Distributed Intrusion Detection System based on Anticipation and
Prediction Approach
Hajar Benmoussa, Anas Abou El Kalam and Abdallah Ait Ouahman
Oscars Laboratory, Cadi Ayyad University, ENSA Marrakesh, Marrakesh, Morocco
Keywords: Intrusion Detection System, Anticipation and Prediction Strategy, Agent, Distributed Architecture.
Abstract: Despite the importance and reputation of the current intrusion detection systems, their efficiency and
effectiveness remain limited as they rely on passive defensive approaches. In fact, when an intrusion is
detected by the IDS, it is already happened on the network and the time required to update security rules is
usually short, which provide opportunity to the attacker to inflict damages that may paralyze the network.
For this purpose we suggest a new approach of distributed intrusion detection system to wisely anticipate
and predict intrusions before their first occurrence in the network to secure. Our approach is based on
intelligent agents and using honeypot technology to gather a vast scope of information about attacks.
Moreover it combines the two detection strategies "anomaly approach and misuse approach".
The rate of cyber attacks has increased in the last
few years. Attackers become experienced and more
agile. They rely on mainly sophisticated and
diversified techniques and strategies. Therefore,
various attacks occur every day and threaten the
security of networks and systems. According to IBM
X-Force 2013 Mid-Year Trend and Risk Report,
4,100 vulnerabilities were detected by vendors,
researchers and independents in the first half of
2013. Under these circumstances, there is a great
need for several lines of defense mechanisms such
as security policies, firewalls and Intrusion
Detection Systems (IDSs). However, current IDS(s)
rely on passive defensive approach and simply alert
the administrator of attempted attacks against his
network or system. Subsequently, the huge number
of alerts to analyze and the amount of time required
to update security rules after analyzing alerts
provides time and opportunity for the attacker to
compromise the network. We thus believe that in the
air of cyberterrorism, cybercrime and cyber Wars,
classical IDS(s) are not really efficient as they
should have the ability to wisely anticipate
intrusions before their first occurrence in our
In this paper, we propose a new approach of
distributed intrusion detection system (IDS) to
protect our network against potential targeted attacks.
We base our approach on intelligent agent
technology to achieve intrusion detections and on
honeypot technology to gather a vast scope of
information about attacks. This paper is organized as
follows. We present in the first section the
comparison between the centralized, hierarchical and
distributed architecture of intrusion detection system.
In the second section, we describe our proposed
system and we outline the different components.
Finally, we discuss in details our work.
Intrusion detection system (IDS) plays an important
role in monitoring and analyzing events occurring in
a computer system or network. In some works,
authors describe intrusion detection system as a
detector that processes information coming from the
system that is to be protected (Debar et al., 1998).
Basically, intrusion detections systems can basically
be described in terms of three functional components:
Data capture module: is responsible for the
collection of data and for sending it to the
Benmoussa H., Abou El Kalam A. and Ait Ouahman A..
Distributed Intrusion Detection System based on Anticipation and Prediction Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0005556803430348
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2015), pages 343-348
ISBN: 978-989-758-117-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
analysis module.
Analysis module: is the core of the intrusion
detection system. It analyses events and data
gathered by the data capture module.
Response module: applies countermeasures to
the system according to the generated alarms.
In this context, many schemes have been proposed
to perform collection and processing of information
in intrusion detection systems. Basically, these
schemes can be classified into three categories:
centralized approach, hierarchical approach and
fully distributed approach.
2.1 Centralized Architecture
Centralized systems have only two components in
their architecture: data collection components and a
single central analyzer that performs analysis of the
information received from each data collection
component. Collection data can be distributed but
correlation is centralized. There are many works that
focus on distributed collection and centralized
correlation, like DIDS (Distributed Intrusion
Detection System) (Snapp et al., 1991) and IDA
(Intrusion Detection Agent) (Asaka et al., 1999).The
main shortcoming of centralized architecture is the
central analyzer which presents a single point of
failure and a single target for an attack. In fact, if the
central analyzer fails or is attacked, the whole system
is compromised. Moreover, communication with the
central component can overload parts of the network
(Kannadiga and Zulkernine, 2005; Zhou et al., 2010).
2.2 Hierarchical Architecture
This architecture has been proposed to deal with
disadvantages of centralized systems. It is composed
of multiple layers organized in a hierarchical
structure. Each layer performs a set of intrusion
detection task. Data collected locally is passed to
higher level in the hierarchy for further analysis.
AAFID (Autonomous Agent for Intrusion Detection)
and RL-IDS (Reinforcement Learning IDS) are
examples of hierarchical IDS (Servin and Kudenko,
2007; Zamboni et al., 1998). The hierarchical
architectures scale better than the centralized
approaches (Zhou et al., 2010). However, it’s still
vulnerable because of reliance on its hierarchical
structure. Attackers can cut off a control branch of
the IDS by attacking an internal node or even
decapitate the entire IDS (Li et al., 2004).
2.3 Fully Distributed Architecture
Fully distributed systems are used to address some
limitations of the two first generations described
above. In this architecture, each component of the
IDS has two function units: a detection unit
responsible for collecting data locally and a
correlation unit that is a part of the distributed
correlation scheme (Zhou et al., 2010). When a node
needs specific information it directly sends this
request to another node and the processing is done
locally. Most of recent fully distributed systems are
based on the technology of mobile agent (MA) for
example DIDMA (A Distributed Intrusion Detection
System Using Mobile Agents) (Kannadiga and
Zulkernine, 2005) and MADIDF (Mobile Agents
based Distributed Intrusion Detection Framework)
(Ye et al., 2008). This architecture has some
advantages compared to centralized and hierarchical
approaches. Mainly, distributed architectures do not
have single point of failure. Also, instead of having a
central monitoring station to which all data has to be
forwarded, there are independent entities performing
collection and analysis of data. This provides better
scalability of the system (Zhou et al., 2010).
Whatever the used architecture, centralized,
hierarchical or distributed, the efficiency and
effectiveness of classical IDS remain limited. In fact,
when an intrusion is detected by the IDS, it is already
happened on the network and the time left to
administrator to update security rules to fix the
problem is usually short, which leads directly to
undertake damages of the attack which may paralyze
the network. If this same attack takes place it may be
blocked; but, what about the first occurrence?
The main idea of our solution is inspired by what
happens in real war. Instead of remaining on
defensive and waiting for the enemies, it is
sometimes more interesting to go on the offensive,
especially in the age of cyberterorism; as the saying
goes: who stays in the defensive does not make war,
he endures it. In this way, we move from the passive
defense position to an active and intelligent. The aim
is thus to wisely anticipate intrusions and legally act
before they occur on our network.
Based on this new research direction, our first
approach expected using mobile agents able to act
upstream and infiltrate into suspicious networks in
order to collect a maximum of information which
will be transferred to the manager within our
network. However, this behavior may be considered
as illegal. We subsequently explored another idea
based on collaborative and distributed honeynet
deployed in many universities in morocco. Those
universities play the role of our collaborator
networks. Each honeynet is targeted by many attacks
that are stored in the log file. The latter will thus
very helpful in our context to gather and analyze a
vast scope of information about attacks.
Note that a honeynet is a special kind of high-
interaction honeypot. It extends the concept of a
single honeypot to a highly controlled network of
honeypot. A honeynet is a specialized network
architecture configured in a way to achieve data
control, data capture and data collection (Mairh et al.,
Furthermore, we use agents that are inherent to
the characteristics of multi-agents system. They in
fact have the following features:
Cooperation: it means that agents work together
to solve intrusion detection task.
Coordination: The coordination of the actions of
agents ensures coherence of the system.
Delegation: it is the ability of an agent to execute
tasks for a third party.
Communication: agents must be able to
communicate with each other to cooperate and
coordinate their actions.
