Comparing ConDec to CMMN
Towards a Common Language for Flexible Processes
Renata M. de Carvalho, Hafedh Mili, Javier Gonzalez-Huerta, Anis Boubaker
and Abderrahmane Leshob
LATECE Laboratory, Universit
e du Qu
a Montr
eal, Montr
eal, Canada
Business Process, Flexible Process, Case Management, Declarative Process, CMMN, ConDec.
Flexible processes emerged to provide flexibility to business process execution. A flexible process is not
static and can have several different executions, that is influenced by the current situation. In this context, the
decision-making is placed in the hands of any knowledge worker during the execution, who decides which
tasks and in which order they will be executed. Two approaches for flexible processes are discussed in this
paper: case management and declarative processes. In particular we use the CMMN standard and the ConDec
language for the two approaches, respectively. We compare them based on scope, model representation, formal
semantics, and limitations. Our goal is to present commonalities and differences between the languages in
order to identify potential extensions to make them more complete to attain more flexible process examples.
Several approaches have emerged to provide more
flexibility to business process execution (Nurcan,
2008). They argue that the number of unforeseen situ-
ations (exceptions) in a workflow model may not rep-
resent the alignment between process and real envi-
ronment. Imperative models are either too simple,
thus unable to handle the variety of situations that
may occur; or too complex, trying to model every pos-
sible situation but being hard to maintain.
In order to cope with imperative processes short-
comings, authors have suggested different approaches
to model business processes that we will call collec-
tively flexible processes. In a flexible process, the
stakeholders have more freedom to decide which se-
quence of tasks to perform in order to accomplish a
given goal. In the paper, we discuss two different
ways of supporting flexible processes.
Case Management (CM) falls in the first category
by providing capabilities to customize processes at
runtime (Motahari-Nezhad and Swenson, 2013). It
adheres to the principle of planning-by-doing, con-
sidering the work context, and the ability to accom-
modate changes in the environment(Motahari-Nezhad
and Swenson, 2013). This allows the stakeholders to
respond to changes or unforeseen requirements that
were not considered during designing the business
processes (Kurz, 2013).
The declarative process falls in the second cate-
gory providing flexibility by defining what must be
executed without describing how the execution must
take place (Pesic and van der Aalst, 2006). The model
comprises only the definition of tasks and constraints
that must be respected during the whole execution,
abstracting away from any control flow and explicit
sequencing considerations. Hence, any sequence of
tasks can be executed as long as no constraint is vio-
lated. It is important to emphasize that in case man-
agement the constraints are also defined declaratively.
In this paper, we provide a detailed comparison
of these two approaches for modeling business pro-
cesses. In particular, we use the CMMN (Case Man-
agement Model and Notation) standard (for case man-
agement) and the ConDec language (for declarative
processes) to evaluate a variety of similarities and dif-
ferences throughout the paper. Moreover, we sum-
marize the general background of each concept of
flexibility and their originating purpose, we compare
the two languages with respect to several dimensions
(scope, model representation, and formal semantics),
and we present some limitations to both languages.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 dis-
cusses more about flexibility in business processes;
an overview of the CMMN standard is presented in
Section 3; Section 4 presents the background of the
ConDec language; the discussion and comparison be-
tween CMMN and ConDec is presented in Section 5;
Carvalho, R., Mili, H., Gonzalez-Huerta, J., Boubaker, A. and Leshob, A.
Comparing ConDec to CMMN - Towards a Common Language for Flexible Processes.
DOI: 10.5220/0005688002330240
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2016), pages 233-240
ISBN: 978-989-758-168-7
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Section 6 presents some related work; and final re-
marks and our conclusion in Section 7.
In the flexible business process area, the word flex-
ible means the business process is not static, it can
change or get adjusted during its execution according
to different situations. The goal is to be able to de-
fine flexible processes in such a way that allows users
to handle unexpected situations safely and with ade-
quate information during the process execution.
This quality, termed flexibility, reflects its ability
to deal with changes, by varying or adapting certain
parts of the business process that are affected by the
changes, whilst retaining the essential format of those
parts that are not impacted by the variations. Indeed,
as has been noted, flexibility is as much about what
should stay the same in a process as what should be
allowed to change (Mulyar et al., 2007).
The idea of a flexible business process model is
to give more flexibility to the process execution. The
lack of flexibility in workflow systems has been al-
ready discussed by van der Aalst (van der Aalst et al.,
2005). He pointed the following problems related to
the fundamental concepts of the workflow approach:
The transformation of non-atomic tasks (for real
users) into atomic ones (for workflow system) in
order to distribute work, even if the same work is
actually being done at a more fine-grained level.
The distribution and authorization problem,
which coincides in contemporary workflow man-
agement systems. In real problems, work-items
assigned to a worker does not coincide with work-
items he may be authorized to do.
Since workflow systems are focused on control
flow, the context (data associated to the process
and not just to tasks) does not receive enough im-
portance and, sometimes, there is no support for
defining it, resulting in errors and inefficiencies.
The workflow approach is rigid and inflexible be-
cause it focuses on what should be done instead
of what can be done.
In general, the knowledge user working on a pro-
cess instance and executing a flexible process has the
option to decide between several tasks that are en-
abled. However, with such a number of options, the
user needs to have an in-depth knowledge about the
process he is working on.
Case Management makes no distinction between de-
sign time and runtime. As explained in (Baresi and
Ghezzi, 2010), it does not put all the process de-
sign responsibilities in the hands of a business ana-
lyst, who models and tests the process before it is exe-
cuted. For a case management model, any knowledge
worker is allowed to design and execute a process in-
stance, called a case in case management.
Even if a business analyst provides templates for
the process, a case can be customized during runtime
by a case manager to fit his needs. The case man-
ager is any knowledge worker that actually uses the
process definition to execute a process instance. For
example, for a health care process a doctor or a nurse
can be case managers; for a police investigation, the
case manager can be a detective.
Like any other flexible process, it is not possible
to predict a case. The decision-making is placed in
the hands of a case manager, who can directly modify
the process. He can handle the case in any way that
is necessary, as long as it respects the constraints im-
posed. This allows the case manager to optimize the
process to the current case, improving the solution to
a specific situation.
Case management grew based on two main con-
cepts: i) context management, which addresses the
need in many companies to maintain a great amount
of documents and files; and ii) the management of
cases. The Object Management Group (OMG) and
the case management community worked to provide
an industry wide standard called Case Management
Model and Notation (CMMN) ((OMG), 2014).
For a CMMN model, there exist two phases. Dur-
ing the design phase, the business analyst defines pre-
defined segments in the case model, and can also de-
fine discretionary items, which enable the case man-
ager to customize the case during runtime. In the sec-
ond phase, the case manager executes the process fol-
lowing the pre-defined plan. He can also modify the
process design, instantiating the discretionary items
by picking concrete ones depending on his needs.
ConDec is a declarative language for describing busi-
ness processes (Pesic and van der Aalst, 2006). Its
authors argue that, although adaptive workflow sys-
tems allow changes in an imperative process defini-
tion during runtime, such systems remain imperative.
Although case management or other adaptive work-
flow systems offer the possibility to open, skip, exe-
MODELSWARD 2016 - 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
cute and re-execute tasks, they still restrict the process
execution (Pesic and van der Aalst, 2006).
The idea of declarative models is to change the
nature of describing a process. The other model-
ing languages use an inside-to-outside approach, fo-
cusing on specifying first the main procedure, and
then the possible deviations for the process (see Fig-
ure 1(a)). ConDec uses an outside-to-inside approach,
focusing on specifying only the restrictions of the pro-
cess (Pesic and van der Aalst, 2006) (see Figure 1(b)).
In ConDec, the business analyst is guided to define
what should be executed without specifying how. He
is driven to define tasks presented in the process, and
the relations between them. Each relation represents a
constraint, which can be viewed as a policy or a busi-
ness rule but does not describe an execution order.
