Negative Norms Detection Technique in Open Normative
Multi-agent Systems
Muhsen Hammoud
, Alicia Y. C. Tang
and Azhana Ahmad
College of Graduate Studies, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Selangor, Malaysia
College of Information Technology, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Selangor, Malaysia
Keywords: Social Norms, Normative Multi-agent Systems, Negative Norms, Norms Detection.
Abstract: Social norms main objective is to regulate autonomous agents’ behaviour in an open normative multi-agent
system. Norms in these societies are dynamically created and disappeared according to the society’s needs.
Consequently, norms effects on agents or on the environment are not observable at the moment of creation.
Norms practicing consequences might be either positive, like increasing the educational level of a society by
conducting social discussions. Or negative, like causing money loss in gambling. Or the norm might have
neutral consequences. In this paper, we propose a technique to detect negative norms in an open normative
multi-agent system. Our technique has two main stages: i) Observation and ii) Analysis. The observation
stage relies on the overhearing approach of monitoring where the messages that are exchanged between
agents are observable. All observations are then analysed in order to detect negative norms. Negativity of a
norm is based on its effect on agents or on the environment. In this technique, we adopted ATN concept to
represent norms. This technique is implemented using Java and JADE. Testing results of this technique
shows that it works properly, and detects negative norms according to the defined negativity threshold.
A remarkable growing interest in regulating and
coordinating agents’ behaviour using the concept of
social norms has been witnessed in the recent years
(Hammoud, Ahmad et al. 2014). Norms usage in
multi-agent systems lead to achieve the overall
objectives of creating such systems (Modgil, Faci et
al. 2009). There are mainly two approaches to create
open normative multi-agent systems which are:
regimentation approach and enforcement approach.
In the regimentation approach (Jones and Sergot
1993), norms totally constrain agents behaviours.
This means that agents are not allowed to behave
autonomously. Consequently, agent’s autonomy is
drastically curtailed. This approach make the multi-
agent system less flexible, and only specified agents
can join. Regimented systems are adopted by
electronic institutions for example. In contrast of
regimentation approach, the enforcement approach
(Conte, Falcone et al. 1999; y López, Luck et al.
2006; Grossi 2007; Dastani, Grossi et al. 2009;
Oren, Panagiotidi et al. 2009) allows agents to use
their autonomy. In these systems, norms are created
dynamically according to the system needs. Besides,
allowing autonomous agents to join this type of
systems raise the possibility of creating new norms
without knowing the long run consequences of
practicing the newly created norms. Some of the
created norms might cause negative consequences.
The negative consequences might not be critical at
the norm creation time. In order to discover these
negative norms, agents’ actions should be
monitored, and the consequences of practicing such
norms should be monitored also.
In this paper, we present a negative norms
detection technique in open normative multi-agent
systems. This technique builds on the overhearing
approaches to monitoring, as in (Kaminka, Pynadath
et al. 2011). The overhearing approach assumes that
the messages that are exchanged between agents are
observed. Consequently, agents’ behaviours are
inferred. At the same time, agents’ mental state is
not available for inspection. There is another
approach for monitoring, called intrusive approach
(Jennings 1995; Tambe 1997; Mazouzi, Seghrouchni
et al. 2002), which assumes, in contrast with the
overhearing approach, that agents’ mental state is
available for inspection.
Hammoud, M., Tang, A. and Ahmad, A.
Negative Norms Detection Technique in Open Normative Multi-agent Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0005654502410249
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2016) - Volume 2, pages 241-249
ISBN: 978-989-758-172-4
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Our detection technique relies mainly on
monitoring agent’s behaviours and their effect on the
environment. This is done by using norms
monitoring system, which is adopted from (Modgil,
Faci et al. 2009). The monitoring system consists of
a set of trusted observers in which any norm activity
is observed and reported to the authority agent. At
the same time, this monitoring system is able to
observe any type of effects in a society and report
about it to the authority agent. The authority agent
then analyse these reports and, consequently,
decides whether a norm is negative or not.
