Semi-automatic Hand Annotation Making Human-human Interaction
Analysis Fast and Accurate
Stijn De Beugher
, Geert Brˆone
and Toon Goedem´e
EAVISE, ESAT - KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
MIDI Research Group - KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Hand Detection, Tracking, Human-human Interaction, Human Pose.
The detection of human hands is of great importance in a variety of domains including research on human-
computer interaction, human-human interaction, sign language and physiotherapy. Withinthis field of research
one is interested in relevant items in recordings, such as for example faces, human body or hands. However,
nowadays this annotation is mainly done manual, which makes this task extremely time consuming. In this
paper, we present a semi-automatic alternative for the manual labeling of recordings. Our system automatically
searches for hands in images and asks for manual intervention if the confidence of a detection is too low.
Most of the existing approaches rely on complex and computationally intensive models to achieve accurate
hand detections, while our approach is based on segmentation techniques, smart tracking mechanisms and
knowledge of human pose context. This makes our approach substantially faster as compared to existing
approaches. In this paper we apply our semi-automatic hand detection to the annotation of mobile eye-tracker
recordings on human-human interaction. Our system makes the analysis of such data tremendously faster
(244×) while maintaining an average accuracy of 93.68% on the tested datasets.
Many applications could benefit from image process-
ing techniques in order to reduce manual input. In
this paper we focus on a specific application, viz. the
analysis of recordings in the field of human-human
interaction. In this line of research, scholars are in-
terested in the nonverbal behavior of humans during
interaction and communication. An example of such
a recording can be found in Figure 1. Research ques-
tions to be answered within this type of experiments
are for example: Does the spectator notice the hand
gesture of the right hand? If the presenter looks side-
ways, does that affects the viewing behavior of the
spectator? In a presentation-training context, analy-
sis of such a recording can be used to measure and
assess inefficient use of non-verbal language, such as
frantic hand gestures or immobile hands. In this pa-
per we focus specifically on data captured by wear-
able or egocentric cameras, like for example GoPro
cameras mobile eye-trackers. The analysis of the data
captured by a mobile eye-trackerfor exampleincludes
the annotation of the gaze cursor in terms of items that
are instrumental for human-human interaction. If the
gaze cursor overlaps with for example a human hand
Figure 1: Typical frame captured by a mobile eye-tracker.
Green dots are the hand detections, blue rectangle repre-
sents the face detection and green rectangle represents the
upper body detection.
or a face, one has to annotate this event. Since such
an analysis is extremely time-consuming, there is a
growing interest in algorithms that reduce the manual
workload. As mentioned above, we focus in this pa-
per on the semi-automatic detection of specific body
parts in images. Those detections could then be used
as input for further analysis such as linking with gaze
data or more complex analysis such as gesture detec-
Recent developments in image analysis delivered
highly accurate algorithms for both face and person
Beugher, S., Brône, G. and Goedemé, T.
Semi-automatic Hand Annotation Making Human-human Interaction Analysis Fast and Accurate.
DOI: 10.5220/0005718505520559
In Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2016) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages 552-559
ISBN: 978-989-758-175-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
detection (Doll´ar et al., 2012), making this type of
analysis relatively straightforward. Techniques for
human hand detection on the other hand are far more
complex. Most existing accurate hand detection al-
gorithms use tools in order to facilitate the detections
such as colored gloves or additional motion sensors.
The use of such tools, however, may have an impact
on the naturalness of recorded data, for both produc-
tion and reception. Therefore we cannot allow items
that may attract the visual attention of the participants
in the experiment. The use of 3D cameras, which
provide depth information and therefore facilitate the
hand detection, is also not applicable since most of
the egocentric cameras are 2D cameras.
In this paper, we present a semi-automatic hand
detection algorithm based on an efficient combination
of several techniques. We developed a system that
automatically detects hands but asks for manual inter-
vention when the confidence of a detection is below a
certain threshold. Using such an approach reduces the
manual analysis significantly while guaranteeing high
accuracy. Since our approach relies on algorithms that
are not computationally demanding, it is substantially
faster as compared to the methods based on complex
models. Driven by the wide applicability of our semi-
automatic annotation tool, we made it publicly avail-
for other users.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: in section 2, we present a thorough comparison
of existing hand detection algorithms. In section 3
the integration of the manual intervention is explained
while in section 4 we discuss our hand detection algo-
rithm in detail. In section 5 the results are discussed
and in section 6 a final summary is given.
Traditionally, one can divide hand detection tech-
niques into four categories. In this section we give an
overview of existing techniques and explain the limi-
tations of these approaches.
A well-known method for hand detection is the
use of colored gloves, which is used as a marker
that can be easily detected in images. In recent
work (Wang and Popovi´c, 2009) uses a multi-colored
glove, enabling the detection of various hand orien-
tations and poses. Since we focus on hand detection
in natural and unconstrained scenes, we cannot afford
the use of colored gloves, since they disturb the visual
attention during a conversation.
A second approach of hand detection is making
use of motion sensors (Stiefmeier et al., 2006). Typi-
cally multiple sensors, like ultrasonic transmitters and
inertial sensor modules are placed on the user. Be-
cause of the same reason as mentioned above, it is
not recommended to place additional sensors on the
participants due to possible interference in the natural
The increasing popularity and public availability
of 3D cameras paved the way for a third type of hand
detection (Ren et al., 2013). These cameras provide
useful depth information of a scene. Depth informa-
tion facilitates hand detection and it even enables the
detection of small items such as for example finger-
tips (Raheja et al., 2011). Although this is a promising
approach, it is not applicable in our application since
most of the egocentric cameras, like for example mo-
bile eye-trackers, are not equipped with 3D sensors.
A last approach of hand detection is based on
image processing in 2D images without the need of
additional markers or sensors placed on the body.
In (Kolsch and Turk, 2004) a hand tracking approach
was described based on KLT features in combination
with color cues. Such an approach yields good results
as long as the hand is easily visible (large enough)
in order to calculate an adequate number of features.
This approach is not applicable in our type of experi-
ments, where the hands represent only a small part of
the image, as can be seen in Figure 1. In (Shan et al.,
2007) a real-time hand tracking is presented using a
mean-shift embedded particle filter. Their system is
very fast (only 28ms per frame is needed) howeverthe
resolution of their test images is only 240×180 pixels.
In their experiments they only detect and track a sin-
gle hand, whereas in our application we need to track
both hands with respect to the human pose. (Bo et al.,
2007) presents a hand detection technique based on a
combination of Haar-like features and skin segmen-
tation. This approach is sufficiently accurate in con-
trolled scenes, e.g. a clean white background on the
other hand, the approach suffers from high false pos-
itive rates when applied to less constrained scenes. In
the work of (Eichner et al., 2012) a technique for esti-
mating the spatial layout of humans in still images is
presented, using a combination of upper body detec-
tion and the detection of individual body parts. This
method performs well on larger body parts (such as
arms or heads), whereas smaller parts (e.g. hands)
are much more challenging. The accuracy of this
technique largely depends on the upper body detec-
tion, detection at a wrong scale will result in deviat-
ing limb detections. This approach works far from
real-time: on average 25 seconds are needed for pro-
cessing a single 1280×720 frame. A similar approach
was proposed by (Yang and Ramanan, 2011). This
Semi-automatic Hand Annotation Making Human-human Interaction Analysis Fast and Accurate
Figure 2: Workflow of our hand detection approach.
is a method for human pose estimation in static im-
ages based on a representation of part models, tak-
ing into account the relative locations of parts with
respect to their parents. (e.g. elbow w.r.t. to shoul-
der), which results in accurate detections. However,
the authors admit their approach has difficulties with
some body poses e.g. raised or fully stretched arms.
A highly accurate approach was proposed by (Mit-
tal et al., 2011), combining a deformable-part-model
(DPM) of a human hand with skin segmentation to
generate hand candidates. Those candidates are then
suppressed using a super-pixel based non-maximum
suppression yielding accurate detections. This tech-
nique has a large computational cost due to the com-
plexity of the DPM, yielding an average processing
time of a frame of 1280×720 of about 290 seconds.
In our recent work (De Beugher et al., 2015), we im-
proved this approach greatly using a faster DPM cal-
culation, a reduction of the search space based on a
human upper body detector and avoiding the need for
a super-pixel segmentation. Unfortunately, despite
our efforts, the technique remains too slow for practi-
cal use (37 seconds for an image of 1280×720). The
work of (Spruyt et al., 2013) is also a recent hand de-
tection approach focused on real-time HCI. However,
compared to the images we tackle, the difficulty of
the datasets they used is limited, in that they do not
involve typical challenges of real-life data, like e.g.
changing camera angles and distances, (partial) oc-
clusions of and by hands, etc. These are situations
in which their approach fails. Furthermore, they do
not provide the possibility to manually steer the de-
tections in case of false detections.
Our approach differs significantly from all previ-
ously mentioned ones. We propose a hand detection
methodology, which is both fast and accurate, and al-
lows for manual intervention. We extensively opti-
mized and combined previously described techniques,
and integrated them with probabilistic information.
As mentioned before, we present a semi-automatic
hand annotation tool to process a sequence of con-
secutive frames. It is important to mention that we
tackle an annotation application that is currently done
completely manual. The goal is to reduce the amount
of manual analysis as much as possible while main-
taining top accuracy. Therefore we developed an al-
gorithm to detect body parts that are instrumental for
this type of analysis: hands, face and torso. The de-
tection of a human face and torso can be done automa-
tized with available accurate algorithms like (Felzen-
szwalb et al., 2010; Viola and Jones, 2001). The
bounding boxes in Figure 1 show example detection
results. The detection of human hands on the other
hand is far more complex and it is even impossible to
reach very high accuracy when using the most com-
plex approaches. We developed a system that auto-
matically detects hands in images based on simple
color cues. However when the confidence of a hand
detection drops below a preset threshold, our auto-
matic analysis is paused and manual intervention is
asked from the user, to manually annotate the corre-
sponding hand. After this intervention, the automatic
analysis is continued. We fine-tuned the parameters
of our system to ensure the lowest amount of man-
ual interventions as possible, while guaranteeing high
accuracy. On top of those manual interventions, we
ask the user to manually annotate the first frame of
the recording, ensuring a good starting point for the
detections. The integration of these manual interven-
tions are indicated in Figure 2.
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
As illustrated in Figure 2, our system is a combina-
tion of several processing blocks. A first step is the
detection of a human upper body, which is used to
identify the presence of a person and to reduce the
search area. Next we apply a skin segmentation that
is used to generate hand candidates. To further en-
hance the detections a tracker is used for temporal
smoothness. Finally we validate those candidates us-
ing a) a comparison between a predicted position and
the candidate and b) a validation of the relative posi-
tion between joints like for example wrist, elbow and
shoulder. Each step of this workflow will be discussed
4.1 Context Retrieval
The first stage of our approach is based on the work
of (De Beugher et al., 2015) and is used to get context
information. We use an accurate human upper body
detector based on a DPM as proposed in (De Beugher
et al., 2014) to detect the presence of a person in
the images. The advantage of this model is that we
can cope with images in which a person is not visi-
ble from head to foot, as in most of the images cap-
tured by a mobile eye-tracker. This torso detection
is also used to reduce the search area for the hands:
the width of the upper body is extended by factor 3.5
while the height is extended by factor 1.8. Those en-
large factors are determined empirically and ensure
that an average human hand lies within the extended
region. This step allows us to restric the search for
hands within this region and to discard the rest of the
image. In Figure 3a the original torso detection is
displayed using the purple rectangle, while the blue
rectangle illustrates the extended bounding box. Next
to the torso detection, we also apply a face detection
to find the face and viewing direction using both a
frontal and profile Haar-based face model (Viola and
Jones, 2001). Both face and upper body detections are
stored since they are instrumental for human-human
4.2 Candidate Generation
We segment the image patch, which is the extended
bounding box, in skin and non-skin using rules in
three color spaces as introduced by (Rahim et al.,
2006), shown in Figure 3b. After two dilation and
two erosion steps, we fit a contour over each suffi-
ciently large group of skin pixels (Figure 3c) on which
a bounding ellipse is fitted (Figure 3d). Each end-
point of the major axes of an ellipse is treated as a
hand candidate, as illustrated by the green dots in Fig-
ure 3e. The example shown in Figure 3d) contains
four ellipses: two of them contain the correct hands,
one coincides with the face and is therefore automat-
ically discarded and one ellipse is false, found on an
approximately skin-colored chair.
4.3 Candidate Validation
The final stage of our approach is developed to auto-
matically select the best candidate for both left and
right hand and to validate them. Temporal continuity
of the image sequence is exploited using a Kalman
filter. The selection of the best candidate for both left
and right hand is done by choosing the hand candidate
with the smallest distance to the Kalman filter pre-
diction of the respective hand. This Kalman tracker
uses either the detection or the manual intervention in
the previous frame to predict the position using a con-
stant velocity motion model. As mentioned above,
each hand candidate belongs to a line (major axis of
the ellipse). When we selected the best candidate for
a hand, we use the other endpoint of the correspond-
ing line for validation. The remaining endpoint can
be seen as a joint, which corresponds to an elbow in
case the person wears short sleeves, or corresponds to
a wrist in case the person wears long sleeves.
We utilize probability maps to summarize possi-
ble positions of elbows and wrists w.r.t. the left and
right shoulder. In order to filter false detections, we
weight candidate joints to these probability maps and
hereby we remove impossible joint positions. The lo-
cation of the shoulders is estimated using both face
and upper body detection: y-position of the shoulder
corresponds to the bottom of the face-bounding box,
while the x-position of each shoulder is obtained by
the width of the torso detection. The probability maps
are created using the original labeling of the publicly
available Buffy dataset (Ferrari et al., 2009), more
specifically we used the labelings of wrist, elbow and
shoulder. The motivation to use this particular dataset
comes from the large variety of human poses that are
recorded in this dataset, as can be seen in the sam-
ple frames in Figure 4. For each image in this dataset
we calculate the relative position of elbow and wrist
w.r.t. the shoulder, this results in four sets each con-
taining 1496 data points. In Figure 5 we show the data
points for both left elbow and wrist. The red dot illus-
trates the position of the left shoulder. Data points
in the upper image are the relative positions of the left
wrist w.r.t the left shoulder. The data points in the bot-
tom image are the relative positions of the left elbow
w.r.t the left shoulder. Two mirrored sets of points are
used for the right shoulder. Next we apply a Gaussian
Semi-automatic Hand Annotation Making Human-human Interaction Analysis Fast and Accurate
Figure 3: Generation of hand candidates: a) original image, b) skin segmentation, c) contour detection, d) fit ellipse, e) final
hand candidates.
Figure 4: Example frames of the Buffy dataset (Ferrari et al., 2009) indicating the large variety of human poses within this
set. From this labeled dataset, our probability maps (P
) and (P
) are derived.
smoothing resulting in a dense map. After a normal-
ization of the dense map, this results in a probability
map. In total we developed four probability maps: el-
bow w.r.t. shoulder (P
) and wrist w.r.t. shoulder
), each for both left and right side.
The relative position of the left joint is validated
against each of the two probability maps of this side.
The best probability result (max(P
, P
)) is
than used in the next steps. The same rules are ap-
plied on the right joint.
Both probability P
, P
and distance D to
the Kalman prediction are taken into account for the
confidence condition C:
C = {(D > D
) (pred > pred
, P
) < P
stands for the maximum allowable distance
between prediction and hand candidate. This max-
imum distance is dependent on the size of the per-
son and is therefore calculated as follows: face width
× 0.75. pred stands for the amount of consecutive
predictions that are used (thus no valid detection was
available), pred
stands for the maximum amount
of predictions that is allowed. Finally, P
stands for
the lowest probability value that is allowable. If con-
dition C (equation 1) is not met, our system automat-
ically pauses and asks for manual intervention, as de-
scribed above. Otherwise, the next image is processed
By varying the above mentioned parameters, one
can increase or decrease the amount of manual inter-
ventions as shown in Figure 6. This Figure reveals
that when the strictness of the confidence is lowered,
our system asks less manual interventions. It is obvi-
ous that this comes at a cost of lower accuracy.
We implemented an additional feature in our ap-
proach to reduce the amount of manual interventions.
As mentioned before, the probability maps are devel-
oped using the data labels from the Buffy dataset. Al-
though this dataset contains a large variety of human
poses, it may occur that a particular pose of a wrist
or an elbow corresponds to a low probability since
this particular pose occurs only sporadic in the Buffy
dataset. When the automatic processing is paused due
to a too low probability result, the user can indicate
that the particular joint position is nevertheless cor-
rect. In the latter case the probability map is updated
making this joint position valid in future processing.
It is important to notice that the results shown in Fig-
ure 6 are obtained without this feature.
A video of our system is available online
In this section we present the results of our semi-
automatic hand detection algorithm. In order to
validate our approach we used several publicly
available datasets. Three of them are introduced
in (De Beugher et al., 2015) and are further referred
as D1, D2 and D3. A final dataset was introduced
in (Spruyt et al., 2013) and is further referred as
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 5: Top image shows data points and probability map
of the left wrist w.r.t left shoulder. Bottom image shows
the data points and probability map of left elbow w.r.t. left
Figure 6: Influence of varying the parameters of the confi-
dence calculation. Decreasing the amount of manual inter-
vention comes at a cost of a lower accuracy.
D4. In total, the fingertips of 6000 hand instances
are manually labeled in those sequences and are the
groundtruth for our accuracy measurements. In our
final implementation we have chosen to set both con-
fidence calculation parameters pred
and P
to 5.
The leftmost columns of table 1, present the ac-
curacy and the amount of manual intervention of
our semi-automatic approach without the probabilis-
tic validation. In the second column, the amount
of manual interventions our entire system needed
to reach the corresponding accuracy (F-measure) is
shown. On average, our system asks for manual inter-
vention in only 1.92% of the frames, and reaches an
accuracy of 93.68%. A detection is considered valid
if the distance between the detection and the annota-
tion is below half-face width, which is a commonly
used measure in other hand detection papers. As ex-
plained above, when the confidence of the detection
drops below a certain threshold, manual intervention
is asked. It is important to notice that the same param-
eters for the confidence calculation are used for all the
datasets. In the third column of table 1 we show the
performance of our earlier work (De Beugher et al.,
2015) on datasets D1, D2 and D3. To allow for a
fair comparison, we show the amount of manual in-
terventions that is required in their system to achieve
a similar accuracy as our work. As seen, we clearly
outperform the competitor in accuracy while the man-
ual work is significantly less. In Figure 7 we compare
our approach, using the above mentioned settings, to
our earlier approach (De Beugher et al., 2015). It is
clear that our approach requires a substantially lower
amount of manual interventions. In the two rightmost
columns we show the accuracy of two full automatic
approaches (Mittal et al., 2011; Yang and Ramanan,
2011) on the above mentioned datasets. It is clear that
the accuracy of these automatic approaches is signifi-
cantly lower than our semi-automatic approach.
In Figure 8 we show some example frames on the
four datasets. The green circles represent the hand
detections, yellow circles represent the joints (either
wrist or elbow), red circles represent the shoulders
(this is an estimation based on both upper body and
face detection), and the pink circle represents the cen-
ter of the face. We also draw the connections between
the previously described points in order to symbolize
the upper part of the human skeleton. In the right-
most image, we show the advantage of using two
types of probability maps. Even when an arm is in-
visible in an image, our system is able to detect a
correct hand and joint. In this case, the joint corre-
sponds to a wrist. On top of the improvement in ac-
curacy, we also present a significant improvement in
computational speed. Our semi-automatic hand de-
tection algorithm is about 244× faster as compared
to our previous approach (De Beugher et al., 2015).
This needed approximately 36 sec to process an im-
age of 1280×720, where our present approach only
requires 150 ms to process the same frame. This im-
provement in computational speed is mainly achieved
by abandoning the DPM model based hand detection.
Semi-automatic Hand Annotation Making Human-human Interaction Analysis Fast and Accurate
Table 1: Comparison of our semi-automatic hand detection approach and (De Beugher et al., 2015), man. indicates the amount
of hands of which manual interventions was required.
Ours without prob. Ours with prob. De Beugher(2015) Mittal(2011) Yang(2011)
man. F-measure man. F-measure man. F-measure man. F-measure man. F-measure
D1 1.63% 90.85% 2.62% 95.76% 4.2% 95.28% 0% 85.0% 0% 24.2%
D2 2.55% 83.57% 1.84% 92.75% 19% 92.13% 0% 46.5% 0% 46.5%
D3 0.65% 81.08% 0.75% 88.31% 8.6% 87.62% n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
D4 n.a. n.a. 2.47% 97.89% n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
avg. 1.61% 85.17% 1.92% 93.68% 6.72% 91.4% 0% 68.15% 0% 35.35%
Figure 7: Results of (De Beugher et al., 2015) superposed
with our present results on the same datasets.
In table 2 an overview of the speed results is given.
Next to the speed of our earlier approach, we show
also the computational time of two other hand detec-
tion techniques on an image of 1280×720. All tim-
ing results were acquired on the same hardware (Intel
Xeon E5645).
Table 2: Execution times per frame averaged over all
avg. time/frame
Ours 150ms
(De Beugher et al., 2015) 36.67s
(Yang and Ramanan, 2011) 113s
(Mittal et al., 2011) 293.33s
Next to the improvement in accuracy and compu-
tational speed, our approach differs significantly from
our earlier work (De Beugher et al., 2015) in sev-
eral ways: (a) we no longer need the highly compu-
tational hand models, (b) skin detection is combined
with contour detection, (c) apart from the hands, we
also track the wrist and/or elbow, (d) we validate can-
didates against probabilitiy maps.
In this paper we proposed a novel semi-automatic
hand detection algorithm for the annotation of ego-
centric recordings in the context of research on
human-human interaction. Our approach is based
on integrating manual supervision with an automatic
hand detection algorithm. Our system automatically
detects hands in images, but when the confidence
drops below a certain threshold, our system asks for
manual intervention. This yields maximally accurate
annotations at the cost of a minimal amount of man-
ual input. Our hand detection algorithm works as fol-
lows: first we apply a highly accurate upper body de-
tection to reduce the search area. Next we use a skin
segmentation to generate hand candidates. Finally a
set of trackers is used to follow the hands over time,
combined with knowledge of human poses (e.g. rel-
ative position between shoulder and wrist). This is
combined to decide whether manual intervention is
We validated our approach using four publicly
available datasets and compared against a number
of recent hand detection algorithms. This valida-
tion reveals that our approach is more accurate than
the competitor while being more than 244× faster,
which makes it more applicable in real life applica-
tions. Moreover, our system requires an even lower
number of manual interventions in order to achieve
the same accuracy.
Our future work concentrates on further explor-
ing the capabilities and boundaries of our approach.
We plan to test our approach on more real-life eye-
tracking recordings and to use our semi-automatic ap-
proach as annotation tool. On top of that we plan to
use this algorithm as input for more complex analysis
such as gesture detection.
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 8: Examples of our detections on the four datasets. Green circles are the hand detections, yellow circles are the
corresponding joints.
This work is financially funded by OPAK via the Into
The Wild research project.
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Semi-automatic Hand Annotation Making Human-human Interaction Analysis Fast and Accurate