Deep Knowledge Representation based on Compositional Semantics
for Chinese Geography
Shengwu Xiong, Xiaodong Wang, Pengfei Duan*, Zhe Yu and Abdelghani Dahou
Computer Science and Technology, Wuhan University of Technology, 122 Luoshi Road, Wuhan, Hubei, China
*corresponding author
Keywords: DAG Deep Knowledge Representation, Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG), Semantic Analysis.
Abstract: Elementary education resources for geography contain a wealth of knowledge that is a collection of
information with various relationships. It is of vital importance to further develop human like intelligent
technology for extracting deep semantic information to effectively understand the questions. In this paper, we
propose a novel directed acyclic graph (DAG) deep knowledge representation built upon the theorem of
combinational semantics. Knowledge is decomposed into nodes and edges which are then inserted into the
ontology knowledge base. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method on
question answering, especially when the syntax of question is complex, and its representation is fuzzy.
In recent years, human like intelligence has been
more pervasive worldwide, related research has
become the focus of all countries. Elementary
education resources represented by geography
contain a wealth of knowledge, which has various test
items and types, and put forward a huge challenge to
human like intelligent question answering system
understanding of the problem.
There are several discriminative methods that
have been applied for the knowledge representation.
For example, an analysis method CHILL based on
deterministic shift-reduce parser is proposed in Zelle
et al. (1993), that uses logical expression method of
knowledge representation. A new knowledge
representation method, dependency-based
compositional semantics (DCS) that is used in Percy
Liang et al. (2013), in which tree describes the
knowledge representation of problems. There are
some researches based on the automatic learning rules
and templates. Shizhu He et al. (2014) proposed a
learning-based method using Markov Logic Network.
Also, predicate logic knowledge representation which
uses first-order predicate in Bao. (2014) performs
great result in describing attributes of entities, but
exposes disadvantages that it has low accuracy and
efficiency with complex relationships, especially
with more entities.
Traditional semantic description methods mainly
use the logical expression for the representational
model with good computing properties, but in
practice the lack of a direct and effective means of
analysis and inferences. The existing systems use a
lot of surface layer of the semantic analysis method,
due to the lack of deep knowledge representation and
the deep semantic analysis.
After decades of exploration concerning
computational linguists, the four widely regarded
mature deep grammatical paradigms are
Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG), Lexical
Functional Grammar (LFG), Head-driven Phrase-
Structure Grammar (HPSG), and Lexicalized Tree
Adjoining Grammar (LTAG). We think that the CCG
proposed by Mark Steedman (2011) formally from
University of Edinburgh, is an effective method to
construct the semantic analysis of natural language.
The advantage of CCG is that it could match a related
combinatory semantic knowledge using logical
expression, such as the λ expression, for each
syntactic category of each entry. Therefore, results of
parsing reflect the ones of semantic analysis. In other
words, semantic knowledge would be stored on
lexical items only, and also suitable to solve word
sense disambiguation.
We aim to improve the performance of the DAG
Deep Knowledge Representation (DAG) in complex
fuzzy condition. In this paper, firstly, we analyse the
features of the geographical college entrance
examination questions. Then a pre-processing
method of test questions based on template is
proposed. And word2vec expands trigger words to
Xiong S., Wang X., Duan P., Yu Z. and Dahou A.
Deep Knowledge Representation based on Compositional Semantics for Chinese Geography.
DOI: 10.5220/0006108900170023
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2017), pages 17-23
ISBN: 978-989-758-220-2
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
reflect templates. At last, we propose the DAG Deep
Knowledge Representation according to the
combinatorial semantics, and transform the exam text
successfully into the DAG Deep Knowledge
Representation combining with CCG and templates.
The remaining parts of this paper are organized as
follows: a DAG Deep Knowledge Representation
method is given in Section 3 which translates text into
DAG deep knowledge representation. Then in
Section 4, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our
theory by applying it to ontology knowledge base,
and evaluate the accuracy in the performance of
different sentence patterns. Finally, we draw
conclusions and mention areas for future work in
Section 5.
