Detecting Hacked Twitter Accounts based on Behavioural Change
Meike Nauta
, Mena Habib
and Maurice van Keulen
University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Hacked Account Detection, Social Media.
Social media accounts are valuable for hackers for spreading phishing links, malware and spam. Furthermore,
some people deliberately hack an acquaintance to damage his or her image. This paper describes a classifica-
tion for detecting hacked Twitter accounts. The model is mainly based on features associated with behavioural
change such as changes in language, source, URLs, retweets, frequency and time. We experiment with a Twit-
ter data set containing tweets of more than 100 Dutch users including 37 who were hacked. The model detects
99% of the malicious tweets which proves that behavioural changes can reveal a hack and that anomaly-based
features perform better than regular features. Our approach can be used by social media systems such as Twit-
ter to automatically detect a hack of an account only a short time after the fact allowing the legitimate owner
of the account to be warned or protected, preventing reputational damage and annoyance.
As hundreds of millions of people use online social
networks, these platforms are ideal for cybercriminals
to easily reach a large audience. For years, criminals
distributed spam messages using fake accounts, but
nowadays social media sites have systems and tools to
detect and delete spam accounts (Twitter, 2016a). As
a response, criminals are hacking accounts to spread
spam in the name of the legitimate owner. To this very
day, Twitter accounts are an active target for hackers.
In June 2016, a hacker offered millions of Twitter ac-
count credentials for sale (Whittaker, 2016).
In this study, a Twitter account is called hacked
(also known as compromised) if the account is con-
trolled by a third party and subsequently used for
sending tweets without the knowledge and consent
of the legitimate owner. Some Twitter accounts are
hacked on purpose by an acquaintance of the owner
with the goal of damaging the reputation of the legiti-
mate owner. However, a more common cause of being
hacked is that users unknowingly entrusted their user-
name and password to a malicious third-party appli-
cation or website. Furthermore, accounts with weak
passwords are vulnerable for viruses or malware.
Criminals can use compromised accounts in so-
cial networks for spreading phishing links, malware,
and spam. They can also collect information on spe-
cific people or commit fraud such as by asking friends
of the legitimate owner to send money. Most often,
hackers sell the hacked account to other cybercrimi-
nals (Demidova, 2014). A compromised Twitter ac-
count is now even more valuable on the black market
than a stolen credit card (Ablon et al., 2014).
The negative consequences for the legitimate
owner of the compromised account can be significant.
Users have built a relationship based on authenticity
and trust with their followers and this relationship is
damaged after a hack. Sometimes, a hacked tweet can
cause panic and is even known to be able to result in
a stock market drop (Moore and Roberts, 2013). Fur-
thermore, for both the owner and its followers, spam
is simply annoying.
Problem statement: A possible solution to the
problem is to construct a model that can automatically
detect that an account is hacked which makes an ad-
equate reaction possible such as quickly suspending
the detected account. Early outbreak detection that
contains the spread of compromise in 24 hours can
spare 70% of victims (Thomas et al., 2014).
The goal of this research is to develop a model
for real-time detection of compromised accounts on
Twitter by detecting a change in behaviour.
Approach: We approach the detection problem
by looking for a behavioural change, i.e., tweets that
differ from a previously constructed behavioural pro-
file. Such a profile contains, for example, at which
time of day one usually tweets, which hashtags one
Nauta, M., Habib, M. and Keulen, M.
Detecting Hacked Twitter Accounts based on Behavioural Change.
DOI: 10.5220/0006213600190031
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2017), pages 19-31
ISBN: 978-989-758-246-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Raw data
(tweet collection)
identify hacked users
identify hacked tweets
obtain timelines
Direct features
extract direct features
Behavioural profile
construct profile
Anomaly score
derive anomaly scores
Selected features
feature selection
feature selection
Figure 1: Overview of approach.
typically uses, etc. The behavioural profile is used to,
besides direct features obtained from the tweet and
user profile, also derive anomaly scores. An anomaly
score is a measure for how much a feature differs
from the behavioural profile. The anomaly scores are
also used as features. Using these direct features and
anomaly score features of all tweets of the timelines
of several hacked and non-hacked users, we train a
classifier that classifies tweets into classes ‘hacked’
and ‘benign’ (see Figure 1).
Deployment: The model flags a tweet as hacked
when there is a significant change in behaviour. This
can be used to automatically warn users about a po-
tential hack and/or ask for confirmation of the authen-
ticity of the tweet. A system could be put in place
that would even temporarily deactivate an account and
inform a user’s followers when a certain amount of
tweets are sent that are classified as hacked.
Obviously, a classifier typically is not perfect, i.e.,
it is possible that the model classifies a tweet incor-
rectly, hence a detected behavioural change is not ma-
licious at all. The user could for example just have
bought a new phone, is on a holiday in a foreign coun-
try, or some other non-malicious event occurred that
caused the behavioural change. Therefore, it is im-
portant that the user is given the chance to authenti-
cate the tweet, i.e., marking the tweet as benign when
it is written by the user him- or herself. Such an ap-
proach is used by, for example, Google, who sends
an e-mail to the user containing time and place of the
login when suspicious activity is detected (Google, ).
A succesful deployment should also consider the
issue of bootstrapping, how to obtain a behavioural
profile for new users with only few tweets. We imag-
ine that the detection model is only activated when a
certain number of tweets have occured that allow a
strong enough behavioural profile. After that the be-
havioural profile can be updated incrementally: every
tweet classified or authenticated as benign can be used
to extend the profile.
Contributions: The main contributions of this pa-
per are
An approach for real-time detection of hacking of
a social media account based on a detection of be-
havioural change.
Technique for turning ‘ordinary’ direct features
into anomaly features that correlate with be-
havioural change.
Outlook: Section 2 discusses related work. The
subsequent sections go into more detail on the various
steps: section 3 presents how the data was collected;
section 4 provides details on the candidate direct fea-
tures while section 5 shows how a behavioural profile
can be constructed which in turn allows the derivation
of anomaly score features. Feature selection is dis-
cussed in section 6. Section 7 presents the set-up and
results of our experiments and section 7.5 examines
the potential of the anomaly score technique by ex-
perimentally comparing it with a classifier that only
uses direct features. We conclude with conclusions
and future work in section 8.
