Improving Requirements Engineering through Goal-oriented Models
and Tools: Feedback from a Large Industrial Deployment
Christophe Ponsard
and Robert Darimont
CETIC Research Centre, Gosselies, Belgium
Respect-IT SA, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Requirements Engineering, Model-driven Engineering, Specification by Example, Case Study, Toolchain
Nowadays, mastering the requirements phase is still challenging for companies of any size and often impacts
the quality, delay or cost of the delivered software system. While smaller companies may suffer from matu-
rity, resource or tooling problems, larger companies have to cope with the larger size, complexity and cross-
dependencies between their projects. This paper reports about the work carried out over the past three years to
address such challenges within Huawei, a very large Chinese company active worldwide in the high-tech and
telecommunication sectors, with the help of experts from the requirements engineering community. We show
how goal-oriented requirements engineering (GORE) is able to provide a strong foundation to support the
evolution of requirements engineering practices and also in connection with related processes such as business
analysis, technical specification and testing. We also report about our experience in developing adequate tool
support to achieve successful industrial adoption and address team-work, scalability and toolchain integration
needs. Although anchored in a specific case, most of the reported issues are shared by many companies in
many domains. To further abstract away from our case, we also formulate some ”Chinese wisdom” learned,
identify useful strategies for successful technology transfer and point further research challenges.
It is an established fact that software development
projects are difficult to lead to success, i.e. finish
within time, budget and scope. Regular surveys con-
ducted over the past 20 years by the Standish Group
have constantly shown that about half of the projects
are challenged on at least one of those dimensions
(Group, 2015). Although projects failure rate is lower
than in the past, it is still the case for 1 project out
of 5. Another fact is that those failures happen in ev-
ery country and regardless of the company size (small
vs large), its kind of activity (commercial, nonprofit,
governmental), and to its status or reputation. Such
surveys have also been replicated and consolidated by
others with similar observations (Hughes et al., 2015;
Majchrowski et al., 2015).
A recurring observation in such surveys is that re-
quirements related problems consistently rank among
the top 3 reasons of project failure. More specific
cause mainly relate to the requirements completeness,
the lack of customer involvement, unrealistic require-
ments and requirements change management. The
difficulty to master Requirements Engineering (RE)
is because it is intrinsically a difficult task which re-
quires to cope with multiple stakeholders, explore the
informal problem world to produce a structured con-
sistent set of requirements, deal with implicit or hid-
den need and assumptions, deal with different levels
of granularity, priorities, etc (van Lamsweerde, 2009).
Huawei makes no exception to this rule and has
started an RE improvement process in 2013. The first
step was to get in touch with the international require-
ments engineering community in the context of the
annual conference which was taking place in Brasil. It
quickly became apparent that Goal-Oriented Require-
ments Engineering (GORE) could bring many bene-
fits to many of Huawei’s needs: progressively refining
requirements, structuring them, keeping a clear ratio-
nale as the requirements are transferred across teams,
identifying clear acceptance criteria, etc. Another key
point for the company in the selection of a method
was the availability of tool support meeting high in-
dustry requirements in terms of maturity, scalability
and tool-chain integration. This led to the combined
use of the KAOS methods (Dardenne et al., 1993; van
Ponsard, C. and Darimont, R.
Improving Requirements Engineering through Goal-oriented Models and Tools: Feedback from a Large Industrial Deployment.
DOI: 10.5220/0006462503720381
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2017), pages 372-381
ISBN: 978-989-758-262-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Lamsweerde, 2009) together with the Objectiver tool
(Respect-IT, 2005).
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 gives
some background on the company, its requirements
practices and some challenges, both at the method and
tool levels. It also highlights the value-base drivers
underlying all process improvement. Section 3 de-
tails the rationale and expected benefit related to the
choice of a GORE strategy. Sections 4 and 5 detail
how GORE was deployed, respectively at the method
and tool levels. Section 6 draws some lessons learned
that can be useful for other companies having simi-
lar needs. It also highlights some research challenges
for the research community. Finally, Section 7 con-
cludes and also highlights some next steps in the RE
improvement roadmap.
Enriching Life Through Communication
- Huawei’s motto
2.1 Company Presentation
Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. is a Chinese multi-
national company active in networking and telecom-
munication equipment. It is headquartered in Shen-
zhen, Guangdong. The company was founded in 1987
and started by manufacturing phone switches. It has
since then expanded its business to telecommunica-
tions networks and communications devices for the
consumer market (e.g. smartphones). It is also pro-
viding operational and consulting services to enter-
prises both inside and outside of China. Since 2012,
it is the largest telecommunications equipment manu-
facturer in the world. Its products and services have
been deployed in more than 140 countries and it cur-
rently serves 45 of the world’s 50 largest telecom op-
erators. The company is constantly growing from
22,000 employees in 2002, 40,000 in 2006 to more
than 170,000 nowadays.
The company invests over 10 percent of its annual
sales revenue into R&D and more than 45 percent of
its employees are engaged in R&D activities. Huawei
cooperates with global innovators through its 16 R&D
centres and 36 Joint Innovation Centres around the
world, including the US, Germany, Sweden, the UK,
Belgium, France, Italy, Russia, India and China. This
strategy pays off: in the past few years, Huawei has
regularly ranked within the most innovative compa-
nies (Fast Company, 2016).
Figure 1: Overview of the RE Process at Huawei.
2.2 Requirements Engineering Process
Huawei’s requirements engineering practices are
based on domain modelling, analysis of the current
solution (i.e. existing product), use case analysis and
UML modelling. The global process is depicted in
Figure 1 and is composed of the following steps:
Elicitation: The business department collects
all the requirements from the customer. User
stories (Cohn, 2004) are used as practical
means at this stage As a <customer type>,
I need <some feature> in order to reach
<some goal>”. Those requirements are called
”Original Requirements” (ORs for short in the rest
of this paper). They usually target a whole system
or a complete solution design. The identification
of a satisfaction criteria is also very important for
the later acceptance.
Analysis: Together with the business department,
the product team reviews and refines the ORs.
They are categorised both at the functional and
non-functional levels. There is also some align-
ment with requirements shared across products
(product line perspective). Those refined require-
ments are called ”Initial Requirements” (IRs).
They are also prioritized and form the baseline to
develop the product specification.
Specification: IRs are transferred to the relevant
R&D department. This department is in charge of
analysing the IRs from a technical point of view
and produce the System Requirements document
(SR). Before introducing new methods, this phase
Improving Requirements Engineering through Goal-oriented Models and Tools: Feedback from a Large Industrial Deployment
Figure 2: Identification and articulation of main RE challenges.
mainly relied on domain analysis and use cases.
Business Marketing: In parallel with the spec-
ification, marketing and design team still work
on the IRs and detail them in terms of feature
properties. This phase is conducted in interaction
with customers and target business issues. The
properties that are selling points for customers are
clearly identified as well as how they can be con-
trolled. Traceability between SR at feature level
is maintained for this.
Design: Based on the SR, the development de-
partment produces a detailed design including al-
location of functions to modules and clear speci-
fication of their interface. The resulting require-
ments are called ”Allocated requirements” (AR).
Those are implemented.
Acceptance Test: ORs are also transferred to the
test team for the production of acceptance tests
plans. Later on, the test team will also receive the
detailed AR to test.
2.3 Main Requirements Engineering
Trying to diagnose why projects fail to fulfil their re-
quirements at the expected level of satisfaction is dif-
ficult. Typically, there is no unique cause but rather
an accumulation of flaws and those tend to only sur-
face when the code is produced. Figure 2 shows
a typical chain reported by Huawei but encountered
in many projects: it starts by customers having un-
clear demand, then requirements are kept too vague
with a lack of supporting use cases, the validation
becomes then difficult and results in high correction
costs. Huawei is addressing RE challenges in the
scope of a value-chain approach of the whole soft-
ware engineering lifecycle. RE plays an important
role because it helps to understand the problem and
where the value will be generated. High quality re-
quirements will also result in easier testing and ac-
ceptance. We detail hereafter those two key aspects.
