An Investigation Platform for Exploiting Open Source Information in the Fight
Against Tax Evasion
Clara Bacciu, Fabio Valsecchi, Matteo Abrate, Maurizio Tesconi and Andrea Marchetti
Institute of Informatics and Telematics, CNR, Pisa, Italy
Open Source Intelligence, Information Extraction, Web Search, Tax Evasion.
Tax evasion is a widespread phenomenon confirmed by numerous European and American reports. To contrast
it, governments already adopt software solutions that support tax inspectors in their investigations. However,
the currently existing systems do not normally take advantage of the constant stream of data published on
the Web. Instead, the ASIA project aims to prove the effectiveness of combining this kind of open source
information with official data contained in Public Administration archives to fight tax evasion. Our prototype
platform deals with two cases of investigation, people and businesses. Public officers have been involved
throughout the project, and took part in a preliminary test phase which showed very promising results.
Tax evasion is a widespread phenomenon. In fact,
U.S. unreported incomes of 2009 are estimated to
range between 390 and 537 billion dollars (Feige and
Cebula, 2011). In 2010, the Italian National Statis-
tics Institute (ISTAT) declared that the Italian tax eva-
sion value was between 255 and 275 billion euro (IS-
TAT, 2010). Governments try to combat the prob-
lem through education, punishment and prosecution
(Ducke et al., 2010), sometimes by promoting the use
of software platforms that support tax inspectors in
finding evaders (TOSCA, 2010; Sogei, 2010). How-
ever, these solutions usually require very costly, man-
ual operations and rely on official, closed-source in-
alone (e.g., civil registry, business registry,
land registry records, energy bills, etc.).
The so-called Open Source Information (OSINF)
is instead being widely exploited in the defense and
intelligence fields (Johnson et al., 2007). The World
Wide Web is a valuable source of OSINF, given the
huge amount of people and businesses that every day
publish information about their private life and com-
mercial activities on websites, blogs, social networks,
and so on. It is in fact estimated that about 10 new
websites are published every second, more than 3 mil-
lion blog posts are written every day (Internet Live
In the following, we refer to closed-source information
by using the acronym CSINF.
Stats, 2015), and that in 2014 social media penetra-
tion was about 56% in North America, 40% in Eu-
rope, and between 42% and 54% in Italy (We Are
Social Singapore, 2014). The term Open Source In-
telligence (OSINT) is used to denote the retrieval, ex-
traction and analysis of OSINF, as opposed to classi-
fied or closed sources, to acquire intelligence (Best,
2008). Our claim is that the founding principles of
OSINT can be applied to fight tax evasion, thus pro-
viding help to address the general phenomenon of
shadow economy. In fact, OSINF includes many ad-
vertised off-the-books activities that may lead directly
to suspicious cases, and it is also valuable for acquir-
ing knowledge about the context of the investigation.
In this article, we present a work-in-progress plat-
form that exploits OSINF fetched from the Web to
feed automatic and semi-automatic analyses, in order
to give tax inspectors the ability to find, visualize and
interact with data relevant for their investigation. We
describe two different architectures considering two
investigation targets: people and businesses. Further-
more, we present two prototypes that implement our
designs, and the involvement of users in some prelim-
inary tests.
1.1 Related Work
OSINF is a valuable resource used by several com-
Bacciu C., Valsecchi F., Abrate M., Tesconi M. and Marchetti A..
ASIA - An Investigation Platform for Exploiting Open Source Information in the Fight Against Tax Evasion.
DOI: 10.5220/0005480105120517
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2015), pages 512-517
ISBN: 978-989-758-106-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
mercial and free services. Spokeo
is a search en-
gine that aggregates data such as white pages (i.e.,
phone directories), public records, mailing lists and
social network information in order to search and
learn more about people. Entitycube
is a prototype
that allows everyone to search people, locations and
organizations presenting the results as a summary of
the information contained in the web pages collected.
The research community also exploits OSINF. For
instance, CLUO (Maciołek and Dobrowolski, 2013)
is a prototype system for extracting and analyzing
large amounts of OSINF such as web pages, blog
posts and social media updates. Other approaches are
focused on gaining intelligence from OSINF. Some
works propose techniques to deal with the preven-
tion of organised crime (Aliprandi et al., 2014) or to
support the intelligence operative structures (Neri and
Geraci, 2009). Other studies (Yang and Lee, 2012)
perform automatic processing of OSINF relying on
text mining techniques for detecting events, valuable
pieces of information for domains like national se-
curity, personal knowledge management and business
However, to the best of our knowledge, even
though there are several works concerning OSINT,
none of them is explicitly targeted to address the tax
evasion phenomenon.
