a major
lack of understanding on how to eventually adopt and
present collected information to strategic levels in or-
der to create situational awareness (SA) – and provide
a sound basis for justified and effective decision mak-
ing by competent authorities.
Thus, the contributions of this paper are as fol-
Survey of Models for SA: We collect and ana-
lyze the applicability of data processing models
required to create a complete process for gaining
Pahi, T., Leitner, M. and Skopik, F.
Analysis and Assessment of Situational Awareness Models for National Cyber Security Centers.
DOI: 10.5220/0006149703340345
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2017), pages 334-345
ISBN: 978-989-758-209-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and apply the gained cyber situation awareness
Definition of CSA Model for NCSCs: We de-
fine an own CSA model and suggest extensions of
surveyed models to make them fit for CSA, which
requires extended capabilities compared to classic
Information Sharing Scenario: We demonstrate
an application scenario of our CSA model focus-
ing on information sharing in NCSCs.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Sect. 2 outlines the methodology of the sur-
vey. Sect. 3 presents the results of the survey describ-
ing the applicability of the most prominent models
for CSA. Sect. 4 elaborates on the implementation of
CSA in NCSCs. An application scenario for CSA and
its implications is summarized in Sect. 4.2. Finally
Sect. 5 concludes the paper.
In this paper, we use two methods to investigate the
current state of the art in SA: (1) literature review and
(2) classification. Based on these two steps, we identi-
fied shortcomings and propose a CSA model for NC-
SCs and validate it with a hands-on application sce-
In the Literature Review, we used Snowball sam-
pling in order to identify relevant and contemporary
literature and find a golden standard within the topic
of SA. Snowball sampling is focusing on sampling
techniques that are based on the judgment of the re-
searcher (Biernacki and Waldorf, 1981). The tech-
nique is used to define feasible issues in complex re-
search areas, where subjects are hard to identify. This
non-probability approach enables researchers to lo-
cate most of the relevant literature through checking
references in the bibliography as a primary source for
further research. After identifying relevant sources
and focal points, the next phase contains further itera-
tion of the literature research in order to gain a holistic
picture about the particular research area.
Furthermore, a Classification was used to analyze
and assess the definitions and models for SA. The
widely-known and applicable general definition and
theoretical model for SA by Endsley (see Sect. 3.1)
was used as a basis for the collection and analysis of
the applicability of the selected models. The cogni-
tive SA model of Endsley can be divided in six com-
ponents or levels, in Perception, Comprehension, Pro-
jection, Decision, Performance of Actions and Feed-
back. These levels are required for SA gaining and ap-
plication in the national cyber security centers. These
levels give the framework and serve as a basis for the
analysis of the different models in Section 3.7. The
model of Endsley demonstrates how SA provides a
primary basis for decision making in dynamic sys-
tems. Although alone this model can not guarantee
the success of the decision making (Artman, 2000),
the created CSA model needs to integrate other exist-
ing models for providing the suitable input processes
upon which decision are based in the NCSCs.
The selected models, based on their high cita-
tion rate, cover at least partially one or more com-
ponents needed for gaining or applying SA. Most
of the models use different names for the same lev-
els instead of the original model. The contextu-
ally appropriate theoretical models are the follow-
ing: Situation Awareness Model by Endsley (Endsley,
1995), the OODA Loop (Boyd, 1996), the JDL Data
Fusion Model (White, 1987), the Cyber Situational
Awareness Model (Okolica et al., 2009), the Situa-
tion Awareness Reference Model (Tadda and Salerno,
2010) and the Effective Cyber Situational Awareness
Model (Evancich et al., 2014).
Cyber security has become one of the important is-
sues for our highly networked society. Within the
field of cyber defense, situational awareness is partic-
ularly prominent. It is related to science, technology
and practice to understand events and entities in the
cyber space. There are several definitions for situation
awareness. The first definition was in the mid-1980s
recorded, but the use of the term situational awareness
can be traced back to World War I. (Onwubiko, 2012)
Until 1995 nearly all the existing SA definition have
military approach, because of the growing interest in
understanding how pilots maintain awareness during
the flight. The widely applicable general definition
for SA is proposed by Endsley (Endsley, 1995). Ta-
ble 1 outlines the selected models for the survey. In
the following, we will briefly describe each model.
3.1 Situation Awareness Model by
Endsley (1995)
SA is specified in (Endsley, 1988) as: “Situation
awareness is the perception of the element in the envi-
ronment within a volume of time and space, the com-
prehension of their meaning, and the projection of
their status in the near future“. SA presents a level
of focus that goes beyond traditional information-
processing approaches in attempting to explain hu-
Analysis and Assessment of Situational Awareness Models for National Cyber Security Centers
Table 1: Overview of SA models.