Improving the RE Process Effectiveness. The
current process supports synchronisation points be-
tween successive roles of the development chain to
get some refined requirements (from marketing) or to
ask for clarification (at developer level). However the
global process is quite heavyweight and does not cope
easily with agile development for different reasons:
the application domain requires quite rigorous testing
and cannot cope with the delivery of partial products
on which iterations can be carried out. The team size
and the possible geographic distribution also do not
favour using such methods. Of course, agile is not
ruled out but the main requirement is to be able to
raise and keep the quality of the requirements along
the whole chain and detect flaws as early as possible.
While improving the process, it is also important to
avoid introducing over-complexity and match it with
the Huawei context in order to reduce the training ef-
fort, have a good learning curve and do not overload
people with too advanced concepts. This can be sum-
marised by the following method requirements:
Better structuring mechanisms to organise re-
Support for specific categories defined at Huawei
Guidance and diagnostics about requirements
Limit the complexity of the method
Improving the RE process Efficiency. It is also
important to get the most out of the effort invested
in the requirements activities by more systematically
and more automatically exploiting the resulting re-
quirements artefacts in other software development
steps. For example, for testing, tests plans can be
generated from the requirements by relying on do-
main specific languages like Gherkins under the form
of “Given-When-Then” and can also directly refer
to User Stories (Wynne and Hellesoy, 2012; Adzic,
2011). A crucial enabler for this is the availability of
strong tooling with key characteristics such as:
Efficient support for large specifications
Ability to cope with multiple concurrent users
Navigation across multiple versions
Very good usability (visual feedback, shortcuts,...)
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
Requirements import, export and transformation
Flexible toolchain integration though web-
Reduced installation and maintenance effort (e.g.
Flowers in a mirror and the moon in water
(Chinese proverb)
3.1 GORE vs Other Methods
Requirements Engineering is concerned with the elic-
itation, specification, documentation, validation and
management of the objectives, functionalities, quali-
ties, and constraints a software-based system should
meet within some organizational or physical setting.
From the needs identified in the previous section, the
focus is on the specification phase while providing
good connections with the other phases. Different
methodologies can be considered:
Simple template-based methods such as the Vol-
ere template (Atlantic Guild, 2014) or use-cases
(Cockburn, 2000). Such templates provide a
sound structure mostly for capturing and docu-
menting requirements. They guide the user in
the systematic documentation of each require-
ment (including originating stakeholders, pur-
pose, agents, scenarios description, satisfaction
criteria, etc). They also provide some sound struc-
ture to present requirements both at functional and
non-functional levels. Although limited to struc-
tured text, they can be combined with some mod-
elling notations. Although the templates provide
some means to detect incompleteness, they have
limited structuring mechanisms able to relate re-
quirements and provide deeper quality checks.
Methods based on standard modelling paradigms
such as UML or SysML (OMG, 2011; OMG,
2012). Such methods rely on semi-formal mod-
els and are essentially design-oriented but do offer
some support for requirements through specific
diagrams such as the Use Case diagram (which
should be associated with a use case template)
and sequence diagrams (to capture detailed) sce-
narios. SysML also provides some tree-structured
requirements diagrams that can be seen as a very
simplified version of goal models.
Goal-oriented methodologies such as KAOS
(Dardenne et al., 1993), i*(Yu and Mylopoulos,
1997), URN/GRL (International Telecommunica-
tion Union, 2012; Amyot and Mussbacher, 2011).
