Finger-Knuckle-Print ROI Extraction using Curvature Gabor Filter for
Human Authentication
Aditya Nigam
and Phalguni Gupta
School of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi (IIT Mandi), Mandi, India
National Institute of Technical Teacher’s & Research (NITTTR), Salt Lake, Kolkata, India
Finger-Knuckle-Print, FKP, Curvature Gabor Filter, Segmentation, Authentication.
Biometric based human recognition is a most obvious method for automatically resolving personal identity
with high reliability. In this paper we present a novel finger-knuckle-print ROI extraction algorithm. The
basic Gabor filter is modified to Curvature Gabor Filter (CGF) to obtain central knuckle line and central
knuckle point which are further used to extract FKP ROI image. Largest public FKP database is used for
testing which consists of 7, 920 images collected from 660 different fingers. The results has been compared
with the only other existing Convex Direction Coding (CDC) ROI extraction algorithm. It has been observed
that the proposed algorithm achieves better performance with EER drop percentage more than 20% in all
experiments. This suggests that the proposed CGF algorithm has been extracting ROI more consistently then
CDC and hence can facilitates any finger-knuckle-print based biometric systems.
Biometric based authentication system has been used
widely in commercial and law enforcement applica-
tions. The use of various biometric traits such as
fingerprint, face, iris, ear, palmprint, hand geometry
and voice has been well studied (Jain et al., 2007).
Recently some multimodal systems has also been
reported in (Nigam and Gupta, 2015a; Nigam and
Gupta, 2014a; Nigam and Gupta, 2013a) fusing vari-
ous combinations of palmprint, knuckleprint and iris
images in pursuit of superior performance. The qual-
ity estimation of any biometric trait is also a very im-
portant and difficult task because quality is directly
proportional to system performance. Good amount of
work has been done to estimate the quality of face
and fingerprint images due to the presence of some
very specific texture. But limited work is done so far
for iris (Nigam et al., 2013), knuckleprint (Nigam and
Gupta, 2013b) and palmprint quality estimation as its
lacks any such specific texture and structure. Some
more work on knuckleprint and palmprint recogni-
tion is reported in (Badrinath et al., 2011; Nigam
and Gupta, 2011; Nigam and Gupta, 2014b) using
SIFT and SURF fusion and LKtracking of corner
It is reported that the skin pattern on the finger-
knuckle is highly rich in texture due to skin folds and
creases, and hence, can be considered as a biometric
identifier (Woodard and Flynn, 2005).
Figure 1: Finger-Knuckle-Print Anatomy.
1.1 Motivation
The line like (i.e. knuckle lines) rich pattern struc-
tures in vertical as well as horizontal directions exist
over finger-knuckle-print, as shown in Fig. 1. These
horizontal and vertical pattern formations are believed
to be very discriminative (Zhang et al., 2011a). The
finger-knuckle-print texture is developed very early
and last very long because it occurs on the outer side
of the hand and no one can use them for almost any
work except boxers. Negligible wear and tear as well
as print quality degradation with time and age are ob-
served. Its failure to enrollment rate is also expected
to be very low as compared to the fingerprint and it
does not require much user cooperation. Further, ad-
Nigam, A. and Gupta, P.
Finger-Knuckle-Print ROI Extraction using Curvature Gabor Filter for Human Authentication.
DOI: 10.5220/0005724103640371
In Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2016) - Volume 3: VISAPP, pages 366-373
ISBN: 978-989-758-175-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 2: Fingerprint Vs FKP (Row 1 shows fingerprints while second row shows the corresponding knuckleprints).
vantages of using FKP include rich in texture features
(ChorasÂt and and Kozik, 2010), easily accessible,
contact-less image acquisition, invariant to emotions
and other behavioral aspects such as tiredness, stable
features (Zhang et al., 2011b) and acceptability in the
society (Kumar and Zhou, 2009).
1.2 FKP Vs Fingerprint
In this work we have considered knuckleprint over
fingerprint mainly because it is observed that in ru-
ral areas the fingerprint quality is very poor. The
cultivators and hard workers use their hands very
roughly, causing sever damage to their fingerprints
permanently. But still there knuckleprint quality is
very good because no one can use them for any work.