Abbrv. Model Focus References
SAM Situation Awareness Model Cognitive decision making (Endsley, 1995)
OODA OODA Loop Cognitive decision making (Boyd, 1996)
JDL DFM JDL Data Fusion Model Processing and fusion of data and SA (Steinberg et al., 1998)
CSAM Cyber Situational Awareness Model Business continuity planning and CSA (Okolica et al., 2009)
SARM Situation Awareness Reference Model Situational awareness (Tadda and Salerno, 2010)
ECSA Effective Cyber Situational Awareness CSA in computer networks (Evancich et al., 2014)
man behavior in operating complex systems, e.g. pi-
lots. Based on the definition of SA provided by Ends-
ley, the SA forming consists of three levels (see (End-
sley, 1995)):
Level 1 - Perception of the Elements in the En-
vironment is the first step in achieving SA. This
level covers the perception of status, attributes,
and dynamics of relevant elements in the environ-
Level 2 - Comprehension of the Current Situation
is based on outputs of the Level 1. Level 2 in-
cludes the understanding of the significance of the
relevant elements.
Level 3 - Projection of Future Status covers the
ability to predict the future actions of the elements
in the environment. This is achieved through
knowledge of the status and dynamics of the el-
ements and comprehension of the situation.
Endsley’s model of SA (SAM) illustrates also the
component Decision, Performance of Action, Feed-
back and the variables that can influence the devel-
opment and maintenance, such as environmental and
individual factors.
Decisions are strongly influenced by SA, because
it forms the major input to decision making. The
decision can be affected by various factors, such
as individual factors (e.g. goals, experience or
abilities) or by task and environmental factors
(e.g. workload, stressors or complexity).
The relationship between the SA and Performance
of Actions can also be predicted (Endsley, 1995).
Appropriate SA increases the the probability of
good performance and course of actions, but can-
not guarantee it. The actions are also influenced
by the same factors as the decisions.
Feedback covers state of the environment or the
system affected by the decision and by the perfor-
mance of the selected actions.
In the SA model play time an important role. As
SA is a dynamic construct affected by the surrounding
environment and various factors, therefore it serves
also as input in the model. These factors and aspects
need to be considered also in the CSA model for NC-
SCs in order to timely react to the detected threats in
the dynamically changing cyber space.
3.2 OODA Loop (1976)
The OODA loop was originally developed in an at-
tempt to explain why American fighter pilots were
more successful than their adversaries in the Korean
War (Boyd, 1996). Compared to the SAM, the OODA
Loop is made originally for supporting decision mak-
ing processes. Many decisions are required in dy-
namic environments, especially in the ever-changing
cyberspace. Therefore one of the main requirements
is the obtaining and maintaining of an accurate SA.
Kaempf et al (Kaempf et al., 1993) confirm also the
relevance of the SA in the decision making processes.
They claim that the recognition of the situation is
a challenge for the decision makers. The following
four major stages belong to the OODA Loop (see
(Brehmer, 2005)):
Observe involves the perception of some features
of the environment.
Orient refers to orienting within a specific envi-
Decide involves deciding what are the next steps.
Act involves implementing what has been de-
The SAM and the OODA Loop describe the cog-
nitive processes of decision making in complex envi-
ronments. These models can serve as a solid base for
SA gaining and decision making in NCSCs facing the
evolving threat environment.
3.3 JDL Data Fusion Model (1980)
Contrary to the focus on the cognitive processes in the
SAM and the OODA Loop, the next model describes
the technical information processes of the SA gain-
ing. The Joint Director’s of Laboratories (JDL) Sub-
group developed the Data Fusion Model (JDL DFM)
(White, 1987) as an approach to refine data collected
from various systems. The JDL DFM was designed
to take data from any aspect of the world, e.g., flight
information or network traffic, and process it in a way
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
that the output is more useful. The output is supposed
to better estimate, predict, or assess the environment
under observation (Raulerson, 2013). The JDL model
has five different levels of data processing, from level
0 to 4. The levels of the JDL DFM are described as
follows in (Steinberg et al., 1998):
Level 0 - The Sub-Object Data Assignment is re-
sponsible for the sensor-based data collection.
Level 1 - The Object Refinement level combines
the data from Level 0 with sensors data to detect
security events. The main objective of the level is
to identify, detect and characterize entities, such
as computers, adversaries, data flows or network
connections. The output of Level 1 is a list of en-
tities and their properties.
Level 2 - The Situation Refinement level combines
various entities to provide an overview of the cur-
rent state of the system or environment.
Level 3 - The Threat Refinement level predicts
future states of the system or possible attacks
against the system.
Level 4 - The Process Refinement level man-
ages the system’s capability for sensors and their
Level 5 - The Cognitive Refinement represents the
link between the security analysts and the JDL
DFM. In this process the analyst (performing the
human cognitive processes) receives the techno-
logical support from the JDL system.
The result of these data processing levels serve as
basis for the gaining accurate and present SA such
as in NCSCs. Inaccurately designed data processing
steps could lead to incorrect situational awareness and
possibly to wrong decisions.
3.4 Cyber Situational Awareness Model
The Cyber Situational Awareness Model (CSAM)
(Okolica et al., 2009) proposes a methodology for
building an automated discovery engine for CSA.
They further argue that any SA system must perform
the three functions (perception, comprehension and
projection) as described in (Endsley, 1988). These
three functions match to the levels Sense, Evaluate
and Assess in the CSAM. The system senses its en-
vironment, it takes its raw sense data and assemble it
into a meaningful understanding of its environment,
and uses its current understanding to predict future
Sense - The function includes data gathering
through sensors.
Evaluate - The system complies these information
into a concept which matches to already existing
threat concepts.
Assess - The system predicts possible future activ-
ities and attacks.
All these functions are essential in NCSCs to fore-
seen emerging threats and to be able to prevent future
3.5 Situation Awareness Reference
Model (2010)
The SA Reference Model (SARM) in (Tadda and
Salerno, 2010) is a combination of the JDL DFM and
the SAM. The SARM provides a set of definitions of
the necessary elements of the model, such as entity,
group and events.
Level 0 is the data and sensor management.
Level 1 is about Object Recognition & Tracking
covers the perception level from SAM.
Level 2 (Comprehension) and Level 3 (Projection)
cover the Situation Assessment. According to the
authors, Level 3 in the JDL Data Fusion as well as
Level 2 on Endsleys model address the current sit-
uation, while the Level 3 in the JDL Data Fusion
Model is associated with the future
Level 4 covers the feedback feature in the system.
This process includes refinement for internal and
external processes.
This model enables flexible reactions to the
changing threat landscape.
3.6 Effective Cyber Situational
Awareness (2014)
The Effective Cyber Situational Awareness model
(ECSA) by (Evancich et al., 2014) focuses on a par-
ticular type of CSA: a holistic view of SA within a
computer network applying network monitoring. The
ECSA model includes three main phases:
Network Awareness includes the analysis and enu-
meration of assets and of defense capabilities.
Threat or Attack Awareness establishes a current
situation picture of possible attacks and vectors
against the network in question.
Operational or Mission Awareness establishes SA
of the operation e.g., how decreased or degraded
network operations will affect the mission of the
Analysis and Assessment of Situational Awareness Models for National Cyber Security Centers
ECSA aims at providing better intelligence about the
status of the network than regular CSA. The ECSA
is CSA that improves decision making, collaboration,
and resource management (Evancich et al., 2014).
Moving from CSA to ECSA requires that the CSA
created by the system provides the analysts to have
a better intelligence about the status of the network.
Therefore ECSA tries to provide actionable intelli-
gence about the network.
3.7 Survey Summary
The interpretation of the SA changes according to the
application area. SA gaining processes need different
information depending on the scope, ECSA requires
for instance particularly network information, while
SA in the NCSCs use a wide range of information
type. Despite the broad application range most of the
models for SA gaining share one similarity: they are
based on the general definition and most cited model
of SA by Endsley (Endsley, 1988) (for more details
see Section 3.1). Therefore the described components
by Endsley serve as a basis for creating a novel pro-
cess for SA gaining and applying by combining al-
ready existing, suitable models.
Figure 1 summarizes the analysis of the presented
Figure 1: Applicability of Different Models for SA.
Based on the six components of the SAM (see
Section 3.1) are the models analyzed and assessed re-
garding their applicability in NCSCs. The processes
of the models are divided into two main categories,
in SA Gaining (with Perception, Comprehension and
Projection) and in SA Application Processes (with
Decision, Performance of Action and Feedback). The
significant processes within the models are repre-
sented by filled black squares, while the processes
with weak coverage by blank squares. The analysis of
the models is based on two main aspects: on the focus
of the models and on the operator (i.e. a person or a
machine/program that establishes SA). Both aspects
are displayed in Figure 1.The processes performed by
machines are marked with the blue edge below, while
processes using cognitive skills of human operators
are marked with the yellow edge above.
3.7.1 Focus of the Models for SA
To define the focus and the scope of each relevant
model for gaining and applying SA, the models are
compared to the components of the SAM (see Sec-
tion 3.1). Establishing SA is a major and complex
task. Therefore, two main processes, SA Gaining
and SA Application, are required. Figure 1 illustrates
the phases of SA gaining (Perception, Comprehension
and Projection) and SA application (Decision, Perfor-
mance of Actions and Feedback).
The SA Gaining phase contains the three levels
based on SAM (Endsley, 1995): Perception, Compre-
hension and Projection (see Figure 1). Based on the
SAM SA is a useful present knowledge about, and un-
derstanding of the environment. This process is cov-
ered in all models (see e.g., the Perception and Com-
prehension Level in the SAM or the Observe and Ori-
ent Stage in the OODA loop). In the remaining mod-
els are sensors and algorithms responsible for the per-
ception and comprehension of the environment. The
component Projection is essential in models, because
SA is typically forward looking, projecting what is
likely to happen in order to inform effective decision
processes (Kaber and Endsley, 2004).
SA Application contains the Decision, Perfor-
mance of Actions and Feedback phase. SA is essen-
tial in dynamic environments where the information
flow is high and wrong decisions can lead to serious
consequences, such as in the defense of the critical
infrastructures. Figure 1 shows the models that de-
scribe the decision making more comprehensive, such
as the SAM, OODA and ECSA, and the models that
improve the decision making by providing better in-
telligence, such as JDL DFM, CSAM and SARM.
The OODA Loop describes for instance the steps for
decision making in detail, while the ECSA provides
technical features for decision making by predicting
possible scenarios. The models provide an assistance
by creating SA or additionally by providing options
for actions for the decision makers. Ideally, the SA
gaining process contains a feedback cycle between
the environment and the decision maker.The Feed-
back component by the SAM is complemented with a
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
process refinement functions. The operator can have
for instance the possibility to verify or modify the SA
gaining processes or even their results. The feedback
loops could vary enormously depending on the appli-
cation area. Therefore this component is not a focus
in most of the models.
3.7.2 Operators in SA Models
With the operator aspect, the analysis aims to assess
how SA is established by humans or machines (e.g.,
programs) in the SA models. Figure 1 marks the tech-
nical processes with blue edges and the cognitive pro-
cesses with yellow edges.
The first models, such as the SAM and the OODA
Loop, focus on the human aspect in a crisis situation.
They describe SA as a cognitive knowledge, what can
be enriched by experience. In these model, the oper-
ator is a human, e.g. a pilot or a soldier. As of the
1980s technical sensors and their data complement
the human perception, see for instance the JDL DFM.
This approach defines the need for human and ma-
chine information processes in SA gaining and appli-
cation. Each presented CSA model, such as CSAM,
SARM and ECSA, tries to reproduce and improve the
cognitive SA gaining processes with the integration
of technical solutions. The CSAM proposed to be
an automated data processing system sense the envi-
ronment. The other models, such as the SARM and
ECSA, have a different approach. They integrate the
human operator in the SA creating processes with a
verifier and improver role, while the SA gaining pro-
cesses are totally automated. All approaches need to
be integrated in the CSA model to combine the ad-
vantages of the different models in order to enhance
the cyber defense capability at the national level.
In summary, based on this understanding, the
modern CSA models combine the technical processes
with the required human aspect. The automatized
processes are usually the SA gaining processes, while
the human capabilities play a significant role in the
application of the gained SA. Nowadays only the SA
gaining processes could be reproduced by technical
processes, perhaps fully automated systems will re-
sponse to the changing threat landscape in the future.
In the previous section, the analysis shown that the
presented models focus on certain phases of the SA
gaining and application processes. The combination
of the models can provide more comprehensive sup-
port for creating CSA in the NCSCs. The proposed
CSA model presents the requirements and the neces-
sary SA gaining and application components in the
NCSCs. Finally an illustrative application scenario
demonstrates the validity of the CSA model.
4.1 CSA Model for NCSCs
Governments worldwide are adopting their security
strategies and capabilities (Franke and Brynielsson,
2014) or national incident response plans in order to
protect the critical information infrastructures (CII)
within the new threat landscape in the cyber age.
Most of the initiatives are based on the National Cy-
ber Security Strategies (NCSS). Relating to the NCSS
(Luiijf et al., 2013), the governments identify es-
sential national cyber capabilities, and clearly assign
ownership of these capabilities and responsibility to a
centralized NCSC. These approaches to the national
cyber security are reactive and focus on the recov-
ery processes and not necessarily on prevention. The
model illustrated in Figure 2 proposes a preventive
CSA model for NCSCs that addresses several require-
CSA for NCSCs is a versatile, dynamic and com-
plex process that should consider different stake-
holders (national and international). The CSA
model should have a collaborative approach based
on data correlation and information sharing by
providing suitable interfaces, i.e. Reporting In-
The complete CSA model should focus on pre-
vention, i.e. implementing an early-warning sys-
tem that can prevent and detect national incidents.
The CSA model should be flexible and open to
future threats and threat actors.
The CSA model should provide capabilities for
cognitive and technical SA Gaining and Applica-
Figure 2 shows the necessary SA gaining and
application processes general for decision-makers
in the NCSCs. The model contains CSA in
three different levels with different information
sources:Organizations, National Cyber Security Cen-
ter and the level of the Decision Makers. The gained
CSA oat the Organization level serve as a basis for
creating an accurate and holistic picture about the sta-
tus of critical infrastructures in the national scope (see
the SA Gaining Information Flow in Figure 2). The
participating organizations and their reporting activ-
ity through the Reporting Interface are primary in-
formation sources for the SA gaining processes, such
Analysis and Assessment of Situational Awareness Models for National Cyber Security Centers
Figure 2: CSA model for NCSCs.
as Perception, Comprehension and Projection, in the
NCSC. Application of the CSA is present in every
level, it is presented in the Figure only on the Decision
Makers level because of the high relevance for the na-
tional cyber security level. The organizations and the
NCSC take also decisions and perform actions on a
daily basis, for the national security relevant actions
are for instance the reporting of the noticed cyber inci-
dent and the undertaken measures to protect their own
system. The information flow downwards, the deci-
sions and the actions of the political decision maker
have an influence on the underlying levels (see SA
Application Information Flow). One decision from
the political level could have serious consequences in
case of the large-scale espionage campaign, such as
releasing documents containing sensitive information
(for instance the analysis of the espionage at RUAG
(, 2016)). One legislative could entirely
shape the cyber capability of the state, such as intro-
ducing mandatory reporting of cyber incidents, for in-
stance in the USA or in Estonia.
Figure 2 shows also the stakeholders and enti-
ties that are involved in the SA gaining and appli-
cation processes in the NSCS. As the government
and their NCSS play an essential role in establish-
ing and maintaining cyber security at national level,
the model must also include the private sector, es-
pecially the providers of the critical infrastructures
(CI). The governments and the private sectors need
to establish formal partnerships, because the techni-
cal information from the CI domains serve as pri-
mary information source for the NCSCs. These cen-
ters are often formed as Computer Emergency Re-
sponse Teams (CERTs) or Computer Security Inci-
dent Response Teams (CSIRTs). The stakeholders
are the following in our simplified model: high-level
decision makers, the NCSC and participating public
and private organizations. The Decision Makers in-
clude the government and other relevant private or
public stakeholders. The NCSC is focusing on col-
lecting, interpreting and evaluating cyber security rel-
evant information at national level. This is required
for translating the cyber incidents within the CI do-
mains into strategic and tactical actions at national
level. The NCSC can consist of National Incident Re-
sponse Teams (NIRTs); i.e. the expert team of the
NCSC. The NCSC supports the decision making by
creating various situation pictures and gaining SA at
their level. SA is current and predictive knowledge
of the environment, as well as all factors, activities
and events (Conti et al., 2013). Therefore, CSA in-
cludes the holistic and current knowledge about the CI
at national level. The situational pictures, also known
as Common Operating Pictures (COPs), support the
stakeholders and decision makers to have an appropri-
ate CSA about the current situation. The main tasks
of these centers are the information gathering from
the CI domains, and from external sources (see Exter-
nal Sources in Figure 2), such as national CERTs and
open source information, information processing and
sharing among the participating organizations about
cyber incidents. The experts of the NCSCs gener-
ate situation pictures with various focal point. These
situation pictures establish the decision maker’s CSA
about the status of the national CI.
The Organizations include all participating pub-
lic or private CI (or CII) service providers. The key
approach to CI protection is the identification and
modeling of the relevant activities, resources and ser-
vices in each organization. These activities form the
basis for the analysis and assessment to determine
current impacts of assets and missions and to de-
rive plausible future trends and their future impacts
or effects on assets and missions (Tadda and Salerno,
2010). The organizations are usually divided into CI
domains. We use the following categorizations with
following domains: Electric Power, Oil and Gas Dis-
tribution, Transportation Systems, Information Tech-
nology and Communication, Banking and Finance,
Public Health and Healthcare, Emergency Services,
Water, Agriculture and Food, Government Facilities
and Military Installations.
The presented CSA model for NCSCs includes
proactive cyber capabilities in order to prevent cy-
ber attacks through information sharing and multi-
level monitoring related to cyber attacks. This mod-
ern CSA model helps to close the gap between the
capabilities of the public and private sector related to
cyber security. The following fictional scenario de-
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
tails further the application of the presented theoreti-
cal CSA model for NCSCs.
4.2 Illustrative Application Scenario
4.2.1 Scenaio Design and Background
The following application scenario focusing on in-
formation sharing takes different attacker models and
motivations into account, in order to present the ben-
efits and possible challenges of cyber attacks against
critical infrastructures from various perspectives. It
can be presumed, that the attackers in the follow-
ing scenarios have a strong background and techni-
cal know-how, including in-depth expert knowledge
regarding electrical engineering, electronics, cryptog-
raphy, network security, embedded security, hardware
security, and reverse engineering. Further, the attack-
ers have solid knowledge of all latest attack vectors
in those areas and have the power to put those attacks
into practice. The attackers can be e.g. criminal or-
ganizations focusing on monetary return, e.g. groups
of political activists, or also the cyber-divisions of ad-
versarial governments. The scenario is designed ba-
sically with two objectives in mind. First, it must
be complex enough to provide a basis for the com-
plete functionality of the public-private-partnership in
a modern CSA framework. Second, they must be re-
alistic in the sense that the described scenario is pos-
sible within the next years. Even if the scenario is
fictional, it indicates realistic future threats to the na-
tional CIs and provides a characteristic framework for
the theoretical CSA model.
The following scenario is concerned with a part of
a large-scale cyber espionage and how to identify and
connect relevant information where big data volumes
need to be handled. This is based on the Ukrainian cy-
ber incident in December 2015. The cyber attacks in
Ukraine are the first publicly acknowledged incidents
to result in power outages (SANS-ICS, 3 18). Power
companies experienced unscheduled power outages
impacting a large number of customers in Ukraine.
