Papers Papers/2022 Papers Papers/2022



Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Optical Communication Systems ICETE

July 20-22, 2015, in Colmar, Alsace, France

ISBN: 978-989-758-116-8

Conference Link: http://www.optics.icete.org/

Foreword: We warmly welcome you to OPTICS 2015 - International Conference on Optical Communication Systems, which is held, this year in Colmar, Alsace, France. The OPTICS 2015, is integrated in the ICETE (International Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications) joint conference, which puts together six complementary conferences, namely DCNET, ICE-B, OPTICS, SECRYPT, SIGMAP and WINSYS, covering a broad range of related fields, including data communication networking, e-business, optical communication systems, security and cryptography, signal processing and multimedia applications, and wireless networks and information systems. Sponsored by INSTICC (the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication) and co-organized by the University of Haute Alsace, the OPTICS is organized in cooperation with the EOS (European Optical Society) and technically co-sponsored by the IEEE System Council. Moreover, it has WfMC (Workflow Management Coalition), OMG (Object Management Group), and FIPA (The Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents) as an Organizational Sponsors. We would like to emphasize that ICETE 2015 includes four distinguished keynote lectures, delivered by experts in their fields, including (alphabetically): Anthony C. Boucouvalas (University of Peloponnese, Greece), John Domingue (The Open University, United Kingdom), Eleni Karatza (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) and Andrew Moore (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom). With its six segments, we expect it to appeal to a global audience of the engineers, scientists, business practitioners and policy experts, interested in R&D on Telecommunication Systems and Services. All tracks focus on research related to real world applications and rely on contributions not only from academia, but also from industry, business and government with different solutions for end-user applications and enabling technologies, in a diversity of communication environments. The accepted papers demonstrate a number of new and innovative solutions and the vitality of these research areas. ICETE 2015 received 218 papers in total, with contributions from 53 different countries, in all continents, of which 11.9% were accepted and orally presented as full papers. To evaluate each submission, a double-blind paper evaluation method was used: each paper was blindly reviewed by at least two experts from the International Program Committee. In fact, most papers had 3 reviews or more. With this acceptance ratio, ICETE 2015 continues the tradition of previous conferences as a distinguished and high-quality conference. Extended versions of selected best papers of the conference will be invited to appear in a post-conference book that will be published by Springer. A successful conference involves more than paper presentations alone. It is also a meeting place, where ideas about new research projects and other ventures are discussed and debated. Therefore, a social event including a conference diner/banquet has been planned for evening of July 21st in order to promote this kind of social networking. We would like to express our thanks to all colleagues involved in supporting this conference. First of all, we thank all authors including those whose papers were not included in the program. We also would like to thank all members of the international program committee and reviewers, who provided an invaluable help with their expertise, dedication and time. We would also like to thank the panelists and invited speakers for their invaluable contribution, in sharing their vision and knowledge. Special thanks go to the leadership, faculty and staff of the Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Colmar for hosting the conference. Finally, a word of appreciation for the hard work of the INSTICC team; organizing a conference of this level is a task that can only be achieved by the collaborative effort of a dedicated and highly capable team. We hope that the papers accepted and included in the proceedings may be a helpful reference in future works for all those who need to address topics in optical communication systems, as well as other ICETE knowledge areas. Enjoy the program and your stay in Colmar. (More)


Vol. 1 - 978-989-758-116-8