Hence it can be inferred that rural knuckleprint qual-
ity is better than rural fingerprint as one can also ob-
serve from Fig. 2. In such a scenario it has low failure
to enroll rate FT E as compared to fingerprint and can
be easily acquired using an inexpensive setup with
lesser user cooperation. Also user acceptance favors
knuckleprint as unlike fingerprint it has never being
associated to any criminal investigations in the past.
1.3 Literature Review
Despite of these characteristics and advantages of us-
ing FKP as biometric identifier, limited work has been
reported in the literature (Jungbluth, 1989) as it is a
relatively new biometric trait. Systems reported in lit-
erature have used global features, local features and
their combinations (Zhang et al., 2011b) to repre-
sent FKP images. In (Kumar and Ravikanth, 2009),
FKP features are extracted using principle compo-
nent analysis (PCA), independent component anal-
ysis (ICA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA).
In (Zhang et al., 2009b), FKP is transformed using
Fourier transform and band-limited phase only corre-
lation (BLPOC) is employed to match the FKP im-
Figure 3: Overall architecture of FKP recognition system.
ages. In (Zhang et al., 2009a), Zhang extracted
ROI using convex direction coding and used BLPOC
for matching. In (Morales et al., 2011a), knuck-
leprints are enhanced using CLAHE and SIFT key-
points are used for matching. In (Xiong et al., 2011),
features are extracted using local gabor binary pat-
terns and a discriminating local pattern is extracted
to represent that pixel. In (Zhang et al., 2011a), lo-
cal gabor and global BLPOC features are fused to
achieve better performance. Both local and global
scores are fused to get the better result. In (Zhang
et al., 2010b), a bank of six gabor filters at an angle
is applied to extract features for those pixels that
are having varying gabor responses. In (Zhang et al.,
2012), three local features viz. phase congruency, lo-
cal orientation and local phase are fused at score level.
Global feature can extract the general appearance
(holistic characteristics) of FKP which is suitable for
coarse level representation, while local feature pro-
vides more detailed information for any specific lo-
cal region which is appropriate for finer representa-
Finger-Knuckle-Print ROI Extraction using Curvature Gabor Filter for Human Authentication
(a) Raw finger-knuckle-print (b) Annotated FKP (c) FKP ROI
Figure 4: Finger-knuckle-print ROI Annotation.
tion (Zhang et al., 2011b). There exist systems where
local features of FKP are extracted using the Ga-
bor filter based competitive code (CompCode) (Zhang
and Zhang, 2009) and magnitude information (Im-
CompCode&MagCode) (Zhang et al., 2010c). Fur-
ther, in (Kumar and Zhou, 2009), orientation of ran-
dom knuckle lines and crease points (KnuckleCodes)
of FKP which are determined using radon transform
are used as features. In (Woodard and Flynn, 2005),
FKP is represented by curvature based shape index.
Morales et. al., (Morales et al., 2011b) have proposed
an FKP based authentication system (OE-SIFT) using
scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) from orien-
tation enhanced FKP. In (ChorasÂt and and Kozik,
2010), an hierarchical verification system using prob-
abilistic hough transform (PHT) for coarse level clas-
sification and the speeded up robust features (SURF)
for finer classification has been proposed. SIFT and
SURF features of FKP are matched using similarity
threshold (Morales et al., 2011b). In (Zhang et al.,
2010a), features are extracted using Hilbert transform
(MonogenicCode). Further, Zhang (Zhang et al.,
2011b) have proposed a verification system which is
designed by fusing the global information extracted
by BLPOC (Zhang et al., 2009b) and the local in-
formation obtained by Compcode (Zhang and Zhang,
2009). However, there does not exist any system
which is robust to scale and rotation.
The ROI extraction is an initial phase and is very
crucial because all other modules has been using its
output. Incorrect ROI extraction render all other steps
meaningless. This paper deals with the problem of
designing an efficient finger-knuckle-print ROI ex-
traction system. It is compared with the only other
available algorithm Convex Direction Coding (CDC)
(Zhang et al., 2011a; Zhang et al., 2010c). The finger-
knuckle-print ROI is extracted by applying a mod-
ified version of gabor filter to estimate the central
knuckle line and point as shown in Fig. 4(b). The
central knuckle point is used to extract consistently
the finger-knuckle-print ROI from any image.
Any FKP system consists of five major tasks,
viz. ROI extraction, quality estimation, ROI pre-
processing, feature extraction and matching. The
overall architecture of any finger-knuckle-print based
recognition system is shown in Fig. 3. The pub-
licly available finger-knuckle-print PolyU database
(PolyU, 2010) is used to test the proposed system that
contains both the raw sensor images (that are used
to segment) as well as extracted ROI (that are used
to compared performance). The PolyU database con-
tains images that are acquired using normal web-cam
of resolution 384× 288 using their indigenous captur-
ing device. The device allows the user to place only
one finger at a time and acquires images that are hori-
zontally aligned. Therefore, at the time of ROI extrac-
tion, raw finger-knuckle-print images are assumed to
be horizontal and contain single finger knuckle.
This section proposes an efficient finger-knuckle-
print ROI extraction technique. The prime objective
of any ROI extraction technique is to segment same
region of interest consistently from all images. The
central knuckle point as shown in Figure 4(b) can be
used to segment any finger-knuckle-print consistently.
Since finger-knuckle-print is aligned horizontally, one
can now easily extract the central region of interest
from any finger-knuckle-print that contains rich and
discriminative texture using this point. The proposed
ROI extraction algorithm performs in three steps; de-
tection of knuckle area, central knuckle-line and cen-
tral knuckle-point defined as follows.
2.1 Knuckle Area Detection
In this step, the whole knuckle area is segmented from
the background in order to discard background region.
The acquired finger-knuckle-print may be of poor
quality. Hence, each finger-knuckle-print is enhanced
using contrast limited adaptive histogram equaliza-
tion (Pizer et al., 1987) (CLAHE) to obtain better
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) Raw (b) Binary (c) Canny (d) Boundary (e) FKP Area
Figure 5: Steps involved in Knuckle Area Detection.
edge representation which helps to detect the knuckle
area more robustly. CLAHE divides the whole image
into blocks of size 8× 8 and applies histogram equal-
ization over each block. The enhanced image is bina-
rized using Otsu thresholding that segments the image
into two clusters (knuckle region and background re-
gion) based on their gray values. Such a binary image
is shown in Fig. 5(b). It can be observed that the
knuckle region may not be accurate because of sensor
noise and background clutter. This can be obtained
by using canny edge detection. A resultant image is
shown in Fig. 5(c) and the largest connected compo-
nent is considered as the required knuckle boundary.
The detected boundary is eroded to smooth it and re-
move any discontinuity as shown in Fig. 5(d). Fi-
nally all pixels within the convex hull of the knuckle
boundary are considered as the knuckle area. Figure
5(e) shows a segmented knuckle area. Some top and
bottom rows are assumed to be background and are
discarded from the raw image.
2.2 Central Knuckle-Line Detection
The central knuckle line is defined as that column
of the image with respect to which the knuckle can
be considered as symmetric as observed from Figure
4(b). This line is used to extract the finger-knuckle-
print ROI. A very specific and symmetric texture is
observed around the central knuckle line which is
used for its detection. To perceive such a specific
texture, a knuckle filter is created by modifying the
conventional gabor filter which is defined as follows.
[A] Knuckle Filter: The conventional gabor fil-
ter is created when a complex sinusoid is multiplied
with a Gaussian envelope as defined in Eq .(1) and is
shown in Figure 6(f).
G(x, y;γ, θ, ψ, λ, σ) = e
| {z }
Gaussian Envelope
× e
| {z }
Complex Sinusoid
where x and y are the spatial co-ordinates of the filter
and X , Y are obtained by rotating x, y by an angle θ
using the following equations:
X = x cos(θ) + y sin(θ) (2)
Y = x sin(θ) + y cos(θ) (3)
In order to model the curved convex knuckle lines,
a knuckle filter is obtained by introducing curvature
parameter in the conventional gabor filter. The basic
gabor filter equation remains to be the same (as in Eq.
(1)). Only X and Y co-ordinates are modified as fol-
X = x cos(θ) + y sin(θ) + c (x sin(θ) + y cos(θ))
Y = x sin(θ)+y cos(θ) (5)
The curvature of the gabor filter can be modulated
by the curvature parameter. This curved gabor filter
with parameters (γ = 1, θ = π, ψ = 1, λ = 20, σ = 20)
can be used for knuckle filter creation. The value of
curvature parameter is varied as shown in Fig. 8 and
its optimal value for our database is selected heuristi-
cally. The proposed knuckle filter is obtained by con-
catenating two such curved gabor filters ( f
, f
) en-
suring the distance between them as d. The first filter
( f
) is obtained using the above mentioned parame-
ters while the second filter (f
= f
f lip
) is just the ver-
tically flipped version of the first filter because finger-
knuckle-prints are vertically symmetric. In Figure 8,
several knuckle filters are shown with varying cur-
vature and distance parameters. One can observe
that increasing curvature parameter c introduces more
and more curvature in the filter. Finally c = 0.01
and d = 30 are considered for selected knuckle filter
[B] Knuckle Line Extraction: All pixels
belonging to knuckle area are convolved with the
knuckle filter F
. Pixels over the central knuckle
line must be having higher response as compared to
others because of filter’s shape and construction. The
filter response for each pixel is binarized using thresh-
old as f max where max is the maximum knuckle fil-
ter response and f 0 to 1 is a fractional value. The
Finger-Knuckle-Print ROI Extraction using Curvature Gabor Filter for Human Authentication
(a) 1D Gaussian (b) 1D Sinusoid (c) 1D Gabor
(d) 2D Gaussian (e) 2D Sinusoid (f) 2D Gabor (g) 2D Gabor Filter
Figure 6: Conventional 1 and 2 Dimensional Gabor Filter (Prasad and Domke, 2007).
binarized filter response is shown in Fig. 9(a) where
it is super imposed over knuckle area with blue color.
The column-wise sum of the filter response for each
column is computed. The central knuckle line is con-
sidered as, that column which is having the maximum
knuckle filter response as shown in Fig. 9(b).
(a) Curved Knuckle Lines
(b) Curvature Knuckle Filter
Figure 7: Curvature Knuckle Filter.
2.3 Central Knuckle-Point Detection
The central knuckle point is required to crop the
knuckle-print ROI that must lie over central knuckle
line. Hence the top and the bottom point over central
knuckle line, belonging to the knuckle area, are com-
puted and their mid-point is considered as the central
knuckle point. It is shown in Figure 9(b). The re-
quired finger-knuckle-print ROI is extracted as a re-
gion of size (2 w + 1) × (2 h + 1) considering cen-
(a) c=0.00,d=0 (b) c=0.00,d=30
(c) c=0.01,d=0 (d) c=0.01,d=30
(e) c=0.04,d=0 (f) c=0.04,d=30
Figure 8: Various Knuckle Filter Arrangements.
tral knuckle point as the center. It is shown in Fig.
Given a raw finger-knuckle-print image I, Algo-
rithm 1 can be used to extract the finger-knuckle-print
) from it.
The proposed ROI extraction algorithm is tested
over largest publicly available finger-knuckle-print
database (PolyU, 2010). Some of the segmented
PolyU finger-knuckle-print database images are
shown in Fig. 10. One can observe that the proposed
algorithm can extract consistently the ROI of images
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) Knuckle Filter Response (b) Annotated (c) FKP ROI
Figure 9: Finger-knuckle-print ROI detection. (a) Knuckle filter response is super impose over the knuckle area with blue
color, (b) Full Annotated and (c) FKP (FKP
in the database. The correct segmentation accuracy of
the proposed algorithm is observed as 95.15% =
over the PolyU finger-knuckle-print (PolyU, 2010)
database that contains images acquired from 660 sub-
jects. Some images for which the proposed algorithm
failed to segment are shown in Fig. 11. The algorithm
fails mainly due to poor image quality. Finally such
subjects are segmented manually.
Algorithm 1: Finger-knuckle-print ROI Detection.
Raw finger-knuckle-print image I of size m × n.
The finger-knuckle-print ROI FKP
, of size
(2 w + 1) × (2 h + 1).
1: Enhance the FKP image I to I
using CLAHE;
2: Binarize I
to I
using Otsu thresholding;
3: Apply Canny edge detection over I
to get I
4: Extract the largest connected component in I
as FKP raw boundary, (FKP
5: Erode the detected boundary FKP
to ob-
tain continuous and smooth FKP boundary,
6: Extract the knuckle area K
= All pixels in image
I the ConvexHull(FKP
7: Apply the knuckle filter F
over all pixels
8: Binarize the filter response using f max as the
9: The central knuckle line (c
), is assigned as that
column which is having the maximum knuckle
filter response;
10: The mid-point of top and bottom boundary points
over c
, is defined as the central knuckle
point (c
11: The knuckle ROI (FKP
) is extracted as the re-
gion of size (2 w + 1) × (2 h + 1) from raw
finger-knuckle-print image I, considering c
its center point.
The only other available ROI extraction algorithm
is based on Convex Direction Coding (CDC) (Zhang
(a) Subject A
(b) Subject B
Figure 10: Some Correctly Segmented finger-knuckle-
Figure 11: Failed Knuckle ROI detection.
et al., 2011a). The proposed Curvature Gabor Fil-
ter (CGF) based algorithm is compared with CDC as
shown in Fig 12 and Table 1. The images are cropped
using both methods and are matched using algorithm
as proposed in (Nigam and Gupta, 2015b). Exactly
same testing protocol is used in order to make a fair
comparison. One can clearly observe that all perfor-
mance parameters are improved for all finger cate-
gories as well as over full FKP database. In all cases
EER drop
percentage was more than 20% suggest-
ing that the proposed CGF algorithm has been ex-
tracting ROI more consistently.
The ROI extraction can be considered as the most
crucial stage in any recognition system. In this pa-
per a novel finger-knuckle-print ROI extraction algo-
rithm is presented and compared with the only other
available algorithm Convex Direction Coding (CDC)
(Zhang et al., 2011a; Zhang et al., 2010c) over PolyU
FKP database. The finger-knuckle-print ROI is ex-
tracted by applying a modified version of gabor filter
% drop is calculated with respect to CDC
Finger-Knuckle-Print ROI Extraction using Curvature Gabor Filter for Human Authentication
Figure 12: Comparative Analysis using same matching algorithm based on CIOF (Nigam and Gupta, 2015b), while ROI
segmentation is done using CDC and CGF.
Table 1: Comparative Analysis : Curvature Gabor Filter (CGF) Vs Convex Direction Coding (CDC) (Zhang et al., 2011a).
Db DI EER Accuracy EUC CRR
FKP 1.65 1.63 0.71 0.89 20.22 99.38 99.28 0.165 0.201 99.97 99.94
LI 1.63 1.63 0.858 1.077 20.33 99.25 99.15 0.228 0.302 100 99.79
LM 1.68 1.68 0.791 1.009 21.6 99.32 99.19 0.298 0.356 100 100
RI 1.61 1.61 0.58 0.740 21.6 99.46 99.37 0.068 0.086 100 100
RM 1.67 1.66 0.875 1.094 20.01 99.25 99.2 0.213 0.265 100 100
to estimate the central knuckle line and point. It is
observed that in all experiments EER drop percent-
age was more than 20% suggesting that the proposed
CGF algorithm has been extracting ROI more consis-
tently then CDC.
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Finger-Knuckle-Print ROI Extraction using Curvature Gabor Filter for Human Authentication