A Private Gateway for Investigating IoT Data Management
Tamas Pflanzner and Attila Kertesz
Software Engineering Department, University of Szeged, 6720 Szeged, Dugonics ter 13, Hungary
Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Simulation, Gateway.
By responding to the new trend represented by the appearance of the Internet of Things (IoT), several cloud
providers have started to offer specific management services. In recent years, we have already seen that cloud
computing has managed to serve IoT needs by making data generation, processing and visualization tasks
transparent to the users. In IoT Cloud systems developers do not only have to buy and configure sensor de-
vices, but they also have to develop so-called gateway applications to manage the data comings from these
devices. In this paper we show how to develop such a private gateway, and present a comprehensive simula-
tion environment, where IoT Cloud applications can be investigated without initial investments. Finally, we
evaluate the proposed gateway with real sensor data.
Internet of Things (IoT) systems follow a new trend,
representing a dynamic global network infrastructure
with self configuring capabilities (Sundmaeker et al.,
2010), in which things can interact and communicate
among themselves and with the environment through
the Internet by exchanging sensor data, and react au-
tonomously to events and influence them by trigger-
ing actions with or without direct human intervention.
Such systems can be utilized in many application ar-
eas, thus they may have very different properties. Ac-
cording to recent reports in the IoT field (e.g. (Ma-
honey and LeHong, 2011)), there will be 30 billion
devices always online and more than 200 billion de-
vices discontinuously online by 2020. Such estima-
tions call for smart solutions that provide means to
interconnect and control these devices in an efficient
Cloud computing (Buyya et al., 2009) enables
flexible resource provisions that have become hugely
popular for many businesses to take advantage of re-
sponding quickly to customers demands. There is
a growing number of cloud providers offering IoT-
specific services, since cloud computing has the po-
tential to serve IoT needs such as hiding data genera-
tion, processing and visualization tasks. With the help
of these virtualized solutions, user data can be stored
in a remote location and can be accessed from any-
By realizing these capabilities, there are several,
popular cloud platform providers available offering
IoT specific services. Some of these IoT features are
unique, but every IoT cloud provider has the basic
capabilities to connect and store data from devices.
Creating and examining such applications within IoT
cloud environments represent a great challenge, since
many things have to be managed at the same time, and
a wide range of devices and data formats are available.
By addressing these needs, the main contributions
of this paper are the followings: first, we character-
ize the problem area, then introduce how to develop
real cloud gateway services to manage the simulated
devices composing a complex semi-simulated envi-
ronment. Finally, we evaluate the performance and
scalability of the proposed solution.
The goal of our research with this proposal is to
support the proliferation of integrated IoT, mobile and
cloud technologies, and to enable experimenting with
complex systems fulfilling the efficient management
of user applications. By using our proposed tools,
real things or devices can be substituted by mimick-
ing their behavior, thus there is no need to perform
initial investments by buying real sensors or devices
to investigate IoT applications.
The remainder of this paper is presented as fol-
lows: Section 2 discusses emerging technological
improvements clarifying the research scope and in-
troduces an overview of related works. Section 3
presents our proposed IoT Cloud simulation environ-
ment, and also discusses the development possibili-
ties of private cloud gateways for managing IoT de-
Pflanzner, T. and Kertesz, A.
A Private Gateway for Investigating IoT Data Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0006775505260532
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2018), pages 526-532
ISBN: 978-989-758-295-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
vices, then it evaluates its scalability and device man-
agement features. Finally, the contributions are sum-
marized in Section 5.
Cloud computing has become a widespread and reli-
able solution over the past decade. Overcoming inter-
operability issues of public cloud providers and vari-
ous middleware implementations, the process of cre-
ating and managing cloud federations is clarified and
applied (Kertesz, 2014). There are various reasons to
optimize resource management in such federations: to
serve more users simultaneously, to increase quality
of service, to gain higher profit from resource renting,
or to reduce energy consumption or CO2 emissions.