(a) Inside-to-outside.
(b) Outside-to-inside.
Figure 1: Difference between approaches. Arrows represent
what is defined in design time and in gray, what is reachable
at runtime (Based on (Pesic and van der Aalst, 2006)).
It is during the execution that a user decides which
task, among the eligible ones, will be executed and
how. During the execution, any task that does not vi-
olate a constraint can be chosen to be executed. This
is considered an optimistic approach where, in prin-
ciple, anything is possible unless it is explicitly for-
bidden. This leaves a lot of freedom for users, who
can make decisions and work in various ways with the
same ConDec model (Pesic and van der Aalst, 2006).
Modeling a process in ConDec, the business an-
alyst can range from very relaxed models to very re-
strictive models. The most relaxed model contains
only tasks defined without any constraint. Hence, the
user has total flexibility to (re-)execute tasks follow-
ing his own preference. A restricted model can be
viewed as a model with constraints defined in such a
way that it behaves like an imperative process.
CMMN and ConDec are languages for modeling dif-
ferent categories of flexible business processes. Both
of them describe tasks and constraints that must be
respected during the execution. Here, we compare
these two modeling languages concerning different
aspects in order to highlight concepts presented in one
language, both, or none of them. We compare the
languages based on: i) scope, ii) model representa-
tion, iii) formal semantics, and iv) limitations. Other
work (Gluch et al., 2001) argued about and used the
same set of parameters to compare languages.
5.1 Scope
Both modeling language approaches were defined to
focus on different aspects of a business process.
Case Management was created to model flexible
and knowledge intensive business processes (van der
Aalst et al., 2005), which means that it was created
for coordination of work that is not routine and pre-
dictable, and requires human judgment (Motahari-
Nezhad and Swenson, 2013). In case management
group the discussion is around the case manager.
They argue that one of the problems in modeling a
business process is that a business analyst does not
always have necessary knowledge. It is necessary to
provide a way for the case manager to customize a
case for his specific needs at runtime.
CMMN is a standard for dealing with cases. At
design time, business analysts are engaged in model-
ing. They are concerned with the specification of: i)
tasks that are always part of some segment; ii) con-
straints to guide the possible actions to be taken; iii)
some decisions to influence future actions based on
new facts or events; and, where appropriate, iv) defin-
ing potential upcoming items to be planned in run-
time. At runtime, the case manager executes the case.
He must perform tasks as planned, following con-
straints already defined. But the case may evolve by
planning new tasks when possible.
The main particularity for the CMMN is the def-
inition of potential upcoming items, which are called
discretionary items. When a business analyst defines
a discretionary task during the design time phase, he
allows the case manager to add and plan, in this place,
a specific task driving the execution. The CMMN
standard also provides a PlanningTable to define the
scopes where the case manager may operate.
Declarative approach was created to support dy-
namic processes in an important issue in rapidly
changing organizations, whose agility is at a competi-
tive level and subjected to frequent changes (Pesic and
van der Aalst, 2006). In declarative group, the discus-
sion focuses on restricting only the necessary, making
the user (the worker who will execute the process) re-
sponsible for choosing the order of tasks at runtime.
ConDec is a language for defining declarative pro-
cesses. At design time, the business analyst deter-
Comparing ConDec to CMMN - Towards a Common Language for Flexible Processes
mines all possible tasks and the constraints to restrict
things that shall not happen in the context. At run-
time, the user is informed only about the enabled tasks
at that moment and chooses, among these tasks, the
next one to be executed.
The main particularity for ConDec is that the
constraints represent dependencies/relations between
tasks. Most of these relations do not have an imme-
diate nature. For example, a co-existence relation in-
dicates that if a certain task is ever executed, another
task must also be executed eventually, and vice-versa.
However, it does not say when the other (related) task
must be executed.
5.2 Model Representation
In this section we compare the expressiveness of the
two modeling languages through some important as-
pects. We will use an incremental example through-
out this section to illustrate the differences between
CMMN and ConDec. Using this example we are also
able to illustrate different representations of similar
concepts in the languages. The example, from the
health care area, consists of a very simple represen-
tation of the process of an emergency department of
a hospital. It summarizes the constraints that affect to
the process that follows the arrival of a patient.
5.2.1 The Basics
The first concern in this process states that every pa-
tient that arrives at the emergency department should
be assigned a triage acuity level. Hospital services,
tests, procedures and interventions are also part of an
emergency. In our example, we are only considering
two kinds of tests: blood tests and x-ray tests. Neither
test puts patients at risk, and thus, both can also be
prescribed by nurses. Thereby, whenever a patient ar-
rives at emergency, a nurse will assign a triage level.
After that, the patient can be seen by a physician.
Medical tests can be prescribed to be done before or
after the physician examination.
For any business process modeling language, a
task is the smallest unit of work. Tasks can be ex-
ecuted manually or automatically. Figure 2 shows
a CMMN representation of the described emergency
example, which presents four tasks: Triage, Physician
Care, Blood Test, and X-Ray.
In this process, all the tasks are manual (illustrated
with the person icon). In CMMN, a manual task can
be blocking or not. A blocking manual task only al-
lows the case to continue after the completion of its
execution. A non-blocking manual task allows the
case to continue at the beginning of its execution.
Figure 2: Emergency example defined in CMMN.
CMMN provides a way of grouping tasks through
the Stage concept. Stages can be used to determine
context inside the case. Figure 2 contains a Stage
(the rectangular shape with angled corners) for repre-
senting the tests context available in the hospital. The
Stage groups the two tasks related to the tests context.
The hollow diamond shapes in the borders of
Physician Care task and the Stage are Entry Crite-
rion Sentries. They are used in CMMN to define con-
ditions to execute a task by defining an expression,
which has two parts. The IfPart is used to define ex-
pressions based on variables, and the OnPart to relate
the condition to events. The expression can be defined
by one or both parts. When connected to a task (e.g.
see dotted line between Triage and Physician Care),
the sentry adds the task completion event to the sen-
try’s OnPart. In our example, neither Physician Care
nor the tests stage could be executed before Triage has
been completed. One example of usage of the IfPart
is for expressing that the patient should be seen by a
physician only if the patient is assigned to triage level
one (the highest priority for the triage systems). In
this example, we would use both IfPart and OnPart.
Note that the example using the IfPart would not al-
low the patient to be visited by a physician if it was
assigned to another triage level.
The Stage, X-Ray, and Blood Test have dashed
shapes to indicate that they are discretionary items.
Every time a discretionary item is related to a con-
text, the Planning Table icon appears in the context.
The Planning Table allows the definition of Applica-
bility Rules. They are used to determine whether an
item is applicable, e.g. to determine for which roles a
task is applicable. Hence, the discretionary items will
be available to the case, when applicable, and may be
executed depending on the case manager discretion.
The same process is defined using the ConDec
language in Figure 3, which has the same tasks as in
CMMN. The first thing to notice in Figure 3 is that
ConDec does not provide a way for grouping tasks.
And thus, Blood test and X-Ray cannot be grouped in
a “tests context”. Another thing is that ConDec does
MODELSWARD 2016 - 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Physician Care
Blood Test
Figure 3: Emergency example defined in ConDec.
not have an equivalent to discretionary tasks.
To express the fact that Triage must be executed
before any other task, we used the init constraint pro-
vided by ConDec, which means that the Triage task
must be the first one to be executed. We could also
have used the precedence constraint, which relates
two tasks indicating that one must be executed be-
fore the other one. We could have expressed the same
behavior by specifying three precedence constraints:
from the Triage task to each of the other tasks.
Whenever a task is executed in CMMN, it cannot
be re-executed. The same is true for the tasks inside
the Stage: once a task is performed followed by a task
from outside the Stage, it is not possible to go back to
Stage and execute another task. Hence, the patient
cannot pass through an x-ray, be seen by a physician,
and then be required to do some blood test. To allow
a behavior (as the re-execution of tasks) in CMMN, it
must be specified. In ConDec, any of the tasks can be
re-executed because there is no explicitly constraint
prohibiting this behavior. Any execution trace con-
taining the Triage task as the first one is valid. To
prohibit a behavior in ConDec, it must be specified.
5.2.2 Prohibition, Counting and Immediate
The purpose of a triage system is to prioritize patients
and identify those that cannot wait to be seen by a
physician. Patients assigned to the highest priority
level must be seen by the physician immediately. And
every patient, regardless of their acuity level, must be
seen by a physician before being discharged. One of
the interventions that a physician can perform is the
prescription of drugs. Some drugs can interfere with
blood tests, changing results. For the sake of simplic-
ity, we will not make a distinction between drugs. We
will assume that any drug can alter any blood test, and
hence, will forbid blood tests on patients who have
taken drugs. Another limitation regarding the tests:
x-ray tests can only be performed twice on the same
patient, due to the radiations exposure.
Figure 4 depicts the representation of the emer-
gency example with the additional constraints in
CMMN. This model has a new task called Take Pre-
scribed Drugs. This task is associated with an Entry
Criterion Sentry, stating that the patient can take pre-
scribed drugs only after being seen by a physician.
Taken Drugs
Figure 4: Emergency example defined in CMMN.
In CMMN, and case management, one of the con-
cepts that guides a case is its context, represented in
a CaseFile. In Figure 4, the CaseFile has the infor-
mation about drugs taken. In this example, drugs can
be taken after a Physician Care, if prescribed, or they
can have been taken before the patient arrives at the
emergency (if informed by the patient). Thus, Blood
Test will only be available if there is no information
about drugs taken in the CaseFile.
CMMN uses decorators to indicate particular be-
havior patterns. Each decorator specifies a differ-
ent pattern and can be applied to a different set of
items. The criterion sentries are examples of deco-
rators. Moreover, in Figure 4 we use two other dec-
orators: Required, denoted by !; and Repetition, de-
noted by #. The Required decorators in Triage and
Physician Care tasks indicate that these are manda-
tory tasks and the process cannot finish without ex-
ecuting them. The Repetition ones in Blood Test and
X-Ray tasks imply that these tasks can be re-executed.
We could also add a Repetition decorator to the Stage
to indicate that the tests context can also be visited
more than once, e.g., allowing tests to be performed
before and after a physician care.
Rules will be used to express other concerns.
For expressing that patients with the highest priority
triage level must immediately be seen by a physician
we will use an Applicability Rule. This rule certifies
that the Stage will only be applicable for patients with
different triage level after the Physician Care. The
limited amount of x-rays will be expressed by using
a Repetition Rule to restrict the use of the repetition
decorator in the X-Ray task.
The ConDec model with the same concerns is
shown in Figure 5. The new task, Take Prescribed
Drugs, can only be executed after a physician care.
This relation is defined by a precedence constraint in-
dicating that the execution of Physician Care must
Comparing ConDec to CMMN - Towards a Common Language for Flexible Processes
precede the execution of Take Prescribed Drugs.
Physician Care
Blood Test
Figure 5: Emergency example defined in ConDec.
Four other constraints are new in the ConDec
model. The not succession constraint indicates that
after taking prescribed drugs, it is not possible to re-
quire blood tests for the patient. We could use a global
variable, known by the whole process, to have a rep-
resentation as the one used in the CMMN’s case file.
The existence template allows the business analyst to
define a minimum amount of executions for a task.
In Figure 5 the existence constraint is defined to the
Physician Care task, which must be executed at least
once. The third constraint limits the maximum num-
ber of times an x-ray can be performed by using an
absence constraint. For this example, it was possi-
ble to express that the x-ray test can be prescribed at
most twice. The fourth constraint, the chain response
constraint, is related to the patients assigned to the
highest acuity level during the triage. All chain tem-
plates in ConDec have an immediate behavior. Thus,
if the patient is associated to the highest acuity level
(limited by an expression not visible), the Physician
Care must be executed immediately after the Triage,
disabling all the other possibilities.
5.2.3 Events
Each hospital has its own policy and arrangements
for discharging patients. Generally, whenever the pa-
tient is assessed and is considered medically fit, or
his treatment is no more urgent, he/she can receive
a discharge authorization. The discharge of a patient
characterizes the end of the patient’s process execu-
tion inside the hospital. In addition to the discharge
authorization, the patient can also receive a care plan
to be followed outside the hospital.
The CMMN model presented in Figure 6 repre-
sents the Discharge Authorization as an event (repre-
sented by a double circle). An event is any action or
occurrence detected at any time that can be handled
by the model. In CMMN, an event may trigger the
enabling, activation, and termination of another item.
An Exit Criterion Sentry is similar to the Entry
Criterion Sentry and can be expressed by an IfPart
(for variables), an OnPart (for events), or both. The
Taken Drugs
Figure 6: Emergency example defined in CMMN.
Physician Care
Blood Test
Figure 7: Emergency example defined in ConDec.
Exit Criterion Sentry is represented by a solid dia-
mond shape. When the conditions of an Exit Crite-
rion Sentry are true, the related item will be termi-
nated (exited). In our example, an Exit Criterion Sen-
try is used directly to the Case Plan Model. We used
an UserEventListener, which is raised by a user, for
terminating the case execution.
ConDec does not allow the specification of events.
The business analyst may define Discharge Autho-
rization as a task, as in Figure 7.
The last constraint is similar to the init one, defin-
ing the position of task during the execution. In this
case, the related task (Discharge Authorization) must
be the last one executed.
5.3 Formal Semantics
All modeling languages must have a well-defined un-
derlying semantics, which helps to understand the de-
fined process and its execution.
The CMMN standard is a recent OMG standard.
In 2010 OMG published a request for proposals for
a Case Management Process Model standard (Marin
et al., 2013), and since then CMMN has been devel-
oped. Its first version was launched in 2014 and does
not include a formal semantics. Also, there is no pub-
lished work proposing a formalism for CMMN yet.
Regarding the ConDec language, it uses Linear
Temporal Logic (LTL) as its formalism for the inter-
nal representation of business processes. Each tem-
plate is mapped to an LTL formula, so that a Con-
MODELSWARD 2016 - 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Dec model can be interpreted in terms of LTL in a
finite trace (Maggi et al., 2012). Due to this formal-
ization, a runtime verification can be done focusing
on violations from the interference of multiple con-
straints. Process enactment requires the construction
of a B
uchi automaton that contains all possible states
of the process, which provides diagnosis about busi-
ness constraints during the execution of the model.
This strategy is not very efficient, since it grows
exponentially in size for realistic models. To solve
this, REFlex (De Carvalho et al., 2013), another tech-
nique for modeling declarative business processes on
top of ConDec, proposed a graph-based mechanism
that does not share the same inefficiency. The graph
represents only the current state of execution, which
is updated at runtime. Through the graph, REFlex
can infer future states and avoid inconsistent states.
REFlex also made a different formalization for the
ConDec templates using the Alloy language (Jackson,
2006), which ensures that the graph used is a precise
representation of the model and also ensures that busi-
ness processes will be correctly executed.
5.4 Limitations
We have already discussed some of the limitations of
the two modeling languages in the previous sections.
Here we discuss other limitations that are common to
both CMMN and ConDec.
Other imperative modeling languages such as
EPC and BPMN support to express resource alloca-
tion on a high-level model. On the executable level,
languages like BPEL are able to express resources. A
resource may be a human being or a machine, a ser-
vice, a material. Having resources modeled in a pro-
cess allows the definition and analysis of competition
concepts, based on resources limited availability or
consumption. Neither CMMN nor ConDec provides
intrinsic definition of resource, driving the business
analyst to make a simplified model of the reality with-
out the resources definition, or to use other artifacts
(e.g., addressing the resources competition manually)
to deal with the involved resources.
