Ontology-based Sentiment Analysis Model for Recommendation Systems
Samreen Zehra, Shaukat Wasi, Imran Jami, Aisha Nazir, Ambreen Khan and Nusrat Waheed
Department of Computer Science, Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Karachi, Pakistan
Ontology, Sentiment Analysis, Recommendation System.
In this paper, we propose a novel approach towards developing a recommendation system using ontology-
based sentiment analysis. To conduct our study, we have targeted a Facebook closed group which contains
posts/reviews regarding different schools. For elucidating the knowledge domain, a school ontology is man-
ually designed based on a set of extracted post/comment data. Sentiment analysis is consequently performed
on the resulting Data set and the relative sentiment scores are stored back in the ontology for making recom-
mendations in future.
Sentiments are very important as they make a founda-
tion for decision making for the stakeholders. Opin-
ion mining (also termed as Sentiment analysis) is a
sub-field of web mining that deals with extracting,
analyzing and classifying the sentiments of different
people regarding a target entity and its related at-
tributes, from user-generated reviews(Liu, 2012).
Opinions are studied at three levels of granularity
(document, sentence or feature) (Freitas and Vieira,
2013). In our case, sentence level analysis is be-
ing used to predict user’s sentiment correctly in each
comment/post, that has no underlying semantic con-
text. It is important to understand that sentiment anal-
ysis can only be performed on subjective sentences
that contain some personal sentiment, stance, view, or
belief attributed towards an entity. The task of clas-
sifying a given text being objective or subjective is
referred to as Subjectivity classification(Liu, 2012).
In our research, we have selected subjective com-
ments manually from Facebook comments file. Sen-
tiStrength tool was then employed for discovering the
polarity of a given subjective comment, i.e. neutral,
positive or negative and to assign a numeric score
that expresses the strength/intensity of the sentiment.
Considering the various hurdles in conducting senti-
ment analysis of unstructured texts, the researchers
have started exploring semantic-based approaches for
opinion mining. This is mostly achieved by utilizing
an ontology. Ontology is a formal explicit descrip-
tion of concepts in a domain of discourse in the form
of taxonomic hierarchy (Noy et al., 2001). It devel-
ops a shared understanding of domain by building a
common vocabulary lexicon. An Ontology comprises
of concepts, instances, relationships between the con-
cepts, facets and slots. For implementation of our on-
tology, we have used Prot´eg´e, a JAVA based knowl-
edge base framework that complies with W3C stan-
dards of representing ontology in the semantic web.
For opinion mining, it is very challenging to iden-
tify the target of the opinion in a given text. This
problem is known as Named Entity Recognition in
Natural Language Processing. The task of finding
the target/feature may be eliminated if the knowledge
domain is modeled as an ontology, based on prede-
termined relationships between domain objects and
its features, having specific rules and axioms. Dur-
ing the past few years, the social media has emerged
as a pivotal source for opinion mining as different
users share their experiences and feedback on it. It
is worth noting that mining user’s perspective, from
these short texts/comments, regarding a particular tar-
get is a demanding job given the fact that these com-
ments/reviews are characterized as ambiguous, sar-
castic and informal. Presently, so much work has al-
ready been done on sentiment analysis of a normal un-
structured text corpus using lexicon-based approach
and machine learning approach or the combination of
In our proposed work, we are trying to study sen-
timents of a particular Facebook group users towards
different schools to formulate a recommendation sys-
tem based on their reviews. A school ontology has
been developed to model the school knowledge-base
for extraction of relevant opinions and polarity cal-
Zehra S., Wasi S., Jami I., Nazir A., Khan A. and Waheed N.
Ontology-based Sentiment Analysis Model for Recommendation Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006491101550160
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KEOD 2017), pages 155-160
ISBN: 978-989-758-272-1
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
culation. Hence, it is highly likely that a person
will have a recommendation based on its require-
ment. This paper is organized as follows: Section
II presents Related Work; Section III describes The
Proposed Approach; Section IV explains the Method-
ology; Section V highlights Experimental Results and
Section V outlines Conclusions and Future Work.
In the literature, similar work in this domain is car-
ried out by (Kontopoulos et al., 2013) where the
researchers applied ontology-based sentiment analy-
sis methodology on twitter data. They worked on
semi-automatic ontology generation based on twitter
posts about different mobile phones and their associ-
ated features. Separate Datasets comprising of Users’
reviews were used for ontology creation and senti-
ment analysis. In their work the sentiment scores
were computed using a webservice named Open-
Dover. However, the idea of application of senti-
ment analysis on an ontology-based knowledge do-
main was originally proposed by (Yaakub et al., 2012)
which was further analyzed and extended by (Haider,
2012) to include feature-based sentiment analysis of
customers’ reviews on smartphones having enhanced
product feature set. Both of them classified the sen-
timent polarity on a 7-point scale ranging from 3 to
-3. They also asserted that the feature level sentiment
scores help in the calculation of the overall sentiment
score for the object. In a similar context, feature level
opinion mining is performed by (Freitas and Vieira,
2013) for Portuguese movie reviews, by making use
of already available movie ontology. Another notice-
able work by (Sam and Chatwin, 2015) suggested that
the polarity of the sentiment word heavily depends on
the context in which it is being used. They, there-
fore, developed two different ontologies. One is emo-
tion ontology for storing emotion words of customers
towards different electronic products with associated
polarities, the other is the ontology for electronic
product domain. (Thakor and Sasi, 2015) applied sen-
timent analysis on negative tweets for a postal service
to figuring out the reason for customer dissatisfaction.
In his research, he practiced sentimental analysis us-
ing SentiStrength tool and data was retrieved using
Prot´eg´e SPARQL from ontology.(Alkadri and ElKo-
rany, 2016) used NLP techniques like tokenization,
De-noise, Stemming and POS-Tagging for data pre-
processing and combined three (3) different Arabic
polarity lexicons to form a large-scale Arabic opinion
lexicon (ArOpL) to identify Polarity in Arabic lan-
guage. As mentioned by (Binali et al., 2009), opin-
ion mining research comprises of both feature-level
opinion mining and its related sentiment classifica-
tion. Therefore, two similar objects can be compared
based on their overall sentiment scores. Likewise,
feature level comparison may also be made between
two objects based on their corresponding feature level
sentiment scores.
In the current state-of-the-art, ontology is being
employed for sentiment analysis but the work is not
being extended to frame a recommendation system.
Hence we claim in this research that our effort is
different from similar work already done in this do-
main as we store the calculated sentiment scores in
the same ontology on corresponding hierarchical lev-
els(i.e. class level and object level) for making rec-
ommendations. In this way, we can avoid recalcula-
tion of sentiment scores each time the user submits
a query. However, it requires ontology modification
after its formal conceptualization. It is assumed that
the proposed system may also be applied to different
domains after careful modifications in ontology and
sentiment lexicon. Table 1 presents a detailed com-
parison of the related work already done in the do-
main with our work.
In our proposed approach the ontology is engineered
using user comments. We have deliberately selected
a specific group where people share their feedback re-
garding different schools. It helped us in simplifying
the task of subjectivity classification. After extract-
ing reviews regarding target school branches in a file,
sentiment analysis is performed and the resulting sen-
timent scores are stored back into the ontology. Later
on, the user can seek a recommendation from the sys-
tem through a user interface where he/she can find
the best school based on his/her requirements(like lo-
cation, gender-wise orientation).The back-end of the
interface translates user request into a query to get
the branch level/school level scores from the ontol-
ogy and gives a recommendation after comparison of
sentiment scores.
Figure 1 depicts the proposed approach to our re-
search problem having the sequence below.
1. A school domain ontology is manually created
after reviewing Facebook posts/comments using
Prot´eg´e modeling environment.
2. Using ontology created in previous step, respec-
tive objects/classes are extracted which are targets
for our sentiment analysis.
3. Opinionated comments/posts are extracted from
Table 1: GAP Analysis.
Research paper Ontology creation Sentiment classifi-
cation Approach
Querying Ontology Making Recom-
(Kontopoulos et al.,
An ontology en-
gineer developed
ontology manually
based on sample
tweets extracted from
twitter. Another
alternative semi-
automatic approach
is also discussed
using OntoGen tool
OpenDover web ser-
vice is used for calcu-
lating polarity score
Not discussed Not discussed
(Thakor and Sasi,
Data is extracted
from twitter and
cleansed for input
into GATE software.
Results of GATE
software are used
for manual Ontology
creation in Protege
Only negative tweets
are considered for
Sentiment analysis.
Sentiment polarity
is assigned using
SentiStrength tool.
SPARQL for Prot´eg´e
is used for feature
querying. The query
is written by hand
Not discussed
(Haider, 2012) Ontology is created
manually based on
product reviews for
certain mobile mod-
Opinion polarization
score is calculated
manually, from a set
of reviews.
Not discussed Not discussed
(Freitas and Vieira,
Existing movie ontol-
ogy and hotel ontol-
ogy is utilized
Associated polar-
ity is calculated
in real-time using
Not discussed Not discussed
(Alkadri and ElKo-
rany, 2016)
Existing hotel ontol-
is transalated into
Arabic and further
Associated polarity is
assigned by expert
annotators by hand
Not discussed Not discussed
(Sam and Chatwin,
Two ontologies are
created manualy.
Emotion Ontology
is used for listing
emotion words and
Elecronic Product
Ontology is designed
for electronic product
Using Ngram and
Emotion ontology,
sentiment analysis is
Not discussed Not discussed
This Work Ontology is created
manually based on
Face book users’
Associated polarity
is being calculated
using SentiStrength
tool and stored in
SPARQL for Prot´eg´e
is used for feature
querying. The query
is automatically
generated behind the
formal user interface
with the use of a
mapping database
are made using the
previously calculated
sentiment score
Facebook where the required object is found.
4. Before polarity calculation, text is processed to
remove special characters(hashtag,@) and web
URLs from the text. User comments are stored
in a separate file for each school branch to apply
sentiment analysis.
5. SentiStrength API is used to find out the polarity
score of each user comment on an eleven point
scale ranging from -5 to 5 and update the polarity
table as shown in Table 2.
6. Using a polarity table calculate an overall polar-
ity value for the object. The calculated sentiment
score is saved back into the ontology on object
level and class level for future referencing.
Figure 1: Proposed Approach.
For generating a recommendation request, a for-
mal application user interface is designed that queries
the ontology with the help of a mapping database. We
use SPARQL query for the retrieval of desired classes
and objects that fulfills user request from an ontol-
ogy. Each selected instance object is compared with
others, taking into account class level and object level
sentiment scores. As a result, a valid recommendation
is generated.
4.1 Ontology Engineering
The school ontology is created manually using
Prot´eg´e. School is the base entity/class for all the
schools. All the schools are subclasses of the school
entity/class. Whereas respective branches of each
school are the real instances of any subclass of school.
This has been done considering each branch of one
school may have different Locations, GenderwiseOri-
entation like Boys Campus, Girls Campus etc. Simi-
larly it is possible that one branch is primary and the
other is secondary and like.
In Figure 2. an abstract school ontology is de-
picted containing fewer schools and their branches.
These schools and their branches are the ones which
are mostly discussed on the target forum and for
which sentiments are mostly expressed. The names
of schools are replaced with generic names for ob-
jective reasons. One may note that the data field
SentiScoreMain relates to the sentiment score of a
Class(School), however, SentiScore data field is for
Figure 2: School Ontology.
storing the same for an object(School Branch).
4.2 Sentiment Analysis
JENA (a JAVA based API for ontology manipula-
tion), is utilized to fetch all the relevant classes(school
names) and their objects (School Branches) from the
School ontology for which comments are to be re-
trieved from the Facebook. Facebook4J is utilized to
fetch first m comments from Facebook. These com-
ments are stored in a comments file. For each object
o, randomly n subjective sentences are extracted from
the comments list into a separate file manually, where
object o is the target of opinion.
On completion of pre-processing phase, result-
ing comments are submitted to SentiStrength (another
JAVA API for measuring sentiments on the scale of -
5 to 5). Each sentiment related to an object(School
Branch) is stored at object level and the class(School)
is stored on class level. Algorithm 1 details the logic
for generation of polarity table which will be utilized
for Sentiment score calculation. Here, polarities cor-
responding to each object are being stored in a table
4.3 Polarity Calculation
Given the polarity row for each object, a sentiment
score is the weighted average of all the polarity counts
stored against each polarity value for a given object.
Equation(1) will be used to calculate the sentiment
score F(o) for an object o.
F(o) =
(z Polarity(o, z))/n (1)
Where n=Total no of opinionated comments for ob-
ject o and Polarity(o,z)is the frequency of Z polarity
Algorithm 1: Polarity table generation.
Input: Ontology with Classes(E),
Attributes(A) and Objects(O)
Parameters: Empty set of Facebook
Comments (C)
Output: Sentiment polarity table P with each
row corresponds to each object o O
and having eleven columns
corresponding to each polarity value
z Z (-5 to 5)
1 foreach e E which has a direct object do
2 if e has object then
3 foreach o O which is instance of
Class e do
4 //Retrieve m comments from
5 C RetrieveComments(m)
6 //Copy first n comments to Array S
having object o in it and contains
some user’s sentiment
7 S CopyComments(n)
8 Insert a row in P for object o and
initialize cell values to 0
9 foreach s S do
10 r GetPolarity(s)
P(o,z) = P(o,z) + 1 ; such that
r = z
11 end
12 end
13 end
14 end
15 return P;
value for object o in given set of comments where ob-
ject o is the subject of opinion. It should be noted here
that value of n remains the same for all the objects to
fairly calculate the sentiment score.
G =
)/n (2)
Similarly, in a scenario where sentiments relating to
objects(School Branches) are expressed only, Equa-
tion(2) can be used to find an average sentiment score
G for any class (School) itself, where o
,..., o
objects of that class.
We have considered four school branches for experi-
mental purpose. For each school branch, we extracted
randomly 250 opinionated comments from the Face-
book group. A separate file was created for each
school branch and each file contains comments sep-
arated by newline character. Each file is then pro-
cessed through SentiStrength tool, hence, polarity ta-
ble is generated. Each row of the table is associated
with an individual School branch. The resulting Po-
larity table is shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Polarity table.
School (O) Polarity
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Polarity Score
School1- Branch 1 0 2 3 4 10 1 25 33 38 54 80 3.144
School1-Branch 2 1 2 5 7 5 0 29 40 44 51 66 2.912
School2 -Branch 1 8 4 34 48 52 3 36 27 20 13 5 -0.316
School3-Branch 1 0 1 4 8 6 1 40 33 41 66 50 2.82
If a user is interested in all school on a specific
, then the comparison will be made among
all the school branches which are located at
and the
one with the highest sentiment score will be recom-
Table 3: School-level Polarity Table.
School (O) Calculation Polarity
School 1 (Sentiment Score (Branch 1)+ Sentiment Score (Branch 2))/2 (3.144+2.912)/2 = 3.028
School 2 Sentiment Score (Branch 1) -0.316
School 3 Sentiment Score (Branch 1) 2.82
Similarly, if a user is asking that which school is
better than the other, then the overall sentiment score
of the school will be taken into account. Table 3
shows the calculation for different schools.
These days recommender companies are moving to-
wards the semantic-based approaches for developing
efficient recommendation systems (Bernstein et al.,
2016). This motivated us to utilize an ontology for
knowledge domain modeling and to perform senti-
mental analysis on user-generated reviews to develop
a recommendation system. In the proposed system,
calculated sentiment scores are stored in the ontology.
This characteristic distinguishes it from other systems
where scores are not saved anywhere. The scope of
our future work involves considering Facebook likes
into the calculation of sentiment score. Additionally,
we look forward to implementing feature-level senti-
ment analysis between two schools and automate the
task of subjectivity classification.
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