Face Recognition-based Presentation Attack Detection in a
Two-step Segregated Automated Border Control e-Gate
Results of a Pilot Experience at Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport
David Ortega del Campo, Cristina Conde, Ángel Serrano, Isaac Martín de Diego
and Enrique Cabello
Computer Architecture And Technology, Computer Science And Artificial Intelligence, University Rey Juan Carlos,
Tulipan s/n, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Automated Border Control, Face Biometrics, Presentation Attack Detection, Security.
Abstract: This paper presents the pilot of a new Automatic Border Control system (ABC) that is being developed in the
ABC4EU European project and that conform to the new laws established for the Schengen zone. These new
ABCs have some specific characteristics, such as a structural configuration divided into two devices: self-
enrolment kiosk and biometric gate, one for enrolment and the other one for verification, which entails two
capture stages and two weaknesses where it is possible to attack the system. The tests were carried out with a
pilot of the system, implemented at T4-S (T4 satellite) terminal of Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport.
Our experiments have tested the security of the system by simulating several presentation attacks, at both
stages of the system. For these attacks, different artefacts proposed in the literature about Presentation Attack
Detection have been used. We present the obtained results with each of the attacks, indicating which may be
more dangerous to the system and suggesting some countermeasure that could increase the reliability and
security of the system.
In a yearly report published by Boeing company, the
foresight of the growth of aircraft passengers traffic
worldwide reaches an amount of nearly 5% in the
2015-2035 period (Boeing, 2016). This increase is
expected to double up to 9.5% for the specific area of
South Asia in the same period. These numbers
suggest that a huge effort needs to be done in the
following years in security controls at airport border
checkpoints. Other kinds of borders, such as those at
seaports and land borders, are also expected to suffer
from an important increase of traffic (Donida Labati
et al., 2016).
Customs and border officers need to be provided
with quick and effective procedures and tools to
guarantee a comfortable queueless border crossing
for passengers, while keeping control of the flow of
people across the border.
Automated Border Control systems (ABC) are
proving to be the better solution to these new
challenges. It allows controlling the crossing of
travellers in an automatic or semi-automatic way.
1.1 Automated Border Controls
With the launch of the Schengen Area in 1995, a
policy of open borders was approved so the mutual
borders of the participant states were eliminated and
only the outer borders (this is, with non-Schengen
countries) were kept. As of this writing, 26 European
states belong to this area, of which 4 are not European
Union (EU) members (this is, Norway, Iceland,
Switzerland and Liechtenstein). Four more EU
members are obliged to join in the future (Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus and Romania), while the United
Kingdom and Ireland have opted to stay out. Three
European microstates, such as Monaco, San Marino
and the Vatican City, are de facto members. The
whole Schengen Area comprises a surface higher than
4.3 million square metres and a population of almost
420 million people, who can travel from one member
state to another without border controls.
On the other hand, passengers from non-member
states, or third country national passengers (TCN), do
have to cross a border control.
Since the Netherlands started a fingerprint
recognition project for frequent passengers in 1992 at
Campo, D., Conde, C., Serrano, Á., Diego, I. and Cabello, E.
Face Recognition-based Presentation Attack Detection in a Two-step Segregated Automated Border Control e-Gate - Results of a Pilot Experience at Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport.
DOI: 10.5220/0006426901290138
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017) - Volume 4: SECRYPT, pages 129-138
ISBN: 978-989-758-259-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, several other countries
have included automated border controls (ABC). In
particular, the European Union Frontex agency was
founded in 2004 with the aim to improve the
management of the outer borders of the state
members. Frontex defines an ABC as an automatic
system that performs three fundamental operations:
(1) it authenticates the passenger’s machine readable
travel document (eMRTD, this is, electronic passport,
national ID card, etc.), (2) it verifies the identity of
the passenger as the legitimate holder of the
document by means of a biometric procedure, and (3)
it checks his/her permission to cross the border
according the predefined rules. All of this is made
with minimal or no human intervention at all
(Frontex, 2012).
