Cognitive Computing Meets the Internet of Things
Zakaria Maamar
, Thar Baker
, Noura Faci
, Emir Ugljanin
, Yacine Atif
Mohammed Al-Khafajiy
and Mohamed Sellami
Zayed University, Dubai, U.A.E.
Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, U.K.
Universit´e Lyon 1, Lyon, France
State University of Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar, Serbia
University of Sk¨ovde, Sk¨ovde, Sweden
ISEP Paris, Paris, France
Business Process, Cognitive Computing, Internet-of-Things.
This paper discusses the blend of cognitive computing with the Internet-of-Things that should result into
developing cognitive things. Today’s things are confined into a data-supplier role, which deprives them from
being the technology of choice for smart applications development. Cognitive computing is about reasoning,
learning, explaining, acting, etc. In this paper, cognitive things’ features include functional and non-functional
restrictions along with a 3 stage operation cycle that takes into account these restrictions during reasoning,
adaptation, and learning. Some implementation details about cognitive things are included in this paper based
on a water pipe case-study.
According to a 2015 IBM white-paper (Green, 2015),
Internet-of-Things (IoT) needs to be smarter so that
better results from things could be attained. This
smartness could become effective thanks to cognitive
computing. In a similar statement, Wu et al. argue
that “without comprehensive cognitive capability, IoT
is just like an awkward stegosaurus: all brawn a nd
no brains (Wu et al., 2014). Brain-empowered IoT
or Cognitive Internet-of-Things (CIoT) are the terms
that Wu et al. use to describe the future generation of
things. In line with the cognitive trend, a 2017 ana-
log devices white-paper states that The Internet of
Things Depends on the Intelligence of Things
Tapping into the opportunities of IoT by, for in-
stance, offering better services through thing compo-
sition, organizations, also, rely on Business Proces-
ses (BP) to achieve their missions. A BP no -
thing more than the coding of a lesson learnt in the
past, transformed into a standard by a group of ex-
perts and established as a mandatory flow for those
who must effectively carry out the work (OpenKno-
wledge, 2016).
Despite the “hype” surrounding IoT, the ICT com-
munity is somehow not “satisfied” with the passive
nature of things due to their current role in mainly
supplying data (DZone, 2017; Mzahm et al., 2013).
To address this nature, we examine the blend of
cognitive computing with IoT in the particular con-
text of BP. Injecting cognitive capabilities into IoT
would result into Cognitive Things (CT) that BP would
have to interact with (i.e., not act-upon things nor di-
rect things like discussed in (Haller and Magerkurth,
2017; Suri et al., 2017)) according to first, these BPs’
business logics’ needs and requirements and second,
the context of these CT. Our objective is to empower
things with reasoning, learning, and adaptation capa-
bilities, so that, a BP would weave these things into
its process model. Though some might be skeptical
about thing empowerment, Taivalsaari and Mikkonen
argue that hardwa re adv ances an d the availability of
powerful but inexpensive integrated chips will make
it possible to embed connec tivity and fully edged vir-
tual machines and dyna m ic language run-times ever-
ywhere (Taivalsaari and Mikkonen, 2017). As a re-
sult of these advances, everyday things will become
connected and programmable dynamically.
Section 2 briefly presents the concepts of IoT
and cognitive computing and suggests a case study.
Section 3 is how to put the blend of cognitive compu-
ting with IoT in the context of BP into action. Some
Maamar, Z., Baker, T., Faci, N., Ugljanin, E., Atif, Y., Al-Khafajiy, M. and Sellami, M.
Cognitive Computing Meets the Internet of Things.
DOI: 10.5220/0006877507410746
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2018), pages 741-746
ISBN: 978-989-758-320-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
preliminary implementation results are reported in
Section 4. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper.
Internet of Things. The abundant literature on IoT
does not help propose a unique definition of what
IoT is or should be. On the one hand, Barnaghi and
Sheth provide a good overview of IoT requirements
and challenges (Barnaghi and Sheth, 2016). Require-
ments include quality, latency, trust, availability, re-
liability, and continuity that should impact efficient
access and use of IoT data and services. And, chal-
lenges result from today’s IoT ecosystems that fea-
ture billions of dynamic things that make existing se-
arch, discovery, and access techniques and solutions
inappropriate for IoT data and services. On the other
hand, Abdmeziem et al. discuss IoT characteristics
and enabling technologies (Abdmeziem et al., 2016).
First, characteristics include distribution, interopera-
bility, scalability, resource scarcity, and security. Se-
cond, enabling technologies include sensing, commu-
nication, and actuating. These technologies are map-
ped onto a 3 layer IoT architecture that consists of per-
ception, network, and application, respectively.
Cognitive Computing. Sheth, in (Sheth, 2016), re-
fers to DARPAs definition of cognitive system as a
system that can reason, use represented knowledge,
learn from experience, accumulate knowledge, ex-
plain itself, accept direction, b e aware of its own be-
havior and capab ilities as well as re spond in a robust
manner to su rprises (Johnson, 2002). This defini-
tion identifies some capabilities that could empower
things such as learning and sensing. According to
, cognitive computing systems may include dif-
ferent components such as natural language proces-
sing, machine learning, image recognition, and emo-
tional intelligence.
Case Study. It is about cognitive water-pipes in sup-
port of smart homes’ services. It is well known that
leaks are a significant source of water loss. However,
it is less known that a large proportion of this loss, 20-
30%, occurs at the consumer side. According to the
Association of British Insurers Research, the average
cost from a burst pipe is £6,500 to £7,500 (cas, ). On
top of this cost, insurance companies spend billions to
cover water damages and cost of repairs.
We, safely, assume that walls in today’s smart ho-
mes have mounted moisture detecting sensors, which
could help reduce water loss and hence, bills. The
sensors would alert tenants of any water pipe leakage
before it leads to serious damages. However, by the
time the tenant notices the alert, then finding a plum-
bing company to book for repair, the wall itself could
end up costing some money to get fixed, for example.
Our proposal is that cognitive water-pipes would
reason about sensed data (e.g., leak position and time
it started, amount of drippings, and moisture level) so,
they, for instance, ask the water distribution company
to suspend water provisioning, contact potential re-
pair services to come fix the leak, and finally, make
a payment. In this case, searching for and calling re-
pair services, negotiating deals with them, and ma-
king contact with the tenant’s bank account to com-
plete a service payment are all individual BP that rely
on CT engagement in addressing water pipes’ leaks.
3.1 Features of Cognitive Things
We empower a CT with 3 types of capabilities (not ne-
cessarily all) that would allow this CT to reason about
the surrounding, to learn from the past, and to adapt
to changes. These capabilities include computation
for processing needs, persistence for storage needs
(even temporarily), and communication for transfer
needs. The enactment of each capability is subject to
2 types of restrictions on the CT: functional and non-
Functional restrictions impact a CT participation
in ongoing BP (in fact, BP instances at run-time). We
decompose these restrictions into 3 categories:
- Limited (l): when a CT participation is restricted
by a time frame. Beyond this time frame, the CT
ceases to exist (e.g., withdrawn because of expiry
date) and hence, becomes unavailable for certain
BP (however, the CT would remain available for
other BP). Example of limited is a moisture sensor
that has a life span due to power availability (on
battery) and/or part deterioration over time.
- Non-shareable (ns): when a CT concurrent par-
ticipation in many BP needs to be scheduled
(e.g., required because of conflicting requests).
Example of non-shareable is a water meter de-
dicated to personal usage and hence, cannot be
shared with other residential units.
- Renewable (r): when a CT participation in a BP
is extended for another time frame and/or round
of use subject to satisfying the limited and/or sh-
areability restrictions (e.g., approved because of
work incompleteness). Example of renewable is a
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
2 hour-rented pump to drain water. However, the
rent can be extended, if necessary.
