An Ontology-based Security Framework for Decision-making in
Industrial Systems
Bruno A. Mozzaquatro
, Raquel Melo
, Carlos Agostinho
and Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves
Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), DEE/FCT, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Centre of Technology and Systems, UNINOVA, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Ontology, Internet of Things, Information Security, Decision-Making System, Adaptive Security.
Embedded devices based on emerging technologies of the Internet of Things (IoT) are used to provide re-
sources, business models and opportunities to build potential industrial systems improving manufacturing
systems with efficient operations. In this context, IoT networks are dynamic environments and changes are
also being increasingly frequent, modifying the environment execution. Nevertheless, severe threats will in-
crease the complexity and difficulty to protect existing vulnerabilities in smart devices of IoT network. In
this context, this work proposes an architecture of the ontology-based security framework to decision-making
using adaptive security model to improve secure information for the industrial systems. IoTSec ontology con-
tributes to feed the system using queries of contextual information collected in the environment. The main
contribution of this approach is validated as an integration with C2NET project to ensure security properties
in some critical scenarios.
Smart devices integrated with different technologies
allow several industrial applications with sensing,
identification, localization, networking and process-
ing capabilities. The information technology (IT)
standards have beneficiated the industrial manufactur-
ing by the evolution of industrial systems (Bi et al.,
2014). The adoption of the Internet creates new busi-
ness opportunities as well as exploiting collaborative
work based on IT infrastructure in system environ-
ments. These aspects have potential to develop indus-
trial systems like environmental monitoring, health-
care service, inventory and production management,
food supply chain, transportation, workplace and
home support, security and surveillance (Xu et al.,
Heterogeneous environments with smart devices
interconnected with the Internet increases the secu-
rity threats. The main problem of IoT security is
high interaction between humans, machines and IoT
technologies with constraints in terms of connectivity,
computational power and energy (Sicari et al., 2014).
In contrast, severals security models, trust manage-
ment, identity management and security mechanisms
are used to ensure the privacy and security keeping se-
curity goals, such as: availability, confidentiality, in-
tegrity, authentication, non-repudiation, and authen-
ticity (Roman et al., 2013) (Yan et al., 2014) (Gran-
jal et al., 2014). Furthermore, IoT network is a dy-
namically changing environment and security issues
require making-decision systems to change security
mechanisms at run time (Evesti and Ovaska, 2013).
Therefore, the adaptive security model is necessary to
learn and adapt for adjusting on-demand security at-
tributes and antecipates new threats in an information
system (Habib and Leister, 2013).
Information security is an important requirement
to fully adoption of IoT applications and must be con-
sidered by information system designers and by ad-
ministrators of organizations that depends on the cor-
rect management of information security and confi-
dentiality (Yan et al., 2014). However, IoT is still in a
conceptual phase, but the field is very dynamic and se-
curity challenges are less structured, somewhat orga-
nized causing confusion amongst concepts and terms
to software developers. Ontology characterizes an in-
terest domain with classes and relationships among
them and implements a data model to share a com-
mon base knowledge in the particular domain (Moz-
zaquatro et al., 2015).
Model-Driven Development (MDD) has relevant
aspects that contributes to develop adaptive systems
considering adaptive model to monitor contextual in-
formation and take suitable actions at runtime (Soylu
Mozzaquatro, B., Melo, R., Agostinho, C. and Jardim-Goncalves, R.
An Ontology-based Security Framework for Decision-making in Industrial Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0005853107790788
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2016), pages 779-788
ISBN: 978-989-758-168-7
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Existing Security Ontologies
(State of the art)
Security overview Specific Domain
Herzog et al.
Fenz, S. et al.
Kim, A. et al.
Denker et al.
Undercoffer, J. et al.
Intrusion Detection
Gyrard, J. et al.
M2M Architecture
Garca-Crespo, A. et al.
Access Control Policies
Mozzaquatro, B. et al.
IoT Security
Figure 1: Existing security ontologies.
and De Causmaecker, 2009). In this context, the re-
lation of MDD with Ontology Driven Development
(ODD) employ the use of formal model to be em-
ployed at runtime. Hence, the application of on-
tologies for information security could improves real
time detection of vulnerabilities, prediction and as-
sessment of security risk management and intrusion
detection (Undercoffer et al., 2003) (Xu et al., 2009)
(Frye et al., 2012). Reference ontology in the secu-
rity community has been identified as an important
challenge (Mouratidis, 2006) and also for the Internet
of Things. The previous work (Mozzaquatro et al.,
2015) was proposed a reference ontology for secu-
rity in the IoT with harmonization of existing security
ontologies based on ontology development methodol-
ogy. In addition, a security framework is fundamen-
tal to make secure the IoT environment allowing do
queries and inferences to the security issues.