In addition, there have also been reports of malware
found in Ukrainian companies in a variety of critical
infrastructure sectors (ICS-CERT, 2 25). Based on
the DHS report, three Ukrainian oblenergos experi-
enced coordinated cyber attacks that were executed
within 30 minutes of each other. The attack impacted
225,000 customers and required the electric distribu-
tion companies to move to manual operations in re-
sponse to the attack (SANS-ICS, 3 18). The threat
actors are professionals with in-depth knowledge and
actually sponsored by nation states. The Advanced
Persistent Threats (APTs) are a cyber crime category
directed at business or political targets. These at-
tacks require complex resources and a high degree of
stealthiness over a prolonged duration of operation in
order to be successful. The drivers may cover addi-
tionally political and ideological motivations for the
threat actors of a long-term cyber campaign. The fol-
lowing illustrative scenario covers a cyber attack on
a power grid system and provides recommended ac-
tions for the relevant stakeholders in the modern CSA
The presented CSA model (see Section 4.1) of-
fers concepts and methodologies for a multi-level
data collection, swift cross-organizational informa-
tion sharing processes, proper cross-domain incident
communication, an early warning system and en-
hanced CSA through customizable big data visual-
ization for superior decision making in both strategic
and organizational scopes. The gained SA facilitates
identifying and responding to cyber threats, enhances
the security of essential infrastructures, increases the
resistance of critical services for the society and sup-
ports decision makers to deal with cyber crises. The
illustrative scenario has the following characteristics:
Scope of the cyber incident: National scope (large-
Possible threat actors: Foreign intelligences, Hackers,
Insiders, Phishers
Quality of the threat actors: Professionals
Attack complexity: High
Level of authentication needed to exploit: Multiple in-
Impact on Confidentiality/Integrity/Availability:
Medium / Medium / High
Motivation: Political, Ideological, National security
Likelihood: Medium
Target domains: Electric Power
With this use illustrative application scenario (see
Figure 3), we aim to demonstrate the following for the
CSA model:
describe the incident detection at CI providers (see Sec-
tion 4.2.2)
demonstrate information sharing capabilities between
the NCSC and the CI (see Section 4.2.3)
describe how SA is provided at the level of the organi-
zations (see Section 4.2.4), NCSC (see Section 4.2.5)
and decision makers (see Section 4.2.6).
4.2.2 Incident Detection in the Energy Domain
In the fictional European country, Norland, three main
energy suppliers are responsible for the electricity
generation, distribution and transmission and for serv-
ing customers within the country. In Norland are two
Analysis and Assessment of Situational Awareness Models for National Cyber Security Centers
Risk Report
Information Sharing
CI Providers Electric Power Domain
National Decision Makers
National Cyber Security Center
CityEnergy Ltd.
National Incident Response Teams
Decision Makers
Discussion &
Decision Making
DG&E Company
Incident Reporting to NCSC
Internal Reporting
Crisis Meeting
CSIRT Recovery
Activity &
Internal Reporting
Incident Reporting to NCSC
Incoming Complaints
Incident Reporting to NCSC
Standard Operations
Authorize the NCSC to
Eliminate Potential Cyber
Urges Cooperation
NIRT Assisstance
NIRT Assisstance
Information Gathering
Service Recovery
Normal Operation
Collection of
Forensic Evidence
Reports with Situation Pictures
Analysis based on
the Ongoing
Investigation Results
Impact Analysis
Standard Operations
Summary of the Incidents
Discussion &
Decision Making
Policies and Guidelines
Modernization of the
Existing Power Plants
Lessons learned
Good Practices
Mitigation Concepts
for CI Providers
Long-term Impact on CI Security
Collection of
Forensic Evidence
Information Sharing
Cooperation with
the NCSC
Service Recovery
Normal Operation
Service Recovery
Normal Operation
Establishing the
Gathering concerning
the Incidents
Situation Analysis
Risk Assessment
Identification of
Possible Actions
for Mitigation
Figure 3: Information Sharing Scenario.
thermal power plants (DG&E Company) and three
hydro power plants on the Norben River (CityEnergy
Ltd and NORBENergy Company. 80% the electricity
is produced by the three hydro power stations, and the
remaining 20% is generated by dilapidated infrastruc-
ture of the thermal power plants. The demand of elec-
tricity is increasingly higher than the domestic gener-
ation. Therefore Norland needs to import energy from
the neighbor states.
One of the three main energy service provider,the
NORBENergy Company, realizes at 10 a.m. that two
of their substations are not in service. The responsi-
ble technicians check the substations and make neces-
sary temporary solutions in order to supply energy to
several important facilities from the remaining sub-
stations. In the meantime, the company‘s IT team
reports the incident to the CISO and tries to recover
the system according to the incident response plan.
Two hours after the service outage, the organization
summons an adhoc meeting and more IT employees
because of the crisis situation. Before the emergency
meeting with the management, the IT team assess the
situation of the services and technical infrastructure,
conducts an analysis related to the possible energy
supply level. Based on the impact analysis, the mem-
bers of the meeting decide to report the incident to
the NCSC at 1 p.m. in order to quickly fix the sup-
ply problem. In the meantime, the IT team tries to
find a solution and solve the problem and the call
center deals with the incoming complaints from the
The largest energy service provider, the CityEn-
ergy Ltd, notice also major failures and substation
outages in their systems at the same time. The com-
pany observes the service outage due to the 7/24 ser-
vice monitoring system of the company, namely that
four of their substations were disconnected from the
power supply system. The CSIRT of CityEnergy
starts immediately the necessary actions with respect
to the disaster recovery plan. The company activates
their own incident response team and begins with
the data gathering about the incident, business im-
pact and risk analysis. Parallel the initial actions of
the CSIRT, they report the incident internally to the
executive level. 2 hours after the incident detection,
the CSIRT attempts to recover the missing services
without any success. Furthermore, the call center ap-
pears to be paralyzed but the actual causes are still
unknown. Therefore, the company alerts the NCSC
at 2 p.m.
