Traffic Statistics of a High-Bandwidth Tor Exit Node
Michael Sonntag and René
Insitute of Networks and Security, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Altenbergerstr. 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
{michael.sonntag, rene.mayrhofer}
Keywords: Tor, Anonymization, Traffic Analysis.
Abstract: The Tor anonymization network supports (and is widely used for) circumventing censorship, evading
intrusive mass-surveillance, and generally protecting privacy of Internet users. However, it also carries
traffic that is illegal in various jurisdictions. It is still an open question how to deal with such illegal traffic
in the Tor network, balancing the fundamental human right for privacy with the need for assisting executive
forces. By operating and monitoring a high-bandwidth Tor exit node as both a technical and legal
experiment, we statistically analyse where popular servers are located and how they are used based on
connection metadata of actual exit node usage. Through this we identify inter alia that cooperation only in
comparatively few countries would be needed – or any illegal use would be very small. In this paper, we
provide more in-depth statistical insight into Tor exit node traffic than previously publicly available.
The Tor network is a widely used system to
anonymize source IP addresses of Internet users,
especially regarding the server they contact, as well
as observers on the network in-between, including
the user’s Internet Service Provider (ISP). Normally
when contacting a server, it receives the client’s IP
address, which (with added information from e.g.
the user’s ISP) allows tracing the request to a
specific computer, and often an individual.
Observing the traffic on the routing path discloses
this information too. Through inserting intermediate
stations (and encrypting transfer, randomly
selecting/changing intermediaries, etc), the Tor
network replaces and so hides this source IP address,
while still allowing arbitrary TCP connections.
While this is obviously beneficial for many use
cases, e.g. private communication in the age of
digital mass surveillance, anonymously looking up
information that may be legal but somehow
embarrassing, or circumventing censorship, it can
also be used for nefarious purposes: attacking other
IT systems or accessing/downloading illegal content.
Especially such undesirable use is one reason why
the Tor network is often seen with suspicion and
presented by some as a tool that is used mostly (or
even “solely”) for illegal use. However, actual and
statistically relevant data on how people use the Tor
network is curiously lacking.
The institute of Networks and Security operates a
Tor exit node with a bandwidth of approximately
200 Mbit/s, making it the fastest exit node in Austria
at the time of this writing. On average a daily exit
traffic of 1.2 TB is transmitted to/from the Internet.
Passively monitoring this node, we gather usage data
on actual Tor network use. As we need to guarantee
continued anonymity, several precautions are taken,
both when gathering the data and during analysis.
As in Austria a court sentenced the operator of a
Tor node to jail on probation (LG Strafsachen Graz
30.6.2014, 7 Hv 39/14p), significant efforts were
taken to ensure legal operation. A letter was
submitted to the Austrian telecommunication
authority (Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-
GmbH), registering the exit node as a
telecommunication network or service – however
with the intent of this application getting rejected, as
being such an operator would entail additional work
and responsibilities (plus potentially fees). In the
application we insisted on a binding answer, which
we finally received (file number RSON 64/2015-2).
Through this it is now “official” that running a Tor
exit or relay node does not need official permission
in Austria (Sonntag, 2015). As the applicable laws
are based on EU law, the result likely applies to
other member states too.
Note that while Tor also supports anonymizing
(hiding) IP addresses of servers (“hidden services”),
this feature is out of scope of this paper. We focus
Sonntag, M. and Mayrhofer, R.
Traffic Statistics of a High-Bandwidth Tor Exit Node.
DOI: 10.5220/0006124202700277
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2017), pages 270-277
ISBN: 978-989-758-209-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
on anonymized use of standard Internet servers via
IPv4 (IPv6 traffic is subject to future analysis and
currently not supported by our exit node).
Specifically we investigate these questions:
How many countries must be “handled” to
cover most data? I.e., should illegal traffic be
discovered, in how many and which countries
would police cooperation be necessary? As an
exit node we can only provide data on attack
targets (or servers with illegal content), but
not their sources (or users of illegal content).
How “concentrated” is Tor traffic to (perhaps
only a few) enterprises (Autonomous Systems,
AS)? I.e., would we need only a few contacts
to notify about attacks, or too many to
realistically handle? Note that large providers
typically operate data centres in several
Would in-depth investigation of the traffic
content be useful at all? If traffic is encrypted,
then e.g. intrusion detection or prevention
systems (IDS/IPS) for automatically handling
“bad” (based on various definitions of good
vs. bad) traffic tend to be useless.
What kinds of services (based on port
numbers) are people using? Are any of these
known as being used by malware or are there
any other hints towards illegal use?
We contribute a statistical analysis of network
traffic data from our high-bandwidth Tor exit node
and draw conclusions towards options for handling
illegal traffic. However, this is a snapshot of one
month of a single exit node, and the statistical
distribution of future traffic may change at any time,
potentially rendering some of this analysis obsolete.
More and current data is available online (INS).
A lot of research focuses hidden services, e.g. (asn),
(Biryukov et al., 2014) or (Loesing et al., 2008). As
we are only investigating exit traffic, i.e.
communications to the public Internet, these are of
less relevance here.
Akamai investigated HTTP (not HTTPS) attacks
based on whether they were originating from known
Tor exit nodes or other computers, finding that 1 in
380 Tor requests were malicious, while requests
from other sources only had a probability of 1 in
11.500 (Akamai, 2015). However, DDoS attacks,
consisting by definition of many connections, were
excluded (limited Tor network bandwidth).
(Chaabane et al., 2010) focus more on the use of
the BitTorrent protocol via Tor and employ deep
packet inspection to identify specific kinds of traffic.
As an additional limitation, for that study six exit
nodes were used with only 100 Kbit/s bandwidth. In
comparison we investigate a significantly faster
node, obtaining a larger and more representative
share of users (our exit node is located solely in one
country, as in that study too).
And while (Loesing et al., 2010) investigated
both incoming and outgoing traffic, they only
provide statistics on outgoing traffic per port,
ignoring the final destination, i.e. the target IP
address. This makes perfect sense as they also
investigated incoming traffic – gathering both
together is a significant risk identified by them. We
safeguard privacy by only analysing outgoing traffic,
but include the target address.
(McCoy et al., 2008) also investigated both ends
of Tor connections. Additionally they also used deep
packet inspection on the first 20 bytes of content
data. Regarding geographical locations, only those
of clients and entry nodes were investigated.
(Ling et al., 2015) explored how malicious traffic
can be detected through adding an IDS after a Tor
exit node. They also identified that at least some
illegal (or at least undesirable) traffic takes place.
E.g. with 86 million flows they received 3.6 million
alerts, however most of them seemed to concern P2P
traffic (which is not necessarily illegal, and if it is,
then mostly on the comparatively low level of
copyright violations), namely 77%, leaving 820,000
alerts (a bit less than 1% of all flows, assuming each
flow produces at most one alert).
(Jansen and Johnson, 2016) describe a
distributed system of several nodes for collecting,
aggregating, and tallying statistics from multiple Tor
(both entry&exit) nodes simultaneously. They add
“noise” to the collection, which is later removed in
tallying to blind each node’s contribution against
potentially malicious other nodes. While useful for a
large and open collection system (=malicious nodes
must be expected), for a small/closed group it is less
In contrast, the present study assumes a generally
benevolent operator of the Tor node(s) and aims to
identify how illegal content transmitted via Tor
could be combated: Which/how many countries or
providers are involved? Would it be impossible to
detect illegal traffic because of encryption? On
which protocols would detection have to focus?
These aspects seem not to have been investigated up
to now, but are highly relevant in practice for legal
operation of Tor exit nodes in European
Traffic Statistics of a High-Bandwidth Tor Exit Node
jursidictions. Additionally, in most of the previous
studies it remains unclear how relay traffic has been
excluded – Tor exit nodes function simultaneously
as relays (=middle nodes) as well. This traffic must
be excluded in the investigation to avoid systematic
bias. As a secondary contribution, we propose a
method to do this without unduly interfering with
the Tor protocol, significantly modifying the
software, or e.g. relying on lists of Tor nodes.
Data collection when investigating Tor nodes is
problematic from several points of view: legal,
ethical (Ailanthus, 2015), and technical (Soghoian,
2011). We decided to currently not analyse any kind
of communication content, not even if extracted,
classified, and anonymized immediately and
automatically, but solely (header) metadata.
To prevent aiding deanonymization, only exit
traffic is monitored. This was implemented by the
Tor node relaying between two different interfaces
and monitoring only the “outside” via duplicating
this traffic on the switch. On a dedicated monitoring
server flow data for this traffic is collected via
(Pmacct project). As this server cannot ever see any
input traffic (i.e. traffic from any middle to our exit
node), strict in- and outside separation is enforced.
So even should this system be breached, correlating
in- to output remains impossible. Similarly, no
content data is stored at all even briefly. As a design
principle enforced by the implemented passive
monitoring network architecture, no traffic (neither
data nor metadata) is modified or manipulated in any
way through the monitoring itself.
We collect only the following data: source IP and
port, destination IP and port, TOS (see below),
protocol, and date/time. These are aggregated to
count number of flows, packets, and bytes for these
tuples. One of the IP addresses is always the exit IP
address of our Tor node, depending on whether it is
an outgoing or incoming flow. As the other IP
address might still be sensitive data, it is further
anonymized by identifying the Autonomous System
(AS) it belongs to as well as the country. To avoid
passing any information to third parties, these
lookups are performed locally through the free
country and ASN databases by (MaxMind).
As our exit node provides high bandwidth
(200 Mbit/s maximum, typ. 15 MByte/s average),
the data collected is significant, even though only
metadata. To ease handling, it is collected and stored
in one-hour chunks. Compressed this produces on
average 45 MB per hour (uncompressed: 380 MB).
Because of this approach we may lose some
information on connections spanning exactly the
brief export period, but we argue that this does not
signif. change statistical results. Recording data in
brief chunks aids privacy too, as after calculating the
statistics the raw data can be deleted immediately.
While all such (anonymous) data is stored, we
further restrict analysis during evaluation: Only the
top 50 entries are considered (countries and AS)
with the further restriction of a lower limit of 10
flows per entry, applying to each one-hour chunk.
While this removes some details, we can still
estimate the error introduced by comparing the sum
of all traffic matching these criteria (e.g. the sum of
all traffic bytes to/from the top 50 countries) with
the total aggregated traffic (e.g. all bytes sent/
retrieved). Apart from the AS statistics (see below)
this is a negligible quantity for our investigations.
Therefore, e.g. not all countries appear in every one
hour period (too little traffic and therefore not in the
top 50/below 10 flows). This results in a slight
underestimation of traffic per AS/country and an
overestimate of the “other” category.
The data gathering process works as follows:
1. Collect data for one hour in a database
2. Dump the database to disk, then purge it
3. Aggregate data: Per country, per AS, per
port, total sum of all traffic
4. Remove all entries from countries and AS
with less than 10 flows
5. Sort countries/AS according to total bytes
descending; remove all entries after place 50
6. Output list of top countries and AS, ports,
and total values
Data collection is limited by our exit policy, as
traffic that is not allowed cannot be encountered.
E.g. like many exit nodes we prohibit connections to
port 25 (SMTP) to discourage sending Spam, but we
do allow a wide range of 77 ports.
Data was collected for this investigation during
the whole April 2016. This took place on a separate
IP range (to avoid repercussions on the “official”
university IP range, but still using ACOnet, the
Austrian university network, as upstream provider.
As we see all outgoing traffic, we still need to
differentiate between actual exit and relay traffic. As
relay traffic is always encrypted and directed to
another Tor server, it must be excluded from our
investigation. For this we modified the Tor source
code to mark all exit (but not relay) packets by
setting the TOS field to 0x28. In this way we can
filter outgoing traffic to remove everything
unmarked. But replies always arrive unmarked, so
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
incoming relay traffic would be included.
Consequently, all traffic is stored and during
evaluation unmarked traffic, as well as all its mirror
traffic (source and destination reversed) is deleted.
This process is the reason for recording the TOS
field. Combined with the hourly recording period
this produces a few artefacts for long connections
starting in the previous hour (=flow with lacking
TOS mark), but ending in the next (incoming reply
flows no longer have a matching outgoing flow).
The first questions regarding traffic destination
countries can be answered easily: almost all traffic is
directed towards few countries. We further refined
the results to group all EU member states, as e.g.
mutual enforcement of judgements is typically
simple and many legal rules are unified in the EU.
The result is that 99% of all traffic (regarding bytes
transferred) is directed towards 14 countries (or 28
EU plus 13 others, i.e. 41 countries); 99.74% are
covered by 60 countries. The next (61
) country then
amounts to a traffic volume of 123 MB per day only,
which is very little on both an absolute and relative
scale. The traffic distribution is shown in Table 1.
Mutual legal assistance exists with various non-
EU countries as well, based on bi- or multilateral
treaties. Whether these apply also to IT information
and in what form data is disclosed upon request must
be determined individually. The specific problem of
the so-called international silver-platter doctrine (not
exactly, but an analogon: voluntarily sending data to
a country which would not be entitled to request it;
used e.g. by intelligence agencies) should be
considered too: if data is gathered in one country, it
might be disclosed to other countries, depending on
national (esp. privacy), laws. Note that at the time of
collection data is “anonymous” and only through
combination with other data (e.g. collected
independently by the recipient) for example traffic
correlation might enable identification.
Therefore any illegal activities are either using
only very little traffic (could still be many
connections), or could be prosecuted in just a few
countries. Note however, that these countries are not
necessarily the countries of the illegal activity. If this
is about hosting criminal data like child
pornography, it matches exactly. But attackers
attempting to break into computers would be on the
other side of the Tor network.
This approach has one notable shortcoming: On
rank 8 (0.31% traffic share) lies country “A1”, the
special code of the GeoIP database for “Anonymous
Proxy”. So this is not really a single country but
could be many countries lumped together.
As another result, the rest of the traffic is
extremely widely distributed: the top 70 countries
together achieve a traffic share of only 99.81%. So
the next 39 countries after the table above account
for 0.79%, with 0.19% still missing. These are
countries that never made it into the top 50 list, as
well as traffic towards countries that made it onto
the list only occasionally (numbers on the lower end
of the list are underestimated by our approach).
Table 1: Traffic per destination country.
per day [GB]
Share of
per day
Share of
Average traffic
per flow [KB]
EU (European Union) 568.82 48.86% 8,437,102 39.80% 69.0
US (USA) 449.56 38.62% 8,385,531 39.56% 54.9
KR (Korea) 50.56 4.34% 1,776,953 8.38% 29.1
RU (Russia) 46.77 4.02% 1,141,645 5.39% 41.9
JP (Japan) 9.40 0.81% 210,553 0.99% 45.7
CA (Canada) 7.08 0.61% 234,800 1.11% 30.8
CN (China) 4.27 0.37% 163,820 0.77% 26.7
A1 3.59 0.31% 1,087 0.01% 3,380.0
VN (Vietnam) 3.17 0.27% 54,459 0.26% 59.6
UA (Ukraine) 3.02 0.26% 64,791 0.31% 47.7
HK (Hong Kong) 2.10 0.18% 32,935 0.16% 65.3
CH (Switzerland) 1.76 0.15% 34,485 0.16% 52.3
SG (Singapore) 1.35 0.12% 44,457 0.21% 31.0
TW (Taiwan) 1.23 0.11% 23,264 0.11% 54.1
Aggregated rest 11.45 0.98% 590,500 2.79% 19.8
Traffic Statistics of a High-Bandwidth Tor Exit Node
Figure 1: Average daily traffic per EU country in GB.
A similar but less extreme distribution occurs
within the EU (see Figure 1): Almost 28% of all
traffic is going to Netherlands, Austria, France, Italy,
Germany, Romania, Germany, Ireland, and Great
Britain. The Netherlands can be explained by several
large hosting centers, and the Austrian share by the
proximity to the exit node (e.g. there are Google
servers within the Austrian university network, so
appropriate traffic exiting our node is directed to
them and not the “main” servers in the US).
When taking into account the number of flows
per country, the EU has a slightly smaller share of
the connections, but a larger amount of data
transferred per flow. Exactly the reverse is true for
Korea. However, really outstanding are the
anonymous connections (country A1), which are
comparatively huge (3.3 MB, so approx. 60 times
the size of the average flow, which is roughly 56 kB
large). Also interesting is the small size of the
remaining traffic: While the table covers 99% of all
bytes, it only accounts for 97.2% of all flows.
Correspondingly, these flows are on average only
20kB large. From this follows, that connections to
these countries are very small. Either these are
“shorter” protocols (see SSH below), or these
countries host smaller webpages (e.g. no videos) –
as most traffic is webbrowsing. Why the latter
should be true is unclear, so a more detailed
investigation would be interesting.
Regarding AS the result is less clear, as traffic is
spread over a significantly larger number. While 12
AS account for 50.2% of all traffic (see Table 2), the
rest is enormously distributed. With the top 120 AS
only 73.7% of cumulated traffic has been reached
(compare this to countries: 60 countries sum up to
99.7% of all traffic volume).
One conclusion from these statistics is that
almost all of the top AS are not (only) actual
“service providers”. For example, it is unlikely that
all traffic to “, Inc.” is directed towards
the shop, but rather that a large part is “hosting” (e.g.
cloud services) provided to third parties. The same
applies to Google. This can be seen from other AS
on the list, which are merely providers of
networks/hosting/ housing. This means that illegal
traffic that might occur there is often not caused by
their own business, but rather their customers. This
could aid enforcement, as these providers are
probably more willing to help the police if they are
not directly affected. Compare this e.g. to Facebook,
where all traffic is the responsibility of the social
network site and any investigation would target the
company directly. See also the legal situation in the
EU: If hosting providers do not know about illegal
content, they are not liable (see the E-Commerce
directive 2001/31/EC Art 14). But as soon as they
obtain knowledge, they must take immediate action.
So to avoid liability, removing content or restricting
customers is typically easy to achieve with such
providers (e.g. Amazon; for them most individual
customers are sufficiently unimportant to not care
unduly about restricting or losing them). In contrast
to this, Facebook always “knows” about the content
of their network and cannot profit from this
Another, but more surprising, result is the huge
disparity in the transfer sizes. Some AS show very
large flows, i.e. a lot of traffic but few connections.
For example Google has an average size of 94
kB/flow, while Voxility has 3.26 MB/flow (the
maximum is AS “S29927” on place 70 with 36.5
MB/flow). It seems therefore that some companies
specialize in hosting large files, while others provide
for a more balanced set of customers. Note that this
need not apply to the company as a whole, merely to
that share of their traffic that is accessed via Tor.
There exists only a slight correlation between
down-/upload ratio and size per flow, however
(correlation coefficient 0.48). So if there is more
down- than upload, then the probability of large
transfers increases – or in reverse: large transfers are
more likely to be down- than uploads, which makes
sense for a mostly HTTP environment (see below).
To be able to inspect content for whatever
reasons, e.g. to prevent malware (scanning for
viruses, trojans, etc.) or detect other illegal content
(like brute-force cracking attempts), the communica-
tion must take place unencrypted. Within the Tor
network itself, all data is encrypted, so at or
immediately after exit nodes is the only possible
place for detecting such activities (apart from the
end-user’s client). In our system we assigned ports
an (assumed) encryption status according to their
protocol. Some ports are typically unencrypted (like
80 – HTTP; but see below), others always encrypted
(like 443 – HTTPS), and some cannot be determined
reliably without content inspection (e.g. 110 – POP3
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 2: Traffic per destination AS.
Autonomous System Traffic
per day [GB]
Share of
per day
Share of
Avg. traffic
per flow [KB]
Google Inc. 97.44 8.57% 10,859,990 5.12% 94.1
ACOnet Backbone 80.78 7.11% 604,109 2.85% 140.2
Limelight Networks, Inc. 54.68 4.81% 196,640 0.93% 291.6
Highwinds Network Group, Inc. 49.05 4.31% 146,268 0.69% 351.6, Inc. 48.53 4.27% 1,263,938 5.96% 40.3
Voxility S.R.L. 45.60 4.01% 14,326 0.07% 3,337.3
Webzilla B.V. 42.52 3.74% 298,343 1.41% 149.4
OVH SAS 38.63 3.40% 931,562 4.39% 43.5
LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V. 37.06 3.26% 651,604 3.07% 59.6
Cogent Communications 32.19 2.83% 7,5802 0.36% 445.2
CloudFlare, Inc. 23.01 2.02% 606,039 2.86% 39.8
Facebook, Inc. 21.44 1.89% 727,917 3.43% 30.9
Aggregated rest (all other AS) 579.48 49.78% 14,593,842 68.85% 40.7
is typically unencrypted, but often STARTTLS is
used to switch to encrypted data transfer inside).
Unfortunately, the results are only of limited use:
While (presumably) unencrypted traffic accounts for
62.4%, encrypted traffic is 37.2% and unknown
traffic merely 0.4%, practically all unencrypted
traffic (61.9%) is targeting port 80. This leaves 0.5%
of other unencrypted traffic. Although this seems
little, it still amounts to 5.53 GB/day, so definitely a
significant amount of unprotected data exists,
regardless of the uncertainty of the actual content
within HTTP. Table 3 summarizes the distribution.
Table 3: Traffic categorization.
Kind of traffic Traffic per
day [GB]
Share of
Port 80 (Unencrypted/
Encrypted Non-HTTP)
703.83 61.9%
Other unencrypted traffic 5.40 0.47%
Encrypted traffic 423.23 37.23%
Unknown traffic 4.36 0.38%
As Tor is a proxy only on the transport layer (in
contrast to the application layer) we do not know for
certain whether port 80 is actually used for HTTP or
for some completely different protocol (e.g.
BitTorrent as other studies suggest, OpenVPN, or
other encrypted protocols occasionally configured to
use port 80 to work around limited firewall
configurations). Additionally, while HTTP is always
unencrypted, the payload within (e.g. an “upload” by
POST request), may very well be encrypted. More
detailed information regarding this traffic cannot be
derived unless the actual content data would be
inspected. Using regular expressions (detecting
HTTP verbs) and calculating the entropy to estimate
encryption status (would need to take HTTP headers
into account to distinguish it from compression)
would allow at least some privacy-preserving
investigation and is subject to future work.
So while there is still a not insignificant share of
unencrypted traffic, a large part is (based on port
numbers) encrypted and presumably some part of
the unknown traffic is as well. As encryption in the
web is increasing, the potential for content
inspection can be expected to diminish. This is a
problem for law enforcement, but also prevents
general malware scanning of exit traffic (e.g. traffic
with known attack signatures. This is offset with the
obvious gain in privacy and the prevention of
modifications – which especially for HTTP traffic is
an issue (introducing additional scripts to subvert
anonymization or changing the page content).
With regards to used services, our analysis is
based on metadata, specifically port numbers. While
most traffic is port 80 and 443 (=Web, but see
above), one additional port shows up: port 22 (SSH)
with 2.88% of all flows, but merely 0.12% of all
bytes. The statistics show that while there are many
SSH connections, these are mostly very brief (2.4
KB/flow on average, which is a about the size of a
connection try with an unsuccessful login); see also
Figure 2. Corroboration for this is that “scanning”,
i.e. trying SSH connections to more or less random
IP addresses or brute-force attacks on SSH
passwords appear in the abuse reports we receive.
Therefore, the exit node is probably also used for
malicious exploration and intrusion traffic.
Another port standing out is 43, the WhoIs
protocol. A significant number of requests regarding
the existence and ownership of domain names take
place via Tor. This must not be confused with DNS:
Traffic Statistics of a High-Bandwidth Tor Exit Node
retrieving IP information for domain names or vice
versa. Reasons for this are currently unclear, but this
might be used by malware to check for the existence
of “random” domain names used for control servers
in “fast-flux” networks or for gathering contact
information, e.g. for later sending spam.
Figure 2: Traffic/flow per port in KB.
Another interesting detail is that the amount of
data transferred per connection is varying strongly:
at the upper end NNTP (port 563) connections start
with approx. 2748 KB/flow, then comes port 8888
(HTTP/S, probably proxies) with 837 KB/flow.
Then it drops down to about 442 KB/flow with an
exponential decline down to port 5900 (VNC) with
0.9 KB/flow (but still 2500 connections/day;
probably mostly just password scanning). Port 80,
while covering the largest traffic share, is placed
only number 18 in this ranking, with 47.6 KB/flow.
Based on the size this looks like actual web traffic
(Callahan et al., 2010; a study between 2006 and
2009: average GET transaction size increased from
ca. 12 kB to 28 kB) than other tunnelled protocols,
like BitTorrent, where individual pieces are often 64
kB or significantly larger. The full distribution is
shown in Figure 2 (note that the value for port 563 –
NNTP – has been cut and is 2.8 times as long as
shown), which is sorted from top to bottom
according to the total traffic amount.
Although HTTP(S) traffic is overwhelming
concerning the data amount, especially “messaging”
(both encrypted&unencrypted: POP, IMAP, NNTP,
XMPP) as well as remote access technologies (SSH,
Telnet, RDP) are also in significant use.
Figure 3: Down-/upload ratio per protocol.
Figure 3 shows the ratio between down- and
upload data amount for these protocols (note the
logarithmic scale) as a boxplot (minimum, first
quarter, median, third quarter, and maximum) as
they vary during the hours of one day. So while port
80 is in all hours on average downloads with the
download being on average 25 times larger than the
upload, SSH, port 9999, Telnet and XMPP are used
for many uploads as well.
A limitation of this investigation is that it is based on
data from a single exit node in a single country,
although with a large bandwidth. Aggregating data
from several sources would be technically no
problem, but could lead to privacy issues if one or
more of the participating nodes were malicious.
Almost all traffic is directed towards few
countries, but remaining traffic is widely distributed.
For criminal investigations this means that any
significant amount of illegal data transferred using
Tor (e.g. copyright violations such as movie
downloads) can be easily handled with connections
to few countries, but if small data transfers are part
of the activity (for instance a single high-value
fraudulent E-Mail), practically any country might be
Regarding Autonomous Systems the situation is
less ideal, as traffic is more widely spread. However,
0 200 400 600 800 1000
0,10 1,00 10,00 100,00
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
top targets are typically large network/hosting
providers, which are probably willing to assist if
approached correctly (e.g. with judicial orders). Still,
a significant share of traffic is extremely distributed,
and especially for smaller providers the necessary
knowledge, resources, and willingness might be
limited. So if attacks were detected automatically,
notifying targets would result in a perceptible
burden, as many organizations need to be contacted.
If data from an “exit” (=uplink) of a normal
small/medium-size ISP were available, a comparison
to ordinary traffic would become possible. In this
way it could perhaps be (dis-)proven that Tor exit
traffic closely resembles normal traffic and therefore
does not pose a special danger of illegal use.
A large share of traffic could be unencrypted
(HTTP), but without content investigation this
cannot be guaranteed and remains a task for further
investigation - including deep packet inspection, if
associated privacy&legal issues can be solved. Still
a significant part, (presumably) about one third, is
encrypted, and direct content investigation is
impossible. While definitively (apart from probably
– see above) unencrypted traffic is only a tiny part,
this still amounts to a significant amount of data,
posing notable risk if a fraudulent exit node were
Some traffic we see on our exit node appears
strange already from the outer metadata. While it
might be useful to ask for the owner of a domain
anonymously, e.g. when considering to buy it, this
cannot explain the large number of WhoIs requests.
Similarly, part of the SSH traffic is suspicious:
While using it to connect to a server does not grant
anonymity against this server but only anyone
observing the traffic, the tiny average connection
size hints at brute-force password cracking.
We would like to thank both the Johannes Kepler
University Linz as well as the AcoNet for supporting
this project by granting permission and providing
necessary bandwidth. We also thank Heinrich
Schmitzberger for patching the Tor source code to
enable marking exit traffic for correct monitoring.
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Traffic Statistics of a High-Bandwidth Tor Exit Node