As depicted in Figure 1, in the past decade we
experienced an evolution in Cloud Computing: the
first clouds appeared in the form of a single virtu-
alized datacenter, then broadened into a larger sys-
tem of interconnected, multiple datacenters. As the
next step cloud bursting techniques were develop to
share resources of different clouds, then cloud feder-
ations were realized by interoperating formerly sep-
arate cloud systems. Once overall optimization is-
sues in cloud federations addressing datacenter con-
solidation, operating costs and energy efficiency were
developed, further research directions started to use
clouds to support newly emerging domains, such as
the Internet of Things. In the case of IoT systems,
data management operations are better placed close
to their origins, thus close to the users, which re-
sulted in better exploiting the edge devices of the net-
work. Finally, as the latest step of this evolution the
group of such edge nodes formed the fog. Dastjerdi
and Buyya defined fog computing as a distributed
paradigm (Dastjerdi and Buyya, 2016), where cloud
storage and computational services are performed at
the network edge. This new paradigm enables the ex-
ecution of data processing and analytics application
in a distributed way, possibly utilizing both cloud and
near-by resources. The main goal is to achieve low la-
tency, but it also brings novel challenges in real-time
analytics, stream processing, power consumption and
There are many simulators available to examine
distributed and specifically cloud systems. Neverthe-
less, there are some more specific IoT simulators ad-
dressing similar issues compared to this study. Han et
al. (Han et al., 2014.) have designed DPWSim, which
is a simulation toolkit to support the development
of service-oriented and event-driven IoT applications
with secure web service capabilities. SimIoT (Sotiri-
adis et al., 2014.) was derived from the SimIC sim-
ulation framework. It introduces several techniques
to simulate the communication between an IoT sen-
sor and the cloud, but it is limited to compute activity
models. The SimpleIoTSimulator (SimpleIoTSimu-
lator, 2017) is an IoT sensor or device simulator that
is able to create test environments made up of thou-
sands of sensors and gateways on a computer. It sup-
ports many of the common IoT protocols (e.g. CoAP,
MQTT, HTTP). Its drawback is that it needs a spe-
cific, RedHat Linux environment, while our approach
is more heterogeneous, and focuses on IoT device
simulation with mobile devices, which is easier to be
applied. The Atomiton simulator (Atomiton, 2017)
is probably the closest solutions to our concept. It
manages virtual sensors, actuators and devices with
unique behaviors. With this tool complex, dynamic
systems can be created for specific applications. Un-
like our open, mobile solution, it is a commercial,
web-based environment with very limited documen-
Kang et al. introduced the main types and features
of IoT gateways in (Kang et al., 2017). This work is a
detailed study in this regard, and presents the state-of-
the-art and research directions in this field. In this pa-
per we does not aim to propose a generic solution for
all needs of an IoT system, but to provide a gateway
solution that can be used together with MobIoTSim
(Pflanzner et al., 2016) to enable a comprehensive
simulation environment for investigating IoT clouds.
3.1 A Comprehensive IoT Cloud
Simulation Environment
The architecture of our vision for simulating IoT
Cloud systems is depicted in Figure 2. Unlike tradi-
tional simulators, we try to stay as close to real world
systems as possible. We take trace files saved from
public applications, place them into an archive (I.),
and use them in MobIoTSim (Pflanzner et al., 2016)
(II.) to mimic real device behavior. We also develop
gateway services (III.) to process and visualize sen-
sor data and instantiate and operate them at private or
public cloud providers.
The basic usage of the simulator is to: (i) connect
the application to a cloud, where the data is to be sent,
(ii) create and configure the devices to be simulated,
and (iii) start the (data generation of the) required de-
vices. These main steps represented by three main
A Private Gateway for Investigating IoT Data Management
Figure 1: Evolution of cloud systems.
Figure 2: Simulating IoT Cloud systems.
parts of the application: the Cloud settings, the De-
vices and the Device settings screens.
We also developed an own, private gateway ser-
vice (available in (Private Gateway, 2017)) for the
Bluemix platform that is able to manage several de-
vices simultaneously, and can send a notification to
the MobIoTSim device simulator by responding to
critical sensor values. This gateway service is basi-
cally an extended version of the IBM visualization
application (IBM Watson, 2017). It has a web-based
graphical interface to visualize sensor data coming
from MobIoTSim. Messages (defined in JSON for-
mat) received from the simulated devices are man-
aged by an MQTT server. It can also be used to send
responses (or notifications) back to the simulated IoT
devices in MobIoTSim.