The owner of the thermo power plant, DG&E
Company, receives numerous complaints, that cus-
tomers noticed problems concerning the energy sup-
ply. The employee of the call center alerts internally
the technicians. Based on the system analysis, the
technician realizes that both of their substations are
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
disconnected and not working. The DG&E Company
has an obsolete and technically outmoded infrastruc-
ture and no disaster recovery plan, business continuity
plan or incident response team. The IT team covers
only 2 employees, who try to identify the cause of the
failure unsuccessfully. After one hour, the first inter-
nal report is provided to the management. The exec-
utive director of the company realizes that they have
not the necessary expertise to solve the service out-
age. But the company is a participating organization
of the NCSC, therefore the DG&E Company reports
the NCSC about the service outage at 2 p.m.
4.2.3 Information Sharing and Reporting
The NCSC receives an incident report from the NOR-
BENergy Company through the NCSC Reporting In-
terface. The company has a small customer base
with 50,000 customers, but belongs to the important
CI providers in the country. Shortly after the inci-
dent report, the NCSC composes a group of experts,
called NIRT, concerning the energy domain in order
to collect open source information about the possi-
ble causes and to clarify important details about the
service outage. The NCSC contacts NORBENergy
and sends the NIRT in order to assist at the service
recovery. One hour after the first report comes an-
other report from the energy domain. The largest en-
ergy distribution company, CityEnergy Ltd, notifies
that their substations are not under their control and
disconnected from the system. As is in the first case
establishes the NCSC a new NIRT in order to offer
assistance to the energy provider (depicted with NIRT
Assistance in the Figure 3).
Based on the preliminary information gathering of
the NCSC, there have been reports of malware found
in the neighbor countries compromising systems in
the energy domain. These findings presents a poten-
tial risk at the national level, that the systems (actually
ICS or SCADA systems) are infected and/or compro-
mised in the energy sector. The NCSC informs the
competent national authorities about the potential cy-
ber attacks against the energy service providers. The
reporting activity is presented as Risk Report in the
Figure 3. The detailed impact analysis and recom-
mendations could be delivered only after further in-
vestigations in the victim organizations. The decision
makers authorize the NCSC to use all available means
to eliminate the potential cyber threats endangering
the national energy infrastructure and urges uncondi-
tional cooperation from the victim organizations with
the incident response teams of the NCSC. The Report-
ing Interface receives a new notification, but this time
from the thermal power plant company, the DG&E
Company. The NCSC sends immediately a response
team to the energy provider in order to collect forensic
evidence on the incident.
4.2.4 SA for Organizations
The primary aim of the NIRT assistance in crisis situ-
ations is to support the company to recover the essen-
tial services and business processes of the victim or-
ganizations. The first phase of the assistance process
is carried out in progressive stages and covers usually
the SA Gaining Processes of the modern CSA mod-
els, mainly the Perception and the Comprehension.
The Projection belongs partly to the second phase of
the assistance process. The first levels of the mod-
ern CSA models, namely the perception of status, at-
tributes of the relevant services within the victim com-
panies. The next stage is the understanding of the cur-
rent situation in the compromised system. The NIRTs
are gathering and sharing more and more information.
In that way they could reconstruct the attack tactics,
techniques and procedures at the end of the assistance.
After the incident reports, the NIRTs are collecting
evidence locally in the compromised systems, seeking
for vulnerabilities, patching insecure systems, inves-
tigate concerning potential attack vectors and point of
4.2.5 SA for NCSCs
In the second phase of the assistance includes the Pro-
jection. This sub-process is running partly parallel
to first phase using existing knowledge concerning
the national energy domain and external information
sources, and partly after the completion of the first
phase using their findings as a basis. In our scenario,
the experts in the NCSC headquarter are assessing the
current situation within the energy domains and the
potential effects and future impact of the cyber attack
at various levels. The analysis is based on the ongo-
ing investigation results (see Information Sharing in
Figure 3 to the NCSC)and on various external infor-
mation sources. These reports will serve as a basis
for the decision makers in order to gain an adequate
On the one hand the NIRTs are building remedi-
ation plans for the victim organizations and option-
ally provide assistance in the full recovery processes.
This activity (depicted as Remediation Plan in Fig-
ure 3) complies with the Resolution sub-process in
the modern CSA models for the participating organi-
zations. On the other hand, the NCSC is summariz-
ing the findings out of the Projection and Resolution
sub-processes. These reports contains situation pic-
tures about the current and the possible cyber situa-
tion in the energy domain, demonstrates fundamental
Analysis and Assessment of Situational Awareness Models for National Cyber Security Centers
dependencies among the essential services and offers
demonstrations of potential cascading effects. All of
these situation pictures could be sum up as the SA of
the NCSC. The NCSC sends and presents the required
sections to the national decision makers. The CSA
gained by the NCSC serve as a basis for the high-level
decision makers to gain their own SA concerning the
cyber attack against the national CI.
One of the essential tasks of the NCSC is to iden-
tify possible actions and make recommendation for
mitigation measures at the organizational level in or-
der to prevent conflicts or for avoiding escalation
at the national level. The recommendations of the
NCSC covers the resolution in the modern CSA mod-
els and serve as a basis for the decision making. Ac-
cording to the recommendations of the NCSC, the
victim organizations are able to recover the essential
service within 4 hours with the help of the NIRTs.
4.2.6 SA for Decision Makers
The report about the cyber incident and the situation
assessment of the NCSC enhance the CSA of the de-
cision makers in the relevant (special political) insti-
tutions. The summary of the incidents reconstructs
the history and the attacker‘s tactics, techniques and
procedures (TTPs). According to the report, the ser-
vice outage in the three electricity distribution com-
panies were caused by remote cyber intrusion arriv-
ing presumably from the neighboring state. The cy-
ber attack compromised company internal computers
and SCADA systems at 10 in the morning. The cyber
attack was coordinated and synchronized beginning
with an extensive reconnaissance of the victim net-
works. The advanced campaign covered the following
techniques: long-term reconnaissance with malware
infection via spear phishing, weaponization by em-
bedding BlackEnergy malware within Microsoft Of-
fice documents, using stolen credentials to the busi-
ness networks, use authorized VPN connections to
enter ICS network, SCADA hijack with malicious op-
eration, DDoS attack against the companies‘ call cen-
ter. Each company had been infected with BlackEn-
ergy malware delivered with spear phishing mails and
selected files were deleted by executing KillDisk mal-
ware at the end of an advanced campaign.
According to the fact that there may also be po-
litical motivation behind the cyber attack, the deci-
sion makers need to reconsider the country’s energy
policy concerning the energy dependency, and the na-
tional energy supply infrastructure. Due to the ex-
cellent potential and feasibility of hydro resources in
Norland, the government plans the increase the gen-
eration capacity in the existing power plants and to
construct new electricity generating capabilities. The
defined strategic goals cover the reduction the depen-
dence on energy import (including natural gas imports
and other fossil energy sources) thorough the capac-
ity increase of the domestic power plants. The mod-
ernization and construction covers the enhancing of
the security capabilities of the power plants, includ-
ing cyber security aspects. Consequently, the long-
term strategy of the national decision makers has a
major impact on the cyber security of the national CI
providers and their security architecture (see Long-
term Impact in CI Security in Figure 3). Furthermore,
the relevant governments institutions establish poli-
cies and set down guidelines. These documents pro-
vide specific mitigation concepts, best practices and
checklists for ICS and Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition defense in the energy domain. The sec-
ondary goal is to enhance the safety and security in
the CI domains focusing on the Energy domain.
The last phase covers the Feedback phase (cmp.
Figure 1). The NCSC provides summaries of the pub-
lic information concerning the cyber attack and the
technical analysis by the NIRTs. These documents are
available for all participating company (see Informa-
tion Sharing to companies in Figure 3) and they cover
the identified lessons learned, good practices, and
specific mitigation concepts for CI providers focusing
on the defense of SCADA and ICS systems. These
documents created by the NCSC‘s experts could be
considered as guidelines or the political decision mak-
ers could raise the content of the document to direc-
tive or to national legislation concerning CI providers
and raise the CSA on the organizational level.
Due to the increasing attack surfaces on ICT and
CII systems and limited, national cyber capabilities,
the number of service disruptions and cyber attacks
against essential systems and networks is constantly
rising. Hence, CSA is a required capability of na-
tional stakeholders in order to be able to ensure the
safety and security of the national critical infrastruc-
tures. Despite the international guidelines and recom-
mendations, there is still no holistic model for gaining
and applying CSA of the national CI. Furthermore,
our survey of the existing models for SA gaining and
application argues on the strengths and limits of the
models concerning new requirements (see Section 3),
i.e. a holistic approach is missing.
A key success factor to establish CSA is the pro-
motion of cooperation between the public and private
sector. Depending on the scope, CSA on national
level can only be aggregated by information sharing
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
and collection in cooperation with organizations. Or-
ganizations establish SA on a technical and organi-
zational level. At national level, this information is
processed and analyzed in order to support national
decision makers. In this paper, we proposed a CSA
model for NCSCs for SA gaining and decision mak-
ing in the event of large-scale cyber incidents with
various escalation levels. This modern CSA model
can manage cyber security incidents with prevention:
using a common information-sharing environment al-
lows the early detection of sophisticated attacks, or
even large-scale cyber campaigns against the national
critical infrastructures. To demonstrate our approach,
we illustrated an information sharing scenario based
on a past nation-state attack against the CIs.
For future work, we aim to further develop and in-
vestigate the CSA model for NCSCs focusing on legal
aspects and examining the impact of international co-
This study was partly funded by the Austrian FFG re-
search program KIRAS in course of the project CISA
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Analysis and Assessment of Situational Awareness Models for National Cyber Security Centers