In the proposed technique, observers agents are
assumed to be trusted by the authority. Therefore,
their observations are not suspected. Trusted
observers can be any part of service facilities, like a
cashier. A trusted observer has the ability to observe
the messages that are exchanges between society’s
agents and at the same time monitor their actions
and report to the authority agent.
In this paper, we represented norms using
Augmented Transition Network approach (ATN)
(Woods 1986). This approach allows monitoring
norms practicing by representing a norm as a set of
nodes and arcs. The nodes represent norms state,
while the arcs represent the necessary conditions in
order to move from one state to another. Whenever
the set of conditions that are represented as arcs are
satisfied, the norm state changes.
The features of ATN representation of norms are
as follow:
1. Norms are represented generally as an
abstract model.
2. Ability to represent complex behaviours as a
set of conditions.
3. Norms are represented independently using
ATN. Hence, a norms might be created and
removed at runtime
Our contribution in this paper can be
summarized as follow:
1. We propose a negative norms detection
technique in open normative multi-agent
system, which is based on agents’ actions
observation. This technique relies on a set of
trusted observers and an authority agent.
2. ATN approach is used to represent individual
norms in this technique. This approach
provides the ability of monitoring complex
behaviours and actions.
3. The previous two contributions provide a
generic negative norms detection technique
which can work in any open normative multi-
agent system.
The next section dwells upon the related work on
norms monitoring and agents’ actions observation.
Section 3 presents a description of the adopted
norms representation in open normative multi-agent
systems... Section 4 details out the proposed
observation architecture along with the monitoring
algorithm and ATN representation of norms. Section
5 presents the proposed technique of negative norms
detection in details. Section 6 details out the
implementation and testing of the proposed
technique, and finally Section 7 concludes the paper.
In this section, we describe an architecture for
monitoring agents behaviour in a normative multi-
agent system (Modgil, Faci et al. 2009). The
normative system consists of agents who practice the
available norms. Norms practicing affects agents and
the environment as well. This monitoring
architecture suggests that there is a set of trusted
observers who are able to observe all the messages
that are passed between the society’s agents. These
messages are then analysed in order to detect norms
violation and compliance. Norms are represented
using Augmented Transition Network (ATN)
approach (Woods 1986).
The monitoring architecture that is proposed in
(Modgil, Faci et al. 2009) is dedicated to detect
agents violation and compliance to norms.
Therefore, the authority can take an appropriate
action by either sanction or reward society’s agents.
Figure 1 illustrates the proposed monitoring
architecture. The researcher adopts overhearing
approach in monitoring in which agents as black
boxes. Black boxes mean that agents’ internal state
transitions are invisible. When an agent takes an
action that is a part of a norm, the observer agent
maps an instant of the abstract representation of the
practiced norm. As the observer agent receives more
messages about agents’ actions, the analysis process
continues and new instances of different norms are
created. The state of each norm changes according to
the actions of the agent who is practicing it.
Whenever a norm expires, this means that the agent
who is practicing it fulfilled all the conditions or
requirements of this norm, the observer agent reports
the practicing result to the authority. Norms
practicing result might be either a compliance or
In this paper, we adopt part of this monitoring
architecture and adapt it to be able to detect negative
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Agents’ behaviour monitoring architecture.
This section contains a review about general model
of norms (Farrell, Sergot et al. 2005; Kollingbaum
2005; Oren, Panagiotidi et al. 2009). A norm N is
modelled as a tuple: (NormType, NormActivation,
NormCondition, NormExpiration, NormTarget,
NormConsequences). A NormType might be one of
three types: i) Obligation, ii) Permission and iii)
Prohibition. A norm N is activated whenever the set
of conditions that are described in NormActivation
are satisfied. Whenever a norm N comes into force,
or activated, an agent from observation group must
track its state to detect the consequences of its
practicing. The NormCondition set should be
satisfied in order to say that a norm is practiced. The
observer agent is the one who should be responsible
of detecting and monitoring the satisfaction of
NormCondition set. NormExpiration state refers to
the state in which a norm is not in active any more.
The described three components: i) NormActivation,
ii) NormCondition and iii) NormExpiration, are
called norm components.
NormTarget refers to the agents that are involved
in practicing a specific norm N. For example: in a
bank, the customer and the bank employee are the
two agents who practice a norm of loan payment
arrangement. Lastly, NormConsequences refers to
the effect of practicing this norm on the society or
agents, norm consequences are realized immediately
when the norm expires. We illustrate the tuple of
norm modelling in an example below.
Grocery pricing in a supermarket is an example
for a norm that is practiced frequently in a society.
Normally, customers need to price their grocery at a
special place inside a supermarket before going to
the cashier point. This norm is noticed in several
countries like Malaysia. The norm state becomes
active when a customer prices his grocery, and
expires when the same customer pays his bill. In
case the customer returned the grocery before
reaching the cashier point, the norm is deactivated.
The norm consequences are either positive in the
case of completing the purchasing process, or
negative in the case of returning the grocery.
Negativity comes from the fact that the supermarket
loses money if a customer returned his grocery.
Agents’ actions observation process represents the
most important part of negative norms detection
technique. Trusted observers are responsible of
detecting norms practicing actions, and consequently
report to the authority. In the following sections, we
describe the observation process along with the
monitoring architecture and ATN norms
4.1 Description
Normally, agents’ actions observation process is
used to recognize their compliance and violation of
norms (Modgil, Faci et al. 2009). Hence, agents’
action is observed by a set of other agents, the
observers, in order to recognise the cases of norm
compliance or violation. Consequently, to apply a
sanction in the case of violation, and give reward in
the case of compliance.
In this paper, we adopt the norms compliance
observation technique and adapt it to be able to
detect norms consequences, as the main interest of
this research is to detect negative norms which, in
turn, relies on norms practicing consequences.
Norms practicing monitoring requires detecting the
fulfilment the conditions described in Norm-
Activation, NormCondition and Norm-Expiration.
We adopt the overhearing approach in monitoring in
order to detect the fulfilment of these sets of
Negative Norms Detection Technique in Open Normative Multi-agent Systems
conditions (Kaminka, Pynadath et al. 2011). This
approach proposes that the messages that are
exchanged between society’s agents are observable,
while the internal state of all agents is reserved.
An example that illustrates norms monitoring is
grocery pricing in a supermarket that is described in
section 3. This norm might not be applied in some
countries, in Malaysia it is widely spread while in
Brazil it doesn’t exist. In this example, the
supermarket, staff and equipments like casher
computers are considered as trusted observers. This
norm is activated whenever a customer wants to
price the grocery he bought. The norm condition is
fulfilled whenever the customer pays his final bill.
This norm expires when the customer leaves the
supermarket and never complains in the allowed
complaint period, which might be 2 days for
example. Since the pricing place is not at casher
point, some customers might forget to price their
grocery before coming to the casher point.
Consequently, they either leave the grocery, or go
back to price it. If the customer left the grocery, the
supermarket doesn’t get a benefit and one staff
should return the grocery back to its place. It also
might be damaged, therefore the supermarket loses.
If the customer went back to pricing label place,
customers behind him in the line are delayed, or he
should take a new place in the line and he is delayed.
The trusted observers, which are the supermarket
staff and the equipments, gather the information
about customers’ actions and send it to specialized
unit in order to analyse it, and therefore inform the
authority agent.
4.2 The Monitoring Architecture
In this section, we describe the monitoring control
loop which receives messages from the trusted
observers and process them into ATN. Trusted
observers send their messages to this monitoring
architecture, all messages are stored in a message
store for later processing. If a message contents
satisfies specific arcs condition, then the respected
norm’s state is moved.
The monitoring algorithm is presented as follow:
Require: Message Queue
Require: Message Store
Require: Set of Abstract Norms ATNs
Require: Set of Instantiated Norms ATNs
1:while Monitor is Active do
2: while
is not empty do
3: Retrieve Msg from head of
4: Add Msg to
5: for all A in
6: for all Arcs α in 1
7: if satisfied(
, arc label α) then
8: create norm ATN instance I of A
9: add I to
10: move I to state S2
11: end if
12: end for
13: end for
14: for all I in
15: for all Arcs α in 2
16: if satisfied(
, arc label α) then
17: remove I from
18: move I to state S3
19: notify authority about I consequences
20: end if
21: end for
22: end for
23: end while
24:end while
4.3 ATN Norms Representation
According to (Loritz 2013), ATNs are directed
labelled graphs that were originally proposed for
parsing complex natural languages. Basically, an
ATN is composed of nodes that are connected with
sets of arcs. Each arc has a label which should be
processed in order to move from one node to
another, the label contents might be a set of
conditions or procedures. As mentioned in section 3,
a norm has three components which are: Norm-
Activation, NormCondition and NormExpiration.