ABC systems make use of electronic gates (e-
gates), which are architectural components that
control the flow of passengers at the border
automatically by means of moving or fixed elements,
document reading devices and biometric feature
capture devices. In particular, the passenger presents
the eMRTD to the system scanner, which detects and
extracts his/her personal data from the so-called
machine-readable zone (MRZ) of the document
(Figure 1). A query to the database of allowed-to-
cross passengers is made and then, if succeeded, the
biometric data of the passenger are extracted from the
document’s chip. These data can include a set of
facial pictures, fingerprints, etc. The passenger then
has to provide the ABC system with his/her biometric
features at that very moment (“live samples”), which
are compared with those read from the document. If
it is a match, then the e-gate opens the doors and the
passenger is allowed through the border.
Three possible configurations for an ABC e-gate
can be used (
Figure 2). First, one passenger at a time
is made enter a mantrap, which is a cubicle with two
doors. In this space, both the document authentication
and the biometric verification are made in parallel in
a one-step process, so this solution can be very fast.
The other two configurations use a two-step process.
On the one hand, integrated solution, on which the
document authentication takes place just outside a
mantrap, inside of which the biometric operation is
carried out.
In a third configuration, segregated solution, the
document authentication and the biometric
verification is performed in an enrolment kiosk, while
a second biometric verification is made at the one-
door e-gate.
For more information on ABC, the reader should
check Donadi Labati et al. (2016), which provide a
survey on biometric recognition in ABC systems,
while Sánchez del Río et al. (2016) specifically focus
on face recognition-based ABC systems.
Figure 1: Example of an ABC. Picture taken from the pilot
experience at Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport T4-S
international arrivals terminal.
Several European projects are devoted to ABC e-
gates. The results presented in this paper belong to the
ABC4EU project (ABC4EU, 2014), from the Seventh
Framework Programme. The details will be explained
in Section 2. Other similar projects can be found in
FastPass (2016), Berglund and Karbauskaite (2008)
and Kosmerlj et al., (2006), to cite only a few.
1.2 Security Aspects in ABC Systems
Special attention has to be paid in order to guarantee
that only allowed passengers cross the border through
an ABC e-gate. There are two types of attacks on
ABC biometric subsystems:
On the one hand, there are the attacks that take
place in the eMRTD and consist of replacing or
altering the biometric data stored on the MRZ of the
passport. An example of this is the so-called
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
morphing technique (Ferrara et al., 2014), where the
biometric features (such as the face picture stored on
the passport chip) of the passenger and of the attacker
are combined to produce an intermediate image that
would deceive the system. A possible improvement
that could decrease these attacks is to step up security
measures and encryption of documents.
Another type of attack is what is known as
spoofing or presentation attack (PA). This type of
attack takes place at the capture device and is based
on the impersonation of the biometric features of the
passenger by the attacker without having to
manipulate any documents. When the passenger
provides his/her biometric features collaboratively
and interacts with the system in the expected way, this
act is called a “bona fide presentation”. On the other
hand, a PA occurs when a person tries to interfere
with the normal operation of the system (ISO/IEC,
Our study focuses on the second type of attacks,
with genuine passports (no manipulation), where the
attacker attempts to impersonate a passenger and uses
his/her original documents.
The biometric feature or object used in the attack
is called presentation attack instrument (PAI).
Examples of PAIs include a photograph of a face
(printed in paper or displayed on a screen), a 3D face
mask, a fake finger made of plastic, or even a real
finger from a dead body.
Presentation attacks can be classified into two
classes (ISO/IEC, 2016b). In the first one,
presentation attacks make use of human-based PAIs,
including parts of a dead body, features intentionally
modified (scars, surgery, temporal changes induced
by medication), impersonation of someone else’s
feature, accidental match of someone else’s feature in
a bona fide presentation (zero effort impostor
attempt), or genuine feature presentation obtained
under coercion or menace.
A second kind of presentation attacks employ
artificial PAIs. These artefacts can be obtained
directly from the real biometric feature, for example
with a mold, or indirectly from a latent sample (a
fingerprint left on a surface). The biometric feature
can be also captured by a recording device, such as
video-camera or a photographic camera. Sometimes a
complete biometric feature can be synthetically
rebuilt from a genuine template, or can be obtained
with a specific software from another user’s feature.
Completely synthetic features generated without
resemblance to a specific user’s features can be
considered here too as an artificial presentation
Figure 2: ABC topologies. From top to bottom: One-step
ABC, two-step integrated ABC and two-step segregated
A “presentation attack detection” (PAD) is the
automatic recognition of presentation attacks, which
is performed by the so called PAD subsystem as a part
of the ABC system. Within the PAD, some kind of
liveness checking is needed, this is, the biometric
feature is being acquired from a live user. Examples
of liveness detection can include measuring the skin
temperature, detection of blood vessels, eye blink,
A biometric system can be attacked at different
stages of the data flow: at the sensor, at the signal
processing module, at the database, at the matching
module, at the decision module, or in the intermediate
points (Ratha et al., 2001; ISO/IEC, 2016a). For the
PAD subsystem, only attacks at the sensor level are
analyzed, this is, at the e-gate.
1.3 Evaluation of the Performance of a
PAD Subsystem
When a person tries to cross an e-gate, his/her
biometric features are provided to the PAD
subsystem. These features are analyzed by the
system’s algorithm, which has been trained in
advance in order to be able to tell apart real
passengers from attackers (identity impersonators).
The result of the PAD subsystem is a score of
confidence on whetther fact that the presentation of
Face Recognition-based Presentation Attack Detection in a Two-step Segregated Automated Border Control e-Gate - Results of a Pilot
Experience at Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport
the biometric features was genuine or fraudulent. The
final decision (response) is made by comparing this
score with a classification threshold obtained during
the training process or set as a function of security
So far, PAD have been evaluated with usual
biometric systems measures, like FMR (false match
rate) or FNMR (false non match rate), but latest
standards propose an evaluation of the performance
of the PAD subsystem computing two kinds of
metrics (ISO/IEC, 2016b). The first one is the ratio of
bona fide presentations incorrectly classified as
attacks (called “bona fide presentation classification
error rate”, BPCER). Suppose we consider N
as the
total number of bona fine presentations. Let Res
the response of the PAD subsystem to the i
presentation (1 i N
). This value is equal to 1 if
this bona fide presentation is classified as an attack,
or 0 otherwise (it is correctly identified as a bona fide
presentation). Then BPCER can be calculated as
The second metrics for the evaluation of the PAD
subsystem is the ratio of attacks incorrectly classified
as bona fide presentations (called “attack presentation
classification error rate”, APCER). In this case, let
be the number of attack presentations for a
specific PAI species (PAIS), this is, for a set of PAIs
produced with the same method and based on
different biometric characteristics. In this case,
APCER can be computed with the following
where Res
is the response of the PAD subsystem to
the i presentation (1 i N
). This value is 1 if this
attack presentation is classified as an attack, or 0
otherwise (it is wrongly identified as a bona fide
presentation). Bear in mind that this APCER value has
to be computed for every PAI species.
The accuracy of a system can be measured using
an Average Classification Error Rate (ACER) defined
 
As with regular biometric systems, both kinds of
errors, BPCER and APCER, cannot be minimized at
the same time, as when one decreases, the other one
increases, and vice versa. This is due to the fact that
the response of bona fide presentations cannot be
completely separated from the response of attack
Figure 3: Histograms of classification for bona fide
presentations and attack presentations. The shaded regions
correspond to classification errors. The height of both
histograms has been drawn equal for the sake of clarity.
If we suppose that bona fide presentations tend to
receive higher classification scores from the PAD
subsystem and attack presentations tend to obtain
lower values, there is usually an overlap between both
score histograms that cannot be solved (Figure 3).
Due to the selection of a specific threshold,
classification errors occur.
As can be seen, all the bona fide presentations
with a score lower than the chosen threshold will be
incorrectly classified as attacks, and therefore they
will contribute to the BPCER computation. On the
other hand, all the attack presentations with a score
higher than the threshold will be incorrectly classified
as being bona fide presentation. In this case, they have
to be included in the APCER computation.
A good way to determine a good acceptance
threshold would be to choose the threshold in which
the BPCER and APCER values are the same. We shall
call this value the “Equal presentation classificacion
error rate” (EPCER).