Such methods rely on the central notion of goal
which is an objective the system under considera-
tion should achieve. Goal formulations thus refer
to intended properties to be ensured. Goals can be
of functional or non-functional nature and may be
formulated at different levels of abstraction, rang-
ing from high-level, strategic concerns (such as
“Provide ubiquitous communication” for a smart-
phone ) to lower-level, technical concerns (such
as “Support 4G communication protocol”). They
can be refined from higher level to lower levels
using AND-OR graphs. An AND-refinement link
relates a goal to a set of subgoals called refinement
and meaning that the parent goal can be satisfied
by satisfying all subgoals in the refinement. A
goal node can be OR-refined into multiple AND-
refinements, each of them forms a different alter-
native (or variant) for achieving the parent goal
(van Lamsweerde, 2001; van Lamsweerde, 2009).
Table 1 provides a high-level comparison of those
three main classes of methods against the different RE
phases while considering the level of tool support that
can be achieved and the complexity to use the method.
Table 1: Comparison of some RE methods.
Needs Templates UML/SysML GORE
Elicitation Static cat-
Structuring Structured
Use Case,
Req. trees
Goal models
Validation Template,
Deeper seman-
tic checks
Model ex-
report gen-
Powerful gen-
eration (docu-
ment, spread-
Simple ex-
Complexity Simple
Specific Mod-
GORE meets the needs to a best level despite a
bigger complexity that needs to be addresses ade-
quately in terms of method adaptation and deploy-
ment. GORE is rather complementary than a pure al-
ternative: e.g., templates can be used both for elicita-
tion and documents generation and modelling is used
as part of the structuring process.
Improving Requirements Engineering through Goal-oriented Models and Tools: Feedback from a Large Industrial Deployment
3.2 GORE Method Integration
GORE is no silver bullet, but it is being considered in
a larger perspective that goes beyond the pure require-
ments phase. The main synergies considered with
other activities are the following:
Traceability to Source Documents. This phase
is performed quite informally using text doc-
uments based on different company templates.
Identifying goals and requirements in such docu-
ments cannot be automated but requires to iden-
tify and encode them manually in the RE tool.
In order to ease that work, it is convenient to be
able to “tag” the concept directly from the require-
ments document and automate its creation inside
the goal model. In addition, a traceability link can
be kept both inside the document and the model,
so any change can be detected. It also eases the
navigation between the source documents and the
Illustrating Goals with Specification by Exam-
ple. Goals are statements that can be rather
abstract. In conjunction with goal, Huawei
is also considering “Specification by Example”
(SBE), a collaborative approach for defining re-
quirements and business-oriented functional tests
(Adzic, 2011). This approach is generally applied
in the context of agile projects with a behavioural-
driven development (BDD).
Behavioural Driven Development and Testing.
BDD is a software development process which
relies on Test-Driven Development (TDD) but
which complements it with a better connection
with the problem domain (i.e. linking them with
the goals). It is thus able to better cope with ac-
ceptance testing. BDD relies on the use of a sim-
ple domain specific language (DSL) using natu-
ral language constructs. In the scope of Huawei,
Gerkins is used (Cresswell, 2011). The language
supports both user stories (including stakeholder,
functionality and goal) and scenarios specified us-
ing ”Given-When-Then” constructs. BDD is usu-
ally supported by specific tooling frameworks,
like Cucumber (Wynne and Hellesoy, 2012) en-
abling to automate the testing.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
(Chinese proverb)
4.1 Time Schedule
Introducing a GORE was fostered and led by the tool
technology department together with the R&D tools
and test platform design department. This team is
in charge of conducting the change management ap-
proach company wide. The global timeline and mile-
stones are the following:
July 2013-November 2013: Initial contact at
RE’13, two-day workshop in Belgium for in depth
review of KAOS method and tool support. Visit of
the business unit and R&D units.
December 2013 - October 2014: Methodology in-
troduction and positioning within the company:
training sessions in R&D sites across China, test
of the method and tool by trained users.
October 2014 - March 2015: First adaptation and
integration round. Minor additions to the KAOS
meta-model were introduced and the tool was
coupled to an existing web-based RE tool.
April 2015 - July 2015: Second adaptation and in-
tegration round. Introduction of Huawei specific
concepts, support for the SBE method and con-
nection with the new BDD-based platform.
August-October 2015: Third integration step: in-
text identification and traceability from upstream
November 2015-June 2016: Fourth deployment
phase: web-based collaborative version of the
tooling and more powerful integration within the
Huawei toolchain
July 2016-December 2016: Improving scalability
and achieving high-availability.
4.2 Introducing GORE
Introducing GORE within Huawei was carried out
based on the following means:
Reference material: books, tutorials (e-learning),
On-site training sessions using a complex case
Deeper training of the core team (training the
Specification of a small-sized pilot case study
4.3 Method Adaptation
The complete KAOS meta-model is very complete
and is actually composed of four sub-models shown
in Figure 3
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 3: KAOS Meta-Model (simplified in grey).
The goal model captures goals refinement struc-
ture (and possibly related obstacles and their re-
finement too)
The object model describes the relevant domain
vocabulary to express the goals
The agent model takes care of assigning require-
ments to agents in a realisable way
The operation model details the work an agent has
to perform to reach the goals under its responsibil-
After the first experiments within the company, it
quickly appeared that deploying the standard GORE
modelling was not the most effective way to proceed
The full meta-model is rather complex and it is
important to focus on the core parts on which the
requirements engineer have to focus, i.e. goals
and responsibilities.
Object modelling is redundant with domain mod-
elling techniques already used.
KAOS operation modelling is actually not re-
quired as specification are detailed at a later SR
step with SBE.
some Additions were also needed for specialised
Huawei requirements types, e.g. OR, IR, AR.
Globally this resulted in the simpler meta-model
highlighted in grey in Figure 3. This also reduces the
training effort and softens the learning curve.
4.4 Method Integration with SBE
Specification by Example specifications are used to
describe goals in a structured way, using Gerkins syn-
tax (Cresswell, 2011). The description is composed
of a user story and scenarios that consistently relate
with the information provided in the goal model.
Figure 4: Availability sub-goal for a car park.
The User Story Part is formulated under the
following form: As a <stakeholder>, I need
<current goal> in order to <some rationale>”.
The <current goal> corresponds to the goal
to which the description is attached. For
example, Figure 5 corresponds to the goal
shown in Figure 4. The <some rationale> part
can refer to a higher level goal or obstacle. In our
example, it refers to an obstacle that the goal is
avoiding, i.e. the car driver not finding any place or
having problems to locate it. Finally the stakeholder
<car park owner> can also be associated to its goal
in the diagram.
The Scenario Part is composed of one or several
scenarios expressed using a Given-When-Then form
that is close to KAOS notion of Pre-/Trigger-/Post-
conditions used in KAOS operation but with a struc-
tured text syntax. In this case, we specified two sce-
narios corresponding to the two status of a zone: full
or not. The precondition in both scenarios is that the
zones are under monitoring by a specific agent able
to count the spaces. The action trigger is the status
change (car leaving or entering) that will result in dis-
playing the number of free spaces or telling the zone
is full.
A needle is not sharp at both ends
(Chinese proverb)
Providing efficient tool support is a major success fac-
tor for deploying GORE. It is reflected by the im-
portance of the successive integration steps described
Improving Requirements Engineering through Goal-oriented Models and Tools: Feedback from a Large Industrial Deployment
Figure 5: GWT specification for availability in a car park.
in the previous sections that progressively covered a
full set of industrial requirements described in more
details in this section. Besides ensuring functional
GORE support, there are many non-functional tooling
requirements that play a key role in industrial adop-
tion such as usability, team work, versioning, scala-
bility, and seamless integration. The rest of this sec-
tion summarises the main tool development steps of
the developed GORE support.