Effectiveness: collected data must be accurate
and represent often a malicious traffic. The agent
must be able to distinguish a malicious traffic
(representing threats) from normal traffic
(minimum of false positives).
Security: the agent must be able to communicate
with other agents and the manager. This
communication must absolutely be encrypted
and digitally signed to ensure that data will not
be listened to, on one hand, and that the manager
can ensure their authenticity and their origin on
the other hand.
To satisfy these properties, we believe that the agent
technology constitutes an interesting mechanism for
developing our distributed intrusion detection system
and offers a lot of flexibility.
3.1 Overall System Architecture
At first, given the advantages of distributed system
compared with centralized and hierarchical
architectures, we design our intrusion detection
system based on distributed detection approach. Our
system consists of two separate parts. The first one is
the network to secure which contains the manager
agent and the second one is composed of a set of
collaborator networks which deploys honeynet
platform. Basically, each collaborator network is
made up of four major components as shown in
Figure 1: sensor and three static agents cooperative
and communicating: parser agent, misuse detection
agent and anomaly detection agent. Moreover the
two networks have a local signature database.
In the following, we describe each component of
the proposed architecture:
Sensor: installed on each collaborator network, it
is able to intercept and log traffic passing over
the network. Afterwards, it saves the captured
packets in a sniffing file.
Parser agent: it is a static agent which parses data
and distinguishes the various fields of the
collected packets such as source /destination
addresses, protocol and other specific
information related to the captured packet. The
parser agent parses data from two files; (1) the
sniffing file which contains the packets already
captured by the sensor and (2) the log file
containing various actions performed by
attackers on the honeynet platform. The output
data is saved into the parsing database.
Misuse detection agent (MDA): This kind of
agent is responsible for detecting well-known
attacks. In fact, it analyses the parsed data by
matching their characteristics with those
contained in the rules stored in the signature
database. If there is a match - which means it
confirms that the attack is known, it reports it as
alerts to manager agent. The later updates its
signature database. Although the known attacks
are detected, it remains the problem of the new
attacks detection. In this context, if misuse
detection agent does not confirm that the attack is
known, which means the packets do not contain
intrusion's signature, it sends it to the anomaly
detection agent. To detect known attacks, misuse
detection agent uses snort signature database.
Snort is a free lightweight network intrusion
detection system, configured with an intrusion
signature rule set to detect known attack pattern.
Anomaly Detection Agent (ADA): It is
responsible for detecting unknown attacks.
When it detects unknown attacks, it reports it
as alert to manager agent and it updates
signature database.
Manager Agent (MA): Installed on the
network to secure, when it receives alerts from
Misuse detection agent and anomaly detection
agent, it updates its signature database.
Figure 1: The global architecture of our proposed IDS.
Moreover, Manager agent plays the role of an
agent interface to provide the final
information to the security administrator. The
latter can then take appropriate measures to
protect his network before the attack takes
3.2 Challenges of Our Proposed IDS
3.2.1 Our Proposed IDS versus IPS
Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs) seem to be a
solution that can compensate the IDS(s) passivity as
they intervene immediately and actively to foil the
attack attempt. IPS(s) can respond to a detected threat
by attempting to prevent it from being successful.
However, they are not strongly recommended
because of false positives which may identify a
legitimate and normal activity as malicious. Indeed,
attackers often make IPS to block a legitimate traffic
when they detect its presence in the attacked
network. There is even a largely used attack where
the attacker spoofs a production server address (or
important node in the network), then execute an
attack in his name. This will push IPS to banish and
isolate this legitimate server (victim) from the rest of
the network. For these reasons, IDS(s) are generally
preferred to IPS(s). In this context, many works
concerning comparative studies of IDS are being
pursued (Ahmed et al., 2009).Our proposed system
can prove to be an invaluable tool, where its goal is
to anticipate and predict intrusions before their first
occurrence in the protected network. The prediction
is done through knowledge of different attacks and
intrusions detected on the collaborator and then take
appropriate measures to protect the network to secure
(our network) before the attack takes place.
3.2.2 Our Proposed System versus Current
The major difference between our proposed system
and current IDS(s) is the active defense strategy.
Instead of waiting for the attacks to detect it (strategy
of the current IDSs), it is more interesting to
anticipate intrusions before they are addressed to our
network by detecting and analyzing them on the
collaborator network, and then take appropriate
measures to protect our network(the network to
secure) before the attack takes place.
Moreover, our IDS is hybrid, it combines the two
detection strategies; misuse approach and anomaly
approach to exploit their advantages and overcome
the drawbacks corresponding to each of them while
the most existing distributed IDS(s) based on agent,
use a single detection strategy. Furthermore, other
works (Kannadiga and Zulkernine, 2005; Ye et al.,
2008) which are based on mobile agents don’t give
any information about the approaches and techniques
used to detect suspicious activities.
On the other hand, in contrast to the existing
works which use only log files as sources of data to
detect any signs of intrusions, this work uses both
the log file which contains the packets already
captured by the sensor and the honeypot log file
which contains various actions performed by
attackers on the honeynet platform.
3.2.3 Interaction and Communication
between Agents
To communicate, the different agents described
above use the ACL (Agent Communication
Language) language which is defined by FIPA
(FIPA: Foundation for Intelligent, Physical Agents).
The message communication in JADE is asynchrone
and implemented as an object of the
jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage class that provides get
and set methods for accessing all fields specified by
the ACL format.
Sending and receiving messages to/from another
agent is as simple as filling out the fields of an
ACLMessageObject and then call the send () method
(to send message) and the receive () (to receive
message) or blockingReceive () method.
The code below creates a message sent by Misuse
detection agent (MDA) to Manager Agent in order to
inform it about the signature of detected attack.
ACLMessage message = new ACLMessage
message.addReceiver (new AID ("ADA",
message.setContent ("alert tcp
passwd attempt" flags:A+;
Send (message);
3.2.4 Discussion and Implementation
The architecture of our system contains various
intelligent and cooperative agents for the collection
and the analysis. It relies on distributed collection
and distributed analysis. In fact, there is no central
station, therefore no central point of failure.
Moreover, thanks to decentralized data analysis, the
scalability problem is addressed. Furthermore, the
proposal design of intrusion detection system can be
easily extended even the number of our collaborator
networks increases.
We are working on implementing the system with
JADE 4.3.3 (Java Agent Development Framework).
This choice is made according to a comparison study
of five agent platforms (Singh et al., 2011). JADE is
software framework fully implemented in Java
language, to make easy the development of multi-
agent applications in compliance with the FIPA
(Foundation for Intelligent, Physical Agents)
specifications. JADE offers flexible and efficient
communications between agents and allows good
runtime efficiency, agent mobility and the realization
of different agent architectures (Bellifemine et al.,
The development of this architecture needs using
Sun Java Develop Kit 8, the Eclipse and the open
source library JPCAP 0.7 (Java library for capturing
and sending network Packets).
As regards Honeypot log file, we are working on
Moroccan honeynet project which is based on a
distributed system honeynet installed on several
universities in Morocco. These later present our
collaborator network. We will use the log file
containing various actions performed by attackers on
the each honeynet.
Current intrusion detection systems are not really
efficient because they alert the administrator of
attempted attacks already happened on his network or
system. Thus, the need of active defense strategy to
anticipate and predict attacks before their first
occurrence. In this paper we proposed a new
approach of distributed intrusion detection system to
protect our network against potential targeted
attacks. First, we have recalled the three main IDS
schemes. Then we have presented the proposed
distributed intrusion detection system based on
intelligent and active defense strategy. Our
architecture benefits from agent technology and
distributed intrusion detection capabilities. In a
future work, we will finish the implementation of
our proposed architecture which will be better in
detecting attacks. Moreover we will use correlation
techniques to correlate information from a large
number of networks to achieve better detection
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