DECIDE: DevOps for Trusted, Portable and Interoperable
Multi-Cloud Applications towards the Digital Single Market
Juncal Alonso, Leire Orue-Echevarria, Marisa Escalante and Gorka Benguria
Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Bizkaia, Edificio 700, 48160 Derio, Bizkaia, Spain
Keywords: Self-adaptation, Intermediation and Federation of Heterogeneous Resources, Run-Time Monitoring,
Deployment Simulation, Multi-Cloud Architectural Patterns.
Abstract: The main objective of the DECIDE action is to provide a new generation of multi-cloud service-based
software framework, enabling techniques and mechanisms to design, develop, and dynamically deploy
multi-cloud aware applications in an ecosystem of reliable, interoperable, and legal compliant cloud
services. Three use cases will be conducted to validate the proposed approach.
The digital transformation from product to service
economy means changes in the companies’
operating environment: they need to transform into
service providers from product providers and be able
to flexibly change their role in the value chain and
markets. In order to be able to foster the change, the
companies IT infrastructure needs to be more
flexible. Cloud services enable this to some degree,
but as such create dependency to external partners
for a company. In a world where new players come,
others disappear, and conditions are continuously
changing, how can the companies be sure that the
architectural decisions that were taken in the past
continue to be the best one? For example, while
developing or migrating a web site, an organization
can decide to build it in a dedicated internal
computer, build it as an instance in a shared internal
computer, build it in a dedicated external computer,
or even build it as an instance in a shared external.
The decision on using one, another, or several
approaches simultaneously is driven by certain
evaluation criteria (e.g. profitability, reliability,
performance, security, legal or even ecological
aspects). Cloud services providers (CSPs)
themselves may fail too, so for the greatest measure
of protection possible, an enterprise may wish to
embark upon a multi-cloud strategy. There are
several multi-cloud solutions available for solving
specific problems, but to date, little attention has
been paid to distributing the cloud risk, and
managing multiple clouds from a single technology
platform. Working with many CSPs means
managing multiple relationships. Currently, most
companies are already in the process of negotiating
multiple contracts with multiple CSPs. That involves
activities such as to analyze their service level
agreements, manage multiple payments, storing
passwords, and so on. Those cumbersome activities
lead to question whether it would be possible to
unify those efforts somehow in order to maximize
both the efficiency and effectiveness of the usage of
services coming from different CSPs. One way to
achieve that is through Cloud Service Broker (CSB).
Gartner defines a cloud services brokerage as a
third-party software that adds value to cloud services
on behalf of cloud service consumers (Gartner,
2016). The major benefit of using CSBs is that these
allow organizations to focus on other critical day-to-
day business needs instead of in how to manage
multiple CSPs. As expressed by Gartner, a viable
intermediator and federator of cloud services can
make it less expensive, easier, safer (also in legal
terms), interoperable and more productive for
companies to discover, aggregate, consume and
extend cloud services, particularly when they span
multiple, diverse cloud services providers in
different EU Member States (Gartner, 2012).
1.1 Multi-Cloud Applications: Main
Challenges and Unsolved Issues
In the context of this paper, a multi-cloud native
application is an application distributed over
heterogeneous cloud resources whose components
Alonso, J., Orue-Echevarria, L., Escalante, M. and Benguria, G.
DECIDE: DevOps for Trusted, Portable and Interoperable Multi-Cloud Applications towards the Digital Single Market.
DOI: 10.5220/0006292403970404
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017), pages 369-376
ISBN: 978-989-758-243-1
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
are deployed on different CSPs and still, they all
work in an integrated way and transparently for the
end-user. There are several reasons for deploying an
application in a multi-cloud architecture, the most
important ones being: non-compliance of the CSPs
to the agreed SLAs, avoidance of vendor lock-in,
increasing reliability or improving other QoS
concerns such as increasing performance or security,
and finally, reducing costs. The application types
that would benefit the most from such a multi-cloud
approach are on the one hand, those that are critical
to the business and that need to respond efficiently
to the user’s needs in terms of performance,
reliability and security and on the other hand,
complex applications whose components need to be
distributed over different cloud providers due to
their specific needs and requirements. However, any
application offered as SaaS can benefit from a multi-
cloud architecture. Currently, this is solved by
deploying the same application on several cloud
providers following a master-slave or active-passive
approach. This, however, poses also several risks,
since the synchronization of all the data is critical for
a correct functioning of the application if no data
loss is wanted. The multi-cloud approach presented
in this paper avoids synchronization risks and
guarantees the fulfillment of the application
providers’ requirements, which can range from
maintaining a constant cost structure to a certain
response time, security issues or a certain
performance level.
Developing, deploying and operating multi-
cloud applications present the following challenges:
Applications need to be responsive to
hybrid/multi-cloud model scenario, in which
an application that is executing in a private
cloud bursts into a public cloud when the
demand for computing capacity spikes. This
implies that the application architecture shall
be re-designed to be “multi-cloud” aware
simplifying the cloud application assembly
and the deployment process. A possible
solution to this problem is to deploy
components of the same application on
multiple clouds distributing the workload
among them, so as to continuously guarantee
the average QoS requirements, dynamically
allocate resources and automatically
reconfigure the deployment configuration
when a Non-Functional Requirement (NFR)
value is not met. Multi-cloud application
solutions have to deal with a set of Non-
Functional Property (NFP) (e.g. performance,
security, availability, governance etc.) of the
individual components given their
complexity and distribution as well as with
the overall NFP of the application including
the communications and the data flow
between components. Even if each CSP
offers means and controls for measuring
NFP, the multi-cloud application has to
ensure integrated non-functional
characteristics across the whole composition.
Therefore, the overall non-functional
characteristics depend on the NFP of the
application components, which in turn
depend on the NFP offered by the cloud
resources they exploit.
Means shall be provided to manage and
assess cloud deployment alternatives to better
support our cloud re-deployment decisions.
This implies profiling and classifying
application components and cloud nodes, as
well as analyzing and simulating the behavior
of the application under stressful conditions
to support the deployment decision making
process considering additional factors such as
NFR, namely performance, availability,
localization, cost, or risks associated with the
change of cloud resources. Multi-cloud has
value only when the right providers are
selected, whether public or private (combined
into different cloud deployment models), to
meet functional and NFR.
Existing cloud services shall be made
available dynamically, broadly and cross
border, so that software providers can re-use
and combine cloud services, assembling a
dynamic and re-configurable network of
interoperable, legally secured, quality
assessed (against SLAs) single and composite
cloud services, facilitating the free flow of
data and therefore impacting in the Digital
Single Market (DSM).
1.2 DevOps for Multicloud
Applications: Progress beyond the
State of the Art
1.2.1 DevOps
DevOps refers to the emerging professional
movement and philosophy that advocates for a
collaborative working relationship between
Development and IT Operations, lowering barriers
and silo-based teams, resulting in the fast flow of
planned work, while simultaneously increasing the
reliability, stability, resilience of the production
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
environment. This is often called the “DevOps
Paradox” (Edwards, 2015): “Going faster brings
higher quality, lower costs, and better outcomes”.
Organizations such as Etsy, Netflix, Facebook,
Amazon, Twitter and Google, but also ING, or
Target, by applying the DevOps philosophy, they
have been able to achieve levels of performance that
were unthinkable even five years ago. DevOps
pivots around three axes (UpGuard, 2016):
processes, people and technology. From the people
perspective, DevOps symbolizes a cultural change
where collaboration and cooperation are key pillars,
and this often results in an increased understanding
to prioritize requests that the business needs. From
the processes perspective, DevOps advocates for a
more agile change processes, with an increased rate
of acceptance for new features, improved quality in
software developments, a decrease in number of
incidents per release and an increased time to market
and velocity to pass from development to
production. Finally, from the technology point of
view, DevOps results in an application with a
reduced number of defects and therefore with more
quality, and in an increased deployment of features.
The authors have analyzed several DevOps
solutions existing on the market and in open source
communities, such as The Eclipse Cloud
Development project (Eclipse Cloud Development;,
2015), IBM Bluemix DevOps Services (IBM
BlueMix, 2016), or Puppet+MCollective (Puppet
labs, 2013) and Terraform (Terraforms, 2015)
among others. From this analysis the authors
conclude that the most of the current so-called
“DevOps” solutions focus mostly on Continuous
Delivery (CD – often also named continuous
deployment in literature), while simultaneously
applying practices like Continuous Integration (CI),
Continuous Quality (CQ). CD practices allow for
automated deployment, while CQ and CI practices
allow for errors to be caught in an earlier phase of
the development cycle which are thus cheaper to
solve and with less rework, accompanied by a
configuration management system. However, the
tools hereby presented while aiming at cloud
deployments, they do not fully support the multi-
cloud approach.
1.2.2 Deployment Simulation
There are two main sources in the state of the art
related to this topic, namely the model based testing
and the cloud resource simulation.
The use of models for designing, simulating and
testing such systems is currently one of the strongest
industrial trends with significant impact on the
overall development and quality assurance
processes. Most of developments in that area, such
as Fokus!MBT (Fraunhofer Fokus, 2015) have been
mainly focused on the testing of the correctness of
the model and not so much in the determination of
the non-functional characteristics of the resulting
system. However, some works have been carried out
on the simulation of performance metrics for grid
computing (Li, 2009); with can be used as a starting
point for the definition of strategies for cloud
resources performance simulation.
In the domain of cloud resource simulation, the
most relevant input is Cloudsim (CLOUDS
Laboratory, University of Melbourne, 2012). It
provides a generalized and extensible simulation
framework that enables seamless modelling,
simulation, and experimentation of emerging Cloud
computing infrastructures and application services.
The usage of Cloudsim is based on coding the use
cases in Java, and the provided example mainly
make reference to IaaS infrastructures.
On other hand, there are several tools in the
market that allow comparing IaaS services, such as
CloudHarmony (CloudHarmony, n.d.), or
Cloudorado (Cloudorado, 2016). There are also tools
such as Cloudsleuth (Cloudsleuth, 2016) that allow
comparing the performance of IaaS and PaaS
providers, but are mostly focused in monitoring
response-time and availability. However, all these
decision support type tools usually ignore the
complexity of multi-cloud environments, where
combinations of cloud services need to be evaluated
as well as non-functional properties.
1.2.3 Modeling of Dynamic and
Reconfigurable Multi-Cloud
Multi-Cloud is often defined as the serial or
simultaneous use of services from diverse providers
to execute an application (Petcu, 2013). At business
level, Hybrid Cloud is the term commonly used.
Gartner (Mazzuca, 2015) defines hybrid Cloud as
the coordinated use of cloud services across isolation
and provider boundaries among public, private and
community service providers, or between internal
and external cloud services. A number of scenarios
demonstrate these serial or simultaneous interactions
among hybrid heterogeneous private and public
clouds and across all cloud layers (IaaS/PaaS/SaaS)
(ETSI, 2013). Multi-cloud applications engineering
as they are understood by the authors of this paper,
with the application components distributed across
DECIDE: DevOps for Trusted, Portable and Interoperable Multi-Cloud Applications towards the Digital Single Market
heterogeneous cloud resources and still seamlessly
interoperating in a single whole, is not a common
practice yet.
1.2.4 Automatic Re-Deployment
The automatic re-deployment of multi-cloud
applications implies several technical issues like 1)
supporting different cloud service interfaces (for
distributing the application workload on different
cloud platforms), 2) monitoring the application
components (for verifying the metrics), and 3)
implement strategies for migrating workload
(namely applications or parts of applications) from
one cloud platform to another.
Cloud computing applications can be monitored
with a very broad set of monitoring solutions that
range from services made available by Software as a
Service (SaaS) providers (e.g. AppDynamics
(APPDYNAMICS, 2016), BMC’s TrueSight Pulse
Monitoring-as-a-Service (BMC, 2016), New Relic
(New Relic, 2016), RackSpace’s Cloud Monitoring
(Rackspace, 2015), etc.), services provided by the
platform hosting the application (e.g. OpenStack
Monasca (OpenStack, 2016), AWS CloudWatch
(Amazon, 2016)) and tools implemented as stand-
alone software packages (e.g. Nagios (Nagios,
2016), Zabbix (Zabbix, 2016)).
Adapting cloud applications for restoring the
expected working conditions can be interpreted and
implemented in several ways. Some cloud platforms
(e.g. Google Cloud Platform (Google Cloud
Platform, 2016) and AWS (Elastic Cloud Gate,
2014)) provide functions for periodically monitoring
the status of a VM and, in case of unavailability, for
restarting it. For sophisticated conditions, it is
possible to adapt the application taking advantage of
a fundamental capability of cloud computing which
is named elasticity.
1.2.5 Cloud Service Brokers
“Cloud Marketplaces” are emerging to offer a
mixture of service management, cloud deployment
automation and application assembly, often in multi-
cloud environments. Cloud providers such as
Amazon WS (Amazon, 2016), HP (HPE, 2016) or
IBM (IBM, 2016) have already launched their own
cloud marketplace services. At the same time, both
commercial solution providers (such as Appcara
AppStack (Appcara, 2015) and Jamcracker Service
Delivery Network (Jamcracker Platform, 2016) and
Open Source initiatives (Ubuntu Juju (Ubuntu,
2016)) are developing solutions that enable the
creation of customized Cloud marketplaces.
2.1 DECIDE Framework: Proposed
DECIDE focuses on a novel concept of multi-cloud
applications. The application of this new concept
encompasses several challenges that pave the way for
the proposed innovations and for improving the
competitive advantage of DECIDE partners compared
to what the market offers today. The design of
efficient multi-cloud application requires a set of
established architectural patterns. DECIDE will
develop architectural patterns and modeling practices
focused on the description of the system architecture
in terms of cloud resource dependencies as well as in
terms of NFR of the system as a whole. DECIDE will
provide the architect with suggestions on which
pattern has to be applied, how, when and the potential
trade-offs, for multi-cloud applications deployed on
heterogeneous cloud providers configuring different
cloud layers (as in an IoT environment), making use
of heterogeneous resources and services, in some
cases, provided by the DECIDE Advanced Cloud
Service intermediator.(ACSmI) ACSmI will be user
and resource-centric, searching always for the best
opportunistic choices while fulfilling the requirements
set by the user. Moreover, ACSmI will develop its
activities in a context which will be legally secured by
adequate innovative contractual and policy solutions
and will foster cross-border interoperability. The
DECICE OPTIMUS simulation tool will provide on
one hand, the automation of the provisioning
resources and deployment scripts for multi-cloud
native applications based on the modeling of cloud
resources at multiple cloud layers (IaaS, PaaS) and of
multiple CSPs, and on the other, it will profile and
classify the application components, which will be
used to simulate the application behavior under
certain conditions.
Multi-cloud applications demand supporting
tools, such as DevOps, not only for their design,
development and deployment but also for their
operation. In order to remain sustainable, a cloud
based application cannot stop its operation and it is
expected that it is self-adaptive with respect to the
new topology needed to fulfill the users’ requirements
at all times. DECIDE aims to offer a dynamic
monitoring of NFRs as set by the user or potential
SLA violations, which will trigger the self-
adaptability and reconfiguration of the application at
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
run-time through the DECIDE ADAPT multi-cloud
application self-adaptation tool. It will pro-actively
adjust the running configuration of the application
based on measurements that are derived from the
dynamic monitoring activities of both the application
and the NFPs of the CSPs and cloud offerings where
the application is deployed and making use of.
The assembling of the mentioned novel
components along with other DevOps natural
components (such as continuous integration (CI),
continuous quality (CQ), and continuous delivery
(CD)) will set up a DevOps framework for develop-
ment and operation of multi-cloud native applications
in compliance with the DevOps paradigm.
DECIDE workflow starts from the design of the
multi-cloud native application that is sensitive to the
changeable situation in a multi-cloud based
environment. For that, developers establish a set of
quantitative (i.e. Mean Time Between Failures
(MBTF)), availability, response time, lag, cost,
throughput) and qualitative (i.e. security, location,
financial, low / high technological risk) NFPs that the
application must comply with and uses DECIDE’s
ARCHITECT tool to support the design and
development process of the distributed application
and its components through the architectural
implementation of patterns and the recommendations
derived from the tool on which patterns to apply in
which components. Qualitative NFR will only be
applicable for the selection of the cloud services,
while quantitative will be used for monitoring and
simulation purposes. After the application of this
initial set of multi-cloud based architectural patterns,
the developer follows with the implementation
process (following the CQ, CI and again continuous
architecting DevOps approach). For the
implementation (continuous development, CI, CQ,
CD), DECIDE will integrate open environments such
as Eclipse, Git, Puppet, Chef, Docker, Jenkins, and
Vagrant, among others.
As a next step, DECIDE will support the selection
of the deployment topology and the underlying
selection of the most suitable cloud services through
the OPTIMUS simulation tool. The OPTIMUS tool
will base the simulation on the profiling of the
different components to be considered: profiling of
the multi-cloud application, profiling of the cloud
services to be used (data bases, processing clusters,
etc.), profiling of the communications between nodes,
and profiling of external services to be used by the
multi-cloud application. For the modeling of the
profiling information so that it can be processed,
represented and used, existing technologies such as
CloudML and OpenTosca will be evaluated.
Optimization algorithms such as genetic algorithms,
Harmony search, or Dandelion codes will be used by
OPTIMUS to provide a set of potential combination
of cloud services that fulfills the established user
requirements. Along with these simulation results,
OPTIMUS will provide the developer with
information about the required changes in the
application structure/schema/code to achieve the
required configuration deployment and the
technological risk that each of these configurations
imply (low technological risk or high technological
risk), i.e. moving from an IaaS to a PaaS, move from
one PaaS to another like OpenShift vs. Cloudfoundry.
Once the application is implemented and the
cloud services are selected, the developer needs to
define the service level agreement that the application
will offer to end-users (Multi-Cloud SLA - MCSLA).
This MCSLA will be influenced by the SLAs of the
underlying (combination of) cloud services to be
contracted. DECIDE Multi-cloud native applications
DevOps framework will support the definition of
these composite MCSLAs (Multi Cloud Service
Level Agreement) and the corresponding SLOs
(Service Level Objectives) of the application and the
dependencies and needs on the underlying
(combination of) cloud services in a machine-readable
format for the representation. This composite
MCSLA will be then assessed at run time to check if
it is being accomplished.
To finish this first cycle of the development
phase, the developer will select the deployment
scripts based on the selected configuration from the
simulation phase through the continuous deployment
supporting tools and the architectural patterns for
deployment. Each deployment configuration will be
stored in the multi-cloud native application controller,
maintaining the current deployment configuration
situation as well as the historic of the previous
deployment configuration used, so that they can be
checked in the re-deployment phase.
Once the application has been developed, the
operation phase starts. The application owner
contracts the corresponding (combination of) cloud
services (accomplishing the required MCSLAs) and
deploys the application over different clouds using the
ADAPT continuous deployment tool.
During the application operation phase, the
DECIDE self-adaptation application provisioning tool
will continuously monitor and assess the fulfillment
of the established NFR and MCSLA. If a violation of
any of the former metrics occurs, the self-adaptation
tool through the ACSmI will assess the operation of
the (combination of) cloud services selected and
discard those that are affecting the MCSLA. If the
DECIDE: DevOps for Trusted, Portable and Interoperable Multi-Cloud Applications towards the Digital Single Market
application configuration has been established as of
low technological risk, the multi-cloud application
will be self-adaptive and it will be redeployed
automatically, following a new deployment
configuration. In case the application has been
identified as high technological risk, once it has
identified the aspects that are affecting the
malfunctioning of the application, it will alert the
operator and using the OPTIMUS tool it will look for
new (combination of) cloud services to set up a new
deployment schema. The DECIDE application
controller and the continuous deployment supporting
tools will support the selection of the new deployment
scripts (based on the architectural patterns for
deployment), and thus semi-automatically re-deploy
it. DECIDE will also support parallel re-deployment
strategies definition and multiple cloud layers. In this
case the new operation phase will start again
contracting the new services and deploying the new
scripts into the new configuration of cloud services.
2.2 DECIDE: Proposed Technical
Figure 1 presents the proposed technical architecture
for DECIDE components.
The resulting assets of this approach will be
validated in several test beds. They have been
selected bearing in mind that the main beneficiaries
of this framework are, namely developers and
operators of applications that need to be legally
aware and compliant, and need to fulfill high
demanding requirements of performance, availa-
bility and reliability, without reaching high costs.
3.1 Case Study 1: High Availability
High availability (HA) is usually offered in the same
ISP, as a high cost dedicated hardware solution
distributed, when available, in different Datacenters
or in different ISPs using different control panel and
services. The main aim of this use case is to provide
a low-cost HA service that users can manage
through a single control panel. Through DECIDE
ACSmI, any customer will be able to add
redundancy to their system in order to eliminate a
single point of failure. Developers will also be able
to detect failures so as to maintain availability across
the different cloud platforms.
3.2 Case Study 2: e-Health
The second validation case comes from a cloud
solutions provider for health data based applications
and digital services. This provider is based on
England even though it provides the services in
England and the UK, it hosts European wide Clinical
Data Entry Tools, as well as applications that have
users all over Europe. Currently the problems faced
around hosting health data across Europe are:
Figure 1: DECIDE Technical Architecture.
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
(1) Legal Compliance, (2) Resilience, and (3)
Performance. Often there is a compromise to be
made in one of these areas to facilitate the
implementation of services using health data In
order to solve such challenges, it is of paramount
importance to simulate potential multi-cloud
deployments that comply with the legal, cross-
border and interoperability requirements associated
with e-health data services.
3.3 Case Study 3: Network
Network management is a key aspect of the
operation of the telecom networks as performed by
the Telecom Operators and other players. The
network is crucial to every business, optimizing
network performance effectively is necessary to
achieve a competitive business society. Current
network management tools are limited to the
collection and presentation of a summary of the
status of the network but do not meet present
industry demands. There is a need for a very
dynamic Development and Operation environment
(DevOps) where maintenance activities, Long-term
Network Configuration and Planning as well as
updates of the operation tools and rules have to
implemented and modified continuously with the
business and operation feedback. This need to be
updated on-the-fly but using specific tools to
promote a culture of agile team work between
development, test and operation.
Following the approach proposed, next steps will
deal with the specification of the technical design of
the different tools as well as the implementations of
the first prototypes.
These prototypes will be tested into real
industrial use cases in the context of the DECIDE
research action.
This paper presents how DECIDE action provides
a novel DevOps multi-cloud application framework,
enabling techniques and mechanisms to architect,
develop, and dynamically deploy multi-cloud aware
applications in an ecosystem of reliable,
interoperable, and legal compliant cloud services.
DECIDE will support software development
companies in:
1. Enhancing their (multi cloud applications)
development and operations processes,
2. Improving the developers’ and operators’
3. While ensuring the application
maintainability, Quality of Experience
(QoE) and Quality of Service (QoS) in its
whole life,
4. Decreasing the time-to-market.
The next activities include the actual
implementation of all components described in this
paper and the validation in the three use cases. For
that, the authors will follow
an iterative and
incremental approach based on SCRUM and in
alignment with a DevOps philosophy. The
prioritisation of the functionalities will come from
the priority analysis of functional requirements and
the use cases.
The project leading to this paper has received
funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant
agreement No 731533.
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CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science