5.1 Coping with Method Adaptation
Implementing meta-model changes is not a big issue
if we can rely on a meta-model based tool. In early
stages, we relied on the Desktop version of the tool.
It easily supports the evolution of its meta-model be-
cause it is actually a meta-case tool. In a later stage,
the underlying database was evolved towards a more
scalable technology based on the Eclipse Modelling
Framework (EMF) (Steinberg et al., 2009). This
also supports meta-model extension although existing
projects have not the capability to automatically adapt
to a new proposed meta-model.
5.2 Tight Integration with Text Editor
In order to cope with integration with text-based doc-
ument, it was necessary to strengthen the support,
especially by supporting commercial text proces-
sor (Microsoft Word) in addition to the pre-existing
Open/Libre Office support. In order to support a fully
flexible and usable integration of text processor with
GORE modelling, we developed some innovative fea-
tures such as ability to tag concepts from the text doc-
ument, to locate them in the model from the document
and even to rename them, as shown in Figure 6. The
document is considered as part of the model but can
also be exported and reimported while preserving the
existing links.
Figure 6: Integration with text processor (Desktop Edition).
5.3 Versioning Management
Model versioning is an important feature in order to
keep track of the model evolution. The implemen-
tation evolved from a simple database supporting a
single baseline to a fully historised model supporting
multiple baselines. Access to concepts history can be
useful in order to undo some changes in its own ses-
sion or to understand possible interactions with other
users as the current collaboration model was left op-
portunistic. Baseline are more important steps in the
work as they define milestones in the work, possibly
agreed amongst the analysis team. In order to ease the
work, a powerful model comparison feature is avail-
able both in the Desktop and SaaS editions of the tool.
5.4 Usability Issues
Usability is a very important issue for adoption. In ad-
dition to the state-of-the art layout proposed for mod-
ellers, a few important features were specifically in-
troduced for the Huawei deployment such as visual
decorators on the goal tree enabling to quickly visu-
alise important requirements attributes like Huawei
categories and GWT markers. The later decorator
also plays the role of shortcut for editing it. In ad-
dition the support of the Chinese character set and the
internationalisation of the user interface for Chinese
was of course considered.
Figure 7: Version comparison feature (Desktop Edition).
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
5.5 Scalability
Scalability is an important requirement. Given the
size of the company, the load may grow to several
hundreds of users although there are only currently
less than 30 active users. This motivated the move to
a robust database back-end. Moreover, the applica-
tion can easily be distributed across different servers
based on project pools as projects are not expected to
host large number of concurrent users.
5.6 Ease of Integration
Toolchain integration has started from simple export
mechanisms and then evolved towards tight integra-
tion with specific software such as text processors as
described in a previous section. A more fundamental
evolution was to present the GORE tool as a series of
services available for use over the company intra-net.
This comes at two different levels.
First, at the model level, a clean REST
API is directly available to perform CRUD (Cre-
ate/Read/Update/Delete) operations both on the
model elements and on model representations inside
diagrams, baselines, etc. This allows third-party tools
to directly push or query requirements inside the tool
while previous import and export actions had to be
initiated from the tool. This greatly helps to automate
the requirements workflow described in Figure 1.
Figure 8: Modular web-based user interface.
Second, at the user interface level, the tool is avail-
able as a modular web-client. It can be used quite the
same way as a standard modelling tool but, besides
this, specific components can also easily be embedded
inside project management platforms and dashboards,
possibly limited to read-only mode. Those two kinds
of interfaces are respectively depicted in Figure 8 and
Figure 9: Sample of GORE component integration within a
third party tool interface.
To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.
(Chinese proverb)
Yet anchored in the Huawei context, we were atten-
tive to formulate our feedback independently of the
specific flavour of the GORE method and tooling sup-
port. Hence it has already a good potential of reuse by
other companies having similar needs. In this section,
we take an additional step back to formulate a series
of useful guidelines and principles summarising the
followed approach.