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we describe the ABC4EU project and its
security peculiarities compared to the rest of the ABC
systems. In Section 3, our experimental setup in a
pilot experience performed at Adolfo Suárez Madrid-
Barajas Airport in December 2016 is explained, while
Section 4 provides our results and their analysis.
Finally in Section 5 our main conclusions are
Within the Seventh Framework Programme of the
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
European Union, ABC4EU project is a four-year
collaborative effort to enhance the workflow and
functionalities of ABC e-gates for all kinds of borders
(airports, harbours and land borders), to identify the
problems of the current ABC in Europe and to define
the requirements of these systems for Schengen
passengers (ABC4EU, 2014). Several institutions of
eight European countries (Estonia, Finland,
Germany, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Romania, and
Spain) belong to the project.
The ABC4EU project must primarily conform to
the rules defined in the Schengen Border Code (SBC),
which establishes standards, protocols and
procedures for travellers in the Schengen Area.
Although one of its main objectives is security, it also
takes into account the regulation on data protection
established by the EU and by each country in
particular, defined in the Recommendation and Data
Protection Directive 95/46/EC. The system handles
two important databases with very sensitive
information: VIS (Visa Information System), which
contains biometric information, and SIS (Schengen
Information System), with information on criminal
With the Schengen agreement, the controls were
transferred to the borders with third countries, so the
ABC4EU project focuses on TCN travellers. These
travellers may be in two legal situations: travellers
without the need of a visa (TCNVE, Third Country
National Visa Exempt), or those with a visa or a
residence permit (TCNVH, Third Country National
Visa Holder). For each of these types of travellers
there is a different procedure defined in the SBC.
2.1 ABC4EU Solution
The solution proposed by the ABC4EU project
consists of a two-step segregated ABC system, with a
self-enrolment stage that is performed in a kiosk
physically separated from the e-door, and a
verification stage that is properly performed at the e-
2.1.1 Enrolment Stage
In the process of enrolment, the traveller must present
his/her eMRTD and his/her biometric features. The
system must, on the one hand, contrast the data of this
document with the corresponding databases, and on
the other hand, certify that the traveller is the true
holder of the document. To do so, the system
validates the biometric data stored on the document
(“chip sample”) with the biometric data captured at
that moment (“live enrolment sample”).
Figure 4: Simple scheme of an ABC4EU system (image
owner ABC4EU project).
After registration and when the traveller’s
document verification is a success, the system stores
the registered traveller’s data for a limited period of
time. During this time interval, the traveller can
proceed to the e-gate for the verification stage.
Two different protocols have to be applied
depending on the type of traveller. On the one hand,
TCNVE travellers can do the enrolment at the e-kiosk
when arriving at the airport before their trip. In case
they are frequent travellers, they can enrol the system
only once at their consulate, which allows them to
avoid repeating the enrolment in every trip. On the
other hand, enrolment at the airport is not available
for TCNVH travellers, so they must enrol the system
at the consulate before the verification stage at the
2.1.2 Verification Stage
The verification stage consists in comparing a new
capture of the traveller’s biometric data (“live check
sample”) with the biometric data captured at the selft-
enrolment stage (“live enrolment sample”).
The verification process always takes place at the
e-door and after the enrolment stage. Both the
TCNVE travellers and the TCNVH travellers must
pass this stage.
2.2 PAD in the ABC4EU Systems
A presentation attack occurs at the capture phase
(sensor level) of the biometric subsystem. As phases:
one at the self-enrolment and the other one at the
biometric gate, this causes the system to have two
vulnerable points to a PA.
To cover all possible scenarios, we shall consider
Face Recognition-based Presentation Attack Detection in a Two-step Segregated Automated Border Control e-Gate - Results of a Pilot
Experience at Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport
Table 1: Summary of all possible scenarios in our experimental setup.
Operation made Bona fide presentation Presentation Attac
Enrolment stage
A passenger presents
his/her genuine travel
document in the expected
An attacker presents a manipulated travel document (case not
considered here)
Biometric verification
(chip sample vs. live
enrolment sample)
A passenger presents
his/her genuine biometric
features in the expected
EPA: An attacker tries to cheat
the enrolment system with
someone else’s biometric
features, with manipulated
biometric features or is not
collaborative with the system
EPA + VPA: An attacker
cheats the enrolment system
with someone else’s biometric
features, with manipulated
biometric features or is not
collaborative with the system,
and does it succesfully. Then
the attacker tries to repeat the
attack with the verification
Verification stage
Biometric verification
(live enrolment
sample vs. live check
A passenger presents
his/her biometric features
in the expected way
VPA: After a bona fide
enrolment made by a
passenger, an attacker tries to
cheat the verification system
with someone else’s biometric
features, with manipulated
biometrics features or is not
collaborative with the system
three different presentation attacks:
Enrolment PA (EPA), when a presentation attack
occurs at the self-enrolment stage. For example,
an attacker provides the system with
documentation that belongs to someone else and
therefore tries to impersonate the true holder of
the documents.
Verification PA (VPA), when a presentation
attack occurs at the verification stage. An attacker
tries to impersonate a traveller who has previously
enrolled the system. For example, a correctly
registered traveller loses or is stolen his/her
documents between the self-stage and the
verification stage. Then an attacker uses those
documents to try to pass the verification.
Enrolment and Verification PA (EPA + VPA). In
this case, an impersonation has occurred at the
enrolment and the attacker continues
impersonating the true traveller at the verification
stage (double attack). For example, an attacker
presents travel documentation that belongs to
someone else and gets successfully enrolled. After
that, in the verification stage the attacker
continues to impersonate the true holder of the
documents in order to cross the e-gate.
These three possible scenarios complicate the
evaluation of the PAD subsystem (see Table 1).
A pilot experience was performed at the Adolfo
Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport T4-S international
arrivals terminal in December 2016. This airport,
which serves the capital of Spain and the centre of the
Iberian peninsula, is the busiest airport in Spain, the
fifth one in Europe and the 24th one worldwide
regarding passenger traffic. In 2015 it reached an
amount of almost 47 million passengers (ACI, 2016).
As we said above, ABC4EU systems capture the
fingerprint and an image of the face in the biometric
subsystem. Some studies have focused on fingerprint
recognition for these types of systems like Donida
Labati et al. (2016), but in our experiments, we have
focused on facial recognition for two reasons. On the
one hand, the face image is the only biometric
reference which is compulsorily present in all
passports in the world (in the Schengen zone also the
fingerprints of the left hand). And on the other hand,
the face is a feature that, in case of a false negative
system response, an agent can always contrast the
information with an easy visual inspection.
With our tests, we have analysed the attacks at the
self-enrolment stage (ESA) and at the verification
stage (VSA), both in isolation.
For the enrolment, the original passports have
always been used and all the PAIs have been built
with features of 9 people, who are also the owners of
those passports. Thus, a bona fide presentation (chip
sample) is cross-matched against one bona fide
presentation (enrolment live sample) and against 6
attacks with different PAIs.
At the verification, only those cases where the
enrolment has been made with a bona fide
presentation are used. In this way, a bona fide
presentation (enrolment live sample) is cross-
matched against one bona fide presentation
(verification live sample) and against 6 attacks with
different PAIs.
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 5: Different PAIs used to test the system. From top
to bottom and from left to right: Photo, Mask, Screen, 3D
Mask, Morphing, T-shirt.
We have selected several common PAIs found in
literature to test our facial PAD system (Figure 5),
which are summarized as follows:
1. Photo attack: It consists of presenting a printed
photograph of the traveller intended to be
2. Mask Attack: It consists of wearing a paper or
cardboard mask with the traveller’s face. The eyes
of the mask are trimmed to avoid blinking-based
life detection systems.
3. Screen Attack: It consists of using an electronic
device to play a video of the passenger, also to
surpass the life detection system.
4. 3D Mask: It consists of using a resin mask,
captured and printed with 3D technology. This
type of masks allows attacking more sophisticated
capture systems using Kinect cameras or 3D
scanners (Nesli Erdogmus, 2014).
5. Attack T-Shirt: It consists of wearing a T-shirt on
which a photograph of the traveller to be
impersonated has been stamped.
6. Morphing Attack: It consists of blending the face
of the traveller with the face of the attacker using
image fusion software, similarly to the work by
Ferrara et al., (2014). However, in our tests the
biometric information stored at the passport is
never modified. We present a printed morphing
image to the capture system.
Our PAD system returns a probability that the
presentation is bona fide presentation.
To verify the integrity of the system against the
attacks and to analyze the PAD obtained data, several
curves have been calculated, like the usual ROC
curves, which represent in biometrics the false
negative and false positive rates for the different
thresholds. In this case the curves present the obtained
APCER and the BPCER rates.
Because of security reasons (the pilot was
performed in a critical area with a real border
crossing), the amount of test subjects was limited.
This restriction is the reason of relatively small
number of some of the attacks.
Table 2: Amount of presentations to test at the enrolment
and verification stages.
Enrolment Verification
Bona Fide 16 Bona Fide 18
Photo 9 Photo 4
Screen 5 Screen 6
3D Mask 6 3D Mask 6
Morphing 8 Morphing 7
T-Shirt 7 T-Shirt 2
During the self-enrolment stage, see Table 2, 61
presentations were made with 6 different travellers,
taking into account bona fide presentations attempts
and attacks with the different PAIs. At the verification
stage, 93 presentations were made in total, but we will
only use 48, those in which the enrolment was made
with a bona fide presentation. We have ignored
double attacks (EPA+VPA).
In a PAD system, as in most biometric systems,
APCER errors and BPCER errors cannot be
considered equally important. As mentioned above,
the APCER error is considered a measure of system
security while the BPCER is a measure of the
convenience of the system.
In ABC systems, we must consider security as the
most important factor against convenience, so it is
advisable to set a threshold value that returns a low
APCER value even if it increases the BPCER. Since
Face Recognition-based Presentation Attack Detection in a Two-step Segregated Automated Border Control e-Gate - Results of a Pilot
Experience at Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport
ABC systems are controlled by an agent, always a
bona fide presentation considered as an attack, in
other words a false positive, will trigger an alarm that
can be verified and corrected by an agent
In Table 4 we can see APCER, BPCER and ACER
values for different thresholds at self-enrolment and
verification stages. As we said the decrease of the
APCER entails an BPCER increase, but considering
security as our objective, a threshold of 80 at
self-enrolment and 95 at biometric gate would be the
most suitable. As seen in the table those two
thresholds are the ones that have less ACER in its
In Figure 5, the graphical representation of
APCER vs. BPCER for all threshold range is
presented in the case of self-enrolment stage. The
attacks results are presented both: individually for
each attack and globally aggregating all attacks. Same
information is present in Figure 6 for the gate stage.
In the obtained curve for the self-enrolment stage
(Figure 5), it is observed that the most dangerous
attacks for the system are the screen attacks and the
photos attacks (T-Shirt attack has more APCER but
this result cannot be generalized because data
shortage), while the other attacks like morphing
attack are easily detectable in this stage. Although at
verification most of the attacks have a higher APCER
value than in the enrolment, it is morphing attack
clearly the one that most succeeds in deceiving the
system (Figure 6). This behaviour can be explained
observing the difference between the reference image
use in the facial verification in both situations. In self-
enrolment kiosk, the reference image is the chip
passport image, in the case of the e-gate, it is the life
image acquired previously in the self-enrolment
The low quality of the biometric feature presented
in the facial image passport allows a less successful
detection morphing attacks than in the case of a more
recently life image used in the e-gate.
Also in the results, it is possible to see that for
most of the attacks, the BPCER in enrolment is higher
than in the verification. This indicates that the
enrolment system is less friendly and will reject more
presentations even if there are bona fide
In general, the experiments in the enrolment have
a lower EPCER than the same ones at verification
(Table 3). This indicates that the self-enrolment stage
is more robust to attacks than the verification stage,
i.e. fewer attacks have been classified as bona fide
presentations (APCER) and fewer bona fide
presentations have been classified as attacks
(BPCER). All this shows that using is biometric
passport information to detect attacks, as done in the
enrolment (chip sample vs. live enrolment sample), is
more reliable than comparing the capture at
verification with the capture in the enrolment (live
enrolment sample vs. live check sample), two current
images of the passenger.
Table 3: EPCER (Equal presentation classification error
rate) of each of the PAIs in the self-enrolment and
verification stages.
Photo 0.2000 0.2071
0.0333 0.2071
Screen 0.1505 0.1714
3D Mask 0.0 0.0
Morphing 0.0 0.5000
T-Shirt 0.2583 0.0
All PAIs 0.1210 0.2106
Figure 5: APCER-BPCER curve in the self-enrolment stage.
Table 4: APCER, BPCER and ACER values for different thresholds at enrolment and verification.
threshold 40 70 80 90 95
APCER 0.7609 0.3261 0.1739 0.1087 0.0217
BPCER 0.0 0.0 0.0667 0.7333 1.0
ACER 0.3804 0.1630 0.1203 0.421 0.5217
Biometric gate
threshold 40 70 80 90 95
APCER 0.8276 0.6552 0.5862 0.4483 0.2069
BPCER 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1429
ACER 0.4138 0.3276 0.2931 0.2241 0.1749
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 6: APCER-BPCER curve at the verification stage.
The reason for this difference is that the PAIs for
the attacks are usually built with more recent
passenger photos. For example, in our tests the PAIs
were constructed with photos taken a few days before
the tests. This means that the differences between the
PAI and the passenger appearance are added the
differences between the oldest passport image and the
current appearance of the passenger.
In this paper, we have presented the results of a pilot
experience carried out with a two-step segregated
ABC system. This pilot was performed with real ABC
e-gate developed in ABC4EU project and in a real
border crossing at T4-S terminal of Adolfo Suárez
Madrid Barajas Airport in December 2016.
The system comprises two stages that are carried
out in two different devices. On the one hand, the
selfenrolment kiosk where the passenger is register
after the system check out his/her biometric features
with the biometric features stored on submitted
passport. And on the other hand, the biometric gate
where the system verify that the passenger is the same
that made the register in the e-kiosk, comparing the
biometric features of registered passenger against the
biometric feature of the passenger present in the gate.
With our experiments, we have tested the security
of the system, especially the capture of the biometric
subsystem, testing its response to presentation
attacks. We have tested different types of attacks with
artefacts commonly used to perform impersonations,
such as photos, paper masks, video screens, 3d mask
or printed t-shirts.
The results obtained allow us to draw three
important conclusions.
First, we can say what attack are the most
dangerous for the system and against which of them
the surveillance should be increased: Video attack or
photo attack in the self-enrolment stage, while in the
biometric gate stage morphing attack is the most
Also, we have proposed the optimal thresholds
that minimize the average error (ACER) in both stages
of the system. Those thresholds are different for each
one stages, being higher the threshold in biometric
gate than in the self-enrolment stage.
And finally, we have realized that the first
verification that is carried out in the self-enrolment e-
kiosk is safer than the one that is performed in the
biometric gate. This is due to the face image in
passport is usually lower quality than the captured
face image and it is older too. These two factors have
important impact in the PAD results and make two
things clear: If the PAIs (presentation attack
instrument) were constructed with images of the
passenger very similar to those of their documents,
the verification and enrolment errors would be
comparable and the system would be more
vulnerable. And also, from the point of view of the
system security, in order to increase the detection of
attacks, a countermeasure could be that the biometric
gate should make two verifications: contrast the
captured image of the passenger with his/her image in
the self-enrolment and again with the image of the
In the pilot the system security protocols are not
yet fully established and the PAD control has not yet
been activated. In future tests, the development of the
pilot will be more advanced and the system will allow
more exhaustive experiments. For example, some
future work will be an analysis of different
possibilities of cross-match between attacks in the
self-enrolment and attacks in the biometric gate. And
another future experiment would be to check the
results if the PAIs for the attacks were made with
same images of the traveller’s documents.
This work has been part of the ABC4EU project and
has received funding from the European Union’s
Seventh Framework Program for research,
technological development and demonstration under
grant agreement No 312797. This work has been
already part of the BIOinPAD project and has
received funding from the Spanish Ministry of
Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under the
reference TIN2016-80644-P.
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