Online social networks suffer from malicious activi-
ties. Most research focused on detecting fake spam
accounts as opposed to tweets posted from hacked ac-
counts from real users.
One of the first influential studies into spam on
Twitter was done in 2010 by Yardi et al. (Yardi et al.,
2010). They examined behavioral patterns to iden-
tify accounts that were purely created to send spam,
but found only small differences on network and tem-
poral properties compared to normal accounts. Of
course, Twitter itself also reacts to the spam problem
on Twitter. It is continuously optimising its solutions
to combat spammers. Thomas et al. analysed ac-
counts suspended by Twitter and found out that 77%
of spam accounts identified by Twitter are deleted
within one day and 92% within three days (Thomas
et al., 2011). However, a handful of actors control
thousands of Twitter accounts and continuously cre-
ate new accounts to take place of the suspended.
Over the years, more research was done on spam
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
on Twitter. Gawale and Patil implemented a system to
detect malicious URLs on Twitter (Gawale and Patil,
2015). Chen et al. evaluated the ability of spam de-
tection of various machine learning algorithms (Chen
et al., 2015). They found that other classifiers tend to
outperform Naive Bayes and SVM on spam detection.
Hacked accounts, however, are not created for
sending spam and are therefore much harder to com-
bat. Significantly less research is done on such com-
promised accounts. A. Aggarwal and P. Kumaraguru
landscaped the underground markets that provide
Twitter followers and account credentials (Aggarwal
and Kumaraguru, 2015). Zangerle and Specht classi-
fied tweets about being hacked, based on the reaction
and behavior of the initial user (Zangerle and Specht,
2014). In addition, Thomas et al. studied the impact
and spread of compromise by exposing the large-scale
threat of criminal account hijacking and the resulting
damage (Thomas et al., 2014).
The only research that has the same intention as
this study is done by Egele et al. (Egele et al., 2013).
They developed a tool that identifies compromised
accounts on Facebook and Twitter. The tool takes
six features into account. Each feature has a certain
weight which is determined from a labelled training
dataset. For Twitter, the weights for the features were
found to be as follows: Source (3.3), Personal In-
teraction (1.4), Domain (0.96), Hour of Day (0.88),
Language (0.58), and Topic (0.39). The tool was able
to detect compromised accounts with a false positive
rate of 3.6%.
Besides the results of these six features, there
are other feature selection studies done using Twit-
ter data. Mei et al. performed a hybrid feature
selection method to predict user influence on Twit-
ter (Mei et al., 2015). Benevenuto et al. (Ben-
evenuto et al., 2010), McCord and Chuah (McCord
and Chuah, 2011), and Amleshwaram et al. (Amlesh-
waram et al., 2013) studied Twitter spammers and the
corresponding relevant features to detect these spam-
In this section we describe how hacked users and their
hacked tweets were identified. Hacked tweets are de-
fined as tweets which are sent by a third-party without
the knowledge of the legitimate account owner.
3.1 Identifying Hacked Users
Because Zangerle and Specht found that 50.91% of
hacked users state on Twitter that they were hacked
Table 1: List of short Dutch sentences used to find hacked
Twitter accounts.
ben gehackt ik was gehackt
ben gehacked ik was gehacked
acc was gehackt account was gehackt
acc is gehackt account is gehackt
we zijn gehackt gehackt geweest
Twitter gehackt Twitter is gehackt
and/or apologize for any inconvenience (Zangerle and
Specht, 2014), we look for hacked users by col-
lecting accounts that state something about being
hacked. However, only searching for the Dutch word
‘gehackt’, gives a lot of false positives like retweeted
news articles and videos. Therefore, we created a
list of short Dutch sentences (see Table 1) that are
more precise about being hacked on Twitter. This list
was tested using the advanced search method on Twit- and turned out to produce a manageable num-
ber of false positives while finding many true ones.
The keywords on the list contain variations of a Dutch
finite verb and the word ‘gehackt’.
We searched for tweets which posted at least one
of those keywords in 2014 or 2015 using the Twit-
ter data set that was initially collected and described
by E. Sang and A. van den Bosch (Sang and Van
Den Bosch, 2013). We refer to this data set as “the
Dutch Twitter data set” and this set contains billions
of Dutch tweets starting from 2011, including the
metadata; new tweets are constantly being added. The
data of each tweet is in JSON-format, meaning that
there is an attribute-value pair for each field (Twitter,
Because of the size of the collection, we used the
Hadoop Framework
and Apache Spark
to execute
SQL queries with Spark’s SQL module looking for
hacked tweets. Ultimately, 18,746 tweets that stated
something about being hacked were found.
Besides searching for tweets about being hacked,
we also looked for hacked users by taking their screen
name into account. It so happens that users who still
have access to their account while hacked, change
their screen name to something like ‘this account is
hacked’ or ‘please delete me’ to warn their followers.
Therefore, we used the search method on
to search for users who had the Dutch word ‘gehackt’
in their screen name. This method resulted in a find of
twenty users who got hacked between 2013 and 2016.
For all the collected users, we looked at the spe-
cific tweet that stated something about being hacked.
Even when we had excluded a lot of irrelevant tweets
Detecting Hacked Twitter Accounts based on Behavioural Change
by using the keywords from the list, it turned out that
the collection still contained tweets that were irrele-
vant. There are roughly four categories of irrelevant
tweets that contain one of the keywords from the list
of Table 1.
A tweet about being hacked on another medium,
like Facebook, Instagram or Steam. An example:
“Hhhmmm my instagram account is hacked, does
someone know how I can contact the Instagram
company? #dta #daretoask”
A retweet of someone else being hacked, recog-
nizable by the ‘RT’ at the beginning of the text.
An example: “RT username: I’m sorry people, I
was hacked and now all my followers have a link”
A teasing tweet about someone who could state
that he is hacked to avoid having to admit that he
sent an earlier tweet himself. An example: “That
police instructor is going to say that his account
is hacked in a few hours. Bet?”
