The Potential of Smartwatches for Emotional Self-regulation of
People with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Juan C. Torrado, Germán Montoro and Javier Gomez
Department of Computer Engineering, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Smartwatches, Self-regulation, Autism, Assistive Technologies, Affective Computing, Pervasive Computing.
Abstract: This paper focuses on the potential of smartwatchers as interventors in the process of emotional self-regulation
on individuals with ASD. Parting from a model of assistance in their self-regulation tasks, we review the main
advantages of smartwatches in terms of sensors and pervasive interaction potential. We argue the suitability
of smartwatches for this kind of assistance, including studies that had used them for related purposes, and the
relation of this idea with the affective computing area. Finally, we propose a technological approach for
emotional self-regulation assistance that uses smartwatches and applies to the mentioned intervention model.
People with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
usually show symptoms that affect their behavior.
Experts attribute this to their deficit in the executive
function, which is defined as the ability to control
actions (Baron-Cohen and Chaparro, 2010).
Although executive dysfunction is better known
because of its effects on planning and organization
skills, it also affects behavior and some other abilities,
such as impulse control, inhibition of inappropriate
responses and flexibility of thought and action
(Ferrando et al., 2002).
Considering the daily life of a person with ASD,
the aforementioned deficit in executive function may
lead to the following practical difficulties:
Difficulty in organization and sequencing of steps
to complete a certain task.
Difficulty to identify the starting and ending
points of a certain task.
Difficulty in behavioural and emotional
These are high functional limitations and they are
closely related to behavioral disturbances. Proper and
adapted support and help are essential to achieve
major improvement, even more when the assistance
is provided by means of self-regulation strategies.
This kind of support reduces dependency on
caretakers and makes feasible to adapt these strategies
to the users’ contexts (Laurent and Rubin, 2004).
In general, the main goal of these supportting
strategies is to increase users’ self-determination.
Self-determined behavior is composed of four
necessary features: autonomy, self-regulation,
empowerment and self-fulfillment (Nota and Ferrari,
2007). Specifically, self-regulation involves several
aspects of self-determined behaviors: choosing and
decision-taking, problem solving, goal setting, skill
acquisition and internal control.
Regarding emotional and behavioral self-
regulation, Pottie and Ingram (Pottie and Ingram,
2008) presented a model set of tasks that new
strategies or developments must help in:
1. Define a scale of emotional intensity.
2. Adjust the emotional reaction to the proper
3. Identify situations that provoke varied emotional
intensities and adapt the emotional reaction to
4. Develop strategies of emotional control.
5. Identify stressful situations.
6. Create ways to avoid non-desired situations.
7. Manage the stress of non-desired situations.
8. Manage anger episodes.
Besides, these tasks can be classified into three
groups or stages: preprocessing, identification and
management. Table 1 summarizes the mapping
between stages and tasks.
Therefore, this supporting tasks can be considered
as requirements for technology to aid people with
Torrado, J., Montoro, G. and Gomez, J.
The Potential of Smartwatches for Emotional Self-regulation of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
DOI: 10.5220/0005818104440449
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2016) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 444-449
ISBN: 978-989-758-170-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ASD in their emotional self-regulation. In further
sections, we propose a new approach to enhance the
process of emotional self-regulation by means of
emerging technologies.
Table 1: Self-Regulation stages and associated tasks.
Preprocessing Identification Tasks
1 3, 5 2,4,6,7,8
The application of technology to support people with
cognitive disabilities is not a new idea. The concept
of assistive technology (World Health Organization,
2007) includes the whole set of functional diversity:
physical prostheses, glasses, wheelchairs, etc.
However, having a specific type of assistive
technology that involves cognitive aspects of users
became necessary. Thus, assistive technology for
cognition (ATC) was born (O’Neill and Gillespie,
2014). Gillespie et al., (2012) reviewed and mapped
ATC products to the International Classification of
Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) (World
Health Organization, 2007). In other words, they
analysed thoroughly the relationship between the
cognitive functions and necessities of people with
cognitive disabilities and the assistive products made
for them. For this mapping they also classified ATC
function into alerting, distracting, micro-prompting,
navigating, reminding, storing and displaying, and
mixed function. Through a systematic review of ATC
studies they found a strong relationship between their
classification of ATC function and the ICF cognitive
functions (see Table 2). Thus, attention problems are
usually treated by alerting technology, distracting
technology brings emotion regulation, navigating
technology covers experience-of-self issues, micro-
prompting is for organization and planning, storing
and displaying is used for memory problems and
reminders for time management.
From this study we can conclude that distracting
technologies have been used to propose solutions to
emotional and behavioural issues of users with
cognitive impairment. ICF defines emotional
functions as specific mental functions related to the
feeling and affective components of the processes of
the mind. “Distracting technologies” is a wide term,
which goes from devices that provide with stimuli to
prevent from hallucinations (Johnston and Gallagher,
2002) to biofeedback systems (Sharma et al., 2014).
Table 2: Mapping of ICF cognitive functions to ATC
functions (Gillespie et al., 2012).
ICF cognitive function ATC function
Attention Alerting
Calculation Mixed
Emotion Distracting
Experience of self Navigating
Organization and planning Micro-prompting
Time management Reminders
Memory Storing and displaying
This reasoning serves us to define the type of
function that a technological system oriented to assist
a user with ASD in his emotion self-regulation should
3.1 Emerging Technologies
The main problem when it comes to speak about
emerging technologies is that is a vague, fleeting
term. Due to the accelerated course of technology
advancement, emerging technologies today are
completely different from emerging technologies few
years ago.
However, the term itself has been used since the
appearance of smartphones and IoT (Internet of
Things) related technologies (Bijker et al., 2012).
Evidently, nowadays we cannot speak about
smartphones as emerging technologies, but as
widespread technologies, and this change took only a
few years. Once smartphones became widespread
technologies, used and accepted by millions of users
(File, 2013), researchers started to think about their
application to science as a means instead of an end,
especially on social sciences (Dufau et al., 2011).
Thus, the number of research studies that used
smartphones as the main vehicle for experimentation
augmented considerably.
ATC studies also took advantage of this
phenomenon, and many researchers studied the use of
smartphones with users with cognitive disabilities in
their daily life. Lancioni et al., (2012), through the
observation of the results from several experiments
that used widespread technologies on cognitive
impaired users, argued the importance of studying the
adaptation of new technologies before they became
popular, parallelizing the design for standard users
and its adaptation to users with diverse functionality.
The Potential of Smartwatches for Emotional Self-regulation of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder
The underlying motivation of this paper is to
encourage the adaptation of emerging technologies,
whilst they continue being so. This way, relevant
emerging technologies will reach an accepted and
widespread usage state at the same time for cognitive
impaired people and for standard population.
So then, which are the most leading emerging
technologies nowadays? Do they project an
optimistic future regarding to market and users? Is it
feasible to plan their adaptation to users with special
needs? Will be the next technological generation,
after smartphones and tablets, as popular as them?
Serious predictions are very difficult to engage
since they depend on numerous factors, but many of
them are oriented towards an emerging device that
will be treated in this article: wearable technologies,
specifically smartwatches (Kerber et al., 2014)
(Rawassizadeh et al., 2014).
3.2 Smartwatches
Smartwatches are wearable, wrist-held devices that
are starting to offer similar functionality to
smartphones, adapting its use and interaction to a new
paradigm, and considering its limitations due to their
lower resources (Witt, 2014). The most remarkable
feature of smartwatches is their wide sensing set:
accelerometer, heart rate monitor, GPS, light sensor,
Wi-Fi, etc. These devices also offer varied interaction
possibilities: tactile screen, vibration feedback or
voice recognition. They can be considered the first
wearable technology with true computing power and
That is why these devices have already raised
attention between researchers of cognitive disabilities
and social scientists. Kearns et al., (2013) developed
their own smartwatch, integrated in a smarthome,
which served as support for people with cognitive
impairment in their daily life activities. This system
also helps them planning and reminding tasks.
Researchers concluded that the reminder was the
more effective aspect of their system (reminding
medications and punctual tasks during a day). This
study serves to understand that this platform is useful
for these individuals, but regarding our aim, it is not
an example of the ATC function that we are looking
for (distracting technology for emotional self-
regulation instead of micro-prompting and reminders
for planning and memory issues) and it has been
implemented in their own smartwatches, whereas we
look for a widespread use, so commercial or industrial
prototypes are preferable.
Similar conclusions can be extracted from the
study of Sharma and Gedeon (2012), who used
smartwatches connected to smartphones as an aid to
the treatment of people with Parkinson syndrome.
This system offered the advantage of using a
commercial device (Pebble) that made it feasible to
reproduce the experiment in larger groups and
different conditions.
Smartwatches, understood as portable sets of
sensors, were used by Bieber (Bieber et al., 2012) to
propose applications for ambient assistant living
environments. Their study focuses on the non-
intrusive aspect of smartwatches, and their capability
of being centers of permanent sensing and
notification in your own wrist.
Those studies used smartwatches for assistive
technologies related purposes. However, there are no
previous experiences of their use for emotional self-
regulation, where they have a great potential to cover
the necessities commented at earlier sections, as we
will discuss in the proposal.
Affective computing refers to any computing
application or system that “relates to, arises from, or
influences emotions”, as stated Rosalind Picard in the
paper that coined the term (Picard, 1997). Moreover,
some researchers focus on emotions as a new way of
interaction with technology (Picard, 1999). However,
the main challenge of affective computing is the
detection and interpretation of human emotions. In
psychology, the Theory of Emotions displays them
regarding to two axis: arousal and valence; stress is
an emotion of high arousal and low valence, whereas
joy comprises high arousal and high valence. An
example of both low arousal and valence is sadness,
and one of low arousal and high valence is relax
(Hernandez and Li, 2014).
Analyzing the necessity of applying technology to the
emotional self-regulation of individuals with ASD
has led us to review different applications in this area.
However, most of them are based on technology
specifically developed for each case, or require
certain technology knowledge to be used.
Smartwatches can be a natural approach to
technology, and a good option to offer technological
support in an attractive and normalized way. The
intention is that the assistance is given though the
smartwatch, not needing external, unknown or stran-
HEALTHINF 2016 - 9th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 1: Application of smartwatches in the emotional self-regulation process of an individual with ASD.
ge devices. Situations that require emotional self-
regulation arise spontaneously: getting nervous when
walking through an unknown environment, receiving
stimuli related to user’s phobia, stressful situations
derived from social interaction, etc. Whatever the
situation, the smartwatch can be always directly
available for the user, in their wrist. Moreover,
smartwatches have enough sensing power to detect
these situations, assist and register them.
Our proposal is a technological approach of the
model explained by Pottie and Ingram (2008) (see
Table 3), using smartwatches as well as computing
affective techniques for detection and analysis and
ATC procedures for interaction and pervasive
assistance. Concretely, the smartwatch system (an
application or service) would be able to perform the
following tasks (see Figure 1):
Detect stressful situations: the inward state of the
individual with ASD gives signals that imply
stress or anxiety; the smartwatch is able to detect
them through sensing the heart rate or arm
movement, involving affective computing
analysis in the process.
Create ways to avoid non-desired situations: this
can be achieved by text, image and audio
prompting in the screen of the smartwatch,
providing instructions that tell the user what to do
to avoid these situations.
Manage the stress of non-desired situations: not
always it is possible or recommendable to avoid
certain situations that may cause stress to these
individuals. In these cases, smartwatches can act
as distractors or prompters, showing media that
makes the user pay less attention to the stressful
situation and getting feedback about how well it is
the situation going.
Define a scale of emotional intensity: the above
mentioned prompting can be made using language
that includes vocabulary and image-based media
with emotional education purposes, asking the
user what is his emotional state within a scale or
giving names to different emotions perceived by
the user in certain situations.
Table 3: Self-Regulation stages and associated tasks.
Self-regulation model System function
Identify problematic
Smartwatch sensors +
Affective Computing analysis
Define a scale of emotional
Affective Computing analysis
Manage stressful situations
Smartwatch distractors and
Avoid non-desired situations Smartwatch prompting
Adjust emotional reaction to
specific situations
Smartwatch timers and
Manage anger episodes
Smartwatch timers and
For example, this stressful situation can be seeing
a big dog. If the user is afraid of them, the smartwatch
will notice it through his heart rate or arm movement
when repelling the dog. The smartwatch will try to
catch his attention through vibration and sound, and
The Potential of Smartwatches for Emotional Self-regulation of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder
then the app will tell the user what to do (go to another
place, ask a reliable person for going to another place,
etc.). After that, a distractor or mini-game in the
screen of the smartwatch, that will help the user to
recover the initial, calm emotional state. In case it is
recommendable to teach the user to manage a
situation with the presence with big dogs (for
example, if he lives in a zone with several of them),
the prompting would help him to understand the lack
of danger in these situations, along with more
distractions in these situations.
Currently we are developing these ideas by means
of two smartwatches based on Android Wear OS,
targeting a full-functional version and some user
experiments that cover several situations that might
provoke stress or uneasiness, so we can tell whether
smartwatches can be applied ubiquitously to this
learning process, as the discussed theory in this paper
Smartwatches are devices with great potential in the
fields of Assistive Technologies and Affective
Computing. They contain a wide –and growing- set
of sensors, constantly in touch with the inward and
outward state of the user. This implicit interaction
produces data that can be used to assist the user in
terms of new software possibilities. These capabilities
are particularly helpful in the assistance of emotional
self-regulation, which is a problematic issue for
people with ASD. The most effective techniques to
achieve an acceptable skill of emotional self-
regulation in these individuals are stated by several
authors involving assistive technology and pedagogy,
and they include timers, distractors and prompting.
These exercises and methods are feasible to be
implemented in a smartwatch, as well as the affect
detection, necessary to trigger the assistance.
Affective computing analysis can be integrated in the
sensing process of the smartwatch, and interactive
assistance can be modelled and performed through
the device’s screen. Taking into account these ideas,
we map the needs of these individuals in terms of self-
regulation to the technological possibilities of these
devices, proposing a system that would be able to
help ASD to improve their emotional self-
management by means of a well-known, widespread
device, at the same time it is being popularized in
society and normalized its use between mainstream
This work has been partially funded by the projects
“e-Training y e-Coaching para la integración socio—
laboral” (TIN2013--44586--R) and “eMadrid-CM:
Investigación y Desarrollo de Tecnologías
Educativas en la Comunidad de Madrid”
(S2013/ICE-2715). It has been also funded by
Fundación Orange during the early stages of the
project “Tic-Tac-TEA: Sistema de asistencia para la
autorregulación emocional en momentos de crisis
para personas con TEA mediante smartwatches”.
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The Potential of Smartwatches for Emotional Self-regulation of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder