Price Modeling of IaaS Providers
An Approach Focused on Enterprise Application Integration
C´assio L. M. Belusso
, Sand ro Sawicki
, Vitor Basto-Fernandes
, Rafael Z. Frantz
and Fabricia Roos-Frantz
Federal University of Fronteira Sul, Cerro Largo, Brazil
Department of Exact Sciences and Engineering, UNIJU
I University, Iju´ı, Brazil
Department of Information Science and Technology, University Institute of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Cloud Computing, Enterprise Application Integration, Price Modeling, Linear Regression, IaaS.
One of the main advances in information technology today is cloud computing. It is a great alternative for users
to reduce costs related to the need to acquire and maintain computational infrastructure to develop, implement
and execute software applications. Cloud computing services are offered by providers and can be classified
into three main modalities: Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Infrastructure-
as-a-Service (IaaS). In IaaS, the user has a virtual machine at their disposal with the desired computational
resources at a given cost. Generally, the providers offer infrastructure services divided into instances, w ith pre-
established configurations. The main challenge faced by companies is to choose t he instance that best ts their
needs among the many options offered by providers. Frequently, these companies need a large computational
infrastructure to manage and i mprove their business processes and, due to the high cost of maintaining local
infrastructure, they have begun to mi grate applications to the cloud in order to reduce these costs. In this
paper, we introduce a proposal for price modeling of instances of virtual machines using linear regression.
This approach analyzes a set of simplified hypotheses considering the following providers: Amazon EC2,
Google Compute Engine and Microsoft Windows Azure.
Cloud computing is a significant innovation in the
field of informa tion technology as well as one of the
greatest perspectives for growth in the coming ye-
ars. Despite having gained much attention recently,
the concepts involved in this new computing resource
have been in development for a long time. However,
there is n ot yet a formal d efinition for the concept of
cloud computing. Essentially, it is the utilization o f
the most diverse applications over the Internet, in the
same way as if they were installed on a computer or
other ph ysical device.
An imp ortant advantage of cloud computing is its
cost-benefit relation, where the user pays only for
what is used (Murthy et al., 2012). In addition, users
of service s in the cloud are provided with mainte-
nance services, upgra des, backup, security and other
resources that would be needed were the applications
installed on their own comp uter.
Cloud computing services are offered by provi-
ders and there are several on the market offering va-
rious services, with emphasis on software services
(SaaS - Software-as-a-Service), where certain soft-
wares are provided and paid for on a per-use ba-
sis; platform services (PaaS - Platform-as-a-Service),
where the user is provided with an environment to de-
sign, test, and deploy custom applications; and infr a-
structure services (IaaS - Infrastructure-as-a-Service),
where the user is p rovided with virtual machines and
manages resources as desired (CPU, memory, storage,
data transfers, network band width, etc). Our research
focuses specifically on IaaS.
IaaS provider s offer a range of different plans
for certain instances, which vary according to the
needs of each client. Generally, individuals and even
small businesses require instances comprising small
demand s. Large companies, however, have large de-
mands, and thus h ave been mainly responsible fo r
more substantial investments in cloud computing.
One of the problems faced by users is that the cost
of cloud computing resources varies not only between
the numerous providers, but also between the diffe-
rent instances that each offers. This hinders decision
Belusso, C., Sawicki, S., Basto-Fernandes, V., Frantz, R. and Roos-Frantz, F.
Price Modeling of IaaS Providers - An Approach Focused on Enterprise Application Integration.
DOI: 10.5220/0006371603710376
In Proceedings of the 19th Inter national Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 1, pages 371-376
ISBN: 978-989-758-247-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
making, because often the lowest price is not always
the best choice, since the user may be looking fo r a
provider/instance that offers better Quality -of-Service
(QoS). For example, if users acquire an instance with
more resources th a n are needed, they will be sp e nding
money unnecessarily.
Instance prices charged by providers are based on
the amount of com putational resources employed by
users. However, a n important question attracting the
attention of research community is related to how
these prices are set. Whereas some resear ch shows
that there is a mechanism defined for th is (Murthy
et al., 2012; Kihal et al., 2 012; Mitropoulou et al.,
2016), others show that price is much mo re complex
than was previously thought and that it is influenced
by economic policy and the well-known law of supply
and deman d (Al-Roomi et al., 2013; M azrekaj et al.,
2016). After prices are set by providers, the final va-
lue of the instances can still change based on other
factors, such as the location wher e the virtual machine
is hosted or the operatin g system chosen by the user.
In the c ontext of Enterprise Application Integra-
tion (EAI), cloud computin g provides a high-ca pacity
computing infrastruc ture at a low cost, in which in-
tegration solutions can be deployed and run. Inte-
gration solutions are extremely important in the pro-
cess of integration, because they are softwares that
act as a communica tion link between th e different
applications contained in the software ecosystem of
compan ie s, allowing sharing inf ormation across them
quickly and efficiently (Frantz et al., 2016). Figure 1
illustrates the basic scheme of an integration solution.
Figure 1: Integration solution.
Despite large c ompanies having made significant
investments in cloud computing to improve their bu-
siness processes, the providers do not offer a met-
hod to describe the variability of the services and
the constraints among them, so tha t these models can
be used in the decision-making proc ess (Hern´andez
et al., 2015). This study pr esents a new proposal for
modeling the instance prices charged u sin g linear re-
gression by three o f the main providers of clou d com-
puting: Amazon E C2 (Amazon, 2016), Google Com-
pute Engine (Google, 2016) and Microsoft Windows
Azure (Azure, 2016 ). Our aim is that this new model
can contribute to decision-making related to which
provider/instance best adapts to the needs of the com-
panies, resu lting in a significant reduction of time and
money from the deployme nt and implementation of
integration solutions in the cloud. The proposal for
price modeling of instances of virtual m achines is
described by presenting some of the simp lifying as-
sumptions adopted in this new model.
The remainder of this article is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 summarizes some papers that present
price modeling proposals for some providers on the
market, as well as some prospects for analysis of price
policy practiced by them; Section 3 presen ts a study
of the hypotheses fo r th e development of the new pro-
posal and theories chosen for the construction of the
model; Finally, in Section 4 the conclusions and some
prospects for future stu dies are presented .
The studies presented in this section seek to under-
stand how IaaS providers establish their pricing po-
licy for their services. It is widely understood that
this is not an easy task, which explains why there are
different approaches adopted.
Murthy et al. (2012) present a comparative study
of pricing and billing models of some IaaS providers.
The authors consider storage space as the main har-
dware re quirement, but CPU and memory are also
used to compare the instances. They also analyze dif-
ferences in the prices of instances for two different
operating systems and in the different forms of pur-
chasing o r contracting the service. On the other hand,
the hosting of virtual machines at different geograph i-
cal locations is not considered, even though this can
have a great influe nce on prices.
Rodamilans (2014) states that the problem of se-
lection of instances can be solved b y characterizing
them and the applications, considering the financial
cost and the performance of the virtu al machin e. He
proposes a method for selecting cloud provider s using
the following steps: characterization, selection an d
implementation. For this purpose, it is not conside-
red necessary to run the a pplication in all instances to
decide which is the most appropriate, rather it is only
necessary to identify the dominant computational re-
Mazrekaj et al. (2016) highlight that the objective
of the providers in offering cloud computing servi-
ces is always to get the highest revenue through their
pricing schem es, while users seek the h ighest QoS
at a low pr ice. Thus, they make a price comparison
of some models and pricing schemes of cloud servi-
ces pr oviders based on the following aspects: serv ic e ,
quality, fair price and imp ortance in the market.
Chun and Choi (2014 ) analyze two pricing sche-
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
mes practiced by providers of cloud computing:
subscription and pay-per-use. However, unlike most
proposals studied, the author s make an analysis from
the per spective of the pr ovider. They claim that the
different pricing schemes are a consequenc e of the
providers’ different cost structures, which en tail ever-
ything from the investment in cloud infra structure to
the cost of a service being idle for a certain period of
Kihal et al. (2012) present two methods to im-
prove the transparency of the prices charged by pro-
viders of IaaS. The first is the hedonic pricing met-
hod, in which the fraction that each compo nent con-
tributes to the final cost of the instance is calculated.
In this method, the instances n eed to be analyzed se-
parately, making it impossible to compare providers.
To work around this problem, the authors developed
the Pricing Plan Co mparison (PriCo), a method that
identifies the best profile for each provider. In both
cases, the authors considered as the main hypothe-
sis that customers seek the ch eapest service, not co n-
sidering, for example, the QoS. During the analy-
sis, the IaaS components memory, CPU and storage ,
Windows operating system and On-d emand instances
were used.
Mitropoulou et al. (2016) propose a price index
based on the hedonic pricing method, which accounts
for different factors in pricing models of cloud co m-
puting services at the IaaS level, including the geo-
graphic location of the provider. It is a mathema-
tical approach, specifically of regression models (li-
near, exponential, for co mparison), where the price of
a service is related to its characteristics. Using the
hedon ic method, the auth ors allowed for an adjust-
ment of the pr ic e of a service for the quality, not the
quantity. The authors collected data from providers
and analyzed in w hich regions they have hosted vir-
tual machines. The model also accounts for qualita-
tive variables related to the operatin g system and the
purcha sin g or contractual model. Quantitative vari-
ables include amo unt of memory, CPU, storage and
out. The authors did not consider some fac-
tors in the form of model variables because, according
to th e m, they did not have m uch influe nce on the final
price of the instances.
Our review of the latest research shows that th e re
are no proposals directly related to selection of IaaS
providers for migratio n of integration solutions to the
cloud. Likewise, instruments or methodologies ca-
pable o f quantifying the demand for computational
resources that an integration solution consumes were
not found. In this sense, our model can provide a nee-
ded new approach.
In this paper, we present a proposal for modeling pri-
ces adopted by IaaS providers. The main focus is on
Enterprise Application Integration, specifically in in-
tegration solution migration to the cloud. D ue to this
peculiarity, some assumptions need to be established
and studied in this first stage, considering the aims
and target audience.
The objective assumed in modeling is to always
obtain the instance with the lowest price, but with a
QoS c apable of per forming the prede te rmined com-
putational demand. In addition, some factors influe n-
cing prices are analyzed, as well as the ne ed to build
them into the model.
3.1 Simplifying Hypotheses
Among the many IaaS providers on the market, in this
study we opted to analyze three of them: Amazon
EC2, Google Compute Engine and Microsoft Win-
dows Azure. This choice was based on their popu -
larity and , in the case of Amazon EC2, also due to the
complexity of instance pricing. Some proposals are
able to analyze more than one provider at the same
time, and this is considered to be a Cross-Provider
compariso n (Hern´andez et al., 2015).
For this pur pose, simplifying hypotheses are nee-
ded, initially, for some factors that influ ence, directly
or indirectly, the prices c harged b y providers. These
The Operating System: opting for a virtual ma-
chine that uses the Linux op erating system as op-
posed to Windows, fo r example, can result in a
significant difference in the p rice of the instances.
For so me providers, the price may also vary if the
platforms are different. Information collected di-
rectly fro m the Internet homepages of providers
indicates that an instance is always cheaper when
opting for Linux.
Instance Type: depending on the requirements
for the deploym ent and implementation of inte-
gration solutions, instances with smaller or larger
configurations, or instances of a High -Memory
or High-CPU type, may be c hosen, all of them
grouped according to particular hardware requi-
rements. High-Memory instances have large
amounts of memory, while the amount of other
components of the instance is small o r has small
variations. Similarly, High-CPU instances h ave
a large processing capacity. Applicatio n integra-
tion solutions are light a nd don’t require a lot o f
storage space. Thus, this requirement is not con-
sidered. Some providers have instance s that differ
Price Modeling of IaaS Providers - An Approach Focused on Enterprise Application Integration
with regard to the storage unit, wh ic h ca n be Hard
Disk Drive (HDD) or Solid-State Drive ( SSD) ,
and this can lead to changes in price. There is
also grouping of instances considering th e users’
profiles. For those who use little, providers o ffer
instances with a smaller configurations, while the
instances with more powerful configurations are
used by large companies, which have a large vo-
lume of applications running simultaneously.
Discount Mo del: generally, the providers offer
this to users who acquire an instance for a g iven
amount of time. The longer the time of acqui-
red, the greater the discount will b e for the usage
rate. There a re also cases whe re the user can pay a
percentage of the total cost in advance, where the
higher the perc entage of this payment, the g rea-
ter the discount obtained. Other fo rms of discount
include that for allocation of virtual machines in
specific regions (Amazon, 2016), for pe rcentage
of month ly use of the virtual machine (Google,
2016) and for instances with cost above a pre-set
value (Azure, 2016). Due to the d ifferent types of
discounts offered, the elaboration of a model that
includes all of them is a complex task , considering
the peculiarities of each. For example, consider a
provider P, for which one o f the discount modes is
given for the amount paid, and two clients, A and
B, which have spe nt the same amount of money
and, so, theore tica lly would get the sam e discoun t.
Assuming that client A has been u sing the service
provider P for a lo ng time while client B is using
the service for the first time. Customer A may
be offered a discount greater due to their allegi-
ance, thus partaking of another form of discount.
Therefore, considering this imminent difficulty in
modeling discounts, they are not considered in the
proposed mod el.
Geographical Location of the Provider: many
providers have virtual machines that are hosted in
various parts of the world and the price of the in-
stance can change considerably within the same
provider. Some providers have more than 10 pos-
sible location s (Amazon , 2016; Azure, 2016), ma-
king it difficult to compare. However, users may
not always be a ble to choose the location in which
the instance is cheaper, because there may be legal
issues of the co untry in which the virtual machine
is hosted. Mitr opoulou et al. (2016) analyzed the
influence of geographical location on the prices
charged by providers a nd choose to group the dif-
ferent regions covered by continent. I n the present
proposal, which foc uses on the lowest price with
an ideal QoS, an adja c ent survey of each of th e
providers should be made in order to iden tify re-
gions with the lowest prices, limited to, at most,
ve of them.
Billing Model: in addition to having numerous in-
stances composed of different configurations, the
providers also offer different pricing models. For
example, Amazon EC2 provides three pricing mo-
dels: On-demand, Reserved and Spot. For On-
demand instances, the user pays according to use,
without a long-term commitment; in Reserved in-
stances, the user acquires the instance fo r a given
amount of time and, because of this, pays a lo-
wer usage rate (per hour or per minute); finally,
Spot instances allow the user to take par t of a kind
of auction for unused c omputing capacity, which
can generate savings of up to 90 % in relation to
the On-dema nd mode. However, the spot price
fluctuates based on supply and demand for avai-
lable capacity. If the user’s offer is over that of
the spot price, the instance will c ontinue running;
otherwise, the serv ic e will be inte rrupted. The
need to stand out on the cloud computing mar-
ket makes providers offer different pricing mo-
dels, among which the On-deman d model and the
Reserved mod e l are the most common. The Re-
served models are always more economical in the
long term and the price tends to fall even more as
the subscrip tion time increases (an analysis of pri-
cing models Amazon EC2 can be found at Murthy
et al. (2012)).
Period of Use: finally, a more detailed study seeks
to identify whether all of the chosen p roviders
change their prices for the use of the serv ic e s at
different times and whether this alteration is sig-
nificant. T he user may choose to run applications
on different schedules to achieve a reduction in the
cost of their virtual machine. At peak hours, the
price of the instances tends to be larger or the dis-
count offered, if any, ma y be lower. Each provider
defines peak h ours.
3.2 Mathematical Model
Multiple linear regression was used to estimate the
price of the instances for the three selected providers,
due to the linear behavior of the data collected fr om
the providers. Durin g data collection, a ll the possibi-
lities of geographical location of each of the providers
were co nsidered, as w ell as information pertain ing to
Linux a nd Win dows operating systems. The pricing
model considere d was the On-demand model.
Using the regression method, it is possible to es-
timate the c ost of individual c haracteristics that in-
fluence the final price of the instances by ca lc ulating
the coefficients for each of the variables of the model.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The multiple linear regression m odel adapted to this
proposal is described by Equation 1.
= a
+ a
+ a
+ ... + a
+ ε
, i = 1, ..., n
i refers to the i-th instan c e of any one of the three
chosen providers;
n is the number o f variables of the model;
is the final price of the instance i;
are the co e fficients of regression to be calcula-
ted, i.e. the sh are of participation of feature X in
the final price of the instance i;
are the independent variables of the model,
that is each of the characteristics that influence the
final price of the instance i;
is the residual error of the regression for each
instance i.
The model variables can be summarized as quanti-
tative variables, composed by hardware requirements
(for example, CPU, memory and storage), and quali-
tative variables, consisting of software requirements
(for example, operating system and platform) and ot-
her variables (for example, geographical location).
Qualitative variables of the model are represented
using Dummy variables, where a certain trait can take
on the value 0 or 1 (Wonnacott and Wonnacott, 1990).
The applicatio n of the model can be better un der-
stood from the following example:
Example: an integration solution requires 4 GB of
RAM, 2 processing cores and 200 MB of storage to
be executed. By inserting this demand into th e model,
the price of all instanc es able to perform this solu tion
is calculated and the cheapest instance is ind ic ated.
The Dummy variables are defined and inserted previ-
ously in to the model. For the operating system, for
example, the value of 1 f or Windows and 0 for Li-
nux can be set. If the option is Windows, multiplying
the coefficient from the regression m odel for 1; being
Linux, the coefficient is multiplied by 0. Assuming
that an instance is more expensive when you choose
Windows, the coefficient of this variable should be
positive, generating a n increase in the final price of
the instance ; in the case of the instance being chea-
per, the coefficient should be negative, reducing the
price. The same process can be adopted for th e other
qualitative variables. The coe fficients of the quanti-
tative variables represent the unit price of each of the
hardware components, i.e. the c ost per unit of RAM,
CPU and storage.
Because it is a method o f estimation, the level of
reliability of the linear model must be considered. I n
addition, most models feature non-linearity and, be-
cause of that, a no n-linear model may be more ade-
quate. However, in these cases, due to difficulties
encountered in non-linear modeling, the alternative
used by researchers is the linearization of the varia-
bles, which sometimes does not cause major distorti-
ons to the results.
This study proposed a scheme for modeling the in-
stance prices charged by providers of cloud compu-
ting at the IaaS level, using a linear regression model
and some simplify ing hypotheses. This proposal con-
sidered the providers Amazon EC2, Google Compute
Engine and Microsoft Windows Azure.
The literature review show that no proposal to date
has been geared toward implementatio n and execu-
tion of integration solutions in the cloud. The ab-
sence of a mechanism that can offer companies the
opportunity to compare the servic es offered by provi-
ders makes this a new and prom isin g approach, con-
sidering that, curr ently, all information must be col-
lected directly from the Internet homepage of provi-
ders, delayin g the decision-making process and, con-
sequently, making this task quite onerous.
For future studies, it is necessary to first obtain th e
coefficients of the regression model and verify their
level of reliability. Complem e ntarily, it is possible
to build a m ethod of estimatio n able to quantify the
demand for computational infrastructure necessary to
perform an integration solution.
The research work on which we report in this paper
is supported by CNPq, CAPES, FAPERGS, and the
internal Research Programme at UNIJUI University.
First author is also thanks the Federal University of
Fronteira Sul (UFFS) for the support to the develop-
ment of his research.
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems