Beyond Machine Learning: Autonomous Learning
eric Alexandre
Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, 200 Avenue de la Vieille Tour, 33405 Talence, France
LaBRI, Universit
e de Bordeaux, Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux, CNRS, UMR 5800, Talence, France
Institut des Maladies Neurod
eratives, Universit
e de Bordeaux, CNRS, UMR 5293, Bordeaux, France
Machine Learning, Computational Neuroscience, Autonomous Learning.
Recently, Machine Learning has achieved impressive results, surpassing human performances, but these pow-
erful algorithms are still unable to define their goals by themselves or to adapt when the task changes. In
short, they are not autonomous. In this paper, we explain why autonomy is an important criterion for really
powerful learning algorithms. We propose a number of characteristics that make humans more autonomous
than machines when they learn. Humans have a system of memories where one memory can compensate
or train another memory if needed. They are able to detect uncertainties and adapt accordingly. They are
able to define their goals by themselves, from internal and external cues and are capable of self-evaluation to
adapt their learning behavior. We also suggest that introducing these characteristics in the domain of Machine
Learning is a critical challenge for future intelligent systems.
Machine Learning has achieved impressive results
recently, for a variety of applications ranging from
text and natural scene labeling (Farabet et al., 2013)
to games as difficult as the Go (Clark and Storkey,
2015). Notably, these results have been mentioned as
surpassing human performances but this kind of state-
ments deserves some comments. It is true that the
AlphaGo computer program by Google DeepMind
was the first to beat a professional player and that
some software tools developed by Facebook are able
to analyze a thousand of posts per second, clearly
beyond human performances. These undoubtly im-
pressive results mainly rely on one major character-
istic of their underlying algorithms like Deep Learn-
ing (LeCun et al., 2015): their learning is based on a
combinatorial analysis of cases extracted from huge
databases, specifically dedicated to their narrow do-
main of expertise. AlphaGo can only play Go. A deep
learning system trained to extract faces from pictures
can only identify faces.
In contrast, one remarkable characteristic of hu-
man learning is that, whereas we are in general not
excellent in one specific domain, we are quite good in
most of them. In addition, we are able to adapt when a
new problem appears. This high level of adaptability
can be seen by other signs. With neither explicit la-
bels, nor data preprocessing or segmentation, we are
able to pay attention to important information and ne-
glect noise. We define by ourselves our goals and
the means to reach them, we self-evaluate our perfor-
mances and re-exploit previously learned knowledge
and strategies in some different context. All these
characteristics are notably absent from classical Ma-
chine Learning approaches.
In summary, whereas Machine Learning demon-
strates an impressive brute force of learning in spe-
cific domains, humans are versatile and adaptable and
can learn in a changing and uncertain world: We are
good at autonomous learning. Comparing both kinds
of learning is difficult because they address differ-
ent characteristics; nevertheless, it can be said that
autonomous learning is probably an important char-
acteristic, as one want to embed intelligent modules
in robots or in interfaces dedicated to act in the real
world. It is consequently important to wonder how
Machine Learning could integrate more autonomy, in-
stead of just developing more power as it is mainly
proposed in most research programs.
The goal of this position paper is not to compare
the performances of two approaches, bio-inspired and
purely based on mathematics. Neither is it to give
precise recipes to improve existing techniques. In-
stead, we would like to convince the reader that au-
tonomy is a primary property for learning and to in-
Alexandre, F.
Beyond Machine Learning: Autonomous Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0006090300970101
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2016) - Volume 3: NCTA, pages 97-101
ISBN: 978-989-758-201-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
troduce two kinds of information that might be useful
to develop more autonomous machine learning. One
the one hand, we would like to define more precisely
what being autonomous means: even if this property
may seem obvious, it is sometimes difficult to con-
cretely explain which characteristics are the bases of
an autonomous analysis of our situation and of the
best decision to make. One the other hand, we pro-
pose to mention the main cerebral structures and cir-
cuits involved in these facets of autonomous behav-
ior. This might be useful to decide for future research
topics. To do so, we propose to describe here a se-
ries of characteristics of the human brain that partic-
ipates in our capability to learn autonomously, with
the idea that introducing these characteristics in arti-
ficial neural systems could orient Machine Learning
toward Autonomous Machine Learning.
It is known for a long time (Squire, 1992) that specific
circuits in the brain are mobilized to learn explicit
knowledge and others to learn procedures. These
functions have been respectively addressed by recur-
rent (Hopfield, 1982) and layered (Rosenblatt, 1958)
neural networks, the latter being the ancestor of the
deep learning networks. It has also been advocated
(Alexandre, 2000) that realistic models of memory
should include both kinds of networks to be able to
learn by heart specific events as well as generalize
some skills from a set of experiences.
Besides modeling these circuits, studying their in-
teractions is also crucial to understand how one sys-
tem can compensate for or supervise another system,
resulting in a more autonomous learning. In particu-
lar, interaction between systems can lead to situations
where one system can propose an answer (possibly of
lower quality) if the other one is too specific or is not
trained enough or even if it has been damaged. It can
consequently give more time to the other one to be-
come more general or more mature, or to recover. As
we will exemplify below, interaction between systems
can also more directly give the opportunity to one sys-
tem to send well selected cases to train the other sys-
tem. In both cases, the mechanisms are internal and
do not require help from the external world, hence an
increased autonomy.