Temporal constraints is another aspect that got the
attention of other researchers, for example, to extend
BPMN with such characteristics (Gagne and Trudel,
2009). The temporal notion presented in CMMN is
only when using a TimerEventListener, to catch pre-
defined elapses of time that trigger other actions. In
ConDec, the notion of time is more scarce. There is
only the notion of the immediate templates. For all
other templates, the dependency must occur, but at
any time in the future. Other temporal notions can
be used in expressions for both languages but they
should be interpreted by the execution engine.
In this section we present other works that also com-
pared business process modeling languages. All of
them compare imperative languages and/or languages
that are not specific for business processes.
Milton and Johnson (Milton and Johnson, 2012)
made a comparison between service blueprint and
BPMN. They analyzed which service blueprint con-
cepts are supported, partially supported or cannot be
expressed in BPMN. After the analysis they found out
that BPMN can be used to diagram service process,
but in a different perspective compared with service
blueprint. They are also confident that BPMN exten-
sions can help improving the understandability of crit-
ical touch points driving service satisfaction.
Recker (Recker, 2010) compared two different
languages that are specific for modeling imperative
business processes: BPMN and EPC. His compari-
son focused on the grammars of each language, show-
ing differences in continued usage behavior of the two
styles of grammar. He also conducted a study to de-
termine significant factors that impact in language us-
age, suggesting that the ease of use perceptions have
a strong impact to user satisfaction and willingness to
continue to use a process modeling grammar.
Another work made by Marin, Lotriet, and Van
Der Poll (Marin et al., 2014) makes the compari-
son between business process languages. For this
work, CMMN is also part of the study. The authors
did the exploratory research to understand CMMN’s
complexity. For this research, they compared CMMN
with BPMN, EPC, and UML AD in terms of the quan-
tity of objects, relationships and properties for mod-
eling the same problem. They used the cumulative
complexity to determine the difference between the
languages, showing that CMMN is favorable in com-
parison to BPMN, which makes it much promise.
This paper presented two different modeling lan-
guages for flexible processes: CMMN and ConDec.
Even though we know that both languages have differ-
ent purposes, and so they are based on different con-
cepts, both have the main goal of providing flexibility
to business process specification and execution.
CMMN is an OMG standard for case manage-
ment. The concern is that cases have their particulari-
ties and cannot be anticipated at design time. Further-
Comparing ConDec to CMMN - Towards a Common Language for Flexible Processes
more, the case manager should be able to customize
it depending on his needs at runtime. CMMN pro-
vides the representation of discretionary items, which
may become concrete at runtime. Hence, CMMN is
a planing-by-doing language, also considered as an
inside-to-outside approach because the business ana-
lyst must represent mostly the possibilities of execu-
tion, even with some flexibilities.
In ConDec, the principle is that the execution is
guided by constraints, and the stakeholder executing
the process can choose the order of tasks at runtime.
Any order is possible to be chosen since it does not
violate any constraint. It is considered an outside-to-
inside approach, since the business analyst must be
worried about the constraints (the restrictions to the
model) and not about the possible execution paths.
We compared these two languages based on other
aspects. ConDec was developed in 2006 (Pesic and
van der Aalst, 2006), already having formal seman-
tics defined in LTL. Each ConDec template can be
mapped to an LTL formula, and the resulting one is
used for the enactment of process at runtime. There
are other related works improving its execution se-
mantics, e.g. (De Carvalho et al., 2013). CMMN is
more recent, with its first version released in 2014.
Because of that, few works can be find related to
CMMN and it has no formal semantics yet.
In addition to present commonalities and differ-
ences between languages, we pointed that the defini-
tion of resources is not intrinsically addressed by both
languages and the definition of time is really limited
in both of them. All this comparison makes us be-
lieve that both languages can be extended in order to
be more complete in the context that it would be pos-
sible to attain more flexible process examples.
This study is supported by NSERC (Natural Sciences
and Engineering Research Council of Canada).
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MODELSWARD 2016 - 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development