In 2011, human like intelligent system Watson
developed by IBM in the quiz game ‘Jeopardy!’ beat
the previous two human champion, caused a big stir
in the field of artificial intelligence field. In 2013,
under the premise of manual work in the text
processing of some papers, Todai Robot developed
by National Information Research Institute of Japan
got a good grades among top 16% of examiner. Luke
S. Zettle Moyer and Michael Collins proposed a
semantic analyser based on CCG for the first time in
2005. This method uses syntactic and semantic
information combined to form the basis of the
analysis of the dictionary, analysing the natural
language. But it has none perfect theoretical basis, so
that it’s hard to be applied in open domain. In
particular, Tsinghua University research group
cooperated with Microsoft Asia Research Institute for
the trans-formation of CCG resources, and hold an
international evaluation about the analysis of Chinese
combinatory categorial grammar.
The combination semantic analysis based on
Machine Translation thought has a strong operability.
Relevant research results have won the best paper
award (2007) and best paper nomination (2013) at
Natural Language Processing's top conference ACL.
We introduce the DAG Deep Knowledge
Representation in this part. We pre-process the
questions according to the templates and translate
long sentences into simple phrases. In the meantime,
trigger words of the templates are defined to reflect
the questions into templates. Also, these trigger words
are expanded by using word2vec toolkit. After
comparing the general knowledge representation
methods, we get the DAG from the pre-processing
result combining with Combinatory Categorial
Grammar. On this basis, templates are transformed
into the structure of DAG, which could finally get the
DAG Deep Knowledge Representation integrating
with DAG of simple phrases.
3.1 Templates Pre-Processing
Due to the question usually consists of many long
sentences which are complex, we apply a pre-
processing method to this issue. Question templates
shown in Table 1 are manually designed and oriented
to problem-solving strategy. And the trigger word is
defined as a word which can transform sentences into
specified templates.
The trigger word is a mark of the problem
domain, and it could reflect the specified templates.
For example,
Problem domain:
(The variation of annual
sediment transportation volume of Chinese main
rivers may be due to the intensification of soil and
water loss)
Question templates:
Causality (cause*, result*),
Tendency (entities, #aspects, #cause, changes),
Causality ( Tendency ( 水土流失现象 , # , # ,
) , 我国主要入海河流年总输沙量变化 )
Table 1: Question templates.
Location(entities, places)
Distribution( entities, places, feature)
Sort( aspects, sequence, List)
Tendency( entities, #aspects, #cause, change )
Influence( subject*, object, #result*)
Matching( entity 1, entity 2)
Measure( question, solution)
Comparation( entity 1, #entity 2, #aspect 1, #aspect
2, result)
Optimization( entities, #aspects, feature, #range)
Causality( cause*, result*)
Location(entities, places)
# stands for not necessary , * stands for nesting
Trigger words:
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Causality —— 由于
Tendency —— 加剧
In this case, the trigger words 由于 (because)
and 加剧 (exacerbate) reflect the problem
templates “Causality” and “Tendency” respectively.
Then there are two relatively simple sentences “水土
流失现象 (soil and water loss)and “我国主要入海
(the variation of annual
sediment transportation volume of Chinese main
3.2 Trigger Word Expansion
It is very important to recognize the trigger words in
the source sentences. As well different trigger word
have the same meaning, so that both of them should
be mapped to the same one template, Such as those
trigger words 位于”, 处于”, 坐落”, 位置
(locate) and so on. Hence, it’s necessary to cluster and
expand trigger words to improve the accuracy of pre-
Table 2: Hyper-parameters’ setting of Word2vec in
corpus file need to train
output file of word vector
use ‘skip-gram’ framework
vector dimension
context window size
negative cases number
use hierarchy softmax
sub-sampling threshold of
high-frequency words
number of thread
binary file
The API of word embedding system ICTCLAS2014
developed by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is
used towards questions of college entrance
examination, which includes word embedding and
POS tagging. Then the corpus is stored in a text file
as the input of word2vec through filtering the
irrelevant POS tagging and Splitting words.
Therefore, when training word vector by
word2vec, we can generate trigger words which have
the same meaning and cluster them. As a result, those
trigger words that hold the same meaning could be
mapped to one template, this could increase the
robustness of the system.
3.3 Deep Knowledge Representation
The traditional Knowledge Representation method
based on first-order predicate logic could represent
the knowledge accurately, at the same time has a
common logical calculus method to ensure the
completeness of the reasoning process. But in
practice, this kind of representation requires high
precision analysis method and a large number of
accurate manual rules. And it is hard for us to expand
to the open field. However, we found that there are
natural graph structures in the ontology knowledge
base, besides the DAG reflects the representation of
knowledge and relevant rules with necessary
constraints. Moreover, as a classical data structure,
graph supports multiple operations, such as
extraction, fusion, reasoning, etc. So, we treat DAG
as the basic unit of deep knowledge representation.
(a) CCG-based knowledge representation.
(b) DAG deep knowledge representation.
Figure 1: Two kinds of knowledge representation. (a) CCG-
based knowledge representation of sentence S using
specific rules. (b) DAG deep knowledge representation, we
delete some redundant nodes in CCG processing.
Figure 1 shows that CCG-based knowledge
representation could be transformed into DAG, which
could be inserted into the ontology knowledge base.
Given this analysis above, we firstly apply CCG
which bases on pruning algorithm and heuristic
search to analyse natural language combinatorial
The technology roadmap of this paper as shown
in Figure 2, we focus on the deep knowledge
representation and Q&A for Chinese Geography, and
aim to improve the performance of the DAG Deep
Knowledge Representation in complex fuzzy
Now we can search corresponding entities in the
ontology knowledge base according to nodes
information, then match predicate with edges
Deep Knowledge Representation based on Compositional Semantics for Chinese Geography
information to detect the semantically similar ones.
Just like what shown in Figure 3, entities 黄河路
(Huanghe Road) and 黄浦区 (Huangpu District)
have predicate relation ” or 建于
(locate) in the ontology knowledge base. But, for
entities 中国 (China)and 上海 (Shang Hai)”,
there is no specific predicate relation existing in the
base. So we appoint it as the default one. Just for now,
we map the DAG (nodes and edges) into the base.
Figure 2: Technology Roadmap.
Figure 3: DAG in ontology knowledge base.
In this way, we make good use of the structured
knowledge resources, and we could map the entities
and relations to the base. The combination of
semantics and knowledge base improve our ability to
judge the correctness of results, furthermore, to carry
on the more rigorous reasoning in the follow-up
3.4 Fuzzy Semantic Knowledge
However, when we extract some knowledge , the
input is composed of incomplete or ambiguous
statements. Thus after using DAG deep knowledge
representation, the results are composed of multiple
independent DAG subgraph. We cannot extract the
corresponding knowledge from discrete structures,
see Figure 4, but also cannot support the extraction,
integration, reasoning and other follow-up operations
towards knowledge.
Therefore, in this paper, we need to use the
method of graph theory to calculate the relationship
between multiple independent DAG sub graphs, and
extract the approximate graph structure in the
ontology knowledge base.
Figure 4: Incomplete questions’ DAG deep knowledge
In the extraction of the approximation subgraph, like
Figure 5, we will decompose subgraph into multiple
DAG by using the recursive algorithm, until all the
DAG decom-posed into local backbone graph;
Specifically, for connected set of paths between two
DAG subgraphs, we start to match from the shortest
path recursively, looking for the backbone path
connecting two DAG subgraphs, and extract
subgraphs of the problem. Then the DAG set with
matching degree is obtained according to the
comparison between the extracted DAG and the
problems. Select the DAG which has high matching
degree as the final extracted knowledge, at the same
time delete the sub graph in the cycle path, and
generate DAG in Figure 6 that could be transformed
into knowledge.
Figure 5: Sub-graph extraction of the most approximate
input information.
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 4: Recognition results of trigger words.
Table 5: Comparative analysis of knowledge
Accuracy of
expression (%)
Accuracy of
solving (%)
Figure 6: DAG local skeleton extraction.
4.1 Data
In the experiment, we choose all of the corpus
NLPCC (2015), which includes some extra related
geography knowledge simulated by ourselves, as the
training set and college entrance examination
questions nearly ten years as the test set, the used test
set is shown in Table 3.
Finally there are nearly 600M data in the
ontology knowledge base. Every record contains six
columns (entity1 ID, predication ID, entity2 ID,
entity1, predication, entity2).
Table 3: Experimental data.
Data set
Training set
300,000 entities
Test set
200 groups
4.2 Results and Discussions
The experiment in this paper is based on word
embedding, POS tagging, entity recognition and word
sense disambiguation. And as shown in Table 4, we
have achieved good results by mapping the text to the
corresponding templates.
Given a set of question-answer pairs {Q
, A
} as
the training set, we use the minimum error rate
training to minimize the accumulated errors of the
top-1 answer,
) (1)
N is the number of questions in the training set,
is the correct answers of the i
question in the
training set,
is the top-1 answer of the i
in the training set.
Through experiment, we found that DAG deep
knowledge representation could cover mostly
geography questions in the last ten years. The
recognition accuracy varies with the trigger words.
What we summarized from the Table is that the DAG
deep knowledge representation achieved a good
performance with the accuracy that reaches 86%.
The main reason for the error is that the same
word may be or not trigger word in different
sentences. According to our statistics in Table 6,
about 31% of the test questions don’t include the
trigger words, their structure is relatively simple. And
applying the combinatory categorial grammar into
DAG deep knowledge representation directly, the
accuracy can reach more than 90%.
In Table 5, "*" is mainly composed of subject-
predicate phrases, has relatively simple phrase
structure and fewer words; "+" said long sentence
structure which is relatively complex, has more
modifiers (attributive and adverbial), parallel com-
Based on the experimental results in Table 5, we
compare the proposed method with First-order
predicate representation which is mainstream method
in knowledge representation. There are also some
representation methods based on tree-structure, but
they are unsuitable for the experimental KB. The
DAG deep knowledge representation shows its
superiority especially when the question has complex
sentences, it can effectively express complex
Deep Knowledge Representation based on Compositional Semantics for Chinese Geography
knowledge and extract the potential relationships
between them.
Table 6: Knowledge Representation accuracy in different
trigger words.
For example, there is a question 14th in 2014 Tianjin
college entrance examination. 城重庆工业历史悠
是大型综合性工业中心和西南地区综合交通枢纽。2014 年作
调整?(Mountain city Chongqing has a long history,
and it’s a large-scale comprehensive industrial center
and southwest integrated transport hub. In 2014 as the
"Yangtze River Economic Zone" Chongqing was
brought into the national economic development
strategy. In order to solve the SanXia’s water
environmental problems, how to adjust the internal
structure of industry and agriculture in Chongqing?)”
From the figure 7 (a), we can know that the results of
the DAG deep knowledge representation is composed
of two independent DAG, the two are not related in
the structure. So they have no direct predicate relation
after being inserted into the ontology knowledge base
in figure 7 (b). Two independent DAG do not have
connectivity. But we apply the algorithm finding the
path between two DAG, and could get the answer to
the question.
We also extract 200 groups of questions which are
incomplete and has vague statements as the inputs
and use the DAG knowledge representation carrying
out the extraction experiment. Table 7 is the results.
In 200 groups of questions, there are 188 groups can
be extracted accurately using the subgraph algorithm
mapped to the ontology knowledge base, while 162
groups can be extracted and find answers, about 20
groups miss because the error of trigger word
recognition and syntax analysis caused by CCG.
Table 7. Accuracy in Fuzzy semantic knowledge extraction.
Accuracy of
expression (%)
Accuracy of
solving (%)
DAG Deep
(a) DAG deep knowledge representation of the question.
(b) Insert DAG into the ontology knowledge base.
Figure 7: DAG knowledge representation and reasoning of
the question.
In this paper, we applied the DAG deep knowledge
representation to tackle the Chinese geographical
knowledge entity relation extraction task with NLP
technology. We have shown that under the condition
of complex semantic, our deep knowledge
representation showed a significant improvement in
performance in practice, making this method more
applicable to the fuzzy questions.
For future work, we will develop our method for
constructing the corpus. We will expand CCG
algorithm and refine DAG deep knowledge
representation by carefully designing or automatic
processing, aiming to capture more complex
structures in the target domain. What’s more, we
would try our best to link well with recent literature
on NLP and sentiment analysis using convolutional
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
multiple kernel learning and deep convolutional
neural networks.
This work was supported in part by the National
High-tech R&D Program of China (863 Program)
under Grant No.2015AA015403, Science &
Technology Pillar Program of Hubei Province under
Grant No.2014BAA146, Nature Science Foundation
of Hubei Province under Grant No.2015CFA059,
Science and Technology Open Cooperation Program
of Henan Province under Grant No.152106000048,
the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Universities under Grant No.2016-zy-047 and
CERNET Innovation Project under Grant No.
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Deep Knowledge Representation based on Compositional Semantics for Chinese Geography