In this work we propose an architecture for an
ontology-based adaptive security framework to iden-
tify common security issues using a knowledge base
and demonstrate the contribution of application of the
framework based on two security approaches: design
and run time. This framework explores the knowledge
base of IoTSec ontology (Mozzaquatro et al., 2015) to
realize queries according to the contextual informa-
tion collected of the smart environment in industrial
The rest of paper is organized as follow: Section
2 presents the background of security ontologies and
adaptive security model. The related works are pre-
sented in Section 2.3. Section 4 describes the archi-
tecture proposed for ontology-based security frame-
work. Section 5 describes a case study of the contri-
bution of the approach. Finally, Section 6 presents the
conclusion about this work.
This section describes main subjects involved in this
work that contributes to improve the security aspects
in the context of Internet of Things. In the following
we discuss existing security ontologies (i.e. IoTSec
ontology) and the adaptive security model to adapt
mechanisms in a suitable solution. In addition, related
works are presented to demonstrate the originality of
the paper.
2.1 Security Ontologies
Security issues are important for all contexts with per-
sonal data exchanges and sensitive information, but
for Internet of Things has important characteristics
of a big concern with high iteration between humans,
machines and IoT technologies. It is justified by het-
erogeneity of different smart devices connected with
the Internet. In this context, ensuring security and pri-
vacy of applications and services is critical to improv-
ing trust and use of the Internet.
Therefore, these problems have potential because
there are several situations of misunderstood concepts
around information security and Internet of Things.
For that, ontology is a potential tool largely utilized
for structuring an area of interest.
According to the state of the art, several existing
security ontologies have been proposed in the litera-
ture, but only a few are available (Figure 1): secu-
rity overview ontology (Herzog et al., 2007) (Fenz
and Ekelhart, 2009) (Kim et al., 2005) (Denker et al.,
2003) and security ontology applied to specific do-
main (Undercoffer et al., 2003) (Gyrard et al., 2014)
ıa-Crespo et al., 2011) (Mozzaquatro et al.,
MDE4SI 2016 - Special Session on Model-Driven Enterprise Services and Applications for a Sustainable Interoperability: New Paradigms
for Development in the Future Enterprise - 2nd Edition
Figure 2: Reference ontology for security in IoT (Mozzaquatro et al., 2015).
Some ontologies address only one part of secu-
rity domain (e.g. computer attacks) and others ex-
plore overview of information security. The previous
work (Mozzaquatro et al., 2015) proposed a reference
ontology for security in the IoT (IoTSec) with harmo-
nization of ontologies based on ontology development
2.1.1 IoTSec Ontology
In this section, we describe the IoTSec ontology,
which is a reference ontology for IoT security pro-
posed in (Mozzaquatro et al., 2015). IoTSec on-
tology was proposed to explore aspects of relation-
ships among basic components of the risk analysis
of ISO/IEC 13335-1:2004 and National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publica-
tion 800-12 (Stoneburner et al., 2002) such as: As-
sets, Threats, SecurityMechanism, Vulnerability and
Risk. Figure 2 presents an arrangement of top-level
classes to modeling information security based in
works (Herzog et al., 2007) (Fenz and Ekelhart, 2009)
(Kim et al., 2005) (Denker et al., 2003) (Gyrard et al.,
IoTSec ontology was designed based on informa-
tion security issues that can be represents using a
structured knowledge. Basically, ontology explores
relationships among classic components of risk anal-
ysis to provide an overview of the domain of security
in Internet of Things. IoTSec ontology was developed
using the OWL (Web Ontology Language) ontology
These components allow to identify relations be-
tween relevant situations in an IoT network with risk
analysis of potential threats. For example, the vul-
nerability class describes potential weakness of M2M
technologies associated with Asset class (hasVulner-
ability property). In this ontology many technolo-
gies are considered assets such as: Wi-Fi, Web, GSM
(2G), UTMS (3G), LTE (4G), Ethernet, Bluetooth,
Sensor, etc. Assets require security properties to be
considered secure such as availability, confidential-
ity, integrity, etc. Vulnerabilities are flaws in software
or hardware and when they are discovered, vendors
publish a patch to fix it. For instance, vulnerabil-
ity notes database (VND)
is one example that pro-
vides information about software vulnerabilities in-
cluding summaries, technical details, remediation in-
formation, and lists of affected vendors.