It is easy to connect the simulator to such a pri-
vate gateway. Since it has a predefined template
called Bluemix, we only need to specify an organi-
zation identifier and the connection type (either TCP
or TLS) to enable connection to the MQTT server. In
the case of already available templates, the necessary
URL is predefined. The application ID, the authenti-
cation key and token can be retrieved by registering
to the gateway service, and these parameters can be
used later to sign in to the data visualization site of
the gateway. The simulated devices also need to be
registered to the MQTT server of the gateway service
just like real devices –, by specifying their device
and type identifiers and sensor data thresholds, which
replies with their token identifiers (to be used for de-
vice setting). Once these settings are made, simulated
devices can be defined and started in the same way as
shown previously for the demo gateway. We can cre-
ate advanced scenarios with this private gateway, such
as managing more devices and responding to critical
sensor data coming from the simulated devices.
CLOSER 2018 - 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 3: Visualizing the data in Bluemix sent by a group of MobIoTSim devices with the private gateway.
3.2 Evaluation
As a next step, we further revised our private gateway
for Bluemix to handle up to hundreds of devices at the
same time. This way we can see the data sent by all
devices in a single real-time chart as shown in Figure
3. The node.js application managing the chart sub-
scribes to the device topics with the MQTT protocol
and waits for the messages. In this extended gateway,
we use paging to overcome device management limi-
tations (25 devices at a time). In order to enhance and
better visualize many device data at the same time, we
introduced device grouping for the chart generation.
Though the Bluemix platform provides some
monitoring information for application services, cus-
tom Docker containers can be better monitored. For
this purpose, we created the Docker version of our pri-
vate gateway, which even became more portable this
We also examined and evaluated this gateway ser-
vice. We deployed the private gateway in a Docker
container as a micro application with the following
parameters: OS - Ubuntu with Linux kernel 4.4.0,
RAM - 256 MBs, CPU - Intel Xeon E5-2690 with
48 cores.
First, as an initial evaluation, we used the Thermo-
stat template of MobIoTSim to create device groups
of 100 and 450 simulated devices. We performed the
simulations for 10 minutes and generated sensor mes-
sages in every second. We used the Grafana tool in
Bluemix to monitor the resource consumption con-
cerning CPU, memory and network usage. The re-
sults with median values can be seen in Figure 4. For
Figure 4: Initial evaluation with Thermostat devices.
the third case in the diagram we reset the message
generation interval to 0.5 seconds, therefore we got
900 (denoted by 450x2) messages in every second.
As we can see from the diagram we experienced only
little load in all cases. The reason for this is that the
gateway application only received the messages and
forwarded them to a javascript-based chart generator
run in a browser at the client side. So we performed
no real data processing tasks, though in real world we
may do that. As a result, we extended our private
gateway by introducing stressing processes to sup-
port more realistic IoT operation. For CPU stressing
we implemented a parameterizable Fibonacci number
generation. We used the setting to count the 20th Fi-
bonacci number upon each received message multi-
plied by a score representing the size of the message.
(We suppose that larger messages need more process-
ing computation.)
For the next experiment, we enabled stressing and
created 10, 100 and 250 thermostat devices in groups.
A Private Gateway for Investigating IoT Data Management
Figure 5: Evaluation results with CPU stressing.
Figure 6: Comparison of different device groups.
Figure 7: Comparison of different data generation intervals.
The averages of the measured results can be seen in
Figure 5. Now we can see that the load of the CPU is
increasing as we manage a higher number of devices
at the same time. Therefore we extended this mea-
surement and compared 10, 100, 250 and 450 devices
in groups. Figure 6 shows the average results for the
device groups and the appropriate resources. Next, we
re-executed this scenario by reducing the data gener-
ation frequency to 0.5 seconds. The comparison of
continuous measurements for 100, 250 and 450 de-
vices of the 1 and the 0.5 seconds message generation
can be seen in Figure 7.
