How Effective Are Aggregation Methods on Binary Features?
Giuseppe Amato, Fabrizio Falchi and Lucia Vadicamo
ISTI, CNR, via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124, Pisa, Italy
Image Retrieval, Image Representation, Binary Local Features, ORB, Bag of Word, VLAD, Fisher Vector.
During the last decade, various local features have been proposed and used to support Content Based Image
Retrieval and object recognition tasks. Local features allow to effectively match local structures between
images, but the cost of extraction and pairwise comparison of the local descriptors becomes a bottleneck
when mobile devices and/or large database are used. Two major directions have been followed to improve
efficiency of local features based approaches. On one hand, the cost of extracting, representing and matching
local visual descriptors has been reduced by defining binary local features. On the other hand, methods for
quantizing or aggregating local features have been proposed to scale up image matching on very large scale. In
this paper, we performed an extensive comparison of the state-of-the-art aggregation methods applied to ORB
binary descriptors. Our results show that the use of aggregation methods on binary local features is generally
effective even if, as expected, there is a loss of performance compared to the same approaches applied to non-
binary features. However, aggregations of binary feature represent a worthwhile option when one need to use
devices with very low CPU and memory resources, as mobile and wearable devices.
During the last few years, local descriptors, as for in-
stance SIFT (Lowe, 2004), SURF (Bay et al., 2006),
BRISK (Leutenegger et al., 2011), ORB (Rublee
et al., 2011), to cite some, have been widely used to
support effective CBIR and object recognition tasks.
Executing image retrieval and object recognition
tasks, relying on local features, is generally resource
demanding. Each digital image, both queries and im-
ages in the digital archives, are typically described by
thousands of local descriptors. In order to decide that
two images match, since they contain the same or sim-
ilar objects, local descriptors in the two images need
to be pairwise compared, in order to identify match-
ing patterns. This poses various problems when local
descriptors are used on devices with low resources, as
for instance smartphones, or when response time must
be very fast even in presence of huge digital archives.
On one hand, the cost for extracting local descriptors,
storing all descriptors of all images, and performing
pairwise matching between two images must be re-
duced to allow their interactive use on devices with
limited resources. On the other hand, compact repre-
sentation of local descriptors and ad hoc index struc-
tures for similarity matching (Zezula et al., 2006) are
needed to allow image retrieval to scale up with very
large digital picture archives. These two issues, have
been addressed by following two different directions.
To reduce the cost of extracting, representing, and
matching local visual descriptors, researchers have in-
vestigated the use of binary local descriptors, as of
instance BRISK (Leutenegger et al., 2011) or ORB
(Rublee et al., 2011). Binary features are built from
a set of pairwise intensity comparisons. Thus, each
bit of the descriptors is the result of exactly one com-
parison. Binary descriptors are much faster to be ex-
tracted, are obviously more compact than non-binary
ones, and can also be matched faster by using the
Hamming distance (Hamming, 1950) rather than the
Euclidian distance. However, note that even if binary
local descriptors are compact, each image is still asso-
ciated with thousand local descriptors, making it dif-
ficult to scale up to very large digital archives.
Reduction of the cost of image matching on a very
large scale has been addressed by defining methods
for quantizing and/or aggregating local features.
Quantization methods, as for instance the bag of
words approach (BoW) (Sivic and Zisserman, 2003),
define a finite vocabulary of local descriptors, that is
a finite set of local descriptors to be used as represen-
tative. Every possible local descriptors is thus repre-
sented by its closest representative, that is the closest
element of the vocabulary. In this way images are
Amato, G., Falchi, F. and Vadicamo, L.
How Effective Are Aggregation Methods on Binary Features?.
DOI: 10.5220/0005719905660573
In Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2016) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages 566-573
ISBN: 978-989-758-175-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
described by a set (a bag) of identifiers of representa-
tives, rather than a set of vectors.
Aggregation methods, as for instance Fisher Vec-
tors (FV) (Perronnin and Dance, 2007) or Vectors
of Locally Aggregated Descriptors (VLAD) (J
et al., 2010b), analyze the local descriptors contained
in an image to create statistical summaries that still
preserve the effectiveness power of local descriptors
and allow treating them as global descriptors. In both
cases index structures for approximate or similarity
matching (Zezula et al., 2006) can be used to guaran-
tee scalability on very large datasets.
Recently, some approaches that attempt to inte-
grate the binary local descriptors with the quantiza-
tion and aggregation methods were proposed in litera-
ture. In these proposals, aggregation and quantization
methods were directly applied on top of binary local
descriptors. The objective is to leverage on the advan-
tages of both approaches, by reducing, or eliminating
the disadvantages.
In this paper we perform an extensive compar-
isons and analysis of the aggregation and quantization
methods applied to binary local descriptors. To the
best of our knowledge, there is not such a complete
analysis of these methods in the literature.
The results of our experiments show that the use
of aggregation and quantization methods with binary
local descriptors is generally effective even if, as ex-
pected, performance is slightly worse than the appli-
cation of the aggregation and quantization methods
directly to the non-binary features.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 sur-
veys the works related to local features and aggrega-
tion methods. Section 3 outlines how existing aggre-
gation methods can be used with binary local features.
Experimental results are discussed in the fourth sec-
tion and conclusions are drawn in the final section.
One of the most popular aggregation method is the
Bag-of-Word (BoW), initially proposed in (Sivic and
Zisserman, 2003; Csurka et al., 2004) for match-
ing object in videos. BoW uses a visual vocabu-
lary to quantize the local descriptors extracted from
images and represents each image as a histogram
of occurrences of visual words. From the very be-
ginning words reductions techniques have been used
and images have been ranked using the standard
term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf)
weighting. In order to improve the efficiency of BoW,
several approaches for the reduction of visual words
have been investigated (Thomee et al., 2010; Amato
et al., 2013). Search results obtained using BoW in
CBIR has also been improved by exploiting additional
geometrical information and applying re-ranking ap-
proaches (Philbin et al., 2007; Zhao et al., 2013; To-
lias and J
egou, 2013). To overcome the loss in in-
formation about the original descriptors, due to the
quantization process, more accurate representation of
the original descriptors and alternative encoding tech-
niques have been used, as for example Hamming
Embedding (J
egou et al., 2008) and soft/multiple-
assignment (Philbin et al., 2008; Van Gemert et al.,
2010; J
egou et al., 2010a).
Recently, other aggregation schemes, such as the
Fisher Vector (FV) (Perronnin and Dance, 2007;
Jaakkola and Haussler, 1998) and the Vector of Lo-
cally Aggregated Descriptors (VLAD) (J
egou et al.,
2010b), have attracted much attention because of their
effectiveness in both image classification and large-
scale image search. Both FV and VLAD use some
statistics about the distribution of the local descriptors
in order to transform an incoming set of descriptors
into a fixed-size vector representation.
The basic idea of FV is to characterize how a
sample of descriptors deviates from an average dis-
tribution that is modeled by a parametric generative
model. A Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), esti-
mated on a training set, is typically used as generative
model and might be understood as a “probabilistic vi-
sual vocabulary”. While BoW counts the occurrences
of visual words and so takes in account just 0-order
statistics, the FV offers a more complete representa-
tion by encoding higher order statistics (first, and op-
tionally second order) related to the distribution of the
descriptors. FV results also in a more efficient rep-
resentation, since smaller visual vocabularies are re-
quired in order to achieve a given performance. How-
ever, the vector representation obtained using BoW
is typically quite sparse while that obtained using FV
is almost dense. This leads to some storage and in-
put/output issues that have been addressed by using
techniques of dimensionality reduction, as Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) (Bishop, 2006), compres-
sion with product quantization (J
egou et al., 2011)
and binary codes (Perronnin et al., 2010a).
The VLAD approach, similarly to BoW, uses a vi-
sual vocabulary to quantize the local descriptors of
an image. The visual vocabulary is learned using a
clustering algorithm, as k-means. Compared to BOW,
VLAD exploits more aspects of the distribution of
the descriptors assigned to a visual word. In fact, it
encodes the accumulated difference between the vi-
sual words and the associated descriptors, rather than
just the number of descriptors assigned to each vi-
sual word. As common post-processing step VLAD
How Effective Are Aggregation Methods on Binary Features?
is power and `
normalized. Furthermore, PCA di-
mensionality reduction and product quantization have
been applied and several enhancements to the basic
VLAD have been proposed (Arandjelovic and Zisser-
man, 2013; Chen et al., 2011; Delhumeau et al., 2013;
Zhao et al., 2013)
Aggregation methods have been defined and used
almost exclusively in conjunction with non-binary lo-
cal features, as SIFT (Lowe, 2004) and SURF (Bay
et al., 2006). The cost of extraction and the memory
consumption of these local features become an issue
in the concurrent effort to use visual search on mobile
devices and to scale to even larger datasets. To con-
trast this, binary local descriptors, as BRIEF (Calon-
der et al., 2010), ORB (Rublee et al., 2011), BRISK
(Leutenegger et al., 2011) and FREAK (Alahi et al.,
2012) have been introduced. These features have a
compact binary representation that is computed di-
rectly from pixel-intensity comparisons. This make
them an attractive solution to reduce the computa-
tional effort for the detection and the comparison of
local features.
Few works have addressed the problem of modi-
fying the state-of-the-art aggregation methods to work
with the emerging binary local features. In (Galvez-
Lopez and Tardos, 2011; Zhang et al., 2013; Grana
et al., 2013; Lee et al., 2015), the use of ORB descrip-
tors has been integrated in the BoW model by using
various clustering algorithms. In (Galvez-Lopez and
Tardos, 2011) the visual vocabulary is calculated by
binarizing the centroids obtained using the standard k-
means. In (Zhang et al., 2013; Grana et al., 2013; Lee
et al., 2015) the k-means clustering has been mod-
ified to fit the binary features by replacing the Eu-
clidean distance with the Hamming distance, and by
replacing the mean operation with the median oper-
ation. In (Van Opdenbosch et al., 2014) the VLAD
image signature is tested with binary descriptors: k-
means is used for learning the visual vocabulary and
the VLAD vectors are computed in conjunction with
an intra-normalization and a final binarization step.
In this work we present how the state-of-the-art
aggregation methods can be used with binary features
and we perform a complete comparison of their per-
formances on the benchmark INRIA Holidays (J
et al., 2008) dataset.
In this section, we describe the most popular quantiza-
tion and aggregation methods, namely BoW, VLAD
and Fisher Vector, that aim to produce a single vector
representation of an image starting from a set of local
descriptors. We also review how these methods can
been adapted to work with the emerging binary local
3.1 Bag of Word
The traditional Bag of Words (BoW) model, used
for text retrieval (Salton and McGill, 1986), has
been initially applied to images in (Sivic and Zisser-
man, 2003) for matching objects throughout a movie
database. Thereafter, BoW has been widely used for
classification and CBIR tasks (Csurka et al., 2004;
egou et al., 2010a; J
egou et al., 2010b).
As for text documents, BoW uses a “visual vo-
cabulary” to represent each image as a vector of word
frequencies. The visual vocabulary is built by clus-
tering the local descriptors of a dataset, e.g. by using
k-means. The cluster centers, named centroids, act as
visual words of the vocabulary and they are used to
quantize the local descriptors extracted from images.
Specifically, each local descriptor of an image is as-
signed to its closest centroids and the image is rep-
resented by a histogram of occurrences of the visual
The retrieval phase is performed using text re-
trieval techniques, where visual words are used in
place of text word, and considering a query image
as disjunctive term-query. Typically, the cosine sim-
ilarity measure in conjunction with a term weighting
scheme, e.g. tf-idf, is adopted for evaluating the sim-
ilarity between any two images.
The BoW scheme has been extended to work with
binary features by following two main directions. On
one hand, a naive approach is to treat binary vectors as
a particular case of floating-point vectors, so that tra-
ditional BoW (k-means + quantization) can be used.
On the other hand BoW can be adapted to cope with
binary features by considering cluster algorithms (e.g.
k-medoids and k-majority) able to deal with binary
strings and Hamming distance.
The k-medoids (Kaufman and Rousseeuw, 1987)
algorithm is suitable for binary data since each cluster
center is chosen as one of the input data points (in-
stead of the mean of the cluster elements). However,
it requires a computational effort to calculate a full
distance matrix between the elements of each cluster.
An alternative is to use the k-majority (Grana
et al., 2013) that exploits the Hamming distance and
a voting scheme to compute the centroids of a set of
binary vectors. Initially the centroids are randomly
selected and each vector of the collection is associ-
ated with its nearest centroid (computed by using the
Hamming distance). Subsequently, for each cluster,
a new centroid is computed by assigning 1 to its i-th
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
component if the majority of the binary vectors in the
cluster have 1 in their i-th component. The algorithm
iterates until no centroids are changed during the pre-
vious iteration. After that, the BoW aggregation can
be performed in the usual manner, by using the Ham-
ming distance rather than the Euclidean.
Also in (Zhang et al., 2013; Lee et al., 2015), the
BoW model and the k-means clustering have been
modified to fit the binary features by replacing the Eu-
clidean distance with the Hamming distance, and by
replacing the mean operation with the median opera-
tion. However, the resulting representation is equiva-
lent to the BoW based on k-majority.
3.2 Vector of Locally Aggregated
The Vector of Locally Aggregation Descriptors
(VLAD) was initially proposed in (J
egou et al.,
2010b). As for the BoW, a visual vocabulary
,... ,µ
} is first learned using a clustering algo-
rithm (e.g. k-means). Each local descriptor x
of a
given image is then associated to its nearest centroid
) in the vocabulary. For each cluster, the resid-
ual vectors (i.e. the difference between the centroid
and the associated descriptors) are accumulated:
. (1)
Finally the sum of the residual are concatenated into
a single vector, referred to as VLAD: V = [v
.. .v
All the residuals have the same size D which is equal
to the size of the used local features. Thus the di-
mensionality of the whole vector V is fixed too and
it is equal to DK. Power-law and `
are usually applied and Euclidean distance has been
proved to be effective for comparing two VLADs.
Since VLAD descriptors have high dimensionality,
PCA can been used to obtain a more compact rep-
resentation (J
egou et al., 2010b).
VLAD can be applied to binary local descrip-
tors by treating binary vectors as particular case of
floating-point vectors. In this way, the k-means al-
gorithm can be used to build the visual vocabulary
and the difference between the centroids and the de-
scriptors can be accumulated as usual. This ap-
proach has also been used in (Van Opdenbosch et al.,
2014), where a variation to the VLAD image signa-
ture, called BVLAD, has been defined as the bina-
rization (by thresholding) of a VLAD obtained using
power-law, intra-normalization, `
normalization and
multiple PCA.
Similarly to BoW, various binary-cluster algo-
rithms (e.g. k-medoids and k-majority) and the Ham-
ming distance can be used to build the visual vocab-
ulary and associate each binary descriptor to its near-
est visual word. However, the use of binary centroids
may provide less discriminant information during the
computation of the residual vectors.
3.3 Fisher Vector
The Fisher Kernel is a powerful framework initially
used in (Jaakkola and Haussler, 1998) for classifying
DNA splice site sequences and to detect homologies
between protein sequences. In (Perronnin and Dance,
2007), the Fisher Kernel has been proposed, in the
context of image classification, as efficient tool to ag-
gregate image local descriptors into a fixed-size vec-
tor representation.
The goal of the Fisher Kernel method is to derive
a function that measures the similarity between two
sets of data X and Y , as the sets of local descriptors
extracted from two images. To this scope a probabil-
ity distribution p(·|λ) with some parameters λ R
is first estimated on a training set and is used as gen-
erative model over the space of all the possible data
observations. Then each sample X of observations, is
represented by a vector, named Fisher Vector (FV),
that indicates the direction in which the parameter λ
of the probability distribution p(·|λ) should be modi-
fied to better fit the data in X. In this way, two samples
are considered similar if the directions given by their
respective FV are similar. The Fisher Vector G
sample set X is defined as the gradient of the sam-
ple’s log-likelihood with respect to the parameters λ,
scaled by the inverse square root of the Fisher Infor-
mation Matrix (F
), i.e.
= L
log p(X |λ), (2)
where L
is a matrix such that
= L
= E
log p(x|λ) (
log p(x|λ))
. (4)
The FV is a fixed size vector whose dimensionality
only depends on the number m of the parameter λ.
The FV is further divided by |X| in order to avoid the
dependence on the sample size (S
anchez et al., 2013).
The similarity between two set X and Y is mea-
sured by using the dot-product of their relative FV
or, equivalently, the dissimilarity is evaluated by us-
ing the Euclidean distance whenever the FVs are `
normalized (Perronnin et al., 2010b).
In the context of image retrieval and classification
the FV are usually `
-normalized since, as proved in
(Perronnin et al., 2010b; S
anchez et al., 2013), this is
How Effective Are Aggregation Methods on Binary Features?
a way to cancel-out the fact that distinct images con-
tain different amounts of image-specific information
(e.g. the same object at different scales). Moreover,
a power-law normalization step is generally applied
to improve the performance of FV, as highlighted in
anchez et al., 2013).
To the best of our knowledge the Fisher Vector
has mainly been applied to non-binary local features,
such as SIFT (Lowe, 2004), using a Gaussian Mixture
Model (GMM) to represent the average distribution
p(·|λ). In our experiments, we tested the baseline FV
based on GMM by using the naive approach of treat-
ing binary features as floating-point vectors.
In the following we evaluate and compare the differ-
ent methods described in Section 3 for aggregating bi-
nary local features. We first introduce the dataset used
in the evaluations and we describe our experimental
setup. We then report results and their analysis.
4.1 Dataset
Experiments were conducted using the INRIA Holi-
days dataset (J
egou et al., 2008), that is publicly avail-
able and often used in the context of image retrieval
egou et al., 2010b; Zhao et al., 2013; Arandjelovic
and Zisserman, 2013; Perronnin et al., 2010a; J
et al., 2012).
The INRIA Holidays is a collection of 1 491 im-
ages, 500 of them being used as query. The images
are of high resolution and encompass a large variety
of scene type (natural, man-made, water, fire effects,
etc). Each query represents a distinct scene or ob-
ject and a list of positive results is provided with the
As in many other works we used an independent
dataset, namely Flickr60k (J
egou et al., 2008), for all
the learning stages (clustering, PCA evaluation, etc).
The Flickr60k dataset is composed of 67 714 images
extracted randomly from Flickr. Compared to Inria
Holidays, Flickr60k includes also low-resolution im-
ages and more photos of humans.
4.2 Experimental Setup
In the experiments we used ORB (Rublee et al., 2011)
binary feature, extracted with OpenCV (Open Source
Computer Vision Library)
. For INRIA Holidays we
1 jegou/data.php
detected up to 2 000 ORBs per image, while for the
training dataset we used up to 1000 ORBs per image.
Several aggregation methods were tested, i.e.
BoW, VLAD and FV, each of them parametrized by
an integer K. It corresponds to the number of visual
words (centroids) used in BoW and VLAD, and to
the number of mixture components of GMM used for
the FV computation. We used K = 20 000 for BoW
and K = 64 for VLAD and FV. All the learning stages
were performed using in order of 10
descriptors ran-
domly selected from all the ORBs extracted from the
training set.
Both k -medoids and k-majority algorithms were
tested to build the visual vocabularies used for BoW
and VLAD aggregations. We also tested the naive
approach of treating binary vectors as floating-point
vectors and learning the visual vocabularies via k-
The binary vectors were treated as floating-point
vectors also for the GMM and FV computation. For
the FV representation, we had only used the com-
ponents associated with the gaussian mean vectors,
since, similarly to the non-binary case, we observed
that the components related to the mixture weights
do not improve the results. The GMM parameters
(mixture weights, mean vectors, diagonal covariance
matrices) were learned by optimizing a maximum-
likelihood criterion with the Expectation Maximiza-
tion (EM) algorithm (Bishop, 2006). As stopping cri-
terion for the estimation of the GMM we used the con-
vergence in `
-norm of the mean parameters. As sug-
gested in (Bishop, 2006), the GMM parameters used
in EM algorithm were initialized with: (a) 1/K for the
mixing coefficients; (b) centroids precomputed using
k-means, for the mean vectors; (c) mean variance of
the clusters found using k-means, for the diagonal el-
ements of the covariance matrices.
As a common post-processing step (Perronnin
et al., 2010b; J
egou et al., 2012), the FV and VLAD
vectors were power-law normalized and subsequently
-normalized. The power-law normalization is de-
fined as x |x|
sign(x). In our experiments we used
α = 0.5. We also applied PCA to reduce the dimen-
sionality of VLAD and FV. The projection matrices
were estimated on the training dataset.
The similarity between BoW representations is
evaluated using the cosine similarity in conjunction
with tf-idf weighting scheme. VLAD and FV image
signatures are compared using the Euclidean distance.
For completeness, we also evaluate the retrieval
performance of the brute-force matching strategy as
alternative to the aggregation approaches. To com-
pute matches between the images we adopt the dis-
tance ratio criterion (Lowe, 2004; Heinly et al., 2012),
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Performance evaluation on INRIA Holiday dataset of various aggregation methods applied on ORB binary features
and comparison with the state-of-the-art counterpart methods applied on SIFT features (both full-size SIFTs and PCA-reduced
to 64 components). K indicates the number of centroids used in BoW and VLAD and the number of mixture components of
GMM used in FV; Dimensionality is the number of components of each vector representation (expressed in function of the
used local feature). The results related to SIFT and SIFTPCA are reported from (J
egou et al., 2010b) and (J
egou et al., 2012).
K Dimensionality mAP
SIFT from
egou et al., 2010b)
SIFTPCA64 from
egou et al., 2012)
BoW k-means 20 000 20 000 20 000 20 000 40.2 40.4 43.7
BoW k-majority 20 000 20 000 - - 38.2 - -
BoW k-medoids 20 000 20 000 - - 34.8 - -
VLAD k-means 64 16 384 8 192 4 096 40.9 52.6 55.6
128 128 128 40.7 51.0 55.7
VLAD k-majority 64 16 384 - - 29.5 - -
VLAD k-medoids 64 16 384 - - 30.7 - -
FV GMM 64 16 384 8 192 4 096 35.1 49.5 59.5
128 128 128 37.8 49.2 56.5
Table 2: Retrieval performances after PCA reduction of VLAD and FV aggregations of ORB binary features. K indicates
the number of centroids used in VLAD and the number of Gaussian mixture components used in FV; D is the number of
components of each vector representation and D
is the dimensionality after PCA reduction.
=D D
=1024 D
=512 D
=256 D
=128 D
=64 D
VLAD k-means 64 16 384 40.9 45.7 43.7 43.3 40.7 39.9 36.9
FV GMM 64 16 384 35.1 38.9 38.1 37.1 37.8 36.6 35.1
i.e. for each local feature of a query a candidate match
is found by identifying its nearest neighbor in the
database and the match is discarded if the ratio of the
distances between the two closest neighbors is above
a threshold of 0.8. In this case the similarity of two
images is defined as the percentage of the features de-
tected on the query that are identified as match.
The retrieval performance of each tested method
was measured by the mean average precision (mAP),
with the query removed from the ranking list.
4.3 Results
In Table 1, we summarize the retrieval results ob-
tained using BoW, VLAD and FV on ORB binary
features and we compare their performance with the
counterpart aggregations techniques applied on SIFT
(both full-size SIFT and PCA-reduced to 64 compo-
nents). As expected, aggregation methods exhibit bet-
ter performance in combination with SIFT then with
ORB. However, binary features have been proposed
and used to improve efficiency, even though they are
always outperformed by the SIFT descriptor in terms
of effectiveness (Heinly et al., 2012).
The purpose of this paper is to explore the effec-
tiveness of aggregation methods, when binary local
features have to be used. Thus, we are interested in
identifying which aggregation method is more suit-
able for binary features.
Both for VLAD and BoW, the naive approach of
using k-means to cluster also binary vectors, works
better than using specific binary-clustering algorithm,
such as k-medoid and k-majority.
Specifically, we obtained a mAP of 40.9% for
VLAD and 40.2% for BoW wen using a visual vo-
cabulary learned via k-mean, respectively with K =
64 and K = 20 000 visual words. The performance
degradation observed when using binary-clustering
algorithms is limited in the case of BoW: in fact
we get a mAP of 38.2%/34.8% when k-majority/k-
medoids are used for the learning stages.
For BoW approach, k-means and k-majority per-
forms almost equally better than k-medoids. How-
ever, k-majority is preferable since the cost of the
quantization process is significantly reduced by using
the Hamming distance, rather than Euclidean one.
The less effective performance are those of FV
(mAP of 35.1%) and VLAD in combination with vo-
cabularies learned by k-medoids (mAP of 30.7%) and
k-majority (mAP of 29.5%). For the computation of
VLAD, the use of k-majority/k-medoids results less
effective than k-means clustering, since the use of
How Effective Are Aggregation Methods on Binary Features?
binary centroids gives less discriminant information
during the computation of the residual vectors.
The reduced accuracy obtained using FV may re-
flect the fact that a Gaussian Mixture Model is not
entirely adequate to represent the probability distri-
bution of binary vectors.
In Table 2 we investigate the impact of PCA di-
mensionality reduction for VLAD and FV. PCA re-
sults effective since it can provide a very compact
image signature (even smaller than one single local
feature) with just a slightly loss in accuracy. Dimen-
sion reduction does not necessarily reduce the accu-
racy. Conversely, limited reduction tend to improve
the retrieval performance for both VLAD and FV rep-
resentations. Moreover, the VLAD reduced to 1024
components achieves the best retrieval performance
(that is 45.7%) among all the aggregation methods
tested on binary features.
It is generally interesting to note that full-size
VLAD and PCA-reduced VLAD, computed using k-
means, perform better than BoW methods relying on
SIFT and SIFTPCA, which are typically considered
as a reference for comparisons.
It is also worth noting that the state-of-the-art FV
and VLAD get considerable benefit from the PCA re-
duction (before the aggregation phase) of SIFT local
descriptors. This suggest that techniques, as VLAD
with k-means and FV, that treat binary vectors as
floating-point vectors, may also benefit from the use
of PCA before the aggregation phase.
Actually, in the context of image retrieval, the
most common way of using binary features is the
brute-force matching strategy. In our experiments,
the mAP achieved on INRIA Holiday using the brute-
force matching of ORB descriptors was of 41.3%.
Thus our results shows that choosing to aggregate bi-
nary features is generally effective and aggregations
outperforms also brute-force matching both in effi-
ciency and effectiveness.
This paper has performed an extensive comparisons
of techniques that mix together aggregation methods
and binary local features. Combining the two ap-
proaches allows, at the same time, executing image
retrieval on a very large scale and to reduce the cost
for feature extraction and representation.
Experiments show that performance is just
slightly degraded with respect to the use of aggre-
gation on non-binary vectors. However, with these
methods we can get both advantages of aggregation
methods and binary local features.
This work was partially supported by EAGLE, Euro-
peana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigra-
phy, co-founded by the European Commision, CIP-
ICT-PSP.2012.2.1 - Europeana and creativity, Grant
Agreement n. 325122.
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How Effective Are Aggregation Methods on Binary Features?