Meanwhile, security mechanisms are used to
avoid that threats exploit vulnerabilities found. These
mechanisms are categorized according to type of de-
fense to protect the assets. A security mechanism is
composed of several types of defense i.e., detective,
preventive, corrective, recovery, response, etc.
Threat class describes information about attacks
and others ways to exploit the applications’ weakness
and, sometimes, they explore one or more vulnerabili-
ties. For instance, Wormhole attack replays messages
from a system with the vulnerability of unprotected
communication channel of a sensor network of an or-
ganization. This threat occurs in network layer of OSI
Model (occursIn property). In this situation, Secu-
rityMechanism class contains tools to protect using
cryptography algorithms, but need to consider their
strengths and weaknesses such as energy consump-
tion, flexibility, high cost, etc.
Organizations may prevent exploitation of your
vulnerabilities using security tools or algorithms to
protect (mitigates property) the systems’ weakness.
Mitigates property represents the relationship be-
tween SecurityMechanism and Vulnerability class.
Vulnerabilities are qualified in terms of your severity
level (SeverityScale class) to an organization. Some-
times, organizations need to monitor the vulnerability
with severity scale high, when systems have behavior
An Ontology-based Security Framework for Decision-making in Industrial Systems
unpredictable and they can have become exposed to
new threats. Each threat affects one or more security
properties and the security mechanisms could satisfy
these security properties.
2.2 Adaptive Security
Adaptive security is an approach to adjust attributes
based on the behavior at runtime to respond for new
and unusual threats in critical services (Abie, 2009)
(Habib and Leister, 2013). This approach is found
in the literature with concepts of self-adaptive soft-
ware (Laddaga and Robertson, 2004) and autonomic
computing (Dobson et al., 2006). It is a solution
that learns and adapts to the changing environment
at runtime in face of changing threats, and anticipates
threats before they are manifested.
This approach is a continuous process to learn,
adapt, prevent, identity and respond for unusual and
malicious behavior in run time. For that, the adaptive
security model proposed by (Shnitko, 2003) is com-
posed by four components as depicted in Figure 3:
monitor, analyzer, adapter, and adaptive knowledge
database. The monitor collects attributes, analyzer
determines the adaptation requirements, and adapter
decides the adaptation plan for execution.
Figure 3: Adaptive and evolving security model (Shnitko,
The continuous cycle of security monitoring is
needed for the use of suitable mechanisms depend-
ing of the information about the context and status of
IoT devices. It is appropriated for IoT scenario be-
cause high interactions among heterogeneous devices
and environment with critical risks to our lives. Moni-
toring information context allows to choose a suitable
security tool for ensure one or more security prop-
erties. Sometimes, whether it changes the status of
secure behavior of a given situation, the system need
to change your rules to adapt and ensuring security
According to (Habib and Leister, 2013) there is a
little work on adaptive security mechanisms to secure
IoT. Each work proposed explores platforms and spe-
cific aspects to improve IoT security as well as secu-
rity policies, encryption, secure communication, and
intrusion detection. Basically, there is a need for IoT
security to adapt and adjust attributes when there is
a change in the context. Nevertheless, the reliabil-
ity and performance of adaptive security approaches
is directly related with security mechanisms used to
identify the threats in the system.
Within the scope of Model-Driven Development
(MDD), adaptive security could be addressed to pro-
vides customization as a service in a runtime archi-
tecture. MDD is an approach composed by several
theories and methodological frameworks for indus-
trialized software development using models inside
of software development cycle (Picek and Strahonja,
2007). There models and your transformations are de-
scribed based on standard specification languages and
generated automatically or semi-automatically from
others abstract models. One relevant aspect of MDD
to the adaptive security is the automation, which non-
code artifacts are produced totally or partially from
models (Picek and Strahonja, 2007) such as: docu-
mentation, test artifacts, build and deployment scripts
and other models.
Adaptive actions are mediated by automated pro-
cess through systems to maintain a formal model (i.e.
context-aware) of the settings and relationships be-
tween them(Soylu and De Causmaecker, 2009). Be-
sides it, model-driven approach can also be consid-
ered as an ontology driven approach, but the integra-
tion of these two approaches migh result benefits of
inference support of ontological approaches and the
expertise of model driven approach. Therefore adap-
tive actions are beneficiated with transformation of
OWL/RDF knolwedge base into domain-centric data
models (Kalyanpur et al., 2004).
2.3 Related Works
Ontologies has been explored in several aspects to im-
prove information security, identifying vulnerabilities
of systems, assessment the threat against targets us-
ing differents approaches, such as: intrusion detec-
tion (Undercoffer et al., 2003), correlation of context-
aware alert analysis (Xu et al., 2009), identification of
complex network attacks (Frye et al., 2012).
The work (Evesti and Ovaska, 2013) proposes an
architectural approach for security adaptation in smart
spaces utilized to analyzing and planning access con-
trol decision at runtime and design-time. The au-
thors combines an adaptation loop of adaptive secu-
MDE4SI 2016 - Special Session on Model-Driven Enterprise Services and Applications for a Sustainable Interoperability: New Paradigms
for Development in the Future Enterprise - 2nd Edition
rity model, Information Security Measuring Ontol-
ogy (ISMO) to offer input knowledge for the adaption
loop and a smart space security-control model to en-
force dynamic access control policies. However, the
work only illustrates the adaptive security approach
from the authentication and authorization of users of
smart spaces.
EDAS (Aman and Snekkenes, 2014) was pro-
posed as an event driven adaptive security model to
IoT to protect devices against threat faced at runtime.
The authors use an Open Source Security Informa-
tion Management (OSSIM) to filter and normalize
events collected from things. They explore an Adap-
tation Ontology to leverages risks information from
the event correlation and adapt security settings in
terms of usability, QoS, and security reliability. How-
ever, the authors do not consider potential vulnerabili-
ties that could prevent eventual threats in the environ-
ment. In this case, the approach need an occurrence
to verify the suitable action to mitigate it.
In this context, this work explores a reference on-
tology for security in the Internet of Things. These
knowledge based is composed by the basic compo-
nents of risk management to ensure the secure en-
vironment with IoT devices. The relation between
threat, vulnerability, asset, security mechanism and
security property enable to make decision for use of
potential solutions or identify weakness of products
or softwares in industrial systems, for example. These
ontology-based decision-making approach has poten-
tial to enrich security mechanisms of IoT devices net-
work using adaptive security model through to re-
spond for unusual behavior proposing other security
tool or algorithms to protect assets.
The C2NET platform is cloud-enabled tools for sup-
porting collaborative demand to cover the supply net-
working optimization of manufacturing and logistic
assets. The main problem of traditional supply chains
has centralized decision-making approaches, which
make difficult for companies to react to current highly
dynamic markets. According it, C2NET platform is
proposed to contributes in several aspects of indus-
trial manufacturing exploring data collection of IoT
devices in the companies’ shop floor.
However, these devices are vulnerable for several
threats and it needs to be addressed using security
mechanisms. Moreover, some of these devices use
different IoT technologies and C2NET platform ex-
plores the interoperability based on semantic web’
The C2NET architecture ensures interoperabil-
ity by defining two components: C2NET Agent
and C2NET Data Collection Client. Moreover, the
C2NET platform has a module to collecting data from
different sources and provide support for others mod-
ules of C2NET system.
3.1 C2NET Data Collection Client
The C2NET Data Collection Client (DCC) is a com-
ponent of C2NET platform that provides the collect-
ing and sending all the required data from the legacy
systems of the company (e.g. its planning, logistics
and operations) and data arriving from IoT devices
in the shop floor (e.g. machine availability, perfor-
mance, etc).
This component must be able to connect the dif-
ferent data sources (both legacy systems and IoT de-
vices). Then, it will store the data gathered, and sub-
mit it to C2NET DCF as events when needed (both in
a periodical basis or under demand). Consequently,
the C2NET DCC will adopt an ESB pattern.
3.2 C2NET Agent
The C2NET Agent is a component of C2NET plat-
form that receives the information generated in the
platform (e.g. new collaborative production plans)
for transferring it to the systems of the companies in-
volved in the value chain. The C2NET platform will
use the Agent API to communicate with the C2NET
Agent, which exposes the legacy systems as busi-
ness services. The C2NET Agent could receive the
C2NET message and call the proprietary API of each
legacy system to perform data update as needed.