For example, in the domain of perceptual learning
in the medial temporal lobe, models of the hippocam-
pus can store in episodic memories important events
in one trial (Kassab and Alexandre, 2015; O’Reilly
and Rudy, 2001). This neural structure is also known
(McClelland et al., 1995) to form later, by consoli-
dation in other circuits, new semantic categories. In
the domain of decision-making in the loops between
the prefrontal cortex and the basal ganglia, models of
cerebral mechanisms are currently developed (Piron
et al., 2016), by which goal-directed behavior relying
on explicit evaluation of expected rewards can later
become habits, automatically triggered with less flex-
ibility but increased effectiveness.
In both cases (either perceptual or motor), the
strategy of learning is first to store some specific cases
of interest and to recall them if necessary. Then if it
appears that similar cases frequently occur, the strat-
egy will be to find some generality and build a generic
rule or procedure to deal with such cases. Building
such rules from the initially stored cases has several
advantages, among which autonomy is not the least.
Understanding how both kinds of memory cooperate
can lead to an autonomous learning system, able to
cope with facts and rules, to elaborate rules from se-
lected facts and to decide which kind of memory is
the most adapted to the current situation.
We learn the rules that govern the world and con-
sider it uncertain for two main reasons: it can be
predictable up to a certain level (stochastic rules) or
non-stationary (changing rules). Whereas standard
probabilistic models are rather good at tackling the
first kind of uncertainty, non-stationarity in a dynamic
world raises more difficult problems (Cohen et al.,
2007). Learning in autonomy in the real (and hence
uncertain) world consequently implies to be able to
autonomously give the best explanation to the fact
that a previously valid rule has given an unsatisfac-
tory result: Is it just noise or has the rule changed
? It also implies of course to trigger the correspond-
ing best answer (respectively modifying the level of
stochasticity associated to the rule or, more critically,
selecting another rule in the set of previously designed
rules or elaborating a new rule).
Concerning the first point, we are studying how
regions of the medial prefrontal cortex are detecting
and evaluating the kind and the level of uncertainty
by monitoring recent history of performance at man-
aging correctly incoming events (Carrere and Alexan-
dre, 2016a). Concerning the second point, these pre-
frontal regions and other cerebral regions sensitive
to reward prediction errors are also reported to acti-
vate the release of neuromodulators like monoamines,
known to play a central role in adaptation to uncer-
tainties (Doya, 2002; Alexandre and Carrere, 2016).
NCTA 2016 - 8th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
Acetylcholine has been reported to be an impor-
tant factor in case of stochasticity (Yu and Dayan,
2005) and has been modeled as increasing the
signal-to-noise ratio in the sensory cortex (Pauli and
O’Reilly, 2008) and promoting learning about the
context (Carrere and Alexandre, 2015). We have also
recently studied the role of noradrenaline in unstation-
ary environments (Carrere and Alexandre, 2016b) and
have proposed a biologically-inspired model, propos-
ing that the balance between exploration and exploita-
tion of sensory cues associated to a rule can be mod-
ified by the action of noradrenaline on critical cere-
bral regions. Similarly, the tonic level of dopamine
has been reported as increasing when an unstation-
ary environment is detected and as modifying the bal-
ance between exploration and exploitation of motor
aspects of the rule (Humphries et al., 2012). Alto-
gether, the brain can be presented as a system able to
autonomously detect the level of uncertainty and to
autonomously modify the way to exploit and update
previously acquired rules or to design new rules, with
the help of neuromodulators, seen as a meta-learning
system modifying hyperparameters of learning algo-
rithms (Doya, 2002).
One major difference between artificial and natu-
ral learning systems is that the latter ones can au-
tonomously detect and define their goals in the sur-
rounding environment. This is important to choose
what to learn and to orient attentional systems accord-
ingly. Instead of learning from a corpus prepared of-
fline, learning is made online and adapted to what has
happened during the behavior. In addition, if learn-
ing is centred on cues that are important for the agent,
like mates, preys or predators, the agent will be prob-
ably more efficient than if learning is made from a
randomly sampled corpus.
The ability to detect ones goals is due to several
ingredients. First our body itself tells us by interocep-
tion (Craig, 2003) what is good or bad for us; what
must be searched or avoided. It is consequently im-
portant for a really autonomous learning agent not
only to have a model of the brain with classical cog-
nitive functions related to perception, learning, atten-
tion or deliberation but also to feed that model with
information coming from a substrate corresponding
to the body, including sensors for pain and pleasure.
In the cerebral system, the perceptive system
is pre-wired to automatically detect biologically-
significant aversive and appetitive (emotional) stimuli
and to trigger pavlovian reflexes (Kim et al., 2013).
Subsequently, pavlovian learning will allow to an-
ticipate these stimuli by the detection of predictive
stimuli that will in turn trigger preparatory behavior
(Cardinal et al., 2002). All these stimuli are key tar-
gets for attentional processing and correspond to the
main goals organizing the behavior. Learning to de-
tect them automatically is consequently important for
autonomy, since attentional and learning systems will
be fed by an over-representation of these meaningful
examples, in contrast to artificial systems that only
learn from a stereotyped and artificially prepared cor-
pus. It is consequently important to propose models
implementing these pavlovian mechanisms (Krasne
et al., 2011; Carrere and Alexandre, 2015) and also
the effects of Pavlovian responses onto the body and
the neuromodulatory system (Carrere and Alexandre,
Specifying relations between the brain and the body is
also an opportunity to introduce physiological needs,
fundamental to consider internal goals in addition to
external goals evoked above. Indeed, it is important
for an agent to learn autonomously, as one of its ma-
jor constraints is to survive by monitoring some inter-
nal variables within vital bounds. One of its primary
goals will be to elaborate and select behaviors that
help controlling these variables, which can be done in
autonomy and not by obeying a supervising system.
It is consequently required that the critical internal
variables be perceived, carefully processed and par-
ticipate to decision making: They are undoubtly key
cues for an organization of behavior decided in full
Such a consideration is also the basis for renewed
approaches regarding reinforcement learning. Indeed
an important aspect of autonomous decision mak-
ing is to be able to adapt the behavior as a compro-
mise between external goals (what should be searched
and avoided) and internal goals (what are the current
needs), whereas classical reinforcement learning gen-
erally relies on optimizing a simple scalar represent-
ing an abstract reward, artificially given in some sit-
uations. To progress in that aim, it is fundamental
to better understand how internal and external goals
(motivational and emotional cues) are combined in
decision making (Zahm, 1999; Mannella et al., 2013;
Kolling et al., 2016).
Beyond Machine Learning: Autonomous Learning
In humans, another important source of infor-
mation for learning autonomously is based on self-
evaluation of the performances. Not only this infor-
mation can recommand what to learn but, more im-
portantly, it can orient the behavior to explore situ-
ations that are best adapted to current expertise and
give what is called intrinsic motivations (Oudeyer
et al., 2007). It is noticeable that both motivation
and self-evaluation processing are central in cognitive
control (Koechlin et al., 2003) and reported to be lo-
cated in the anterior part of the prefrontal cortex, that
should be consequently critical targets for future re-
searches, particularly to understand how behavioral
rules are elaborated and selected from self-evaluation
in the prefrontal cortex (Badre, 2008; Donoso et al.,
In this position paper, we have first noticed that nat-
ural and artificial learning systems differ because,
whereas the latter ones are high level specialists in
a restricted and artificially sampled domain, the for-
mer ones are rather characterized by their intrinsic
adaptability to any situation and their capacity to up-
date their knowledge and skills accordingly. Basi-
cally, this refers to the function of learning in living
systems. Their primary goal is to survive and breed
in an unknown environment. As their environment is
generally too complex and changing to only consider
pre-wired behavioral rules, their knowledge and skills
must evolve and adapt to what is perceived internally
and externally.
Of course, even in living agents, a part of the adap-
tation can be dictated during epigenesis by external
resources, like genes or social and educational envi-
ronments, but, most of the time, this adaptation must
be done in autonomy and is the main goal of learn-
ing processes. In this paper, we have consequently
set the focus on autonomy, seen as a primary ingredi-
ent of learning and we have explored more precisely
several characteristics that, we believe, are the way
autonomy can be expressed during learning. In short,
we propose that autonomous learning is made easier
because our different systems of memory can inter-
act and exchange information, because we are able to
estimate the kind of uncertainty we are facing and to
propose the suitable adaptation, because we can per-
ceive important noxious and positive events in the en-
vironment and inside our body, learn to predict them
and build the underlying behavioral rules to optimize
in some way their occurrence or avoidance.
We have also mentioned the hypothetized under-
lying cerebral circuitry for each of these mechanisms
and have reported modeling efforts to better under-
stand them. Importantly, we think that these mod-
els are important not only for computational neuro-
science but also for Machine Learning. Transfer-
ing these principles to classical learning algorithms
would endow them with more autonomy, which is
critical in a context where it is more and more aimed
at integrating an Artificial Intelligence in autonomous
agents and interfaces.
Up to now, we have only enumerated a list of char-
acteristics, whereas an essential goal for a real auton-
omy would be to integrate all of them in an agent,
corresponding to a physically identified and separated
entity, thrown in an unknown environment with the
recommendation to survive and no subsequent help.
In this perspective, we have recently designed a
software platform (Denoyelle et al., 2014) where an
autonomous agent with an artificial body can explore
an unknown virtual world. The platform is designed
in such a way that the characteristics of the agent’s
body and of the environment can be easily specified
and long lasting experiments can be run to evaluate
its survival performances. The main challenge is now
to integrate more and more sophisticated versions of
the mechanisms evoked above to better understand
how they interact and how a viable Autonomous Ma-
chine Learning framework can be defined. We are
also presently experimenting that, beyond Machine
Learning, this numerical testbed is also a precious
simulation tool for our medical and neuroscientist col-
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Beyond Machine Learning: Autonomous Learning