A joke or April fool that can only be recognized
by the date, the context or because the joke is
unveiled some tweets later. An example sent on
April 1st: “This account has been hacked by the
NvvP. Let stop this defamation of Procesje!”
The relevant versus these irrelevant tweets have
only subtle linguistic differences or can only be rec-
ognized by taking the context into account. Automat-
ically collecting the right tweets would therefore be
quite complex so we did the final selection manually.
We added the user to the collection of hacked users
when the user himself stated that his Twitter account
was/is hacked, or when a friend of the user pointed
out that the user is hacked.
3.2 Identifying Hacked Tweets
With the hacked users collected, the next step is to
find the hacked tweets, i.e., those sent by the hacker
as opposed to the legitimate owner of the account.
However, the Dutch Twitter data set used for finding
hacked users barely contains hacked tweets because
these hacked tweets are predominantly non-Dutch
and are therefore not available in the data set. After
all, this data set is collected by selecting Dutch mes-
sages and applying a language checker afterwards, as
described in more detail by E. Sang and A. van den
Bosch (Sang and Van Den Bosch, 2013).
Therefore, we had to turn to for ob-
taining the hacked tweets. This faces two obstacles:
First, a small portion of the hacked users is already
suspended by Twitter and as a result, no tweets are
left on their timeline. Second, users can delete tweets
which can’t be recovered. This means that not all
the hacked users we had in our collection, still have
hacked tweets on their timeline. However, it turns
out that there are still users who don’t delete hacked
tweets and these tweets can therefore be collected.
To partially overcome the problem of deleted
hacked tweets, we also used the Twitter Streaming
API to listen if the user posted at least one of the key-
words of Table 1. By immediately collecting a user’s
timeline when one of the keywords is posted, we re-
duce the risk of deleted hacked tweets, because the
user has no time to delete the tweets after sending the
tweet about being hacked. This approach resulted in
a more complete data collection.
When manually searching for hacked tweets, we
specifically look at the tweets that were sent right be-
fore and after the tweet where the user (or a friend
of the user) complains about being hacked. For
these tweets, we pay attention to any change in lan-
guage, linguistic usage and source compared to earlier
tweets. For example, a Russian tweet from a Dutch
user that never tweeted in Russian is highly suspicious
and is probably sent by an automatic bot.
We also take the subject of the tweet into account.
For example, if a user sends humiliating tweets about
himself, it is likely that these tweets are not sent by
the user but by someone with bad intentions. Fur-
thermore, we check if any mentioned URL, picture
or video is malicious by checking if the URL is still
alive. Most malicious URLs are not live anymore and
contain an alert that this link is deleted because of ma-
licious content.
Sometimes a user even exactly describes the
hacked tweets while stating that these tweets are not
sent by the user, making the hacked tweets easy to
We could roughly recognize two kinds of hacked
An automatically created tweet for spreading
phishing links, malware and spam. An example:
“Cut 2+ inches from your tummy while dropping
body mass using http://URL”
A tweet that is sent on purpose by someone with
knowledge of the legitimate owner, often with the
intent of causing reputational damage. An exam-
ple: “My name is joshua I am 11 years old I am
ugly and my best friend is my teddy bear and I am
3.3 Collecting User Timelines
For each user from the hacked user collection pre-
sented in section 3.1, we look if there were hacked
tweets on Egele et al. empirically de-
termined that a stream consisting of less than 10 mes-
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
sages does not contain enough variety to build a rep-
resentative behavioural profile for the account (Egele
et al., 2013). Therefore, only if there were at least 10
tweets on the timeline, we collected their tweets using
the Twitter REST API “GET statuses/user timeline”.
This method returns up to 3,200 of a user’s most re-
cent tweets. Each tweet is a JSON-object, with the
same attributes as in the Dutch data set.
Apart from the hacked users, we also collected
timelines of 67 randomly selected Dutch users. We
collected their usernames using the Dutch data set
(Sang and Van Den Bosch, 2013) and used the afore-
mentioned Twitter API to collect their timelines.
These users are not hacked and are added to train and
evaluate our model.
This data collection method resulted in: 37 hacked
users who sent 33,716 tweets in total of which 983
tweets are sent by a hacker, and 67 ‘normal’ users who
sent 53,045 tweets in total. This is the data collection
used in the rest of the paper.
3.4 Labelling
Our approach is based on supervised learning, hence
the data set needs to be labelled. There are two en-
tities to label: the accounts and the tweets. The ac-
counts were already known to be from hacked or nor-
mal users (see previous Section), so they could be eas-
ily labelled as “hacked” or “benign”. The tweets were
labelled as “hacked” or “benign” using the method de-
scribed in section 3.2.
4.1 Feature Selection Process
As illustrated in Figure 1, we experimented with two
kinds of features: direct features and anomaly score
features. In the sequel, we first describe our list of
direct features and how we obtained them. We then
describe how a behavioural profile can be constructed
from the direct features of the tweets of a user’s time-
line. Based on the behavioural profile, anomaly score
features can be derived for ‘new’ tweets. As this re-
sults in a quite large set of candidate features, we use a
hybrid filter-wrapper method (Mei et al., 2015) to se-
lect the feature set with the best performance with the
aim of making knowledge discovery easier and more
efficient (Hall and Holmes, 2003).
4.2 Direct Features
We obtain candidate direct features from literature as
well as from studying the domain itself.
4.2.1 Candidate Features From Literature
The only other research with the intention of detecting
compromised Twitter accounts is done by Egele et al.
(Egele et al., 2013). However, more research is done
on fake Twitter accounts that are purely created for
sending spam. Their results could be applicable to our
research, because most of the hacked Twitter accounts
are used for sending spam.
Egele et al. developed a tool that identifies hacked
accounts on Facebook and Twitter (Egele et al.,
2013). The tool takes six features into account. Each
feature has a certain weight which is determined from
a labelled training dataset. For Twitter, the weights
for the features were found to be as follows: ‘Source’
(3.3), ‘Personal Interaction’ (1.4), ‘Domain of URL
(0.96), ‘Hour of Day’ (0.88), ‘Language’ (0.58), and
‘Topic’ (0.39). From this result, it follows that the fea-
ture ‘Topic’ is the least relevant feature and almost 10
times less relevant than source. Therefore, we won’t
take Topic into account. Furthermore, because our
aim is different and has nothing to do with the social
network, we ignore network features including their
feature ‘Personal Interaction’.
This leaves us with the following candidate fea-
tures: ‘Source’, ‘Domain of URL’, ‘Hour of Day’ and
‘Language’ and ‘Source’ also proved relevant in
the research of Amleshwaram et al. to detect Twit-
ter spammers (Amleshwaram et al., 2013). Further-
more, they take the variance in number of tweets per
unit time into account. This matches with our obser-
vation that hacked accounts, particularly hacked ac-
counts that send spam, send a lot of messages in a
short time period. Therefore, we use ‘Frequency’ as a
candidate feature to capture the behaviour of the user
by counting the number of tweets per day.
‘Hour of day’ was also used as a feature by Mc-
Cord & Chuah to detect spam on Twitter (McCord
and Chuah, 2011). Their conjecture was that spam-
mers tend to be most active during the early morning
hours while regular users will tweet much less during
typical sleeping hours. Furthermore, whereas Egele
et al. looked at the domain of the URL, McCord &
Chuah took the number of mentioned URLs into ac-
count. Therefore, we will combine these findings by
using ‘URLs’ as a feature in which we incorporate
both the domain of the URL and the number of tweets
that contain a URL.
Detecting Hacked Twitter Accounts based on Behavioural Change
The importance of URLs is also proven by Ben-
evenuto et al. (Benevenuto et al., 2010). They stud-
ied spammers on Twitter and took more than 60 fea-
tures into account. According to them, the fraction of
tweets that contain a URL is by far the best perform-
ing feature. The second best feature is the age of the
account, but because we are dealing with hacked ac-
counts instead of spam accounts and we want to detect
hacked accounts real-time, it does not make sense to
take this feature into account. Another good perform-
ing feature for detecting spammers according the re-
search of Benevenuto et al. (Benevenuto et al., 2010)
is ‘Hashtags’. This corresponds with a result of Mc-
Cord & Chuah, who proved that spammers on Twitter
use much more hashtags than legitimate users (Mc-
Cord and Chuah, 2011). Therefore, we will also add
‘Hashtag’ to the set of candidate features.
4.2.2 Candidate Features based on Domain
Having domain knowledge is a great advantage for
determining candidate features, because a better set
of “ad hoc” features can be composed (Iguyon and
Elisseeff, 2003). By analysing tweets that are sent by
hackers and using domain knowledge, we defined a
number of new features that we didn’t encounter in
literature but have an intuitive potential for relevance
First, we noticed that a hacked tweet is rarely a
retweet, a repost of another Twitter user’s tweet on
the user’s own profile to show to its own followers.
In almost all cases, a retweet is sent by the legitimate
owner of the account. A retweet can therefore indi-
cate that the tweet is not anomalous, because the user
trusted the tweet.
Furthermore, Twitter has a field ‘possi-
bly sensitive’, which is an indicator that the
URL mentioned in the tweet may contain content or
media identified as sensitive content. We can imagine
that spam tweets could be classified as ‘sensitive’ by
Twitter’s metadata also has a field ‘coordinates’
which shows the longitude and latitude of the tweets
location. A tweet that is sent on a location that the
user has not been before, could also be malicious.
And in addition to URLs, some spam tweets also
contain media elements uploaded with the tweet.
Therefore we also take Media as a candidate feature.
Some other user statistics like the number of fol-
lowers could also be very interesting, as a drop in
the number of followers could indicate that the user
sends tweets which are not appreciated by its follow-
ers. However, because the data is collected by down-
loading the user’s timeline, we only have the user de-
tails of that current moment. That is, all tweets have
the exact same data because Twitter does not give his-
torical user data, like the development in number of
followers. Therefore, we had to ignore these features
and had to defer studying this class of features to fu-
ture research.
Final List of Candidate Features In the end, we
defined the 10 candidate direct features of Table 2. A
more detailed description of some of the features is
given below.
Language: The metadata of each tweet contains
a language identifier corresponding to the machine-
detected language by Twitter. If no language could
be detected the label “und”, an abbreviation of ‘un-
defined’ is assigned. The machine-detected language
is, however, not always reliable. Wrongly identified
tweets can be recognized by their low frequency.
As we will see in section 5.1, the language aspect
of the behavioural profile is constructed by counting
how often which languages are used. For example,
the language profile could be {Dutch: 218, English:
87, Indonesian: 1, Swedish: 1, undefined: 12}. It is
likely that the appearance of Indonesian and Swedish
is wrong due to wrong classification. It is not practi-
cable to check the language of these tweets manually,
so we determined an appropriate threshold by doing
testing with a sample of the data. By taking a per-
centage instead of a real absolute value, the threshold
is relative to the total number of tweets sent. It turned
out that if less than 2 percent of the total number of
tweets were assigned to a certain language, it was ex-
pected that these tweets would be classified wrong.
Then, for each wrongly classified tweet we changed
the language identifier to “und”.
Time: Each tweet has in its metadata a field with
the date and time of creation of the tweet. To recog-
nize at which times a user tweets most, we ignore the
date and only take the time into account. However, to
count how often a user tweets at a specific time, we
apply discretization. This step consists of transform-
ing a continuous attribute into a categorical attribute,
taking only a few discrete values (Beniwal and Arora,
2012). In this case, we assign each timestamp to one
of the twelve time intervals with a length of 2 hours:
(00–02h, 02–04h,. ..,22–00h).
URLs: A user can include URLs in the text of
a tweet. Each tweet of the user is categorized as ei-
ther “true”, meaning that the tweet contains a URL,
or “false”, meaning that the tweet does not contain a
Apart from this binary categorization, we also ex-
tract the domains from the URLs to be used as a fea-
ture. An exception was made for the domain ‘tinyurl’
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 2: Candidate direct features.
Feature Definition
Source Utility used to post the tweet
URLs Indicator whether a URL is included in the tweet. If yes, it also indicates the domain of the URL
Time Two-hour time interval within which the tweet was created, starting from 00.00.00h–02.00.00h,
. . . , 22.00.00h–00.00.00h
Language Twitter’s BCP 47 language identifier corresponding to the machine detected language of the
tweet text, or “und” if no language could be detected
Hashtag The keyword assigned to information that describes a tweet, designated by a ‘hash’ symbol (#).
Retweet Indicates whether the tweet starts with ‘RT’, indicating that the tweet is a repost
Sensitive Twitter’s indicator if an URL mentioned in the tweet may contain sensitive content
Location The longitude and latitude of the tweet’s location, or ‘false’ when there is no location attached
Frequency The number of tweets that were sent by the user on the day of the tweet
Media Indicates whether media element(s) are uploaded with the tweet
which refers to a URL shortening service that pro-
vides short aliases for redirection of long URLs
Twitter gives no possibility to check where the url
points to, hence we cannot determine what the actual
domain is. Therefore, we decided to simply exclude
‘tinyurl’ from the set of domains when it occurs.
Retweet: A retweet is a repost of another Twit-
ter user’s tweet on the user’s own profile to show to
its own followers, and is recognizable by ‘RT’ at the
beginning of a text. The ‘Retweet’ features is binary:
“true” for tweets starting with ‘RT’; “false” otherwise.
5.1 Behavioural Profile
After the tweets are collected and labelled, we create
a behavioural profile for each user based on a set of
features F extracted from benign tweets from a pe-
riod for which the account is sure to be not hacked.
Ultimately, F is the set of features after feature selec-
tion, see section 6, but in general a behavioural profile
can be constructed using any feature set F.
The profile captures the past behaviour of a user
with which future tweets can be assessed in search
for a behavioural change. A tweet that appears to be
very different from a user’s typical behaviour is ex-
pected to indicate a hack. This comparison with a
profile is necessary, because, for example, an English
tweet with a URL could be highly suspicious for one
user but very normal for another. Therefore, direct
features such as ‘Language’ are expected to correlate
much weaker with being hacked than features based
on diffences with the profile. We investigate this ex-
pectation experimentally in section 7.5.
Figure 2: Division of tweets into profile construction, train-
ing, and test tweets.
Profile vs training tweets: For setting up the user’s
behavioural profile, we only used the tweets that were
sent before the time that the first hacked tweet was
sent, to ensure that no hacked tweets would taint the
Furthermore, for training and testing, hacked as
well as benign tweets are needed for each user. But
it would be improper if the same benign tweets were
used for both training as well as for construction of
the behavioural profile. Therefore, we used 90% of
the user’s benign tweets (i.e. tweets before the hack)
to set up the user’s profile. The most recent 10% is
excluded from the profile and can thus be used for
training and testing of the model.
Ignoring the last 10% of tweets, however, means
that recent behaviour is not captured in the profile.
For example, if a user buys a new phone in the ex-
cluded period, then the profile will not match its be-
haviour anymore. Therefore, we split this 10% of
most recent tweets into two parts. 20% randomly se-
lected tweets are used for the construction of the pro-
file as well. The remaining 80% is used for training
and testing. A schematic overview of the partition of
these three kinds of tweets can be found in Figure 2.
These thresholds are chosen by pursuing a balance
between the number of tweets for setting up the pro-
Detecting Hacked Twitter Accounts based on Behavioural Change
Table 3: Example of a user’s behavioural profile.
Languages {nl: 669, und: 95, en: 78}
Times {02-04: 1, 06-08: 72, 08-10: 82, 10-12: 133,
12-14: 74, 14-16: 86, 16-18: 85,
18-20: 146, 20-22: 121, 22-00: 42}
Sources { 691, 65}
URLs {true: 33, false: 809}
URL domains {twitter, facebook, youtube}
Media {true: 33, false: 809}
Retweets {true: 94, false: 748}
Frequency {1: 328, 2: 173, 3: 182, 4: 83,
5: 56, 8: 12, 9: 4, 12: 2}
Coordinates {false: 804, ’4.676, 52.503’: 36, ’4.684, 52.523’: 2}
Sensitive {true: 2, false: 840}
Hashtags {dtv: 12, maandag: 3, yolo: 5, Fissa: 2, false: 815}
file and the number of tweets for training and testing.
It is desirable to have enough tweets for making a reli-
able profile, while still having some benign tweets left
for training. We used a sample of the data to test this
approach by setting up two profiles: one with all the
benign tweets before the hack and one with the benign
tweets used for training left out. It turned out that the
differences between these two profiles were negligi-
ble and therefore we can conclude that the thresholds
are appropriate.
Setting up a behavioural profile: A behavioural
profile contains historical information about the user’s
activities on Twitter to capture its normal behaviour.
It is based on the identified candidate direct features.
For each feature f , it is counted how often a value
is present in the user’s tweets. We define a feature
tuple as a pair of the feature value v and the number of
appearances c. For example, (v, c) = (English, 78) is a
tuple for f = language, representing the information
that 78 tweets of the user have a language detected
as ‘English’. The profile contains for each feature f ,
the set of tuples associated with all possible values v.
An example of such a behavioural profile is shown in
Table 3.
5.2 Anomaly Scores
We derive an anomaly score feature for a new tweet
by calculating an anomaly score between the feature
value and the corresponding entry in the behavioural
profile. The anomaly score is a real value in the inter-
val [0, 1], where 0 denotes ‘normal and not malicious’
and 1 denotes ‘anomalous and malicious’. For each
feature f , its anomaly score feature is called ‘as f ’.
Egele et al. is the only study we found with a
comparable approach (Egele et al., 2013). Since they
report quite good results, we used their method for
calculating the anomaly scores of the following fea-
tures: ‘Source’, ‘Language’, ‘URLs’ and ‘Retweet’.
In this section, we extend the method with anomaly
score functions for our other features.
The calculation method of Egele et al. is as fol-
1. If the value of that feature is not present in one of
the tuples of the feature profile, then an anomaly
score of 1 is returned.
2. If the value is present in a tuple of the feature,
then they compare c to the mean
M. The mean is
calculated as follows:
M =
| f |
| f |
where | f | is the number of tuples in f (i.e., the
number of feature values) and c
is the frequency
of the i
tuple in f .
(a) If c M, then the value of the tweet matches
the profile because the user has evidently sent a
significant number of tweets with this value v.
In this case, an anomaly score of 0 is returned.
(b) If c < M, then the value of the tweet is par-
tially anomalous. A score between 0 and 1 is
returned, indicating to what extent the tweet is
anomalous. This score s is calculated by Egele
et al. by taking 1 minus the relative frequency
of the value v:
s = 1
While using this calculation method, we added
two small improvements:
If a domain of a URL is present in the user’s pro-
file, the anomaly score for the URL feature is 0.
Since at least one benign tweet of the user con-
tained a URL with this domain, we consider this
domain benign and therefore the tweeted URL is
not anomalous.
If the language of the new tweet is undefined, we
ignore the language identifier and the anomaly
score for the language feature is 0. Because if
Twitter can’t define which language the tweet is,
we of course also cannot tell if the tweet differs
from languages the user ordinarily uses.
For our other candidate features, the existing cal-
culation method of Egele et al. (Egele et al., 2013)
is not suited for calculating the anomaly scores of
these features. Therefore, we defined new functions
for these features.
Time: We discretized the time feature values by
assigning each timestamp of a tweet to a time inter-
val. However, by using as much as twelve intervals,
Equation 2 of Egele et al. is not suitable because c
will usually be quite low. When calculating one mi-
nus the relative frequency (Equation 2), this would
then result in a high anomaly score. Therefore, we
improved the function by comparing the difference
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
(Equation 3) between c
and M to the mean (Equa-
tion 4). This equation is used in the case c < M.
d = M c
s =
M + d
By using Equation 4 a high score is obtained if c
fers a lot from M and a low score if there is just a
small difference.
Frequency: Frequency is a feature which is not
used in the research of Egele et al. (Egele et al., 2013)
and the calculation of this feature is also quite differ-
ent from the other features. Frequency is not just a
field in Twitter’s metadata, but is determined by tak-
ing other tweets of the user into account.
Equation 2 is not suited for the ‘Frequency’ fea-
ture, because there can be many feature values.
Therefore we look at the position of the frequency
of the tweet compared to all previous frequencies.
Recall that the ‘Frequency’ profile is a set of tuples
(v, c
) for each v being the number of tweets of that
day, and c
as the number of times this frequency ap-
We check if the frequency of the new tweet is in
the lowest or in the highest half of all feature values.
The half is calculated as follows:
h =
| f |
We then take the highest v that still belongs in the
lowest half, which we call the ‘critical point’.
If the frequency of the new tweet is lower than
the critical point (i.e., in the lowest half of all fre-
quencies), an anomaly score of 0 is returned. The
frequency is not labelled as anomalous because
at least half of all frequencies is higher than the
tweet’s frequency.
If the frequency of the new tweet, c
, is higher
than the critical point (i.e., in the highest half of
all frequencies), we look at the position in this
half to determine the anomaly score. We compare
the part of the frequencies that is higher than the
tweet’s frequency to h, the half of all c
s =
| f |
Figure 3 illustrates the case when the frequency is
higher than the critical point. The anomaly score s is
then calculated by
h x
For feature relevance analysis, there are two main
kinds of algorithms: filter methods and wrapper
Figure 3: Example of calculating the frequency anomaly
methods. A filter method directly evaluates the qual-
ity of features according to their data values and is
therefore a quick way to eliminate the less relevant
features. A wrapper method employs learning algo-
rithms as the evaluation criteria to select optimal fea-
ture subsets for a high accuracy. So, unlike filter ap-
proaches, a wrapper algorithm detects the possible in-
teractions between variables.
However, according to (Mei et al., 2015), wrap-
per methods often bring in a higher degree of com-
putational complexity. Therefore, we use a hybrid
filter-wrapper method. We first use a filter method to
dismiss the candidate features that have absolutely no
relevance. With the other features left, we use wrap-
per methods to evaluate their interactions. Depending
on the chosen method, a particular subset of features
will be brought up. The classification results of these
subsets is compared to each other to eventually select
the best feature subset.
We first focus on the anomaly score features. We
use WEKAs Gain Ratio Attribute Evaluator to find
out which features have absolutely no relevance; see
Table 4. It follows that the features ‘asSensitive’ and
‘asLocation’ can be dismissed. Their irrelevance can
perhaps be explained by the fact that there are just a
few tweets that have sensitive content and that only
a marginal subset of Twitter users have location en-
abled. Therefore, we dismiss these two features.
To evaluate feature combinations, we use multi-
ple evaluation algorithms on all possible feature sub-
sets. With 8 out of 10 candidate features left, there are
= 256 different subsets. We used WEKAs Clas-
sifier Subset Evaluator, the Correlation-based Fea-
ture Selection Subset Evaluator (Hall, 1999), and the
Wrapper Subset Evaluator.
After applying these feature selection algorithms,
there are four different subsets that could be the best
subset to identify hacked tweets. The features ‘as-
Time’, ‘asLanguage’, ‘asSource’, ‘asURLs’ and ‘as-
Frequency’ are in the resulting set of every algorithm.
The question, however, is which extra feature(s) are
needed for the best classification results.
To answer this question, evaluation of features and
subsets of features, is done in two ways:
How many tweets are misclassified in total?
Detecting Hacked Twitter Accounts based on Behavioural Change
How many hacked tweets are misclassified?
Table 4: Ranking of candidate anomaly score features in
terms of Gain Ratio.
Position Information gain Feature
1 0.2370 asLanguage
2 0.2197 asURLs
3 0.2098 asSource
4 0.1891 asFrequency
5 0.1847 asTime
6 0.1747 asHashtag
7 0.1277 asRetweet
8 0.0614 asMedia
9 0 asSensitive
10 0 asLocation
Table 5: Number of misclassified tweets for the best feature
subsets according to several wrapper methods.
Algorithm Feature subset
J48 asTime, asSource,
asURLs, asFre-
quency, asRetweet,
27 12
asTime, asSource,
asURLs, asFre-
quency, asRetweet
24 10
Cfs Sub-
set Eval-
asTime, asSource,
asURLs, asFre-
quency, asMedia
22 11
asTime, asSource,
asURLs, asFre-
21 11
Table 5 presents the results. We conclude that the
set {‘asTime’, ‘asLanguage’, ‘asSource’, ‘asURLs’,
‘asFrequency’} performs best in lowering the to-
tal number of wrongly classified tweets. However,
when ‘asRetweet’ is added to this feature set, one
more hacked tweet is detected but three benign tweets
are classified wrongly. The interesting thing is that
adding the feature ‘asHashtag’ or ‘asMedia’ to the
feature set results in a higher number of misclassi-
fications, proving that feature selection is indeed an
indispensable process for getting the best results.
We now examine the features by iteratively adding
features in the order of the ranking of Table 4. The re-
duction in the number of misclassified tweets is pre-
sented in Table 6.
In conclusion, the feature selection methods do
not completely agree, but since according to Table 6
‘asHashtag’ and ‘asRetweet’ appear to worsen clas-
Table 6: Number of misclassified tweets when iteratively
adding features.
asLanguage 351 131
asLanguage, asURLs 100 78
asLanguage, asURLs, as-
37 20
asLanguage, asURLs, as-
Source, asFrequency
27 18
asLanguage, asURLs, as-
Source, asFrequency, asTime
21 11
asLanguage, asURLs, as-
Source, asFrequency, asTime,
24 10
asLanguage, asURLs, as-
Source, asFrequency, asTime,
asHashtag, asRetweet
27 15
asLanguage, asURLs, as-
Source, asFrequency, asTime,
asHashtag, asRetweet, asMe-
27 15
sification and ‘asMedia’ doesn’t make a difference,
we decided to use the feature subset {asLanguage,
asURLs, asSource, asFrequency, asTime} in the se-
quel. The coincides with what the Classifier Subset
Evaluator method in Table 5 suggests.
7.1 Experimental Set-up
We compared two machine learning algorithms,
which proved themselves in other studies. The
first one is Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO),
which gave good results in the research of Egele et
al. (Egele et al., 2013). SMO is a Support Vector
Machine learning algorithm for solving quadratic pro-
gramming problems and has good scaling properties
(Platt, 1999).
The second considered algorithm is J48, which
showed the best results in a classification experiment
for spam email filtering (Youn and McLeod, 2007).
J48 is an open source Java implementation of the C4.5
decision tree algorithm in the WEKA data mining
As explained in section 3, our data collection con-
tains 3,698 tweets of which 2,715 are labelled ‘be-
nign’ and 983 ‘hacked’. The collected tweets were
sent by 104 distinct Dutch users, of which 37 users
were hacked for some time.
We use 10-fold cross-validation. In this valida-
tion technique the data is partitioned into 10 equally
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 7: Overview of experimental results.
(a) Accuracy of J48 en SMO
Algorithm Accuracy
J48 99.351%
SMO 96.106%
SMO (CSC) 96.214
(b) Confusion matrix J48
actual benign hacked
benign 2701 14
hacked 10 973
(c) Confusion matrix SMO
actual benign hacked
benign 2683 32
hacked 112 871
(d) Confusion matrix SMO
actual benign hacked
benign 2654 61
hacked 79 904
(e) Confusion matrix J48 us-
ing direct features
actual benign hacked
benign 2684 31
hacked 38 945
sized segments and 10 iterations are performed such
that within each iteration a different fold of the data
is held-out for validation while the remaining 9 folds
are used for learning.
7.2 Results for J48
The J48 algorithm resulted in a decision tree with a
total size of 59 and 30 leaves. The complete tree can
be found via
The tree first looks if ‘asURLs’ > 0.3985. If so,
it subsequently looks at ‘asLanguage’; otherwise it
subsequently looks at ‘asSource’. The most benign
tweets, 2308 to be exactly, are detected by following
this path:
asURLs < 0.399 asSource < 0.991
asRetweet > 0 asLanguage < 0.979
The most hacked tweets, 563, are detected by fol-
lowing this path in the decision tree:
asURLs > 0.399 asLanguage > 0.777
asFrequency > 0.703
The decision tree produced by J48 predicts as
much as 99.351% of the tweets correctly (see Table
7). The confusion matrix is shown in Table 7(b). It
follows that it classified only 0.516% of the benign
tweets incorrectly. Furthermore, it misclassified only
1.017% of the malicious tweets.
We manually inspected and analyzed the 10 mis-
classified tweets.
4 tweets are ambiguous, i.e., we as humans also
don’t know for sure that these are hacked tweets.
So it could be that we manually classified these
four tweets incorrectly, meaning that the algo-
rithm recognized them correctly
2 tweets are Dutch spam tweets, and are the only
Dutch spam tweets we found. Because the lan-
guage is normal and the source was also benign,
the only anomaly score which was greater than 0
was the URL score, which wasn’t enough to clas-
sify the tweets as hacked.
2 tweets are English spam tweets with a URL.
However, the user sent many benign English
tweets from the same source, so the URL was the
only malicious feature.
2 tweets are spam tweets in Russian, without a
URL and with a normal source. Only a high lan-
guage score is not enough to classify the tweet
as hacked. Other Russian tweets in this message
stream did contain a URL and these were cor-
rectly classified as hacked.
7.3 Results for SMO
The Sequential Minimal Optimization algorithm
(SMO) predicted only 96.106% of the tweets cor-
rectly, which is much lower than the result of the
J48 algorithm (see Table 7). The confusion matrix
is shown in Table 7(c). It follows that it classified
1.179% of the benign tweets incorrectly. However, it
misclassified 11.394% of the malicious tweets, which
is much higher than the result of J48. Especially this
increase in the number of false positives is disquiet-
This difference between SMO and J48 corre-
sponds fairly well with the performance difference
that was found by S. Youn and D. McLeod when using
3000 data instances. They compared J48 and SVM
for email spam filtering and found that SVM had a
success rate of 92.40% where J48 had a success rate
of 97.27% (Youn and McLeod, 2007). This means
that the ratio J48:SVM in their study was 1:0.950.
This is comparable with our result: ratio J48:SMO
is in our case 1:0.967.
To lower the number of false positives when us-
ing SMO, we used WEKAs Cost Sensitive Classifier
(CSC). In this classifier, we defined the costs of the
hacked tweets to be 2 times the costs of the benign
The confusion matrix after using the Cost Sensi-
tive Classifier is shown in Table 7(d). As can be seen,
this approach gives better results in terms of false pos-
itives, but is still worse than J48 (see Table 7).
7.4 Comparison with Egele et al.
As stated before, Egele et al. did a comparable study
to detect hacked Twitter accounts (Egele et al., 2013).
They had a data collection of 343,229 Twitter ac-
Detecting Hacked Twitter Accounts based on Behavioural Change
counts, of which 12,382 accounts were compromised.
They used the SMO algorithm and misclassified 3.6%
of the benign tweets. This is higher than our false
negative ratios. Our model in combination with J48
had the lowest ratio, with only 0.516%. Furthermore,
the false negative ratio of our model when used with
SMO was 1.179%.
More interesting is the false positive ratio. Our
model had a false positive ratio of 1.017% when used
with J48 and 11.394% when used with SMO. Egele et
al. doesn’t explicitly give these numbers, so we cal-
culated their false positive ratio by interpreting their
results. They missed 58 of the 2,586 hacked accounts,
which corresponds to 2.243%.
Based on this data, we can conclude that our
model in combination with J48 has a lower false posi-
tive ratio and a lower false negative ratio. These lower
ratios are probably produced by selecting more suit-
able features. In our model, the features ‘asRetweet’
and ‘asFrequency’ turned out to be very useful but are
not used by Egele et al. However, the different results
could also be explained by the different data sets used.
This study focused on Dutch users, whereas Egele et
al. took random users. Furthermore, the data set col-
lected by Egele et al. contains more users.
7.5 Comparison with a Model based on
Direct Features
To examine the strength of using the behavourial pro-
file and anomaly score features instead of direct fea-
tures, we also trained a classifier with J48 using only
direct features.
The result of this approach is that 98.56% of the
tweets is classified correctly. This is lower than the
results using J48 when the tweet is compared to its be-
havioural profile, but still quite good. The confusion
matrix is shown in Table 7(e). It follows that 3.87% of
the hacked tweets (false positives) and 1.14% of the
benign tweets (false negatives) is misclassified. This
is much higher than the results of the J48 algorithm
when used with the anomaly scores, but the false neg-
ative ratio is still lower then the ratio of Egele et al.
which was 3.6% (Egele et al., 2013).
In this paper, an approach is presented to detect
hacked Twitter accounts by comparing a new tweet
to a user’s behaviour profile which could help Twit-
ter and other social media providers with detecting
hacked accounts more precisely and quickly. More-
over, with the use of this approach the legitimate
owner of the account and its followers can be warned
that the account may be hacked, preventing annoy-
ances and reputational damage.
The approach is based on supervised learning for
which a number of hacked and normal accounts are
needed with their timelines. We found hacked users
by looking for tweets in which users stated that they
are hacked using a large Dutch data set. We then man-
ually searched for tweets that are sent by hackers on We identify hacked tweets by looking
at the topic of the tweet, changes in language and lin-
guistic use and context. We also checked if mentioned
URLs were malicious.
We collected 37 Dutch users who still got hacked
tweets on their timelines. We also added 67 ‘normal’
Dutch users to the dataset. All their tweets were la-
belled as ‘benign’ or ‘hacked’.
As opposed to traditional approaches to super-
vised learning, we direct our features on detecting be-
havioural change. The 10 candidate features we de-
fined are not used directly. We use them to construct
a behavioural profile that captures a user’s normal be-
haviour. Anomaly score features are derived by calcu-
lating anomaly scores for the features in comparison
with the behavioural change.
We trained a classifier on anomaly score features
of 3698 tweets using two different classification ap-
proached: J48, a decision tree-based algorithm, and
SMO, an SVM-based algorithm.
Our approach performs best when used with J48:
only 1.017% of the hacked tweets were missed and in
total 99.351% of the tweets were classified correctly.
The good results show that looking at behavioural
change is a suitable approach for detecting hacked
accounts. Furthermore, these results are better than
the only other comparable research we found (Egele
et al., 2013), which misclassified more tweets.
The technique of using anomaly score features in-
stead of direct features has been shown to reduce the
number of false positives by a factor of 3.5. Never-
theless, our feature set still achieved an accuracy of
98.56% when using direct features.
The classifier can be deployed by a social media
provider in many different ways: warning users, ask-
ing for confirmation, temporarily deactivating an ac-
count, informing followers, etc.
Future Work: We expect that our model is ap-
plicable to tweets in languages other than Dutch, but
future work is needed to prove our hypothesis.
Our model can be extended with other features
that proved successful in other studies, such as mes-
sage similarity and following rate. Yang et al. proved
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
that these features achieve a high detection ratio
(Yang et al., 2011). Also the IP-address a tweet is
sent from, can be valuable information. This infor-
mation is not available to the public, but can be imple-
mented by Twitter itself. Furthermore, the approach
can be improved by checking if the URL is listed on
blacklists. N.S. Gawale and N.N. Patile already im-
plemented a system to successfully detect malicious
URLs on Twitter (Gawale and Patil, 2015). Twitter
also lends itself for network features, such as number
of followers, user distance and mutual links. How-
ever, Twitter does not offer a way to retrieve historical
data about changes in these network features, so such
an extension could only be developed and evaluated
by monitoring a large set of users ‘hoping’ that they
will get hacked. Finally, features based ontext anal-
ysis may have potential, because malicious tweets,
spam tweets in particular, use very striking and sus-
picious sentences.
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Detecting Hacked Twitter Accounts based on Behavioural Change