3.3 C2NET Data Collection Framework
The C2NET Data Collection Framework (DCF) is a
domain module that offers functionality for collecting
data from different heterogeneous sources and pro-
viding necessary information for other modules of
the C2NET system. This module enables uniform
accessibility of structured information for data con-
sumers. It also resolves challenges concerning inte-
gration and interoperability across data producers and
consumers caused by differences in industrial pro-
cesses, data models, methods, technologies and de-
vices. It takes into consideration the homogenous in-
tegration of legacy systems and IoT devices.
An Ontology-based Security Framework for Decision-making in Industrial Systems
Figure 4: An architecture of ontology-based security framework proposed with the C2NET platform.
We develop our ontology-based security framework
by following the adaptive security model presented in
the Section 2.2. This type of security model is suitable
for dynamic environment of Internet of Things, which
monitor the behavior of the environment, learns and
adapts for unusual occurences. In this context, the
support of an adaptive knowledge base enables to an-
tecipates threats before they are manifested in the IoT
Several industries are using of IoT devices to
different applications to provides new opportunities
based on sensing, ubiquitous identification, and com-
munication capabilities (Xu et al., 2014). IoT devices
transmit sensitive information of companies and they
are vulnerable to internal and external attacks and ap-
propriates actions need to be adopted to protect them.
The ontology-based security framework proposed
in this work explores the adaptive security model to
making-decision based on knowledge base for in-
formation security issues. For that, this security
framework is integrated with the platform of C2NET
to enrich security of IoT devices in industrial
systems. In this context, the architecture of ontology-
based security framework is depicted in the Figure 4.
The architecture aims to improve security issues of
industrial manufacturing integrated with the C2NET
The C2NET platform uses IoT devices to data col-
lect of the industrial environment using a company
middleware with the C2NET Data Collection. Secu-
rity mechanisms (i.e. based on rules, security pro-
tocols) are applied in data communication to protect
sensitive information between IoT devices and mid-
dleware. Nevertheless, several vulnerabilities of de-
vices and software appear everyday, which they be-
coming the assets vulnerable to attacks. Hence, con-
tinuous assessment and suitable adaptations need to
be enforced to ensure the security properties such as
availability, confidentiality, and integrity.
The security framework is proposed with two ap-
proaches to improve security issues of C2NET plat-
form: design and run time. Design approach of the
security framework explores the previous knowledge
to adopt new technologies or products considering se-
curity issues. It has impact in the companies, be-
cause the responsible of purchases have not expertise
in information security and it becomes the purchase
of product without security analysis.
On the other hand, run time approach monitors
IoT devices based on security metrics and attributes
to identify malicious behaviors in the smart environ-
ment. Consequently, configurations and/or rules need
to be adapted according the knowledge base, when
alerts are triggered by security tools. For that, IoT on-
tology contributes to identify relations between threat,
asset, vulnerability, security mechanism and security
property. Nevertheless, the adapter infers in new
MDE4SI 2016 - Special Session on Model-Driven Enterprise Services and Applications for a Sustainable Interoperability: New Paradigms
for Development in the Future Enterprise - 2nd Edition
information on knowledge base to deploy new ap-
proaches for specifics situations or malicious behav-
Considering the approaches of security frame-
work, this architecture is divided in two main compo-
nents that are integrated with components of C2NET
platform which are DCC and DCF. Design approach
uses an interface to realize queries in C2NET DCF
for data analysis based on the IoTSec ontology. This
interface is used also to update the knowledge base
when new information was published.
By other hand, the runtime approach has a Real
Time Reasoning module to identify anomaly be-
haviour based on security mechanisms used in the
environment. In this context, security attributes are
monitored to detect malicious activities and, then, an
action is trigerred to adjust settings using the adaptive
security API of security framework.
4.1 Monitor Module
The Monitor module is responsible to data collection
of information between IoT devices and enforce some
suitable rules to the IoT newtork. These devices are
used to information gathering of security attributes of
environment. The monitor only considers device’s in-
formation collected by devices to identify potential
vulnerabilities that could be explored by the threats.
Hence, raw data of the environment (e.g. shop floor)
also is collected, but this information only is filtered
by the platform to verify the proper operation based
in the semantic of data.