“One Method does not fit all Needs” is an im-
portant lesson learned. Rather than trying to rely on
a complex goal model potentially overlapping with
other notations, like the SBE specification and the
KAOS operation models, we decided to use a sim-
plified goal focusing on key GORE concepts which is
easier to introduce and which can be integrated with
more specific methods such as Behaviour Driven De-
velopment in our case.
The “Keep It Simple Stupid” principle was of-
ten a major driver. Both to keep the method and tool
complexity low. This guided us to find our way across
challenging problems mixing different features such
as multiple users, concurrent editing, versioning sup-
port. However, simple does not mean over-simplistic:
the idea is always to define a path that can cope with
many wished features at short term and not exclude
more at longer term. With respect to this, we were
also careful selecting mature and evolvable underly-
ing components, e.g. the model repository.
Combining RE Practices and Agile Tool Devel-
opment. The global collaboration is based on def-
inition of clear objectives, first at business level (as
values to achieve) and in terms of method and tool-
ing requirements to cover. A GORE approach was
used for setting up the global set of prioritised require-
ments and define a roadmap, typically on a bi-annual
basis and is also generally organised as a one week
Improving Requirements Engineering through Goal-oriented Models and Tools: Feedback from a Large Industrial Deployment
intensive physical workshop. This forms the backlog
forms on which an agile tool development approach
is then carried out based on teams both in Europe and
China. Important milestones are typically set every
month and the common sprint duration is one week.
Open and Evolutive Solutions. Chinese compa-
nies are fast paced with constant tooling evolution.
In any long term project, the software environment
will change for sure and it is thus important to build
on solutions that have a big adaptation capability. At
some point, it may also be necessary to consider start-
ing on new grounds and let a past solution aside. In
our case, at some point we moved from a desktop-
centric tooling to a web-based tooling because desk-
top centric tooling could not cope with key needs
of scalability, flexible multi-user and ease of deploy-
ment/integration/maintenance. A major improvement
in the process was the definition of powerful integra-
tion interfaces for third party tools.
Paying Attention to Usability was a major con-
cern. Software engineering tools should pay great at-
tention about an efficient way to communicate all rel-
evant information to the user. They should also pro-
vide efficient ways to conduct frequent operations by
minimising the number of steps to trigger them and
enable some form of batch processing.
In this paper, we reported on the ongoing process at
Huawei to deploy Goal-Oriented Requirements En-
gineering in cooperation with other methods with
an important focus on building a globally efficient
and effective toolchain. This joint work is a cross-
fertilisation at different levels. It was a meeting
point between industrial needs and researchers views,
as well as a transcontinental cooperation between
Westerners and Easterners who could gather differ-
ent views on requirements engineering and the whole
software development process. This rich collabora-
tion was the source of many innovative work, often
triggered by the need to provide simple yet powerful
tools based on sound methodological grounds. So, we
believe the reported work can be valuable both for the
industrial point of view and for triggering more ap-
plied research as we tried to abstract away from the
specific case and identify different areas of concern
both at the method and tool levels.
Based on the work achieved, strong foundations
are available, most of work ahead related to complet-
ing integration with specific tools, support specific in-
teroperability standard but also less technical yet very
important tasks such as the preparation of model tem-
plates, tutorials, guidelines that will ease the transi-
tion to the new platform and foster its adoption by
users. So far, the approach has been applied on a few
pilots. Hence, it is not yet possible to quantify the
gain in quality and productivity of introducing GORE
at a large scale. The deployment phase is expected to
progressively roll out across this year and will offer
the opportunity to gather valuable material about the
benefits and limits of the approach.
Warm thanks to Zhang Wei, Liu Zhipeng, Yang Yang
(Davin), Lin Zhi Qiang (James), Wang Jianan (John)
for their great support for the method and tool de-
ployment at Huawei Limited in Shenzhen and across
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