These components are represented as three nodes
using ATN approach; these three nodes are
connected with two sets of arcs. Based on that, a
norm is represented using ATN approach as follow:
({S1, S2, S3}, A1, A2), where S1, S2 and S3
represents the components of a norm, while A1 and
A2 represents the set of arcs that connects S1S2
and S2S3 respectively. Hence, norm activation
corresponds to the fulfilment of the set A1, therefore
changing the state of the norm from S1 to S2. While
norm expiration corresponds to the fulfilment of the
set A2, therefore changing the state from S2 to S3.
The transition between S1, S2 and S3 happens based
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
on the messages that are received from trusted
The sets of arcs between the ATN nodes are
labelled according the needed behaviour in order to
move from one state to another, consider the
example in section 3. For this purpose, we propose
the following definitions:
Definition 1: Norm components mapping to
ATN labels:
is a norm component, then
Based on that:
 1
represents a message
represents the expression that is to be
processed in conjunction with the processing of
represents the observer unique identifier.
Definition 2: Norm representation into ATN
If N is a norm, then:
N={NormType, NormActivation, NormCondition,
NormExpiration, NormTarget, NormConsequences},
NormActivation =
NormCondition =
ATN representation is a tuple ({S1, S2, S3}, A1, A2)
A1 is a set of arcs
A2 is a set of arcs
Figure 2: Augmented Transition Network.
Negative norms detection model relies basically on
monitoring control loop output. In the following
sections we present the detection model along with
its algorithm.
5.1 The Detection Model
The normative multi-agent system consists of two
main parts: the society, and the authority. The
society consists of three parts which are: society
agents, society norms and the environment. These
three components interact among each other. Society
agents practice the available norms (1) and might
change or create new norms according to their
needs. When norms are practiced, they affect both
agents and the environment (2). Agents are affected
by norms either by gaining a benefit, being rewarded
or sanctioned. While the environment is affected by
the consequences of norms practicing, like
increasing the pollution because of using more
vehicles in transportation. The authority is normally
represented in one agent with high level of power to
control the society. This authority monitors the
whole society through a set of trusted observers (3).
In our model, those observers can be any services
facility like banks, supermarkets, or any other
facility. The trusted observers has the ability to
capture all actions that are carried out by society
agents, they also are able to detect norms practicing
according to agents actions. Besides, trusted
observers are able to detect any change in the
environment and the cause of this change. These
observers arrange their monitoring input into
messages with special format, and then send these
messages to the authority agent (4).
In our detection model, we care about the
consequences of norms practicing only, so the first
step of negative norms detection technique is to
filter messages that arrived from trusted observers
(5). These messages are stored in the cognitive
structure of the authority agent. Whenever a new
Negative Norms Detection Technique in Open Normative Multi-agent Systems
message is received from trusted observers, an
analysis process is carried out in order to detect if a
norm is causing negative effects or not (6). The
analysis is done on the whole set of received
messages that are related to a specific norm. After
finishing analysis process, the result is stored in the
cognitive structure again. Lastly, if a negative norm
is detected, a report is generated about this norm (7).
Then this report is sent to another unit in order to be
handled properly (8).
Figure 3: Negative Norms Detection Model.
5.2 The Detection Algorithm
The core idea of negative norms detection algorithm
is to detect the norms that have negative
consequences that exceed the allowed threshold for
negativity. Norm negativity is calculated by dividing
the number of negative consequences of this norm
by the total number of practicing.
The detection algorithm is presented as follow:
Define: Norm Practicing Message Queue 
Define: Norm Effect Message Queue 
Define: Received Message
Define: Norm Practice Threshold
Define: Norm Negativity Threshold
1: if Message Received then
Received Message
3: if
is Norm Practicing Message then
4: Add
to 
5: else if
is Norm Effect Message then
6: Add
to 
7: end if
9: if
12: If
13: Mark N as Negative
14: end if
15: end if
16: end if
We implemented the proposed model using Java
programming language in integration with JADE
agent programming platform.
6.1 Java Agent Development
Framework (JADE)
JADE is a middleware that is dedicated to develop
distributed multi-agent applications which is based
on peer-to-peer, or agent-to-agent where a peer in
JADE is an agent, communication architecture.
JADE provides the ability of distributing the
intelligence, the information, the initiative, the
resources and the control on either mobile or
computer terminals in a fixed network. An
environment that is created using JADE has the
ability to evolve dynamically as agents can appear
and disappear during run time according to the
application requirements. Agents are able to
communicate with other agents in the environment
and at the same time make internal decisions.
JADE is a pure Java platform. It has the
following principles:
Interoperability: JADE is compliant with the
FIPA specifications. As a consequence, JADE
agents can interoperate with other agents,
provided that they comply with the same
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Uniformity and portability: JADE provides a
homogeneous set of APIs that are independent
from the underlying network and Java version.
Easy to use: The complexity of the middleware
is hidden behind a simple and intuitive set of
Pay-as-you-go philosophy: Programmers do
not need to use all the features provided by the
middleware. Features that are not used do not
require programmers to know anything about
them, neither adds any computational
Figure 4 illustrates the architecture if JADE (Caire,
Poggi et al. 2003).
Figure 4: JADE architecture.
6.2 Implementation and Testing
The implemented simulation has two stages. The
first stage requires entering the norms that are to be
practiced, with some important information about
them. Also the user should enter some information
about the society, like the number of agents and
observers. This interface is shown in Figure 5.
After that, JADE starts working. Figure 6 shows
an experiment with 10 agents in a society and 3
norms and 4 observers. Society’s agents exchange
messages among each other; JADE platform handles
the delivery process. Based on the exchanged
messages, observers create instances of the practiced
norms and track them. Figure 7 shows the interface
of sniffer agent. Sniffer agent tracks the sent
messages between all agents and shows them in a
timeline depending on sending time.
Figure 5: Simulation main interface.
Figure 6: Experiment with 10 agents, 4 observers and 3
Figure 7: Sniffer agent interface.
Negative Norms Detection Technique in Open Normative Multi-agent Systems
The testing of this technique is done by analysing
the messages that are exchanges between society’s
agents and, consequently, determine the negative
norm among the available norms set. Testing results
shows that the proposed technique is working
properly. Negative norms are detected according to
the determined negativity threshold. The smaller the
threshold, the more norms are marked as negative. If
the negativity threshold is set to the value 0, all
society norms are marked as negative. On the
contrast, if the negativity threshold is set to a high
value, none of society’s norms is marked as
In this paper, we presented our negative norms
detection technique in open normative multi-agent
systems. This technique consists of two main parts:
i) Agents’ actions observation and ii) Analysis of
observations. Agents’ actions observation process is
carried out by a set of trusted observers in which
they are able to monitor all the messages that are
exchanged between agents. They are also able to
monitor and analyse agents’ actions. We adopted the
overhearing approach in which the internal mental
state of agents is reserved, while the exchanged
messages are observed. In this technique, norms are
represented using ATN approach. This approach
allows representing complex behaviours as a set of
conditions and states. Besides, this representation is
dynamic in which each norm has its own ATN
abstract model. This feature allows the creation and
removal of norms at run time.
This technique is a part of our work on
formulating a theory of norms decay (Hammoud,
Ahmad et al. 2014; Hammoud, Ahmad et al. 2014).
The presented technique will be used in norms
removal which is part of norms decay along with
norms disappearance and norms collapse. The next
step in this research work is to remove the negative
norms in order to reach a stable society.
This work is supported by the Exploratory Research
Grant Scheme (ERGS) by the Ministry of Education
Malaysia under the Grant Ref. No.
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