This module uses a temporary set of security rules
to apply of ensure a secure data communication be-
tween IoT devices. This approach is used in run time
to make decision without delay. In this case, this set
is feeded with previous knowledge of the ontology ac-
cording to device’s information of security attributes
collected. For that, the Real Time Analysis module
works together with monitor module to analyze pa-
rameters upward of threshold defined. For instance,
any unusual behavior identified by security tools like
intrusion detection system or firewall are fowarded to
DCF component of C2NET platform to realize the
most deep analysis of ontology-based security frame-
4.2 Analyzer Module
The Analyzer module of the security framework is
responsible for consulting activities mapped in the
knowledge base, but in case of new occurences (e.g.
zero-day threats) reported by security tools, resulting
in unusual behavior for the security framework. So,
it needs to be adapted to avoid critical harms to the
DCF component of the C2NET platform manages
the virtual instances of IoT devices to control your be-
havior in physical world. The Resource Virtualization
is resposible to minimize the distance between phys-
ical devices and their virtualized devices in the IoT
network. This information is important to analyzer
module make decision for adaptation for potential se-
curity solutions between IoT devices.
4.3 Adapter Module
The Adapter module uses different adaptation meth-
ods to reconfiguration mechanisms employed by the
adaptive security contained in the security frame-
work. More information of this adaptation methods
are found in (Elkhodary and Whittle, 2007).
In this section, we describe two validation scenarios
of metalworking industry to apply the ontology-based
security framework to improve the security issues be-
tween IoT devices and C2NET platform.
The IoTSec ontology was designed to allow
decision-making following main classes of security:
assets (K and X), vulnerabilities (Y), threats (Z), se-
curity mechanisms (G), and security properties. For
instance, a sensor K (K requires some security prop-
erties J) based on technology X has vulnerabilities Y
that can threatens by attack Z, but if the company use
a security mechanism G, he could neutralize poten-
tial threats. Also, organizations need to define restric-
tions that can be represented by security policies and
it means the security properties addressed for security
To demontrate the application of security frame-
work and relationship between IoTSec ontology and
adaptive security model, Figure 5 presents a step-by-
step application of framework.
step: The security attributes are collected by
the environment to identify potential threats or
security mechanisms to protect data communica-
tion, for example.
step: A temporary set of security rules is used
to apply mechanism to protect devices and data
transmissions. It is used for run time approach,
which requires a fast decision-making based in
previous knowledge.
An Ontology-based Security Framework for Decision-making in Industrial Systems
Figure 5: Step-by-step application of security framework.
step: In case of unusual behavior or a deep
analysis is required to find other solutions. Thus,
knowledge base is checked to identify suitable se-
curity mechanism that is related with a vulnerabil-
step: SPARQL queries are used to collect infor-
mation about an unusual behavior or a new vulner-
ability, for example. In this case, IoTSec ontology
gives support for decision-making using security
attributes collected by IoT devices.
step: Several situations are not mapped in
knowledge base and it needs to be adapted using
differents types of adaptation methods.
step: After a deep analysis the adaptation
method update the knowledge base to future oc-
We describe an overview of each scenario to un-
derstand the applicability of security framework and
what information are important to monitoring for se-
curity level assessment. According to the restric-
tions and contextual information, security framework
checks the knolwedge base using SPARQL Protocol
and RDF Query Language (SPARQL)
queries and
relates with others queries to identify suitable security
mechanisms or potential threats, for example. Hence,
in this work we considered that scenarios are vulner-
able only for digital threats, such as disclosure infor-
mation, replay attack, spoofing and others attacks to
smart devices.
5.1 Collaborative Purchase
Collaborative purchase is a validation scenario that
the C2NET platform allows to subscribe to common
purchases on the same suppliers for the companies’
partners. Collaborative purchase is need to found
other companies that require same products of a spec-
ified supplier. Information of products that are miss-
ing are collected by using the IoT devices about the
specifications and features of the raw material re-
quired (such as material type, material code, dimen-
sions or weight), and also provides an expiration date
for the same. This expiration date is related with
the expected deadline for the purchase that is directly
connected to the date that the company manager needs
to have the product in his company. Moreover, smart
sensors are used to verify the availability of the raw
material and offer a collaborative purchase for others
companies with the same supplier.
