Ryouichi Furukawa
Kazuhiro Hotta
Meijo University, 1-501 Shiogamaguchi, Tempaku-ku, Nagoya 468-8502, Japan
Transformer, Self Attention, Depth Wise Convolution, Shift Operation.
In this paper, we propose ShuffleFormer, which replaces Transformer’s Self Attention with the proposed shuffle mixing. ShuffleFormer can be flexibly incorporated as the backbone of conventional visual recognition, precise prediction, etc. Self Attention can learn globally and dynamically, while shuffle mixing employs Depth Wise Convolution to learn locally and statically. Depth Wise Convolution does not consider the relationship between channels because convolution is applied to each channel individually. Therefore, shuffle mixing can obtain the information on different channels without changing the computational cost by inserting a shift operation in the spatial direction of the channel direction components. However, by using the shift operation, the amount of spatial components obtained is less than that of Depth Wise Convolution. ShuffleFormer uses overlapped patch embedding with a kernel larger than the stride width to reduce the resolution, thereby eliminating the disadvantages
of using the shift operation by extracting more features in the spatial direction. We evaluated ShuffleFormer on ImageNet-1K image classification and ADE20K semantic segmentation. ShuffleFormer has superior results compared to Swin Transformer. In particular, ShuffleFormer-Base/Light outperforms Swin-Base in accuracy at about two-thirds of the computational cost.