The general purpose of our work is to provide investi-
gators with a platform capable of automatically com-
bining two kinds of data: closed source information
(CSINF), i.e., validated and authoritative data, and
unofficial and informal OSINF (e.g., user generated
content) retrieved from the Web.
Our approach is to define an investigation
pipeline, described in Figure 1. OSINF and CSINF
are searched and retrieved from the respective sources
according to the query issued by the investigator.
Then, data is automatically integrated and analysed
(e.g., relevant entities such as addresses and fiscal
codes can be extracted from text). The user can in-
teract with this phase by validating and correcting the
results, and then by issuing an update command to let
the system run another round of analysis based on his
new inputs. The last step is the presentation and vi-
sualization of the investigation results, through which
the user can find clues, grasp insights and gain new
knowledge about the target specified in its query. The
investigator can also have an overview of the data, fil-
ter out some results and load more details.
2.1 Investigating People
A first architecture (Figure 2) is defined to tailor the
pipeline concept to the specific goal of investigating
individuals, i.e., natural people, while simplifying the
traditional inquiry process adopted by investigators.
Subjects of investigations are usually chosen because
they officially report to have little or no income. The
investigator should be able to learn which is the job
of a specific subject, who are his known associates
or family members, which are the places, the phone
numbers, the nicknames on social networks, etc. as-
sociated to him. This information is important to let
the investigator create a better profile of the suspect,
complementing the data he already has from offi-
cial archives, and possibly discovering an unreported
commercial activity.
Thus, the system must make the user able to: (i)
Issue a query about a certain person, starting an inves-
tigation; (ii) Understand which are the entities con-
nected to that person; (iii) Learn that person’s profes-
sion; (iv) Correct and update the priority with which
the system shows the results; (v) Keep track of the
performed investigations.
The proposed solution specialises the three steps
of the investigation pipeline in the following way:
1. Search and Retrieval. This module retrieves a set
of web pages related to a target person selected by
the investigator. The query construction compo-
nent builds a set of queries by retrieving informa-
tion about the family of the subject from the civil
registry. Given a family F, each member m
is de-
scribed by a set of character strings providing per-
sonal information such as fiscal code, first name,
last name, birth date, address and city. Multiple
query templates are prepared for each family:
(a) Queries featuring the attributes of a single sub-
ject. For each member m
F the system
prepares queries composed by one or more at-
tributes, combined with the quotation marks op-
erator, such as:
"firstname lastname"
"firstname lastname" "address"
(b) Queries featuring attributes of various subjects in
F. For each pair (m
, m
) F
F, with i 6= j:
"firstname_i lastname_i" "firstname_j
Each query template is given a score c [0, 1],
which measures how likely it is for those queries
Presentation &
Integration &
Search &
validate, correct, update
overview, filter, detail
Figure 1: Our general approach to the problem is to define an investigation pipeline, where investigators can interact with
three consecutive steps of closed and open source information processing (see Section 2 for more details).
Search & Retrieval
Integration & Analysis
Web pages
Web pages
Person view
Family view
Presentation & Visualisation
Correct, Update
Centralized database
Figure 2: A specific architecture is defined to adapt the pipeline to the goal of investigating natural people. The system exploits
data from civil registries to perform queries to web search engines, extracting relevant entities (e.g., names, phone numbers)
from the retrieved pages. All information is assigned a manually adjustable score, in order to prioritize the investigator’s
access to it in the visual representation step (Subsection 2.1).
API access
& Retrieval
Registry viewEstablishments
Search & Retrieval Integration & Analysis Presentation & Visualization
Query Keywords Correction
Figure 3: A second architecture is defined to tailor the pipeline to the case of legal people, i.e., businesses. The records ob-
tained from business registries are matched with information published by users on the Web, in order to find which advertised
establishments or services are not official. The system scores the results according to its confidence about the relevance of the
entries, and uses this adjustable estimate to provide a prioritized view of potential suspects (Subsection 2.2).
to fetch pages containing information concerning
the family F.
The Search Engine API component executes the
queries, retrieving a set of URLs. Then, the
Web Pages Retrieval component actually down-
loads the web pages, storing them in a centralized
database as a set of attributes having the follow-
ing structure: URL, title, snippet (i.e., an excerpt
of the page that matches the query), plain text and
2. Integration and Analysis. Firstly, the Entity Ex-
traction component identifies entities contained in
the plain-text version of the web pages, and stores
them in the database. Named Entity Recognition
and Classification (NERC) techniques are used
for extracting the entities and assigning one of the
following classes to each of them: person, e-mail,
telephone number, VAT registration number, fis-
cal code, IBAN code, social network nickname,
price and profession.
After that, the Web pages Scoring component as-
signs a score to each web page equal to the cor-
responding query template score c. Then, it re-
fines this score, according to predefined criteria
that consider the number and the type of entities
in common between web pages.
3. Presentation and Visualisation. This module col-
lects the data processed by the previous ones and
defines a web interface that embraces three main
(a) Investigation Archive. It is the starting point of
our investigation process. In fact, it allows the
Figure 4: A portion of the node-link diagram included in the
Family View. Two clusters can be identified in the center of
the image, composed by entities (smaller nodes) connected
to 2 and 3 family members (larger, red nodes).
user to keep track of the performed investiga-
tions and examine the corresponding web pages
through an interactive list that filters them accord-
ing to various criteria (e.g., their score, the family
to which they are connected or the query that has
generated them).
(b) Family View (Figure 4). It consists in a node-link
diagram that describes the relations between the
members of a certain family and the entities ex-
tracted from the web pages related to them. This
graph allows to easily identify clusters of entities
connected to a single member or shared by some
of them.
(c) Person View (Figure 5). It represents the core of
an investigation. This dashboard view comprises
different diagrams related to the information ex-
tracted from the web pages connected to a sin-
gle person. A pie chart summarizes the profes-
sions identified by the system; An interactive bar
chart shows which are the most recurrent entities
for each class; A word cloud allows to identify
which are the most frequent words inside snip-
pets. Moreover, a list of the retrieved web pages
is provided, allowing the investigator to see the
entities they contain and to manually change the
page score, triggering an update of all the dia-
grams if a new value is set.
2.2 Investigating Businesses
A second architecture (Figure 3) is a specialization of
the investigation pipeline for the task of investigating
businesses (i.e., legal people) that are advertised on
the Web, but are not registered in official Public Ad-
ministration archives. The user must be able to: (i)
Retrieve a set of commercial activities that are adver-
tised on the Web for a certain administrative area; (ii)
Figure 5: The Person View provides four different diagrams
showing different aspects of the analysis on a single person.
See where they are located; (iii) Spot the more rele-
vant ones, in terms of how likely it is that they need a
deeper inspection; (iv) Correct and update the priority
with which the system shows the results.
As in the previously described architecture, the
steps of the investigation pipeline are specialised:
1. Search and Retrieval. Official data are re-
trieved directly from an official business reg-
istry, while User Generated Content (UGC) is ac-
cessed trough the APIs provided by social net-
works or websites (i.e Facebook, Google Places,
Foursquare, advertisement websites, etc.). The
user can issue a query to filter establishments by
administrative area.
2. Integration and Analysis. UGC undergoes a
cleaning process that extracts only the relevant in-
formation about businesses (e.g., denomination,
address, coordinates) then it is analysed together
with official data.
Records from the two sources are compared to ob-
tain a matching score. We follow an approach in-
spired by approximate reasoning (Zadeh, 1975),
allowing us to tackle the intrinsic uncertainty of
automatic data integration while also specifying
the core formula of the score computation in a
logic proposition. Each establishment found on
the web is compared to each official record. A
set of similarity scores is computed for each pair
(i, j). Each similarity score is treated as a fuzzy
variable, and the scores are combined through the
following formula to compute an overall matching
i j
= IN
i j
i j
i j
i j
i j
i j
IN expresses if the names of the businesses are
exactly identical in both the sources; N expresses
if the businesses are located near each other; SN
expresses if the names of the businesses are simi-
Figure 6: A portion of the Establishment View showing the most relevant businesses proposed by the system.
lar (SN stands for very similar - fuzzy intensifica-
tion); CN expresses if one of the names is entirely
contained in the other name; SA expresses if the
addresses of the businesses are similar. The over-
all matching score of the establishment is com-
puted as the maximum score M
i j
Another component computes the relevance R
of each establishment as the complement of M
combined with a variable P
expressing the per-
tinence of the establishment to the business reg-
: R
= (1 M
) P
. The user can control
the pertinence by specifying keywords describing
businesses that are not considered important (e.g.,
if the user doesn’t want a “lawyer” or a “dentist”
to have a high relevance score), and can also cor-
rect the final computation and assign a new value
of relevance, if needed.
3. Presentation and Visualization. The last step of
the pipeline defines a series of views for the user
to examine the results:
(a) Establishments View. This view is divided into
two sections: a list that shows the commercial
activities retrieved from the Web in order of de-
scending relevance; and a map that shows the lo-
cation of each establishment. The user can move
a slider on the map to filter the placemarks by rel-
evance. For each element of the list, the user can
see the three corresponding entries of the busi-
ness registry having the higher matching scores.
A diagram on the leftmost side of the interface
shows the trend of the relevance values through-
out the whole dataset.
(b) Registry View. It has the purpose to let the user
perform a simple keyword search on the official
business registry, in order to manually check the
validity of the results of the automatic system.
Registration is not compulsory for many of the com-
mercial activities found on the Web.
This section describes the current development of two
prototypes implementing the architectures discussed
in Section 2. Since we used CSINF coming from Pub-
lic Administrations, both prototypes take into account
the Italian law about the processing of sensitive data.
As for the people investigation prototype, we ac-
quired the data of the Civil Registry of Tuscany from
database. After an analysis of the freely
available search engine APIs, we chose the Google
Custom Search Engine (CSE) API since it allows
the use of powerful operators for making more spe-
cific queries and provides a larger amount of rele-
vant results. Depending on the class, we extract enti-
ties from web pages employing different NERC tech-
niques such as dictionaries, regular expressions and
the third-party API of Alchemy
Since the prototype is not complete at the mo-
ment, a formal testing activity has not been carried
out yet. Nevertheless, the users where involved in
some preliminary tests, in order to early spot and cor-
rect errors, both in the data and in the interface. The
system has been tested by searching for data about
20 people, some belonging to our research labora-
tory, some being known to the users as suspect tax
evaders. In 10 cases the official starting data were
complete (i.e., name, surname, fiscal code, date and
place of birth), while for the other 10 cases some of-
ficial data was missing. The users where generally
satisfied by the results, while in some cases the prob-
lem of homonymy has proven to be an issue. As ex-
pected, the retrieved information about the complete
cases were more relevant and precise than those of the
incomplete ones. A remark needs to be done about
the Google CSE API: the users expect the system to
retrieve the same exact pages that Google shows as
result when a keyword search is made, but in some
cases the API returns only a fraction of them. In one
The Tuscan platform that supports the Public Adminis-
trations in fighting tax evasion (TOSCA, 2010)
Figure 7: A visual analysis of a portion of the matching
scores, showing fading lines and uniform streaks.
case, the returned results were so few that the system
failed in getting relevant information.
The prototype developed for investigating busi-
nesses has been implemented by retrieving official
data from the Italian Business Registry. Unofficial
data is instead gathered through the Google Places
API for the whole province of Lucca, Italy. Users in-
volved in the preliminary tests are quite satisfied, both
with the interface and the results the system shows.
An analysis of raw data that comes out from the
matching score computation is ongoing. In Figure 7 a
fraction of the matching scores is shown. Each row of
pixels represents a commercial activity retrieved from
Google. Each cell of the row is a color-coded match-
ing score describing the similarity between a commer-
cial activity retrieved through Google and a registered
one. We assign colors to the scores using a continu-
ous color scale, clear for high scores and dark for low
ones. For each line we order the scores from higher to
lower, so it is possible to notice fading lines of color.
Fading lines are expected, since they are due to the in-
trinsic uncertainty of the system. Streaks of the same
color for a large number of cells mean instead that the
same exact matching score was computed for a large
number of couples. This shows that the system can be
made more fuzzy in order to become less ambiguous.
For estimating the reliability of the matching score
algorithm, we randomly selected a set of 1.000 estab-
lishments from those extracted from Google Places,
whereof 606 have been manually annotated as hav-
ing a sure match in the Business Registry. We then
ran the algorithm on the same 1.000 entries and com-
puted that 83%, 78% and 62% of correct matches can
be found respectively in the top 10, 3 and 1 relevant
In this article, we presented an ongoing project con-
sisting in the design and development of an investiga-
tion platform that supports tax inspectors in their tax-
evasion inquiries. The prototypes can be improved
upon. More sophisticated NLP techniques may be
adopted to obtain more accurate results in the entity
extraction phase. Machine Learning clustering algo-
rithms may be tested for limiting the problem of peo-
ple homonymy on the Web. The fuzzy calculation in-
troduced in Section 2.2 may be changed by modify-
ing the logic formula and even by adding new fuzzy
variables. The preliminary tests are promising and
show that the use of OSINF in the investigation of
tax-evaders can be effective. Nevertheless, a massive
testing phase involving users is fundamental for vali-
dating and refining the overall platform.
We would like to thank the municipality of Fab-
briche di Vallico and ANCI Toscana for funding this
work, Andrea D’Errico, Sergio Bianchi and Alessan-
dro Prosperi for their contribution in the project.
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