Metalworking industry imposes severe restric-
tions in the production process and one of them is
the availability of raw material required to main-
tain it working. In this context, security property of
availability of the sensors to gathering information
about the products that are missing is fundamental
to the process. The query following selects the se-
curity mechanisms that satisfies the security property
Availability”. The variable ?secmech represents se-
curity mechanisms contained in the knowledge base
and they are related with security property (variable
SELECT DISTINCT ?secmech ?secprop
?secmech iotsec:satisfies ?secprop .
?secprop rdfs:label "Availability"@en
Moreover, authentication is another security prop-
erty responsible to identify who has access to the in-
formation and avoid unauthorized user using these
data. Sometimes, malicious employees or users using
the Internet could explore vulnerabilities to realized
attacks causing information disclosure or others crit-
ical consequences. For example, if a sensor has vul-
nerability that allows attackers get access of internal
network it needs to be fixed. Hence, the ontology-
based security framework has important role to check
the relation between vulnerabilities and threats based
on the knowledge base (IoTSec ontology). The query
following uses the variable ?threat that threatens
vulnerabilities selected by variable ?vuln.
SELECT DISTINCT ?threat ?vuln
?threat rdfs:label ?label .
?threat iotsec:isVulnerabilityOf ?vuln
MDE4SI 2016 - Special Session on Model-Driven Enterprise Services and Applications for a Sustainable Interoperability: New Paradigms
for Development in the Future Enterprise - 2nd Edition
Security attributes of IoT devices the framework
could suggest defense tools to block malicious be-
havior or attacks using prior knowledge. In another
way, new activities are adapted with adjusting internal
working parameters such as encryption schemes, al-
gorithms of intrusion detection systems, different au-
thentication and authorization mechanisms.
5.2 Non-conformity Scheduling
Non-conformity scheduling is a validation scenario
composed of several IoT devices/sensors to feed the
C2NET platform with real time detection of non-
conformity products during the production process.
It reduces the quantity of waste and non-conformity
products that may arise during production process.
This scenario is the most critical in case of secu-
rity issues because the C2NET platform collects in-
formation about the shop-floor production. Then, any
violation in data communication between IoT devices
and C2NET platform could compromise the produc-
tion or to result critical problems to the company.
In this scenario the main security properties that
need to be ensured are availability, integrity, confiden-
tiality, and authentication. The availability property
is recommended to maintain all information accessi-
ble to the C2NET platform as well as the continuity
of production process. The integrity and confiden-
tiality properties are two important aspects to avoid
access to the information transmitted. For that, se-
curity framework contributes to choose suitable se-
curity tools with the relation between vulnerabilities,
threats and security mechanisms. Basically, the query
following shows how this information is obtained of
IoTSec ontology, considering the variables ?threat,
?secmec (security mechanism) and ?secprop (secu-
rity property).
SELECT DISTINCT ?threat ?secmec ?secprop
?threat rdfs:label ?label .
?threat iotsec:hasSecurityMechan ?secmec .
?secmec iotsec:satisfies ?secprop
In case of confidentiality, if an attacker has
got access to the information transmitted, he can
not understand this information because it must be
encrypted. Moreover, the authentication property is
related only with access control of the information by
the C2NET platform.
We presented an architecture of ontology-based se-
curity framework to decision-making systems using
adaptive security model to improve security issues in
industrial scenario. In this context, the IoTSec ontol-
ogy is responsible to shows a representation of struc-
tured knolwedge using semantic web technologies in
the context of information security.
We have demonstrate how our proposed architec-
ture ensure information security and there is poten-
tial to maintain security requirements need for risk
management using main components of risk analysis.
Merge between MDD and ODD approaches has po-
tential to improve the reasoning and adaptive actions
based on the knowledge base using contextual infor-
After the integration of security framework with
C2NET platform, we intend to continue checking new
adaptive security models to replace or complement
these already proposed; checking new knolwedge
bases related of Internet of Things and M2M commu-
nication to specialize according to specific scenarios.
The research leading to this work has received fund-
ing from CAPES Proc. N
: BEX 0966/15-0 and
European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme
(H2020/2014-2020) under grant agreement: C2NET
: 636909.
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MDE4SI 2016 - Special Session on Model-Driven Enterprise Services and Applications for a Sustainable Interoperability: New Paradigms
for Development in the Future Enterprise - 2nd Edition