Once we got some impression on working with
a simple thermostat device, we chose a more com-
plex one. As one of the earliest examples of sen-
sor networks are from the field of meteorology and
weather prediction, we chose to model a meteorolog-
ical service and gathered real data from OpenWeath-
erMap (OpenWeatherMap, 2017). This service pro-
vides a global geospatial platform supporting the de-
velopment and operation of data-driven products for
agriculture, transportation and alike. It monitors and
publishes actual weather conditions and forecast for
more than 200 thousand cities using data from more
than 40 thousand weather stations. Their database
includes historical data, which is accessible through
As a final evaluation step, we used the Weather
template of MobIoTSim to create device groups of
100 and 450 simulated devices. By using this tem-
plate we can set up weather station parameters follow-
ing the OpenWeatherMap format, or load previously
saved OpenWeatherMap traces of certain cities. For
this experiment, we randomly picked weather data of
cities (one city for one simulated device) from earlier
traces. Figure 8 shows the difference of the applied
two templates in sizes, while Table 1 provide the de-
tailed median measurement results. We can see that as
the number of devices grows, the resource utilization
also gets higher. Figure 9 highlights CPU utilization
comparison of the two device types.
Figure 8: Comparison of message data sizes.
Figure 9: Comparison of CPU utilization of the two device
CLOSER 2018 - 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 1: Results of measurements with the Weather template.
No. of devices 10 100 250 450
CPU util. (%) 1.59 12.27 29.53 52.29
Memory (MB) 110.07 110.22 110.35 110.05
Network (B/s) 890.66 881.34 855.16 853.60
Message size (KB) 2468 24695 61666 1 11110
No. of messages 6000 60046 149940 270165
Table 2: MQTT brokers.
VerneMQ Moquette RabbitMQ ActiveMQ JoramMQ Mosquitto
Price free free free free free free
Opensource yes yes yes yes yes yes
License Apache 2.0 Apache 2.0 Mozilla Public Apache 2.0 LGPL Apache 2.0
Custer yes no yes yes yes no
Linux yes yes yes yes yes yes
MacOS yes yes yes yes na na
Windows no yes yes yes yes yes
Language Erlang Java Erlang Java Java C
Our future plan is to create a platform-independent
gateway service, which can be later deployed to any
cloud. Such a service should contain an MQTT bro-
ker to help the communication between the IoT en-
vironment and the cloud application. A graphical
interface for a thing database is required to register
IoT devices and generate API keys for cloud applica-
tions. The device registration makes the communica-
tion more secure.
We have already started to evaluate existing, open-
source MQTT brokers, which should be the base of
a platform-independent gateway service. Our crite-
ria for the appropriate MQTT broker is to be open-
source, scalable and extendable for dynamic device
registration and management. In Table 2 we pro-
vide an overview of the most popular MQTT bro-
kers we started to investigate. These brokers are the
followings: VerneMQ (VerneMQ, 2017) (VerneMQ
source, 2017), Moquette (Moquette, 2017) (Mo-
quette source, 2017), RabbitMQ (RabbitMQ, 2017)
(RabbitMQ source, 2017), ActiveMQ (ActiveMQ,
2017) (ActiveMQ source, 2017), JoramMQ (Jo-
ramMQ, 2017) (JoramMQ source, 2017), Mosquitto
(Mosquitto, 2017) (Mosquitto source, 2017). Our fu-
ture work will continue this evaluations, and select the
most appropriate one to be incorporated to our gate-
way solution.
The IoT paradigm has appeared as the latest Inter-
net revolution generating a huge amount of power-
ful devices for the online world. By responding to
this trend, several cloud providers have started to offer
specific management services for this new world. In
this currently forming IoT ecosystem, users and sys-
tem developers do not only have to buy and configure
devices, but they also have to choose the right IoT
cloud provider offering the combination of protocols
and data structures fitting their applications.
To support users and researchers in this field, we
have shown how to develop a specific gateway service
to manage simulated devices composing a complex
semi-simulated environment. We have also evaluated
the performance and scalability of this IoT gateway
service. Using these solutions, researchers and devel-
opers can investigate the behavior of IoT systems, and
develop and evaluate IoT cloud applications more ef-
ficiently in a convenient, cost effective way.
Our future work will address the development of
fully portable gateways (deployable at different cloud
providers), and the creation of various device tem-
plates for other IoT application areas, such as smart
The research leading to these results was supported by
the UNKP-17-4 New National Excellence Program
of the Ministry of Human Capacities of Hungary,
A Private Gateway for Investigating IoT Data Management
and by the Hungarian Government and the European
Regional Development Fund under the grant num-
ber GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00037 (”Internet of Living
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CLOSER 2018 - 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science