Synthetic Data Generation for Deep Learning in Counting Pedestrians
Hadi Keivan Ekbatani, Oriol Pujol and Santi Segui
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Barcelona,
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585 08007 Barcelona, Spain, oriol,
Synthetic Data Generation, Deep Convolutional Neural Network, Deep Learning, Computer Vision.
One of the main limitations of the application of Deep Learning (DL) algorithms is when dealing with prob-
lems with small data. One workaround to this issue is the use of synthetic data generators. In this framework,
we explore the benefits of synthetic data generation as a surrogate for the lack of large data when applying DL
algorithms. In this paper, we propose a problem of learning to count the number of pedestrians using synthetic
images as a substitute for real images. To this end, we introduce an algorithm to create synthetic images for
being fed to a designed Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) to learn from. The model is capable of
accurately counting the number of individuals in a real scene.
Counting the number of objects in still images or
video frames is a new approach towards dealing with
detecting or learning objects which has been recently
proffered in the literature (Rabaud and Belongie,
2006), (Kong et al., 2005). Previously, in order to
count the objects of interest in an image or video, var-
ious object features needed to be designed, extracted
or detected during the learning phase which restrict
their usage in large-scale computer vision applica-
tions thus demanding more efficient solutions to al-
leviate, expedite and improve this process.
One of the recent and commonly used methods to
facilitate feature detection process is the application
of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN)
(Krizhevsky et al., 2012), (LeCun and Bengio, 2005),
(Szegedy et al., 2015). One of the promises of DCNN
is replacing handcrafted features with efficient algo-
rithms for feature learning and hierarchical feature ex-
traction (Song and Lee, 2013). DCNNs have been
claimed and practically proven to achieve the most
assuring performance in different vision benchmark
problems concerning feature detection and classifica-
tion (Ciregan et al., 2012), (Szegedy et al., 2015).
Although access to fast computers and vast
amounts of data has enabled the advances of deep
learning algorithms such as DCNN in solving many
problems that were not solvable using classic AI, they
have limitations. For instance, they do not perform
well when there is limited data (Griffin et al., 2007).
This constrain restricts the application of DL meth-
ods in various areas including computer vision where
they have shown promising performances. As one so-
lution to tackle this issue, we introduce a synthetic
data generator algorithm to create images highly-
representative of the real images.
In this article, we tackle a crowd counting prob-
lem by the means of synthetic images and deep con-
volutional neural network. We generate a set of
highly realistic, synthetically generated images to be
fed to a proposed convolution-based deep architec-
ture. DCNN are well-suited for learning object fea-
tures from the scratch and in a hierarchical approach.
The proposed architecture consist of convolutional
network to capture discriminative information about
the object we are willing to count, following by fully
connect layers where we count the multiplicity of ob-
ject of interest. Figure 1 illustrates the proposal at a
glance. The input instances contain a random set of
pedestrians in a walkway. As it’s shown in below,
our goal is to learn to count the number of people in
synthetic images and thereby, accurately predict the
number of pedestrians in similar but real images.
Our contributions are as follows: We introduce a
synthetic image generation algorithm in order to sub-
stitute the lacking training data in a fully supervised
learning problem casted as learning to count the num-
ber of pedestrians in a walkway. Moreover, we pro-
pose a DCNN capable of learning pedestrians’ fea-
tures. Then, we validate our approach in a similar but
real scenario. We test our proposed model which has
been trained on synthetic images, on real images to
see if synthetic data generation can be incorporated
Ekbatani, H., Pujol, O. and Segui, S.
Synthetic Data Generation for Deep Learning in Counting Pedestrians.
DOI: 10.5220/0006119203180323
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2017), pages 318-323
ISBN: 978-989-758-222-6
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: A schematic of our proposal. In this paper, we show that by creating realistic synthetic images, we are able to train
a DCNN that is able to count the number of pedestrians in similar but real images.
as a surrogate for replacing small training sets when
applying deep architectures.
2.1 Synthetic Data Generation
The main purpose of generating synthetic datasets has
been to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the
actual data (Phua et al., 2010), (Yao et al., 2013),
since it does not hold any personal information and
cannot be traced back by any individual. Problems
such as fraud detection (Phua et al., 2010), or health
care (Yao et al., 2013), are normally tackled by the
use of synthetic data. However, most of the previ-
ously mentioned approaches towards synthetic data
generation would not be applicable when it comes
to synthetic image generation. This is due to the
fact that standard methods such as Probability Den-
sity Function (PDF) or Interpolation operate element-
wise. The need for generating and synthesizing im-
ages using object-wise operations led researchers to
the use image processing tools for creating synthetic
images to tackle vision problems.
In computer vision, usage of synthetic images has
a longstanding history, as in 2000, Cappelli et al.
in (Cappelli et al., 2000) presented an approach to
synthetic fingerprint generation on the basis of some
mathematical models that describe the main features
of real finger prints. More recently, after the success
of deep convolutional neural networks in various vi-
sion tasks concerning object detection or classifica-
tion, generation and use of synthetic datasets has been
frequently considered. For example, in (Eggert et al.,
2015), synthetic images are generated to be fed to a
DCNN in order to learn how to detect company logo
in the absence of a large training set.
Moreover, as one of the most recent approaches,
Segui et al. in (Segu
ı et al., 2015) proposed synthetic
data generation to counter lack of data issue for learn-
ing to count the number of objects in images using
deep convolutional neural networks. In their work,
they took advantage of existent unlabeled and labeled
datasets to generate synthetic images representative of
the actual images. The authors introduce two count-
ing problems, counting number of even-digits in im-
ages, and counting the amount of pedestrians in a
2.2 Crowd Counting
Learning to count the objects of interest in an im-
age can be approached from two different perspec-
tives: either training an object detector, or training an
object counter. In the field of object detection, nu-
merous works have been previously proposed (Kong
et al., 2005), (Marana et al., 1998). Furthermore,
Wu and Nevatia in (Wu and Nevatia, 2005) proposed
edgelet features (an edgelet is a short segment of line
or curve) as a new type of silhouette-oriented features
to deal with the problem of detecting individuals in
crowded still images.
As a similar line of work in the course of object
counting and more specifically crowd counting, in
(Leibe et al., 2007) and (Rabaud and Belongie, 2006),
different object tracking approaches were taken to de-
tect and count moving objects in the scene. However,
most of object tracking approaches met with skepti-
cism by society, given the perception of infringing in-
dividuals’ privacy rights.
More recently, in (Chan et al., 2008), Chan et al.
presented a novel approach with no explicit object
segmentation or tracking to estimate the number of
people moving in each direction (towards and away
from camera) in a privacy-preserving manner.
On the other hand, in case of feature learning,
Segui et al. in (Segu
ı et al., 2015) proposed a novel
approach for counting objects representations using
deep object features. In their work, objects’ features
Synthetic Data Generation for Deep Learning in Counting Pedestrians
Figure 2: An illustration of image generation process at different steps.
are learned by a counting DCNN and are used to un-
derstand the underlying representation. Contrary to
the previous approaches, their proposal is the first one
where counting problem is handled by learning deep
features. Additionally, no hints on the object of inter-
est was given besides its’ occurrence multiplicity.
The main hypothesis of this work is that synthetic data
generation algorithms can be used as a workaround
for problems with no or little training sets. On this
course, we propose an algorithm for creating highly
realistic synthetic images of pedestrians in a walkway.
We used UCSD unlabeled Anomaly detection dataset
of pedestrians collected by Chan et al. and used in
(Mahadevan et al., 2010) and (Chan et al., 2009).
UCSD Anomaly detection dataset contains clips of
groups of people walking towards and away from the
camera, and consists of 34 training video samples and
36 testing video samples. Each video has 200 frames
of each 238 × 158 pixels.
3.1 Image Generation
In our dataset, we employed all 70 training and test-
ing video samples to generate the synthetic pedestrian
dataset. We constrained each image by having up to
29 pedestrians in the walkway. The process of gener-
ating the data includes the following steps while fig-
ure 2 illustrates this process.
1. Background Extraction. Firstly, we simply sub-
tract the background from each video frame and
from there, we extract the median backgrounds of
each video (in total, 70 different backgrounds).
2. Pedestrian Extraction. Subtracting each image
from the mean background, we are able to label
the connected regions (each individual in case of
our images) using morphological labeling meth-
3. Background Generation. In this step, we try to
make the backgrounds of images as realistic as
possible by:
making a sparse combination of median back-
changing the global illumination of the images
adding some random Gaussian noise to the
4. Region Of Interest (ROI). Then, for training and
comparison purposes, images are masked with a
filter of Region Of Interest (ROI).
5. Creating Synthetic Images. Afterwards, pedes-
trians are added to the masked background in a
way that the center of each person is placed in-
side white area of the mask. Finally images are
normalized (between 0 and 255) and resized to
158 × 158 in order to be fed to convolution lay-
3.2 Image Improvement
Although we managed to successfully create syn-
thetic images of people in the street, the generated
images were still quite distinguishable from the real
dataset. Thus, in order to make images as highly real-
istic as possible, we improved the dataset as explained
underneath. Figure 3 depicts this procedure.
1. Remove Non-pedestrians. Amongst the ex-
tracted pedestrians, there were some non-
pedestrians with objects instead of pedestrians,
and yet others with more than one person. There-
fore, we manually removed these outliers. After
this edition, we ended with 426 samples of peo-
2. Lack of Pedestrians. For the sake of general-
ization, we needed a decent variety of pedestrians
in the images to train with. For this purpose, we
created 2 versions of current pedestrians list, each
darkened by the factor of 20% from each other.
3. Halos Around the Pedestrians. Due to lack of
accuracy of the region measuring method, a fine
layer of the background that pedestrians were ex-
tracted from, still remained around the pedestri-
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 3: An illustration of each step of image improvement process.
ans. In the created images, depending on where
the person was placed, these thin layers appeared
like a halo around the person. We used morpho-
logical erosion on pedestrians’ masks and also
Poisson image editing to remove the halos.
4. Image Perspective. Finally, Since pedestrians
of different sizes were put randomly in the im-
ages, we considered peoples tallness perspective
in the images. Humans height almost follows a
Gaussian distribution (Subramanian et al., 2011).
Therefore, with respect to (Subramanian et al.,
2011), we mapped individuals heights with the
length of the walkway in the image, considering
a Gaussian noise with mean µ = 0 and σ = 3.5.
For learning to count the number of pedestrians in a
walkway, we synthetically generated a set of 1 million
images of size 158 × 158 with up to 29 pedestrians in
each image. Maximum overlapping was considered
in the creation of the images. We divided this dataset
into a training set of 800k images and 200k images
for validation set. To test our model, we used UCSD
crowd counting dataset with 3375 manually labeled
images of pedestrians. The selected UCSD images
contain from 11 to 29 pedestrians in each image.
We designed a seven layers architecture DCNN
with four convolutional layers and three fully con-
nected layers. The architecture is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Proposed DCNN for counting pedestrians.
Convolutions Fully connects
10 × 15 × 15 & x2 pooling 128
10 × 11 × 11 & x2 pooling 64
20 × 9 × 9 1
20 × 5 × 5
The algorithm is trained using the Caffe pack-
age[11] on a GPU NVIDIA Tesla K40. The network
has been set to 400,000 iterations. The output layer is
configured as a classification problem.
On the validation set, the performance of the
model is 0.70 mean absolute error and 0.94 mean
squared error. This results improve the achieved re-
sults in a similar experiment done by (Segu
ı et al.,
2015) (the comparison is shown in table 2). On the
other hand, on the real test set, we obtained 1.38 mean
absolute error and 3.61 mean squared error which
closely follow the results in (Chan et al., 2008) which
was obtained by hand-crafting highly specialized im-
age features that are dependent on the object class.
This comparison is depicted in table 3 The confusion
matrix regarding the model performance is illustrated
in figure 4. As you may notice, due to the inevitable
differences between real and synthetic samples, the
model mostly over-predicts. Moreover, as the number
of pedestrians increases in the images, the prediction
accuracy of the model decreases.
Table 2: Performance comparison on the synthetic data be-
tween our proposal and related work in (Segu
ı et al., 2015).
Experiments MSE MAE
Our approach (29 peds) 0.942 0.707
ı et al., 2015) (25 peds) 1.12 0.74
Table 3: Performance comparison on the real data between
our proposal and related work in (Chan et al., 2008).
Experiments MSE MAE
Proposed method 3.61 1.38
(Chan et al., 2008) approach 2.73 1.24
As you may observe in table 2, in case of synthetic
images, although our images contain more pedestri-
ans, our results beat the previous approach in (Segu
et al., 2015). This proves the improvement we made
in synthetic data generation process and the designed
deep architecture.
Respectively, in case of real images, although we
could not improve the work done in (Chan et al.,
2008), our results follows their results closely. We
Synthetic Data Generation for Deep Learning in Counting Pedestrians
Figure 4: Confusion matrix regarding the model perfor-
mance on the real test set. The starting point of the graph is
11 since the minimum amount of pedestrians in the real test
set is 11.
should mention that Chan experiment in (Chan
et al., 2008) was done by hand-crafting highly spe-
cialized features and exhaustive labeling. This results
approve the suitability of synthetic data as a surrogate
for the small real data when using DCNN.
In this paper we explore the benefits of synthetic data
generation for the application of deep convolutional
neural networks for a crowd counting problem with
small training set. We propose an algorithm for cre-
ating a highly realistic synthetic dataset of pedestri-
ans in a walkway to train the proposed DCNN with.
Moreover, we provide a system trained with synthetic
images capable of predicting the number of pedestri-
ans in an image to a satisfactory extent. The obtained
results suggest the incorporation of synthetic data as
a well-suited surrogate for the missing real along with
alleviating required exhaustive labeling.
There are still many open questions to be ad-
dressed such as, when and to what extent synthetic
images are applicable as a substitute to solve real
world problems. which is the best network architec-
ture for counting the crowd?
This work has been partially funded by the Spanish
MINECO Grants TIN2013-43478-P and TIN2012-
38187- C03. We gratefully acknowledge the support
of NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of a Tesla
K40 GPU used for this research.
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Synthetic Data Generation for Deep Learning in Counting Pedestrians