Non-functional restrictions impact a CT participa-
tion in ongoing BP in terms of processing power,
storage capacity, and/or communication bandwidth.
- Processing (p) is about minimum versus maxi-
mum number of instructions.
- Storage (s) is about limited versus unlimited and
persistence versus volatile.
- Communication (c) is about minimum versus
maximum data transfer.
3.2 Operations over Cognitive Things
We propose an ecosystem of CT that is built-upon
3 connected worlds (Fig. 1): the process world fea-
turing BP, the thing world featuring CT, and the data
world featuring data linked to both BP and CT. As
stated in Section 1, a BP neither act upon a CT nor
direct it. Contrarily, BP and CT engage in continu-
ous interactions that should, ideally, lead to confir-
ming the participation of CT in BP as well as trigge-
ring new BP. A participation considers a CTs functio-
nal and non-functional restrictions that, in fact, reflect
this CTs current/active participation in other ongoing
(under-execution) BP. Still in Fig. 1, the thing world
produces data
(e.g., after sensing) that the process
world manages in terms of consuming these data an-
d/or producing new data. Managing data would make
BP (i.e., instances) progress in their executions along
with initiating additional interactions with new and/or
(some) current CT and/or closing ongoing interactions
with (some) current CT.
Process world Thing world
Data world
Figure 1: Ecosystem of cognitive things.
In Fig. 2, we suggest a 3 stage cycle for defi-
ning the cognition anchored to the world of things in
Fig. 1 (cloud shape). In the reasoning stage, a CT
assesses the surroundings (e.g., context) on top of its
functional and non-functional restrictions prior to ma-
king any new decision of participating in another BP
Data issues like semantics do not fall into the scope of
this work.
(the BP also considers its financial restriction) or con-
tinuing (in compliance with the renewal functional-
restriction) its participation in an ongoing BP. To this
end, the CT relies on both the data in the data world
and the respective statuses of all ongoing interactions
with the process world. Some decisions in the rea-
soning stage could lead to confirming CTs’ participa-
tion in BP and adjusting CTs’ behaviors (e.g., can-
celing a participation in a BP) as per the adapta-
tion stage (i.e., changes in behaviors (Terdjimi et al.,
2017)). Lessons learned during the adaptation stage
feed the learning stage that itself feeds the reasoning
stage with details on these lessons. Examples of de-
tails could be the number of times a CT participation
in a BP has been renewed (in compliance with the re-
newable functional-restriction).
could lead to
could help
could feed
Figure 2: Cognition of IoT as a 3 stage cycle.
Let us apply the above 3 stage cycle to the water-
pipe case study (Fig. 3). First, when a leak is detected,
the moisture sensor CT generates data like amount of
drippings and moisture level and decides (reasoning,
Section 3.3) about the severity of leak and hence, the
urgency of fixing the pipe. If it is not severe, the
sensor CT informs the tenant of the leak. Contrarily,
the sensor CT triggers a new pipe fixing BP. This BP
requires checking if the maintenance contract CT is
still valid (in compliance with the limited functional-
restriction) as it can be extended, if necessary (rene-
wal taken care by adaptation). The contract CT men-
tions an agreed-upon plumbing company that will do
the necessary job. In conjunction with contacting the
plumbing company, the moisture CT informs the me-
ter CT to close the water distribution due to past cases
that led to neighbors’ complaints (reasoning). Feed-
back on the quality of repair permits to update the
maintenance contract CT (learning).
3.3 Reasoning of Cognitive Things
Since CT are resource-bounded, we adopt the Belief-
Desire-Intention (BDI) approach (Bratman, 1987) to
represent a CTs cognition. CT are empowered with
reasoning capabilities that tap into recurring events
Cognitive Computing Meets the Internet of Things
Moisture CT
contract CT
Meter CT
1. leak
Business Process
3. initiation
4. contact
5. distribution closure (severe)
2. leak
7. contract
6. initiation repair
8. repair initiation (valid)
9. contract
Figure 3: Illustration of the 3 stage cycle.
and subsequent course of action
to assert certain
beliefs (knowledge about the CTs context). Be-
liefs can be represented as a collection of properties
(i.e., beliefs, goals/desires, and intentions/plans) cap-
tured through predicate-logic statements (i.e., predi-
cates and rules), formatted into some specific standard
for data exchange (e.g., JSON and XML), and sto-
red in some knowledge base. Fig. 4 depicts a things
cognition as a set of beliefs and reasoning capabi-
lities (i.e., goal matching, belief revision, delibera-
tion, and plan selec tion). Beliefs are updated from
events generated by the thing world and from inte-
ractions with other CT through the belief revision ca-
pability. The belief knowledge-base can be maintai-
ned through two cognitive processes: perception and
influenc e bias. Perception refers to some transfer of
information from the process and/or thing worlds into
beliefs while influence bias refers to belief revision
based on interactions with other CT. Since beliefs are
uncertain, influenc e bia s depends on to what extent
other CT are trusted. Belief revision enables a CT to
continuously learn by curating its beliefs and updating
its decision rules. Goals can be represented as target
states that refer to some beliefs. Matching goals with
conclusion part of decision rules enables pro-active
behaviors of CT on their own. Once goal matching is
performed, a CTs delib eration infers alternative in-
tentions by selecting appropriate plans for execution.
These plans are applied on the thing world so that go-
als are achieved. Plans are not just a sequence of ba-
sic actions, but may also generate new sub-goals.
As stated earlier, learning happens through in-
cremental belief-amendment from perception and be-
lief revision triggered by events occurred in the thing
world. This world includes devices (e.g., sensors) an-
chored to physical phenomena and linked to BP that
Note that a course of action result from an intentional
reasoning that drives a CTs behavior.
in goals
with other CT
Figure 4: Thing’s cognition in action
collect and curate data. The reasoning starts with
a goal engagement that satisfies some BPs’ require-
ments. This goal is enabled based on satisfying some
contextual conditions that feature the proposed cogni-
tion cycle described in Fig. 4. Examples of conditions
could level of humidity in a home.
In the following, we show that the knowledge of
a CT could evolve over time thanks to learning. This
evolution develops a new Belief B
in the form of pre-
dicates and/or decision rules. This augmented kno-
wledge base is the consequence of new information
from other CT and/or devices driven by Event E
that an existing Belief B is changed. The process of
maximizing a CTs cognition to meet, is formally ex-
pressed in Equation 1
) (1)
In addition, Equation 2 shapes the incremental
scope of CTs cognition, whereby the expectation of
a CTs cognitive belief B
is asserted under stimulus E
exceeds the probability that CT’s belief B
is asserted
) > P(B B
) (2)
Our under-development CT testbed consists of the
following components: a temperature-humidity sen-
sor AM2302 (DHT22), Arduino UNO, and Rasp-
berry Pi2 Model B. For assembly needs, we procee-
ded as follows: the AM2302 sensor reads and sends
air humidity via analog signal. However, since Ras-
pberry Pi2 cannot read analog signal, we connected
the sensor to Arduino UNO so that this latter provi-
des data to Raspberry Pi2 through serial communica-
tion (i.e., over a USB connection). The testbed en-
vironment is presented in Fig. 5 and is referred to as
CT node. Raspberry Pi2 is connected to the Internet
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 5: CT testbed environment.
via a LAN to provide the outside world communica-
tion for the necessary BP.
From a functional perspective (Fig. 3), the test-
bed is developed to support smart-home services. It
monitors air humidity level in order to “tell” if there
is a leakage in water pipes where the CT node is in-
stalled. Therefore the developed testbed functions as
follows (Alg. 1):
1. The CT node measures the air-humidity (Hu),
Alg. 1:line 1, level every 2 minutes (line 8) (this
can be changed depending on the scenario or sy-
stem requirement). The CT node examines the
humidity level in order to check the water-pipe’s
leak status, hence we assumed the range of nor-
mal and abnormal humidity level. A humidity be-
tween 70% and 120% is treated as abnormal hu-
midity level requiring repair.
2. When a leak is detected (lines 3 & 4), the CT node
first, returns the location of the house (based on
the latitude and longitude), and the corresponding
category of the air-humidity (line 13). The cate-
gory is used to specify the emergency level of the
required plumbing service. Then, the CT node se-
arches for the best available plumbing services in
the neighborhood. We assume that these services
are already available online so that the CT node
carries out the necessary searches based on loca-
tion, price, and tenant balance criteria (line 15,
16 & 17, respectively), for example. Then, the
CT node fetches data for these services from a
Web page.
3. Once the CT node selects the best service, it sends
out an email to the tenant so he is informed of the
issue and best available service (line 19).
4. Before the service is booked, the CT node trig-
gers a BP that compares the tenant’s account ba-
lance with the returned plumbing services best
price (line 18). If the maintenance cost can-
not be covered, the tenant is informed again by
email (line 21).
5. The CT node performs the pay (CatN), which im-
plies that the plumber has turned out and fixed the
leak (line 24).
6. Finally, the CT node keeps monitoring the humi-
dity level in the pipe for 3 days (this can be altered
based on the system needs) to ensure the quality
of repair (line 25). If the category of Hu is abnor-
mal (line 26), a new appointment with the same
plumber will be arranged (line 27).
In this paper, we discussed the blend of cognitive
computing with the Internet-of-Things in order to fos-
ter thing seamless integration into the business world.
This blend results into cognitive things (CT) that
should be empowered with reasoning, adaptation, and
learning capabilities. These capabilities allow CT
to be active (i.e., reason, learn, and adapt) in an
ecosystem of IoT. To enable cognitive capabilities, we
first, bind them with functional and non-functional re-
strictions along with price strategies for competition
purposes. We, also, define a 3 stage cycle governing
CTs enactment that revolves around a BDI architec-
ture. Our under-development CT testbed consists of
a temperature-humidity sensor AM2302 (DHT22), Ar-
duino UNO, and Raspberry Pi2 Model B and has been
used in the context of leak detection in water pipes. In
term of future work, we would like to analyze on-the-
fly code injection into things in compliance with the
learning and adaptation stages. Indeed, things could
be exposed to unseen situations that require new cour-
ses of action.
Cognitive Computing Meets the Internet of Things
definitions : Humidity (Hu), Location
(Loc), Category (Cat), eMail
assumptions : Hu =
CatN : Hu < 70
CatA : 70 < Hu < 80
CatB : 80 < Hu < 90
CatC : 90 < Hu < 100
CatD : 100 < Hu < 110
CatE : 110 < Hu < 120
initializ ati on : Hu=φ, Loc=φ, Cat=φ;
sensorData(Hu) while Hu 6= φ do
2 Find corresponding Cat to Hu as per
3 if (Hu =
CatAkCatBkCatCkCatDkCatE) then
4 goto 13;
5 else
6 if (Hu = CatN) then
7 sleep (120
8 checks every 2min
9 goto 1;
10 end
11 end
12 end
Loc(latitude, longitude, Cat) incident
location while Loc 6= φ do
17 if (bestPrice < tanentBalence) then
18 booking (appointment);
19 eM (tenant, booking);
20 else
21 eM (tenant, No enough credit)
22 end
23 if (CT appointment) && (Hu=CatN)
24 pay(serviceProvider, prices);
25 monitor(Cat, period 3 days);
26 if (cat 6= CatN) then
27 eM(serviceProvider,
28 end
29 end
30 end
Algorithm 1: CT node process.
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ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies